1 // The libMesh Finite Element Library.
2 // Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Benjamin S. Kirk, John W. Peterson, Roy H. Stogner
4 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20 // <h1>Adaptivity Example 2 - Solving a Transient System with Adaptive Mesh Refinement</h1>
21 // \author Benjamin S. Kirk
22 // \date 2003
23 //
24 // This example shows how a simple, linear transient
25 // system can be solved in parallel.  The system is simple
26 // scalar convection-diffusion with a specified external
27 // velocity.  The initial condition is given, and the
28 // solution is advanced in time with a standard Crank-Nicolson
29 // time-stepping strategy.
30 //
31 // Also, we use this example to demonstrate writing out and reading
32 // in of solutions. We do 25 time steps, then save the solution
33 // and do another 25 time steps starting from the saved solution.
35 // C++ include files that we need
36 #include <iostream>
37 #include <algorithm>
38 #include <cstdlib> // *must* precede <cmath> for proper std:abs() on PGI, Sun Studio CC
39 #include <cmath>
41 // Basic include file needed for the mesh functionality.
42 #include "libmesh/libmesh.h"
43 #include "libmesh/replicated_mesh.h"
44 #include "libmesh/mesh_refinement.h"
45 #include "libmesh/gmv_io.h"
46 #include "libmesh/equation_systems.h"
47 #include "libmesh/fe.h"
48 #include "libmesh/quadrature_gauss.h"
49 #include "libmesh/dof_map.h"
50 #include "libmesh/sparse_matrix.h"
51 #include "libmesh/numeric_vector.h"
52 #include "libmesh/dense_matrix.h"
53 #include "libmesh/dense_vector.h"
54 #include "libmesh/getpot.h"
55 #include "libmesh/enum_solver_package.h"
56 #include "libmesh/enum_xdr_mode.h"
57 #include "libmesh/enum_norm_type.h"
59 // This example will solve a linear transient system,
60 // so we need to include the TransientLinearImplicitSystem definition.
61 #include "libmesh/transient_system.h"
62 #include "libmesh/linear_implicit_system.h"
63 #include "libmesh/vector_value.h"
65 // To refine the mesh we need an ErrorEstimator
66 // object to figure out which elements to refine.
67 #include "libmesh/error_vector.h"
68 #include "libmesh/kelly_error_estimator.h"
70 // The definition of a geometric element
71 #include "libmesh/elem.h"
73 // Bring in everything from the libMesh namespace
74 using namespace libMesh;
76 // Function prototype.  This function will assemble the system
77 // matrix and right-hand-side at each time step.  Note that
78 // since the system is linear we technically do not need to
79 // assemble the matrix at each time step, but we will anyway.
80 // In subsequent examples we will employ adaptive mesh refinement,
81 // and with a changing mesh it will be necessary to rebuild the
82 // system matrix.
84 void assemble_cd (EquationSystems & es,
85                   const std::string & system_name);
86 #endif
88 // Function prototype.  This function will initialize the system.
89 // Initialization functions are optional for systems.  They allow
90 // you to specify the initial values of the solution.  If an
91 // initialization function is not provided then the default (0)
92 // solution is provided.
93 void init_cd (EquationSystems & es,
94               const std::string & system_name);
96 // Exact solution function prototype.  This gives the exact
97 // solution as a function of space and time.  In this case the
98 // initial condition will be taken as the exact solution at time 0,
99 // as will the Dirichlet boundary conditions at time t.
100 Real exact_solution (const Real x,
101                      const Real y,
102                      const Real t);
exact_value(const Point & p,const Parameters & parameters,const std::string &,const std::string &)104 Number exact_value (const Point & p,
105                     const Parameters & parameters,
106                     const std::string &,
107                     const std::string &)
108 {
109   return exact_solution(p(0), p(1), parameters.get<Real> ("time"));
110 }
114 // Begin the main program.  Note that the first
115 // statement in the program throws an error if
116 // you are in complex number mode, since this
117 // example is only intended to work with real
118 // numbers.
main(int argc,char ** argv)119 int main (int argc, char ** argv)
120 {
121   // Initialize libMesh.
122   LibMeshInit init (argc, argv);
124   // This example requires a linear solver package.
