1 // This is a -*- C++ -*- header file.
3 /* barvinok.h -- Barvinok's decomposition of a cone.
5    Copyright 2002, 2003 Ruriko Yoshida
6    Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Matthias Koeppe
8    This file is part of LattE.
10    LattE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11    under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Public License
12    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14    LattE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20    along with LattE; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
21    Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
22 */
24 #ifndef BARVINOK__H
25 #define BARVINOK__H
27 #include "cone.h"
28 #include "cone_consumer.h"
29 #include "timing.h"
30 #include "triangulation/RegularTriangulation.h"
31 #include <vector>
33 class BarvinokParameters {
34 public:
35   // Whether we use the
36   //   - traditional LattE monomial substitution z_i |-> (1 + s)^(lambda_i)
37   //   - or the exponential substitution         z_i |-> exp(t lambda_i)
38   //   - or no substitution, keeping a multivariate generating function
39   enum { PolynomialSubstitution,
40 	 ExponentialSubstitution,
41 	 NoSubstitution
42   } substitution;
43   // Whether to use
44   //  - traditional dual decomposition
45   //  - irrational primal decomposition
46   //  - irrational all-primal decomposition
47   //    (i.e., both triangulation and Barvinok decomposition in primal space)
48   typedef enum {
49     DualDecomposition,
50     IrrationalPrimalDecomposition,
51     IrrationalAllPrimalDecomposition
52   } DecompositionType;
53   DecompositionType decomposition;
54   // The kind of triangulation to use.
55   typedef enum {
56     RegularTriangulationWithCdd,
57     RegularTriangulationWithCddlib,
58     DeloneTriangulationWithCddlib,
59     SubspaceAvoidingBoundaryTriangulation,
60     SubspaceAvoidingSpecialTriangulation,
61     PlacingTriangulationWithTOPCOM,
62     RegularTriangulationWith4ti2
63   } TriangulationType;
64   TriangulationType triangulation;
65   int triangulation_max_height;
66   int triangulation_bias;
67   bool nonsimplicial_subdivision;
68   listCone *triangulation_special_cone;
69   prescribed_height_data *triangulation_prescribed_height_data;
70   bool debug_triangulation;
71   bool triangulation_assume_fulldim;
72   // How to dualize non-simplicial cones.
73   typedef enum {
74     DualizationWithCdd,
75     DualizationWith4ti2
76   } DualizationType;
77   DualizationType dualization;
78   // The kind of short vectors we use for decomposition
79   typedef enum {
80     LatteLLL,
81     SubspaceAvoidingLLL
82   } ShortVectorType;
83   ShortVectorType shortvector;
84   // The Smith form computation algorithm
85   typedef enum {
86     IlioSmithForm,
87     LidiaSmithForm
88   } SmithFormType;
89   SmithFormType smithform;
90   // The maximum determinant of cones that we do not subdivide
91   // further.  Set to 1 to subdivide until we reach unimodular cones
92   // only.  Set to 0 (special case) to not subdivide at all.
93   int max_determinant;
94   // A file name that is used for constructing file names for
95   // temporary and semi-temporary files.
96   const char *File_Name;
97   // Ambient dimension.
98   int Number_of_Variables;
99   // Parameters that control the computation.
100   unsigned int Flags;
101   // Data that are used during the computation.
102   int		Cone_Index;	/* Its index in the list of all master
103 				   cones; only used for naming
104 				   triangulation caches. */
105   // Timers.
106   Timer total_time;
107   Timer read_time;
108   Timer vertices_time;
109   Timer irrationalize_time;
110   Timer dualize_time;
111   Timer triangulate_time;
112   Timer decompose_time;
113   int num_triangulations_with_trivial_heights;
114   int num_triangulations_with_dependent_heights;
115   int num_triangulations;
116   // Constructor & destructor.
117   BarvinokParameters();
118   virtual ~BarvinokParameters();
119   virtual void print_statistics(ostream &s);
120   // Call this method to deliver the result.  Several legacy codepaths
121   // in LattE want to deliver the result and exit early, in situations
122   // where emptiness is detected.  This method at least unifies how
123   // this output is delivered.  --mkoeppe
124   virtual void deliver_number_of_lattice_points(const ZZ &number);
125 };
127 class Single_Cone_Parameters : public BarvinokParameters, public ConeConsumer {
128 public:
129   // Statistics collected during the computation.
130   ZZ		Total_Uni_Cones;
131   ZZ		Total_Simplicial_Cones;
132   ZZ		Current_Simplicial_Cones_Total;
133   ZZ		Max_Simplicial_Cones_Total;
134   int		Current_Depth;
135   int		Max_Depth;
136 public:
Single_Cone_Parameters()137   Single_Cone_Parameters() : Current_Depth(0), Max_Depth(0) {};
Single_Cone_Parameters(const BarvinokParameters & params)138   Single_Cone_Parameters(const BarvinokParameters &params) :
139     BarvinokParameters(params), Current_Depth(0), Max_Depth(0) {};
~Single_Cone_Parameters()140   virtual ~Single_Cone_Parameters() {}
141   virtual void print_statistics(ostream &s);
142 };
144 // Send all decomposed cones to a different ConeConsumer.
146 class DelegatingSingleConeParameters : public Single_Cone_Parameters {
147 public:
DelegatingSingleConeParameters(const BarvinokParameters & params)148   DelegatingSingleConeParameters(const BarvinokParameters &params) :
149     Single_Cone_Parameters(params), consumer(0) {};
150   void SetConsumer(ConeConsumer *a_consumer);
151   int ConsumeCone(listCone *cone);
152 protected:
153   ConeConsumer *consumer;
154 };
156 /* Do a signed decomposition, modulo lower-dimensional cones, of the
157    SIMPLICIAL cone spanned by the ROW VECTORS of B with apex at
158    VERTEX, until the determinants of all cones are at most
159    PARAMETERS->max_determinant.
161    Call PARAMETERS->ConsumeCone() for each of the small cones.
162 */
163 int
164 barvinok_Single(mat_ZZ B, Single_Cone_Parameters *Parameters,
165 		const Vertex *vertex);
167 /* Do a signed decomposition, modulo lower-dimensional cones, of the
168    polyhedral CONE, until the determinants of all cones are at most
169    PARAMETERS->max_determinant.  (When the cone is not simplicial, we
170    triangulate it first.)
172    Call PARAMETERS->ConsumeCone() for each of the small cones.
173 */
174 int
175 barvinokDecomposition_Single (listCone *cone,
176 			      Single_Cone_Parameters *Parameters);
178 /* Decompose the cone spanned by GENERATOR (which has determinant DET)
179    according to Barvinok's theory into M (the dimension) many CONES
180    and store their determinants in DETS.
182    Entries with Det[i] == 0 have Cones[i] == NULL (we don't generate
183    lower-dimensional cones).
185    Return true if the decomposition successfully reduced determinants;
186    this is always the case except for SubspaceAvoidingLLL.
187 */
188 bool
189 barvinokStep(const listCone *Cone,
190 	     std::vector <listCone *> &Cones, vec_ZZ &Dets,
191 	     int m, Single_Cone_Parameters *Parameters);
193 #endif