1{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
3module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Signature where
5import Prelude hiding (null)
7import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
9import Control.Arrow (first, second)
10import Control.Monad.Except
11import Control.Monad.State
12import Control.Monad.Reader
13import Control.Monad.Writer hiding ((<>))
14import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
15import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
17import Data.Foldable (for_)
18import qualified Data.List as List
19import Data.Set (Set)
20import qualified Data.Set as Set
21import qualified Data.Map as Map
22import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
23import Data.Maybe
24import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
26import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
27import Agda.Syntax.Abstract (Ren, ScopeCopyInfo(..))
28import Agda.Syntax.Common
29import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
30import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Names
31import Agda.Syntax.Position
32import Agda.Syntax.Treeless (Compiled(..), TTerm, ArgUsage)
34import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
35import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
36import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug
37import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Context
38import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Env
39import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Mutual
40import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Open
41import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State
42import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Trace
43import Agda.TypeChecking.DropArgs
44import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings
45import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
46import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
47import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause
48import Agda.TypeChecking.Coverage.SplitTree
49import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause.Compile
50import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Polarity
51import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
52import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.ProjectionLike
53import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
55import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Erase
56import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Compiler.Builtin
58import Agda.Utils.Either
59import Agda.Utils.Functor
60import Agda.Utils.Lens
61import Agda.Utils.List
62import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
63import Agda.Utils.ListT
64import Agda.Utils.Maybe
65import Agda.Utils.Monad
66import Agda.Utils.Null
67import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow)
68import Agda.Utils.Singleton
69import Agda.Utils.Size
70import Agda.Utils.Update
72import Agda.Utils.Impossible
74-- | Add a constant to the signature. Lifts the definition to top level.
75addConstant :: QName -> Definition -> TCM ()
76addConstant q d = do
77  reportSDoc "tc.signature" 20 $ "adding constant " <+> pretty q <+> " to signature"
78  tel <- getContextTelescope
79  let tel' = replaceEmptyName "r" $ killRange $ case theDef d of
80              Constructor{} -> fmap hideOrKeepInstance tel
81              Function{ funProjection = Just Projection{ projProper = Just{}, projIndex = n } } ->
82                let fallback = fmap hideOrKeepInstance tel in
83                if n > 0 then fallback else
84                -- if the record value is part of the telescope, its hiding should left unchanged
85                  case initLast $ telToList tel of
86                    Nothing -> fallback
87                    Just (doms, dom) -> telFromList $ fmap hideOrKeepInstance doms ++ [dom]
88              _ -> tel
89  let d' = abstract tel' $ d { defName = q }
90  reportSDoc "tc.signature" 60 $ "lambda-lifted definition =" <?> pretty d'
91  modifySignature $ updateDefinitions $ HMap.insertWith (+++) q d'
92  i <- currentOrFreshMutualBlock
93  setMutualBlock i q
94  where
95    new +++ old = new { defDisplay = defDisplay new ++ defDisplay old
96                      , defInstance = defInstance new `mplus` defInstance old }
98-- | Set termination info of a defined function symbol.
99setTerminates :: QName -> Bool -> TCM ()
100setTerminates q b = modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ \case
101    def@Function{} -> def { funTerminates = Just b }
102    def -> def
104-- | Set CompiledClauses of a defined function symbol.
105setCompiledClauses :: QName -> CompiledClauses -> TCM ()
106setCompiledClauses q cc = modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ setT
107  where
108    setT def@Function{} = def { funCompiled = Just cc }
109    setT def            = def
111-- | Set SplitTree of a defined function symbol.
112setSplitTree :: QName -> SplitTree -> TCM ()
113setSplitTree q st = modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ setT
114  where
115    setT def@Function{} = def { funSplitTree = Just st }
116    setT def            = def
118-- | Modify the clauses of a function.
119modifyFunClauses :: QName -> ([Clause] -> [Clause]) -> TCM ()
120modifyFunClauses q f =
121  modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ updateFunClauses f
123-- | Lifts clauses to the top-level and adds them to definition.
124--   Also adjusts the 'funCopatternLHS' field if necessary.
125addClauses :: QName -> [Clause] -> TCM ()
126addClauses q cls = do
127  tel <- getContextTelescope
128  modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $
129    updateTheDef (updateFunClauses (++ abstract tel cls))
130    . updateDefCopatternLHS (|| isCopatternLHS cls)
132mkPragma :: String -> TCM CompilerPragma
133mkPragma s = CompilerPragma <$> getCurrentRange <*> pure s
135-- | Add a compiler pragma `{-\# COMPILE <backend> <name> <text> \#-}`
136addPragma :: BackendName -> QName -> String -> TCM ()
137addPragma b q s = ifM erased
138  {- then -} (warning $ PragmaCompileErased b q)
139  {- else -} $ do
140    pragma <- mkPragma s
141    modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $ addCompilerPragma b pragma
143  where
145  erased :: TCM Bool
146  erased = do
147    def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo q
148    case def of
149      -- If we have a defined symbol, we check whether it is erasable
150      Function{} ->
151        locallyTC      eActiveBackendName (const $ Just b) $
152        locallyTCState stBackends         (const $ builtinBackends) $
153        isErasable q
154     -- Otherwise (Axiom, Datatype, Record type, etc.) we keep it
155      _ -> pure False
157getUniqueCompilerPragma :: BackendName -> QName -> TCM (Maybe CompilerPragma)
158getUniqueCompilerPragma backend q = do
159  ps <- defCompilerPragmas backend <$> getConstInfo q
160  case ps of
161    []  -> return Nothing
162    [p] -> return $ Just p
163    (_:p1:_) ->
164      setCurrentRange p1 $
165            genericDocError =<< do
166                  hang (text ("Conflicting " ++ backend ++ " pragmas for") <+> pretty q <+> "at") 2 $
167                       vcat [ "-" <+> pretty (getRange p) | p <- ps ]
169setFunctionFlag :: FunctionFlag -> Bool -> QName -> TCM ()
170setFunctionFlag flag val q = modifyGlobalDefinition q $ set (theDefLens . funFlag flag) val
172markStatic :: QName -> TCM ()
173markStatic = setFunctionFlag FunStatic True
175markInline :: Bool -> QName -> TCM ()
176markInline b = setFunctionFlag FunInline b
178markInjective :: QName -> TCM ()
179markInjective q = modifyGlobalDefinition q $ \def -> def { defInjective = True }
181unionSignatures :: [Signature] -> Signature
182unionSignatures ss = foldr unionSignature emptySignature ss
183  where
184    unionSignature (Sig a b c) (Sig a' b' c') =
185      Sig (Map.union a a')
186          (HMap.union b b')              -- definitions are unique (in at most one module)
187          (HMap.unionWith mappend c c')  -- rewrite rules are accumulated
189-- | Add a section to the signature.
191--   The current context will be stored as the cumulative module parameters
192--   for this section.
