1{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation   #-}
4    Translating from internal syntax to abstract syntax. Enables nice
5    pretty printing of internal syntax.
7    TODO
9        - numbers on metas
10        - fake dependent functions to independent functions
11        - meta parameters
12        - shadowing
14module Agda.Syntax.Translation.InternalToAbstract
15  ( Reify(..)
16  , MonadReify
17  , NamedClause(..)
18  , reifyPatterns
19  , reifyUnblocked
20  , blankNotInScope
21  , reifyDisplayFormP
22  ) where
24import Prelude hiding (null)
26import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
27import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
28import Control.Monad.State
30import qualified Data.List as List
31import qualified Data.Map as Map
32import Data.Maybe
33import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup, (<>) )
34import Data.Set (Set)
35import qualified Data.Set as Set
36import qualified Data.Text as T
37import Data.Traversable (mapM)
39import Agda.Syntax.Literal
40import Agda.Syntax.Position
41import Agda.Syntax.Common
42import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
43import Agda.Syntax.Concrete (FieldAssignment'(..))
44import Agda.Syntax.Info as Info
45import Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A hiding (Binder)
46import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
47import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Pattern
48import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty
49import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
50import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern as I
51import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base (inverseScopeLookupName)
53import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
54import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
55import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Records
56import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause (CompiledClauses'(Fail))
57import Agda.TypeChecking.DisplayForm
58import Agda.TypeChecking.Level
59import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes
60import Agda.TypeChecking.Free
61import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
62import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
64import Agda.Interaction.Options
66import Agda.Utils.Either
67import Agda.Utils.Functor
68import Agda.Utils.Lens
69import Agda.Utils.List
70import Agda.Utils.List1 (List1, pattern (:|))
71import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
72import qualified Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict as Strict
73import Agda.Utils.Maybe
74import Agda.Utils.Monad
75import Agda.Utils.Null
76import Agda.Utils.Permutation
77import Agda.Utils.Pretty
78import Agda.Utils.Singleton
79import Agda.Utils.Size
80import Agda.Utils.Tuple
82import Agda.Utils.Impossible
85-- | Like @reify@ but instantiates blocking metas, useful for reporting.
86reifyUnblocked :: Reify i => i -> TCM (ReifiesTo i)
87reifyUnblocked t = locallyTCState stInstantiateBlocking (const True) $ reify t
90-- Composition of reified applications ------------------------------------
91--UNUSED Liang-Ting 2019-07-16
92---- | Drops hidden arguments unless --show-implicit.
93--napps :: Expr -> [NamedArg Expr] -> TCM Expr
94--napps e = nelims e . map I.Apply
96-- | Drops hidden arguments unless --show-implicit.
97apps :: MonadReify m => Expr -> [Arg Expr] -> m Expr
98apps e = elims e . map I.Apply
100-- Composition of reified eliminations ------------------------------------
102-- | Drops hidden arguments unless --show-implicit.
103nelims :: MonadReify m => Expr -> [I.Elim' (Named_ Expr)] -> m Expr
104nelims e [] = return e
105nelims e (I.IApply x y r : es) =
106  nelims (A.App defaultAppInfo_ e $ defaultArg r) es
107nelims e (I.Apply arg : es) = do
108  arg <- reify arg  -- This replaces the arg by _ if irrelevant
109  dontShowImp <- not <$> showImplicitArguments
110  let hd | notVisible arg && dontShowImp = e
111         | otherwise                     = A.App defaultAppInfo_ e arg
112  nelims hd es
113nelims e (I.Proj ProjPrefix d : es)             = nelimsProjPrefix e d es
114nelims e (I.Proj o          d : es) | isSelf e  = nelims (A.Proj ProjPrefix $ unambiguous d) es
115                                    | otherwise =
116  nelims (A.App defaultAppInfo_ e (defaultNamedArg $ A.Proj o $ unambiguous d)) es
118nelimsProjPrefix :: MonadReify m => Expr -> QName -> [I.Elim' (Named_ Expr)] -> m Expr
119nelimsProjPrefix e d es =
120  nelims (A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Proj ProjPrefix $ unambiguous d) $ defaultNamedArg e) es
122-- | If we are referencing the record from inside the record definition, we don't insert an
123-- | A.App
124isSelf :: Expr -> Bool
125isSelf = \case
126  A.Var n -> nameIsRecordName n
127  _ -> False
129-- | Drops hidden arguments unless --show-implicit.
130elims :: MonadReify m => Expr -> [I.Elim' Expr] -> m Expr
131elims e = nelims e . map (fmap unnamed)
133-- Omitting information ---------------------------------------------------
135noExprInfo :: ExprInfo
136noExprInfo = ExprRange noRange
138-- Conditional reification to omit terms that are not shown --------------
140reifyWhenE :: (Reify i, MonadReify m, Underscore (ReifiesTo i)) => Bool -> i -> m (ReifiesTo i)
141reifyWhenE True  i = reify i
142reifyWhenE False t = return underscore
144-- Reification ------------------------------------------------------------
146type MonadReify m =
147  ( PureTCM m
148  , MonadInteractionPoints m
149  , MonadFresh NameId m
150  )
152class Reify i where
153    type ReifiesTo i
155    reify :: MonadReify m => i -> m (ReifiesTo i)
157    --   @reifyWhen False@ should produce an 'underscore'.
158    --   This function serves to reify hidden/irrelevant things.
159    reifyWhen :: MonadReify m => Bool -> i -> m (ReifiesTo i)
160    reifyWhen _ = reify
162instance Reify Bool where
163    type ReifiesTo Bool = Bool
164    reify = return
166instance Reify Name where
167    type ReifiesTo Name = Name
168    reify = return
170instance Reify Expr where
171    type ReifiesTo Expr = Expr
173    reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
174    reify = return
176instance Reify MetaId where
177    type ReifiesTo MetaId = Expr
179    reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
180    reify x@(MetaId n) = do
181      b <- asksTC envPrintMetasBare
182      mi  <- mvInfo <$> lookupMeta x
183      let mi' = Info.MetaInfo
184                 { metaRange          = getRange $ miClosRange mi
185                 , metaScope          = clScope $ miClosRange mi
186                 , metaNumber         = if b then Nothing else Just x
187                 , metaNameSuggestion = if b then "" else miNameSuggestion mi
188                 }
189          underscore = return $ A.Underscore mi'
190      -- If we are printing a term that will be pasted into the user
191      -- source, we turn all unsolved (non-interaction) metas into
192      -- interaction points
193      isInteractionMeta x >>= \case
194        Nothing | b -> do
195          ii <- registerInteractionPoint False noRange Nothing
196          connectInteractionPoint ii x
197          return $ A.QuestionMark mi' ii
198        Just ii | b -> underscore
199        Nothing     -> underscore
200        Just ii     -> return $ A.QuestionMark mi' ii
202-- Does not print with-applications correctly:
203-- instance Reify DisplayTerm Expr where
204--   reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
205--   reify d = reifyTerm False $ dtermToTerm d
207instance Reify DisplayTerm where
208  type ReifiesTo DisplayTerm = Expr
210  reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
211  reify = \case
212    DTerm v -> reifyTerm False v
213    DDot  v -> reify v
214    DCon c ci vs -> recOrCon (conName c) ci =<< reify vs
215    DDef f es -> elims (A.Def f) =<< reify es
216    DWithApp u us es0 -> do
217      (e, es) <- reify (u, us)
218      elims (if null es then e else A.WithApp noExprInfo e es) =<< reify es0
220-- | @reifyDisplayForm f vs fallback@
221--   tries to rewrite @f vs@ with a display form for @f@.
222--   If successful, reifies the resulting display term,
223--   otherwise, does @fallback@.
224reifyDisplayForm :: MonadReify m => QName -> I.Elims -> m A.Expr -> m A.Expr
225reifyDisplayForm f es fallback =
226  ifNotM displayFormsEnabled fallback $ {- else -}
227    caseMaybeM (displayForm f es) fallback reify
229-- | @reifyDisplayFormP@ tries to recursively
230--   rewrite a lhs with a display form.
232--   Note: we are not necessarily in the empty context upon entry!
234  :: MonadReify m
235  => QName         -- ^ LHS head symbol
236  -> A.Patterns    -- ^ Patterns to be taken into account to find display form.
237  -> A.Patterns    -- ^ Remaining trailing patterns ("with patterns").
238  -> m (QName, A.Patterns) -- ^ New head symbol and new patterns.
239reifyDisplayFormP f ps wps = do
240  let fallback = return (f, ps ++ wps)
241  ifNotM displayFormsEnabled fallback $ {- else -} do
242    -- Try to rewrite @f 0 1 2 ... |ps|-1@ to a dt.
