1 // Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 International Business Machines and others.
2 // All Rights Reserved.
3 // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
4 //
5 // $Id$
6 //
7 // Authors:  Andreas Waechter             IBM    2005-10-18
8 //           Olaf Schenk   (Univ. of Basel)      2007-08-01
9 //              modified MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri.hpp for 3-dim problem
14 #include "RegisteredTNLP.hpp"
16 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #else
19 #include "configall_system.h"
20 #endif
22 #ifdef HAVE_CMATH
23 # include <cmath>
24 #else
25 # ifdef HAVE_MATH_H
26 #  include <math.h>
27 # else
28 #  error "don't have header file for math"
29 # endif
30 #endif
32 #ifdef HAVE_CSTDIO
33 # include <cstdio>
34 #else
35 # ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H
36 #  include <stdio.h>
37 # else
38 #  error "don't have header file for stdio"
39 # endif
40 #endif
42 using namespace Ipopt;
44 /** Base class for boundary control problems with Dirichlet boundary
45  *  conditions, as formulated by Hans Mittelmann as Examples 1-4 in
46  *  "Optimization Techniques for Solving Elliptic Control Problems
47  *  with Control and State Constraints. Part 2: Boundary Control"
48  *
49  *  Here, the control variables are identical to the values of y on
50  *  the boundary, and therefore we don't need any explicit
51  *  optimization variables for u.
52  */
53 class MittelmannBndryCntrlDiriBase3D : public RegisteredTNLP
54 {
55 public:
56   /** Constructor. */
57   MittelmannBndryCntrlDiriBase3D();
59   /** Default destructor */
60   virtual ~MittelmannBndryCntrlDiriBase3D();
62   /**@name Overloaded from TNLP */
63   //@{
64   /** Method to return some info about the nlp */
65   virtual bool get_nlp_info(Index& n, Index& m, Index& nnz_jac_g,
66                             Index& nnz_h_lag, IndexStyleEnum& index_style);
68   /** Method to return the bounds for my problem */
69   virtual bool get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u,
70                                Index m, Number* g_l, Number* g_u);
72   /** Method to return the starting point for the algorithm */
73   virtual bool get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number* x,
74                                   bool init_z, Number* z_L, Number* z_U,
75                                   Index m, bool init_lambda,
76                                   Number* lambda);
78   /** Method to return the objective value */
79   virtual bool eval_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number& obj_value);
81   /** Method to return the gradient of the objective */
82   virtual bool eval_grad_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number* grad_f);
84   /** Method to return the constraint residuals */
85   virtual bool eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Index m, Number* g);
87   /** Method to return:
88    *   1) The structure of the jacobian (if "values" is NULL)
89    *   2) The values of the jacobian (if "values" is not NULL)
90    */
91   virtual bool eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
92                           Index m, Index nele_jac, Index* iRow, Index *jCol,
93                           Number* values);
95   /** Method to return:
96    *   1) The structure of the hessian of the lagrangian (if "values" is NULL)
97    *   2) The values of the hessian of the lagrangian (if "values" is not NULL)
98    */
99   virtual bool eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
100                       Number obj_factor, Index m, const Number* lambda,
101                       bool new_lambda, Index nele_hess, Index* iRow,
102                       Index* jCol, Number* values);
104   //@}
106   /** Method for returning scaling parameters */
107   virtual bool get_scaling_parameters(Number& obj_scaling,
108                                       bool& use_x_scaling, Index n,
109                                       Number* x_scaling,
110                                       bool& use_g_scaling, Index m,
111                                       Number* g_scaling);
113   /** @name Solution Methods */
114   //@{
115   /** This method is called after the optimization, and could write an
116    *  output file with the optimal profiles */
117   virtual void finalize_solution(SolverReturn status,
118                                  Index n, const Number* x, const Number* z_L, const Number* z_U,
119                                  Index m, const Number* g, const Number* lambda,
120                                  Number obj_valu,
121                                  const IpoptData* ip_data,
122                                  IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq);
123   //@}
125 protected:
126   /** Method for setting the internal parameters that define the
127    *  problem. It must be called by the child class in its
128    *  implementation of InitializeParameters. */
129   void SetBaseParameters(Index N, Number alpha, Number lb_y,
130                          Number ub_y, Number lb_u, Number ub_u,
131                          Number d_const, Number B, Number C);
133   /**@name Functions that defines a particular instance. */
134   //@{
135   /** Target profile function for y */
136   virtual Number y_d_cont(Number x1, Number x2, Number x3) const =0;
137   //@}
139 private:
140   /**@name Methods to block default compiler methods.
141    * The compiler automatically generates the following three methods.