193addSection :: ModuleName -> TCM ()
194addSection m = do
195  tel <- getContextTelescope
196  let sec = Section tel
197  -- Make sure we do not overwrite an existing section!
198  whenJustM (getSection m) $ \ sec' -> do
199    -- At least not with different content!
200    if (sec == sec') then do
201      -- Andreas, 2015-12-02: test/Succeed/Issue1701II.agda
202      -- reports a "redundantly adding existing section".
203      reportSDoc "tc.section" 10 $ "warning: redundantly adding existing section" <+> pretty m
204      reportSDoc "tc.section" 60 $ "with content" <+> pretty sec
205    else do
206      reportSDoc "impossible" 10 $ "overwriting existing section" <+> pretty m
207      reportSDoc "impossible" 60 $ "of content  " <+> pretty sec'
208      reportSDoc "impossible" 60 $ "with content" <+> pretty sec
209      __IMPOSSIBLE__
210  -- Add the new section.
211  setModuleCheckpoint m
212  modifySignature $ over sigSections $ Map.insert m sec
214-- | Sets the checkpoint for the given module to the current checkpoint.
215setModuleCheckpoint :: ModuleName -> TCM ()
216setModuleCheckpoint m = do
217  chkpt <- viewTC eCurrentCheckpoint
218  stModuleCheckpoints `modifyTCLens` Map.insert m chkpt
220-- | Get a section.
222--   Why Maybe? The reason is that we look up all prefixes of a module to
223--   compute number of parameters, and for hierarchical top-level modules,
224--   A.B.C say, A and A.B do not exist.
225{-# SPECIALIZE getSection :: ModuleName -> TCM (Maybe Section) #-}
226{-# SPECIALIZE getSection :: ModuleName -> ReduceM (Maybe Section) #-}
227getSection :: (Functor m, ReadTCState m) => ModuleName -> m (Maybe Section)
228getSection m = do
229  sig  <- (^. stSignature . sigSections) <$> getTCState
230  isig <- (^. stImports   . sigSections) <$> getTCState
231  return $ Map.lookup m sig `mplus` Map.lookup m isig
233-- | Lookup a section telescope.
235--   If it doesn't exist, like in hierarchical top-level modules,
236--   the section telescope is empty.
237{-# SPECIALIZE lookupSection :: ModuleName -> TCM Telescope #-}
238{-# SPECIALIZE lookupSection :: ModuleName -> ReduceM Telescope #-}
239lookupSection :: (Functor m, ReadTCState m) => ModuleName -> m Telescope
240lookupSection m = maybe EmptyTel (^. secTelescope) <$> getSection m
242-- | Add display forms for a name @f@ copied by a module application. Essentially if @f@ can reduce to
244-- @
245-- λ xs → A.B.C.f vs
246-- @
248-- by unfolding module application copies (`defCopy`), then we add a display form
250-- @
251-- A.B.C.f vs ==> f xs
252-- @
253addDisplayForms :: QName -> TCM ()
254addDisplayForms x = do
255  reportSDoc "tc.display.section" 20 $ "Computing display forms for" <+> pretty x
256  def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo x
257  let v = case def of
258             Constructor{conSrcCon = h} -> Con h{ conName = x } ConOSystem []
259             _                          -> Def x []
261  -- Compute all unfoldings of x by repeatedly calling reduceDefCopy
262  vs <- unfoldings x v
263  reportSDoc "tc.display.section" 20 $ nest 2 $ vcat
264    [ "unfoldings:" <?> vcat [ "-" <+> pretty v | v <- vs ] ]
266  -- Turn unfoldings into display forms
267  npars <- subtract (projectionArgs def) <$> getContextSize
268  let dfs = catMaybes $ map (displayForm npars v) vs
269  reportSDoc "tc.display.section" 20 $ nest 2 $ vcat
270    [ "displayForms:" <?> vcat [ "-" <+> (pretty y <+> "-->" <?> pretty df) | (y, df) <- dfs ] ]
272  -- and add them
273  mapM_ (uncurry addDisplayForm) dfs
274  where
276    -- To get display forms for projections we need to unSpine here.
277    view :: Term -> ([Arg ArgName], Term)
278    view = second unSpine . lamView
280    -- Given an unfolding `top = λ xs → y es` generate a display form
281    -- `y es ==> top xs`. The first `npars` variables in `xs` are module parameters
282    -- and should not be pattern variables, but matched literally.
283    displayForm :: Nat -> Term -> Term -> Maybe (QName, DisplayForm)
284    displayForm npars top v =
285      case view v of
286        (xs, Def y es)   -> (y,)         <$> mkDisplay xs es
287        (xs, Con h i es) -> (conName h,) <$> mkDisplay xs es
288        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
289      where
290        mkDisplay xs es = Just (Display (n - npars) es $ DTerm $ top `apply` args)
291          where
292            n    = length xs
293            args = zipWith (\ x i -> var i <$ x) xs (downFrom n)
295    -- Unfold a single defCopy.
296    unfoldOnce :: Term -> TCM (Reduced () Term)
297    unfoldOnce v = case view v of
298      (xs, Def f es)   -> (fmap . fmap) (unlamView xs) (reduceDefCopyTCM f es)
299      (xs, Con c i es) -> (fmap . fmap) (unlamView xs) (reduceDefCopyTCM (conName c) es)
300      _                -> pure $ NoReduction ()
302    -- Compute all reduceDefCopy unfoldings of `x`. Stop when we hit a non-copy.
303    unfoldings :: QName -> Term -> TCM [Term]
304    unfoldings x v = unfoldOnce v >>= \ case
305      NoReduction{}     -> return []
306      YesReduction _ v' -> do
307        let headSymbol = case snd $ view v' of
308              Def y _   -> Just y
309              Con y _ _ -> Just (conName y)
310              _         -> Nothing
311        case headSymbol of
312          Nothing -> return []
313          Just y | x == y -> do
314            -- This should never happen, but if it does, getting an __IMPOSSIBLE__ is much better
315            -- than looping.
316            reportSDoc "impossible" 10 $ nest 2 $ vcat
317              [ "reduceDefCopy said YesReduction but the head symbol is the same!?"
318              , nest 2 $ "v  =" <+> pretty v
319              , nest 2 $ "v' =" <+> pretty v'
320              ]
321            __IMPOSSIBLE__
322          Just y -> do
323            ifM (defCopy <$> getConstInfo y)
324                ((v' :) <$> unfoldings y v')  -- another copy so keep going
325                (return [v'])                 -- not a copy, we stop
327-- | Module application (followed by module parameter abstraction).
329  :: ModuleName     -- ^ Name of new module defined by the module macro.
330  -> Telescope      -- ^ Parameters of new module.
331  -> ModuleName     -- ^ Name of old module applied to arguments.
332  -> Args           -- ^ Arguments of module application.
333  -> ScopeCopyInfo  -- ^ Imported names and modules
334  -> TCM ()
335applySection new ptel old ts ScopeCopyInfo{ renModules = rm, renNames = rd } = do
336  rd <- closeConstructors rd
337  applySection' new ptel old ts ScopeCopyInfo{ renModules = rm, renNames = rd }
338  where
339    -- If a datatype is being copied, all its constructors need to be copied,
340    -- and if a constructor is copied its datatype needs to be.
