2-- | The monad for the termination checker.
4--   The termination monad @TerM@ is an extension of
5--   the type checking monad 'TCM' by an environment
6--   with information needed by the termination checker.
8module Agda.Termination.Monad where
10import Prelude hiding (null)
12import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
14import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
16import Control.Monad.Except
17import Control.Monad.Reader
19import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup(..) )
20import qualified Data.Set as Set
22import Agda.Interaction.Options (optTerminationDepth)
24import Agda.Syntax.Common
25import Agda.Syntax.Internal
26import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern
27import Agda.Syntax.Literal
28import Agda.Syntax.Position (noRange)
30import Agda.Termination.CutOff
31import Agda.Termination.Order (Order,le,unknown)
32import Agda.Termination.RecCheck (anyDefs)
34import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
35import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Benchmark
36import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
37import Agda.TypeChecking.Records
38import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
39import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
41import Agda.Utils.Benchmark as B
42import Agda.Utils.Function
43import Agda.Utils.Functor
44import Agda.Utils.Lens
45import Agda.Utils.List   ( hasElem )
46import Agda.Utils.Maybe
47import Agda.Utils.Monad
48import Agda.Utils.Monoid
49import Agda.Utils.Null
50import Agda.Utils.Pretty (Pretty, prettyShow)
51import qualified Agda.Utils.Pretty as P
52import Agda.Utils.VarSet (VarSet)
53import qualified Agda.Utils.VarSet as VarSet
55import Agda.Utils.Impossible
57-- | The mutual block we are checking.
59--   The functions are numbered according to their order of appearance
60--   in this list.
62type MutualNames = [QName]
64-- | The target of the function we are checking.
66type Target = QName
68-- | The current guardedness level.
70type Guarded = Order
72-- | The termination environment.
74data TerEnv = TerEnv
76  -- First part: options, configuration.
78  { terUseDotPatterns :: Bool
79    -- ^ Are we mining dot patterns to find evindence of structal descent?
80  , terSizeSuc :: Maybe QName
81    -- ^ The name of size successor, if any.
82  , terSharp   :: Maybe QName
83    -- ^ The name of the delay constructor (sharp), if any.
84  , terCutOff  :: CutOff
85    -- ^ Depth at which to cut off the structural order.
87  -- Second part: accumulated info during descent into decls./term.
89  , terCurrent :: QName
90    -- ^ The name of the function we are currently checking.
91  , terMutual  :: MutualNames
92    -- ^ The names of the functions in the mutual block we are checking.
93    --   This includes the internally generated functions
94    --   (with, extendedlambda, coinduction).
95  , terUserNames :: [QName]
96    -- ^ The list of name actually appearing in the file (abstract syntax).
97    --   Excludes the internally generated functions.
98  , terHaveInlinedWith :: Bool
99    -- ^ Does the actual clause result from with-inlining?
100    --   (If yes, it may be ill-typed.)
101  , terTarget  :: Maybe Target
102    -- ^ Target type of the function we are currently termination checking.
103    --   Only the constructors of 'Target' are considered guarding.
104  , terDelayed :: Delayed
105    -- ^ Are we checking a delayed definition?
106  , terMaskArgs :: [Bool]
107    -- ^ Only consider the 'notMasked' 'False' arguments for establishing termination.
108    --   See issue #1023.
109  , terMaskResult :: Bool
110    -- ^ Only consider guardedness if 'False' (not masked).
111  , _terSizeDepth :: Int  -- lazy by intention!
112    -- ^ How many @SIZELT@ relations do we have in the context
113    --   (= clause telescope).  Used to approximate termination
114    --   for metas in call args.
115  , terPatterns :: MaskedDeBruijnPatterns
116    -- ^ The patterns of the clause we are checking.
117  , terPatternsRaise :: !Int
118    -- ^ Number of additional binders we have gone under
119    --   (and consequently need to raise the patterns to compare to terms).
120    --   Updated during call graph extraction, hence strict.
121  , terGuarded :: !Guarded
122    -- ^ The current guardedness status.  Changes as we go deeper into the term.
123    --   Updated during call graph extraction, hence strict.
