2-- | Code which replaces pattern matching on record constructors with
3-- uses of projection functions.
5module Agda.TypeChecking.RecordPatterns
6  ( translateRecordPatterns
7  , translateCompiledClauses
8  , translateSplitTree
9  , recordPatternToProjections
10  ) where
12import Control.Arrow (first, second)
13import Control.Monad.Fix
14import Control.Monad.Reader
15import Control.Monad.State
17import qualified Data.List as List
18import Data.Maybe
19import qualified Data.Map as Map
21import Agda.Syntax.Common
22import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
23import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern as I
25import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause
26import Agda.TypeChecking.Coverage.SplitTree
27import Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes
28import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
29import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty hiding (pretty)
30import Agda.TypeChecking.Records
31import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
32import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
33import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
35import Agda.Interaction.Options
37import Agda.Utils.Either
38import Agda.Utils.Functor
39import Agda.Utils.Permutation hiding (dropFrom)
40import Agda.Utils.Pretty (Pretty(..))
41import qualified Agda.Utils.Pretty as P
42import Agda.Utils.Size
43import Agda.Utils.Update (MonadChange, tellDirty)
45import Agda.Utils.Impossible
48-- * Record pattern translation for let bindings
51-- | Take a record pattern @p@ and yield a list of projections
52--   corresponding to the pattern variables, from left to right.
54--   E.g. for @(x , (y , z))@ we return @[ fst, fst . snd, snd . snd ]@.
56--   If it is not a record pattern, error 'ShouldBeRecordPattern' is raised.
57recordPatternToProjections :: DeBruijnPattern -> TCM [Term -> Term]
58recordPatternToProjections p =
59  case p of
60    VarP{}       -> return [ id ]
61    LitP{}       -> typeError $ ShouldBeRecordPattern p
62    DotP{}       -> typeError $ ShouldBeRecordPattern p
63    ConP c ci ps -> do
64      unless (conPRecord ci) $
65        typeError $ ShouldBeRecordPattern p
66      let t = unArg $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ conPType ci
67      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 45 $ vcat
68        [ "recordPatternToProjections: "
69        , nest 2 $ "constructor pattern " <+> prettyTCM p <+> " has type " <+> prettyTCM t
70        ]
71      reportSLn "tc.rec" 70 $ "  type raw: " ++ show t
72      fields <- getRecordTypeFields t
73      concat <$> zipWithM comb (map proj fields) (map namedArg ps)
74    ProjP{}      -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- copattern cannot appear here
75    IApplyP{}    -> typeError $ ShouldBeRecordPattern p
76    DefP{}       -> typeError $ ShouldBeRecordPattern p
77  where
78    proj p = (`applyE` [Proj ProjSystem $ unDom p])
79    comb :: (Term -> Term) -> DeBruijnPattern -> TCM [Term -> Term]
80    comb prj p = map (\ f -> f . prj) <$> recordPatternToProjections p
84-- * Record pattern translation for compiled clauses
87-- | Take a matrix of booleans (at least one row!) and summarize the columns
88--   using conjunction.
89conjColumns :: [[Bool]] -> [Bool]
90conjColumns =  foldl1 (zipWith (&&))
92-- UNUSED Liang-Ting 2019-07-16
93---- | @insertColumn i a m@ inserts a column before the @i@th column in
94----   matrix @m@ and fills it with value @a@.
95--insertColumn :: Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
96--insertColumn i a rows = map ins rows where
97--  ins row = let (init, last) = splitAt i row in init ++ a : last
100-- | @cutColumn i m@ removes the @i@th column from matrix @m@.
101cutColumn :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
102cutColumn i rows = map cut rows where
103  cut row = let (init, _:last) = splitAt i row in init ++ last
105-- | @cutColumns i n xss = (yss, xss')@ cuts out a submatrix @yss@
106--   of width @n@ from @xss@, starting at column @i@.
107cutColumns :: Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> ([[a]], [[a]])
108cutColumns i n rows = unzip (map (cutSublist i n) rows)
111-- UNUSED Liang-Ting 2019-07-16
112---- | @cutSublist i n xs = (xs', ys, xs'')@ cuts out a sublist @ys@
113----   of width @n@ from @xs@, starting at column @i@.
