1 /*
2  *  R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
3  *  Copyright (C) 2009-2021 The R Core Team.
4  *
5  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  *  (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  *  along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
17  *  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
18  */
20 /* This is a small HTTP server that serves requests by evaluating
21  * the httpd() function and passing the result to the browser. */
23 /* Example:
24    httpd <- function(path,query=NULL,...) {
25       cat("Request for:", path,"\n"); print(query);
26       list(paste("Hello, <b>world</b>!<p>You asked for \"",path,"\".",sep=''))
27    }
28    .Internal(startHTTPD("",8080))
29  */
31 /* size of the line buffer for each worker (request and header only)
32  * requests that have longer headers will be rejected with 413 */
33 #define LINE_BUF_SIZE 1024
35 /* maximum number of active workers (parallel connections)
36  * when exceeded the server closes new connections */
37 #define MAX_WORKERS 32
40 /* --- Rhttpd implementation --- */
42 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
43 #include <config.h>
44 #endif
46 #include <Defn.h>
47 #include <Fileio.h>
48 #include <Rconnections.h>
50 #include <stdlib.h>
51 #include <stdio.h>
52 #include <string.h>
54 #include <Rmodules/Rinternet.h>
56 #define HttpdServerActivity 8
57 #define HttpdWorkerActivity 9
59 /* this is orignally from sisock.h - system independent sockets */
61 #ifndef _WIN32
62 # include <R_ext/eventloop.h>
63 # include <sys/types.h>
64 # ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
65 #  include <unistd.h>
66 # endif
67 # include <netdb.h>
68 # include <sys/socket.h>
69 # include <netinet/in.h>
70 # include <arpa/inet.h>
71 # include <errno.h>
73 # define sockerrno errno
74 # define SOCKET int
75 # define INVALID_SOCKET (-1)
76 # define closesocket(A) close(A)
77 # define initsocks()
78 # define donesocks()
79 #else
80 /* --- Windows-only --- */
81 # include <windows.h>
82 # include <winsock.h>
83 # include <string.h>
85 # define sockerrno WSAGetLastError()
initsocks(void)88 static int initsocks(void)
89 {
90     WSADATA dt;
91     /* initialize WinSock 1.1 */
92     return (WSAStartup(0x0101, &dt)) ? -1 : 0;
93 }
95 # define donesocks() WSACleanup()
96 typedef int socklen_t;
98 #endif /* _WIN32 */
100 /* --- system-independent part --- */
102 #define SA struct sockaddr
103 #define SAIN struct sockaddr_in
build_sin(struct sockaddr_in * sa,const char * ip,int port)105 static struct sockaddr *build_sin(struct sockaddr_in *sa, const char *ip, int port) {
106     memset(sa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
107     sa->sin_family = AF_INET;
108     sa->sin_port = htons(port);
109     sa->sin_addr.s_addr = (ip) ? inet_addr(ip) : htonl(INADDR_ANY);
110     return (struct sockaddr*)sa;
111 }
113 /* --- END of sisock.h --- */
115 /* debug output - change the DBG(X) X to enable debugging output */
116 #define DBG(X)
118 /* --- httpd --- */
120 #define PART_REQUEST 0
121 #define PART_HEADER  1
122 #define PART_BODY    2
124 #define METHOD_POST  1
125 #define METHOD_GET   2
126 #define METHOD_HEAD  3
127 #define METHOD_OTHER 8 /* for custom requests only */
129 /* attributes of a connection/worker */
130 #define CONNECTION_CLOSE  0x01 /* Connection: close response behavior is requested */
131 #define HOST_HEADER       0x02 /* headers contained Host: header (required for HTTP/1.1) */
132 #define HTTP_1_0          0x04 /* the client requested HTTP/1.0 */
133 #define CONTENT_LENGTH    0x08 /* Content-length: was specified in the headers */
134 #define THREAD_OWNED      0x10 /* the worker is owned by a thread and cannot removed */
135 #define THREAD_DISPOSE    0x20 /* the thread should dispose of the worker */
136 #define CONTENT_TYPE      0x40 /* message has a specific content type set */
137 #define CONTENT_FORM_UENC 0x80 /* message content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded */
139 struct buffer {
140     struct buffer *next, *prev;
141     size_t size, length;
142     char data[1];
143 };
145 /*
146    All processing inside R is executed on the main R thread via
147    R_ProcessEvents (on Unix via event handlers, on Windows via a message
148    window).
150    We still have to protect re-entrance and not continue processing if there
151    is a worker inside R already. If we did not then another client connection
152    would trigger handler and pile up eval on top of the stack, leading to
153    exhaustion very quickly and a big mess.
154 */
155 #ifdef _WIN32
156 static HANDLE process_request_mutex;
157 #else
158 static int in_process;
159 #endif
161 /* --- connection/worker structure holding all data for an active connection --- */
162 typedef struct httpd_conn {
163     SOCKET sock;         /* client socket */
164     struct in_addr peer; /* IP address of the peer */
165 #ifdef _WIN32
166     HANDLE thread;       /* worker thread */
167 #else
168     InputHandler *ih;    /* worker input handler */
169 #endif
170     char line_buf[LINE_BUF_SIZE];  /* line buffer (used for request and headers) */
171     char *url, *body;              /* URL and request body */
172     char *content_type;            /* content type (if set) */
173     size_t line_pos, body_pos; /* positions in the buffers */
174     long content_length;           /* desired content length */
175     char part, method, attr;       /* request part, method and connection attributes */
176     struct buffer *headers;        /* buffer holding header lines */
177 } httpd_conn_t;
179 #define IS_HTTP_1_1(C) (((C)->attr & HTTP_1_0) == 0)
181 /* returns the HTTP/x.x string for a given connection - we support 1.0 and 1.1 only */
182 #define HTTP_SIG(C) (IS_HTTP_1_1(C) ? "HTTP/1.1" : "HTTP/1.0")
184 /* --- static list of currently active workers --- */
185 static httpd_conn_t *workers[MAX_WORKERS];
187 /* --- flag determining whether one-time initialization is yet to be performed --- */
188 static int needs_init = 1;
190 #ifdef _WIN32
191 #define WM_RHTTP_CALLBACK ( WM_USER + 1 )
192 static HWND message_window;
194 RhttpdWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
195 #ifndef HWND_MESSAGE
196 #define HWND_MESSAGE ((HWND)-3) /* NOTE: this is supported by W2k/XP and up only! */
197 #endif
198 #endif
first_init()200 static void first_init()
201 {
202     initsocks();
203 #ifdef _WIN32
204     /* create a dummy message-only window for synchronization with the
205      * main event loop */
206     HINSTANCE instance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
207     LPCTSTR class = "Rhttpd";
208     WNDCLASS wndclass = { 0, RhttpdWindowProc, 0, 0, instance, NULL, 0, 0,
