1 #include "stdafx.h"
2 #include "MASTER.h"
3 /*
4 *****************************************************************
5 *****************************************************************
6 *******                                                  ********
7 ****** Copyright (C) 1988-2010 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
8 *******                                                  ********
9 *****************************************************************
10 *****************************************************************
11 */
12 #if !defined ARRLIST_h
13 #define ARRLIST_h
15 #if defined EXTERN
16 #  undef EXTERN
17 #endif
18 #if defined ARRLISTMODULE
19 #  define EXTERN
20 #else
21 #  define EXTERN extern
22 #endif
24 #if !defined TECPLOTKERNEL
25 typedef struct _ArrayList_s* ArrayList_pa;
26 #endif
28 typedef enum
29 {
30     ArrayListType_UnsignedChar,
31     ArrayListType_UnsignedShort,
32     ArrayListType_UnsignedInt,
33     ArrayListType_UnsignedLong,
34     ArrayListType_Int64,
35     ArrayListType_Char,
36     ArrayListType_Short,
37     ArrayListType_Int,
38     ArrayListType_Long,
39     ArrayListType_Float,
40     ArrayListType_Double,
41     ArrayListType_LgIndex,
42     ArrayListType_EntIndex,
43     ArrayListType_SmInteger,
44     ArrayListType_Boolean,
45     ArrayListType_ArbParam,
46     ArrayListType_UnsignedCharPtr,
47     ArrayListType_UnsignedShortPtr,
48     ArrayListType_UnsignedIntPtr,
49     ArrayListType_UnsignedLongPtr,
50     ArrayListType_Int64Ptr,
51     ArrayListType_CharPtr,
52     ArrayListType_ShortPtr,
53     ArrayListType_IntPtr,
54     ArrayListType_LongPtr,
55     ArrayListType_FloatPtr,
56     ArrayListType_DoublePtr,
57     ArrayListType_LgIndexPtr,
58     ArrayListType_EntIndexPtr,
59     ArrayListType_SmIntegerPtr,
60     ArrayListType_BooleanPtr,
61     ArrayListType_ArbParamPtr,
62     ArrayListType_VoidPtr,
63     ArrayListType_FunctionPtr,
64     ArrayListType_Any,
65     END_ArrayListType_e,
66     ArrayListType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
67 } ArrayListType_e;
69 typedef union
70 {
71     unsigned char   UnsignedChar;
72     unsigned short  UnsignedShort;
73     unsigned int    UnsignedInt;
74     unsigned long   UnsignedLong;
75     Int64_t         Int64;
76     char            Char;
77     short           Short;
78     int             Int;
79     long            Long;
80     float           Float;
81     double          Double;
82     LgIndex_t       LgIndex;
83     EntIndex_t      EntIndex;
84     SmInteger_t     SmInteger;
85     Boolean_t       BBoolean;  /* X-Windows uses Boolean */
86     ArbParam_t      ArbParam;
87     unsigned char*  UnsignedCharPtr;
88     unsigned short* UnsignedShortPtr;
89     unsigned int*   UnsignedIntPtr;
90     unsigned long*  UnsignedLongPtr;
91     Int64_t*        Int64Ptr;
92     char*           CharPtr;
93     short*          ShortPtr;
94     int*            IntPtr;
95     long*           LongPtr;
96     float*          FloatPtr;
97     double*         DoublePtr;
98     LgIndex_t*      LgIndexPtr;
99     EntIndex_t*     EntIndexPtr;
100     SmInteger_t*    SmIntegerPtr;
101     Boolean_t*      BooleanPtr;
102     ArbParam_t*     ArbParamPtr;
103     void*           VoidPtr;
104     void (*FunctionPtr)(void);
105 } ArrayListItem_u;
107 #if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
109 #endif
111 /**
112  * Visitor for traversing an array list. An iterator may not perform any
113  * operation that will adjust the size of the list.  In other words it may not
114  * insert or delete items from the list. However an iterator may perform a get
115  * operation or a set operation that do not expand the list size.
116  *
117  * param ItemRef
118  *     Reference to the array list item visited.
119  * param ClientData
120  *     Any client data required for the visitor.