243    -- Andreas, 2014-06-11  Issue 1177:
244    -- I thought we need to add the placeholders for ps to the context,
245    -- because otherwise displayForm will not raise the display term
246    -- and we will have variable clashes.
247    -- But apparently, it has no influence...
248    -- Ulf, can you add an explanation?
249    md <- -- addContext (replicate (length ps) "x") $
250      displayForm f $ zipWith (\ p i -> I.Apply $ p $> I.var i) ps [0..]
251    reportSLn "reify.display" 60 $
252      "display form of " ++ prettyShow f ++ " " ++ show ps ++ " " ++ show wps ++ ":\n  " ++ show md
253    case md of
254      Just d  | okDisplayForm d -> do
255        -- In the display term @d@, @var i@ should be a placeholder
256        -- for the @i@th pattern of @ps@.
257        -- Andreas, 2014-06-11:
258        -- Are we sure that @d@ did not use @var i@ otherwise?
259        (f', ps', wps') <- displayLHS ps d
260        reportSDoc "reify.display" 70 $ do
261          doc <- prettyA $ SpineLHS empty f' (ps' ++ wps' ++ wps)
262          return $ vcat
263            [ "rewritten lhs to"
264            , "  lhs' = " <+> doc
265            ]
266        reifyDisplayFormP f' ps' (wps' ++ wps)
267      _ -> do
268        reportSLn "reify.display" 70 $ "display form absent or not valid as lhs"
269        fallback
270  where
271    -- Andreas, 2015-05-03: Ulf, please comment on what
272    -- is the idea behind okDisplayForm.
273    -- Ulf, 2016-04-15: okDisplayForm should return True if the display form
274    -- can serve as a valid left-hand side. That means checking that it is a
275    -- defined name applied to valid lhs eliminators (projections or
276    -- applications to constructor patterns).
277    okDisplayForm :: DisplayTerm -> Bool
278    okDisplayForm (DWithApp d ds es) =
279      okDisplayForm d && all okDisplayTerm ds  && all okToDropE es
280      -- Andreas, 2016-05-03, issue #1950.
281      -- We might drop trailing hidden trivial (=variable) patterns.
282    okDisplayForm (DTerm (I.Def f vs)) = all okElim vs
283    okDisplayForm (DDef f es)          = all okDElim es
284    okDisplayForm DDot{}               = False
285    okDisplayForm DCon{}               = False
286    okDisplayForm DTerm{}              = False
288    okDisplayTerm :: DisplayTerm -> Bool
289    okDisplayTerm (DTerm v) = okTerm v
290    okDisplayTerm DDot{}    = True
291    okDisplayTerm DCon{}    = True
292    okDisplayTerm DDef{}    = False
293    okDisplayTerm _         = False
295    okDElim :: Elim' DisplayTerm -> Bool
296    okDElim (I.IApply x y r) = okDisplayTerm r
297    okDElim (I.Apply v) = okDisplayTerm $ unArg v
298    okDElim I.Proj{}    = True
300    okToDropE :: Elim' Term -> Bool
301    okToDropE (I.Apply v) = okToDrop v
302    okToDropE I.Proj{}    = False
303    okToDropE (I.IApply x y r) = False
305    okToDrop :: Arg I.Term -> Bool
306    okToDrop arg = notVisible arg && case unArg arg of
307      I.Var _ []   -> True
308      I.DontCare{} -> True  -- no matching on irrelevant things.  __IMPOSSIBLE__ anyway?
309      I.Level{}    -> True  -- no matching on levels. __IMPOSSIBLE__ anyway?
310      _ -> False
312    okArg :: Arg I.Term -> Bool
313    okArg = okTerm . unArg
315    okElim :: Elim' I.Term -> Bool
316    okElim (I.IApply x y r) = okTerm r
317    okElim (I.Apply a) = okArg a
318    okElim I.Proj{}  = True
320    okTerm :: I.Term -> Bool
321    okTerm (I.Var _ []) = True
322    okTerm (I.Con c ci vs) = all okElim vs
323    okTerm (I.Def x []) = isNoName $ qnameToConcrete x -- Handling wildcards in display forms
324    okTerm _            = False
326    -- Flatten a dt into (parentName, parentElims, withArgs).
327    flattenWith :: DisplayTerm -> (QName, [I.Elim' DisplayTerm], [I.Elim' DisplayTerm])
328    flattenWith (DWithApp d ds1 es2) =
329      let (f, es, ds0) = flattenWith d
330      in  (f, es, ds0 ++ map (I.Apply . defaultArg) ds1 ++ map (fmap DTerm) es2)
331    flattenWith (DDef f es) = (f, es, [])     -- .^ hacky, but we should only hit this when printing debug info
332    flattenWith (DTerm (I.Def f es)) = (f, map (fmap DTerm) es, [])
333    flattenWith _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
335    displayLHS
336      :: MonadReify m
337      => A.Patterns   -- Patterns to substituted into display term.
338      -> DisplayTerm  -- Display term.
339      -> m (QName, A.Patterns, A.Patterns)  -- New head, patterns, with-patterns.
340    displayLHS ps d = do
341        let (f, vs, es) = flattenWith d
342        ps  <- mapM elimToPat vs
343        wps <- mapM (updateNamedArg (A.WithP empty) <.> elimToPat) es
344        return (f, ps, wps)
345      where
346        argToPat :: MonadReify m => Arg DisplayTerm -> m (NamedArg A.Pattern)
347        argToPat arg = traverse termToPat arg
349        elimToPat :: MonadReify m => I.Elim' DisplayTerm -> m (NamedArg A.Pattern)
350        elimToPat (I.IApply _ _ r) = argToPat (Arg defaultArgInfo r)
351        elimToPat (I.Apply arg) = argToPat arg
352        elimToPat (I.Proj o d)  = return $ defaultNamedArg $ A.ProjP patNoRange o $ unambiguous d
354        -- Substitute variables in display term by patterns.
355        termToPat :: MonadReify m => DisplayTerm -> m (Named_ A.Pattern)
357        -- Main action HERE:
358        termToPat (DTerm (I.Var n [])) = return $ unArg $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ ps !!! n
360        termToPat (DCon c ci vs)          = fmap unnamed <$> tryRecPFromConP =<< do
361           A.ConP (ConPatInfo ci patNoRange ConPatEager) (unambiguous (conName c)) <$> mapM argToPat vs
363        termToPat (DTerm (I.Con c ci vs)) = fmap unnamed <$> tryRecPFromConP =<< do
364           A.ConP (ConPatInfo ci patNoRange ConPatEager) (unambiguous (conName c)) <$> mapM (elimToPat . fmap DTerm) vs
366        termToPat (DTerm (I.Def _ [])) = return $ unnamed $ A.WildP patNoRange
367        termToPat (DDef _ [])          = return $ unnamed $ A.WildP patNoRange
369        termToPat (DTerm (I.Lit l))    = return $ unnamed $ A.LitP patNoRange l
371        termToPat (DDot v)             = unnamed . A.DotP patNoRange <$> termToExpr v
372        termToPat v                    = unnamed . A.DotP patNoRange <$> reify v
374        len = length ps
376        argsToExpr :: MonadReify m => I.Args -> m [Arg A.Expr]
377        argsToExpr = mapM (traverse termToExpr)
379        -- TODO: restructure this to avoid having to repeat the code for reify
380        termToExpr :: MonadReify m => Term -> m A.Expr
381        termToExpr v = do
382          reportSLn "reify.display" 60 $ "termToExpr " ++ show v
383          -- After unSpine, a Proj elimination is __IMPOSSIBLE__!
384          case unSpine v of
385            I.Con c ci es -> do
386              let vs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ mapM isApplyElim es
387              apps (A.Con (unambiguous (conName c))) =<< argsToExpr vs
388            I.Def f es -> do
389              let vs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ mapM isApplyElim es
390              apps (A.Def f) =<< argsToExpr vs
391            I.Var n es -> do
392              let vs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ mapM isApplyElim es
393              -- Andreas, 2014-06-11  Issue 1177
394              -- due to β-normalization in substitution,
395              -- even the pattern variables @n < len@ can be
396              -- applied to some args @vs@.