124  , terUseSizeLt :: Bool
125    -- ^ When extracting usable size variables during construction of the call
126    --   matrix, can we take the variable for use with SIZELT constraints from the context?
127    --   Yes, if we are under an inductive constructor.
128    --   No, if we are under a record constructor.
129    --   (See issue #1015).
130  , terUsableVars :: VarSet
131    -- ^ Pattern variables that can be compared to argument variables using SIZELT.
132  }
134-- | An empty termination environment.
136--   Values are set to a safe default meaning that with these
137--   initial values the termination checker will not miss
138--   termination errors it would have seen with better settings
139--   of these values.
141--   Values that do not have a safe default are set to
142--   @__IMPOSSIBLE__@.
144defaultTerEnv :: TerEnv
145defaultTerEnv = TerEnv
146  { terUseDotPatterns           = False -- must be False initially!
147  , terSizeSuc                  = Nothing
148  , terSharp                    = Nothing
149  , terCutOff                   = defaultCutOff
150  , terUserNames                = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- needs to be set!
151  , terMutual                   = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- needs to be set!
152  , terCurrent                  = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- needs to be set!
153  , terHaveInlinedWith          = False
154  , terTarget                   = Nothing
155  , terDelayed                  = NotDelayed
156  , terMaskArgs                 = repeat False   -- use all arguments (mask none)
157  , terMaskResult               = False          -- use result (do not mask)
158  , _terSizeDepth               = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- needs to be set!
159  , terPatterns                 = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- needs to be set!
160  , terPatternsRaise            = 0
161  , terGuarded                  = le -- not initially guarded
162  , terUseSizeLt                = False -- initially, not under data constructor
163  , terUsableVars               = VarSet.empty
164  }
166-- | Termination monad service class.
168class (Functor m, Monad m) => MonadTer m where
169  terAsk   :: m TerEnv
170  terLocal :: (TerEnv -> TerEnv) -> m a -> m a
172  terAsks :: (TerEnv -> a) -> m a
173  terAsks f = f <$> terAsk
175-- | Termination monad.
177newtype TerM a = TerM { terM :: ReaderT TerEnv TCM a }
178  deriving ( Functor
179           , Applicative
180           , Monad
181           , Fail.MonadFail
182           , MonadError TCErr
183           , MonadStatistics
184           , HasOptions
185           , HasBuiltins
186           , MonadDebug
187           , HasConstInfo
188           , MonadIO
189           , MonadTCEnv
190           , MonadTCState
191           , MonadTCM
192           , ReadTCState
193           , MonadReduce
194           , MonadAddContext
195           , PureTCM
196           )
198-- This could be derived automatically, but the derived type family becomes `BenchPhase (ReaderT TerEnv TCM)` which
199-- is *fine* but triggers complaints that the "type family application is no smaller than the instance head, why not
200-- nuke everything with UndecidableInstances".
201instance MonadBench TerM where
202  type BenchPhase TerM = Phase
203  getBenchmark              = TerM $ B.getBenchmark
204  putBenchmark              = TerM . B.putBenchmark
205  modifyBenchmark           = TerM . B.modifyBenchmark
206  finally (TerM m) (TerM f) = TerM $ (B.finally m f)
208instance MonadTer TerM where
209  terAsk     = TerM $ ask
210  terLocal f = TerM . local f . terM
212-- | Generic run method for termination monad.
213runTer :: TerEnv -> TerM a -> TCM a
214runTer tenv (TerM m) = runReaderT m tenv
216-- | Run TerM computation in default environment (created from options).
218runTerDefault :: TerM a -> TCM a
219runTerDefault cont = do
221  -- Assemble then initial configuration of the termination environment.
223  cutoff <- optTerminationDepth <$> pragmaOptions
225  -- Get the name of size suc (if sized types are enabled)
226  suc <- sizeSucName
228  -- The name of sharp (if available).
229  sharp <- fmap nameOfSharp <$> coinductionKit
231  let tenv = defaultTerEnv
232        { terSizeSuc                  = suc
233        , terSharp                    = sharp
234        , terCutOff                   = cutoff
235        }
237  runTer tenv cont
239-- -- * Termination monad is a 'MonadTCM'.