209 			  NULL, class };
210     RegisterClass(&wndclass);
211     message_window = CreateWindow(class, "Rhttpd", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,
212 				  HWND_MESSAGE, NULL, instance, NULL);
214     process_request_mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
215     if (!process_request_mutex)
216         DBG(printf("Mutex creation failed\n"));
217 #endif
218     needs_init = 0;
219 }
221 /* free buffers starting from the tail(!!) */
free_buffer(struct buffer * buf)222 static void free_buffer(struct buffer *buf) {
223     if (!buf) return;
224     if (buf->prev) free_buffer(buf->prev);
225     free(buf);
226 }
228 /* allocate a new buffer */
alloc_buffer(int size,struct buffer * parent)229 static struct buffer *alloc_buffer(int size, struct buffer *parent) {
230     struct buffer *buf = (struct buffer*) malloc(sizeof(struct buffer) + size);
231     if (!buf) return buf;
232     buf->next = 0;
233     buf->prev = parent;
234     if (parent) parent->next = buf;
235     buf->size = size;
236     buf->length = 0;
237     return buf;
238 }
240 /* convert doubly-linked buffers into one big raw vector */
collect_buffers(struct buffer * buf)241 static SEXP collect_buffers(struct buffer *buf) {
242     SEXP res;
243     char *dst;
244     int len = 0;
245     if (!buf) return allocVector(RAWSXP, 0);
246     while (buf->prev) { /* count the total length and find the root */
247 	len += buf->length;
248 	buf = buf->prev;
249     }
250     res = allocVector(RAWSXP, len + buf->length);
251     dst = (char*) RAW(res);
252     while (buf) {
253 	memcpy(dst, buf->data, buf->length);
254 	dst += buf->length;
255 	buf = buf->next;
256     }
257     return res;
258 }
finalize_worker(httpd_conn_t * c)260 static void finalize_worker(httpd_conn_t *c)
261 {
262     DBG(printf("finalizing worker %p\n", (void*) c));
263 #ifndef _WIN32
264     if (c->ih) {
265 	removeInputHandler(&R_InputHandlers, c->ih);
266 	c->ih = NULL;
267     }
268 #endif
269     if (c->url) {
270 	free(c->url);
271 	c->url = NULL;
272     }
274     if (c->body) {
275 	free(c->body);
276 	c->body = NULL;
277     }
279     if (c->content_type) {
280 	free(c->content_type);
281 	c->content_type = NULL;
282     }
283     if (c->headers) {
284 	free_buffer(c->headers);
285 	c->headers = NULL;
286     }
287     if (c->sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
288 	closesocket(c->sock);
289 	c->sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
290     }
291 }
293 /* adds a worker to the worker list and returns 0. If the list is
294  * full, the worker is finalized and returns -1.
295  * Note that we don't need locking, because add_worker is guaranteed
296  * to be called by the same thread (server thread).
297   */
add_worker(httpd_conn_t * c)298 static int add_worker(httpd_conn_t *c) {
299     unsigned int i = 0;
300     for (; i < MAX_WORKERS; i++)
301 	if (!workers[i]) {
302 #ifdef _WIN32
303 	    DBG(printf("registering worker %p as %d (thread=0x%x)\n", (void*) c, i, (int) c->thread));
304 #else
305 	    DBG(printf("registering worker %p as %d (handler=%p)\n", (void*) c, i, (void*) c->ih));
306 #endif
307 	    workers[i] = c;
308 	    return 0;
309 	}
310     /* FIXME: ok no more space for a new worker - what do we do now?
311      * for now we just drop it on the floor .. */
312     finalize_worker(c);
313     free(c);
314     return -1;
315 }
317 /* finalize worker, remove it from the list and free the memory. If
318  * the worker is owned by a thread, it is not finalized and the
319  * THREAD_DISPOSE flag is set instead. */
remove_worker(httpd_conn_t * c)320 static void remove_worker(httpd_conn_t *c)
321 {
322     unsigned int i = 0;
323     if (!c) return;
324     if (c->attr & THREAD_OWNED) { /* if the worker is used by a
325 				   * thread, we can only signal for
326 				   * its removal */
327 	c->attr |= THREAD_DISPOSE;
328 	return;
329     }
330     finalize_worker(c);
331     for (; i < MAX_WORKERS; i++)
332 	if (workers[i] == c)
333 	    workers[i] = NULL;
334     DBG(printf("removing worker %p\n", (void*) c));
335     free(c);
336 }
338 #ifndef Win32
339 extern int R_ignore_SIGPIPE; /* defined in src/main/main.c on unix */
340 #else
341 static int R_ignore_SIGPIPE; /* for simplicity of the code below */
342 #endif
send_response(SOCKET s,const char * buf,size_t len)344 static int send_response(SOCKET s, const char *buf, size_t len)
345 {
346     unsigned int i = 0;
347     /* we have to tell R to ignore SIGPIPE otherwise it can raise an error
348        and get us into deep trouble */
349     R_ignore_SIGPIPE = 1;
350     while (i < len) {
351 	ssize_t n = send(s, buf + i, len - i, 0);
352 	if (n < 1) {
353 	    R_ignore_SIGPIPE = 0;
354 	    return -1;
355 	}
356 	i += n;
357     }
358     R_ignore_SIGPIPE = 0;
359     return 0;
360 }
362 /* sends HTTP/x.x plus the text (which should be of the form " XXX ...") */
send_http_response(httpd_conn_t * c,const char * text)363 static int send_http_response(httpd_conn_t *c, const char *text) {
364     char buf[96];
365     const char *s = HTTP_SIG(c);
366     size_t l = strlen(text);
367     ssize_t res;
368     /* reduce the number of packets by sending the payload en-block from buf */
369     if (l < sizeof(buf) - 10) {
370 	strcpy(buf, s);
371 	strcpy(buf + 8, text);
372 	return send_response(c->sock, buf, l + 8);
373     }
374     R_ignore_SIGPIPE = 1;
375     res = send(c->sock, s, 8, 0);
376     R_ignore_SIGPIPE = 0;
377     if (res < 8) return -1;
378     return send_response(c->sock, text, strlen(text));
379 }
381 /* decode URI in place (decoding never expands) */
uri_decode(char * s)382 static void uri_decode(char *s)
383 {
384     char *t = s;
385     while (*s) {
386 	if (*s == '+') { /* + -> SPC */
387 	    *(t++) = ' '; s++;
388 	} else if (*s == '%') {
389 	    unsigned char ec = 0;
390 	    s++;
391 	    if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ec |= ((unsigned char)(*s - '0')) << 4;
392 	    else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f') ec |= ((unsigned char)(*s - 'a' + 10)) << 4;
393 	    else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F') ec |= ((unsigned char)(*s - 'A' + 10)) << 4;
394 	    if (*s) s++;
395 	    if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ec |= (unsigned char)(*s - '0');
396 	    else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f') ec |= (unsigned char)(*s - 'a' + 10);
397 	    else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F') ec |= (unsigned char)(*s - 'A' + 10);
398 	    if (*s) s++;
399 	    *(t++) = (char) ec;
400 	} else *(t++) = *(s++);
401     }
402     *t = 0;
403 }
405 /* parse a query string into a named character vector - must NOT be
406  * URI decoded */