121  *
122  * return
123  *     TRUE to continue visiting items, otherwise
124  *     FALSE to discontinue visiting
125  */
126 typedef Boolean_t (*ArrayListItemVisitor_pf)(void*      ItemRef,
127                                              ArbParam_t ClientData);
128 #if 0 /* use this stub as a starting place */
129 {
130     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(TypeRef));
131     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*TypeRef) || *TypeRef == NULL);
133     Boolean_t DoContinue = TRUE;
134     <type>* TypeRef = static_cast<<type>*>(ItemRef);
136     ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(DoContinue));
137     return DoContinue;
138 }
139 #endif
142 /**
143  * Destructor for cleaning up one or more array list items. If a destructor is
144  * not supplied then the array items are simply discarded.
145  *
146  * NOTE: The only change to ArrayListItemVisitor_pf is the policy which
147  *       requires that the return value is TRUE.
148  *
149  * param ItemRef
150  *     Reference to the array list item to cleanup.
151  * param ClientData
152  *     Any client data required for cleanup.
153  *
154  * return
155  *     TRUE is a requirement
156  */
157 typedef ArrayListItemVisitor_pf ArrayListItemDestructor_pf;
160 /**
161  * Duplicator for copying one or more array list items. If a duplicator is not
162  * supplied then the array items are simply copied. For pointer types this
163  * means by reference. Note that if a duplicator is used the rules for
164  * duplication and subsequent cleanup are defined by the client.
165  *
166  * param TargetItemRef
167  *     Reference to the array list to receive the duplicate.
168  * param SourceItemRef
169  *     Reference to the array list item to duplicate.
170  * param ClientData
171  *     Any client data required for duplication.
172  *
173  * return
174  *     TRUE if the duplication was a success
175  *     FALSE otherwise. If the duplication failed it
176  *     is the client's responsibility to cleanup any
177  *     partial duplication
178  */
179 typedef Boolean_t (*ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf)(void*      TargetItemRef,
180                                                 void*      SourceItemRef,
181                                                 ArbParam_t ClientData);
182 #if 0 /* use this stub as a starting place */
183 {
184     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(TargetTypeRef));
185     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SourceTypeRef));
186     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*SourceTypeRef) || *SourceTypeRef == NULL);
188     Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
189     <type>* TargetTypeRef = static_cast<<type>*>(TargetItemRef);
190     <type>* SourceTypeRef = static_cast<<type>*>(SourceItemRef);
193     return IsOk;
194 }
195 #endif
198 /**
199  * Adjusts the capacity request as necessary to minimize memory reallocations
200  * for large lists. Unless the request exceeds the maximum the adjusted
201  * capacity will be at least as big as requested however it may be larger if it
202  * is determined that the space requirement is growing faster. If the maximum
203  * is exceeded zero should be returned.
204  *
205  * param ArrayList
206  *     Array list requesting the change in capacity.
207  * param CurrentCapacity
208  *     Current capacity of the array list.
209  * param RequestedCapacity
210  *     Capacity request or zero for default size.
211  * param ClientData
212  *     Any client data needed for the adjustment.
213  *
214  * return
215  *     Adjusted capacity that is at least as large as the request or zero if
216  *     unable to satisfy the requested capacity.
217  */
218 typedef LgIndex_t (*ArrayListCapacityRequestAdjuster_pf)(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
219                                                          LgIndex_t    CurrentCapacity,
220                                                          LgIndex_t    RequestedCapacity,
221                                                          ArbParam_t   ClientData);
222 #if 0 /* use this stub as a starting place */
223 {
224     REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
225     REQUIRE((RequestedCapacity == 0 && CurrentCapacity == 0) ||
226             RequestedCapacity > ArrayList->Capacity);
228     LgIndex_t Result;
230     ENSURE(Result == 0 || Result >= RequestedCapacity);
231     return Result;
232 }
233 #endif
236 /* private ArrayList structure: only exposed so STRUTIL can use it */
237 typedef struct _ArrayList_s
238 {
239     char*            Array;           /* byte array for holding the items */
240     ArrayListType_e  Type;            /* type of array items */
241     SmInteger_t      ItemSize;        /* byte size of an individual item */
242     LgIndex_t        Count;           /* number of items in the array */
243     LgIndex_t        Capacity;        /* maximum holding capacity of the array */
244     Boolean_t        IsVisitingItems; /* indicates if an iteration is in progress */
245     ArrayListCapacityRequestAdjuster_pf CapacityRequestAdjuster;
246     ArbParam_t                          CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData;
247 } ArrayList_s;
250 /**
251  * Compares two array list elements. Note that either string may be
252  * NULL as array lists allow for NULL elements.
