1 /*
2  *  GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
3  *
4  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  *  (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
17  */
22 #include <map>
25 namespace Geom { namespace SL {
27 /*
28  * determinant_minor
29  * This routine has been taken from the ginac project
30  * and adapted as needed; comments are the original ones.
31  */
33 /** Recursive determinant for small matrices having at least one symbolic
34  *  entry.  The basic algorithm, known as Laplace-expansion, is enhanced by
35  *  some bookkeeping to avoid calculation of the same submatrices ("minors")
36  *  more than once.  According to W.M.Gentleman and S.C.Johnson this algorithm
37  *  is better than elimination schemes for matrices of sparse multivariate
38  *  polynomials and also for matrices of dense univariate polynomials if the
39  *  matrix' dimesion is larger than 7.
40  *
41  *  @return the determinant as a new expression (in expanded form)
42  *  @see matrix::determinant() */
44 template< typename Coeff >
determinant_minor(Matrix<Coeff> const & M)45 Coeff determinant_minor(Matrix<Coeff> const& M)
46 {
47     assert(M.rows() == M.columns());
48     // for small matrices the algorithm does not make any sense:
49     const unsigned int n = M.columns();
50     if (n == 1)
51         return M(0,0);
52     if (n == 2)
53         return (M(0,0) * M(1,1) - M(0,1) * M(1,0));
54     if (n == 3)
55         return ( M(0,0)*M(1,1)*M(2,2) + M(0,2)*M(1,0)*M(2,1)
56                 + M(0,1)*M(1,2)*M(2,0) - M(0,2)*M(1,1)*M(2,0)
57                 - M(0,0)*M(1,2)*M(2,1) - M(0,1)*M(1,0)*M(2,2) );
59     // This algorithm can best be understood by looking at a naive
60     // implementation of Laplace-expansion, like this one:
61     // ex det;
62     // matrix minorM(this->rows()-1,this->cols()-1);
63     // for (unsigned r1=0; r1<this->rows(); ++r1) {
64     //     // shortcut if element(r1,0) vanishes
65     //     if (m[r1*col].is_zero())
66     //         continue;
67     //     // assemble the minor matrix
68     //     for (unsigned r=0; r<minorM.rows(); ++r) {
69     //         for (unsigned c=0; c<minorM.cols(); ++c) {
70     //             if (r<r1)
71     //                 minorM(r,c) = m[r*col+c+1];
72     //             else
73     //                 minorM(r,c) = m[(r+1)*col+c+1];
74     //         }
75     //     }
76     //     // recurse down and care for sign:
77     //     if (r1%2)
78     //         det -= m[r1*col] * minorM.determinant_minor();
79     //     else
80     //         det += m[r1*col] * minorM.determinant_minor();
81     // }
82     // return det.expand();
83     // What happens is that while proceeding down many of the minors are
84     // computed more than once.  In particular, there are binomial(n,k)
85     // kxk minors and each one is computed factorial(n-k) times.  Therefore
86     // it is reasonable to store the results of the minors.  We proceed from
87     // right to left.  At each column c we only need to retrieve the minors
88     // calculated in step c-1.  We therefore only have to store at most
89     // 2*binomial(n,n/2) minors.
91     // Unique flipper counter for partitioning into minors
92     std::vector<unsigned int> Pkey;
93     Pkey.reserve(n);
94     // key for minor determinant (a subpartition of Pkey)
95     std::vector<unsigned int> Mkey;
96     Mkey.reserve(n-1);
97     // we store our subminors in maps, keys being the rows they arise from
98     typedef typename std::map<std::vector<unsigned>, Coeff> Rmap;
99     typedef typename std::map<std::vector<unsigned>, Coeff>::value_type Rmap_value;
100     Rmap A;
101     Rmap B;
102     Coeff det;
103     // initialize A with last column:
104     for (unsigned int r = 0; r < n; ++r)
105     {
106         Pkey.erase(Pkey.begin(),Pkey.end());
107         Pkey.push_back(r);
108         A.insert(Rmap_value(Pkey,M(r,n-1)));
109     }
110     // proceed from right to left through matrix
111     for (int c = n-2; c >= 0; --c)
112     {
113         Pkey.erase(Pkey.begin(),Pkey.end());  // don't change capacity
114         Mkey.erase(Mkey.begin(),Mkey.end());
115         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n-c; ++i)
116             Pkey.push_back(i);
117         unsigned int fc = 0;  // controls logic for our strange flipper counter
118         do
119         {
120             det = Geom::SL::zero<Coeff>()();
121             for (unsigned int r = 0; r < n-c; ++r)
122             {
123                 // maybe there is nothing to do?
124                 if (M(Pkey[r], c).is_zero())
125                     continue;
126                 // create the sorted key for all possible minors
127                 Mkey.erase(Mkey.begin(),Mkey.end());
128                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n-c; ++i)
129                     if (i != r)
130                         Mkey.push_back(Pkey[i]);
131                 // Fetch the minors and compute the new determinant
132                 if (r % 2)
133                     det -= M(Pkey[r],c)*A[Mkey];
134                 else
135                     det += M(Pkey[r],c)*A[Mkey];
136             }
137             // store the new determinant at its place in B:
138             if (!det.is_zero())
139                 B.insert(Rmap_value(Pkey,det));
140             // increment our strange flipper counter
141             for (fc = n-c; fc > 0; --fc)
142             {
143                 ++Pkey[fc-1];
144                 if (Pkey[fc-1]<fc+c)
145                     break;
146             }
147             if (fc < n-c && fc > 0)
148                 for (unsigned int j = fc; j < n-c; ++j)
149                     Pkey[j] = Pkey[j-1]+1;
150         } while(fc);
151         // next column, so change the role of A and B:
152         A.swap(B);
153         B.clear();
154     }
156     return det;
157 }
161 } /*end namespace Geom*/  } /*end namespace SL*/
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167   Local Variables:
168   mode:c++
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173   End:
174 */
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