397              e <- if n < len
398                   then return $ A.patternToExpr $ namedArg $ indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ ps n
399                   else reify (I.var (n - len))
400              apps e =<< argsToExpr vs
401            _ -> return underscore
403instance Reify Literal where
404  type ReifiesTo Literal = Expr
406  reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
407  reify l = return $ A.Lit empty l
409instance Reify Term where
410  type ReifiesTo Term = Expr
412  reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
413  reify v = reifyTerm True v
415reifyPathPConstAsPath :: MonadReify m => QName -> Elims -> m (QName, Elims)
416reifyPathPConstAsPath x es@[I.Apply l, I.Apply t, I.Apply lhs, I.Apply rhs] = do
417   reportSLn "reify.def" 100 $ "reifying def path " ++ show (x,es)
418   mpath  <- getBuiltinName' builtinPath
419   mpathp <- getBuiltinName' builtinPathP
420   let fallback = return (x,es)
421   case (,) <$> mpath <*> mpathp of
422     Just (path,pathp) | x == pathp -> do
423       let a = case unArg t of
424                I.Lam _ (NoAbs _ b)    -> Just b
425                I.Lam _ (Abs   _ b)
426                  | not $ 0 `freeIn` b -> Just (strengthen impossible b)
427                _                      -> Nothing
428       case a of
429         Just a -> return (path, [I.Apply l, I.Apply (setHiding Hidden $ defaultArg a), I.Apply lhs, I.Apply rhs])
430         Nothing -> fallback
431     _ -> fallback
432reifyPathPConstAsPath x es = return (x,es)
434reifyTerm :: MonadReify m => Bool -> Term -> m Expr
435reifyTerm expandAnonDefs0 v0 = do
436  -- Jesper 2018-11-02: If 'PrintMetasBare', drop all meta eliminations.
437  metasBare <- asksTC envPrintMetasBare
438  v <- instantiate v0 >>= \case
439    I.MetaV x _ | metasBare -> return $ I.MetaV x []
440    v -> return v
441  -- Ulf 2014-07-10: Don't expand anonymous when display forms are disabled
442  -- (i.e. when we don't care about nice printing)
443  expandAnonDefs <- return expandAnonDefs0 `and2M` displayFormsEnabled
444  -- Andreas, 2016-07-21 if --postfix-projections
445  -- then we print system-generated projections as postfix, else prefix.
446  havePfp <- optPostfixProjections <$> pragmaOptions
447  let pred = if havePfp then (== ProjPrefix) else (/= ProjPostfix)
448  case unSpine' pred v of
449    -- Hack to print generalized field projections with nicer names. Should
450    -- only show up in errors. Check the spined form!
451    _ | I.Var n (I.Proj _ p : es) <- v,
452        Just name <- getGeneralizedFieldName p -> do
453      let fakeName = (qnameName p) {nameConcrete = C.simpleName name} -- TODO: infix names!?
454      elims (A.Var fakeName) =<< reify es
455    I.Var n es -> do
456      x <- fromMaybeM (freshName_ $ "@" ++ show n) $ nameOfBV' n
457      elims (A.Var x) =<< reify es
458    I.Def x es -> do
459      reportSDoc "reify.def" 80 $ return $ "reifying def" <+> pretty x
460      (x, es) <- reifyPathPConstAsPath x es
461      reifyDisplayForm x es $ reifyDef expandAnonDefs x es
462    I.Con c ci vs -> do
463      let x = conName c
464      isR <- isGeneratedRecordConstructor x
465      if isR || ci == ConORec
466        then do
467          showImp <- showImplicitArguments
468          let keep (a, v) = showImp || visible a
469          r <- getConstructorData x
470          xs <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getRecordFieldNames_ r
471          vs <- map unArg <$> reify (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims vs)
472          return $ A.Rec noExprInfo $ map (Left . uncurry FieldAssignment . mapFst unDom) $ filter keep $ zip xs vs
473        else reifyDisplayForm x vs $ do
474          def <- getConstInfo x
475          let Constructor {conPars = np} = theDef def
476          -- if we are the the module that defines constructor x
477          -- then we have to drop at least the n module parameters
478          n <- getDefFreeVars x
479          -- the number of parameters is greater (if the data decl has
480          -- extra parameters) or equal (if not) to n
481          when (n > np) __IMPOSSIBLE__
482          let h = A.Con (unambiguous x)
483          if null vs
484            then return h
485            else do
486              es <- reify (map (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ . isApplyElim) vs)
487              -- Andreas, 2012-04-20: do not reify parameter arguments of constructor
488              -- if the first regular constructor argument is hidden
489              -- we turn it into a named argument, in order to avoid confusion
490              -- with the parameter arguments which can be supplied in abstract syntax
491              --
492              -- Andreas, 2012-09-17: this does not remove all sources of confusion,
493              -- since parameters could have the same name as regular arguments
494              -- (see for example the parameter {i} to Data.Star.Star, which is also
495              -- the first argument to the cons).
496              -- @data Star {i}{I : Set i} ... where cons : {i :  I} ...@
497              if np == 0
498                then apps h es
499                else do
500                  -- Get name of first argument from type of constructor.
501                  -- Here, we need the reducing version of @telView@
502                  -- because target of constructor could be a definition
503                  -- expanding into a function type.  See test/succeed/NameFirstIfHidden.agda.
504                  TelV tel _ <- telView (defType def)
505                  let (pars, rest) = splitAt np $ telToList tel
506                  case rest of
507                    -- Andreas, 2012-09-18
508                    -- If the first regular constructor argument is hidden,
509                    -- we keep the parameters to avoid confusion.
510                    (Dom {domInfo = info} : _) | notVisible info -> do
511                      let us = for (drop n pars) $ \(Dom {domInfo = ai}) ->
512                            -- setRelevance Relevant $
513                            hideOrKeepInstance $ Arg ai underscore
514                      apps h $ us ++ es -- Note: unless --show-implicit, @apps@ will drop @us@.
515                    -- otherwise, we drop all parameters
516                    _ -> apps h es
518--    I.Lam info b | isAbsurdBody b -> return $ A. AbsurdLam noExprInfo $ getHiding info
519    I.Lam info b    -> do
520      (x,e) <- reify b
521      -- #4160: Hacky solution: if --show-implicit, treat all lambdas as user-written. This will
522      -- prevent them from being dropped by AbstractToConcrete (where we don't have easy access to
523      -- the --show-implicit flag.
524      info <- ifM showImplicitArguments (return $ setOrigin UserWritten info) (return info)
525      return $ A.Lam exprNoRange (mkDomainFree $ unnamedArg info $ mkBinder_ x) e
526      -- Andreas, 2011-04-07 we do not need relevance information at internal Lambda
527    I.Lit l        -> reify l
528    I.Level l      -> reify l
529    I.Pi a b       -> case b of
530        NoAbs _ b'
531          | visible a   -> uncurry (A.Fun $ noExprInfo) <$> reify (a, b')
532            -- Andreas, 2013-11-11 Hidden/Instance I.Pi must be A.Pi
533            -- since (a) the syntax {A} -> B or {{A}} -> B is not legal
534            -- and (b) the name of the binder might matter.
535            -- See issue 951 (a) and 952 (b).
536          | otherwise   -> mkPi b =<< reify a
537        b               -> mkPi b =<< do
538          ifM (domainFree a (absBody b))
539            {- then -} (pure $ Arg (domInfo a) underscore)
540            {- else -} (reify a)
541      where
542        mkPi b (Arg info a') = do
543          tac <- traverse reify $ domTactic a
544          (x, b) <- reify b
545          let xs = singleton $ Arg info $ Named (domName a) $ mkBinder_ x
546          return $ A.Pi noExprInfo (singleton $ TBind noRange tac xs a') b
547        -- We can omit the domain type if it doesn't have any free variables
548        -- and it's mentioned in the target type.
549        domainFree a b = do
550          df <- asksTC envPrintDomainFreePi
551          return $ df && freeIn 0 b && closed a
553    I.Sort s     -> reify s
554    I.MetaV x es -> do
555          x' <- reify x
557          es' <- reify es
559          mv <- lookupMeta x
560          (msub1,meta_tel,msub2) <- do
561            local_chkpt <- viewTC eCurrentCheckpoint
562            (chkpt, tel, msub2) <- enterClosure mv $ \ _ ->
563                               (,,) <$> viewTC eCurrentCheckpoint
564                                    <*> getContextTelescope
565                                    <*> viewTC (eCheckpoints . key local_chkpt)
566            (,,) <$> viewTC (eCheckpoints . key chkpt) <*> pure tel <*> pure msub2
568          opt_show_ids <- showIdentitySubstitutions
569          let
570              addNames []    es = map (fmap unnamed) es
571              addNames _     [] = []
572              addNames xs     (I.Proj{} : _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
573              addNames xs     (I.IApply x y r : es) =
574                -- Needs to be I.Apply so it can have an Origin field.