341    closeConstructors :: Ren QName -> TCM (Ren QName)
342    closeConstructors rd = do
343        ds <- nubOn id . catMaybes <$> traverse constructorData (Map.keys rd)
344        cs <- nubOn id . concat    <$> traverse dataConstructors (Map.keys rd)
345        new <- Map.unionsWith (<>) <$> traverse rename (ds ++ cs)
346        reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply.complete" 30 $
347          "also copying: " <+> pretty new
348        return $ Map.unionWith (<>) new rd
349      where
350        rename :: QName -> TCM (Ren QName)
351        rename x
352          | x `Map.member` rd = pure mempty
353          | otherwise =
354              Map.singleton x . pure . qnameFromList . singleton <$> freshName_ (prettyShow $ qnameName x)
356        constructorData :: QName -> TCM (Maybe QName)
357        constructorData x = do
358          (theDef <$> getConstInfo x) <&> \case
359            Constructor{ conData = d } -> Just d
360            _                          -> Nothing
362        dataConstructors :: QName -> TCM [QName]
363        dataConstructors x = do
364          (theDef <$> getConstInfo x) <&> \case
365            Datatype{ dataCons = cs } -> cs
366            Record{ recConHead = h }  -> [conName h]
367            _                         -> []
369applySection' :: ModuleName -> Telescope -> ModuleName -> Args -> ScopeCopyInfo -> TCM ()
370applySection' new ptel old ts ScopeCopyInfo{ renNames = rd, renModules = rm } = do
371  do
372    noCopyList <- catMaybes <$> mapM getName' constrainedPrims
373    for_ (Map.keys rd) $ \ q ->
374      when (q `elem` noCopyList) $ typeError (TriedToCopyConstrainedPrim q)
376  reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 10 $ vcat
377    [ "applySection"
378    , "new  =" <+> pretty new
379    , "ptel =" <+> pretty ptel
380    , "old  =" <+> pretty old
381    , "ts   =" <+> pretty ts
382    ]
383  _ <- Map.traverseWithKey (traverse . copyDef ts) rd
384  _ <- Map.traverseWithKey (traverse . copySec ts) rm
385  computePolarity (Map.elems rd >>= List1.toList)
386  where
387    -- Andreas, 2013-10-29
388    -- Here, if the name x is not imported, it persists as
389    -- old, possibly out-of-scope name.
390    -- This old name may used by the case split tactic, leading to
391    -- names that cannot be printed properly.
392    -- I guess it would make sense to mark non-imported names
393    -- as such (out-of-scope) and let splitting fail if it would
394    -- produce out-of-scope constructors.
395    --
396    -- Taking 'List1.head' because 'Module.Data.cons' and 'Module.cons' are
397    -- equivalent valid names and either can be used.
398    copyName x = maybe x List1.head (Map.lookup x rd)
400    argsToUse x = do
401      let m = commonParentModule old x
402      reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ "Common prefix: " <+> pretty m
403      size <$> lookupSection m
405    copyDef :: Args -> QName -> QName -> TCM ()
406    copyDef ts x y = do
407      def <- getConstInfo x
408      np  <- argsToUse (qnameModule x)
409      -- Issue #3083: We need to use the hiding from the telescope of the
410      -- original module. This can be different than the hiding for the common
411      -- parent in the case of record modules.
412      hidings <- map getHiding . telToList <$> lookupSection (qnameModule x)
413      let ts' = zipWith setHiding hidings ts
414      commonTel <- lookupSection (commonParentModule old $ qnameModule x)
415      reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ vcat
416        [ "copyDef" <+> pretty x <+> "->" <+> pretty y
417        , "ts' = " <+> pretty ts' ]
418      copyDef' ts' np def
419      where
420        copyDef' ts np d = do
421          reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 60 $ "making new def for" <+> pretty y <+> "from" <+> pretty x <+> "with" <+> text (show np) <+> "args" <+> text (show $ defAbstract d)
422          reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ vcat
423            [ "args = " <+> text (show ts')
424            , "old type = " <+> pretty (defType d) ]
425          reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $
426            "new type = " <+> pretty t
427          addConstant y =<< nd y
428          makeProjection y
429          -- Issue1238: the copied def should be an 'instance' if the original
430          -- def is one. Skip constructors since the original constructor will
431          -- still work as an instance.
432          unless isCon $ whenJust inst $ \ c -> addNamedInstance y c
433          -- Set display form for the old name if it's not a constructor.
434{- BREAKS fail/Issue478
435          -- Andreas, 2012-10-20 and if we are not an anonymous module
436          -- unless (isAnonymousModuleName new || isCon || size ptel > 0) $ do
438          -- BREAKS fail/Issue1643a
439          -- -- Andreas, 2015-09-09 Issue 1643:
440          -- -- Do not add a display form for a bare module alias.
441          -- when (not isCon && size ptel == 0 && not (null ts)) $ do
442          when (size ptel == 0) $ do
443            addDisplayForms y
444          where
445            ts' = take np ts
446            t   = defType d `piApply` ts'
447            pol = defPolarity d `apply` ts'
448            occ = defArgOccurrences d `apply` ts'
449            gen = defArgGeneralizable d `apply` ts'
450            inst = defInstance d
451            -- the name is set by the addConstant function
452            nd :: QName -> TCM Definition
453            nd y = for def $ \ df -> Defn
454                    { defArgInfo        = defArgInfo d
455                    , defName           = y
456                    , defType           = t
457                    , defPolarity       = pol
458                    , defArgOccurrences = occ
459                    , defArgGeneralizable = gen
460                    , defGeneralizedParams = [] -- This is only needed for type checking data/record defs so no need to copy it.
461                    , defDisplay        = []
462                    , defMutual         = -1   -- TODO: mutual block?
463                    , defCompiledRep    = noCompiledRep
464                    , defInstance       = inst
465                    , defCopy           = True
466                    , defMatchable      = Set.empty
467                    , defNoCompilation  = defNoCompilation d
468                    , defInjective      = False
469                    , defCopatternLHS   = isCopatternLHS [cl]
470                    , defBlocked        = defBlocked d
471                    , theDef            = df }
472            oldDef = theDef d
473            isCon  = case oldDef of { Constructor{} -> True ; _ -> False }
474            mutual = case oldDef of { Function{funMutual = m} -> m              ; _ -> Nothing }
475            extlam = case oldDef of { Function{funExtLam = e} -> e              ; _ -> Nothing }
476            with   = case oldDef of { Function{funWith = w}   -> copyName <$> w ; _ -> Nothing }
477            -- Andreas, 2015-05-11, to fix issue 1413:
478            -- Even if we apply the record argument (must be @var 0@), we stay a projection.
479            -- This is because we may abstract the record argument later again.
