1{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
5This module implements the Agda Abstract Machine used for compile-time reduction. It's a
6call-by-need environment machine with an implicit heap maintained using 'STRef's. See the 'AM' type
7below for a description of the machine.
9Some other tricks that improves performance:
11- Memoise getConstInfo.
13  A big chunk of the time during reduction is spent looking up definitions in the signature. Any
14  long-running reduction will use only a handful definitions though, so memoising getConstInfo is a
15  big win.
17- Optimised case trees.
19  Since we memoise getConstInfo we can do some preprocessing of the definitions, returning a
20  'CompactDef' instead of a 'Definition'. In particular we streamline the case trees used for
21  matching in a few ways:
23    - Drop constructor arity information.
24    - Use NameId instead of QName as map keys.
25    - Special branch for natural number successor.
27  None of these changes would make sense to incorporate into the actual case trees. The first two
28  loses information that we need in other places and the third would complicate a lot of code
29  working with case trees.
31  'CompactDef' also has a special representation for built-in/primitive
32  functions that can be implemented as pure functions from 'Literal's.
35module Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce.Fast
36  ( fastReduce, fastNormalise ) where
38import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
39import Control.Monad.ST
40import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe (unsafeSTToIO, unsafeInterleaveST)
42import Data.Map (Map)
43import qualified Data.Map as Map
44import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
45import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
46import qualified Data.List as List
47import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
48import Data.Text (Text)
49import qualified Data.Text as T
51import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
52import Data.IORef
53import Data.STRef
54import Data.Char
56import Agda.Syntax.Internal
57import Agda.Syntax.Common
58import Agda.Syntax.Position
59import Agda.Syntax.Literal
61import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause
62import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad hiding (Closure(..))
63import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce as R
64import Agda.TypeChecking.Rewriting (rewrite)
65import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
67import Agda.Interaction.Options
69import Agda.Utils.CallStack ( withCurrentCallStack )
70import Agda.Utils.Char
71import Agda.Utils.Float
72import Agda.Utils.Lens
73import Agda.Utils.List
74import Agda.Utils.Maybe
75import Agda.Utils.Null (empty)
76import Agda.Utils.Functor
77import Agda.Utils.Pretty
78import Agda.Utils.Size
79import Agda.Utils.Zipper
80import qualified Agda.Utils.SmallSet as SmallSet
82import Agda.Utils.Impossible
84import Debug.Trace
86-- * Compact definitions
88-- This is what the memoised getConstInfo returns. We essentially pick out only the
89-- information needed for fast reduction from the definition.
91data CompactDef =
92  CompactDef { cdefDelayed        :: Bool
93             , cdefNonterminating :: Bool
94             , cdefUnconfirmed    :: Bool
95             , cdefDef            :: CompactDefn
96             , cdefRewriteRules   :: RewriteRules
97             }
99data CompactDefn
100  = CFun  { cfunCompiled  :: FastCompiledClauses, cfunProjection :: Maybe QName }
101  | CCon  { cconSrcCon :: ConHead, cconArity :: Int }
102  | CForce   -- ^ primForce
103  | CErase   -- ^ primErase
104  | CTyCon   -- ^ Datatype or record type. Need to know this for primForce.
105  | CAxiom   -- ^ Axiom or abstract defn
106  | CPrimOp Int ([Literal] -> Term) (Maybe FastCompiledClauses)
107            -- ^ Literals in reverse argument order
108  | COther  -- ^ In this case we fall back to slow reduction
110data BuiltinEnv = BuiltinEnv
111  { bZero, bSuc, bTrue, bFalse, bRefl :: Maybe ConHead
112  , bPrimForce, bPrimErase  :: Maybe QName }
114-- | Compute a 'CompactDef' from a regular definition.
115compactDef :: BuiltinEnv -> Definition -> RewriteRules -> ReduceM CompactDef
116compactDef bEnv def rewr = do
118  -- WARNING: don't use isPropM here because it relies on reduction,
119  -- which causes an infinite loop.
120  let isPrp = case getSort (defType def) of
121        Prop{} -> True
122        _      -> False
123  let irr = isPrp || isIrrelevant (defArgInfo def)
125  dontReduce <- not <$> shouldReduceDef (defName def)
127  cdefn <-
128    case theDef def of
129      _ | irr || dontReduce -> pure CAxiom
130      _ | Just (defName def) == bPrimForce bEnv   -> pure CForce
131      _ | Just (defName def) == bPrimErase bEnv ->
132          case telView' (defType def) of
133            TelV tel _ | size tel == 5 -> pure CErase
134                       | otherwise     -> pure COther
135                          -- Non-standard equality. Fall back to slow reduce.
136      _ | defBlocked def /= notBlocked_ -> pure COther -- Blocked definition
137      Constructor{conSrcCon = c, conArity = n} -> pure CCon{cconSrcCon = c, cconArity = n}
138      Function{funCompiled = Just cc, funClauses = _:_, funProjection = proj} ->
139        pure CFun{ cfunCompiled   = fastCompiledClauses bEnv cc
140                 , cfunProjection = projOrig <$> proj }
141      Function{funClauses = []}      -> pure CAxiom
142      Function{}                     -> pure COther -- Incomplete definition
143      Datatype{dataClause = Nothing} -> pure CTyCon
144      Record{recClause = Nothing}    -> pure CTyCon
145      Datatype{}                     -> pure COther -- TODO
146      Record{}                       -> pure COther -- TODO
147      Axiom{}                        -> pure CAxiom
148      DataOrRecSig{}                 -> pure CAxiom
149      AbstractDefn{}                 -> pure CAxiom
150      GeneralizableVar{}             -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
151      PrimitiveSort{}                -> pure COther -- TODO
152      Primitive{ primName = name, primCompiled = cc } ->
153        case name of
154          -- "primShowInteger"            -- integers are not literals
156          -- Natural numbers
157          "primNatPlus"                -> mkPrim 2 $ natOp (+)
158          "primNatMinus"               -> mkPrim 2 $ natOp (\ x y -> max 0 (x - y))
159          "primNatTimes"               -> mkPrim 2 $ natOp (*)
160          "primNatDivSucAux"           -> mkPrim 4 $ natOp4 divAux
161          "primNatModSucAux"           -> mkPrim 4 $ natOp4 modAux
162          "primNatLess"                -> mkPrim 2 $ natRel (<)
163          "primNatEquality"            -> mkPrim 2 $ natRel (==)
165          -- Word64
166          "primWord64ToNat"            -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitWord64 a] -> nat (fromIntegral a)
167          "primWord64FromNat"          -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitNat a]    -> word (fromIntegral a)
169          -- Levels
170          -- "primLevelZero"              -- levels are not literals
171          -- "primLevelSuc"               -- levels are not literals
172          -- "primLevelMax"               -- levels are not literals
174          -- Floats
175          "primFloatInequality"        -> mkPrim 2 $ floatRel (<=)
176          "primFloatEquality"          -> mkPrim 2 $ floatRel (==)
177          "primFloatLess"              -> mkPrim 2 $ floatRel (<)
178          "primFloatIsInfinite"        -> mkPrim 1 $ floatPred isInfinite
179          "primFloatIsNaN"             -> mkPrim 1 $ floatPred isNaN
180          "primFloatIsDenormalized"    -> mkPrim 1 $ floatPred isDenormalized
181          "primFloatIsNegativeZero"    -> mkPrim 1 $ floatPred isNegativeZero
182          "primFloatIsSafeInteger"     -> mkPrim 1 $ floatPred isSafeInteger
183          "primFloatToWord64"          -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitFloat a] -> word (doubleToWord64 a)
184          -- "primFloatToWord64Injective" -- identities are not literals
185          "primNatToFloat"             -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitNat a] -> float (fromIntegral a)
186          -- "primIntToFloat"             -- integers are not literals
187          -- "primFloatRound"             -- integers and maybe are not literals
188          -- "primFloatFloor"             -- integers and maybe are not literals
189          -- "primFloatCeiling"           -- integers and maybe are not literals
190          -- "primFloatToRatio"           -- integers and sigma are not literals
191          -- "primRatioToFloat"           -- integers are not literals
192          -- "primFloatDecode"            -- integers and sigma are not literals
193          -- "primFloatEncode"            -- integers are not literals
194          "primFloatPlus"              -> mkPrim 2 $ floatOp (+)
195          "primFloatMinus"             -> mkPrim 2 $ floatOp (-)
196          "primFloatTimes"             -> mkPrim 2 $ floatOp (*)
197          "primFloatNegate"            -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun negate
198          "primFloatDiv"               -> mkPrim 2 $ floatOp (/)
199          "primFloatSqrt"              -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun sqrt
200          "primFloatExp"               -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun exp
201          "primFloatLog"               -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun log
202          "primFloatSin"               -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun sin
203          "primFloatCos"               -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun cos
204          "primFloatTan"               -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun tan
205          "primFloatASin"              -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun asin
206          "primFloatACos"              -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun acos
