1 /*
2     This file is part of Kig, a KDE program for Interactive Geometry...
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Dominique Devriese <devriese@kde.org>
5     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6 */
9 #ifndef RECT_H
10 #define RECT_H
12 #include "coordinate.h"
14 #include <QRect>
15 #include <QDebug>
17 /**
18  * like Coordinate is a QPoint replacement with doubles, this is a
19  * QRect replacement with doubles...
20  */
21 class Rect
22 {
23 public:
24   /**
25    * constructors...
26    */
27   Rect( const Coordinate &bottomLeft, const Coordinate &topRight );
28   Rect( const Coordinate &bottomLeft, const double width, const double height );
29   Rect( double xa, double ya, double width, double height );
30   Rect( const Rect& r );
31   Rect();
32   static Rect invalidRect();
35   bool valid();
37   void setBottomLeft( const Coordinate &p );
38   void setTopLeft( const Coordinate &p );
39   void setTopRight( const Coordinate &p );
40   void setBottomRight( const Coordinate &p );
41   void setCenter( const Coordinate &p );
42   void setLeft( const double p);
43   void setRight( const double p);
44   void setTop( const double p );
45   void setBottom( const double p );
46   void setWidth( const double w );
47   void setHeight( const double h );
48   /**
49    * this makes sure width and height are > 0 ...
50    */
51   void normalize();
52   /**
53    * this makes sure p is in the rect, extending it if necessary...
54    */
55   void setContains( const Coordinate &p );
56   /**
57    * Assignment operator.
58    */
59   Rect& operator=( const Rect& other );
60   /**
61    * moves the rect while keeping the size constant...
62    */
63   void moveBy( const Coordinate &p );
64   /**
65    * synonym for moveBy...
66    */
67   Rect& operator+=( const Coordinate &p ) { moveBy(p); return *this; }
68   /**
69    * scale: only the size changes, topLeft is kept where it is...
70    */
71   void scale( const double r );
72   /**
73    * synonym for scale...
74    */
75   Rect& operator*=( const double r ) { scale(r); return *this; }
76   Rect& operator/=( const double r ) { scale(1/r); return *this; }
78   /**
79    * This expands the rect so that it contains r.  It has friends
80    * '|=' and '|' below...
81    */
82   void eat( const Rect& r );
84   /**
85    * synonym for eat.
86    */
87   Rect& operator|=( const Rect& rhs ) { eat( rhs ); return *this; }
89   /**
90    * return a rect which is a copy of this rect, but has an aspect
91    * ratio equal to rhs's one..  if \p shrink is true, the rect will be
92    * shrunk, otherwise extended..  The center of the new rect is the
93    * same as this rect's center..
94    */
95   Rect matchShape( const Rect& rhs, bool shrink = false ) const;
97   QRect toQRect() const;
98   Coordinate bottomLeft() const;
99   Coordinate bottomRight() const;
100   Coordinate topLeft() const;
101   Coordinate topRight() const;
102   Coordinate center() const;
103   double left() const;
104   double right() const;
105   double bottom() const;
106   double top() const;
107   double width() const;
108   double height() const;
109   bool contains( const Coordinate& p ) const;
110   bool contains( const Coordinate& p, double allowed_miss ) const;
111   bool intersects( const Rect& p ) const;
112   Rect normalized() const;
113   friend QDebug& operator<<( QDebug& s, const Rect& t );
115   static Rect fromQRect( const QRect& );
116 protected:
117   Coordinate mBottomLeft;
118   double mwidth;
119   double mheight;
120 };
122 bool operator==( const Rect& r, const Rect& s );
123 QDebug& operator<<( QDebug& s, const Rect& t );
124 /**
125  * this operator returns a Rect that contains both the given
126  * rects.
127  */
128 Rect operator|( const Rect& lhs, const Rect& rhs );
130 #endif