114--cutSublist :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a], [a])
115--cutSublist i n row =
116--  let (init, rest) = splitAt i row
117--      (mid , last) = splitAt n rest
118--  in  (init, mid, last)
120getEtaAndArity :: SplitTag -> TCM (Bool, Nat)
121getEtaAndArity (SplitCon c) =
122  for (getConstructorInfo c) $ \case
123    DataCon n        -> (False, n)
124    RecordCon _ eta fs -> (eta == YesEta, size fs)
125getEtaAndArity (SplitLit l) = return (False, 0)
126getEtaAndArity SplitCatchall = return (False, 1)
129  :: forall m. (HasConstInfo m, MonadChange m)
130  => CompiledClauses -> m CompiledClauses
131translateCompiledClauses cc = ignoreAbstractMode $ do
132  reportSDoc "tc.cc.record" 20 $ vcat
133    [ "translate record patterns in compiled clauses"
134    , nest 2 $ return $ pretty cc
135    ]
136  cc <- loop cc
137  reportSDoc "tc.cc.record" 20 $ vcat
138    [ "translated compiled clauses (no eta record patterns):"
139    , nest 2 $ return $ pretty cc
140    ]
141  cc <- recordExpressionsToCopatterns cc
142  reportSDoc "tc.cc.record" 20 $ vcat
143    [ "translated compiled clauses (record expressions to copatterns):"
144    , nest 2 $ return $ pretty cc
145    ]
146  return cc
147  where
149    loop :: CompiledClauses -> m (CompiledClauses)
150    loop cc = case cc of
151      Fail{}    -> return cc
152      Done{}    -> return cc
153      Case i cs -> loops i cs
155    loops :: Arg Int               -- split variable
156          -> Case CompiledClauses  -- original split tree
157          -> m CompiledClauses
158    loops i cs@Branches{ projPatterns   = comatch
159                       , conBranches    = conMap
160                       , etaBranch      = eta
161                       , litBranches    = litMap
162                       , fallThrough    = fT
163                       , catchAllBranch = catchAll
164                       , lazyMatch      = lazy } = do
166      catchAll <- traverse loop catchAll
167      litMap   <- traverse loop litMap
168      (conMap, eta) <- do
169        let noEtaCase = (, Nothing) <$> (traverse . traverse) loop conMap
170            yesEtaCase b ch = (Map.empty,) . Just . (ch,) <$> traverse loop b
171        case Map.toList conMap of
172              -- This is already an eta match. Still need to recurse though.
173              -- This can happen (#2981) when we
174              -- 'revisitRecordPatternTranslation' in Rules.Decl, due to
175              -- inferred eta.
176          _ | Just (ch, b) <- eta -> yesEtaCase b ch
177          [(c, b)] | not comatch -> -- possible eta-match
178            getConstructorInfo c >>= \ case
179              RecordCon pm YesEta fs -> yesEtaCase b $
180                ConHead c (IsRecord pm) Inductive (map argFromDom fs)
181              _ -> noEtaCase
182          _ -> noEtaCase
183      return $ Case i cs{ conBranches    = conMap
184                        , etaBranch      = eta
185                        , litBranches    = litMap
186                        , fallThrough    = fT
187                        , catchAllBranch = catchAll
188                        }
190{- UNUSED
191instance Monoid CompiledClauses where
192  mempty = __IMPOSSIBLE__
193  mappend (Case n c) (Case n' c') | n == n' = Case n $ mappend c c'
194  mappend _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
196mergeCatchAll :: CompiledClauses -> Maybe CompiledClauses -> CompiledClauses
197mergeCatchAll cc ca = maybe cc (mappend cc) ca
199  case (cc, ca) of
200    (_       , Nothing) -> cc
201    (Case n c, Just (Case n' c')) | n == n' -> Case n $ mappend c c'
202    _                   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- this would mean non-determinism
206-- | Transform definitions returning record expressions to use copatterns
207--   instead. This prevents terms from blowing up when reduced.