parse_query(char * query)407 static SEXP parse_query(char *query)
408 {
409     int parts = 0;
410     SEXP res, names;
411     char *s = query, *key = 0, *value = query, *t = query;
412     while (*s) {
413 	if (*s == '&') parts++;
414 	s++;
415     }
416     parts++;
417     res = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, parts));
418     names = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, parts));
419     s = query;
420     parts = 0;
421     while (1) {
422 	if (*s == '=' && !key) { /* first '=' in a part */
423 	    key = value;
424 	    *(t++) = 0;
425 	    value = t;
426 	    s++;
427 	} else if (*s == '&' || !*s) { /* next part */
428 	    int last_entry = !*s;
429 	    *(t++) = 0;
430 	    if (!key) key = "";
431 	    SET_STRING_ELT(names, parts, mkChar(key));
432 	    SET_STRING_ELT(res, parts, mkChar(value));
433 	    parts++;
434 	    if (last_entry) break;
435 	    key = 0;
436 	    value = t;
437 	    s++;
438 	} else if (*s == '+') { /* + -> SPC */
439 	    *(t++) = ' '; s++;
440 	} else if (*s == '%') { /* we cannot use uri_decode becasue we need &/= *before* decoding */
441 	    unsigned char ec = 0;
442 	    s++;
443 	    if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ec |= ((unsigned char)(*s - '0')) << 4;
444 	    else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f') ec |= ((unsigned char)(*s - 'a' + 10)) << 4;
445 	    else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F') ec |= ((unsigned char)(*s - 'A' + 10)) << 4;
446 	    if (*s) s++;
447 	    if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ec |= (unsigned char)(*s - '0');
448 	    else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f') ec |= (unsigned char)(*s - 'a' + 10);
449 	    else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F') ec |= (unsigned char)(*s - 'A' + 10);
450 	    if (*s) s++;
451 	    *(t++) = (char) ec;
452 	} else *(t++) = *(s++);
453     }
454     setAttrib(res, R_NamesSymbol, names);
455     UNPROTECT(2);
456     return res;
457 }
459 static SEXP R_ContentTypeName, R_HandlersName;
461 /* create an object representing the request body. It is NULL if the body is empty (or zero length).
462  * In the case of a URL encoded form it will have the same shape as the query string (named string vector).
463  * In all other cases it will be a raw vector with a "content-type" attribute (if specified in the headers) */
parse_request_body(httpd_conn_t * c)464 static SEXP parse_request_body(httpd_conn_t *c) {
465     if (!c || !c->body) return R_NilValue;
467     if (c->attr & CONTENT_FORM_UENC) { /* URL encoded form - return parsed form */
468 	c->body[c->content_length] = 0; /* the body is guaranteed to have an extra byte for the termination */
469 	return parse_query(c->body);
470     } else { /* something else - pass it as a raw vector */
471 	SEXP res = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(RAWSXP, c->content_length));
472 	if (c->content_length)
473 	    memcpy(RAW(res), c->body, c->content_length);
474 	if (c->content_type) { /* attach the content type so it can be interpreted */
475 	    if (!R_ContentTypeName) R_ContentTypeName = install("content-type");
476 	    setAttrib(res, R_ContentTypeName, mkString(c->content_type));
477 	}
478 	UNPROTECT(1);
479 	return res;
480     }
481 }
483 #ifdef _WIN32
484 /* on Windows we have to guarantee that process_request is performed
485  * on the main thread, so we have to dispatch it through a message */
486 static void process_request_main_thread(httpd_conn_t *c);
process_request(httpd_conn_t * c)488 static void process_request(httpd_conn_t *c)
489 {
490     if (WaitForSingleObject(process_request_mutex, INFINITE) != 0) {
491 	DBG(printf("Acquiring mutex failed\n"));
492         /* (very) unexpected error, maybe we're shutting down? */
493         return;
494     }
496     /* SendMessage is synchronous, so it will wait until the message
497      * is processed */
498     DBG(Rprintf("enqueuing process_request_main_thread\n"));
499     SendMessage(message_window, WM_RHTTP_CALLBACK, 0, (LPARAM) c);
500     DBG(Rprintf("process_request_main_thread returned\n"));
502     ReleaseMutex(process_request_mutex);
503 }
504 #define process_request process_request_main_thread
505 #endif
507 /* finalize a request - essentially for HTTP/1.0 it means that
508  * we have to close the connection */
fin_request(httpd_conn_t * c)509 static void fin_request(httpd_conn_t *c) {
510     if (!IS_HTTP_1_1(c))
511 	c->attr |= CONNECTION_CLOSE;
512 }
514 static SEXP custom_handlers_env;
516 /* returns a httpd handler (closure) for a given path. As a special case
517  * it can return a symbol that will be resolved in the "tools" namespace.
518  * currently it allows custom handlers for paths of the form
519  * /custom/<name>[/.*] where <name> must less than 64 characters long
520  * and is matched against closures in tools:::.httpd.handlers.env */
handler_for_path(const char * path)521 static SEXP handler_for_path(const char *path) {
522     if (path && !strncmp(path, "/custom/", 8)) { /* starts with /custom/ ? */
523 	const char *c = path + 8, *e = c;
524 	while (*c && *c != '/') c++; /* find out the name */
525 	if (c - e > 0 && c - e < 64) { /* if it's 1..63 chars long, proceed */
526 	    char fn[64];
527 	    memcpy(fn, e, c - e); /* create a local C string with the name for the install() call */
528 	    fn[c - e] = 0;
529 	    DBG(Rprintf("handler_for_path('%s'): looking up custom handler '%s'\n", path, fn));
530 	    /* we cache custom_handlers_env so in case it has not been loaded yet, fetch it */
531 	    if (!custom_handlers_env) {
532 		if (!R_HandlersName) R_HandlersName = install(".httpd.handlers.env");
533 		SEXP toolsNS = PROTECT(R_FindNamespace(mkString("tools")));
534 		custom_handlers_env = eval(R_HandlersName, toolsNS);
535 		UNPROTECT(1); /* toolsNS */
536 	    }
537 	    /* we only proceed if .httpd.handlers.env really exists */
538 	    if (TYPEOF(custom_handlers_env) == ENVSXP) {
539 		SEXP cl = findVarInFrame3(custom_handlers_env, install(fn), TRUE);
540 		if (cl != R_UnboundValue && TYPEOF(cl) == CLOSXP) /* we need a closure */
541 		    return cl;
542 	    }
543 	}
544     }
545     DBG(Rprintf(" - falling back to default httpd\n"));
546     return install("httpd");
547 }
549 /* process a request by calling the httpd() function in R */
process_request_(void * ptr)550 static void process_request_(void *ptr)
551 {
552     httpd_conn_t *c = (httpd_conn_t*) ptr;
553     const char *ct = "text/html";
554     char *query = 0, *s;
555     SEXP sHeaders = R_NilValue;
556     int code = 200;
557     DBG(Rprintf("process request for %p\n", (void*) c));
558     if (!c || !c->url) return; /* if there is not enough to process, bail out */