207          "primFloatATan"              -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun atan
208          "primFloatATan2"             -> mkPrim 2 $ floatOp atan2
209          "primFloatSinh"              -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun sinh
210          "primFloatCosh"              -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun cosh
211          "primFloatTanh"              -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun tanh
212          "primFloatASinh"             -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun asinh
213          "primFloatACosh"             -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun acosh
214          "primFloatATanh"             -> mkPrim 1 $ floatFun atanh
215          "primFloatPow"               -> mkPrim 2 $ floatOp (**)
216          "primShowFloat"              -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitFloat a] -> string (show a)
218          -- Characters
219          "primCharEquality"           -> mkPrim 2 $ charRel (==)
220          "primIsLower"                -> mkPrim 1 $ charPred isLower
221          "primIsDigit"                -> mkPrim 1 $ charPred isDigit
222          "primIsAlpha"                -> mkPrim 1 $ charPred isAlpha
223          "primIsSpace"                -> mkPrim 1 $ charPred isSpace
224          "primIsAscii"                -> mkPrim 1 $ charPred isAscii
225          "primIsLatin1"               -> mkPrim 1 $ charPred isLatin1
226          "primIsPrint"                -> mkPrim 1 $ charPred isPrint
227          "primIsHexDigit"             -> mkPrim 1 $ charPred isHexDigit
228          "primToUpper"                -> mkPrim 1 $ charFun toUpper
229          "primToLower"                -> mkPrim 1 $ charFun toLower
230          "primCharToNat"              -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitChar a] -> nat (fromIntegral (fromEnum a))
231          "primNatToChar"              -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitNat a] -> char (integerToChar a)
232          "primShowChar"               -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [a] -> string (prettyShow a)
234          -- Strings
235          -- "primStringToList"           -- lists are not literals (TODO)
236          -- "primStringFromList"         -- lists are not literals (TODO)
237          "primStringAppend"           -> mkPrim 2 $ \ [LitString a, LitString b] -> text (b <> a)
238          "primStringEquality"         -> mkPrim 2 $ \ [LitString a, LitString b] -> bool (b == a)
239          "primShowString"             -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [a] -> string (prettyShow a)
241          -- "primErase"
242          -- "primForce"
243          -- "primForceLemma"
244          "primQNameEquality"          -> mkPrim 2 $ \ [LitQName a, LitQName b] -> bool (b == a)
245          "primQNameLess"              -> mkPrim 2 $ \ [LitQName a, LitQName b] -> bool (b < a)
246          "primShowQName"              -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitQName a] -> string (prettyShow a)
247          -- "primQNameFixity"            -- fixities are not literals (TODO)
248          "primMetaEquality"           -> mkPrim 2 $ \ [LitMeta _ a, LitMeta _ b] -> bool (b == a)
249          "primMetaLess"               -> mkPrim 2 $ \ [LitMeta _ a, LitMeta _ b] -> bool (b < a)
250          "primShowMeta"               -> mkPrim 1 $ \ [LitMeta _ a] -> string (prettyShow a)
252          _                            -> pure COther
253        where
254          fcc = fastCompiledClauses bEnv <$> cc
255          mkPrim n op = pure $ CPrimOp n op fcc
257          divAux k m n j = k + div (max 0 $ n + m - j) (m + 1)
258          modAux k m n j | n > j     = mod (n - j - 1) (m + 1)
259                         | otherwise = k + n
261          ~(Just true)  = bTrue  bEnv <&> \ c -> Con c ConOSystem []
262          ~(Just false) = bFalse bEnv <&> \ c -> Con c ConOSystem []
264          bool   a = if a then true else false
265          nat    a = Lit . LitNat    $! a
266          word   a = Lit . LitWord64 $! a
267          float  a = Lit . LitFloat  $! a
268          text   a = Lit . LitString $! a
269          string a = text (T.pack a)
270          char   a = Lit . LitChar   $! a
272          -- Remember reverse order!
273          natOp f [LitNat a, LitNat b] = nat (f b a)
274          natOp _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
276          natOp4 f [LitNat a, LitNat b, LitNat c, LitNat d] = nat (f d c b a)
277          natOp4 _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
279          natRel f [LitNat a, LitNat b] = bool (f b a)
280          natRel _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
282          floatFun f [LitFloat a] = float (f a)
283          floatFun _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
285          floatOp f [LitFloat a, LitFloat b] = float (f b a)
286          floatOp _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
288          floatPred f [LitFloat a] = bool (f a)
289          floatPred _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
291          floatRel f [LitFloat a, LitFloat b] = bool (f b a)
292          floatRel _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
294          charFun f [LitChar a] = char (f a)
295          charFun _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
297          charPred f [LitChar a] = bool (f a)
298          charPred _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
300          charRel f [LitChar a, LitChar b] = bool (f b a)
301          charRel _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
303  return $
304    CompactDef { cdefDelayed        = defDelayed def == Delayed
305               , cdefNonterminating = defNonterminating def
306               , cdefUnconfirmed    = defTerminationUnconfirmed def
307               , cdefDef            = cdefn
308               , cdefRewriteRules   = rewr
309               }
311-- Faster case trees ------------------------------------------------------
313data FastCase c = FBranches
314  { fprojPatterns   :: Bool
315    -- ^ We are constructing a record here (copatterns).
316    --   'conBranches' lists projections.
317  , fconBranches    :: Map NameId c
318    -- ^ Map from constructor (or projection) names to their arity
319    --   and the case subtree.  (Projections have arity 0.)
320  , fsucBranch      :: Maybe c
321  , flitBranches    :: Map Literal c
322    -- ^ Map from literal to case subtree.
323  , fcatchAllBranch :: Maybe c
324    -- ^ (Possibly additional) catch-all clause.
325  , ffallThrough    :: Bool
326    -- ^ (if True) In case of non-canonical argument use catchAllBranch.
327  }
329--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
330--noBranches :: FastCase a
331--noBranches = FBranches{ fprojPatterns   = False
332--                      , fconBranches    = Map.empty
333--                      , fsucBranch      = Nothing
334--                      , flitBranches    = Map.empty
335--                      , fcatchAllBranch = Nothing
336--                      , ffallThrough    = False }
338-- | Case tree with bodies.
340data FastCompiledClauses
341  = FCase Int (FastCase FastCompiledClauses)
342    -- ^ @Case n bs@ stands for a match on the @n@-th argument
343    -- (counting from zero) with @bs@ as the case branches.
344    -- If the @n@-th argument is a projection, we have only 'conBranches'
345    -- with arity 0.
346  | FEta Int [Arg QName] FastCompiledClauses (Maybe FastCompiledClauses)
347    -- ^ Match on record constructor. Can still have a catch-all though. Just
348    --   contains the fields, not the actual constructor.
349  | FDone [Arg ArgName] Term
350    -- ^ @Done xs b@ stands for the body @b@ where the @xs@ contains hiding
351    --   and name suggestions for the free variables. This is needed to build
352    --   lambdas on the right hand side for partial applications which can
353    --   still reduce.
354  | FFail
355    -- ^ Absurd case.
357fastCompiledClauses :: BuiltinEnv -> CompiledClauses -> FastCompiledClauses
358fastCompiledClauses bEnv cc =
359  case cc of
360    Fail{}            -> FFail
361    Done xs b         -> FDone xs b
362    Case (Arg _ n) Branches{ etaBranch = Just (c, cc), catchAllBranch = ca } ->
363      FEta n (conFields c) (fastCompiledClauses bEnv $ content cc) (fastCompiledClauses bEnv <$> ca)
364    Case (Arg _ n) bs -> FCase n (fastCase bEnv bs)
366fastCase :: BuiltinEnv -> Case CompiledClauses -> FastCase FastCompiledClauses
367fastCase env (Branches proj con _ lit wild fT _) =
368  FBranches
369    { fprojPatterns   = proj
370    , fconBranches    = Map.mapKeysMonotonic (nameId . qnameName) $ fmap (fastCompiledClauses env . content) (stripSuc con)
371    , fsucBranch      = fmap (fastCompiledClauses env . content) $ flip Map.lookup con . conName =<< bSuc env
372    , flitBranches    = fmap (fastCompiledClauses env) lit
373    , ffallThrough    = (Just True ==) fT
374    , fcatchAllBranch = fmap (fastCompiledClauses env) wild }
375  where
376    stripSuc | Just c <- bSuc env = Map.delete (conName c)
377             | otherwise          = id
380{-# INLINE lookupCon #-}
381lookupCon :: QName -> FastCase c -> Maybe c
382lookupCon c (FBranches _ cons _ _ _ _) = Map.lookup (nameId $ qnameName c) cons
384-- QName memo -------------------------------------------------------------
386{-# NOINLINE memoQName #-}
387memoQName :: (QName -> a) -> (QName -> a)
388memoQName f = unsafePerformIO $ do
389  tbl <- newIORef Map.empty
390  return (unsafePerformIO . f' tbl)
391  where
392    f' tbl x = do
393      let i = nameId (qnameName x)
394      m <- readIORef tbl
395      case Map.lookup i m of
396        Just y  -> return y
397        Nothing -> do
398          let y = f x
399          writeIORef tbl (Map.insert i y m)
400          return y
402-- * Fast reduction
404data Normalisation = WHNF | NF
405  deriving (Eq)
407data ReductionFlags = ReductionFlags
408  { allowNonTerminating :: Bool
409  , allowUnconfirmed    :: Bool
410  , hasRewriting        :: Bool }
412-- | The entry point to the reduction machine.