209  :: (HasConstInfo m, MonadChange m)
210  => CompiledClauses
211  -> m CompiledClauses
212recordExpressionsToCopatterns = \case
213    Case i bs -> Case i <$> traverse recordExpressionsToCopatterns bs
214    cc@Fail{} -> return cc
215    cc@(Done xs (Con c ConORec es)) -> do  -- don't translate if using the record /constructor/
216      let vs = map unArg $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
217      Constructor{ conArity = ar } <- theDef <$> getConstInfo (conName c)
218      irrProj <- optIrrelevantProjections <$> pragmaOptions
219      getConstructorInfo (conName c) >>= \ case
220        RecordCon CopatternMatching YesEta fs
221          | ar <- length fs, ar > 0,                   -- only for eta-records with at least one field
222            length vs == ar,                           -- where the constructor application is saturated
223            irrProj || not (any isIrrelevant fs) -> do -- and irrelevant projections (if any) are allowed
224              tellDirty
225              Case (defaultArg $ length xs) <$> do
226                -- translate new cases recursively (there might be nested record expressions)
227                traverse recordExpressionsToCopatterns $ Branches
228                  { projPatterns   = True
229                  , conBranches    = Map.fromList $
230                      zipWith (\ f v -> (unDom f, WithArity 0 $ Done xs v)) fs vs
231                  , etaBranch      = Nothing
232                  , litBranches    = Map.empty
233                  , catchAllBranch = Nothing
234                  , fallThrough    = Nothing
235                  , lazyMatch      = False
236                  }
237        _ -> return cc
238    cc@Done{} -> return cc
240-- UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
241---- | @replaceByProjections i projs cc@ replaces variables @i..i+n-1@
242----   (counted from left) by projections @projs_1 i .. projs_n i@.
244----   If @n==0@, we matched on a zero-field record, which means that
245----   we are actually introduce a new variable, increasing split
246----   positions greater or equal to @i@ by one.
247----   Otherwise, we have to lower
249--replaceByProjections :: Arg Int -> [QName] -> CompiledClauses -> CompiledClauses
250--replaceByProjections (Arg ai i) projs cc =
251--  let n = length projs
253--      loop :: Int -> CompiledClauses -> CompiledClauses
254--      loop i cc = case cc of
255--        Case j cs
257--        -- if j < i, we leave j untouched, but we increase i by the number
258--        -- of variables replacing j in the branches
259--          | unArg j < i -> Case j $ loops i cs
261--        -- if j >= i then we shrink j by (n-1)
262--          | otherwise   -> Case (j <&> \ k -> k - (n-1)) $ fmap (loop i) cs
264--        Done xs v ->
265--        -- we have to delete (n-1) variables from xs
266--        -- and instantiate v suitably with the projections
267--          let (xs0,xs1,xs2)     = cutSublist i n xs
268--              names | null xs1  = ["r"]
269--                    | otherwise = map unArg xs1
270--              x                 = Arg ai $ foldr1 appendArgNames names
271--              xs'               = xs0 ++ x : xs2
272--              us                = map (\ p -> Var 0 [Proj ProjSystem p]) (reverse projs)
273--              -- go from level (i + n - 1) to index (subtract from |xs|-1)
274--              index             = length xs - (i + n)
275--          in  Done xs' $ applySubst (liftS (length xs2) $ us ++# raiseS 1) v
276--          -- The body is NOT guarded by lambdas!
277--          -- WRONG: underLambdas i (flip apply) (map defaultArg us) v
279--        Fail -> Fail
281--      loops :: Int -> Case CompiledClauses -> Case CompiledClauses
282--      loops i bs@Branches{ conBranches    = conMap
283--                         , litBranches    = litMap
284--                         , catchAllBranch = catchAll } =
285--        bs{ conBranches    = fmap (\ (WithArity n c) -> WithArity n $ loop (i + n - 1) c) conMap
286--          , litBranches    = fmap (loop (i - 1)) litMap
287--          , catchAllBranch = fmap (loop i) catchAll
288--          }
289--  in  loop i cc
291-- UNUSED Liang-Ting 2019-07-16
292---- | Check if a split is on a record constructor, and return the projections
293----   if yes.