575                addNames xs (I.Apply (defaultArg r) : es)
576              addNames (x:xs) (I.Apply arg : es) =
577                I.Apply (Named (Just x) <$> (setOrigin Substitution arg)) : addNames xs es
579              p = mvPermutation mv
580              applyPerm p vs = permute (takeP (size vs) p) vs
582              names = map (WithOrigin Inserted . unranged) $ p `applyPerm` teleNames meta_tel
583              named_es' = addNames names es'
585              dropIdentitySubs sub_local2G sub_tel2G =
586                 let
587                     args_G = applySubst sub_tel2G $ p `applyPerm` (teleArgs meta_tel :: [Arg Term])
588                     es_G = sub_local2G `applySubst` es
589                     sameVar x (I.Apply y) = isJust xv && xv == deBruijnView (unArg y)
590                      where
591                       xv = deBruijnView $ unArg x
592                     sameVar _ _ = False
593                     dropArg = take (size names) $ zipWith sameVar args_G es_G
594                     doDrop (b : xs)  (e : es) = (if b then id else (e :)) $ doDrop xs es
595                     doDrop []        es = es
596                     doDrop _         [] = []
597                 in doDrop dropArg $ named_es'
599              simpl_named_es' | opt_show_ids                 = named_es'
600                              | Just sub_mtel2local <- msub1 = dropIdentitySubs IdS           sub_mtel2local
601                              | Just sub_local2mtel <- msub2 = dropIdentitySubs sub_local2mtel IdS
602                              | otherwise                    = named_es'
604          nelims x' simpl_named_es'
606    I.DontCare v -> do
607      showIrr <- optShowIrrelevant <$> pragmaOptions
608      if | showIrr   -> reifyTerm expandAnonDefs v
609         | otherwise -> return underscore
610    I.Dummy s [] -> return $ A.Lit empty $ LitString (T.pack s)
611    I.Dummy "applyE" es | I.Apply (Arg _ h) : es' <- es -> do
612                            h <- reify h
613                            es' <- reify es'
614                            elims h es'
615                        | otherwise -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
616    I.Dummy s es -> do
617      s <- reify (I.Dummy s [])
618      es <- reify es
619      elims s es
620  where
621    -- Andreas, 2012-10-20  expand a copy if not in scope
622    -- to improve error messages.
623    -- Don't do this if we have just expanded into a display form,
624    -- otherwise we loop!
625    reifyDef :: MonadReify m => Bool -> QName -> I.Elims -> m Expr
626    reifyDef True x es =
627      ifM (not . null . inverseScopeLookupName x <$> getScope) (reifyDef' x es) $ do
628      r <- reduceDefCopy x es
629      case r of
630        YesReduction _ v -> do
631          reportS "reify.anon" 60
632            [ "reduction on defined ident. in anonymous module"
633            , "x = " ++ prettyShow x
634            , "v = " ++ show v
635            ]
636          reify v
637        NoReduction () -> do
638          reportS "reify.anon" 60
639            [ "no reduction on defined ident. in anonymous module"
640            , "x  = " ++ prettyShow x
641            , "es = " ++ show es
642            ]
643          reifyDef' x es
644    reifyDef _ x es = reifyDef' x es
646    reifyDef' :: MonadReify m => QName -> I.Elims -> m Expr
647    reifyDef' x es = do
648      reportSLn "reify.def" 60 $ "reifying call to " ++ prettyShow x
649      -- We should drop this many arguments from the local context.
650      n <- getDefFreeVars x
651      reportSLn "reify.def" 70 $ "freeVars for " ++ prettyShow x ++ " = " ++ show n
652      -- If the definition is not (yet) in the signature,
653      -- we just do the obvious.
654      let fallback _ = elims (A.Def x) =<< reify (drop n es)
655      caseEitherM (getConstInfo' x) fallback $ \ defn -> do
656      let def = theDef defn
658      -- Check if we have an absurd lambda.
659      case def of
660       Function{ funCompiled = Just Fail{}, funClauses = [cl] }
661          | isAbsurdLambdaName x -> do
662                  -- get hiding info from last pattern, which should be ()
663                  let (ps, p) = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ initLast $ namedClausePats cl
664                  let h = getHiding p
665                      n = length ps  -- drop all args before the absurd one
666                      absLam = A.AbsurdLam exprNoRange h
667                  if | n > length es -> do -- We don't have all arguments before the absurd one!
668                        let name (I.VarP _ x) = patVarNameToString $ dbPatVarName x
669                            name _            = __IMPOSSIBLE__  -- only variables before absurd pattern
670                            vars = map (getArgInfo &&& name . namedArg) $ drop (length es) ps
671                            lam (i, s) = do
672                              x <- freshName_ s
673                              return $ A.Lam exprNoRange (A.mkDomainFree $ unnamedArg i $ A.mkBinder_ x)
674                        foldr ($) absLam <$> mapM lam vars
675                      | otherwise -> elims absLam =<< reify (drop n es)
677      -- Otherwise (no absurd lambda):
678       _ -> do
680        -- Andrea(s), 2016-07-06
681        -- Extended lambdas are not considered to be projection like,
682        -- as they are mutually recursive with their parent.
683        -- Thus we do not have to consider padding them.
685        -- Check whether we have an extended lambda and display forms are on.
686        df <- displayFormsEnabled
688        -- #3004: give up if we have to print a pattern lambda inside its own body!
689        alreadyPrinting <- viewTC ePrintingPatternLambdas
691        extLam <- case def of
692          Function{ funExtLam = Just{}, funProjection = Just{} } -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
693          Function{ funExtLam = Just (ExtLamInfo m b sys) } ->
694            Just . (,Strict.toLazy sys) . size <$> lookupSection m
695          _ -> return Nothing
696        case extLam of
697          Just (pars, sys) | df, x `notElem` alreadyPrinting ->
698            locallyTC ePrintingPatternLambdas (x :) $
699            reifyExtLam x (defArgInfo defn) pars sys
700              (defClauses defn) es
702        -- Otherwise (ordinary function call):
703          _ -> do
704           (pad, nes :: [Elim' (Named_ Term)]) <- case def of
706            Function{ funProjection = Just Projection{ projIndex = np } } | np > 0 -> do
707              reportSLn "reify.def" 70 $ "  def. is a projection with projIndex = " ++ show np
709              -- This is tricky:
710              --  * getDefFreeVars x tells us how many arguments
711              --    are part of the local context
712              --  * some of those arguments might have been dropped
713              --    due to projection likeness
714              --  * when showImplicits is on we'd like to see the dropped
715              --    projection arguments
717              TelV tel _ <- telViewUpTo np (defType defn)
718              let (as, rest) = splitAt (np - 1) $ telToList tel
719                  dom = headWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ rest
721              -- These are the dropped projection arguments
722              scope <- getScope
723              let underscore = A.Underscore $ Info.emptyMetaInfo { metaScope = scope }
724              let pad :: [NamedArg Expr]
725                  pad = for as $ \ (Dom{domInfo = ai, unDom = (x, _)}) ->
726                    Arg ai $ Named (Just $ WithOrigin Inserted $ unranged x) underscore
727                      -- TODO #3353 Origin from Dom?
729              -- Now pad' ++ es' = drop n (pad ++ es)
730              let pad' = drop n pad
731                  es'  = drop (max 0 (n - size pad)) es
732              -- Andreas, 2012-04-21: get rid of hidden underscores {_} and {{_}}
733              -- Keep non-hidden arguments of the padding.
734              --
735              -- Andreas, 2016-12-20, issue #2348:
736              -- Let @padTail@ be the list of arguments of the padding
737              -- (*) after the last visible argument of the padding, and
738              -- (*) with the same visibility as the first regular argument.
739              -- If @padTail@ is not empty, we need to
740              -- print the first regular argument with name.
741              -- We further have to print all elements of @padTail@
742              -- which have the same name and visibility of the
743              -- first regular argument.
744              showImp <- showImplicitArguments
746              -- Get the visible arguments of the padding and the rest
747              -- after the last visible argument.
748              let (padVisNamed, padRest) = filterAndRest visible pad'
750              -- Remove the names from the visible arguments.
751              let padVis  = map (fmap $ unnamed . namedThing) padVisNamed
753              -- Keep only the rest with the same visibility of @dom@...
754              let padTail = filter (sameHiding dom) padRest
756              -- ... and even the same name.
757              let padSame = filter ((Just (fst $ unDom dom) ==) . bareNameOf) padTail
759              return $ if null padTail || not showImp
760                then (padVis           , map (fmap unnamed) es')
761                else (padVis ++ padSame, nameFirstIfHidden dom es')
763            -- If it is not a projection(-like) function, we need no padding.