253  *
254  * @param Item1
255  *     Element to compare against Item2.
256  * @param Item2
257  *     Element to compare against Item1.
258  * @param ClientData
259  *     Contextual information that was passed to the 'ArrayListQSort' function.
260  *
261  * @return
262  *     - A value less than zero if Item1 is less than Item2.
263  *     - A value of zero if Item1 is equal to Item2.
264  *     - A value greater than zero if Item1 is greater than Item2.
265  */
266 typedef int (STDCALL *ArrayListItemComparator_pf)(ArrayListItem_u Item1,
267                                                   ArrayListItem_u Item2,
268                                                   ArbParam_t      ClientData);
270 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
271 EXTERN ArrayListType_e ArrayListGetType(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
272 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListEnlargeCapacity(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
273                                           LgIndex_t    RequestedCapacity);
274 EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListAlloc(LgIndex_t                           EstimatedCapacity,
275                                    ArrayListType_e                     Type,
276                                    ArrayListCapacityRequestAdjuster_pf CapacityRequestAdjuster = 0,
277                                    ArbParam_t                          CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData = 0);
278 EXTERN void ArrayListDealloc(ArrayList_pa*              ArrayList,
279                              ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor = 0,
280                              ArbParam_t                 ClientData = 0);
281 EXTERN void ArrayListClear(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
282 EXTERN void ArrayListDeleteAllItems(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
283                                     ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor = 0,
284                                     ArbParam_t                 ClientData = 0);
285 EXTERN void ArrayListDeleteItems(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
286                                  LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
287                                  LgIndex_t                  Count,
288                                  ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor = 0,
289                                  ArbParam_t                 ClientData = 0);
290 EXTERN void ArrayListDeleteItem(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
291                                 LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
292                                 ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor = 0,
293                                 ArbParam_t                 ClientData = 0);
294 EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListRemoveItems(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
295                                          LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
296                                          LgIndex_t    Count);
297 EXTERN ArrayListItem_u ArrayListRemoveItem(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
298                                            LgIndex_t    ItemOffset);
299 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListInsertItem(ArrayList_pa    ArrayList,
300                                      LgIndex_t       ItemOffset,
301                                      ArrayListItem_u Item);
302 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListInsert(ArrayList_pa Target,
303                                  LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
304                                  ArrayList_pa Source);
305 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListVisitItems(ArrayList_pa            ArrayList,
306                                      LgIndex_t               ItemOffset,
307                                      LgIndex_t               Count,
308                                      ArrayListItemVisitor_pf ItemVisitor,
309                                      ArbParam_t              ClientData);
310 EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListGetItems(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
311                                       LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
312                                       LgIndex_t    Count);
313 EXTERN ArrayListItem_u ArrayListGetItem(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
314                                         LgIndex_t    ItemOffset);
315 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListSetItem(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
316                                   LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
317                                   ArrayListItem_u            Item,
318                                   ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor = 0,
319                                   ArbParam_t                 ClientData = 0);
320 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListAppendItem(ArrayList_pa    ArrayList,
321                                      ArrayListItem_u Item);
322 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListAppend(ArrayList_pa Target,
323                                  ArrayList_pa Source);
324 EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListCopy(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
325                                   ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf ItemDuplicator = 0,
326                                   ArbParam_t                 ClientData = 0);
327 EXTERN void* ArrayListToArray(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
328                               ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf ItemDuplicator,
329                               ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
330 EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListFromArray(void*                      Source,
331                                        LgIndex_t                  Count,
332                                        ArrayListType_e            Type,
333                                        ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf ItemDuplicator = 0,
334                                        ArbParam_t                 ClientData = 0);
336 #if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
338 #endif
339 EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListBSearch(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
340                                   ArrayListItem_u            Item,
341                                   ArrayListItemComparator_pf Comparator,
342                                   ArbParam_t                 ClientData,
343                                   LgIndex_t*                 ItemIndex = 0);
346 /**
347  * Gets the array list's internal buffer representation.