294--isRecordCase :: Case c -> TCM (Maybe ([QName], c))
295--isRecordCase (Branches { conBranches = conMap
296--                       , litBranches = litMap
297--                       , catchAllBranch = Nothing })
298--  | Map.null litMap
299--  , [(con, WithArity _ br)] <- Map.toList conMap = do
300--    isRC <- isRecordConstructor con
301--    case isRC of
302--      Just (r, Record { recFields = fs }) -> return $ Just (map unArg fs, br)
303--      Just (r, _) -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
304--      Nothing -> return Nothing
305--isRecordCase _ = return Nothing
308-- * Record pattern translation for split trees
310--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
311---- | Split tree annotation.
312--data RecordSplitNode = RecordSplitNode
313--  { _splitTag           :: SplitTag -- ^ Constructor name/literal for this branch.
314--  , _splitArity         :: Int      -- ^ Arity of the constructor.
315--  , _splitRecordPattern :: Bool     -- ^ Should we translate this split away?
316--  }
318-- | Split tree annotated for record pattern translation.
319--type RecordSplitTree  = SplitTree' RecordSplitNode
320--type RecordSplitTrees = SplitTrees' RecordSplitNode
322--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
323---- | Bottom-up procedure to annotate split tree.
324--recordSplitTree :: SplitTree -> TCM RecordSplitTree
325--recordSplitTree = snd <.> loop
326--  where
328--    loop :: SplitTree -> TCM ([Bool], RecordSplitTree)
329--    loop = \case
330--      SplittingDone n -> return (replicate n True, SplittingDone n)
331--      SplitAt i ts    -> do
332--        (xs, ts) <- loops (unArg i) ts
333--        return (xs, SplitAt i ts)
335--    loops :: Int -> SplitTrees -> TCM ([Bool], RecordSplitTrees)
336--    loops i ts = do
337--      (xss, ts) <- unzip <$> do
338--        forM ts $ \ (c, t) -> do
339--          (xs, t) <- loop t
340--          (isRC, n) <- getEtaAndArity c
341--          let (xs0, rest) = splitAt i xs
342--              (xs1, xs2)  = splitAt n rest
343--              x           = isRC && and xs1
344--              xs'         = xs0 ++ x : xs2
345--          return (xs, (RecordSplitNode c n x, t))
346--      return (foldl1 (zipWith (&&)) xss, ts)
348-- | Bottom-up procedure to record-pattern-translate split tree.
349translateSplitTree :: SplitTree -> TCM SplitTree
350translateSplitTree = snd <.> loop
351  where
353    -- @loop t = return (xs, t')@ returns the translated split tree @t'@
354    -- plus the status @xs@ of the clause variables
355    --   True  = variable will never be split on in @t'@ (virgin variable)
356    --   False = variable will be spilt on in @t'@
357    loop :: SplitTree -> TCM ([Bool], SplitTree)
358    loop = \case
359      SplittingDone n ->
360        -- start with n virgin variables
361        return (replicate n True, SplittingDone n)
362      SplitAt i lz ts    -> do
363        (x, xs, ts) <- loops (unArg i) ts
364        -- if we case on record constructor, drop case
365        let t' = if x then
366                   case ts of
367                     [(c,t)] -> t
368                     _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
369                  -- else retain case
370                  else SplitAt i lz ts
371        return (xs, t')
373    -- @loops i ts = return (x, xs, ts')@ cf. @loop@
374    -- @x@ says wether at arg @i@ we have a record pattern split
375    -- that can be removed
376    loops :: Int -> SplitTrees -> TCM (Bool, [Bool], SplitTrees)
377    loops i ts = do
378      -- note: ts not empty
379      (rs, xss, ts) <- unzip3 <$> do
380        forM ts $ \ (c, t) -> do
381          (xs, t) <- loop t
382          (isRC, n) <- getEtaAndArity c
383          -- now drop variables from i to i+n-1
384          let (xs0, rest) = splitAt i xs
385              (xs1, xs2)  = splitAt n rest
386              -- if all dropped variables are virgins and we are record cons.
387              -- then new variable x is also virgin
388              -- and we can translate away the split
389              x           = isRC && and xs1
390              -- xs' = updated variables
391              xs'         = xs0 ++ x : xs2
392              -- delete splits from t if record match
393              t'          = if x then dropFrom i (n - 1) t else t
394          return (x, xs', (c, t'))
395      -- x = did we split on a record constructor?