559     s = c->url;
560     while (*s && *s != '?') s++; /* find the query part */
561     if (*s) {
562 	*(s++) = 0;
563 	query = s;
564     }
565     uri_decode(c->url); /* decode the path part */
566     {   /* construct "try(httpd(url, query, body), silent=TRUE)" */
567 	SEXP sTrue = PROTECT(ScalarLogical(TRUE));
568 	SEXP sBody = PROTECT(parse_request_body(c));
569 	SEXP sQuery = PROTECT(query ? parse_query(query) : R_NilValue);
570 	SEXP sReqHeaders = PROTECT(c->headers ? collect_buffers(c->headers) : R_NilValue);
571 	SEXP sArgs = PROTECT(list4(mkString(c->url), sQuery, sBody, sReqHeaders));
572 	SEXP sTry = install("try");
573 	SEXP y, x = PROTECT(lang3(sTry,
574 				  LCONS(handler_for_path(c->url), sArgs),
575 				  sTrue));
576 	SET_TAG(CDR(CDR(x)), install("silent"));
577 	DBG(Rprintf("eval(try(httpd('%s'),silent=TRUE))\n", c->url));
579 	/* evaluate the above in the tools namespace */
580 	SEXP toolsNS = PROTECT(R_FindNamespace(mkString("tools")));
581 	x = eval(x, toolsNS);
582 	UNPROTECT(1); /* toolsNS */
583 	PROTECT(x);
585 	/* the result is expected to have one of the following forms:
587 	   a) character vector of length 1 => error (possibly from try),
588 	      will create 500 response
590 	  b) list(payload[, content-type[, headers[, status code]]])
592 	      payload: can be a character vector of length one or a
593 	      raw vector. if the character vector is named "file" then
594 	      the content of a file of that name is the payload
596 	      content-type: must be a character vector of length one
597 	      or NULL (if present, else default is "text/html")
599 	      headers: must be a character vector - the elements will
600 	      have CRLF appended and neither Content-type nor
601 	      Content-length may be used
603 	     status code: must be an integer if present (default is 200)
604 	 */
606 	if (TYPEOF(x) == STRSXP && LENGTH(x) > 0) { /* string means there was an error */
607 	    const char *s = CHAR(STRING_ELT(x, 0));
608 	    send_http_response(c, " 500 Evaluation error\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n");
609 	    DBG(Rprintf("respond with 500 and content: %s\n", s));
610 	    if (c->method != METHOD_HEAD)
611 		send_response(c->sock, s, strlen(s));
612 	    c->attr |= CONNECTION_CLOSE; /* force close */
613 	    UNPROTECT(7);
614 	    return;
615 	}
617 	if (TYPEOF(x) == VECSXP && LENGTH(x) > 0) { /* a list (generic vector) can be a real payload */
618 	    SEXP xNames = getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol);
619 	    if (LENGTH(x) > 1) {
620 		SEXP sCT = VECTOR_ELT(x, 1); /* second element is content type if present */
621 		if (TYPEOF(sCT) == STRSXP && LENGTH(sCT) > 0)
622 		    ct = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sCT, 0));
623 		if (LENGTH(x) > 2) { /* third element is headers vector */
624 		    sHeaders = VECTOR_ELT(x, 2);
625 		    if (TYPEOF(sHeaders) != STRSXP)
626 			sHeaders = R_NilValue;
627 		    if (LENGTH(x) > 3) /* fourth element is HTTP code */
628 			code = asInteger(VECTOR_ELT(x, 3));
629 		}
630 	    }
631 	    y = VECTOR_ELT(x, 0);
632 	    if (TYPEOF(y) == STRSXP && LENGTH(y) > 0) {
633 		char buf[64];
634 		const char *cs = CHAR(STRING_ELT(y, 0)), *fn = 0;
635 		if (code == 200)
636 		    send_http_response(c, " 200 OK\r\nContent-type: ");
637 		else {
638 		    sprintf(buf, "%s %d Code %d\r\nContent-type: ", HTTP_SIG(c), code, code);
639 		    send_response(c->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
640 		}
641 		send_response(c->sock, ct, strlen(ct));
642 		if (sHeaders != R_NilValue) {
643 		    unsigned int i = 0, n = LENGTH(sHeaders);
644 		    for (; i < n; i++) {
645 			const char *hs = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sHeaders, i));
646 			send_response(c->sock, "\r\n", 2);
647 			send_response(c->sock, hs, strlen(hs));
648 		    }
649 		}
650 		/* special content - a file: either list(file="") or list(c("*FILE*", "")) - the latter will go away */
651 		if (TYPEOF(xNames) == STRSXP && LENGTH(xNames) > 0 &&
652 		    !strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(xNames, 0)), "file"))
653 		    fn = cs;
654 		if (LENGTH(y) > 1 && !strcmp(cs, "*FILE*"))
655 		    fn = CHAR(STRING_ELT(y, 1));
656 		if (fn) {
657 		    char *fbuf;
658 		    FILE *f = fopen(fn, "rb");
659 		    long fsz = 0;
660 		    if (!f) {
661 			send_response(c->sock, "\r\nContent-length: 0\r\n\r\n", 23);
662 			UNPROTECT(7);
663 			fin_request(c);
664 			return;
665 		    }
666 		    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
667 		    fsz = ftell(f);
668 		    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
669 		    sprintf(buf, "\r\nContent-length: %ld\r\n\r\n", fsz);
670 		    send_response(c->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
671 		    if (c->method != METHOD_HEAD) {
672 			fbuf = (char*) malloc(32768);
673 			if (fbuf) {
674 			    while (fsz > 0 && !feof(f)) {
675 				size_t rd = (fsz > 32768) ? 32768 : fsz;
676 				if (fread(fbuf, 1, rd, f) != rd) {
677 				    free(fbuf);
678 				    UNPROTECT(7);
679 				    c->attr |= CONNECTION_CLOSE;
680 				    fclose(f);
681 				    return;
682 				}
683 				send_response(c->sock, fbuf, rd);
684 				fsz -= rd;
685 			    }
686 			    free(fbuf);
687 			} else { /* allocation error - get out */
688 			    UNPROTECT(7);
689 			    c->attr |= CONNECTION_CLOSE;
690 			    fclose(f);
691 			    return;
692 			}
693 		    }
694 		    fclose(f);
695 		    UNPROTECT(7);
696 		    fin_request(c);
697 		    return;
698 		}
699 		sprintf(buf, "\r\nContent-length: %u\r\n\r\n", (unsigned int) strlen(cs));
700 		send_response(c->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
701 		if (c->method != METHOD_HEAD)
702 		    send_response(c->sock, cs, strlen(cs));
703 		UNPROTECT(7);
704 		fin_request(c);
705 		return;
706 	    }
707 	    if (TYPEOF(y) == RAWSXP) {
708 		char buf[64];
709 		Rbyte *cs = RAW(y);
710 		if (code == 200)
711 		    send_http_response(c, " 200 OK\r\nContent-type: ");
712 		else {
713 		    sprintf(buf, "%s %d Code %d\r\nContent-type: ", HTTP_SIG(c), code, code);
714 		    send_response(c->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
715 		}
716 		send_response(c->sock, ct, strlen(ct));
717 		if (sHeaders != R_NilValue) {
718 		    unsigned int i = 0, n = LENGTH(sHeaders);
719 		    for (; i < n; i++) {
720 			const char *hs = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sHeaders, i));
721 			send_response(c->sock, "\r\n", 2);
722 			send_response(c->sock, hs, strlen(hs));
723 		    }
724 		}
725 		sprintf(buf, "\r\nContent-length: %u\r\n\r\n", LENGTH(y));
726 		send_response(c->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