764            _ -> return ([], map (fmap unnamed) $ drop n es)
766           reportSDoc "reify.def" 100 $ return $ vcat
767             [ "  pad =" <+> pshow pad
768             , "  nes =" <+> pshow nes
769             ]
770           let hd0 | isProperProjection def = A.Proj ProjPrefix $ AmbQ $ singleton x
771                   | otherwise = A.Def x
772           let hd = List.foldl' (A.App defaultAppInfo_) hd0 pad
773           nelims hd =<< reify nes
775    -- Andreas, 2016-07-06 Issue #2047
777    -- With parameter refinement, the "parameter" patterns of an extended
778    -- lambda can now be different from variable patterns.  If we just drop
779    -- them (plus the associated arguments to the extended lambda), we produce
780    -- something
782    -- i) that violates internal invariants.  In particular, the permutation
783    -- dbPatPerm from the patterns to the telescope can no longer be
784    -- computed.  (And in fact, dropping from the start of the telescope is
785    -- just plainly unsound then.)
787    -- ii) prints the wrong thing (old fix for #2047)
789    -- What we do now, is more sound, although not entirely satisfying:
790    -- When the "parameter" patterns of an external lambdas are not variable
791    -- patterns, we fall back to printing the internal function created for the
792    -- extended lambda, instead trying to construct the nice syntax.
794    reifyExtLam
795      :: MonadReify m
796      => QName -> ArgInfo -> Int -> Maybe System -> [I.Clause]
797      -> I.Elims -> m Expr
798    reifyExtLam x i npars msys cls es = do
799      reportSLn "reify.def" 10 $ "reifying extended lambda " ++ prettyShow x
800      reportSLn "reify.def" 50 $ render $ nest 2 $ vcat
801        [ "npars =" <+> pretty npars
802        , "es    =" <+> fsep (map (prettyPrec 10) es)
803        , "def   =" <+> vcat (map pretty cls) ]
804      -- As extended lambda clauses live in the top level, we add the whole
805      -- section telescope to the number of parameters.
806      let (pares, rest) = splitAt npars es
807      let pars = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims pares
809      -- Since we applying the clauses to the parameters,
810      -- we do not need to drop their initial "parameter" patterns
811      -- (this is taken care of by @apply@).
812      cls <- caseMaybe msys
813               (mapM (reify . NamedClause x False . (`apply` pars)) cls)
814               (reify . QNamed x . (`apply` pars))
815      let cx     = nameConcrete $ qnameName x
816          dInfo  = mkDefInfo cx noFixity' PublicAccess ConcreteDef
817                     (getRange x)
818          erased = case getQuantity i of
819            Quantity0 o -> Erased o
820            Quantityω o -> NotErased o
821            Quantity1 o -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
822      elims (A.ExtendedLam exprNoRange dInfo erased x $
823             List1.fromList cls)
824        =<< reify rest
826-- | @nameFirstIfHidden (x:a) ({e} es) = {x = e} es@
827nameFirstIfHidden :: Dom (ArgName, t) -> [Elim' a] -> [Elim' (Named_ a)]
828nameFirstIfHidden dom (I.Apply (Arg info e) : es) | notVisible info =
829  I.Apply (Arg info (Named (Just $ WithOrigin Inserted $ unranged $ fst $ unDom dom) e)) :
830  map (fmap unnamed) es
831nameFirstIfHidden _ es =
832  map (fmap unnamed) es
834instance Reify i => Reify (Named n i) where
835  type ReifiesTo (Named n i) = Named n (ReifiesTo i)
837  reify = traverse reify
838  reifyWhen b = traverse (reifyWhen b)
840-- | Skip reification of implicit and irrelevant args if option is off.
841instance Reify i => Reify (Arg i) where
842  type ReifiesTo (Arg i) = Arg (ReifiesTo i)
844  reify (Arg info i) = Arg info <$> (flip reifyWhen i =<< condition)
845    where condition = (return (argInfoHiding info /= Hidden) `or2M` showImplicitArguments)
846              `and2M` (return (getRelevance info /= Irrelevant) `or2M` showIrrelevantArguments)
847  reifyWhen b i = traverse (reifyWhen b) i
849-- instance Reify Elim Expr where
850--   reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
851--   reify = \case
852--     I.IApply x y r -> appl "iapply" <$> reify (defaultArg r :: Arg Term)
853--     I.Apply v -> appl "apply" <$> reify v
854--     I.Proj f  -> appl "proj"  <$> reify ((defaultArg $ I.Def f []) :: Arg Term)
855--     where
856--       appl :: String -> Arg Expr -> Expr
857--       appl s v = A.App exprInfo (A.Lit empty (LitString s)) $ fmap unnamed v
859data NamedClause = NamedClause QName Bool I.Clause
860  -- ^ Also tracks whether module parameters should be dropped from the patterns.
862-- The Monoid instance for Data.Map doesn't require that the values are a
863-- monoid.
864newtype MonoidMap k v = MonoidMap { _unMonoidMap :: Map.Map k v }
866instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Semigroup (MonoidMap k v) where
867  MonoidMap m1 <> MonoidMap m2 = MonoidMap (Map.unionWith mappend m1 m2)
869instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Monoid (MonoidMap k v) where
870  mempty = MonoidMap Map.empty
871  mappend = (<>)
873-- | Removes argument names.  Preserves names present in the source.
874removeNameUnlessUserWritten :: (LensNamed a, LensOrigin (NameOf a)) => a -> a
875removeNameUnlessUserWritten a
876  | (getOrigin <$> getNameOf a) == Just UserWritten = a
877  | otherwise = setNameOf Nothing a
880-- | Removes implicit arguments that are not needed, that is, that don't bind
881--   any variables that are actually used and doesn't do pattern matching.
882--   Doesn't strip any arguments that were written explicitly by the user.
883stripImplicits :: MonadReify m => A.Patterns -> A.Patterns -> m A.Patterns
884stripImplicits params ps = do
885  -- if --show-implicit we don't need the names
886  ifM showImplicitArguments (return $ map (fmap removeNameUnlessUserWritten) ps) $ do
887    reportSDoc "reify.implicit" 100 $ return $ vcat
888      [ "stripping implicits"
889      , nest 2 $ "ps   =" <+> pshow ps
890      ]
891    let ps' = blankDots $ strip ps
892    reportSDoc "reify.implicit" 100 $ return $ vcat
893      [ nest 2 $ "ps'  =" <+> pshow ps'
894      ]
895    return ps'
896    where
897      -- Replace variables in dot patterns by an underscore _ if they are hidden
898      -- in the pattern. This is slightly nicer than making the implicts explicit.
899      blankDots ps = blank (varsBoundIn $ params ++ ps) ps
901      strip ps = stripArgs True ps
902        where
903          stripArgs _ [] = []
904          stripArgs fixedPos (a : as)
905            -- A hidden non-UserWritten variable is removed if not needed for
906            -- correct position of the following hidden arguments.
907            | canStrip a =
908                 if   all canStrip $ takeWhile isUnnamedHidden as
909                 then stripArgs False as
910                 else goWild
911            -- Other arguments are kept.
912            | otherwise = stripName fixedPos (stripArg a) : stripArgs True as
913            where
914              a'     = setNamedArg a $ A.WildP $ Info.PatRange $ getRange a
915              goWild = stripName fixedPos a' : stripArgs True as
917          stripName True  = fmap removeNameUnlessUserWritten
918          stripName False = id
920          -- TODO: vars appearing in EqualPs shouldn't be stripped.
921          canStrip a = and
922            [ notVisible a
923            , getOrigin a `notElem` [ UserWritten , CaseSplit ]
924            , (getOrigin <$> getNameOf a) /= Just UserWritten
925            , varOrDot (namedArg a)
926            ]
928          isUnnamedHidden x = notVisible x && isNothing (getNameOf x) && isNothing (isProjP x)
930          stripArg a = fmap (fmap stripPat) a
932          stripPat = \case
933            p@(A.VarP _)        -> p
934            A.ConP i c ps       -> A.ConP i c $ stripArgs True ps
935            p@A.ProjP{}         -> p
936            p@(A.DefP _ _ _)    -> p
937            p@(A.DotP _ _e)     -> p
938            p@(A.WildP _)       -> p
939            p@(A.AbsurdP _)     -> p
940            p@(A.LitP _ _)      -> p
941            A.AsP i x p         -> A.AsP i x $ stripPat p
942            A.PatternSynP _ _ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
943            A.RecP i fs         -> A.RecP i $ map (fmap stripPat) fs  -- TODO Andreas: is this right?
944            p@A.EqualP{}        -> p -- EqualP cannot be blanked.
945            A.WithP i p         -> A.WithP i $ stripPat p -- TODO #2822: right?
946            A.AnnP i a p        -> A.AnnP i a $ stripPat p
948          varOrDot A.VarP{}      = True
949          varOrDot A.WildP{}     = True
950          varOrDot A.DotP{}      = True
951          varOrDot (A.ConP cpi _ ps) | conPatOrigin cpi == ConOSystem
952                                 = conPatLazy cpi == ConPatLazy || all (varOrDot . namedArg) ps
953          varOrDot _             = False
955-- | @blankNotInScope e@ replaces variables in expression @e@ with @_@
956-- if they are currently not in scope.