413fastReduce :: Term -> ReduceM (Blocked Term)
414fastReduce = fastReduce' WHNF
416fastNormalise :: Term -> ReduceM Term
417fastNormalise v = ignoreBlocking <$> fastReduce' NF v
419fastReduce' :: Normalisation -> Term -> ReduceM (Blocked Term)
420fastReduce' norm v = do
421  let name (Con c _ _) = c
422      name _         = __IMPOSSIBLE__
423  zero  <- fmap name <$> getBuiltin' builtinZero
424  suc   <- fmap name <$> getBuiltin' builtinSuc
425  true  <- fmap name <$> getBuiltin' builtinTrue
426  false <- fmap name <$> getBuiltin' builtinFalse
427  refl  <- fmap name <$> getBuiltin' builtinRefl
428  force <- fmap primFunName <$> getPrimitive' "primForce"
429  erase <- fmap primFunName <$> getPrimitive' "primErase"
430  let bEnv = BuiltinEnv { bZero = zero, bSuc = suc, bTrue = true, bFalse = false, bRefl = refl,
431                          bPrimForce = force, bPrimErase = erase }
432  allowedReductions <- asksTC envAllowedReductions
433  rwr <- optRewriting <$> pragmaOptions
434  constInfo <- unKleisli $ \f -> do
435    info <- getConstInfo f
436    rewr <- if rwr then instantiateRewriteRules =<< getRewriteRulesFor f
437                   else return []
438    compactDef bEnv info rewr
439  let flags = ReductionFlags{ allowNonTerminating = NonTerminatingReductions `SmallSet.member` allowedReductions
440                            , allowUnconfirmed    = UnconfirmedReductions `SmallSet.member` allowedReductions
441                            , hasRewriting        = rwr }
442  ReduceM $ \ redEnv -> reduceTm redEnv bEnv (memoQName constInfo) norm flags v
444unKleisli :: (a -> ReduceM b) -> ReduceM (a -> b)
445unKleisli f = ReduceM $ \ env x -> unReduceM (f x) env
447-- * Closures
449-- | The abstract machine represents terms as closures containing a 'Term', an environment, and a
450--   spine of eliminations. Note that the environment doesn't necessarily bind all variables in the
451--   term. The variables in the context in which the abstract machine is started are free in
452--   closures. The 'IsValue' argument tracks whether the closure is in weak-head normal form.
453data Closure s = Closure IsValue Term (Env s) (Spine s)
454                 -- ^ The environment applies to the 'Term' argument. The spine contains closures
455                 --   with their own environments.
457-- | Used to track if a closure is @Unevaluated@ or a @Value@ (in weak-head normal form), and if so
458--   why it cannot reduce further.
459data IsValue = Value Blocked_ | Unevaled
461-- | The spine is a list of eliminations. Application eliminations contain pointers.
462type Spine s = [Elim' (Pointer s)]
464isValue :: Closure s -> IsValue
465isValue (Closure isV _ _ _) = isV
467setIsValue :: IsValue -> Closure s -> Closure s
468setIsValue isV (Closure _ t env spine) = Closure isV t env spine
470-- | Apply a closure to a spine of eliminations. Note that this does not preserve the 'IsValue'
471--   field.
472clApply :: Closure s -> Spine s -> Closure s
473clApply c [] = c
474clApply (Closure _ t env es) es' = Closure Unevaled t env (es <> es')
476-- | Apply a closure to a spine, preserving the 'IsValue' field. Use with care, since usually
477--   eliminations do not preserve the value status.
478clApply_ :: Closure s -> Spine s -> Closure s
479clApply_ c [] = c
480clApply_ (Closure b t env es) es' = Closure b t env (es <> es')
482-- * Pointers and thunks
484-- | Spines and environments contain pointers to closures to enable call-by-need evaluation.
485data Pointer s = Pure (Closure s)
486                 -- ^ Not a pointer. Used for closures that do not need to be shared to avoid
487                 --   unnecessary updates.
488               | Pointer {-# UNPACK #-} !(STPointer s)
489                 -- ^ An actual pointer is an 'STRef' to a 'Thunk'. The thunk is set to 'BlackHole'
490                 --   during the evaluation of its contents to make debugging loops easier.
492type STPointer s = STRef s (Thunk (Closure s))
494-- | A thunk is either a black hole or contains a value.
495data Thunk a = BlackHole | Thunk a
496  deriving (Functor)
498derefPointer :: Pointer s -> ST s (Thunk (Closure s))
499derefPointer (Pure x)      = return (Thunk x)
500derefPointer (Pointer ptr) = readSTRef ptr
502-- | In most cases pointers that we dereference do not contain black holes.
503derefPointer_ :: Pointer s -> ST s (Closure s)
504derefPointer_ ptr = do
505  Thunk cl <- derefPointer ptr
506  return cl
508-- | Only use for debug printing!
509unsafeDerefPointer :: Pointer s -> Thunk (Closure s)
510unsafeDerefPointer (Pure x)    = Thunk x
511unsafeDerefPointer (Pointer p) = unsafePerformIO (unsafeSTToIO (readSTRef p))
513readPointer :: STPointer s -> ST s (Thunk (Closure s))
514readPointer = readSTRef
516storePointer :: STPointer s -> Closure s -> ST s ()
517storePointer ptr !cl = writeSTRef ptr (Thunk cl)
518    -- Note the strict match. To prevent leaking memory in case of unnecessary updates.
520blackHole :: STPointer s -> ST s ()
521blackHole ptr = writeSTRef ptr BlackHole
523-- | Create a thunk. If the closure is a naked variable we can reuse the pointer from the
524--   environment to avoid creating long pointer chains.
525createThunk :: Closure s -> ST s (Pointer s)
526createThunk (Closure _ (Var x []) env spine)
527  | null spine, Just p <- lookupEnv x env = return p
528createThunk cl = Pointer <$> newSTRef (Thunk cl)
530-- | Create a thunk that is not shared or updated.
531pureThunk :: Closure s -> Pointer s
532pureThunk = Pure
534-- * Environments
536-- | The environment of a closure binds pointers to deBruijn indicies.
537newtype Env s = Env [Pointer s]
539emptyEnv :: Env s
540emptyEnv = Env []
541--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
542--isEmptyEnv :: Env s -> Bool
543--isEmptyEnv (Env xs) = null xs
545envSize :: Env s -> Int
546envSize (Env xs) = length xs
548envToList :: Env s -> [Pointer s]
549envToList (Env xs) = xs
551extendEnv :: Pointer s -> Env s -> Env s
552extendEnv p (Env xs) = Env (p : xs)
554-- | Unsafe.
555lookupEnv_ :: Int -> Env s -> Pointer s
556lookupEnv_ i (Env e) = indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ e i
558-- Andreas, 2018-11-12, which isn't this just Agda.Utils.List.!!! ?
559lookupEnv :: Int -> Env s -> Maybe (Pointer s)
560lookupEnv i e | i < n     = Just (lookupEnv_ i e)
561              | otherwise = Nothing
562  where n = envSize e
564-- * The Agda Abstract Machine
566-- | The abstract machine state has two states 'Eval' and 'Match' that determine what the machine is
567--   currently working on: evaluating a closure in the Eval state and matching a spine against a
568--   case tree in the Match state. Both states contain a 'ControlStack' of continuations for what to
569--   do next. The heap is maintained implicitly using 'STRef's, hence the @s@ parameter.
570data AM s = Eval (Closure s) !(ControlStack s)
571            -- ^ Evaluate the given closure (the focus) to weak-head normal form. If the 'IsValue'
572            --   field of the closure is 'Value' we look at the control stack for what to do. Being
573            --   strict in the control stack is important! We can spend a lot of steps with
574            --   unevaluated closures (where we update, but don't look at the control stack). For
575            --   instance, long chains of 'suc' constructors.
576          | Match QName FastCompiledClauses (Spine s) (MatchStack s) (ControlStack s)
577            -- ^ @Match f cc spine stack ctrl@ Match the arguments @spine@ against the case tree
578            --   @cc@. The match stack contains a (possibly empty) list of 'CatchAll' frames and a
579            --   closure to return in case of a stuck match.
581-- | The control stack contains a list of continuations, i.e. what to do with
582--   the result of the current focus.
583type ControlStack s = [ControlFrame s]
585-- | The control stack for matching. Contains a list of CatchAllFrame's and the closure to return in
586--   case of a stuck match.
587data MatchStack s = [CatchAllFrame s] :> Closure s
588infixr 2 :>, >:
590(>:) :: CatchAllFrame s -> MatchStack s -> MatchStack s
591(>:) c (cs :> cl) = c : cs :> cl
592-- Previously written as:
593--   c >: cs :> cl = c : cs :> cl
595-- However, some versions/tools fail to parse infix data constructors properly.
596-- For example, stylish-haskell@ fails with the following error:
597--   Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse.parseModule: could not parse
598--   src/full/Agda/TypeChecking/Reduce/Fast.hs: ParseFailed (SrcLoc
599--   "<unknown>.hs" 625 1) "Parse error in pattern: "
601-- See https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10018 which may be related.
603data CatchAllFrame s = CatchAll FastCompiledClauses (Spine s)
604                        -- ^ @CatchAll cc spine@. Case trees are not fully expanded, that is,
605                        --   inner matches can be partial and covered by a catch-all at a higher
606                        --   level. This catch-all is represented on the match stack as a
607                        --   @CatchAll@. @cc@ is the case tree in the catch-all case and @spine@ is
608                        --   the value of the pattern variables at the point of the catch-all.
610-- An Elim' with a hole.
611data ElimZipper a = ApplyCxt ArgInfo
612                  | IApplyType a a | IApplyFst a a | IApplySnd a a
613  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
615instance Zipper (ElimZipper a) where
616  type Carrier (ElimZipper a) = Elim' a
617  type Element (ElimZipper a) = a
619  firstHole (Apply arg)    = Just (unArg arg, ApplyCxt (argInfo arg))
620  firstHole (IApply a x y) = Just (a, IApplyType x y)
621  firstHole Proj{}         = Nothing
623  plugHole x (ApplyCxt i)     = Apply (Arg i x)
624  plugHole a (IApplyType x y) = IApply a x y
625  plugHole x (IApplyFst a y)  = IApply a x y
626  plugHole y (IApplySnd a x)  = IApply a x y
628  nextHole a (IApplyType x y) = Right (x, IApplyFst a y)
629  nextHole x (IApplyFst a y)  = Right (y, IApplySnd a x)
630  nextHole y (IApplySnd a x)  = Left (IApply a x y)
631  nextHole x c@ApplyCxt{}     = Left (plugHole x c)
633-- | A spine with a single hole for a pointer.