727 		if (c->method != METHOD_HEAD)
728 		    send_response(c->sock, (char*) cs, LENGTH(y));
729 		UNPROTECT(7);
730 		fin_request(c);
731 		return;
732 	    }
733 	}
734 	UNPROTECT(7);
735     }
736     send_http_response(c, " 500 Invalid response from R\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\nServer error: invalid response from R\r\n");
737     c->attr |= CONNECTION_CLOSE; /* force close */
738 }
740 /* wrap the actual call with ToplevelExec since we need to have a guaranteed
741    return so we can track the presence of a worker code inside R to prevent
742    re-entrance from other clients
744    on Windows, this function is named process_request_main_thread via
745    C preprocessor; on all platforms it is executed on the main R thread
746 */
process_request(httpd_conn_t * c)747 static void process_request(httpd_conn_t *c)
748 {
749 #ifndef _WIN32
750     in_process = 1;
751 #endif
752     R_ToplevelExec(process_request_, c);
753 #ifndef _WIN32
754     in_process = 0;
755 #endif
756 }
758 #ifdef _WIN32
759 #undef process_request
760 #endif
762 /* Remove . and (most) .. from "p" following RFC 3986, 5.2.4.*/
remove_dot_segments(char * p)763 static char *remove_dot_segments(char *p) {
765     char *inbuf = Rstrdup(p);
766     char *in = inbuf;   /* first byte of input buffer */
768     char *outbuf = malloc(strlen(inbuf) + 1);
769     if (!outbuf)
770 	error("allocation error in remove_dot_segments");
771     char *out = outbuf; /* last byte (terminator) of output buffer */
772     *out = '\0';
774     while(*in) {
775 /*
776        A.  If the input buffer begins with a prefix of "../" or "./",
777            then remove that prefix from the input buffer; otherwise,
778 */
779 	if (in[0] == '.' && in[1] == '.' && in[2] == '/') {
780 	    /* remove "../" */
781 	    in += 3;
782 	    continue;
783 	}
784 	if (in[0] == '.' && in[1] == '/') {
785 	    /* remove "./" */
786 	    in += 2;
787 	    continue;
788 	}
789 /*
790        B.  if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/./" or "/.",
791            where "." is a complete path segment, then replace that
792            prefix with "/" in the input buffer; otherwise,
793 */
794 	if (in[0] == '/' && in[1] == '.' && in[2] == '/') {
795 	    /* replace "/./" by "/"  */
796 	    in += 2;
797 	    continue;
798 	}
799 	if (in[0] == '/' && in[1] == '.' && in[2] == '\0') {
800 	    /* replace trailing "/." by "/"  */
801 	    in[1] = '\0';
802 	    continue;
803 	}
804 /*
805        C.  if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/../" or "/..",
806            where ".." is a complete path segment, then replace that
807            prefix with "/" in the input buffer and remove the last
808            segment and its preceding "/" (if any) from the output
809            buffer; otherwise,
810 */
811 	if (in[0] == '/' && in[1] == '.' && in[2] == '.' && in[3] == '/') {
812 	    /* replace "/../" by "/" */
813 	    in += 3;
814 	    /* remove trailing "/segment" from output */
815 	    while(out > outbuf && *out != '/') out--;
816 	    *out = '\0';
817 	    continue;
818 	}
819 	if (in[0] == '/' && in[1] == '.' && in[2] == '.' && in[3] == '\0') {
820 	    /* replace trailing "/.." by "/" */
821 	    in[1] = '\0';
822 	    /* remove trailing "/segment" from output */
823 	    while(out > outbuf && *out != '/') out--;
824 	    *out = '\0';
825 	    continue;
826 	}
827 /*
828        D.  if the input buffer consists only of "." or "..", then remove
829            that from the input buffer; otherwise,
830 */
831 	if ( (in[0] == '.' && in[1] == '\0') ||
832 	     (in[0] == '.' && in[1] == '.' && in[2] == '\0') ) {
833 	    /* remove input */
834 	    in[0] = '\0';
835 	    continue;
836 	}
837 /*
838        E.  move the first path segment in the input buffer to the end of
839            the output buffer, including the initial "/" character (if
840            any) and any subsequent characters up to, but not including,
841            the next "/" character or the end of the input buffer.
842 */
843 	if (in[0] == '/') {
844 	    *out++ = '/';
845 	    in++;
846 	}
847 	for(; *in && *in != '/'; in++) *out++ = *in;
848 	*out = '\0';
849     }
851     free(inbuf);
852     return outbuf;
853 }
855 /* this function is called to fetch new data from the client
856  * connection socket and process it */
worker_input_handler(void * data)857 static void worker_input_handler(void *data) {
858     httpd_conn_t *c = (httpd_conn_t*) data;
860     DBG(printf("worker_input_handler, data=%p\n", data));
861     if (!c) return;
863 #ifndef _WIN32
864     if (in_process) return; /* we don't allow recursive entrance */
865 #endif
867     DBG(printf("input handler for worker %p (sock=%d, part=%d, method=%d, line_pos=%d)\n", (void*) c, (int)c->sock, (int)c->part, (int)c->method, (int)c->line_pos));
869     /* FIXME: there is one edge case that is not caught on unix: if
870      * recv reads two or more full requests into the line buffer then
871      * this function exits after the first one, but input handlers may
872      * not trigger, because there may be no further data. It is not
873      * trivial to fix, because just checking for a full line at the
874      * beginning and not calling recv won't trigger a new input
875      * handler. However, under normal circumstance this should not
876      * happen, because clients should wait for the response and even
877      * if they don't it's unlikely that both requests get combined
878      * into one packet. */
879     if (c->part < PART_BODY) {
880 	char *s = c->line_buf;
881 	ssize_t n = recv(c->sock, c->line_buf + c->line_pos,
882 			 LINE_BUF_SIZE - c->line_pos - 1, 0);
883 	DBG(printf("[recv n=%d, line_pos=%d, part=%d]\n", n, c->line_pos, (int)c->part));
884 	if (n < 0) { /* error, scrape this worker */
885 	    remove_worker(c);
886 	    return;
887 	}
888 	if (n == 0) { /* connection closed -> try to process and then remove */
889 	    process_request(c);
890 	    remove_worker(c);
891 	    return;
892 	}
893 	c->line_pos += n;
894 	c->line_buf[c->line_pos] = 0;
895 	DBG(printf("in buffer: {%s}\n", c->line_buf));
896 	while (*s) {
897 	    /* ok, we have genuine data in the line buffer */
898 	    if (s[0] == '\n' || (s[0] == '\r' && s[1] == '\n')) { /* single, empty line - end of headers */
899 		/* --- check request validity --- */
900 		DBG(printf(" end of request, moving to body\n"));
901 		if (!(c->attr & HTTP_1_0) && !(c->attr & HOST_HEADER)) { /* HTTP/1.1 mandates Host: header */
902 		    send_http_response(c, " 400 Bad Request (Host: missing)\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
903 		    remove_worker(c);
904 		    return;
905 		}
906 		if (c->attr & CONTENT_LENGTH && c->content_length) {