348  * Use ArrayListGetXxx accessors whenever possible as their
349  * implementation in the release build is as fast as using
350  * the array directly anyway.
351  *
352  * WARNING:
353  *     Some array list functions modify the internal buffer.
354  *     This will invalidate this reference however it is
355  *     the client's responsibility not to make further use
356  *     of it. In addition, this reference should never be
357  *     deallocated directly as the array list assumes the
358  *     responsible for the cleanup.
359  *
360  * param ArrayList
361  *     Array list for which a reference to the internal
362  *     buffer is desired.
363  *
364  * return
365  *     Reference to the array list's internal buffer.
366  */
367 #  define ArrayListGetInternalRef     ArrayListGetInternalRef_MACRO
368 /**
369  * Gets the item's internal reference at the specified offset in the list.
370  *
371  * WARNING:
372  *     Some array list functions modify the internal buffer.
373  *     This will invalidate this reference however it is
374  *     the client's responsibility not to make further use
375  *     of it. In addition, this reference should never be
376  *     deallocated directly as the array list assumes the
377  *     responsible for the cleanup.
378  *
379  * param ArrayList
380  *     Array list containing the desired item.
381  * param ItemOffset
382  *     Offset to the item in the list.
383  *
384  * return
385  *     The internal reference to the requested item.
386  */
387 #  define ArrayListGetItemInternalRef ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_MACRO
388 #  define ArrayListGetCount           ArrayListGetCount_MACRO
390 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned char)
391 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset)    ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned short)
392 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned int)
393 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned long)
394 #  define ArrayListGetInt64(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Int64_t)
395 #  define ArrayListGetChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset)             ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, char)
396 #  define ArrayListGetShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, short)
397 #  define ArrayListGetInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset)              ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, int)
398 #  define ArrayListGetLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset)             ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, long)
399 #  define ArrayListGetFloat(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, float)
400 #  define ArrayListGetDouble(ArrayList, ItemOffset)           ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, double)
401 #  define ArrayListGetLgIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, LgIndex_t)
402 #  define ArrayListGetEntIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, EntIndex_t)
403 #  define ArrayListGetSmInteger(ArrayList, ItemOffset)        ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, SmInteger_t)
404 #  define ArrayListGetBoolean(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Boolean_t)
405 #  define ArrayListGetArbParam(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, ArbParam_t)
406 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)  ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned char*)
407 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset) ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned short*)
408 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)   ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned int*)
409 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)  ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned long*)
410 #  define ArrayListGetInt64Ptr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Int64_t*)
411 #  define ArrayListGetCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, char*)
412 #  define ArrayListGetShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, short*)
413 #  define ArrayListGetIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)           ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, int*)
414 #  define ArrayListGetLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, long*)
415 #  define ArrayListGetFloatPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, float*)
416 #  define ArrayListGetDoublePtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)        ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, double*)
417 #  define ArrayListGetLgIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)       ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, LgIndex_t*)
418 #  define ArrayListGetEntIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, EntIndex_t*)
419 #  define ArrayListGetSmIntegerPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, SmInteger_t*)
420 #  define ArrayListGetBooleanPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)       ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Boolean_t*)
421 #  define ArrayListGetArbParamPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, ArbParam_t*)
422 #  define ArrayListGetVoidPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, void*)
423 #  define ArrayListGetFunctionPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, (**)(void))
424 #else
425 #  define ArrayListGetInternalRef     ArrayListGetInternalRef_FUNC
426 #  define ArrayListGetItemInternalRef ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC
427 #  define ArrayListGetCount           ArrayListGetCount_FUNC
429 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset)       (*(static_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
430 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     (*(static_cast<unsigned short*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
431 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         (*(static_cast<unsigned int*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
432 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset)       (*(static_cast<unsigned long*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
433 #  define ArrayListGetInt64(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                    (*(static_cast<Int64_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