634type SpineContext s = ComposeZipper (ListZipper (Elim' (Pointer s)))
635                                    (ElimZipper (Pointer s))
637-- | Control frames are continuations that act on value closures.
638data ControlFrame s = CaseK QName ArgInfo (FastCase FastCompiledClauses) (Spine s) (Spine s) (MatchStack s)
639                        -- ^ @CaseK f i bs spine0 spine1 stack@. Pattern match on the focus (with
640                        --   arg info @i@) using the @bs@ case tree. @f@ is the name of the function
641                        --   doing the matching, and @spine0@ and @spine1@ are the values bound to
642                        --   the pattern variables to the left and right (respectively) of the
643                        --   focus. The match stack contains catch-all cases we need to consider if
644                        --   this match fails.
645                    | ArgK (Closure s) (SpineContext s)
646                        -- ^ @ArgK cl cxt@. Used when computing full normal forms. The closure is
647                        --   the head and the context is the spine with the current focus removed.
648                    | NormaliseK
649                        -- ^ Indicates that the focus should be evaluated to full normal form.
650                    | ForceK QName (Spine s) (Spine s)
651                        -- ^ @ForceK f spine0 spine1@. Evaluating @primForce@ of the focus. @f@ is
652                        --   the name of @primForce@ and is used to build the result if evaluation
653                        --   gets stuck. @spine0@ are the level and type arguments and @spine1@
654                        --   contains (if not empty) the continuation and any additional
655                        --   eliminations.
656                    | EraseK QName (Spine s) (Spine s) (Spine s) (Spine s)
657                        -- ^ @EraseK f spine0 spine1 spine2 spine3@. Evaluating @primErase@. The
658                        --   first contains the level and type arguments. @spine1@ and @spine2@
659                        --   contain at most one argument between them. If in @spine1@ it's the
660                        --   value closure of the first argument to be compared and if in @spine2@
661                        --   it's the unevaluated closure of the second argument.
662                        --   @spine3@ contains the proof of equality we are erasing. It is passed
663                        --   around but never actually inspected.
664                    | NatSucK Integer
665                        -- ^ @NatSucK n@. Add @n@ to the focus. If the focus computes to a natural
666                        --   number literal this returns a new literal, otherwise it constructs @n@
667                        --   calls to @suc@.
668                    | PrimOpK QName ([Literal] -> Term) [Literal] [Pointer s] (Maybe FastCompiledClauses)
669                        -- ^ @PrimOpK f op lits es cc@. Evaluate the primitive function @f@ using
670                        --   the Haskell function @op@. @op@ gets a list of literal values in
671                        --   reverse order for the arguments of @f@ and computes the result as a
672                        --   term. The already computed arguments (in reverse order) are @lits@ and
673                        --   @es@ are the arguments that should be computed after the current focus.
674                        --   In case of built-in functions with corresponding Agda implementations,
675                        --   @cc@ contains the case tree.
676                    | UpdateThunk [STPointer s]
677                        -- ^ @UpdateThunk ps@. Update the pointers @ps@ with the value of the
678                        --   current focus.
679                    | ApplyK (Spine s)
680                        -- ^ @ApplyK spine@. Apply the current focus to the eliminations in @spine@.
681                        --   This is used when a thunk needs to be updated with a partial
682                        --   application of a function.
684-- * Compilation and decoding
686-- | The initial abstract machine state. Wrap the term to be evaluated in an empty closure. Note
687--   that free variables of the term are treated as constants by the abstract machine. If computing
688--   full normal form we start off the control stack with a 'NormaliseK' continuation.
689compile :: Normalisation -> Term -> AM s
690compile nf t = Eval (Closure Unevaled t emptyEnv []) [NormaliseK | nf == NF]
692decodePointer :: Pointer s -> ST s Term
693decodePointer p = decodeClosure_ =<< derefPointer_ p
695-- | Note: it's important to be lazy in the spine and environment when decoding. Hence the
696--   'unsafeInterleaveST' here and in 'decodeEnv', and the special version of 'parallelS' in
697--   'decodeClosure'.
698decodeSpine :: Spine s -> ST s Elims
699decodeSpine spine = unsafeInterleaveST $ (traverse . traverse) decodePointer spine
701decodeEnv :: Env s -> ST s [Term]
702decodeEnv env = unsafeInterleaveST $ traverse decodePointer (envToList env)
704decodeClosure_ :: Closure s -> ST s Term
705decodeClosure_ = ignoreBlocking <.> decodeClosure
707-- | Turning an abstract machine closure back into a term. This happens in three cases:
708--    * when reduction is finished and we return the weak-head normal term to the outside world.
709--    * when the abstract machine encounters something it cannot handle and falls back to the slow
710--      reduction engine
711--    * when there are rewrite rules to apply
712decodeClosure :: Closure s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
713decodeClosure (Closure isV t env spine) = do
714    vs <- decodeEnv env
715    es <- decodeSpine spine
716    return $ applyE (applySubst (parS vs) t) es <$ b
717  where
718    parS = foldr (:#) IdS  -- parallelS is too strict
719    b    = case isV of
720             Value b  -> b
721             Unevaled -> notBlocked ()  -- only when falling back to slow reduce in which case the
722                                        -- blocking tag is immediately discarded
724-- | Turn a list of internal syntax eliminations into a spine. This builds closures and allocates
725--   thunks for all the 'Apply' elims.
726elimsToSpine :: Env s -> Elims -> ST s (Spine s)
727elimsToSpine env es = do
728    spine <- mapM thunk es
729    forceSpine spine `seq` return spine
730  where
731    -- Need to be strict in mkClosure to avoid memory leak
732    forceSpine = foldl (\ () -> forceEl) ()
733    forceEl (Apply (Arg _ (Pure Closure{}))) = ()
734    forceEl (Apply (Arg _ (Pointer{})))      = ()
735    forceEl _                                = ()
737    -- We don't preserve free variables of closures (in the sense of their
738    -- decoding), since we freely add things to the spines.
739    unknownFVs = setFreeVariables unknownFreeVariables
741    thunk (Apply (Arg i t)) = Apply . Arg (unknownFVs i) <$> createThunk (closure (getFreeVariables i) t)
742    thunk (Proj o f)        = return (Proj o f)
743    thunk (IApply a x y)    = IApply <$> mkThunk a <*> mkThunk x <*> mkThunk y
744      where mkThunk = createThunk . closure UnknownFVs
746    -- Going straight for a value for literals is mostly to make debug traces
747    -- less verbose and doesn't really buy anything performance-wise.
748    closure _ t@Lit{} = Closure (Value $ notBlocked ()) t emptyEnv []
749    closure fv t      = env' `seq` Closure Unevaled t env' []
750      where env' = trimEnvironment fv env
752-- | Trim unused entries from an environment. Currently only trims closed terms for performance
753--   reasons.
754trimEnvironment :: FreeVariables -> Env s -> Env s
755trimEnvironment UnknownFVs env = env
756trimEnvironment (KnownFVs fvs) env
757  | IntSet.null fvs = emptyEnv
758    -- Environment trimming is too expensive (costs 50% on some benchmarks), and while it does make
759    -- some cases run in constant instead of linear space you need quite contrived examples to
760    -- notice the effect.
761  | otherwise       = env -- Env $ trim 0 $ envToList env
762  where
763    -- Important: strict enough that the trimming actually happens
764    trim _ [] = []
765    trim i (p : ps)
766      | IntSet.member i fvs = (p :)             $! trim (i + 1) ps
767      | otherwise           = (unusedPointer :) $! trim (i + 1) ps
769-- | Build an environment for a body with some given free variables from a spine of arguments.
770--   Returns a triple containing
771--    * the left-over variable names (in case of partial application)
772--    * the environment
773--    * the remaining spine (in case of over-application)
774buildEnv :: [Arg String] -> Spine s -> ([Arg String], Env s, Spine s)
775buildEnv xs spine = go xs spine emptyEnv
776  where
777    go [] sp env = ([], env, sp)
778    go xs0@(x : xs) sp env =
779      case sp of
780        []           -> (xs0, env, sp)
781        Apply c : sp -> go xs sp (unArg c `extendEnv` env)
782        IApply x y r : sp -> go xs sp (r `extendEnv` env)
783        _            -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
785unusedPointerString :: Text
786unusedPointerString = T.pack (show (withCurrentCallStack Impossible))
788unusedPointer :: Pointer s
789unusedPointer = Pure (Closure (Value $ notBlocked ())
790                     (Lit (LitString unusedPointerString)) emptyEnv [])
792-- * Running the abstract machine
794-- | Evaluating a term in the abstract machine. It gets the type checking state and environment in
795--   the 'ReduceEnv' argument, some precomputed built-in mappings in 'BuiltinEnv', the memoised
796--   'getConstInfo' function, a couple of flags (allow non-terminating function unfolding, and
797--   whether rewriting is enabled), and a term to reduce. The result is the weak-head normal form of
798--   the term with an attached blocking tag.
799reduceTm :: ReduceEnv -> BuiltinEnv -> (QName -> CompactDef) -> Normalisation -> ReductionFlags -> Term -> Blocked Term
800reduceTm rEnv bEnv !constInfo normalisation ReductionFlags{..} =
801    compileAndRun . traceDoc "-- fast reduce --"
802  where
803    -- Helpers to get information from the ReduceEnv.
804    metaStore      = redSt rEnv ^. stMetaStore
805    -- Are we currently instance searching. In that case we don't fail hard on missing clauses. This
806    -- is a (very unsatisfactory) work-around for #3870.