396      let x = and rs
397      -- invariant: if record constructor, then exactly one constructor
398      if x then unless (rs == [True]) __IMPOSSIBLE__
399      -- else no record constructor
400       else when (or rs) __IMPOSSIBLE__
401      return (x, conjColumns xss, ts)
403-- | @dropFrom i n@ drops arguments @j@  with @j < i + n@ and @j >= i@.
404--   NOTE: @n@ can be negative, in which case arguments are inserted.
405class DropFrom a where
406  dropFrom :: Int -> Int -> a -> a
408instance DropFrom (SplitTree' c) where
409  dropFrom i n = \case
410    SplittingDone m -> SplittingDone (m - n)
411    SplitAt x@(Arg ai j) lz ts
412      | j >= i + n -> SplitAt (Arg ai $ j - n) lz $ dropFrom i n ts
413      | j < i      -> SplitAt x lz $ dropFrom i n ts
414      | otherwise  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
416instance DropFrom (c, SplitTree' c) where
417  dropFrom i n (c, t) = (c, dropFrom i n t)
419instance DropFrom a => DropFrom [a] where
420  dropFrom i n ts = map (dropFrom i n) ts
423-- | Check if a split is on a record constructor, and return the projections
424--   if yes.
425isRecordSplit :: SplitTrees -> TCM (Maybe ([QName], c))
426isRecordSplit (Branches { conBranches = conMap
427                       , litBranches = litMap
428                       , catchAllBranch = Nothing })
429  | Map.null litBranches
430  , [(con,br)] <- Map.toList conMap = do
431    isRC <- isRecordConstructor con
432    case isRC of
433      Just (r, Record { recFields = fs }) -> return $ Just (map unArg fs, br)
434      Just (r, _) -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
435      Nothing -> return Nothing
436isRecordSplit _ = return Nothing
442-- * Record pattern translation for function definitions
445-- | Replaces pattern matching on record constructors with uses of
446-- projection functions. Does not remove record constructor patterns
447-- which have sub-patterns containing non-record constructor or
448-- literal patterns.
450translateRecordPatterns :: Clause -> TCM Clause
451translateRecordPatterns clause = do
452  -- ps: New patterns, in left-to-right order, in the context of the
453  -- old RHS.
455  -- s: Partial substitution taking the old pattern variables
456  -- (including dot patterns; listed from left to right) to terms in
457  -- the context of the new RHS.
459  -- cs: List of changes, with types in the context of the old
460  -- telescope.
462  (ps, s, cs) <- runRecPatM $ translatePatterns $ unnumberPatVars $ namedClausePats clause
464  let -- Number of variables + dot patterns in new clause.
465      noNewPatternVars = size cs
467      s'   = reverse s
468      mkSub s = s ++# raiseS noNewPatternVars
470      -- Substitution used to convert terms in the old RHS's
471      -- context to terms in the new RHS's context.
472      rhsSubst = mkSub s' -- NB:: Defined but not used
474      -- Substitution used to convert terms in the old telescope's
475      -- context to terms in the new RHS's context.
476      perm = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ clausePerm clause
477      rhsSubst' = mkSub $ permute (reverseP perm) s'
478      -- TODO: Is it OK to replace the definition above with the
479      -- following one?
480      --
481      --   rhsSubst' = mkSub $ permute (clausePerm clause) s
483      -- The old telescope, flattened and in textual left-to-right
484      -- order (i.e. the type signature for the variable which occurs
485      -- first in the list of patterns comes first).
486      flattenedOldTel =
487        permute (invertP __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ compactP perm) $
488        zip (teleNames $ clauseTel clause) $
489        flattenTel $
490        clauseTel clause
492      -- The new telescope, still flattened, with types in the context
493      -- of the new RHS, in textual left-to-right order, and with
494      -- Nothing in place of dot patterns.
495      substTel = map . fmap . second . applySubst
496      newTel' =
497        substTel rhsSubst' $
498        translateTel cs $
499        flattenedOldTel
501      -- Permutation taking the new variable and dot patterns to the
502      -- new telescope.
