1 // Copyright (C) 2011, Science and Technology Facilities Council.
2 // Copyright (C) 2009, Jonathan Hogg <jdh41.at.cantab.net>.
3 // Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 International Business Machines and others.
4 // All Rights Reserved.
5 // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
6 //
7 // $Id$
8 //
9 // Authors: Jonathan Hogg                    STFC   2011-03-15
10 //          Jonathan Hogg                           2009-07-29
11 //          Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter     IBM    2004-03-17
13 #include "IpoptConfig.h"
15 #ifdef COIN_HAS_HSL
16 #include "CoinHslConfig.h"
17 #endif
19 // if we do not have MA86 in HSL or the linear solver loader, then we want to build the MA86 interface
20 #if defined(COINHSL_HAS_MA86) || defined(HAVE_LINEARSOLVERLOADER)
22 #include "IpMa86SolverInterface.hpp"
23 #include <iostream>
24 #include <cmath>
25 using namespace std;
27 extern "C"
28 {
29 #include "hsl_mc68i.h"
30 }
32 namespace Ipopt
33 {
~Ma86SolverInterface()35   Ma86SolverInterface::~Ma86SolverInterface()
36   {
37     delete [] val_;
38     delete [] order_;
40     if(keep_) ma86_finalise(&keep_, &control_);
41   }
RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)43   void Ma86SolverInterface::RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)
44   {
45     roptions->AddIntegerOption(
46       "ma86_print_level",
47       "Debug printing level for the linear solver MA86",
48       -1,
49       "");
50     /*
51     "<0 no printing.\n"
52     "0  Error and warning messages only.\n"
53     "=1 Limited diagnostic printing.\n"
54     ">1 Additional diagnostic printing.");
55     */
56     roptions->AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption(
57       "ma86_nemin",
58       "Node Amalgamation parameter",
59       1, 32,
60       "Two nodes in elimination tree are merged if result has fewer than "
61       "ma86_nemin variables.");
62     roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption(
63       "ma86_small",
64       "Zero Pivot Threshold",
65       0.0, false, 1e-20,
66       "Any pivot less than ma86_small is treated as zero.");
67     roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption(
68       "ma86_static",
69       "Static Pivoting Threshold",
70       0.0, false, 0.0,
71       "See MA86 documentation. Either ma86_static=0.0 or "
72       "ma86_static>ma86_small. ma86_static=0.0 disables static pivoting.");
73     roptions->AddBoundedNumberOption(
74       "ma86_u",
75       "Pivoting Threshold",
76       0.0, false, 0.5, false, 1e-8,
77       "See MA86 documentation.");
78     roptions->AddBoundedNumberOption(
79       "ma86_umax",
80       "Maximum Pivoting Threshold",
81       0.0, false, 0.5, false, 1e-4,
82       "Maximum value to which u will be increased to improve quality.");
83     roptions->AddStringOption3(
84       "ma86_scaling",
85       "Controls scaling of matrix",
86       "mc64",
87       "none", "Do not scale the linear system matrix",
88       "mc64", "Scale linear system matrix using MC64",
89       "mc77", "Scale linear system matrix using MC77 [1,3,0]",
90       "This option controls scaling for the solver HSL_MA86.");
91     roptions->AddStringOption3(
92       "ma86_order",
93       "Controls type of ordering used by HSL_MA86",
95       "auto",
96 #else
97       "amd",
98 #endif
99       "auto", "Try both AMD and MeTiS, pick best",
100       "amd", "Use the HSL_MC68 approximate minimum degree algorithm",
101       "metis", "Use the MeTiS nested dissection algorithm (if available)",
102       "This option controls ordering for the solver HSL_MA86.");
103   }
InitializeImpl(const OptionsList & options,const std::string & prefix)105   bool Ma86SolverInterface::InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
106       const std::string& prefix)
107   {
108     ma86_default_control(&control_);
109     control_.f_arrays = 1; // Use Fortran numbering (faster)
110     /* Note: we can't set control_.action = false as we need to know the
111      * intertia. (Otherwise we just enter the restoration phase and fail) */
113     options.GetIntegerValue("ma86_print_level", control_.diagnostics_level,
114                             prefix);
115     options.GetIntegerValue("ma86_nemin", control_.nemin, prefix);
116     options.GetNumericValue("ma86_small", control_.small_, prefix);
117     options.GetNumericValue("ma86_static", control_.static_, prefix);
118     options.GetNumericValue("ma86_u", control_.u, prefix);
119     options.GetNumericValue("ma86_umax", umax_, prefix);
120     std::string order_method, scaling_method;
121     options.GetStringValue("ma86_order", order_method, prefix);
122     if(order_method == "metis") {
123       ordering_ = ORDER_METIS;
124     } else if(order_method == "amd") {
125       ordering_ = ORDER_AMD;
126     } else {
127       ordering_ = ORDER_AUTO;
128     }
129     options.GetStringValue("ma86_scaling", scaling_method, prefix);
130     if(scaling_method == "mc64") {
131       control_.scaling = 1;
132     } else if(scaling_method == "mc77") {
133       control_.scaling = 2;
134     } else {
135       control_.scaling = 0;
136     }
138     return true; // All is well
139   }
141   /*  Method for initializing internal stuctures.  Here, ndim gives
142    *  the number of rows and columns of the matrix, nonzeros give
143    *  the number of nonzero elements, and ia and ja give the
144    *  positions of the nonzero elements, given in the matrix format
145    *  determined by MatrixFormat.