957blankNotInScope :: (MonadTCEnv m, BlankVars a) => a -> m a
958blankNotInScope e = do
959  names <- Set.fromList . filter ((== C.InScope) . C.isInScope) <$> getContextNames
960  return $ blank names e
963-- | @blank bound e@ replaces all variables in expression @e@ that are not in @bound@ by
964--   an underscore @_@. It is used for printing dot patterns: we don't want to
965--   make implicit variables explicit, so we blank them out in the dot patterns
966--   instead (this is fine since dot patterns can be inferred anyway).
968class BlankVars a where
969  blank :: Set Name -> a -> a
971  default blank :: (Functor f, BlankVars b, f b ~ a) => Set Name -> a -> a
972  blank = fmap . blank
974instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (Arg a)
975instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (Named s a)
976instance BlankVars a => BlankVars [a]
977instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (List1 a)
978instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (FieldAssignment' a)
979-- instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (A.Pattern' a)         -- see case EqualP !
981instance (BlankVars a, BlankVars b) => BlankVars (a, b) where
982  blank bound (x, y) = (blank bound x, blank bound y)
984instance (BlankVars a, BlankVars b) => BlankVars (Either a b) where
985  blank bound (Left x)  = Left $ blank bound x
986  blank bound (Right y) = Right $ blank bound y
988instance BlankVars A.ProblemEq where
989  blank bound = id
991instance BlankVars A.Clause where
992  blank bound (A.Clause lhs strippedPats rhs wh ca)
993    | null wh =
994        A.Clause (blank bound' lhs)
995                 (blank bound' strippedPats)
996                 (blank bound' rhs) noWhereDecls ca
997    | otherwise = __IMPOSSIBLE__
998    where bound' = varsBoundIn lhs `Set.union` bound
1000instance BlankVars A.LHS where
1001  blank bound (A.LHS i core) = A.LHS i $ blank bound core
1003instance BlankVars A.LHSCore where
1004  blank bound (A.LHSHead f ps) = A.LHSHead f $ blank bound ps
1005  blank bound (A.LHSProj p b ps) = uncurry (A.LHSProj p) $ blank bound (b, ps)
1006  blank bound (A.LHSWith h wps ps) = uncurry (uncurry A.LHSWith) $ blank bound ((h, wps), ps)
1008instance BlankVars A.Pattern where
1009  blank bound p = case p of
1010    A.VarP _      -> p   -- do not blank pattern vars
1011    A.ConP c i ps -> A.ConP c i $ blank bound ps
1012    A.ProjP{}     -> p
1013    A.DefP i f ps -> A.DefP i f $ blank bound ps
1014    A.DotP i e    -> A.DotP i $ blank bound e
1015    A.WildP _     -> p
1016    A.AbsurdP _   -> p
1017    A.LitP _ _    -> p
1018    A.AsP i n p   -> A.AsP i n $ blank bound p
1019    A.PatternSynP _ _ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1020    A.RecP i fs   -> A.RecP i $ blank bound fs
1021    A.EqualP{}    -> p
1022    A.WithP i p   -> A.WithP i (blank bound p)
1023    A.AnnP i a p  -> A.AnnP i (blank bound a) (blank bound p)
1025instance BlankVars A.Expr where
1026  blank bound e = case e of
1027    A.ScopedExpr i e         -> A.ScopedExpr i $ blank bound e
1028    A.Var x                  -> if x `Set.member` bound then e
1029                                else A.Underscore emptyMetaInfo  -- Here is the action!
1030    A.Def' _ _               -> e
1031    A.Proj{}                 -> e
1032    A.Con _                  -> e
1033    A.Lit _ _                -> e
1034    A.QuestionMark{}         -> e
1035    A.Underscore _           -> e
1036    A.Dot i e                -> A.Dot i $ blank bound e
1037    A.App i e1 e2            -> uncurry (A.App i) $ blank bound (e1, e2)
1038    A.WithApp i e es         -> uncurry (A.WithApp i) $ blank bound (e, es)
1039    A.Lam i b e              -> let bound' = varsBoundIn b `Set.union` bound
1040                                in  A.Lam i (blank bound b) (blank bound' e)
1041    A.AbsurdLam _ _          -> e
1042    A.ExtendedLam i d e f cs -> A.ExtendedLam i d e f $ blank bound cs
1043    A.Pi i tel e             -> let bound' = varsBoundIn tel `Set.union` bound
1044                                in  uncurry (A.Pi i) $ blank bound' (tel, e)
1045    A.Generalized {}         -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1046    A.Fun i a b              -> uncurry (A.Fun i) $ blank bound (a, b)
1047    A.Let _ _ _              -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1048    A.Rec i es               -> A.Rec i $ blank bound es
1049    A.RecUpdate i e es       -> uncurry (A.RecUpdate i) $ blank bound (e, es)
1050    A.ETel _                 -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1051    A.Quote {}               -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1052    A.QuoteTerm {}           -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1053    A.Unquote {}             -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1054    A.Tactic {}              -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1055    A.DontCare v             -> A.DontCare $ blank bound v
1056    A.PatternSyn {}          -> e
1057    A.Macro {}               -> e
1059instance BlankVars A.ModuleName where
1060  blank bound = id
1062instance BlankVars RHS where
1063  blank bound (RHS e mc)             = RHS (blank bound e) mc
1064  blank bound AbsurdRHS              = AbsurdRHS
1065  blank bound (WithRHS _ es clauses) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- NZ
1066  blank bound (RewriteRHS xes spats rhs _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- NZ
1068instance BlankVars A.LamBinding where
1069  blank bound b@A.DomainFree{} = b
1070  blank bound (A.DomainFull bs) = A.DomainFull $ blank bound bs
1072instance BlankVars TypedBinding where
1073  blank bound (TBind r t n e) = TBind r t n $ blank bound e
1074  blank bound (TLet _ _)    = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- Since the internal syntax has no let bindings left
1077-- | Collect the binders in some abstract syntax lhs.
1079class Binder a where
1080  varsBoundIn :: a -> Set Name
1082  default varsBoundIn :: (Foldable f, Binder b, f b ~ a) => a -> Set Name
1083  varsBoundIn = foldMap varsBoundIn
1085instance Binder A.LHS where
1086  varsBoundIn (A.LHS _ core) = varsBoundIn core
1088instance Binder A.LHSCore where
1089  varsBoundIn (A.LHSHead _ ps)     = varsBoundIn ps
1090  varsBoundIn (A.LHSProj _ b ps)   = varsBoundIn (b, ps)
1091  varsBoundIn (A.LHSWith h wps ps) = varsBoundIn ((h, wps), ps)
1093instance Binder A.Pattern where
1094  varsBoundIn = foldAPattern $ \case
1095    A.VarP x            -> varsBoundIn x
1096    A.AsP _ x _         -> empty    -- Not x because of #2414 (?)
1097    A.ConP _ _ _        -> empty
1098    A.ProjP{}           -> empty
1099    A.DefP _ _ _        -> empty
1100    A.WildP{}           -> empty
1101    A.DotP{}            -> empty
1102    A.AbsurdP{}         -> empty
1103    A.LitP{}            -> empty
1104    A.PatternSynP _ _ _ -> empty
1105    A.RecP _ _          -> empty
1106    A.EqualP{}          -> empty
1107    A.WithP _ _         -> empty
1108    A.AnnP{}            -> empty
1110instance Binder a => Binder (A.Binder' a) where
1111  varsBoundIn (A.Binder p n) = varsBoundIn (p, n)
1113instance Binder A.LamBinding where
1114  varsBoundIn (A.DomainFree _ x) = varsBoundIn x
1115  varsBoundIn (A.DomainFull b)   = varsBoundIn b
1117instance Binder TypedBinding where
1118  varsBoundIn (TBind _ _ xs _) = varsBoundIn xs
1119  varsBoundIn (TLet _ bs)      = varsBoundIn bs
1121instance Binder BindName where
1122  varsBoundIn x = singleton (unBind x)
1124instance Binder LetBinding where
1125  varsBoundIn (LetBind _ _ x _ _) = varsBoundIn x
1126  varsBoundIn (LetPatBind _ p _)  = varsBoundIn p
1127  varsBoundIn LetApply{}          = empty
1128  varsBoundIn LetOpen{}           = empty
1129  varsBoundIn LetDeclaredVariable{} = empty
1131instance Binder a => Binder (FieldAssignment' a)
1132instance Binder a => Binder (Arg a)
1133instance Binder a => Binder (Named x a)
1134instance Binder a => Binder [a]
1135instance Binder a => Binder (List1 a)
1136instance Binder a => Binder (Maybe a)
1138instance (Binder a, Binder b) => Binder (a, b) where
1139  varsBoundIn (x, y) = varsBoundIn x `Set.union` varsBoundIn y
1142-- | Assumes that pattern variables have been added to the context already.