434 #  define ArrayListGetChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                        (*(static_cast<char*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
435 #  define ArrayListGetShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                      (*(static_cast<short*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
436 #  define ArrayListGetInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                          (*(static_cast<int*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
437 #  define ArrayListGetLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                        (*(static_cast<long*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
438 #  define ArrayListGetFloat(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                      (*(static_cast<float*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
439 #  define ArrayListGetDouble(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                    (*(static_cast<double*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
440 #  define ArrayListGetLgIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                (*(static_cast<LgIndex_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
441 #  define ArrayListGetEntIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset)              (*(static_cast<EntIndex_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
442 #  define ArrayListGetSmInteger(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            (*(static_cast<SmInteger_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
443 #  define ArrayListGetBoolean(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                (*(static_cast<Boolean_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
444 #  define ArrayListGetArbParam(ArrayList, ItemOffset)              (*(static_cast<ArbParam_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
445 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)   (*(static_cast<unsigned char**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
446 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset) (*(static_cast<unsigned short**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
447 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     (*(static_cast<unsigned int**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
448 #  define ArrayListGetUnsignedLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)   (*(static_cast<unsigned long**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
449 #  define ArrayListGetInt64Ptr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                (*(static_cast<Int64_t**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
450 #  define ArrayListGetCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                    (*(static_cast<char**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
451 #  define ArrayListGetShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                  (*(static_cast<short**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
452 #  define ArrayListGetIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                      (*(static_cast<int**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
453 #  define ArrayListGetLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                    (*(static_cast<long**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
454 #  define ArrayListGetFloatPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                  (*(static_cast<float**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
455 #  define ArrayListGetDoublePtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                (*(static_cast<double**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
456 #  define ArrayListGetLgIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            (*(static_cast<LgIndex_t**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
457 #  define ArrayListGetEntIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          (*(static_cast<EntIndex_t**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
458 #  define ArrayListGetSmIntegerPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)        (*(static_cast<SmInteger_t**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
459 #  define ArrayListGetBooleanPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            (*(static_cast<Boolean_t**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
460 #  define ArrayListGetArbParamPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          (*(static_cast<ArbParam_t**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
461 #  define ArrayListGetVoidPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                    (*(static_cast<void**>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
462 #  define ArrayListGetFunctionPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)             (*(static_cast<**(void)*>(const_cast<void*>(ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))))
463 #endif
466 EXTERN void const* ArrayListGetInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
467 EXTERN void const* ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
468                                                     LgIndex_t    ItemOffset);
469 EXTERN LgIndex_t ArrayListGetCount_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
470 #endif
472 #define ArrayListGetInternalRef_MACRO(ArrayList)                 static_cast<void const*>((ArrayList)->Array)
473 #define ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_MACRO(ArrayList, ItemOffset) static_cast<void const*>(&((ArrayList)->Array[(ItemOffset)*(ArrayList)->ItemSize]))
474 #define ArrayListGetCount_MACRO(ArrayList)                       ((ArrayList)->Count)
475 #define ArrayListGetTypedArrayRef(ArrayList, NativeType)         reinterpret_cast<NativeType*>((ArrayList)->Array)
476 #define ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, NativeType) (ArrayListGetTypedArrayRef(ArrayList,NativeType)[ItemOffset])
478 /**
479  * Simple macro to determine if the item offset is within the array list
480  * capacity. In the debug or checked builds we also perform a lower bound
481  * assertion check.
482  */
483 #if defined NO_ASSERTS
484 # define ArrayListOffsetWithinCapacity(ArrayList, ItemOffset) ((ItemOffset) < (ArrayList)->Capacity)
485 #else
486 /**
487  * Using 'assert' rather than 'REQUIRE' because under Windows, REQUIRE (and ASSERT) trickles down to being a
488  * do-while loop, which doesn't jive well with the comma operator.