503      newPerm = adjustForDotPatterns $
504                  reorderTel_ $ map (maybe __DUMMY_DOM__ snd) newTel'
505        -- It is important that __DUMMY_DOM__ does not mention any variable
506        -- (see the definition of reorderTel).
507        where
508        isDotP n = case List.genericIndex cs n of
509                     Left DotP{} -> True
510                     _           -> False
512        adjustForDotPatterns (Perm n is) =
513          Perm n (filter (not . isDotP) is)
515      -- Substitution used to convert terms in the new RHS's context
516      -- to terms in the new telescope's context.
517      lhsSubst' = renaming impossible (reverseP newPerm)
519      -- Substitution used to convert terms in the old telescope's
520      -- context to terms in the new telescope's context.
521      lhsSubst = applySubst lhsSubst' rhsSubst'
523      -- The new telescope.
524      newTel =
525        uncurry unflattenTel . unzip $
526        map (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__) $
527        permute newPerm $
528        substTel lhsSubst' $
529        newTel'
531      -- New clause.
532      c = clause
533            { clauseTel       = newTel
534            , namedClausePats = numberPatVars __IMPOSSIBLE__ newPerm $ applySubst lhsSubst ps
535            , clauseBody      = applySubst lhsSubst $ clauseBody clause
536            }
538  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.recpat" 20 $ vcat
539      [ "Original clause:"
540      , nest 2 $ inTopContext $ vcat
541        [ "delta =" <+> prettyTCM (clauseTel clause)
542        , "pats  =" <+> text (show $ clausePats clause)
543        ]
544      , "Intermediate results:"
545      , nest 2 $ vcat
546        [ "ps        =" <+> text (show ps)
547        , "s         =" <+> prettyTCM s
548        , "cs        =" <+> prettyTCM cs
549        , "flattenedOldTel =" <+> (text . show) flattenedOldTel
550        , "newTel'   =" <+> (text . show) newTel'
551        , "newPerm   =" <+> prettyTCM newPerm
552        ]
553      ]
555  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.recpat" 20 $ vcat
556        [ "lhsSubst' =" <+> (text . show) lhsSubst'
557        , "lhsSubst  =" <+> (text . show) lhsSubst
558        , "newTel  =" <+> prettyTCM newTel
559        ]
561  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.recpat" 10 $
562    escapeContext impossible (size $ clauseTel clause) $ vcat
563      [ "Translated clause:"
564      , nest 2 $ vcat
565        [ "delta =" <+> prettyTCM (clauseTel c)
566        , "ps    =" <+> text (show $ clausePats c)
567        , "body  =" <+> text (show $ clauseBody c)
568        , "body  =" <+> addContext (clauseTel c) (maybe "_|_" prettyTCM (clauseBody c))
569        ]
570      ]
572  return c
575-- Record pattern monad
577-- | A monad used to translate record patterns.
579-- The state records the number of variables produced so far, the
580-- reader records the total number of variables produced by the entire
581-- computation. Functions using this monad need to be sufficiently
582-- lazy in the reader component.
584newtype RecPatM a = RecPatM (TCMT (ReaderT Nat (StateT Nat IO)) a)
585  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad,
586            MonadIO, MonadTCM, HasOptions,
587            MonadTCEnv, MonadTCState)
589-- | Runs a computation in the 'RecPatM' monad.
591runRecPatM :: RecPatM a -> TCM a
592runRecPatM (RecPatM m) =
593  mapTCMT (\m -> do
594             (x, noVars) <- mfix $ \ ~(_, noVars) ->
595                              runStateT (runReaderT m noVars) 0
596             return x)
597          m
599-- | Returns the next pattern variable, and the corresponding term.
601nextVar :: RecPatM (Pattern, Term)
602nextVar = RecPatM $ do
603  n <- lift get
604  lift $ put $ succ n
605  noVars <- lift ask
606  return (varP "r", var $ noVars - n - 1)
609-- Types used to record changes to a clause
611-- | @VarPat@ stands for variable patterns, and @DotPat@ for dot
612-- patterns.