807    speculative    = redSt rEnv ^. stConsideringInstance
808    getMeta m      = maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ mvInstantiation (IntMap.lookup (metaId m) metaStore)
809    partialDefs    = runReduce getPartialDefs
810    rewriteRules f = cdefRewriteRules (constInfo f)
811    callByNeed     = envCallByNeed (redEnv rEnv) && not (optCallByName $ redSt rEnv ^. stPragmaOptions)
812    iview          = runReduce intervalView'
814    runReduce :: ReduceM a -> a
815    runReduce m = unReduceM m rEnv
817    -- Debug output. Taking care that we only look at the verbosity level once.
818    hasVerb tag lvl = unReduceM (hasVerbosity tag lvl) rEnv
819    doDebug = hasVerb "tc.reduce.fast" 110
820    traceDoc :: Doc -> a -> a
821    traceDoc
822      | doDebug   = trace . show
823      | otherwise = const id
825    -- Checking for built-in zero and suc
826    BuiltinEnv{ bZero = zero, bSuc = suc, bRefl = refl0 } = bEnv
827    conNameId = nameId . qnameName . conName
828    isZero = case zero of
829               Nothing -> const False
830               Just z  -> (conNameId z ==) . conNameId
831    isSuc  = case suc of
832               Nothing -> const False
833               Just s  -> (conNameId s ==) . conNameId
835    -- If there's a non-standard equality (for instance doubly-indexed) we fall back to slow reduce
836    -- for primErase and "unbind" refl.
837    refl = refl0 >>= \ c -> if cconArity (cdefDef $ constInfo $ conName c) == 0
838                            then Just c else Nothing
840    -- The entry point of the machine.
841    compileAndRun :: Term -> Blocked Term
842    compileAndRun t = runST (runAM (compile normalisation t))
844    -- Run the machine in a given state. Prints the state if the right verbosity level is active.
845    runAM :: AM s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
846    runAM = if doDebug then \ s -> trace (prettyShow s) (runAM' s)
847                       else runAM'
849    -- The main function. This is where the stuff happens!
850    runAM' :: AM s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
852    -- Base case: The focus is a value closure and the control stack is empty. Decode and return.
853    runAM' (Eval cl@(Closure Value{} _ _ _) []) = decodeClosure cl
855    -- Unevaluated closure: inspect the term and take the appropriate action. For instance,
856    --  - Change to the 'Match' state if a definition
857    --  - Look up in the environment if variable
858    --  - Perform a beta step if lambda and application elimination in the spine
859    --  - Perform a record beta step if record constructor and projection elimination in the spine
860    runAM' s@(Eval cl@(Closure Unevaled t env spine) !ctrl) = {-# SCC "runAM.Eval" #-}
861      case t of
863        -- Case: definition. Enter 'Match' state if defined function or shift to evaluating an
864        -- argument and pushing the appropriate control frame for primitive functions. Fall back to
865        -- slow reduce for unsupported definitions.
866        Def f [] ->
867          evalIApplyAM spine ctrl $
868          let CompactDef{ cdefDelayed        = delayed
869                        , cdefNonterminating = nonterm
870                        , cdefUnconfirmed    = unconf
871                        , cdefDef            = def } = constInfo f
872              dontUnfold = (nonterm && not allowNonTerminating) ||
873                           (unconf  && not allowUnconfirmed)    ||
874                           (delayed && not (unfoldDelayed ctrl))
875          in case def of
876            CFun{ cfunCompiled = cc }
877              | dontUnfold -> rewriteAM done
878              | otherwise  -> runAM (Match f cc spine ([] :> cl) ctrl)
879            CAxiom         -> rewriteAM done
880            CTyCon         -> rewriteAM done
881            CCon{}         -> runAM done   -- Only happens for builtinSharp (which is a Def when you bind it)
882            CForce | (spine0, Apply v : spine1) <- splitAt 4 spine ->
883              evalPointerAM (unArg v) [] (ForceK f spine0 spine1 : ctrl)
884            CForce -> runAM done -- partially applied
885            CErase | (spine0, Apply v : spine1 : spine2) <- splitAt 2 spine ->
886              evalPointerAM (unArg v) [] (EraseK f spine0 [] [spine1] spine2 : ctrl)
887            CErase -> runAM done -- partially applied
888            CPrimOp n op cc | length spine == n,                      -- PrimOps can't be over-applied. They don't
889                              Just (v : vs) <- allApplyElims spine -> -- return functions or records.
890              evalPointerAM (unArg v) [] (PrimOpK f op [] (map unArg vs) cc : ctrl)
891            CPrimOp{} -> runAM done  -- partially applied
892            COther    -> fallbackAM s
894        -- Case: zero. Return value closure with literal 0.
895        Con c i [] | isZero c ->
896          runAM (evalTrueValue (Lit (LitNat 0)) emptyEnv spine ctrl)
898        -- Case: suc. Suc is strict in its argument to make sure we return a literal whenever
899        -- possible. Push a 'NatSucK' frame on the control stack and evaluate the argument.
900        Con c i [] | isSuc c, Apply v : _ <- spine ->
901          evalPointerAM (unArg v) [] (sucCtrl ctrl)
903        -- Case: constructor. Perform beta reduction if projected from, otherwise return a value.
904        Con c i []
905          -- Constructors of types in Prop are not representex as
906          -- CCon, so this match might fail!
907          | CCon{cconSrcCon = c', cconArity = ar} <- cdefDef (constInfo (conName c)) ->
908            evalIApplyAM spine ctrl $
909            case splitAt ar spine of
910              (args, Proj _ p : spine')
911                  -> evalPointerAM (unArg arg) spine' ctrl  -- Andreas #2170: fit argToDontCare here?!
912                where
913                  fields    = map unArg $ conFields c
914                  Just n    = List.elemIndex p fields
915                  Apply arg = args !! n
916              _ -> rewriteAM (evalTrueValue (Con c' i []) env spine ctrl)
917          | otherwise -> runAM done
919        -- Case: variable. Look up the variable in the environment and evaluate the resulting
920        -- pointer. If the variable is not in the environment it's a free variable and we adjust the
921        -- deBruijn index appropriately.
922        Var x []   ->
923          evalIApplyAM spine ctrl $
924          case lookupEnv x env of
925            Nothing -> runAM (evalValue (notBlocked ()) (Var (x - envSize env) []) emptyEnv spine ctrl)
926            Just p  -> evalPointerAM p spine ctrl
928        -- Case: lambda. Perform the beta reduction if applied. Otherwise it's a value.
929        Lam h b ->
930          case spine of
931            [] -> runAM done
932            elim : spine' ->
933              case b of
934                Abs   _ b -> runAM (evalClosure b (getArg elim `extendEnv` env) spine' ctrl)
935                NoAbs _ b -> runAM (evalClosure b env spine' ctrl)
936          where
937            getArg (Apply v)      = unArg v
938            getArg (IApply _ _ v) = v
939            getArg Proj{}         = __IMPOSSIBLE__
941        -- Case: values. Literals and function types are already in weak-head normal form.
942        -- We throw away the environment for literals mostly to make debug printing less verbose.
943        -- And we know the spine is empty since literals cannot be applied or projected.
944        Lit{} -> runAM (evalTrueValue t emptyEnv [] ctrl)
945        Pi{}  -> runAM done
946        DontCare{} -> runAM done
948        -- Case: non-empty spine. If the focused term has a non-empty spine, we shift the
949        -- eliminations onto the spine.
950        Def f   es -> shiftElims (Def f   []) emptyEnv env es
951        Con c i es -> shiftElims (Con c i []) emptyEnv env es
952        Var x   es -> shiftElims (Var x   []) env      env es
954        -- Case: metavariable. If it's instantiated evaluate the value. Meta instantiations are open
955        -- terms with a specified list of free variables. buildEnv constructs the appropriate
956        -- environment for the closure. Avoiding shifting spines for open metas
957        -- save a bit of performance.
958        MetaV m es -> evalIApplyAM spine ctrl $
959          case getMeta m of
960            InstV xs t -> do
961              spine' <- elimsToSpine env es
962              let (zs, env, !spine'') = buildEnv xs (spine' <> spine)
963              runAM (evalClosure (lams zs t) env spine'' ctrl)
964            _ -> runAM (Eval (mkValue (blocked m ()) cl) ctrl)
966        -- Case: unsupported. These terms are not handled by the abstract machine, so we fall back
967        -- to slowReduceTerm for these.
968        Level{}    -> fallbackAM s
969        Sort{}     -> fallbackAM s
970        Dummy{}    -> fallbackAM s
972      where done = Eval (mkValue (notBlocked ()) cl) ctrl
973            shiftElims t env0 env es = do
974              spine' <- elimsToSpine env es
975              runAM (evalClosure t env0 (spine' <> spine) ctrl)
977    -- If the current focus is a value closure, we look at the control stack.
979    -- Case NormaliseK: The focus is a weak-head value that should be fully normalised.
980    runAM' s@(Eval cl@(Closure b t env spine) (NormaliseK : ctrl)) =
981      case t of
982        Def _   [] -> normaliseArgsAM (Closure b t emptyEnv []) spine ctrl
983        Con _ _ [] -> normaliseArgsAM (Closure b t emptyEnv []) spine ctrl
984        Var _   [] -> normaliseArgsAM (Closure b t emptyEnv []) spine ctrl
985        MetaV _ [] -> normaliseArgsAM (Closure b t emptyEnv []) spine ctrl
987        Lit{} -> runAM done
989        -- We might get these from fallbackAM
990        Def f   es -> shiftElims (Def f   []) emptyEnv env es
991        Con c i es -> shiftElims (Con c i []) emptyEnv env es
992        Var x   es -> shiftElims (Var x   []) env      env es
993        MetaV m es -> shiftElims (MetaV m []) emptyEnv env es
995        _ -> fallbackAM s -- fallbackAM knows about NormaliseK
997      where done = Eval (mkValue (notBlocked ()) cl) ctrl
998            shiftElims t env0 env es = do
999              spine' <- elimsToSpine env es
1000              runAM (Eval (Closure b t env0 (spine' <> spine)) (NormaliseK : ctrl))
1002    -- Case: ArgK: We successfully normalised an argument. Start on the next argument, or if there
1003    -- isn't one we're done.