489  */
490 # define ArrayListOffsetWithinCapacity(ArrayList, ItemOffset) ((assert((ItemOffset) >= 0),TRUE) && ((ItemOffset) < (ArrayList)->Capacity))
491 #endif
493 /**
494  * Places the item at the specified offset. If the offset is beyond the
495  * end of the list it is sized accordingly and the intervening items
496  * between the last item of the original state and the last item of the
497  * new state are guaranteed to be 0.
498  *
499  * This is the workhorse of the set and append convenience macros that follow.
500  * Please note that unlike ArrayListSetItem no destructor facility is provided
501  * therefore if an item previously occupied 'ItemOffset' it will be replaced.
502  *
503  * param ArrayList
504  *     Array list target in which to set the item.
505  * param ItemOffset
506  *     Offset of the item.
507  * param Item
508  *     Item to set at the specified offset. Its native type must
509  *     match 'NativeType'
510  * param NativeType
511  *     Native type of 'Item'.
512  *
513  * return
514  *     TRUE if sufficient memory permitted the operation, otherwise FALSE.
515  */
516 #define ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, NativeType) \
517     ((ArrayListOffsetWithinCapacity((ArrayList), (ItemOffset)) || \
518       ArrayListEnlargeCapacity((ArrayList), (ItemOffset)+1)) \
519           ? ((void)((ArrayListGetTypedArrayRef((ArrayList),NativeType)[(ItemOffset)]) = (Item)), \
520              (((ItemOffset)+1 > (ArrayList)->Count) \
521                   ? (((ArrayList)->Count = (ItemOffset)+1), TRUE) \
522                   : (TRUE))) \
523           : (FALSE))
525 /**
526  * Appends the item to the end of the list. This is similar to ArrayListSetTypedItem however it
527  * needs not perform a bounds check which is always one beyond the end. This macro was added
528  * primarily to remove compiler warnings caused by a comparison of the array list ArrayList->Count+1
529  * always returning true when tested if larger than ArrayList->Count which occurs if you use the
530  * ArrayListSetTypedItem as ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, NativeType).
531  *
532  * This is the workhorse of the append convenience macros that follow.
533  *
534  * param ArrayList
535  *     Array list target in which to set the item.
536  * param Item
537  *     Item to append to the end of the array. Its native type must
538  *     match 'NativeType'
539  * param NativeType
540  *     Native type of 'Item'.
541  *
542  * return
543  *     TRUE if sufficient memory permitted the operation, otherwise FALSE.
544  */
545 #define ArrayListAppendTypedItem(ArrayList, Item, NativeType) \
546     ((ArrayListOffsetWithinCapacity((ArrayList), (ArrayList)->Count) || \
547       ArrayListEnlargeCapacity((ArrayList), (ArrayList)->Count+1)) \
548           ? ((void)((ArrayListGetTypedArrayRef((ArrayList),NativeType)[(ArrayList)->Count]) = (Item)), \
549              (((ArrayList)->Count = (ArrayList)->Count+1), TRUE)) \
550           : (FALSE))
552 /**
553  * This section provides macros for high speed setting and appending to an
554  * array list of a known type. The only additional overhead incurred versus just
555  * using a simple array is the cost of testing the array list capacity.