241-- instance MonadError TCErr TerM where
242--   throwError = liftTCM . throwError
243--   catchError m handler = TerM $ ReaderT $ \ tenv -> do
244--     runTer tenv m `catchError` (\ err -> runTer tenv $ handler err)
246instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (TerM m) where
247  (<>) = liftA2 (<>)
249instance (Semigroup m, Monoid m) => Monoid (TerM m) where
250  mempty  = pure mempty
251  mappend = (<>)
252  mconcat = mconcat <.> sequence
254-- * Modifiers and accessors for the termination environment in the monad.
256terGetUseDotPatterns :: TerM Bool
257terGetUseDotPatterns = terAsks terUseDotPatterns
259terSetUseDotPatterns :: Bool -> TerM a -> TerM a
260terSetUseDotPatterns b = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terUseDotPatterns = b }
262terGetSizeSuc :: TerM (Maybe QName)
263terGetSizeSuc = terAsks terSizeSuc
265terGetCurrent :: TerM QName
266terGetCurrent = terAsks terCurrent
268terSetCurrent :: QName -> TerM a -> TerM a
269terSetCurrent q = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terCurrent = q }
271terGetSharp :: TerM (Maybe QName)
272terGetSharp = terAsks terSharp
274terGetCutOff :: TerM CutOff
275terGetCutOff = terAsks terCutOff
277terGetMutual :: TerM MutualNames
278terGetMutual = terAsks terMutual
280terGetUserNames :: TerM [QName]
281terGetUserNames = terAsks terUserNames
283terGetTarget :: TerM (Maybe Target)
284terGetTarget = terAsks terTarget
286terSetTarget :: Maybe Target -> TerM a -> TerM a
287terSetTarget t = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terTarget = t }
289terGetHaveInlinedWith :: TerM Bool
290terGetHaveInlinedWith = terAsks terHaveInlinedWith
292terSetHaveInlinedWith :: TerM a -> TerM a
293terSetHaveInlinedWith = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terHaveInlinedWith = True }
295terGetDelayed :: TerM Delayed
296terGetDelayed = terAsks terDelayed
298terSetDelayed :: Delayed -> TerM a -> TerM a
299terSetDelayed b = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terDelayed = b }
301terGetMaskArgs :: TerM [Bool]
302terGetMaskArgs = terAsks terMaskArgs
304terSetMaskArgs :: [Bool] -> TerM a -> TerM a
305terSetMaskArgs b = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terMaskArgs = b }
307terGetMaskResult :: TerM Bool
308terGetMaskResult = terAsks terMaskResult
310terSetMaskResult :: Bool -> TerM a -> TerM a
311terSetMaskResult b = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terMaskResult = b }
313terGetPatterns :: TerM (MaskedDeBruijnPatterns)
314terGetPatterns = do
315  n   <- terAsks terPatternsRaise
316  mps <- terAsks terPatterns
317  return $ if n == 0 then mps else map (fmap (raise n)) mps
319terSetPatterns :: MaskedDeBruijnPatterns -> TerM a -> TerM a
320terSetPatterns ps = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terPatterns = ps }
322terRaise :: TerM a -> TerM a
323terRaise = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terPatternsRaise = terPatternsRaise e + 1 }
325terGetGuarded :: TerM Guarded
326terGetGuarded = terAsks terGuarded
328terModifyGuarded :: (Order -> Order) -> TerM a -> TerM a
329terModifyGuarded f = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terGuarded = f $ terGuarded e }
331terSetGuarded :: Order -> TerM a -> TerM a
332terSetGuarded = terModifyGuarded . const
334terUnguarded :: TerM a -> TerM a
335terUnguarded = terSetGuarded unknown
337-- | Lens for '_terSizeDepth'.
339terSizeDepth :: Lens' Int TerEnv
340terSizeDepth f e = f (_terSizeDepth e) <&> \ i -> e { _terSizeDepth = i }
342-- | Lens for 'terUsableVars'.