480            -- See succeed/ProjectionNotNormalized.agda
481            isVar0 t = case unArg t of Var 0 [] -> True; _ -> False
482            proj   = case oldDef of
483              Function{funProjection = Just p@Projection{projIndex = n}}
484                | size ts' < n || (size ts' == n && maybe True isVar0 (lastMaybe ts'))
485                -> Just $ p { projIndex = n - size ts'
486                            , projLams  = projLams p `apply` ts'
487                            , projProper= copyName <$> projProper p
488                            }
489              _ -> Nothing
490            def =
491              case oldDef of
492                Constructor{ conPars = np, conData = d } -> return $
493                  oldDef { conPars = np - size ts'
494                         , conData = copyName d
495                         }
496                Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataCons = cs } -> return $
497                  oldDef { dataPars   = np - size ts'
498                         , dataClause = Just cl
499                         , dataCons   = map copyName cs
500                         }
501                Record{ recPars = np, recTel = tel } -> return $
502                  oldDef { recPars    = np - size ts'
503                         , recClause  = Just cl
504                         , recTel     = apply tel ts'
505                         }
506                GeneralizableVar -> return GeneralizableVar
507                _ -> do
508                  (mst, _, cc) <- compileClauses Nothing [cl] -- Andreas, 2012-10-07 non need for record pattern translation
509                  let newDef =
510                        set funMacro  (oldDef ^. funMacro) $
511                        set funStatic (oldDef ^. funStatic) $
512                        set funInline True $
513                        emptyFunction
514                        { funClauses        = [cl]
515                        , funCompiled       = Just cc
516                        , funSplitTree      = mst
517                        , funMutual         = mutual
518                        , funProjection     = proj
519                        , funTerminates     = Just True
520                        , funExtLam         = extlam
521                        , funWith           = with
522                        }
523                  reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ ("new def for" <+> pretty x) <?> pretty newDef
524                  return newDef
526            cl = Clause { clauseLHSRange  = getRange $ defClauses d
527                        , clauseFullRange = getRange $ defClauses d
528                        , clauseTel       = EmptyTel
529                        , namedClausePats = []
530                        , clauseBody      = Just $ dropArgs pars $ case oldDef of
531                            Function{funProjection = Just p} -> projDropParsApply p ProjSystem rel ts'
532                            _ -> Def x $ map Apply ts'
533                        , clauseType      = Just $ defaultArg t
534                        , clauseCatchall  = False
535                        , clauseExact       = Just True
536                        , clauseRecursive   = Just False -- definitely not recursive
537                        , clauseUnreachable = Just False -- definitely not unreachable
538                        , clauseEllipsis  = NoEllipsis
539                        }
540              where
541                -- The number of remaining parameters. We need to drop the
542                -- lambdas corresponding to these from the clause body above.
543                pars = max 0 $ maybe 0 (pred . projIndex) proj
544                rel  = getRelevance $ defArgInfo d
546    {- Example
548    module Top Θ where
549      module A Γ where
550        module M Φ where
551      module B Δ where
552        module N Ψ where
553          module O Ψ' where
554        open A public     -- introduces only M --> A.M into the *scope*
555    module C Ξ = Top.B ts
557    new section C
558      tel = Ξ.(Θ.Δ)[ts]
560    calls
561      1. copySec ts Top.A.M C.M
562      2. copySec ts Top.B.N C.N
563      3. copySec ts Top.B.N.O C.N.O
564    with
565      old = Top.B
567    For 1.
568      Common prefix is: Top
569      totalArgs = |Θ|   (section Top)
570      tel       = Θ.Γ.Φ (section Top.A.M)
571      ts'       = take totalArgs ts
572      Θ₂        = drop totalArgs Θ
573      new section C.M
574        tel =  Θ₂.Γ.Φ[ts']
575    -}
576    copySec :: Args -> ModuleName -> ModuleName -> TCM ()
577    copySec ts x y = do
578      totalArgs <- argsToUse x
579      tel       <- lookupSection x
580      let sectionTel =  apply tel $ take totalArgs ts
581      reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ "Copying section" <+> pretty x <+> "to" <+> pretty y
582      reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ "  ts           = " <+> mconcat (List.intersperse "; " (map pretty ts))
583      reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ "  totalArgs    = " <+> text (show totalArgs)
584      reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ "  tel          = " <+> text (unwords (map (fst . unDom) $ telToList tel))  -- only names
585      reportSDoc "tc.mod.apply" 80 $ "  sectionTel   = " <+> text (unwords (map (fst . unDom) $ telToList ptel)) -- only names
586      addContext sectionTel $ addSection y
588-- | Add a display form to a definition (could be in this or imported signature).
589addDisplayForm :: QName -> DisplayForm -> TCM ()
590addDisplayForm x df = do
591  d <- makeOpen df
592  let add = updateDefinition x $ \ def -> def{ defDisplay = d : defDisplay def }
593  ifM (isLocal x)
594    {-then-} (modifySignature add)
595    {-else-} (stImportsDisplayForms `modifyTCLens` HMap.insertWith (++) x [d])
596  whenM (hasLoopingDisplayForm x) $
597    typeError . GenericDocError =<< do "Cannot add recursive display form for" <+> pretty x
599isLocal :: ReadTCState m => QName -> m Bool
600isLocal x = HMap.member x <$> useR (stSignature . sigDefinitions)
602getDisplayForms :: (HasConstInfo m, ReadTCState m) => QName -> m [LocalDisplayForm]
603getDisplayForms q = do
604  ds  <- either (const []) defDisplay <$> getConstInfo' q
605  ds1 <- HMap.lookupDefault [] q <$> useR stImportsDisplayForms
606  ds2 <- HMap.lookupDefault [] q <$> useR stImportedDisplayForms
607  ifM (isLocal q) (return $ ds ++ ds1 ++ ds2)
608                  (return $ ds1 ++ ds ++ ds2)
610-- | Find all names used (recursively) by display forms of a given name.
611chaseDisplayForms :: QName -> TCM (Set QName)
612chaseDisplayForms q = go Set.empty [q]
613  where
614    go :: Set QName        -- Accumulator.
615       -> [QName]          -- Work list.  TODO: make work set to avoid duplicate chasing?
616       -> TCM (Set QName)
617    go used []       = pure used
618    go used (q : qs) = do
619      let rhs (Display _ _ e) = e   -- Only look at names in the right-hand side (#1870)
620      let notYetUsed x = if x `Set.member` used then Set.empty else Set.singleton x
621      ds <- namesIn' notYetUsed . map (rhs . dget)
622            <$> (getDisplayForms q `catchError_` \ _ -> pure [])  -- might be a pattern synonym
623      go (Set.union ds used) (Set.toList ds ++ qs)
625-- | Check if a display form is looping.