614data Kind = VarPat | DotPat
615  deriving Eq
617-- | @'Left' p@ means that a variable (corresponding to the pattern
618-- @p@, a variable or dot pattern) should be kept unchanged. @'Right'
619-- (n, x, t)@ means that @n 'VarPat'@ variables, and @n 'DotPat'@ dot
620-- patterns, should be removed, and a new variable, with the name @x@,
621-- inserted instead. The type of the new variable is @t@.
623type Change  = Either Pattern (Kind -> Nat, ArgName, Dom Type)
624type Changes = [Change]
626instance Pretty (Kind -> Nat) where
627  pretty f =
628    ("(VarPat:" P.<+> P.text (show $ f VarPat) P.<+>
629    "DotPat:"  P.<+> P.text (show $ f DotPat)) <> ")"
631instance PrettyTCM (Kind -> Nat) where
632  prettyTCM = return . pretty
634instance PrettyTCM Change where
635  prettyTCM (Left  p) = prettyTCM p
636  prettyTCM (Right (f, x, t)) = "Change" <+> prettyTCM f <+> text x <+> prettyTCM t
638-- | Record pattern trees.
640data RecordTree
641  = Leaf Pattern
642    -- ^ Corresponds to variable and dot patterns; contains the
643    -- original pattern.
644  | RecCon (Arg Type) [(Term -> Term, RecordTree)]
645    -- ^ @RecCon t args@ stands for a record constructor application:
646    -- @t@ is the type of the application, and the list contains a
647    -- projection function and a tree for every argument.
650-- Record pattern trees
652-- | @projections t@ returns a projection for every non-dot leaf
653-- pattern in @t@. The term is the composition of the projection
654-- functions from the leaf to the root.
656-- Every term is tagged with its origin: a variable pattern or a dot
657-- pattern.
659projections :: RecordTree -> [(Term -> Term, Kind)]
660projections (Leaf (DotP{})) = [(id, DotPat)]
661projections (Leaf (VarP{})) = [(id, VarPat)]
662projections (Leaf _)        = __IMPOSSIBLE__
663projections (RecCon _ args) =
664  concatMap (\ (p, t) -> map (first (. p)) $ projections t)
665            args
667-- | Converts a record tree to a single pattern along with information
668-- about the deleted pattern variables.
670removeTree :: RecordTree -> RecPatM (Pattern, [Term], Changes)
671removeTree tree = do
672  (pat, x) <- nextVar
673  let ps = projections tree
674      s  = map (\(p, _) -> p x) ps
676      count k = length $ filter ((== k) . snd) ps
678  return $ case tree of
679    Leaf p     -> (p,   s, [Left p])
680    RecCon t _ -> (pat, s, [Right (count, "r", domFromArg t)])
683-- Translation of patterns
685-- | Removes record constructors from patterns.
687-- Returns the following things:
689-- * The new pattern.
691-- * A substitution which maps the /old/ pattern variables (in the
692--   order they occurred in the pattern; not including dot patterns)
693--   to terms (either the new name of the variable, or a projection
694--   applied to a new pattern variable).
696-- * A list explaining the changes to the variables bound in the
697--   pattern.
699-- Record patterns containing non-record constructor patterns are not
700-- translated (though their sub-patterns may be).
702-- Example: The pattern @rec1 (con1 a) (rec2 b c) (rec3 d)@ should
703-- yield the pattern @rec1 (con1 x) y z@, along with a substitution
704-- similar to @[x, proj2-1 y, proj2-2 y, proj3-1 z]@.
706-- This function assumes that literals are never of record type.