125   libmesh_example_requires(libMesh::default_solver_package() != INVALID_SOLVER_PACKAGE,
126                            "--enable-petsc, --enable-trilinos, or --enable-eigen");
129   libmesh_example_requires(false, "--enable-amr");
130 #else
132   // Our Trilinos interface does not yet support adaptive transient
133   // problems
134   libmesh_example_requires(libMesh::default_solver_package() != TRILINOS_SOLVERS, "--enable-petsc");
136   // Brief message to the user regarding the program name
137   // and command line arguments.
139   // Use commandline parameter to specify if we are to
140   // read in an initial solution or generate it ourself
141   libMesh::out << "Usage:\n"
142                <<"\t " << argv[0] << " -init_timestep 0 -n_timesteps 25 [-n_refinements 5]\n"
143                << "OR\n"
144                <<"\t " << argv[0] << " -read_solution -init_timestep 26 -n_timesteps 25\n"
145                << std::endl;
147   libMesh::out << "Running: " << argv[0];
149   for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
150     libMesh::out << " " << argv[i];
152   libMesh::out << std::endl << std::endl;
154   // Create a GetPot object to parse the command line
155   GetPot command_line (argc, argv);
158   // This boolean value is obtained from the command line, it is true
159   // if the flag "-read_solution" is present, false otherwise.
160   // It indicates whether we are going to read in
161   // the mesh and solution files "saved_mesh.xda" and "saved_solution.xda"
162   // or whether we are going to start from scratch by just reading
163   // "mesh.xda"
164   const bool read_solution = command_line.search("-read_solution");
166   // This value is also obtained from the commandline and it specifies the
167   // initial value for the t_step looping variable. We must
168   // distinguish between the two cases here, whether we read in the
169   // solution or we started from scratch, so that we do not overwrite the
170   // gmv output files.
171   unsigned int init_timestep = 0;
173   // Search the command line for the "init_timestep" flag and if it is
174   // present, set init_timestep accordingly.
175   if (command_line.search("-init_timestep"))
176     init_timestep = command_line.next(0);
177   else
178     {
179       // This handy function will print the file name, line number,
180       // specified message, and then throw an exception.
181       libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Initial timestep not specified!");
182     }
184   // This value is also obtained from the command line, and specifies
185   // the number of time steps to take.
186   unsigned int n_timesteps = 0;
188   // Again do a search on the command line for the argument
189   if (command_line.search("-n_timesteps"))
190     n_timesteps = command_line.next(0);
191   else
192     libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Number of timesteps not specified");
195   // Skip this 2D example if libMesh was compiled as 1D-only.
196   libmesh_example_requires(2 <= LIBMESH_DIM, "2D support");
198   // Create a new mesh on the default MPI communicator.
199   // We still need some work on automatic parallel restarts with
200   // DistributedMesh
201   ReplicatedMesh mesh(init.comm());
203   // Create an equation systems object.
204   EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);
205   MeshRefinement mesh_refinement (mesh);
207   // First we process the case where we do not read in the solution
208   if (!read_solution)
209     {
210       // Read the mesh from file.
211       mesh.read ("mesh.xda");
213       // Again do a search on the command line for an argument
214       unsigned int n_refinements = 5;
215       if (command_line.search("-n_refinements"))
216         n_refinements = command_line.next(0);
218       // Uniformly refine the mesh 5 times
219       if (!read_solution)
220         mesh_refinement.uniformly_refine (n_refinements);
222       // Print information about the mesh to the screen.
223       mesh.print_info();
225       // Declare the system and its variables.
226       // Begin by creating a transient system
227       // named "Convection-Diffusion".
228       TransientLinearImplicitSystem & system =
229         equation_systems.add_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem>("Convection-Diffusion");
231       // Adds the variable "u" to "Convection-Diffusion".  "u"
232       // will be approximated using first-order approximation.
233       system.add_variable ("u", FIRST);
235       // Give the system a pointer to the matrix assembly
236       // and initialization functions.
237       system.attach_assemble_function (assemble_cd);
238       system.attach_init_function (init_cd);
240       // Initialize the data structures for the equation system.
241       equation_systems.init ();
242     }
243   // Otherwise we read in the solution and mesh
244   else
245     {
246       // Read in the mesh stored in "saved_mesh.xda"
247       mesh.read("saved_mesh.xda");
249       // Print information about the mesh to the screen.