626hasLoopingDisplayForm :: QName -> TCM Bool
627hasLoopingDisplayForm q = Set.member q <$> chaseDisplayForms q
629canonicalName :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m QName
630canonicalName x = do
631  def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo x
632  case def of
633    Constructor{conSrcCon = c}                                -> return $ conName c
634    Record{recClause = Just (Clause{ clauseBody = body })}    -> can body
635    Datatype{dataClause = Just (Clause{ clauseBody = body })} -> can body
636    _                                                         -> return x
637  where
638    can body = canonicalName $ extract $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ body
639    extract (Def x _)  = x
640    extract _          = __IMPOSSIBLE__
642sameDef :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> QName -> m (Maybe QName)
643sameDef d1 d2 = do
644  c1 <- canonicalName d1
645  c2 <- canonicalName d2
646  if (c1 == c2) then return $ Just c1 else return Nothing
648-- | Can be called on either a (co)datatype, a record type or a
649--   (co)constructor.
650whatInduction :: MonadTCM tcm => QName -> tcm Induction
651whatInduction c = liftTCM $ do
652  def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo c
653  mz <- getBuiltinName' builtinIZero
654  mo <- getBuiltinName' builtinIOne
655  case def of
656    Datatype{}                    -> return Inductive
657    Record{} | not (recRecursive def) -> return Inductive
658    Record{ recInduction = i    } -> return $ fromMaybe Inductive i
659    Constructor{ conInd = i }     -> return i
660    _ | Just c == mz || Just c == mo
661                                  -> return Inductive
662    _                             -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
664-- | Does the given constructor come from a single-constructor type?
666-- Precondition: The name has to refer to a constructor.
667singleConstructorType :: QName -> TCM Bool
668singleConstructorType q = do
669  d <- theDef <$> getConstInfo q
670  case d of
671    Record {}                   -> return True
672    Constructor { conData = d } -> do
673      di <- theDef <$> getConstInfo d
674      return $ case di of
675        Record {}                  -> True
676        Datatype { dataCons = cs } -> length cs == 1
677        _                          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
678    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
680-- | Signature lookup errors.
681data SigError
682  = SigUnknown String -- ^ The name is not in the signature; default error message.
683  | SigAbstract       -- ^ The name is not available, since it is abstract.
685-- | Standard eliminator for 'SigError'.
686sigError :: (String -> a) -> a -> SigError -> a
687sigError f a = \case
688  SigUnknown s -> f s
689  SigAbstract  -> a
691class ( Functor m
692      , Applicative m
693      , Fail.MonadFail m
694      , HasOptions m
695      , MonadDebug m
696      , MonadTCEnv m
697      ) => HasConstInfo m where
698  -- | Lookup the definition of a name. The result is a closed thing, all free
699  --   variables have been abstracted over.
700  getConstInfo :: QName -> m Definition
701  getConstInfo q = getConstInfo' q >>= \case
702      Right d -> return d
703      Left (SigUnknown err) -> __IMPOSSIBLE_VERBOSE__ err
704      Left SigAbstract      -> __IMPOSSIBLE_VERBOSE__ $
705        "Abstract, thus, not in scope: " ++ prettyShow q
707  -- | Version that reports exceptions:
708  getConstInfo' :: QName -> m (Either SigError Definition)
709  -- getConstInfo' q = Right <$> getConstInfo q -- conflicts with default signature
711  -- | Lookup the rewrite rules with the given head symbol.
712  getRewriteRulesFor :: QName -> m RewriteRules
714  -- Lifting HasConstInfo through monad transformers:
716  default getConstInfo'
717    :: (HasConstInfo n, MonadTrans t, m ~ t n)
718    => QName -> m (Either SigError Definition)
719  getConstInfo' = lift . getConstInfo'
721  default getRewriteRulesFor
722    :: (HasConstInfo n, MonadTrans t, m ~ t n)
723    => QName -> m RewriteRules
724  getRewriteRulesFor = lift . getRewriteRulesFor
726{-# SPECIALIZE getConstInfo :: QName -> TCM Definition #-}
728defaultGetRewriteRulesFor :: (ReadTCState m, MonadTCEnv m) => QName -> m RewriteRules
729defaultGetRewriteRulesFor q = ifNotM (shouldReduceDef q) (return []) $ do
730  st <- getTCState
731  let sig = st^.stSignature
732      imp = st^.stImports
733      look s = HMap.lookup q $ s ^. sigRewriteRules
734  return $ mconcat $ catMaybes [look sig, look imp]
736-- | Get the original name of the projection
737--   (the current one could be from a module application).
738getOriginalProjection :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m QName
739getOriginalProjection q = projOrig . fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> isProjection q
741instance HasConstInfo (TCMT IO) where
742  getRewriteRulesFor = defaultGetRewriteRulesFor
743  getConstInfo' q = do
744    st  <- getTC
745    env <- askTC
746    defaultGetConstInfo st env q
747  getConstInfo q = getConstInfo' q >>= \case
748      Right d -> return d
749      Left (SigUnknown err) -> fail err
750      Left SigAbstract      -> notInScopeError $ qnameToConcrete q
753  :: (HasOptions m, MonadDebug m, MonadTCEnv m)
754  => TCState -> TCEnv -> QName -> m (Either SigError Definition)
755defaultGetConstInfo st env q = do
756    let defs  = st^.(stSignature . sigDefinitions)
757        idefs = st^.(stImports . sigDefinitions)
758    case catMaybes [HMap.lookup q defs, HMap.lookup q idefs] of
759        []  -> return $ Left $ SigUnknown $ "Unbound name: " ++ prettyShow q ++ showQNameId q
760        [d] -> mkAbs env d
761        ds  -> __IMPOSSIBLE_VERBOSE__ $ "Ambiguous name: " ++ prettyShow q
762    where
763      mkAbs env d
764        | treatAbstractly' q' env =
765          case makeAbstract d of
766            Just d      -> return $ Right d
767            Nothing     -> return $ Left SigAbstract
768              -- the above can happen since the scope checker is a bit sloppy with 'abstract'
769        | otherwise = return $ Right d
770        where
771          q' = case theDef d of
772            -- Hack to make abstract constructors work properly. The constructors
773            -- live in a module with the same name as the datatype, but for 'abstract'
774            -- purposes they're considered to be in the same module as the datatype.
775            Constructor{} -> dropLastModule q
776            _             -> q
778          dropLastModule q@QName{ qnameModule = m } =
779            q{ qnameModule = mnameFromList $
780                 initWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ mnameToList m
781             }
783-- HasConstInfo lifts through monad transformers
784-- (see default signatures in HasConstInfo class).
786instance HasConstInfo m => HasConstInfo (ChangeT m)
787instance HasConstInfo m => HasConstInfo (ExceptT err m)
788instance HasConstInfo m => HasConstInfo (IdentityT m)
789instance HasConstInfo m => HasConstInfo (ListT m)
790instance HasConstInfo m => HasConstInfo (MaybeT m)
791instance HasConstInfo m => HasConstInfo (ReaderT r m)
792instance HasConstInfo m => HasConstInfo (StateT s m)
793instance (Monoid w, HasConstInfo m) => HasConstInfo (WriterT w m)
794instance HasConstInfo m => HasConstInfo (BlockT m)
796{-# INLINE getConInfo #-}
797getConInfo :: HasConstInfo m => ConHead -> m Definition
798getConInfo = getConstInfo . conName
800-- | Look up the polarity of a definition.