556  */
557 #define ArrayListSetUnsignedChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),unsigned char)
558 #define ArrayListSetUnsignedShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)    ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),unsigned short)
559 #define ArrayListSetUnsignedInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),unsigned int)
560 #define ArrayListSetUnsignedLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),unsigned long)
561 #define ArrayListSetInt64(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),Int64_t)
562 #define ArrayListSetChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)             ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),char)
563 #define ArrayListSetShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),short)
564 #define ArrayListSetInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)              ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),int)
565 #define ArrayListSetLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)             ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),long)
566 #define ArrayListSetFloat(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),float)
567 #define ArrayListSetDouble(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)           ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),double)
568 #define ArrayListSetLgIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),LgIndex_t)
569 #define ArrayListSetEntIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),EntIndex_t)
570 #define ArrayListSetSmInteger(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)        ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),SmInteger_t)
571 #define ArrayListSetBoolean(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),Boolean_t)
572 #define ArrayListSetArbParam(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),ArbParam_t)
573 #define ArrayListSetUnsignedCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)  ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),unsigned char*)
574 #define ArrayListSetUnsignedShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item) ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),unsigned short*)
575 #define ArrayListSetUnsignedIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)   ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),unsigned int*)
576 #define ArrayListSetUnsignedLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)  ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),unsigned long*)
577 #define ArrayListSetInt64Ptr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),Int64_t*)
578 #define ArrayListSetCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),char*)
579 #define ArrayListSetShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),short*)
580 #define ArrayListSetIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)           ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),int*)
581 #define ArrayListSetLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),long*)
582 #define ArrayListSetFloatPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),float*)
583 #define ArrayListSetDoublePtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)        ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),double*)
584 #define ArrayListSetLgIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)       ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),LgIndex_t*)
585 #define ArrayListSetEntIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),EntIndex_t*)
586 #define ArrayListSetSmIntegerPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),SmInteger_t*)
587 #define ArrayListSetBooleanPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)       ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),Boolean_t*)
588 #define ArrayListSetArbParamPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),ArbParam_t*)
589 #define ArrayListSetVoidPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),void*)
590 #define ArrayListSetFunctionPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem((ArrayList),(ItemOffset),(Item),(**)(void))
592 #define ArrayListAppendUnsignedChar(ArrayList, Item)     ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),unsigned char)
593 #define ArrayListAppendUnsignedShort(ArrayList, Item)    ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),unsigned short)
594 #define ArrayListAppendUnsignedInt(ArrayList, Item)      ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),unsigned int)
595 #define ArrayListAppendUnsignedLong(ArrayList, Item)     ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),unsigned long)
596 #define ArrayListAppendInt64(ArrayList, Item)            ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),Int64_t)
597 #define ArrayListAppendChar(ArrayList, Item)             ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),char)
598 #define ArrayListAppendShort(ArrayList, Item)            ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),short)
599 #define ArrayListAppendInt(ArrayList, Item)              ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),int)
600 #define ArrayListAppendLong(ArrayList, Item)             ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),long)
601 #define ArrayListAppendFloat(ArrayList, Item)            ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),float)
602 #define ArrayListAppendDouble(ArrayList, Item)           ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),double)
603 #define ArrayListAppendLgIndex(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),LgIndex_t)
604 #define ArrayListAppendEntIndex(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),EntIndex_t)
605 #define ArrayListAppendSmInteger(ArrayList, Item)        ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),SmInteger_t)
606 #define ArrayListAppendBoolean(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),Boolean_t)
607 #define ArrayListAppendArbParam(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),ArbParam_t)
608 #define ArrayListAppendUnsignedCharPtr(ArrayList, Item)  ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),unsigned char*)
609 #define ArrayListAppendUnsignedShortPtr(ArrayList, Item) ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),unsigned short*)
610 #define ArrayListAppendUnsignedIntPtr(ArrayList, Item)   ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),unsigned int*)
611 #define ArrayListAppendUnsignedLongPtr(ArrayList, Item)  ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),unsigned long*)
612 #define ArrayListAppendInt64Ptr(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),Int64_t*)
613 #define ArrayListAppendCharPtr(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),char*)
614 #define ArrayListAppendShortPtr(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),short*)
615 #define ArrayListAppendIntPtr(ArrayList, Item)           ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),int*)
616 #define ArrayListAppendLongPtr(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),long*)
617 #define ArrayListAppendFloatPtr(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),float*)
618 #define ArrayListAppendDoublePtr(ArrayList, Item)        ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),double*)
619 #define ArrayListAppendLgIndexPtr(ArrayList, Item)       ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),LgIndex_t*)
620 #define ArrayListAppendEntIndexPtr(ArrayList, Item)      ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),EntIndex_t*)
621 #define ArrayListAppendSmIntegerPtr(ArrayList, Item)     ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),SmInteger_t*)
622 #define ArrayListAppendBooleanPtr(ArrayList, Item)       ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),Boolean_t*)
623 #define ArrayListAppendArbParamPtr(ArrayList, Item)      ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),ArbParam_t*)
624 #define ArrayListAppendVoidPtr(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),void*)
625 #define ArrayListAppendFunctionPtr(ArrayList, Item)      ArrayListAppendTypedItem((ArrayList),(Item),(**)(void))
627 #endif /* ARRLIST_h */