250       mesh.print_info();
252       // Read in the solution stored in "saved_solution.xda"
253       equation_systems.read("saved_solution.xda", READ);
255       // Get a reference to the system so that we can call update() on it
256       TransientLinearImplicitSystem & system =
257         equation_systems.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem>("Convection-Diffusion");
259       // We need to call update to put system in a consistent state
260       // with the solution that was read in
261       system.update();
263       // Attach the same matrix assembly function as above. Note, we do not
264       // have to attach an init() function since we are initializing the
265       // system by reading in "saved_solution.xda"
266       system.attach_assemble_function (assemble_cd);
268       // Print out the H1 norm of the saved solution, for verification purposes:
269       Real H1norm = system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, SystemNorm(H1));
271       libMesh::out << "Initial H1 norm = " << H1norm << std::endl << std::endl;
272     }
274   // Prints information about the system to the screen.
275   equation_systems.print_info();
277   equation_systems.parameters.set<unsigned int>("linear solver maximum iterations") = 250;
278   equation_systems.parameters.set<Real>("linear solver tolerance") = TOLERANCE;
280   if (!read_solution)
281     // Write out the initial condition
282     GMVIO(mesh).write_equation_systems ("out.gmv.000", equation_systems);
283   else
284     // Write out the solution that was read in
285     GMVIO(mesh).write_equation_systems ("solution_read_in.gmv", equation_systems);
287   // The Convection-Diffusion system requires that we specify
288   // the flow velocity.  We will specify it as a RealVectorValue
289   // data type and then use the Parameters object to pass it to
290   // the assemble function.
291   equation_systems.parameters.set<RealVectorValue>("velocity") =
292     RealVectorValue (0.8, 0.8);
294   // The Convection-Diffusion system also requires a specified
295   // diffusivity.  We use an isotropic (hence Real) value.
296   equation_systems.parameters.set<Real>("diffusivity") = 0.01;
298   // Solve the system "Convection-Diffusion".  This will be done by
299   // looping over the specified time interval and calling the
300   // solve() member at each time step.  This will assemble the
301   // system and call the linear solver.
303   // Since only TransientLinearImplicitSystems (and systems
304   // derived from them) contain old solutions, to use the
305   // old_local_solution later we now need to specify the system
306   // type when we ask for it.
307   TransientLinearImplicitSystem & system =
308     equation_systems.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem>("Convection-Diffusion");
310   const Real dt = 0.025;
311   system.time = init_timestep*dt;
313   // We do 25 timesteps both before and after writing out the
314   // intermediate solution
315   for (unsigned int t_step=init_timestep; t_step<(init_timestep+n_timesteps); t_step++)
316     {
317       // Increment the time counter, set the time and the
318       // time step size as parameters in the EquationSystem.
319       system.time += dt;
321       equation_systems.parameters.set<Real> ("time") = system.time;
322       equation_systems.parameters.set<Real> ("dt")   = dt;
324       // A pretty update message
325       libMesh::out << " Solving time step ";
327       // Add a set of scope braces to enforce data locality.
328       {
329         std::ostringstream out;
331         out << std::setw(2)
332             << std::right
333             << t_step
334             << ", time="
335             << std::fixed
336             << std::setw(6)
337             << std::setprecision(3)
338             << std::setfill('0')
339             << std::left
340             << system.time
341             <<  "...";
343         libMesh::out << out.str() << std::endl;
344       }
346       // At this point we need to update the old
347       // solution vector.  The old solution vector
348       // will be the current solution vector from the
349       // previous time step.
351       *system.old_local_solution = *system.current_local_solution;
353       // The number of refinement steps per time step.
354       const unsigned int max_r_steps = 2;
356       // A refinement loop.
357       for (unsigned int r_step=0; r_step<max_r_steps; r_step++)
358         {
359           // Assemble & solve the linear system
360           system.solve();
362           // Print out the H1 norm, for verification purposes:
363           Real H1norm = system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, SystemNorm(H1));
365           libMesh::out << "H1 norm = " << H1norm << std::endl;
367           // Possibly refine the mesh
368           if (r_step+1 != max_r_steps)
369             {
370               libMesh::out << "  Refining the mesh..." << std::endl;
372               // The ErrorVector is a particular StatisticsVector
373               // for computing error information on a finite element mesh.
374               ErrorVector error;
376               // The ErrorEstimator class interrogates a finite element
377               // solution and assigns to each element a positive error value.