1143--   Picks pattern variable names from context.
1144reifyPatterns :: MonadReify m => [NamedArg I.DeBruijnPattern] -> m [NamedArg A.Pattern]
1145reifyPatterns = mapM $ (stripNameFromExplicit . stripHidingFromPostfixProj) <.>
1146                       traverse (traverse reifyPat)
1147  where
1148    -- #4399 strip also empty names
1149    stripNameFromExplicit :: NamedArg p -> NamedArg p
1150    stripNameFromExplicit a
1151      | visible a || maybe True (liftA2 (||) null isNoName) (bareNameOf a) =
1152          fmap (unnamed . namedThing) a
1153      | otherwise = a
1155    stripHidingFromPostfixProj :: IsProjP p => NamedArg p -> NamedArg p
1156    stripHidingFromPostfixProj a = case isProjP a of
1157      Just (o, _) | o /= ProjPrefix -> setHiding NotHidden a
1158      _                             -> a
1160    reifyPat :: MonadReify m => I.DeBruijnPattern -> m A.Pattern
1161    reifyPat p = do
1162     reportSDoc "reify.pat" 80 $ return $ "reifying pattern" <+> pretty p
1163     keepVars <- optKeepPatternVariables <$> pragmaOptions
1164     case p of
1165      -- Possibly expanded literal pattern (see #4215)
1166      p | Just (PatternInfo PatOLit asB) <- patternInfo p -> do
1167        reduce (I.patternToTerm p) >>= \case
1168          I.Lit l -> addAsBindings asB $ return $ A.LitP empty l
1169          _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1170      I.VarP i x -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ case patOrigin i of
1171        o@PatODot  -> reifyDotP o $ var $ dbPatVarIndex x
1172        PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
1173        PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
1174        _          -> reifyVarP x
1175      I.DotP i v -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ case patOrigin i of
1176        PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
1177        PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
1178        -- If Agda turned a user variable @x@ into @.x@, print it back as @x@.
1179        o@(PatOVar x) | I.Var i [] <- v -> do
1180          x' <- nameOfBV i
1181          if nameConcrete x == nameConcrete x' then
1182            return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x'
1183          else
1184            reifyDotP o v
1185        o -> reifyDotP o v
1186      I.LitP i l  -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ return $ A.LitP empty l
1187      I.ProjP o d -> return $ A.ProjP patNoRange o $ unambiguous d
1188      I.ConP c cpi ps | conPRecord cpi -> addAsBindings (patAsNames $ conPInfo cpi) $
1189        case patOrigin (conPInfo cpi) of
1190          PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
1191          PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
1192          PatOVar x | keepVars -> return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x
1193          _               -> reifyConP c cpi ps
1194      I.ConP c cpi ps -> addAsBindings (patAsNames $ conPInfo cpi) $ reifyConP c cpi ps
1195      I.DefP i f ps  -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ case patOrigin i of
1196        PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
1197        PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
1198        PatOVar x | keepVars -> return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x
1199        _ -> A.DefP patNoRange (unambiguous f) <$> reifyPatterns ps
1200      I.IApplyP i _ _ x -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ case patOrigin i of
1201        o@PatODot  -> reifyDotP o $ var $ dbPatVarIndex x
1202        PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
1203        PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
1204        _          -> reifyVarP x
1206    reifyVarP :: MonadReify m => DBPatVar -> m A.Pattern
1207    reifyVarP x = do
1208      n <- nameOfBV $ dbPatVarIndex x
1209      let y = dbPatVarName x
1210      if | y == "_" -> return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName n
1211           -- Andreas, 2017-09-03: TODO for #2580
1212           -- Patterns @VarP "()"@ should have been replaced by @AbsurdP@, but the
1213           -- case splitter still produces them.
1214         | prettyShow (nameConcrete n) == "()" -> return $ A.VarP (mkBindName n)
1215           -- Andreas, 2017-09-03, issue #2729
1216           -- Restore original pattern name.  AbstractToConcrete picks unique names.
1217         | otherwise -> return $ A.VarP $
1218             mkBindName n { nameConcrete = C.simpleName y }
1220    reifyDotP :: MonadReify m => PatOrigin -> Term -> m A.Pattern
1221    reifyDotP o v = do
1222      keepVars <- optKeepPatternVariables <$> pragmaOptions
1223      if | PatOVar x <- o , keepVars       -> return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x
1224         | otherwise                       -> A.DotP patNoRange <$> reify v
1226    reifyConP :: MonadReify m
1227              => ConHead -> ConPatternInfo -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]
1228              -> m A.Pattern
1229    reifyConP c cpi ps = do
1230      tryRecPFromConP =<< do A.ConP ci (unambiguous (conName c)) <$> reifyPatterns ps
1231      where
1232        ci = ConPatInfo origin patNoRange lazy
1233        lazy | conPLazy cpi = ConPatLazy
1234             | otherwise    = ConPatEager
1235        origin = fromConPatternInfo cpi
1237    addAsBindings :: Functor m => [A.Name] -> m A.Pattern -> m A.Pattern
1238    addAsBindings xs p = foldr (fmap . AsP patNoRange . mkBindName) p xs
1241-- | If the record constructor is generated or the user wrote a record pattern,
1242--   turn constructor pattern into record pattern.
1243--   Otherwise, keep constructor pattern.
1244tryRecPFromConP :: MonadReify m => A.Pattern -> m A.Pattern
1245tryRecPFromConP p = do
1246  let fallback = return p
1247  case p of
1248    A.ConP ci c ps -> do
1249        reportSLn "reify.pat" 60 $ "tryRecPFromConP " ++ prettyShow c
1250        caseMaybeM (isRecordConstructor $ headAmbQ c) fallback $ \ (r, def) -> do
1251          -- If the record constructor is generated or the user wrote a record pattern,
1252          -- print record pattern.
1253          -- Otherwise, print constructor pattern.
1254          if recNamedCon def && conPatOrigin ci /= ConORec then fallback else do
1255            fs <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getRecordFieldNames_ r
1256            unless (length fs == length ps) __IMPOSSIBLE__
1257            return $ A.RecP patNoRange $ zipWith mkFA fs ps
1258        where
1259          mkFA ax nap = FieldAssignment (unDom ax) (namedArg nap)
1260    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1262-- | If the record constructor is generated or the user wrote a record expression,
1263--   turn constructor expression into record expression.
1264--   Otherwise, keep constructor expression.
1265recOrCon :: MonadReify m => QName -> ConOrigin -> [Arg Expr] -> m A.Expr
1266recOrCon c co es = do
1267  reportSLn "reify.expr" 60 $ "recOrCon " ++ prettyShow c
1268  caseMaybeM (isRecordConstructor c) fallback $ \ (r, def) -> do
1269    -- If the record constructor is generated or the user wrote a record expression,
1270    -- print record expression.
1271    -- Otherwise, print constructor expression.
1272    if recNamedCon def && co /= ConORec then fallback else do
1273      fs <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getRecordFieldNames_ r
1274      unless (length fs == length es) __IMPOSSIBLE__
1275      return $ A.Rec empty $ zipWith mkFA fs es
1276  where
1277  fallback = apps (A.Con (unambiguous c)) es
1278  mkFA ax  = Left . FieldAssignment (unDom ax) . unArg
1280instance Reify (QNamed I.Clause) where
1281  type ReifiesTo (QNamed I.Clause) = A.Clause
1283  reify (QNamed f cl) = reify (NamedClause f True cl)
1285instance Reify NamedClause where
1286  type ReifiesTo NamedClause = A.Clause
1288  reify (NamedClause f toDrop cl) = addContext (clauseTel cl) $ do
1289    reportSDoc "reify.clause" 60 $ return $ vcat
1290      [ "reifying NamedClause"
1291      , "  f      =" <+> pretty f
1292      , "  toDrop =" <+> pshow toDrop
1293      , "  cl     =" <+> pretty cl
1294      ]
1295    let ell = clauseEllipsis cl
1296    ps  <- reifyPatterns $ namedClausePats cl
1297    lhs <- uncurry (SpineLHS $ empty { lhsEllipsis = ell }) <$> reifyDisplayFormP f ps []
1298    -- Unless @toDrop@ we have already dropped the module patterns from the clauses
1299    -- (e.g. for extended lambdas). We still get here with toDrop = True and
1300    -- pattern lambdas when doing make-case, so take care to drop the right
1301    -- number of parameters.