344terGetUsableVars :: TerM VarSet
345terGetUsableVars = terAsks terUsableVars
347terModifyUsableVars :: (VarSet -> VarSet) -> TerM a -> TerM a
348terModifyUsableVars f = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terUsableVars = f $ terUsableVars e }
350terSetUsableVars :: VarSet -> TerM a -> TerM a
351terSetUsableVars = terModifyUsableVars . const
353-- | Lens for 'terUseSizeLt'.
355terGetUseSizeLt :: TerM Bool
356terGetUseSizeLt = terAsks terUseSizeLt
358terModifyUseSizeLt :: (Bool -> Bool) -> TerM a -> TerM a
359terModifyUseSizeLt f = terLocal $ \ e -> e { terUseSizeLt = f $ terUseSizeLt e }
361terSetUseSizeLt :: Bool -> TerM a -> TerM a
362terSetUseSizeLt = terModifyUseSizeLt . const
364-- | Compute usable vars from patterns and run subcomputation.
365withUsableVars :: UsableSizeVars a => a -> TerM b -> TerM b
366withUsableVars pats m = do
367  vars <- usableSizeVars pats
368  reportSLn "term.size" 70 $ "usableSizeVars = " ++ show vars
369  reportSDoc "term.size" 20 $ if null vars then "no usuable size vars" else
370    "the size variables amoung these variables are usable: " <+>
371      sep (map (prettyTCM . var) $ VarSet.toList vars)
372  terSetUsableVars vars $ m
374-- | Set 'terUseSizeLt' when going under constructor @c@.
375conUseSizeLt :: QName -> TerM a -> TerM a
376conUseSizeLt c m = do
377  ifM (liftTCM $ isEtaOrCoinductiveRecordConstructor c)  -- Non-eta inductive records are the same as datatypes
378    (terSetUseSizeLt False m)
379    (terSetUseSizeLt True m)
381-- | Set 'terUseSizeLt' for arguments following projection @q@.
382--   We disregard j<i after a non-coinductive projection.
383--   However, the projection need not be recursive (Issue 1470).
384projUseSizeLt :: QName -> TerM a -> TerM a
385projUseSizeLt q m = do
386  co <- isCoinductiveProjection False q
387  reportSLn "term.size" 20 $ applyUnless co ("not " ++) $
388    "using SIZELT vars after projection " ++ prettyShow q
389  terSetUseSizeLt co m
391-- | For termination checking purposes flat should not be considered a
392--   projection. That is, it flat doesn't preserve either structural order
393--   or guardedness like other projections do.
394--   Andreas, 2012-06-09: the same applies to projections of recursive records.
395isProjectionButNotCoinductive :: MonadTCM tcm => QName -> tcm Bool
396isProjectionButNotCoinductive qn = liftTCM $ do
397  b <- isProjectionButNotCoinductive' qn
398  reportSDoc "term.proj" 60 $ do
399    "identifier" <+> prettyTCM qn <+> do
400      text $
401        if b then "is an inductive projection"
402          else "is either not a projection or coinductive"
403  return b
404  where
405    isProjectionButNotCoinductive' qn = do
406      flat <- fmap nameOfFlat <$> coinductionKit
407      if Just qn == flat
408        then return False
409        else do
410          mp <- isProjection qn
411          case mp of
412            Just Projection{ projProper = Just{}, projFromType = t }
413              -> isInductiveRecord (unArg t)
414            _ -> return False
416-- | Check whether a projection belongs to a coinductive record
417--   and is actually recursive.
418--   E.g.