907 		    if (c->content_length < 0 ||  /* we are parsing signed so negative numbers are bad */
908 			c->content_length > 2147483640 || /* R will currently have issues with body around 2Gb or more, so better to not go there */
909 			!(c->body = (char*) malloc(c->content_length + 1 /* allocate an extra termination byte */ ))) {
910 			send_http_response(c, " 413 Request Entity Too Large (request body too big)\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
911 			remove_worker(c);
912 			return;
913 		    }
914 		}
915 		c->body_pos = 0;
916 		c->part = PART_BODY;
917 		if (s[0] == '\r') s++;
918 		s++;
919 		/* move the body part to the beginning of the buffer */
920 		c->line_pos -= s - c->line_buf;
921 		memmove(c->line_buf, s, c->line_pos);
922 		/* GET/HEAD or no content length mean no body */
923 		if (c->method == METHOD_GET || c->method == METHOD_HEAD ||
924 		    !(c->attr & CONTENT_LENGTH) || c->content_length == 0) {
925 		    if ((c->attr & CONTENT_LENGTH) && c->content_length > 0) {
926 			send_http_response(c, " 400 Bad Request (GET/HEAD with body)\r\n\r\n");
927 			remove_worker(c);
928 			return;
929 		    }
930 		    process_request(c);
931 		    if (c->attr & CONNECTION_CLOSE) {
932 			remove_worker(c);
933 			return;
934 		    }
935 		    /* keep-alive - reset the worker so it can process a new request */
936 		    if (c->url) { free(c->url); c->url = NULL; }
937 		    if (c->body) { free(c->body); c->body = NULL; }
938 		    if (c->content_type) { free(c->content_type); c->content_type = NULL; }
939 		    if (c->headers) { free_buffer(c->headers); c->headers = NULL; }
940 		    c->body_pos = 0;
941 		    c->method = 0;
942 		    c->part = PART_REQUEST;
943 		    c->attr = 0;
944 		    c->content_length = 0;
945 		    return;
946 		}
947 		/* copy body content (as far as available) */
948 		c->body_pos = (c->content_length < c->line_pos) ? c->content_length : c->line_pos;
949 		if (c->body_pos) {
950 		    memcpy(c->body, c->line_buf, c->body_pos);
951 		    c->line_pos -= c->body_pos; /* NOTE: we are NOT moving the buffer since non-zero left-over causes connection close */
952 		}
953 		/* POST will continue into the BODY part */
954 		break;
955 	    }
956 	    {
957 		char *bol = s;
958 		while (*s && *s != '\r' && *s != '\n') s++;
959 		if (!*s) { /* incomplete line */
960 		    if (bol == c->line_buf) {
961 			if (c->line_pos < LINE_BUF_SIZE) /* one, incomplete line, but the buffer is not full yet, just return */
962 			    return;
963 			/* the buffer is full yet the line is incomplete - we're in trouble */
964 			send_http_response(c, " 413 Request entity too large\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
965 			remove_worker(c);
966 			return;
967 		    }
968 		    /* move the line to the begining of the buffer for later requests */
969 		    c->line_pos -= bol - c->line_buf;
970 		    memmove(c->line_buf, bol, c->line_pos);
971 		    return;
972 		} else { /* complete line, great! */
973 		    if (*s == '\r') *(s++) = 0;
974 		    if (*s == '\n') *(s++) = 0;
975 		    DBG(printf("complete line: {%s}\n", bol));
976 		    if (c->part == PART_REQUEST) {
977 			/* --- process request line --- */
978 			size_t rll = strlen(bol); /* request line length */
979 			char *url = strchr(bol, ' ');
980 			if (!url || rll < 14 || strncmp(bol + rll - 9, " HTTP/1.", 8)) { /* each request must have at least 14 characters [GET / HTTP/1.0] and have HTTP/1.x */
981 			    send_response(c->sock, "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n", 28);
982 			    remove_worker(c);
983 			    return;
984 			}
985 			url++;
986 			bol[strlen(bol) - 9] = 0; /* cut off " HTTP/1.x" */
987 			c->url = remove_dot_segments(url);
988 			if (!strncmp(bol + rll - 3, "1.0", 3)) c->attr |= HTTP_1_0;
989 			if (!strncmp(bol, "GET ", 4)) c->method = METHOD_GET;
990 			if (!strncmp(bol, "POST ", 5)) c->method = METHOD_POST;
991 			if (!strncmp(bol, "HEAD ", 5)) c->method = METHOD_HEAD;
992 			/* only custom handlers can use other methods */
993 			if (!strncmp(c->url, "/custom/", 8)) {
994 			    char *mend = url - 1;
995 			    /* we generate a header with the method so it can be passed to the handler */
996 			    if (!c->headers)
997 				c->headers = alloc_buffer(1024, NULL);
998 			    /* make sure it fits */
999 			    if (c->headers->size - c->headers->length >= 18 + (mend - bol)) {
1000 				if (!c->method) c->method = METHOD_OTHER;
1001 				/* add "Request-Method: xxx" */
1002 				memcpy(c->headers->data + c->headers->length, "Request-Method: ", 16);
1003 				c->headers->length += 16;
1004 				memcpy(c->headers->data + c->headers->length, bol, mend - bol);
1005 				c->headers->length += mend - bol;
1006 				c->headers->data[c->headers->length++] = '\n';
1007 			    }
1008 			}
1009 			if (!c->method) {
1010 			    send_http_response(c, " 501 Invalid or unimplemented method\r\n\r\n");
1011 			    remove_worker(c);
1012 			    return;
1013 			}
1014 			c->part = PART_HEADER;
1015 			DBG(printf("parsed request, method=%d, URL='%s'\n", (int)c->method, c->url));
1016 		    } else if (c->part == PART_HEADER) {
1017 			/* --- process headers --- */
1018 			char *k = bol;
1019 			if (!c->headers)
1020 			    c->headers = alloc_buffer(1024, NULL);
1021 			if (c->headers) { /* record the header line in the buffer */
1022 			    size_t l = strlen(bol);
1023 			    if (l) { /* this should be really always true */
1024 				if (c->headers->length + l + 1 > c->headers->size) { /* not enough space? */
1025 				    size_t fits = c->headers->size - c->headers->length;
1026 				    if (fits) memcpy(c->headers->data + c->headers->length, bol, fits);
1027 				    if (alloc_buffer(2048, c->headers)) {
1028 					c->headers = c->headers->next;
1029 					memcpy(c->headers->data, bol + fits, l - fits);
1030 					c->headers->length = l - fits;
1031 					c->headers->data[c->headers->length++] = '\n';
1032 				    }
1033 				} else {
1034 				    memcpy(c->headers->data + c->headers->length, bol, l);
1035 				    c->headers->length += l;
1036 				    c->headers->data[c->headers->length++] = '\n';
1037 				}
1038 			    }
1039 			}
1040 			while (*k && *k != ':') {
1041 			    if (*k >= 'A' && *k <= 'Z')
1042 				*k |= 0x20;
1043 			    k++;
1044 			}
1045 			if (*k == ':') {
1046 			    *(k++) = 0;
1047 			    while (*k == ' ' || *k == '\t') k++;
1048 			    DBG(printf("header '%s' => '%s'\n", bol, k));
1049 			    if (!strcmp(bol, "content-length")) {
1050 				c->attr |= CONTENT_LENGTH;
1051 				c->content_length = atol(k);
1052 			    }
1053 			    if (!strcmp(bol, "content-type")) {
1054 				char *l = k;
1055 				/* convert content-type to lowercase to facilitate comparison
1056 				   since MIME types are case-insensitive.