801getPolarity :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m [Polarity]
802getPolarity q = defPolarity <$> getConstInfo q
804-- | Look up polarity of a definition and compose with polarity
805--   represented by 'Comparison'.
806getPolarity' :: HasConstInfo m => Comparison -> QName -> m [Polarity]
807getPolarity' CmpEq  q = map (composePol Invariant) <$> getPolarity q -- return []
808getPolarity' CmpLeq q = getPolarity q -- composition with Covariant is identity
810-- | Set the polarity of a definition.
811setPolarity :: (MonadTCState m, MonadDebug m) => QName -> [Polarity] -> m ()
812setPolarity q pol = do
813  reportSDoc "tc.polarity.set" 20 $
814    "Setting polarity of" <+> pretty q <+> "to" <+> pretty pol <> "."
815  modifySignature $ updateDefinition q $ updateDefPolarity $ const pol
817-- | Look up the forced arguments of a definition.
818getForcedArgs :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m [IsForced]
819getForcedArgs q = defForced <$> getConstInfo q
821-- | Get argument occurrence info for argument @i@ of definition @d@ (never fails).
822getArgOccurrence :: QName -> Nat -> TCM Occurrence
823getArgOccurrence d i = do
824  def <- getConstInfo d
825  return $! case theDef def of
826    Constructor{} -> StrictPos
827    _             -> fromMaybe Mixed $ defArgOccurrences def !!! i
829-- | Sets the 'defArgOccurrences' for the given identifier (which
830-- should already exist in the signature).
831setArgOccurrences :: MonadTCState m => QName -> [Occurrence] -> m ()
832setArgOccurrences d os = modifyArgOccurrences d $ const os
834modifyArgOccurrences :: MonadTCState m => QName -> ([Occurrence] -> [Occurrence]) -> m ()
835modifyArgOccurrences d f =
836  modifySignature $ updateDefinition d $ updateDefArgOccurrences f
838setTreeless :: QName -> TTerm -> TCM ()
839setTreeless q t =
840  modifyGlobalDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ \case
841    fun@Function{} -> fun{ funTreeless = Just $ Compiled t Nothing }
842    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
844setCompiledArgUse :: QName -> [ArgUsage] -> TCM ()
845setCompiledArgUse q use =
846  modifyGlobalDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ \case
847    fun@Function{} ->
848      fun{ funTreeless = funTreeless fun <&> \ c -> c { cArgUsage = Just use } }
849    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
851getCompiled :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m (Maybe Compiled)
852getCompiled q = do
853  (theDef <$> getConstInfo q) <&> \case
854    Function{ funTreeless = t } -> t
855    _                           -> Nothing
857-- | Returns a list of length 'conArity'.
858--   If no erasure analysis has been performed yet, this will be a list of 'False's.
859getErasedConArgs :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m [Bool]
860getErasedConArgs q = do
861  def <- getConstInfo q
862  case theDef def of
863    Constructor{ conArity, conErased } -> return $
864      fromMaybe (replicate conArity False) conErased
865    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
867setErasedConArgs :: QName -> [Bool] -> TCM ()
868setErasedConArgs q args = modifyGlobalDefinition q $ updateTheDef $ \case
869    def@Constructor{ conArity }
870      | length args == conArity -> def{ conErased = Just args }
871      | otherwise               -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
872    def -> def   -- no-op for non-constructors
874getTreeless :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m (Maybe TTerm)
875getTreeless q = fmap cTreeless <$> getCompiled q
877getCompiledArgUse :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m (Maybe [ArgUsage])
878getCompiledArgUse q = (cArgUsage =<<) <$> getCompiled q
880-- | add data constructors to a datatype
881addDataCons :: QName -> [QName] -> TCM ()
882addDataCons d cs = modifySignature $ updateDefinition d $ updateTheDef $ \ def ->
883  let !cs' = cs ++ dataCons def in
884  case def of
885    Datatype{} -> def {dataCons = cs' }
886    _          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
888-- | Get the mutually recursive identifiers of a symbol from the signature.
889getMutual :: QName -> TCM (Maybe [QName])
890getMutual d = getMutual_ . theDef <$> getConstInfo d
892-- | Get the mutually recursive identifiers from a `Definition`.
893getMutual_ :: Defn -> Maybe [QName]
894getMutual_ = \case
895    Function {  funMutual = m } -> m
896    Datatype { dataMutual = m } -> m
897    Record   {  recMutual = m } -> m
898    _ -> Nothing
900-- | Set the mutually recursive identifiers.
901setMutual :: QName -> [QName] -> TCM ()
902setMutual d m = modifySignature $ updateDefinition d $ updateTheDef $ \ def ->
903  case def of
904    Function{} -> def { funMutual = Just m }
905    Datatype{} -> def {dataMutual = Just m }
906    Record{}   -> def { recMutual = Just m }
907    _          -> if null m then def else __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- nothing to do
909-- | Check whether two definitions are mutually recursive.
910mutuallyRecursive :: QName -> QName -> TCM Bool
911mutuallyRecursive d d1 = (d `elem`) . fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getMutual d1
913-- | A function/data/record definition is nonRecursive if it is not even mutually
914--   recursive with itself.
915definitelyNonRecursive_ :: Defn -> Bool
916definitelyNonRecursive_ = maybe False null . getMutual_
918-- | Get the number of parameters to the current module.
919getCurrentModuleFreeVars :: TCM Nat
920getCurrentModuleFreeVars = size <$> (lookupSection =<< currentModule)
922--   For annoying reasons the qnameModule of a pattern lambda is not correct
923--   (#2883), so make sure to grab the right module for those.
924getDefModule :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m (Either SigError ModuleName)
925getDefModule f = mapRight modName <$> getConstInfo' f
926  where
927    modName def = case theDef def of
928      Function{ funExtLam = Just (ExtLamInfo m _ _) } -> m
929      _                                               -> qnameModule f
931-- | Compute the number of free variables of a defined name. This is the sum of
932--   number of parameters shared with the current module and the number of
933--   anonymous variables (if the name comes from a let-bound module).
934getDefFreeVars :: (Functor m, Applicative m, ReadTCState m, MonadTCEnv m) => QName -> m Nat
935getDefFreeVars = getModuleFreeVars . qnameModule
937freeVarsToApply :: (Functor m, HasConstInfo m, HasOptions m,
938                    ReadTCState m, MonadTCEnv m, MonadDebug m)
939                => QName -> m Args
940freeVarsToApply q = do
941  vs <- moduleParamsToApply $ qnameModule q
942  t <- defType <$> getConstInfo q
943  let TelV tel _ = telView'UpTo (size vs) t
944  unless (size tel == size vs) __IMPOSSIBLE__
945  return $ zipWith (\ arg dom -> unArg arg <$ argFromDom dom) vs $ telToList tel
947{-# SPECIALIZE getModuleFreeVars :: ModuleName -> TCM Nat #-}
948{-# SPECIALIZE getModuleFreeVars :: ModuleName -> ReduceM Nat #-}
949getModuleFreeVars :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m)
950                  => ModuleName -> m Nat
951getModuleFreeVars m = do
952  m0   <- commonParentModule m <$> currentModule
953  (+) <$> getAnonymousVariables m <*> (size <$> lookupSection m0)
955-- | Compute the context variables to apply a definition to.