419--   @
420--      isCoinductiveProjection (Stream.head) = return False
422--      isCoinductiveProjection (Stream.tail) = return True
423--   @
424isCoinductiveProjection :: MonadTCM tcm => Bool -> QName -> tcm Bool
425isCoinductiveProjection mustBeRecursive q = liftTCM $ do
426  reportSLn "term.guardedness" 40 $ "checking isCoinductiveProjection " ++ prettyShow q
427  flat <- fmap nameOfFlat <$> coinductionKit
428  -- yes for ♭
429  if Just q == flat then return True else do
430    pdef <- getConstInfo q
431    case isProjection_ (theDef pdef) of
432      Just Projection{ projProper = Just{}, projFromType = Arg _ r, projIndex = n } ->
433        caseMaybeM (isRecord r) __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ \ rdef -> do
434          -- no for inductive or non-recursive record
435          if recInduction rdef /= Just CoInductive then return False else do
436            reportSLn "term.guardedness" 40 $ prettyShow q ++ " is coinductive; record type is " ++ prettyShow r
437            if not mustBeRecursive then return True else do
438              reportSLn "term.guardedness" 40 $ prettyShow q ++ " must be recursive"
439              if not (safeRecRecursive rdef) then return False else do
440                reportSLn "term.guardedness" 40 $ prettyShow q ++ " has been declared recursive, doing actual check now..."
441                -- TODO: the following test for recursiveness of a projection should be cached.
442                -- E.g., it could be stored in the @Projection@ component.
443                -- Now check if type of field mentions mutually recursive symbol.
444                -- Get the type of the field by dropping record parameters and record argument.
445                let TelV tel core = telView' (defType pdef)
446                    (pars, tel') = splitAt n $ telToList tel
447                    mut = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ recMutual rdef
448                -- Check if any recursive symbols appear in the record type.
449                -- Q (2014-07-01): Should we normalize the type?
450                -- A (2017-01-13): Yes, since we also normalize during positivity check?
451                -- See issue #1899.
452                reportSDoc "term.guardedness" 40 $ inTopContext $ sep
453                  [ "looking for recursive occurrences of"
454                  , sep (map prettyTCM mut)
455                  , "in"
456                  , addContext pars $ prettyTCM (telFromList tel')
457                  , "and"
458                  , addContext tel $ prettyTCM core
459                  ]
460                when (null mut) __IMPOSSIBLE__
461                names <- anyDefs (mut `hasElem`) (map (snd . unDom) tel', core)
462                reportSDoc "term.guardedness" 40 $
463                  "found" <+> if null names then "none" else sep (map prettyTCM $ Set.toList names)
464                return $ not $ null names
465      _ -> do
466        reportSLn "term.guardedness" 40 $ prettyShow q ++ " is not a proper projection"
467        return False
468  where
469  -- Andreas, 2018-02-24, issue #2975, example:
470  -- @
471  -- record R : Set where
472  --   coinductive
473  --   field force : R
475  --   r : R
476  --   force r = r
477  -- @
478  -- The termination checker expects the positivity checker to have run on the
479  -- record declaration R to know whether R is recursive.
480  -- However, here, because the awkward processing of record declarations (see #434),
481  -- that has not happened.  To avoid crashing (as in Agda 2.5.3),
482  -- we rather give the possibly wrong answer here,
483  -- restoring the behavior of Agda 2.5.2.  TODO: fix record declaration checking.
484  safeRecRecursive :: Defn -> Bool
485  safeRecRecursive (Record { recMutual = Just qs }) = not $ null qs
486  safeRecRecursive _ = False
488-- * De Bruijn pattern stuff
490-- | How long is the path to the deepest atomic pattern?
491patternDepth :: forall a. Pattern' a -> Int
492patternDepth = getMaxNat . foldrPattern depth where
493  depth :: Pattern' a -> MaxNat -> MaxNat
494  depth ConP{} = succ      -- add 1 to the maximum of the depth of the subpatterns
495  depth _      = id        -- atomic pattern (leaf) has depth 0
497-- | A dummy pattern used to mask a pattern that cannot be used
498--   for structural descent.
500unusedVar :: DeBruijnPattern
501unusedVar = litP (LitString "term.unused.pat.var")
503-- | Extract variables from 'DeBruijnPattern's that could witness a decrease
504--   via a SIZELT constraint.
506--   These variables must be under an inductive constructor (with no record
507--   constructor in the way), or after a coinductive projection (with no
508--   inductive one in the way).