1004    runAM' (Eval cl (ArgK cl0 cxt : ctrl)) =
1005      case nextHole (pureThunk cl) cxt of
1006        Left spine      -> runAM (Eval (clApply_ cl0 spine) ctrl)
1007        Right (p, cxt') -> evalPointerAM p [] (NormaliseK : ArgK cl0 cxt' : ctrl)
1009    -- Case: NatSucK m
1011    -- If literal add m to the literal,
1012    runAM' (Eval cl@(Closure Value{} (Lit (LitNat n)) _ _) (NatSucK m : ctrl)) =
1013      runAM (evalTrueValue (Lit $! LitNat $! m + n) emptyEnv [] ctrl)
1015    -- otherwise apply 'suc' m times.
1016    runAM' (Eval cl (NatSucK m : ctrl)) =
1017        runAM (Eval (mkValue (notBlocked ()) $ plus m cl) ctrl)
1018      where
1019        plus 0 cl = cl
1020        plus n cl =
1021          trueValue (Con (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ suc) ConOSystem []) emptyEnv $
1022                     Apply (defaultArg arg) : []
1023          where arg = pureThunk (plus (n - 1) cl)
1025    -- Case: PrimOpK
1027    -- If literal apply the primitive function if no more arguments, otherwise
1028    -- store the literal in the continuation and evaluate the next argument.
1029    runAM' (Eval (Closure _ (Lit a) _ _) (PrimOpK f op vs es cc : ctrl)) =
1030      case es of
1031        []      -> runAM (evalTrueValue (op (a : vs)) emptyEnv [] ctrl)
1032        e : es' -> evalPointerAM e [] (PrimOpK f op (a : vs) es' cc : ctrl)
1034    -- If not a literal we use the case tree if there is one, otherwise we are stuck.
1035    runAM' (Eval cl@(Closure (Value blk) _ _ _) (PrimOpK f _ vs es mcc : ctrl)) =
1036      case mcc of
1037        Nothing -> rewriteAM (Eval stuck ctrl)
1038        Just cc -> runAM (Match f cc spine ([] :> notstuck) ctrl)
1039      where
1040        p         = pureThunk cl
1041        lits      = map (pureThunk . litClos) (reverse vs)
1042        spine     = fmap (Apply . defaultArg) $ lits <> [p] <> es
1043        stuck     = Closure (Value blk) (Def f []) emptyEnv spine
1044        notstuck  = Closure Unevaled    (Def f []) emptyEnv spine
1045        litClos l = trueValue (Lit l) emptyEnv []
1047    -- Case: ForceK. Here we need to check if the argument is a canonical form (i.e. not a variable
1048    -- or stuck function call) and if so apply the function argument to the value. If it's not
1049    -- canonical we are stuck.
1050    runAM' (Eval arg@(Closure (Value blk) t _ _) (ForceK pf spine0 spine1 : ctrl))
1051      | isCanonical t =
1052        case spine1 of
1053          Apply k : spine' ->
1054            evalPointerAM (unArg k) (elim : spine') ctrl
1055          [] -> -- Partial application of primForce to canonical argument, return λ k → k arg.
1056            runAM (evalTrueValue (lam (defaultArg "k") $ Var 0 [Apply $ defaultArg $ Var 1 []])
1057                                 (argPtr `extendEnv` emptyEnv) [] ctrl)
1058          _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1059      | otherwise = rewriteAM (Eval stuck ctrl)
1060      where
1061        argPtr = pureThunk arg
1062        elim   = Apply (defaultArg argPtr)
1063        spine' = spine0 <> [elim] <> spine1
1064        stuck  = Closure (Value blk) (Def pf []) emptyEnv spine'
1066        isCanonical = \case
1067          Lit{}      -> True
1068          Con{}      -> True
1069          Lam{}      -> True
1070          Pi{}       -> True
1071          Sort{}     -> True
1072          Level{}    -> True
1073          DontCare{} -> True
1074          Dummy{}    -> False
1075          MetaV{}    -> False
1076          Var{}      -> False
1077          Def q _  -- Type constructors (data/record) are considered canonical for 'primForce'.
1078            | CTyCon <- cdefDef (constInfo q) -> True
1079            | otherwise                       -> False
1081    -- Case: EraseK. We evaluate both arguments to values, then do a simple check for the easy
1082    -- cases and otherwise fall back to slow reduce.
1083    runAM' (Eval cl2@(Closure Value{} arg2 _ _) (EraseK f spine0 [Apply p1] _ spine3 : ctrl)) = do
1084      cl1@(Closure _ arg1 _ sp1) <- derefPointer_ (unArg p1)
1085      case (arg1, arg2) of
1086        (Lit l1, Lit l2) | l1 == l2, isJust refl ->
1087          runAM (evalTrueValue (Con (fromJust refl) ConOSystem []) emptyEnv [] ctrl)
1088        _ ->
1089          let spine = spine0 ++ map (Apply . hide . defaultArg . pureThunk) [cl1, cl2] ++ spine3 in
1090          fallbackAM (evalClosure (Def f []) emptyEnv spine ctrl)
1091    runAM' (Eval cl1@(Closure Value{} _ _ _) (EraseK f spine0 [] [Apply p2] spine3 : ctrl)) =
1092      evalPointerAM (unArg p2) [] (EraseK f spine0 [Apply $ hide $ defaultArg $ pureThunk cl1] [] spine3 : ctrl)
1093    runAM' (Eval _ (EraseK{} : _)) =
1094      __IMPOSSIBLE__
1096    -- Case: UpdateThunk. Write the value to the pointers in the UpdateThunk frame.
1097    runAM' (Eval cl@(Closure Value{} _ _ _) (UpdateThunk ps : ctrl)) =
1098      mapM_ (`storePointer` cl) ps >> runAM (Eval cl ctrl)
1100    -- Case: ApplyK. Application after thunk update. Add the spine from the control frame to the
1101    -- closure.
1102    runAM' (Eval cl@(Closure Value{} _ _ _) (ApplyK spine : ctrl)) =
1103      runAM (Eval (clApply cl spine) ctrl)
1105    -- Case: CaseK. Pattern matching against a value. If it's a stuck value the pattern match is
1106    -- stuck and we return the closure from the match stack (see stuckMatch). Otherwise we need to
1107    -- find a matching branch switch to the Match state. If there is no matching branch we look for
1108    -- a CatchAll in the match stack, or fail if there isn't one (see failedMatch). If the current
1109    -- branches contain a catch-all case we need to push a CatchAll on the match stack if picking
1110    -- one of the other branches.
1111    runAM' (Eval cl@(Closure (Value blk) t env spine) ctrl0@(CaseK f i bs spine0 spine1 stack : ctrl)) =
1112      {-# SCC "runAM.CaseK" #-}
1113      case blk of
1114        Blocked{} | null [()|Con{} <- [t]] -> stuck -- we might as well check the blocking tag first
1115        _ -> case t of
1116          -- Case: suc constructor
1117          Con c ci [] | isSuc c -> matchSuc $ matchCatchall $ failedMatch f stack ctrl
1119          -- Case: constructor
1120          Con c ci [] -> matchCon c ci (length spine) $ matchCatchall $ failedMatch f stack ctrl
1122          -- Case: non-empty elims. We can get here from a fallback (which builds a value without
1123          -- shifting arguments onto spine)
1124          Con c ci es -> do
1125            spine' <- elimsToSpine env es
1126            runAM (evalValue blk (Con c ci []) emptyEnv (spine' <> spine) ctrl0)
1127          -- Case: natural number literals. Literal natural number patterns are translated to
1128          -- suc-matches, so there is no need to try matchLit.
1129          Lit (LitNat 0) -> matchLitZero  $ matchCatchall $ failedMatch f stack ctrl
1130          Lit (LitNat n) -> matchLitSuc n $ matchCatchall $ failedMatch f stack ctrl
1132          -- Case: literal
1133          Lit l -> matchLit l $ matchCatchall $ failedMatch f stack ctrl
1135          -- Case: hcomp
1136          Def q [] | isJust $ lookupCon q bs -> matchCon' q (length spine) $ matchCatchall $ failedMatch f stack ctrl
1137          Def q es | isJust $ lookupCon q bs -> do
1138            spine' <- elimsToSpine env es
1139            runAM (evalValue blk (Def q []) emptyEnv (spine' <> spine) ctrl0)
1141          -- Case: not constructor or literal. In this case we are stuck.
1142          _ -> stuck
1143      where
1144        -- If ffallThrough is set we take the catch-all (if any) rather than being stuck. I think
1145        -- this happens for partial functions with --cubical (@saizan: is this true?).
1146        stuck | ffallThrough bs = matchCatchall reallyStuck
1147              | otherwise       = reallyStuck
1149        reallyStuck = do
1150            -- Compute new reason for being stuck. See Agda.Syntax.Internal.stuckOn for the logic.
1151            blk' <- case blk of
1152                      Blocked{}      -> return blk
1153                      NotBlocked r _ -> decodeClosure_ cl <&> \ v -> NotBlocked (stuckOn (Apply $ Arg i v) r) ()
1154            stuckMatch blk' stack ctrl
1156        -- This the spine at this point in the matching. A catch-all match doesn't change the spine.
1157        catchallSpine = spine0 <> [Apply $ Arg i p] <> spine1
1158          where p = pureThunk cl -- cl is already a value so no need to thunk it.