708translatePattern :: Pattern -> RecPatM (Pattern, [Term], Changes)
709translatePattern p@(ConP c ci ps)
710  -- Andreas, 2015-05-28 only translate implicit record patterns
711  | conPRecord ci , PatOSystem <- patOrigin (conPInfo ci) = do
712      r <- recordTree p
713      case r of
714        Left  r -> r
715        Right t -> removeTree t
716  | otherwise = do
717      (ps, s, cs) <- translatePatterns ps
718      return (ConP c ci ps, s, cs)
719translatePattern p@(DefP o q ps) = do
720      (ps, s, cs) <- translatePatterns ps
721      return (DefP o q ps, s, cs)
722translatePattern p@VarP{} = removeTree (Leaf p)
723translatePattern p@DotP{} = removeTree (Leaf p)
724translatePattern p@LitP{} = return (p, [], [])
725translatePattern p@ProjP{}= return (p, [], [])
726translatePattern p@IApplyP{}= return (p, [], [])
728translatePatterns :: [NamedArg Pattern] -> RecPatM ([NamedArg Pattern], [Term], Changes)
729translatePatterns ps = do
730  (ps', ss, cs) <- unzip3 <$> mapM (translatePattern . namedArg) ps
731  return (zipWith (\p -> fmap (p <$)) ps' ps, concat ss, concat cs)
733-- | Traverses a pattern and returns one of two things:
735-- * If there is no non-record constructor in the pattern, then
736--   @'Right' ps@ is returned, where @ps@ contains one projection for
737--   every variable in the input pattern (in the order they are
738--   encountered).
740-- * Otherwise the output is a computation returning the same kind of
741--   result as that coming from 'translatePattern'. (Computations are
742--   returned rather than values to ensure that variable numbers are
743--   allocated in the right order.)
745-- Assumes that literals are never of record type.
747recordTree ::
748  Pattern ->
749  RecPatM (Either (RecPatM (Pattern, [Term], Changes)) RecordTree)
750-- Andreas, 2015-05-28 only translate implicit record patterns
751recordTree p@(ConP c ci ps) | conPRecord ci , PatOSystem <- patOrigin (conPInfo ci) = do
752  let t = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ conPType ci
753  rs <- mapM (recordTree . namedArg) ps
754  case allRight rs of
755    Nothing ->
756      return $ Left $ do
757        (ps', ss, cs) <- unzip3 <$> mapM (either id removeTree) rs
758        return (ConP c ci (ps' `withNamedArgsFrom` ps),
759                concat ss, concat cs)
760    Just ts -> liftTCM $ do
761      t <- reduce t
762      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 45 $ vcat
763        [ "recordTree: "
764        , nest 2 $ "constructor pattern " <+> prettyTCM p <+> " has type " <+> prettyTCM t
765        ]
766      -- Andreas, 2018-03-03, see #2989:
767      -- The content of an @Arg@ might not be reduced (if @Arg@ is @Irrelevant@).
768      fields <- getRecordTypeFields =<< reduce (unArg t)
769--      let proj p = \x -> Def (unArg p) [defaultArg x]
770      let proj p = (`applyE` [Proj ProjSystem $ unDom p])
771      return $ Right $ RecCon t $ zip (map proj fields) ts
772recordTree p@(ConP _ ci _) = return $ Left $ translatePattern p
773recordTree p@DefP{} = return $ Left $ translatePattern p
774recordTree p@VarP{} = return (Right (Leaf p))
775recordTree p@DotP{} = return (Right (Leaf p))
776recordTree p@LitP{} = return $ Left $ translatePattern p
777recordTree p@ProjP{}= return $ Left $ translatePattern p
778recordTree p@IApplyP{}= return $ Left $ translatePattern p
781-- Translation of the clause telescope and body
783-- | Translates the telescope.
786  :: Changes
787     -- ^ Explanation of how the telescope should be changed. Types
788     -- should be in the context of the old telescope.
789  -> [(ArgName, Dom Type)]
790     -- ^ Old telescope, flattened, in textual left-to-right
791     -- order.
792  -> [Maybe (ArgName, Dom Type)]
793     -- ^ New telescope, flattened, in textual left-to-right order.
794     -- 'Nothing' is used to indicate the locations of dot patterns.
795translateTel (Left (DotP{}) : rest)   tel = Nothing : translateTel rest tel
796translateTel (Right (n, x, t) : rest) tel = Just (x, t) :
797                                              translateTel rest
798                                                (drop (n VarPat) tel)
799translateTel (Left _ : rest) (t : tel)    = Just t : translateTel rest tel
800translateTel []              []           = []
801translateTel (Left _ : _)    []           = __IMPOSSIBLE__
802translateTel []              (_ : _)      = __IMPOSSIBLE__