510class UsableSizeVars a where
511  usableSizeVars :: a -> TerM VarSet
513instance UsableSizeVars DeBruijnPattern where
514  usableSizeVars = foldrPattern $ \case
515    VarP _ x   -> const $ ifM terGetUseSizeLt (return $ VarSet.singleton $ dbPatVarIndex x) $
516                   {-else-} return mempty
517    ConP c _ _ -> conUseSizeLt $ conName c
518    LitP{}     -> none
519    DotP{}     -> none
520    ProjP{}    -> none
521    IApplyP{}  -> none
522    DefP{} -> none
523    where none _ = return mempty
525instance UsableSizeVars [DeBruijnPattern] where
526  usableSizeVars ps =
527    case ps of
528      []               -> return mempty
529      (ProjP _ q : ps) -> projUseSizeLt q $ usableSizeVars ps
530      (p         : ps) -> mappend <$> usableSizeVars p <*> usableSizeVars ps
532instance UsableSizeVars (Masked DeBruijnPattern) where
533  usableSizeVars (Masked m p) = (`foldrPattern` p) $ \case
534    VarP _ x   -> const $ ifM terGetUseSizeLt (return $ VarSet.singleton $ dbPatVarIndex x) $
535                   {-else-} return mempty
536    ConP c _ _ -> if m then none else conUseSizeLt $ conName c
537    LitP{}     -> none
538    DotP{}     -> none
539    ProjP{}    -> none
540    IApplyP{}  -> none
541    DefP{}     -> none
542    where none _ = return mempty
544instance UsableSizeVars MaskedDeBruijnPatterns where
545  usableSizeVars ps =
546    case ps of
547      []                          -> return mempty
548      (Masked _ (ProjP _ q) : ps) -> projUseSizeLt q $ usableSizeVars ps
549      (p                    : ps) -> mappend <$> usableSizeVars p <*> usableSizeVars ps
551-- * Masked patterns (which are not eligible for structural descent, only for size descent)
552--   See issue #1023.
554type MaskedDeBruijnPatterns = [Masked DeBruijnPattern]
556data Masked a = Masked
557  { getMask   :: Bool  -- ^ True if thing not eligible for structural descent.
558  , getMasked :: a     -- ^ Thing.
559  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
561masked :: a -> Masked a
562masked = Masked True
564notMasked :: a -> Masked a
565notMasked = Masked False
567instance Decoration Masked where
568  traverseF f (Masked m a) = Masked m <$> f a
570-- | Print masked things in double parentheses.
571instance PrettyTCM a => PrettyTCM (Masked a) where
572  prettyTCM (Masked m a) = applyWhen m (parens . parens) $ prettyTCM a
574-- * Call pathes
576-- | The call information is stored as free monoid
577--   over 'CallInfo'.  As long as we never look at it,
578--   only accumulate it, it does not matter whether we use
579--   'Set', (nub) list, or 'Tree'.
580--   Internally, due to lazyness, it is anyway a binary tree of
581--   'mappend' nodes and singleton leafs.
582--   Since we define no order on 'CallInfo' (expensive),
583--   we cannot use a 'Set' or nub list.
584--   Performance-wise, I could not see a difference between Set and list.
586newtype CallPath = CallPath { callInfos :: [CallInfo] }
587  deriving (Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
589-- | Only show intermediate nodes.  (Drop last 'CallInfo').
590instance Pretty CallPath where
591  pretty (CallPath cis0) = if null cis then empty else
592    P.hsep (map (\ ci -> arrow P.<+> P.pretty ci) cis) P.<+> arrow
593    where
594      cis   = init cis0
595      arrow = "-->"
597-- * Size depth estimation
599-- | A very crude way of estimating the @SIZELT@ chains
600--   @i > j > k@ in context.  Returns 3 in this case.
601--   Overapproximates.
603-- TODO: more precise analysis, constructing a tree
604-- of relations between size variables.
605terSetSizeDepth :: Telescope -> TerM a -> TerM a
606terSetSizeDepth tel cont = do
607  n <- liftTCM $ sum <$> do
608    forM (telToList tel) $ \ dom -> do
609      a <- reduce $ snd $ unDom dom
610      ifM (isJust <$> isSizeType a) (return 1) {- else -} $
611        case unEl a of
612          MetaV{} -> return 1
613          _       -> return 0
614  terLocal (set terSizeDepth n) cont