1160        -- Push catch-all frame on the match stack if there is a catch-all (and we're not taking it
1161        -- right now).
1162        catchallStack = case fcatchAllBranch bs of
1163          Nothing -> stack
1164          Just cc -> CatchAll cc catchallSpine >: stack
1166        -- The matchX functions below all take an extra argument which is what to do if there is no
1167        -- appropriate branch in the case tree. ifJust is maybe with a different argument order
1168        -- letting you chain a bunch if maybe matches in if-then-elseif fashion.
1169        (m `ifJust` f) z = maybe z f m
1171        -- Matching constructor: Switch to the Match state, inserting the constructor arguments in
1172        -- the spine between spine0 and spine1.
1173        matchCon c ci ar = matchCon' (conName c) ar
1174        matchCon' q ar = lookupCon q bs `ifJust` \ cc ->
1175          runAM (Match f cc (spine0 <> spine <> spine1) catchallStack ctrl)
1177        -- Catch-all: Don't add a CatchAll to the match stack since this _is_ the catch-all.
1178        matchCatchall = fcatchAllBranch bs `ifJust` \ cc ->
1179          runAM (Match f cc catchallSpine stack ctrl)
1181        -- Matching literal: Switch to the Match state. There are no arguments to add to the spine.
1182        matchLit l = Map.lookup l (flitBranches bs) `ifJust` \ cc ->
1183          runAM (Match f cc (spine0 <> spine1) catchallStack ctrl)
1185        -- Matching a 'suc' constructor: Insert the argument in the spine.
1186        matchSuc = fsucBranch bs `ifJust` \ cc ->
1187            runAM (Match f cc (spine0 <> spine <> spine1) catchallStack ctrl)
1189        -- Matching a non-zero natural number literal: Subtract one from the literal and
1190        -- insert it in the spine for the Match state.
1191        matchLitSuc n = fsucBranch bs `ifJust` \ cc ->
1192            runAM (Match f cc (spine0 <> [Apply $ defaultArg arg] <> spine1) catchallStack ctrl)
1193          where n'  = n - 1
1194                arg = pureThunk $ trueValue (Lit $ LitNat n') emptyEnv []
1196        -- Matching a literal 0. Simply calls matchCon with the zero constructor.
1197        matchLitZero = matchCon (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ zero) ConOSystem 0
1198                            -- If we have a nat literal we have builtin zero.
1200    -- Case: Match state. Here we look at the case tree and take the appropriate action:
1201    --   - FFail: stuck
1202    --   - FDone: evaluate body
1203    --   - FEta: eta expand argument
1204    --   - FCase on projection: pick corresponding branch and keep matching
1205    --   - FCase on argument: push CaseK frame on control stack and evaluate argument
1206    runAM' (Match f cc spine stack ctrl) = {-# SCC "runAM.Match" #-}
1207      case cc of
1208        -- Absurd match. You can get here for open terms.
1209        FFail -> stuckMatch (NotBlocked AbsurdMatch ()) stack ctrl
1211        -- Matching complete. Compute the environment for the body and switch to the Eval state.
1212        FDone xs body -> do
1213            -- Don't ask me why, but not being strict in the spine causes a memory leak.
1214            let (zs, env, !spine') = buildEnv xs spine
1215            runAM (Eval (Closure Unevaled (lams zs body) env spine') ctrl)
1217        -- A record pattern match. This does not block evaluation (since that would violate eta
1218        -- equality), so in this case we replace the argument with its projections in the spine and
1219        -- keep matching.
1220        FEta n fs cc ca ->
1221          case splitAt n spine of                           -- Question: add lambda here? doesn't
1222            (_, [])                    -> done Underapplied -- matter for equality, but might for
1223            (spine0, Apply e : spine1) -> do                -- rewriting or 'with'.
1224              -- Replace e by its projections in the spine. And don't forget a
1225              -- CatchAll frame if there's a catch-all.
1226              let projClosure (Arg ai f) = Closure Unevaled (Var 0 []) (extendEnv (unArg e) emptyEnv) [Proj ProjSystem f]
1227              projs <- mapM (createThunk . projClosure) fs
1228              let spine' = spine0 <> map (Apply . defaultArg) projs <> spine1
1229                  stack' = caseMaybe ca stack $ \ cc -> CatchAll cc spine >: stack
1230              runAM (Match f cc spine' stack' ctrl)
1231            _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1233        -- Split on nth elimination in the spine. Can be either a regular split or a copattern
1234        -- split.
1235        FCase n bs ->
1236          case splitAt n spine of
1237            -- If the nth elimination is not given, we're stuck.
1238            (_, []) -> done Underapplied
1239            -- Apply elim: push the current match on the control stack and evaluate the argument
1240            (spine0, Apply e : spine1) ->
1241              evalPointerAM (unArg e) [] $ CaseK f (argInfo e) bs spine0 spine1 stack : ctrl
1242            -- Projection elim: in this case we must be in a copattern split and find the projection
1243            -- in the case tree and keep going. If it's not there it might be because it's not the
1244            -- original projection (issue #2265). If so look up the original projection instead.
1245            -- That _really_ should be there since copattern splits cannot be partial. Except of
1246            -- course, the user might still have written a partial function so we should check
1247            -- partialDefs before throwing an impossible (#3012).
1248            (spine0, Proj o p : spine1) ->
1249              case lookupCon p bs <|> ((`lookupCon` bs) =<< op) of
1250                Nothing
1251                  | f `elem` partialDefs -> stuckMatch (NotBlocked MissingClauses ()) stack ctrl
1252                  | otherwise          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1253                Just cc -> runAM (Match f cc (spine0 <> spine1) stack ctrl)
1254              where CFun{ cfunProjection = op } = cdefDef (constInfo p)
1255            (_, IApply{} : _) -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- Paths cannot be defined by pattern matching
1256      where done why = stuckMatch (NotBlocked why ()) stack ctrl
1258    -- 'evalPointerAM p spine ctrl'. Evaluate the closure pointed to by 'p' applied to 'spine' with
1259    -- the control stack 'ctrl'. If 'p' points to an unevaluated thunk, a 'BlackHole' is written to
1260    -- the pointer and an 'UpdateThunk' frame is pushed to the control stack. In this case the
1261    -- application to the spine has to be deferred until after the update through an 'ApplyK' frame.
1262    evalPointerAM :: Pointer s -> Spine s -> ControlStack s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
1263    evalPointerAM (Pure cl)   spine ctrl = runAM (Eval (clApply cl spine) ctrl)
1264    evalPointerAM (Pointer p) spine ctrl = readPointer p >>= \ case
1265      BlackHole -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1266      Thunk cl@(Closure Unevaled _ _ _) | callByNeed -> do
1267        blackHole p
1268        runAM (Eval cl $ updateThunkCtrl p $ [ApplyK spine | not (null spine)] ++ ctrl)
1269      Thunk cl -> runAM (Eval (clApply cl spine) ctrl)
1271    -- 'evalIApplyAM spine ctrl fallback' checks if any 'IApply x y r' has a canonical 'r' (i.e. 0 or 1),
1272    -- in that case continues evaluating 'x' or 'y' with the rest of 'spine' and same 'ctrl'.
1273    -- If no such 'IApply' is found we continue with 'fallback'.
1274    evalIApplyAM :: Spine s -> ControlStack s -> ST s (Blocked Term) -> ST s (Blocked Term)
1275    evalIApplyAM es ctrl fallback = go es
1276      where
1277        -- written as a worker/wrapper to possibly trigger some
1278        -- specialization wrt fallback
1279        go []                  = fallback
1280        go (IApply x y r : es) = do
1281          br <- evalPointerAM r [] []
1282          case iview $ ignoreBlocking br of
1283            IZero -> evalPointerAM x es ctrl
1284            IOne  -> evalPointerAM y es ctrl
1285            _     -> (<* br) <$> go es
1286        go (e : es) = go es
1288    -- Normalise the spine and apply the closure to the result. The closure must be a value closure.
1289    normaliseArgsAM :: Closure s -> Spine s -> ControlStack s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
1290    normaliseArgsAM cl []    ctrl = runAM (Eval cl ctrl)  -- nothing to do
1291    normaliseArgsAM cl spine ctrl =
1292      case firstHole spine of -- v Only projections, nothing to do. Note clApply_ and not clApply (or we'd loop)
1293        Nothing       -> runAM (Eval (clApply_ cl spine) ctrl)
1294        Just (p, cxt) -> evalPointerAM p [] (NormaliseK : ArgK cl cxt : ctrl)
1296    -- Fall back to slow reduction. This happens if we encounter a definition that's not supported
1297    -- by the machine (like a primitive function that does not work on literals), or a term that is
1298    -- not supported (Level and Sort at the moment). In this case we decode the current
1299    -- focus to a 'Term', call slow reduction and pack up the result in a value closure. If the top
1300    -- of the control stack is a 'NormaliseK' and the focus is a value closure (i.e. already in
1301    -- weak-head normal form) we call 'slowNormaliseArgs' and pop the 'NormaliseK' frame. Otherwise
1302    -- we use 'slowReduceTerm' to compute a weak-head normal form.
1303    fallbackAM :: AM s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
1304    fallbackAM (Eval c ctrl) = do
1305        v <- decodeClosure_ c
1306        runAM (mkValue $ runReduce $ slow v)
1307      where mkValue b = evalValue (() <$ b) (ignoreBlocking b) emptyEnv [] ctrl'
1308            (slow, ctrl') = case ctrl of
1309              NormaliseK : ctrl'
1310                | Value{} <- isValue c -> (notBlocked <.> slowNormaliseArgs, ctrl')
1311              _                        -> (slowReduceTerm, ctrl)
1312    fallbackAM _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
1314    -- If rewriting is enabled, try to apply rewrite rules to the current focus before considering
1315    -- it a value. The current state must be 'Eval' and the focus a value closure. Take care to only
1316    -- test the 'hasRewriting' flag once.
