3%   Copyright (C) 2014, The University of Texas at Austin
5%   This file is part of libflame and is available under the 3-Clause
6%   BSD license, which can be found in the LICENSE file at the top-level
7%   directory, or at http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
10  function [ A00, A01, A02,...
11             A10, A11, A12,...
12             A20, A21, A22     ] = FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( ATL, ATR,...
13                                                          ABL, ABR,...
14                                                          bm, bn, quadrant )
16% function [ A00, A01, A02,...
17%            A10, A11, A12,...
18%            A20, A21, A22     ] = FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( ATL, ATR,...
19%                                                         ABL, ABR,...
20%                                                         bm, bn, quadrant )
22% Purpose: Repartition a 2 x 2 partitioning of matrix A into
23% a 3 x 3 partitioning where mb x nb submatrix A11 is split from
24% the quadrant indicated by quadrant
26  [ mtl, ntl ] = size( ATL );
27  [ mtr, ntr ] = size( ATR );
28  [ mbl, nbl ] = size( ABL );
29  [ mbr, nbr ] = size( ABR );
31% Check input parameters
33  if( mtl ~= mtr )
34    error('input matrices in top row must have the same number of rows');
35  elseif( mbl ~= mbr )
36    error('input matrices in bottom row must have the same number of rows');
37  elseif( ntl ~= nbl )
38    error('input matrices in left column must have the same number of columns');
39  elseif( ntr ~= nbr )
40    error('input matrices in right column must have the same number of columns');
41  elseif( ( ~strcmp( quadrant(1:6), 'FLA_TL' ) )&...
42         ( ~strcmp( quadrant(1:6), 'FLA_TR' ) )&...
43         ( ~strcmp( quadrant(1:6), 'FLA_BL' ) )&...
44         ( ~strcmp( quadrant(1:6), 'FLA_BR' ) ) )
45    error('quadrant must be a string with contents equal to FLA_TL, FLA_TR, FLA_BL, or FLA_BR');
46  end
48% Repartitioning...
50  if( strcmp( quadrant(1:6), 'FLA_TL' ) )
51    A00 = ATL( 1:mtl-bm, 1:ntl-bn );
52        A01 = ATL( 1:mtl-bm, ntl-bn+1:ntl );
53            A02 = ATR( 1:mtl-bm, : );
54    A10 = ATL( mtl-bm+1:mtl, 1:ntl-bn );
55        A11 = ATL( mtl-bm+1:mtl, ntl-bn+1:ntl );
56            A12 = ATR( mtl-bm+1:mtl, : );
57    A20 = ABL( :, 1:ntl-bn );
58        A21 = ABL( :, ntl-bn+1:ntl );
59            A22 = ABR;
60  elseif( strcmp( quadrant(1:6), 'FLA_TR' ) )
61    A00 = ATL( 1:mtr-bm, : );
62        A01 = ATR( 1:mtr-bm, 1:bn );
63            A02 = ATR( 1:mtr-bm, bn+1:ntr );
64    A10 = ATL( mtr-bm+1:mtr, : );
65        A11 = ATR( mtr-bm+1:mtr, 1:bn );
66            A12 = ATR( mtr-bm+1:mtr, bn+1:ntr );
67    A20 = ABL;
68        A21 = ABR( :, 1:bn );
69            A22 = ABR( :, bn+1:ntr );
70  elseif( strcmp( quadrant(1:6), 'FLA_BL' ) )
71    A00 = ATL( :, 1:nbl-bn );
72        A01 = ATL( :, bn+1:nbl );
73            A02 = ATR;
74    A10 = ABL( 1:bm, 1:nbl-bn );
75        A11 = ABL( 1:bm, bn+1:nbl );
76            A12 = ABR( 1:bm, : );
77    A20 = ABL( bm+1:mbl, 1:nbl-bn );
78        A21 = ABL( bm+1:mbl, bn+1:nbl );
79            A22 = ABR( bm+1:mbl, : );
80  else
81    A00 = ATL;
82        A01 = ATR( :, 1:bn );
83            A02 = ATR( :, bn+1:nbr );
84    A10 = ABL( 1:bm, : );
85        A11 = ABR( 1:bm, 1:bn );
86            A12 = ABR( 1:bm, bn+1:nbr );
87    A20 = ABL( bm+1:mbr, : );
88        A21 = ABR( bm+1:mbr, 1:bn );
89            A22 = ABR( bm+1:mbr, bn+1:nbr );
90  end
92  return;
94% End of FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3