142    *  Since the default compiler implementation is generally not what
143    *  you want (for all but the most simple classes), we usually
144    *  put the declarations of these methods in the private section
145    *  and never implement them. This prevents the compiler from
146    *  implementing an incorrect "default" behavior without us
147    *  knowing. (See Scott Meyers book, "Effective C++")
148    *
149    */
150   //@{
151   MittelmannBndryCntrlDiriBase3D(const MittelmannBndryCntrlDiriBase3D&);
152   MittelmannBndryCntrlDiriBase3D& operator=(const MittelmannBndryCntrlDiriBase3D&);
153   //@}
155   /**@name Problem specification */
156   //@{
157   /** Number of mesh points in one dimension (excluding boundary) */
158   Index N_;
159   /** Step size */
160   Number h_;
161   /** h_ squared */
162   Number hh_;
163   /** h_ to the third power */
164   Number hhh_;
165   /** overall lower bound on y */
166   Number lb_y_;
167   /** overall upper bound on y */
168   Number ub_y_;
169   /** overall lower bound on u */
170   Number lb_u_;
171   /** overall upper bound on u */
172   Number ub_u_;
173   /** Constant value of d appearing in elliptical equation */
174   Number d_const_;
175   /** Weighting parameter for the control target deviation functional
176    *  in the objective */
177   Number alpha_;
178   /** Array for the target profile for y */
179   Number* y_d_;
180   //@}
182   /**@name Auxilliary methods */
183   //@{
184   /** Translation of mesh point indices to NLP variable indices for
185    *  y(x_ijk) */
y_index(Index i,Index j,Index k) const186   inline Index y_index(Index i, Index j, Index k) const
187   {
188     return k + (N_+2)*j + (N_+2)*(N_+2)*i;
189   }
190   /** Translation of interior mesh point indices to the corresponding
191    *  PDE constraint number */
pde_index(Index i,Index j,Index k) const192   inline Index pde_index(Index i, Index j, Index k) const
193   {
194     return (k-1) + N_*(j-1) + N_*N_*(i-1);
195   }
196   /** Compute the grid coordinate for given index in x1 direction */
x1_grid(Index i) const197   inline Number x1_grid(Index i) const
198   {
199     return h_*(Number)i;
200   }
201   /** Compute the grid coordinate for given index in x2 direction */
x2_grid(Index i) const202   inline Number x2_grid(Index i) const
203   {
204     return h_*(Number)i;
205   }
206   /** Compute the grid coordinate for given index in x3 direction */
x3_grid(Index i) const207   inline Number x3_grid(Index i) const
208   {
209     return h_*(Number)i;
210   }
211   /** value of penalty function term */
PenObj(Number t) const212   inline Number PenObj(Number t) const
213   {
214     //return 0.5*t*t;
215     if (t > B_) {
216       return B_*B_/2. + C_*(t - B_);
217     }
218     else if (t < -B_) {
219       return B_*B_/2. + C_*(-t - B_);
220     }
221     else {
222       const Number t2 = t*t;
223       const Number t4 = t2*t2;
224       const Number t6 = t4*t2;
225       return PenA_*t2 + PenB_*t4 + PenC_*t6;
226     }
227   }
228   /** first derivative of penalty function term */
PenObj_1(Number t) const229   inline Number PenObj_1(Number t) const
230   {
231     //return t;
232     if (t > B_) {
233       return C_;
234     }
235     else if (t < -B_) {
236       return -C_;
237     }
238     else {
239       const Number t2 = t*t;
240       const Number t3 = t*t2;
241       const Number t5 = t3*t2;
242       return 2.*PenA_*t + 4.*PenB_*t3 + 6.*PenC_*t5;
243     }
244   }
245   /** second derivative of penalty function term */
PenObj_2(Number t) const246   inline Number PenObj_2(Number t) const
247   {
248     //return 1.;
249     if (t > B_) {
250       return 0.;
251     }
252     else if (t < -B_) {
253       return 0.;
254     }
255     else {
256       const Number t2 = t*t;
257       const Number t4 = t2*t2;
258       return 2.*PenA_ + 12.*PenB_*t2 + 30.*PenC_*t4;
259     }
260   }
261   //@}
263   /** @name Data for penalty function term */
264   //@{
265   Number B_;
266   Number C_;
267   Number PenA_;
268   Number PenB_;
269   Number PenC_;
270   //@}
271 };
273 /** Class implementating Example 1 */
274 class MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D : public MittelmannBndryCntrlDiriBase3D
275 {
276 public:
MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D()277   MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D()
278   {}
~MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D()280   virtual ~MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D()
281   {}
InitializeProblem(Index N)283   virtual bool InitializeProblem(Index N)
284   {
285     if (N<1) {
286       printf("N has to be at least 1.");
287       return false;
288     }
289     Number alpha = 0.01;
290     Number lb_y = -1e20;
291     Number ub_y = 3.5;
292     Number lb_u = 0.;
293     Number ub_u = 10.;
294     Number d_const = -20.;
295     Number B = .5;
296     Number C = 0.01;
297     SetBaseParameters(N, alpha, lb_y, ub_y, lb_u, ub_u, d_const, B, C);
298     return true;
299   }
300 protected:
301   /** Target profile function for y */
y_d_cont(Number x1,Number x2,Number x3) const302   virtual Number y_d_cont(Number x1, Number x2, Number x3)  const
303   {
304     return 3. + 5.*(x1*(x1-1.)*x2*(x2-1.));
305   }
306 private:
307   /**@name hide implicitly defined contructors copy operators */
308   //@{
309   MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D(const MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D&);
310   MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D& operator=(const MittelmannBndryCntrlDiri3D&);
311   //@}
313 };
316 #endif