1317    rewriteAM :: AM s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
1318    rewriteAM = if hasRewriting then rewriteAM' else runAM
1320    -- Applying rewrite rules to the current focus. This needs to decode the current focus, call
1321    -- rewriting and pack the result back up in a closure. In case some rewrite rules actually fired
1322    -- the next state is an unevaluated closure, otherwise it's a value closure.
1323    rewriteAM' :: AM s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
1324    rewriteAM' s@(Eval (Closure (Value blk) t env spine) ctrl)
1325      | null rewr = runAM s
1326      | otherwise = traceDoc ("R" <+> pretty s) $ do
1327        v0 <- decodeClosure_ (Closure Unevaled t env [])
1328        es <- decodeSpine spine
1329        case runReduce (rewrite blk (applyE v0) rewr es) of
1330          NoReduction b    -> runAM (evalValue (() <$ b) (ignoreBlocking b) emptyEnv [] ctrl)
1331          YesReduction _ v -> runAM (evalClosure v emptyEnv [] ctrl)
1332      where rewr = case t of
1333                     Def f []   -> rewriteRules f
1334                     Con c _ [] -> rewriteRules (conName c)
1335                     _          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1336    rewriteAM' _ =
1337      __IMPOSSIBLE__
1339    -- Add a NatSucK frame to the control stack. Pack consecutive suc's into a single frame.
1340    sucCtrl :: ControlStack s -> ControlStack s
1341    sucCtrl (NatSucK !n : ctrl) = NatSucK (n + 1) : ctrl
1342    sucCtrl               ctrl  = NatSucK 1 : ctrl
1344    -- Add a UpdateThunk frame to the control stack. Pack consecutive updates into a single frame.
1345    updateThunkCtrl :: STPointer s -> ControlStack s -> ControlStack s
1346    updateThunkCtrl p (UpdateThunk ps : ctrl) = UpdateThunk (p : ps) : ctrl
1347    updateThunkCtrl p                   ctrl  = UpdateThunk [p] : ctrl
1349    -- Only unfold delayed (corecursive) definitions if the result is being cased on.
1350    unfoldDelayed :: ControlStack s -> Bool
1351    unfoldDelayed []                     = False
1352    unfoldDelayed (CaseK{}       : _)    = True
1353    unfoldDelayed (PrimOpK{}     : _)    = False
1354    unfoldDelayed (NatSucK{}     : _)    = False
1355    unfoldDelayed (NormaliseK{}  : _)    = False
1356    unfoldDelayed (ArgK{}        : _)    = False
1357    unfoldDelayed (UpdateThunk{} : ctrl) = unfoldDelayed ctrl
1358    unfoldDelayed (ApplyK{}      : ctrl) = unfoldDelayed ctrl
1359    unfoldDelayed (ForceK{}      : ctrl) = unfoldDelayed ctrl
1360    unfoldDelayed (EraseK{}      : ctrl) = unfoldDelayed ctrl
1362    -- When matching is stuck we return the closure from the 'MatchStack' with the appropriate
1363    -- 'IsValue' set.
1364    stuckMatch :: Blocked_ -> MatchStack s -> ControlStack s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
1365    stuckMatch blk (_ :> cl) ctrl = rewriteAM (Eval (mkValue blk cl) ctrl)
1367    -- On a mismatch we find the next 'CatchAll' on the control stack and
1368    -- continue matching from there. If there isn't one we get an incomplete
1369    -- matching error (or get stuck if the function is marked partial).
1370    failedMatch :: QName -> MatchStack s -> ControlStack s -> ST s (Blocked Term)
1371    failedMatch f (CatchAll cc spine : stack :> cl) ctrl = runAM (Match f cc spine (stack :> cl) ctrl)
1372    failedMatch f ([] :> cl) ctrl
1373        -- Bad work-around for #3870: don't fail hard during instance search.
1374      | speculative          = rewriteAM (Eval (mkValue (NotBlocked MissingClauses ()) cl) ctrl)
1375      | f `elem` partialDefs = rewriteAM (Eval (mkValue (NotBlocked MissingClauses ()) cl) ctrl)
1376      | otherwise            = runReduce $
1377          traceSLn "impossible" 10 ("Incomplete pattern matching when applying " ++ prettyShow f)
1378                   __IMPOSSIBLE__
1380    -- Some helper functions to build machine states and closures.
1381    evalClosure t env spine = Eval (Closure Unevaled t env spine)
1382    evalValue b t env spine = Eval (Closure (Value b) t env spine)
1383    evalTrueValue           = evalValue $ notBlocked ()
1384    trueValue t env spine   = Closure (Value $ notBlocked ()) t env spine
1385    mkValue b               = setIsValue (Value b)
1387    -- Building lambdas
1388    lams :: [Arg String] -> Term -> Term
1389    lams xs t = foldr lam t xs
1391    lam :: Arg String -> Term -> Term
1392    lam x t = Lam (argInfo x) (Abs (unArg x) t)
1394-- Pretty printing --------------------------------------------------------
1396instance Pretty a => Pretty (FastCase a) where
1397  prettyPrec p (FBranches _cop cs suc ls m _) =
1398    mparens (p > 0) $ vcat (prettyMap_ cs ++ prettyMap_ ls ++ prSuc suc ++ prC m)
1399    where
1400      prC Nothing = []
1401      prC (Just x) = ["_ ->" <?> pretty x]
1403      prSuc Nothing  = []
1404      prSuc (Just x) = ["suc ->" <?> pretty x]
1406instance Pretty FastCompiledClauses where
1407  pretty (FDone xs t) = ("done" <+> prettyList xs) <?> prettyPrec 10 t
1408  pretty FFail        = "fail"
1409  pretty (FEta n _ cc ca) =
1410    text ("eta " ++ show n ++ " of") <?>
1411      vcat ("{} ->" <?> pretty cc :
1412            [ "_ ->" <?> pretty cc | Just cc <- [ca] ])
1413  pretty (FCase n bs) | fprojPatterns bs =
1414    sep [ text $ "project " ++ show n
1415        , nest 2 $ pretty bs
1416        ]
1417  pretty (FCase n bs) =
1418    text ("case " ++ show n ++ " of") <?> pretty bs
1420instance Pretty a => Pretty (Thunk a) where
1421  prettyPrec _ BlackHole  = "<BLACKHOLE>"
1422  prettyPrec p (Thunk cl) = prettyPrec p cl
1424instance Pretty (Pointer s) where
1425  prettyPrec p = prettyPrec p . unsafeDerefPointer
1427instance Pretty (Closure s) where
1428  prettyPrec _ (Closure Value{} (Lit (LitString unused)) _ _)
1429    | unused == unusedPointerString = "_"
1430  prettyPrec p (Closure isV t env spine) =
1431    mparens (p > 9) $ fsep [ text tag
1432                           , nest 2 $ prettyPrec 10 t
1433                           , nest 2 $ prettyList $ zipWith envEntry [0..] (envToList env)
1434                           , nest 2 $ prettyList spine ]
1435      where envEntry i c = text ("@" ++ show i ++ " =") <+> pretty c
1436            tag = case isV of Value{} -> "V"; Unevaled -> "E"
1438instance Pretty (AM s) where
1439  prettyPrec p (Eval cl ctrl)  = prettyPrec p cl <?> prettyList ctrl
1440  prettyPrec p (Match f cc sp stack ctrl) =
1441    mparens (p > 9) $ sep [ "M" <+> pretty f
1442                          , nest 2 $ prettyList sp
1443                          , nest 2 $ prettyPrec 10 cc
1444                          , nest 2 $ pretty stack
1445                          , nest 2 $ prettyList ctrl ]
1447instance Pretty (CatchAllFrame s) where
1448  pretty CatchAll{} = "CatchAll"
1450instance Pretty (MatchStack s) where
1451  pretty ([] :> _) = empty
1452  pretty (ca :> _) = prettyList ca
1454instance Pretty (ControlFrame s) where
1455  prettyPrec p (CaseK f _ _ _ _ mc)       = mparens (p > 9) $ ("CaseK" <+> pretty (qnameName f)) <?> pretty mc
1456  prettyPrec p (ForceK _ spine0 spine1)   = mparens (p > 9) $ "ForceK" <?> prettyList (spine0 <> spine1)
1457  prettyPrec p (EraseK _ sp0 sp1 sp2 sp3) = mparens (p > 9) $ sep [ "EraseK"
1458                                                                  , nest 2 $ prettyList sp0
1459                                                                  , nest 2 $ prettyList sp1
1460                                                                  , nest 2 $ prettyList sp2
1461                                                                  , nest 2 $ prettyList sp3 ]
1462  prettyPrec _ (NatSucK n)              = text ("+" ++ show n)
1463  prettyPrec p (PrimOpK f _ vs cls _)   = mparens (p > 9) $ sep [ "PrimOpK" <+> pretty f
1464                                                                , nest 2 $ prettyList vs
1465                                                                , nest 2 $ prettyList cls ]
1466  prettyPrec p (UpdateThunk ps)         = mparens (p > 9) $ "UpdateThunk" <+> text (show (length ps))
1467  prettyPrec p (ApplyK spine)           = mparens (p > 9) $ "ApplyK" <?> prettyList spine
1468  prettyPrec p NormaliseK               = "NormaliseK"
1469  prettyPrec p (ArgK cl _)              = mparens (p > 9) $ sep [ "ArgK" <+> prettyPrec 10 cl ]