1057 				   However, we have to stop at ; since parameters
1058 				   may be case-sensitive (see PR 16541) */
1059 				while (*l && *l != ';') { if (*l >= 'A' && *l <= 'Z') *l |= 0x20; l++; }
1060 				c->attr |= CONTENT_TYPE;
1061 				if (c->content_type) free(c->content_type);
1062 				c->content_type = Rstrdup(k);
1063 				if (!strncmp(k, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 33))
1064 				    c->attr |= CONTENT_FORM_UENC;
1065 			    }
1066 			    if (!strcmp(bol, "host"))
1067 				c->attr |= HOST_HEADER;
1068 			    if (!strcmp(bol, "connection")) {
1069 				char *l = k;
1070 				while (*l) { if (*l >= 'A' && *l <= 'Z') *l |= 0x20; l++; }
1071 				if (!strncmp(k, "close", 5))
1072 				    c->attr |= CONNECTION_CLOSE;
1073 			    }
1074 			}
1075 		    }
1076 		}
1077 	    }
1078 	}
1079 	if (c->part < PART_BODY) {
1080 	    /* we end here if we processed a buffer of exactly one line */
1081 	    c->line_pos = 0;
1082 	    return;
1083 	}
1084     }
1085     if (c->part == PART_BODY && c->body) { /* BODY  - this branch always returns */
1086 	if (c->body_pos < c->content_length) { /* need to receive more ? */
1087 	    DBG(printf("BODY: body_pos=%d, content_length=%ld\n", c->body_pos, c->content_length));
1088 	    ssize_t n = recv(c->sock, c->body + c->body_pos,
1089 			    c->content_length - c->body_pos, 0);
1090 	    DBG(printf("      [recv n=%d - had %u of %lu]\n", n, c->body_pos, c->content_length));
1091 	    c->line_pos = 0;
1092 	    if (n < 0) { /* error, scrap this worker */
1093 		remove_worker(c);
1094 		return;
1095 	    }
1096 	    if (n == 0) { /* connection closed -> try to process and then remove */
1097 		process_request(c);
1098 	    remove_worker(c);
1099 		return;
1100 	    }
1101 	    c->body_pos += n;
1102 	}
1103 	if (c->body_pos == c->content_length) { /* yay! we got the whole body */
1104 	    process_request(c);
1105 	    if (c->attr & CONNECTION_CLOSE || c->line_pos) { /* we have to close the connection if there was a double-hit */
1106 		remove_worker(c);
1107 		return;
1108 	    }
1109 	    /* keep-alive - reset the worker so it can process a new request */
1110 	    if (c->url) { free(c->url); c->url = NULL; }
1111 	    if (c->body) { free(c->body); c->body = NULL; }
1112 	    if (c->content_type) { free(c->content_type); c->content_type = NULL; }
1113 	    if (c->headers) { free_buffer(c->headers); c->headers = NULL; }
1114 	    c->line_pos = 0; c->body_pos = 0;
1115 	    c->method = 0;
1116 	    c->part = PART_REQUEST;
1117 	    c->attr = 0;
1118 	    c->content_length = 0;
1119 	    return;
1120 	}
1121     }
1123     /* we enter here only if recv was used to leave the headers with no body */
1124     if (c->part == PART_BODY && !c->body) {
1125 	char *s = c->line_buf;
1126 	if (c->line_pos > 0) {
1127 	    if ((s[0] != '\r' || s[1] != '\n') && (s[0] != '\n')) {
1128 		send_http_response(c, " 411 length is required for non-empty body\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
1129 		remove_worker(c);
1130 		return;
1131 	    }
1132 	    /* empty body, good */
1133 	    process_request(c);
1134 	    if (c->attr & CONNECTION_CLOSE) {
1135 		remove_worker(c);
1136 		return;
1137 	    } else { /* keep-alive */
1138 		int sh = 1;
1139 		if (s[0] == '\r') sh++;
1140 		if (c->line_pos <= sh)
1141 		    c->line_pos = 0;
1142 		else { /* shift the remaining buffer */
1143 		    memmove(c->line_buf, c->line_buf + sh, c->line_pos - sh);
1144 		    c->line_pos -= sh;
1145 		}
1146 		/* keep-alive - reset the worker so it can process a new request */
1147 		if (c->url) { free(c->url); c->url = NULL; }
1148 		if (c->body) { free(c->body); c->body = NULL; }
1149 		if (c->content_type) { free(c->content_type); c->content_type = NULL; }
1150 		if (c->headers) { free_buffer(c->headers); c->headers = NULL; }
1151 		c->body_pos = 0;
1152 		c->method = 0;
1153 		c->part = PART_REQUEST;
1154 		c->attr = 0;
1155 		c->content_length = 0;
1156 		return;
1157 	    }
1158 	}
1159 	ssize_t n = recv(c->sock, c->line_buf + c->line_pos,
1160 			 LINE_BUF_SIZE - c->line_pos - 1, 0);
1161 	if (n < 0) { /* error, scrap this worker */
1162 	    remove_worker(c);
1163 	    return;
1164 	}
1165 	if (n == 0) { /* connection closed -> try to process and then remove */
1166 	    process_request(c);
1167 	    remove_worker(c);
1168 	    return;
1169 	}
1170 	if ((s[0] != '\r' || s[1] != '\n') && (s[0] != '\n')) {
1171 	    send_http_response(c, " 411 length is required for non-empty body\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
1172 	    remove_worker(c);
1173 	    return;
1174 	}
1175     }
1176 }
1178 static void srv_input_handler(void *data);
1180 static SOCKET srv_sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
1182 #ifdef _WIN32
1183 /* Windows implementation uses threads to accept and serve
1184    connections, using the main event loop to synchronize with R
1185    through a message-only window which is created on the R thread
1186  */
RhttpdWindowProc(HWND hwnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)1187 static LRESULT CALLBACK RhttpdWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1188 {
1189     DBG(Rprintf("RhttpdWindowProc(%x, %x, %x, %x)\n", (int) hwnd, (int) uMsg, (int) wParam, (int) lParam));
1190     if (hwnd == message_window && uMsg == WM_RHTTP_CALLBACK) {
1191 	httpd_conn_t *c = (httpd_conn_t*) lParam;
1192 	process_request_main_thread(c);
1193 	return 0;
1194     }
1195     return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
1196 }
1198 /* server thread - accepts connections on the server socket and
1199    creates worker threads
1200  */
ServerThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter)1201 static DWORD WINAPI ServerThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter) {
1202     while (srv_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
1203 	srv_input_handler(lpParameter);
1204     }
1205     return 0;
1206 }
1208 /* worker thread - processes one client connection socket */
WorkerThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter)1209 static DWORD WINAPI WorkerThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter) {
1210     httpd_conn_t *c = (httpd_conn_t*) lpParameter;
1211     if (!c) return 0;
1212     while ((c->attr & THREAD_DISPOSE) == 0) {
1213 	c->attr |= THREAD_OWNED; /* make sure the worker is not removed by the handler since we need it */
1214 	worker_input_handler(c);
1215     }
1216     /* the handler signalled a desire to remove the worker, do it */
1217     c->attr = 0; /* reset the flags */
1218     remove_worker(c); /* free the worker */
1219     return 0;
1220 }
1222 /* global server thread - currently we support only one server at a time */
1223 HANDLE server_thread;
1224 #else
1225 /* on unix we register all used sockets (server and workers) as input
1226  * handlers such that we can avoid polling */
1228 /* global input handler for the server socket */
1229 static InputHandler *srv_handler;
1230 #endif
srv_input_handler(void * data)1232 static void srv_input_handler(void *data)
1233 {
1234     httpd_conn_t *c;
1235     SAIN peer_sa;
1236     socklen_t peer_sal = sizeof(peer_sa);
1237     SOCKET cl_sock = accept(srv_sock, (SA*) &peer_sa, &peer_sal);
1238     if (cl_sock == INVALID_SOCKET) /* accept failed, don't bother */
1239 	return;
1240     c = (httpd_conn_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(httpd_conn_t));
1241     if (c == NULL) error("allocation error in srv_input_handler");
1242     c->sock = cl_sock;
1243     c->peer = peer_sa.sin_addr;
1244 #ifndef _WIN32
1245     c->ih = addInputHandler(R_InputHandlers, cl_sock, &worker_input_handler,
1246 			    HttpdWorkerActivity);
1247     if (c->ih) c->ih->userData = c;
1248     add_worker(c);
1249 #else
1250     if (!add_worker(c)) { /* create worker thread only if the worker
1251 			   * was accepted */
1252 	if (!(c->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WorkerThreadProc,
1253 				       (LPVOID) c, 0, 0)))
1254 	    remove_worker(c);
1255     }
1256 #endif
1257 }
in_R_HTTPDCreate(const char * ip,int port)1259 int in_R_HTTPDCreate(const char *ip, int port)
1260 {
1261 #ifndef _WIN32
1262     int reuse = 1;
1263 #endif
1264     SAIN srv_sa;
1266     if (needs_init) /* initialization may need to be performed on first use */
1267 	first_init();
1269     /* is already in use, close the current socket */
1270     if (srv_sock != INVALID_SOCKET)
1271 	closesocket(srv_sock);
1273 #ifdef _WIN32
1274     /* on Windows stop the server thread if it exists */
1275     if (server_thread) {
1276 	DWORD ts = 0;
1277 	if (GetExitCodeThread(server_thread, &ts) && ts == STILL_ACTIVE)
1278 	    TerminateThread(server_thread, 0);
1279 	server_thread = 0;
1280     }
1281 #endif
1283     /* create a new socket */
1284     srv_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
1285     if (srv_sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
1286 	Rf_error("unable to create socket");
1288 #ifndef _WIN32
1289     /* set socket for reuse so we can re-init if we die */
1290     /* But on Windows, this lets us stomp on any port already in use, so don't do it. */
1291     setsockopt(srv_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
1292 	       (const char*)&reuse, sizeof(reuse));
1293 #endif
1295     /* bind to the desired port */
1296     if (bind(srv_sock, build_sin(&srv_sa, ip, port), sizeof(srv_sa))) {
1297 #ifndef _WIN32
1298 	if (sockerrno == EADDRINUSE) {
1299 #else
1300 	if (sockerrno == WSAEADDRINUSE) {
1301 #endif
1302 	    closesocket(srv_sock);
1303 	    srv_sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
1304 	    return -2;
1305 	} else {
1306 	    closesocket(srv_sock);
1307 	    srv_sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
1308 	    Rf_error("unable to bind socket to TCP port %d", port);
1309 	}
1310     }
1312     /* setup listen */
1313     if (listen(srv_sock, 8))
1314 	Rf_error("cannot listen to TCP port %d", port);
1316 #ifndef _WIN32
1317     /* all went well, register the socket as a handler */
1318     if (srv_handler) removeInputHandler(&R_InputHandlers, srv_handler);
1319     srv_handler = addInputHandler(R_InputHandlers, srv_sock,
1320 				  &srv_input_handler, HttpdServerActivity);
1321 #else
1322     /* do the desired Windows synchronization */
1323     server_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ServerThreadProc, 0, 0, 0);
1324 #endif
1325     return 0;
1326 }
1328 void in_R_HTTPDStop(void)
1329 {
1330     if (srv_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(srv_sock);
1331     srv_sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
1333 #ifdef _WIN32
1334     /* on Windows stop the server thread if it exists */
1335     if (server_thread) {
1336 	DWORD ts = 0;
1337 	if (GetExitCodeThread(server_thread, &ts) && ts == STILL_ACTIVE)
1338 	    TerminateThread(server_thread, 0);
1339 	server_thread = 0;
1340     }
1341 #else
1342     if (srv_handler) removeInputHandler(&R_InputHandlers, srv_handler);
1343 #endif
1344 }
1346 /* Create an internal http server in R. Note that currently there can
1347    only be at most one http server running at any given time so the
1348    behavior is undefined if a server already exists (currently any
1349    previous servers will be shut down by this call but the shutdown
1350    may not be clean).
1352    @param sIP is the IP to bind to (or NULL for any)
1353    @param sPort is the TCP port number to bin to
1354    @return returns an integer value -- 0L on success, other values
1355    denote failures: -2L means that the address/port combination is
1356    already in use
1357 */
1358 SEXP R_init_httpd(SEXP sIP, SEXP sPort)
1359 {
1360     const char *ip = 0;
1361     if (sIP != R_NilValue && (TYPEOF(sIP) != STRSXP || LENGTH(sIP) != 1))
1362 	Rf_error("invalid bind address specification");
1363     if (sIP != R_NilValue)
1364 	ip = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sIP, 0));
1365     return ScalarInteger(in_R_HTTPDCreate(ip, asInteger(sPort)));
1366 }