146    */
InitializeStructure(Index dim,Index nonzeros,const Index * ia,const Index * ja)147   ESymSolverStatus Ma86SolverInterface::InitializeStructure(Index dim,
148       Index nonzeros, const Index* ia, const Index* ja)
149   {
150     struct ma86_info info, info2;
151     struct mc68_control control68;
152     struct mc68_info info68;
153     Index *order_amd, *order_metis;
154     void *keep_amd, *keep_metis;
156     // Store size for later use
157     ndim_ = dim;
159     // Determine an ordering
160     mc68_default_control(&control68);
161     control68.f_array_in = 1; // Use Fortran numbering (faster)
162     control68.f_array_out = 1; // Use Fortran numbering (faster)
163     order_amd = NULL; order_metis = NULL;
164     if(ordering_ == ORDER_METIS || ordering_ == ORDER_AUTO) {
165       order_metis = new Index[dim];
166       mc68_order(3, dim, ia, ja, order_metis, &control68, &info68); /* MeTiS */
167       if(info68.flag == -5) {
168          // MeTiS not available
169          ordering_ = ORDER_AMD;
170          delete[] order_metis;
171       } else if(info68.flag<0) {
172          return SYMSOLVER_FATAL_ERROR;
173       }
174     }
175     if(ordering_ == ORDER_AMD || ordering_ == ORDER_AUTO) {
176       order_amd = new Index[dim];
177       mc68_order(1, dim, ia, ja, order_amd, &control68, &info68); /* AMD */
178     }
179     if(info68.flag<0) return SYMSOLVER_FATAL_ERROR;
181     if (HaveIpData()) {
182       IpData().TimingStats().LinearSystemSymbolicFactorization().Start();
183     }
185     // perform analyse
186     if(ordering_ == ORDER_AUTO) {
187       ma86_analyse(dim, ia, ja, order_amd, &keep_amd, &control_, &info2);
188       if (info2.flag<0) return SYMSOLVER_FATAL_ERROR;
189       ma86_analyse(dim, ia, ja, order_metis, &keep_metis, &control_, &info);
190       if (info.flag<0) return SYMSOLVER_FATAL_ERROR;
191       if(info.num_flops > info2.num_flops) {
192          // Use AMD
193          //cout << "Choose AMD\n";
194          order_ = order_amd;
195          keep_ = keep_amd;
196          delete[] order_metis;
197          ma86_finalise(&keep_metis, &control_);
198       } else {
199          // Use MeTiS
200          //cout << "Choose MeTiS\n";
201          order_ = order_metis;
202          keep_ = keep_metis;
203          delete[] order_amd;
204          ma86_finalise(&keep_amd, &control_);
205       }
206     } else {
207       if(ordering_ == ORDER_AMD) order_ = order_amd;
208       if(ordering_ == ORDER_METIS) order_ = order_metis;
209       ma86_analyse(dim, ia, ja, order_, &keep_, &control_, &info);
210     }
212     if (HaveIpData()) {
213       IpData().TimingStats().LinearSystemSymbolicFactorization().End();
214     }
216     // Setup memory for values
217     if (val_!=NULL) delete[] val_;
218     val_ = new double[nonzeros];
220     if (info.flag>=0) {
221       return SYMSOLVER_SUCCESS;
222     }
223     else {
224       return SYMSOLVER_FATAL_ERROR;
225     }
226   }
228   /*  Solve operation for multiple right hand sides.  Solves the
229    *  linear system A * x = b with multiple right hand sides, where
230    *  A is the symmtric indefinite matrix.  Here, ia and ja give the
231    *  positions of the values (in the required matrix data format).