957--   We have to insert the module telescope of the common prefix
958--   of the current module and the module where the definition comes from.
959--   (Properly raised to the current context.)
961--   Example:
962--   @
963--      module M₁ Γ where
964--        module M₁ Δ where
965--          f = ...
966--        module M₃ Θ where
967--          ... M₁.M₂.f [insert Γ raised by Θ]
968--   @
969moduleParamsToApply :: (Functor m, Applicative m, HasOptions m,
970                        MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m, MonadDebug m)
971                    => ModuleName -> m Args
972moduleParamsToApply m = do
974  traceSDoc "tc.sig.param" 90 ("computing module parameters of " <+> pretty m) $ do
976  -- Jesper, 2020-01-22: If the module parameter substitution for the
977  -- module cannot be found, that likely means we are within a call to
978  -- @inTopContext@. In that case we should provide no arguments for
979  -- the module parameters (see #4383).
980  caseMaybeM (getModuleParameterSub m) (return []) $ \sub -> do
982  traceSDoc "tc.sig.param" 60 (do
983    cxt <- getContext
984    nest 2 $ vcat
985      [ "cxt  = " <+> prettyTCM (PrettyContext cxt)
986      , "sub  = " <+> pretty sub
987      ]) $ do
989  -- Get the correct number of free variables (correctly raised) of @m@.
990  n   <- getModuleFreeVars m
991  traceSDoc "tc.sig.param" 60 (nest 2 $ "n    = " <+> text (show n)) $ do
992  tel <- take n . telToList <$> lookupSection m
993  traceSDoc "tc.sig.param" 60 (nest 2 $ "tel  = " <+> pretty tel) $ do
994  unless (size tel == n) __IMPOSSIBLE__
995  let args = applySubst sub $ zipWith (\ i a -> var i <$ argFromDom a) (downFrom n) tel
996  traceSDoc "tc.sig.param" 60 (nest 2 $ "args = " <+> prettyList_ (map pretty args)) $ do
998  -- Apply the original ArgInfo, as the hiding information in the current
999  -- context might be different from the hiding information expected by @m@.
1001  getSection m >>= \case
1002    Nothing -> do
1003      -- We have no section for @m@.
1004      -- This should only happen for toplevel definitions, and then there
1005      -- are no free vars to apply, or?
1006      -- unless (null args) __IMPOSSIBLE__
1007      -- No, this invariant is violated by private modules, see Issue1701a.
1008      return args
1009    Just (Section stel) -> do
1010      -- The section telescope of @m@ should be as least
1011      -- as long as the number of free vars @m@ is applied to.
1012      -- We still check here as in no case, we want @zipWith@ to silently
1013      -- drop some @args@.
1014      -- And there are also anonymous modules, thus, the invariant is not trivial.
1015      when (size stel < size args) __IMPOSSIBLE__
1016      return $ zipWith (\ !dom (Arg _ v) -> v <$ argFromDom dom) (telToList stel) args
1018-- | Unless all variables in the context are module parameters, create a fresh
1019--   module to capture the non-module parameters. Used when unquoting to make
1020--   sure generated definitions work properly.
1021inFreshModuleIfFreeParams :: TCM a -> TCM a
1022inFreshModuleIfFreeParams k = do
1023  msub <- getModuleParameterSub =<< currentModule
1024  if isNothing msub || msub == Just IdS then k else do
1025    m  <- currentModule
1026    m' <- qualifyM m . mnameFromList1 . singleton <$>
1027            freshName_ ("_" :: String)
1028    addSection m'
1029    withCurrentModule m' k
1031-- | Instantiate a closed definition with the correct part of the current
1032--   context.
1033{-# SPECIALIZE instantiateDef :: Definition -> TCM Definition #-}
1035  :: ( Functor m, HasConstInfo m, HasOptions m
1036     , ReadTCState m, MonadTCEnv m, MonadDebug m )
1037  => Definition -> m Definition
1038instantiateDef d = do
1039  vs  <- freeVarsToApply $ defName d
1040  verboseS "tc.sig.inst" 30 $ do
1041    ctx <- getContext
1042    m   <- currentModule
1043    reportSDoc "tc.sig.inst" 30 $
1044      "instDef in" <+> pretty m <> ":" <+> pretty (defName d) <+>
1045      fsep (map pretty $ zipWith (<$) (reverse $ map (fst . unDom) ctx) vs)
1046  return $ d `apply` vs
1048instantiateRewriteRule :: (Functor m, HasConstInfo m, HasOptions m,
1049                           ReadTCState m, MonadTCEnv m, MonadDebug m)
1050                       => RewriteRule -> m RewriteRule
1051instantiateRewriteRule rew = do
1052  traceSDoc "rewriting" 95 ("instantiating rewrite rule" <+> pretty (rewName rew) <+> "to the local context.") $ do
1053  vs  <- freeVarsToApply $ rewName rew
1054  let rew' = rew `apply` vs
1055  traceSLn "rewriting" 95 ("instantiated rewrite rule: ") $ do
1056  traceSLn "rewriting" 95 (show rew') $ do
1057  return rew'
1059instantiateRewriteRules :: (Functor m, HasConstInfo m, HasOptions m,
1060                            ReadTCState m, MonadTCEnv m, MonadDebug m)
1061                        => RewriteRules -> m RewriteRules
1062instantiateRewriteRules = mapM instantiateRewriteRule
1064-- | Give the abstract view of a definition.
1065makeAbstract :: Definition -> Maybe Definition
1066makeAbstract d =
1067  case defAbstract d of
1068    ConcreteDef -> return d
1069    AbstractDef -> do
1070      def <- makeAbs $ theDef d
1071      return d { defArgOccurrences = [] -- no positivity info for abstract things!
1072               , defPolarity       = [] -- no polarity info for abstract things!
1073               , theDef = def
1074               }
1075  where
1076    makeAbs d@Axiom{}            = Just d
1077    makeAbs d@DataOrRecSig{}     = Just d
1078    makeAbs d@GeneralizableVar{} = Just d
1079    makeAbs d@Datatype {} = Just $ AbstractDefn d
1080    makeAbs d@Function {} = Just $ AbstractDefn d
1081    makeAbs Constructor{} = Nothing
1082    -- Andreas, 2012-11-18:  Make record constructor and projections abstract.
1083    -- Andreas, 2017-08-14:  Projections are actually not abstract (issue #2682).