1302    (params , lhs) <- if not toDrop then return ([] , lhs) else do
1303      nfv <- getDefModule f >>= \case
1304        Left _  -> return 0
1305        Right m -> size <$> lookupSection m
1306      return $ splitParams nfv lhs
1307    lhs <- stripImps params lhs
1308    reportSDoc "reify.clause" 100 $ return $ "reifying NamedClause, lhs =" <?> pshow lhs
1309    rhs <- caseMaybe (clauseBody cl) (return AbsurdRHS) $ \ e ->
1310      RHS <$> reify e <*> pure Nothing
1311    reportSDoc "reify.clause" 100 $ return $ "reifying NamedClause, rhs =" <?> pshow rhs
1312    let result = A.Clause (spineToLhs lhs) [] rhs A.noWhereDecls (I.clauseCatchall cl)
1313    reportSDoc "reify.clause" 100 $ return $ "reified NamedClause, result =" <?> pshow result
1314    return result
1315    where
1316      splitParams n (SpineLHS i f ps) =
1317        let (params , pats) = splitAt n ps
1318        in  (params , SpineLHS i f pats)
1319      stripImps :: MonadReify m => [NamedArg A.Pattern] -> SpineLHS -> m SpineLHS
1320      stripImps params (SpineLHS i f ps) =  SpineLHS i f <$> stripImplicits params ps
1322instance Reify (QNamed System) where
1323  type ReifiesTo (QNamed System) = [A.Clause]
1325  reify (QNamed f (System tel sys)) = addContext tel $ do
1326    reportS "reify.system" 40 $ show tel : map show sys
1327    view <- intervalView'
1328    unview <- intervalUnview'
1329    sys <- flip filterM sys $ \ (phi,t) -> do
1330      allM phi $ \ (u,b) -> do
1331        u <- reduce u
1332        return $ case (view u, b) of
1333          (IZero, True) -> False
1334          (IOne, False) -> False
1335          _ -> True
1336    forM sys $ \ (alpha,u) -> do
1337      rhs <- RHS <$> reify u <*> pure Nothing
1338      ep <- fmap (A.EqualP patNoRange) . forM alpha $ \ (phi,b) -> do
1339        let
1340            d True = unview IOne
1341            d False = unview IZero
1342        reify (phi, d b)
1344      ps <- reifyPatterns $ teleNamedArgs tel
1345      ps <- stripImplicits [] $ ps ++ [defaultNamedArg ep]
1346      let
1347        lhs = SpineLHS empty f ps
1348        result = A.Clause (spineToLhs lhs) [] rhs A.noWhereDecls False
1349      return result
1351instance Reify Type where
1352    type ReifiesTo Type = Expr
1354    reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
1355    reify (I.El _ t) = reify t
1357instance Reify Sort where
1358    type ReifiesTo Sort = Expr
1360    reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
1361    reify s = do
1362      s <- instantiateFull s
1363      SortKit{..} <- sortKit
1364      case s of
1365        I.Type (I.ClosedLevel 0) -> return $ A.Def' nameOfSet A.NoSuffix
1366        I.Type (I.ClosedLevel n) -> return $ A.Def' nameOfSet (A.Suffix n)
1367        I.Type a -> do
1368          a <- reify a
1369          return $ A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Def nameOfSet) (defaultNamedArg a)
1370        I.Prop (I.ClosedLevel 0) -> return $ A.Def' nameOfProp A.NoSuffix
1371        I.Prop (I.ClosedLevel n) -> return $ A.Def' nameOfProp (A.Suffix n)
1372        I.Prop a -> do
1373          a <- reify a
1374          return $ A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Def nameOfProp) (defaultNamedArg a)
1375        I.Inf f 0 -> return $ A.Def' (nameOfSetOmega f) A.NoSuffix
1376        I.Inf f n -> return $ A.Def' (nameOfSetOmega f) (A.Suffix n)
1377        I.SSet a  -> do
1378          I.Def sset [] <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getBuiltin' builtinStrictSet
1379          a <- reify a
1380          return $ A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Def sset) (defaultNamedArg a)
1381        I.SizeUniv  -> do
1382          I.Def sizeU [] <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getBuiltin' builtinSizeUniv
1383          return $ A.Def sizeU
1384        I.LockUniv  -> do
1385          lockU <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getName' builtinLockUniv
1386          return $ A.Def lockU
1387        I.PiSort a s1 s2 -> do
1388          pis <- freshName_ ("piSort" :: String) -- TODO: hack
1389          (e1,e2) <- reify (s1, I.Lam defaultArgInfo $ fmap Sort s2)
1390          let app x y = A.App defaultAppInfo_ x (defaultNamedArg y)
1391          return $ A.Var pis `app` e1 `app` e2
1392        I.FunSort s1 s2 -> do
1393          funs <- freshName_ ("funSort" :: String) -- TODO: hack
1394          (e1,e2) <- reify (s1 , s2)
1395          let app x y = A.App defaultAppInfo_ x (defaultNamedArg y)
1396          return $ A.Var funs `app` e1 `app` e2
1397        I.UnivSort s -> do
1398          univs <- freshName_ ("univSort" :: String) -- TODO: hack
1399          e <- reify s
1400          return $ A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Var univs) $ defaultNamedArg e
1401        I.MetaS x es -> reify $ I.MetaV x es
1402        I.DefS d es -> reify $ I.Def d es
1403        I.DummyS s -> return $ A.Lit empty $ LitString $ T.pack s
1405instance Reify Level where
1406  type ReifiesTo Level = Expr
1408  reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
1409  reify l   = ifM haveLevels (reify =<< reallyUnLevelView l) $ {-else-} do
1410    -- Andreas, 2017-09-18, issue #2754
1411    -- While type checking the level builtins, they are not
1412    -- available for debug printing.  Thus, print some garbage instead.
1413    name <- freshName_ (".#Lacking_Level_Builtins#" :: String)
1414    return $ A.Var name
1416instance (Free i, Reify i) => Reify (Abs i) where
1417  type ReifiesTo (Abs i) = (Name, ReifiesTo i)
1419  reify (NoAbs x v) = freshName_ x >>= \name -> (name,) <$> reify v
1420  reify (Abs s v) = do
1422    -- If the bound variable is free in the body, then the name "_" is
1423    -- replaced by "z".
1424    s <- return $ if isUnderscore s && 0 `freeIn` v then "z" else s
1426    x <- C.setNotInScope <$> freshName_ s
1427    e <- addContext x -- type doesn't matter
1428         $ reify v
1429    return (x,e)
1431instance Reify I.Telescope where
1432  type ReifiesTo I.Telescope = A.Telescope
1434  reify EmptyTel = return []
1435  reify (ExtendTel arg tel) = do
1436    Arg info e <- reify arg
1437    (x, bs)  <- reify tel
1438    let r    = getRange e
1439        name = domName arg
1440    tac <- traverse reify $ domTactic arg
1441    let xs = singleton $ Arg info $ Named name $ A.mkBinder_ x
1442    return $ TBind r tac xs e : bs
1444instance Reify i => Reify (Dom i) where
1445    type ReifiesTo (Dom i) = Arg (ReifiesTo i)
1447    reify (Dom{domInfo = info, unDom = i}) = Arg info <$> reify i
1449instance Reify i => Reify (I.Elim' i)  where
1450  type ReifiesTo (I.Elim' i) = I.Elim' (ReifiesTo i)
1452  reify = traverse reify
1453  reifyWhen b = traverse (reifyWhen b)
1455instance Reify i => Reify [i] where
1456  type ReifiesTo [i] = [ReifiesTo i]
1458  reify = traverse reify
1459  reifyWhen b = traverse (reifyWhen b)
1461instance (Reify i1, Reify i2) => Reify (i1, i2) where
1462    type ReifiesTo (i1, i2) = (ReifiesTo i1, ReifiesTo i2)
1463    reify (x,y) = (,) <$> reify x <*> reify y
1465instance (Reify i1, Reify i2, Reify i3) => Reify (i1,i2,i3) where
1466    type ReifiesTo (i1, i2, i3) = (ReifiesTo i1, ReifiesTo i2, ReifiesTo i3)
1467    reify (x,y,z) = (,,) <$> reify x <*> reify y <*> reify z
1469instance (Reify i1, Reify i2, Reify i3, Reify i4) => Reify (i1,i2,i3,i4) where
1470    type ReifiesTo (i1, i2, i3, i4) = (ReifiesTo i1, ReifiesTo i2, ReifiesTo i3, ReifiesTo i4)
1471    reify (x,y,z,w) = (,,,) <$> reify x <*> reify y <*> reify z <*> reify w