232    *  The actual values of the matrix will have been given to this
233    *  object by copying them into the array provided by
234    *  GetValuesArrayPtr. ia and ja are identical to the ones given
235    *  to InitializeStructure.  The flag new_matrix is set to true,
236    *  if the values of the matrix has changed, and a refactorzation
237    *  is required.
238    *
239    *  The return code is SYMSOLV_SUCCESS if the factorization and
240    *  solves were successful, SYMSOLV_SINGULAR if the linear system
241    *  is singular, and SYMSOLV_WRONG_INERTIA if check_NegEVals is
242    *  true and the number of negative eigenvalues in the matrix does
243    *  not match numberOfNegEVals.  If SYMSOLV_CALL_AGAIN is
244    *  returned, then the calling function will request the pointer
245    *  for the array for storing a again (with GetValuesPtr), write
246    *  the values of the nonzero elements into it, and call this
247    *  MultiSolve method again with the same right-hand sides.  (This
248    *  can be done, for example, if the linear solver realized it
249    *  does not have sufficient memory and needs to redo the
250    *  factorization; e.g., for MA27.)
251    *
252    *  The number of right-hand sides is given by nrhs, the values of
253    *  the right-hand sides are given in rhs_vals (one full right-hand
254    *  side stored immediately after the other), and solutions are
255    *  to be returned in the same array.
256    *
257    *  check_NegEVals will not be chosen true, if ProvidesInertia()
258    *  returns false.
259    */
MultiSolve(bool new_matrix,const Index * ia,const Index * ja,Index nrhs,double * rhs_vals,bool check_NegEVals,Index numberOfNegEVals)260   ESymSolverStatus Ma86SolverInterface::MultiSolve(bool new_matrix,
261       const Index* ia, const Index* ja, Index nrhs, double* rhs_vals,
262       bool check_NegEVals, Index numberOfNegEVals)
263   {
264     struct ma86_info info;
266     if (new_matrix || pivtol_changed_) {
269       if (HaveIpData()) {
270         IpData().TimingStats().LinearSystemFactorization().Start();
271       }
272       //ma86_factor(ndim_, ia, ja, val_, order_, &keep_, &control_, &info);
273       ma86_factor_solve(ndim_, ia, ja, val_, order_, &keep_, &control_, &info,
274                         nrhs, ndim_, rhs_vals, NULL);
275       if (HaveIpData()) {
276         IpData().TimingStats().LinearSystemFactorization().End();
277       }
278       if (info.flag<0) return SYMSOLVER_FATAL_ERROR;
279       if (info.flag==2 || info.flag==-3) return SYMSOLVER_SINGULAR;
280       if (check_NegEVals && info.num_neg!=numberOfNegEVals)
281         return SYMSOLVER_WRONG_INERTIA;
283       /*if (HaveIpData()) {
284          IpData().TimingStats().LinearSystemBackSolve().Start();
285       }
286       ma86_solve(0, 1, ndim_, rhs_vals, order_, &keep_, &control_, &info);
287       if (HaveIpData()) {
288          IpData().TimingStats().LinearSystemBackSolve().End();
289       }*/
291       numneg_ = info.num_neg;
292       pivtol_changed_ = false;
293     }
294     else {
295       if (HaveIpData()) {
296         IpData().TimingStats().LinearSystemBackSolve().Start();
297       }
298       ma86_solve(0, nrhs, ndim_, rhs_vals, order_, &keep_, &control_, &info,
299                  NULL);
300       if (HaveIpData()) {
301         IpData().TimingStats().LinearSystemBackSolve().End();
302       }
303     }
305     return SYMSOLVER_SUCCESS;
306   }
IncreaseQuality()309   bool Ma86SolverInterface::IncreaseQuality()
310   {
311     if (control_.u >= umax_) {
312       return false;
313     }
314     pivtol_changed_ = true;
316     Jnlst().Printf(J_DETAILED, J_LINEAR_ALGEBRA,
317                    "Increasing pivot tolerance for HSL_MA86 from %7.2e ",
318                    control_.u);
319     control_.u = Min(umax_, pow(control_.u,0.75));
320     Jnlst().Printf(J_DETAILED, J_LINEAR_ALGEBRA,
321                    "to %7.2e.\n",
322                    control_.u);
323     return true;
324   }
326 } // namespace Ipopt