1084    -- Return the Defn under a wrapper to allow e.g. eligibleForProjectionLike
1085    -- to see whether the abstract thing is a record type or not.
1086    makeAbs d@Record{}    = Just $ AbstractDefn d
1087    makeAbs Primitive{}   = __IMPOSSIBLE__
1088    makeAbs PrimitiveSort{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__
1089    makeAbs AbstractDefn{}= __IMPOSSIBLE__
1091-- | Enter abstract mode. Abstract definition in the current module are transparent.
1092{-# SPECIALIZE inAbstractMode :: TCM a -> TCM a #-}
1093inAbstractMode :: MonadTCEnv m => m a -> m a
1094inAbstractMode = localTC $ \e -> e { envAbstractMode = AbstractMode }
1096-- | Not in abstract mode. All abstract definitions are opaque.
1097{-# SPECIALIZE inConcreteMode :: TCM a -> TCM a #-}
1098inConcreteMode :: MonadTCEnv m => m a -> m a
1099inConcreteMode = localTC $ \e -> e { envAbstractMode = ConcreteMode }
1101-- | Ignore abstract mode. All abstract definitions are transparent.
1102ignoreAbstractMode :: MonadTCEnv m => m a -> m a
1103ignoreAbstractMode = localTC $ \e -> e { envAbstractMode = IgnoreAbstractMode }
1105-- | Enter concrete or abstract mode depending on whether the given identifier
1106--   is concrete or abstract.
1107{-# SPECIALIZE inConcreteOrAbstractMode :: QName -> (Definition -> TCM a) -> TCM a #-}
1108inConcreteOrAbstractMode :: (MonadTCEnv m, HasConstInfo m) => QName -> (Definition -> m a) -> m a
1109inConcreteOrAbstractMode q cont = do
1110  -- Andreas, 2015-07-01: If we do not ignoreAbstractMode here,
1111  -- we will get ConcreteDef for abstract things, as they are turned into axioms.
1112  def <- ignoreAbstractMode $ getConstInfo q
1113  case defAbstract def of
1114    AbstractDef -> inAbstractMode $ cont def
1115    ConcreteDef -> inConcreteMode $ cont def
1117-- | Check whether a name might have to be treated abstractly (either if we're
1118--   'inAbstractMode' or it's not a local name). Returns true for things not
1119--   declared abstract as well, but for those 'makeAbstract' will have no effect.
1120treatAbstractly :: MonadTCEnv m => QName -> m Bool
1121treatAbstractly q = asksTC $ treatAbstractly' q
1123-- | Andreas, 2015-07-01:
1124--   If the @current@ module is a weak suffix of the identifier module,
1125--   we can see through its abstract definition if we are abstract.
1126--   (Then @treatAbstractly'@ returns @False@).
1128--   If I am not mistaken, then we cannot see definitions in the @where@
1129--   block of an abstract function from the perspective of the function,
1130--   because then the current module is a strict prefix of the module
1131--   of the local identifier.
1132--   This problem is fixed by removing trailing anonymous module name parts
1133--   (underscores) from both names.
1134treatAbstractly' :: QName -> TCEnv -> Bool
1135treatAbstractly' q env = case envAbstractMode env of
1136  ConcreteMode       -> True
1137  IgnoreAbstractMode -> False
1138  AbstractMode       -> not $ current `isLeChildModuleOf` m
1139  where
1140    current = dropAnon $ envCurrentModule env
1141    m       = dropAnon $ qnameModule q
1142    dropAnon (MName ms) = MName $ List.dropWhileEnd isNoName ms
1144-- | Get type of a constant, instantiated to the current context.
1145{-# SPECIALIZE typeOfConst :: QName -> TCM Type #-}
1146typeOfConst :: (HasConstInfo m, ReadTCState m) => QName -> m Type
1147typeOfConst q = defType <$> (instantiateDef =<< getConstInfo q)
1149-- | Get relevance of a constant.
1150{-# SPECIALIZE relOfConst :: QName -> TCM Relevance #-}
1151relOfConst :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m Relevance
1152relOfConst q = getRelevance <$> getConstInfo q
1154-- | Get modality of a constant.
1155{-# SPECIALIZE modalityOfConst :: QName -> TCM Modality #-}
1156modalityOfConst :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m Modality
1157modalityOfConst q = getModality <$> getConstInfo q
1159-- | The number of dropped parameters for a definition.
1160--   0 except for projection(-like) functions and constructors.
1161droppedPars :: Definition -> Int
1162droppedPars d = case theDef d of
1163    Axiom{}                  -> 0
1164    DataOrRecSig{}           -> 0
1165    GeneralizableVar{}       -> 0
1166    def@Function{}           -> projectionArgs def
1167    Datatype  {dataPars = _} -> 0  -- not dropped
1168    Record     {recPars = _} -> 0  -- not dropped
1169    Constructor{conPars = n} -> n
1170    Primitive{}              -> 0
1171    PrimitiveSort{}          -> 0
1172    AbstractDefn{}           -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1174-- | Is it the name of a record projection?
1175{-# SPECIALIZE isProjection :: QName -> TCM (Maybe Projection) #-}
1176isProjection :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m (Maybe Projection)
1177isProjection qn = isProjection_ . theDef <$> getConstInfo qn
1179isProjection_ :: Defn -> Maybe Projection
1180isProjection_ def =
1181  case def of
1182    Function { funProjection = result } -> result
1183    _                                   -> Nothing
1185-- | Is it a function marked STATIC?
1186isStaticFun :: Defn -> Bool
1187isStaticFun = (^. funStatic)
1189-- | Is it a function marked INLINE?
1190isInlineFun :: Defn -> Bool
1191isInlineFun = (^. funInline)
1193-- | Returns @True@ if we are dealing with a proper projection,
1194--   i.e., not a projection-like function nor a record field value
1195--   (projection applied to argument).
1196isProperProjection :: Defn -> Bool
1197isProperProjection d = caseMaybe (isProjection_ d) False $ \ isP ->
1198  (projIndex isP > 0) && isJust (projProper isP)
1200-- | Number of dropped initial arguments of a projection(-like) function.
1201projectionArgs :: Defn -> Int
1202projectionArgs = maybe 0 (max 0 . pred . projIndex) . isProjection_
1204-- | Check whether a definition uses copatterns.
1205usesCopatterns :: (HasConstInfo m) => QName -> m Bool
1206usesCopatterns q = defCopatternLHS <$> getConstInfo q
1208-- | Apply a function @f@ to its first argument, producing the proper
1209--   postfix projection if @f@ is a projection.
1210applyDef :: (HasConstInfo m)
1211         => ProjOrigin -> QName -> Arg Term -> m Term
1212applyDef o f a = do
1213  let fallback = return $ Def f [Apply a]
1214  caseMaybeM (isProjection f) fallback $ \ isP -> do
1215    if projIndex isP <= 0 then fallback else do
1216      -- Get the original projection, if existing.
1217      if isNothing (projProper isP) then fallback else do
1218        return $ unArg a `applyE` [Proj o $ projOrig isP]