378               // This value is used for deciding which elements to refine
379               // and which to coarsen.
380               KellyErrorEstimator error_estimator;
382               // This is a subclass of JumpErrorEstimator, based on
383               // measuring discontinuities across sides between
384               // elements, and we can tell it to use a cheaper
385               // "unweighted" quadrature rule when numerically
386               // integrating those discontinuities.
387               error_estimator.use_unweighted_quadrature_rules = true;
389               // Compute the error for each active element using the provided
390               // flux_jump indicator.  Note in general you will need to
391               // provide an error estimator specifically designed for your
392               // application.
393               error_estimator.estimate_error (system,
394                                               error);
396               // This takes the error in error and decides which elements
397               // will be coarsened or refined.  Any element within 20% of the
398               // maximum error on any element will be refined, and any
399               // element within 7% of the minimum error on any element might
400               // be coarsened. Note that the elements flagged for refinement
401               // will be refined, but those flagged for coarsening _might_ be
402               // coarsened.
403               mesh_refinement.refine_fraction() = 0.80;
404               mesh_refinement.coarsen_fraction() = 0.07;
405               mesh_refinement.max_h_level() = 5;
406               mesh_refinement.flag_elements_by_error_fraction (error);
408               // This call actually refines and coarsens the flagged
409               // elements.
410               mesh_refinement.refine_and_coarsen_elements();
412               // This call reinitializes the EquationSystems object for
413               // the newly refined mesh.  One of the steps in the
414               // reinitialization is projecting the solution,
415               // old_solution, etc... vectors from the old mesh to
416               // the current one.
417               equation_systems.reinit ();
418             }
419         }
421       // Again do a search on the command line for an argument
422       unsigned int output_freq = 10;
423       if (command_line.search("-output_freq"))
424         output_freq = command_line.next(0);
426       // Output every 10 timesteps to file.
427       if ((t_step+1)%output_freq == 0)
428         {
429           std::ostringstream file_name;
431           file_name << "out.gmv."
432                     << std::setw(3)
433                     << std::setfill('0')
434                     << std::right
435                     << t_step+1;
437           GMVIO(mesh).write_equation_systems (file_name.str(),
438                                               equation_systems);
439         }
440     }
442   if (!read_solution)
443     {
444       // Print out the H1 norm of the saved solution, for verification purposes:
445       Real H1norm = system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, SystemNorm(H1));
447       libMesh::out << "Final H1 norm = " << H1norm << std::endl << std::endl;
449       mesh.write("saved_mesh.xda");
450       equation_systems.write("saved_solution.xda", WRITE);
451       GMVIO(mesh).write_equation_systems ("saved_solution.gmv",
452                                           equation_systems);
453     }
454 #endif // #ifndef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR
456   return 0;
457 }
459 // Here we define the initialization routine for the
460 // Convection-Diffusion system.  This routine is
461 // responsible for applying the initial conditions to
462 // the system.
init_cd(EquationSystems & es,const std::string & libmesh_dbg_var (system_name))463 void init_cd (EquationSystems & es,
464               const std::string & libmesh_dbg_var(system_name))
465 {
466   // It is a good idea to make sure we are initializing
467   // the proper system.
468   libmesh_assert_equal_to (system_name, "Convection-Diffusion");
470   // Get a reference to the Convection-Diffusion system object.
471   TransientLinearImplicitSystem & system =
472     es.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem>("Convection-Diffusion");
474   // Project initial conditions at time 0
475   es.parameters.set<Real> ("time") = system.time = 0;
477   system.project_solution(exact_value, nullptr, es.parameters);
478 }
482 // This function defines the assembly routine which
483 // will be called at each time step.  It is responsible
484 // for computing the proper matrix entries for the
485 // element stiffness matrices and right-hand sides.
assemble_cd(EquationSystems & es,const std::string & libmesh_dbg_var (system_name))487 void assemble_cd (EquationSystems & es,
488                   const std::string & libmesh_dbg_var(system_name))
489 {
490   // It is a good idea to make sure we are assembling
491   // the proper system.
492   libmesh_assert_equal_to (system_name, "Convection-Diffusion");
494   // Get a constant reference to the mesh object.
495   const MeshBase & mesh = es.get_mesh();
497   // The dimension that we are running
498   const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
500   // Get a reference to the Convection-Diffusion system object.
501   TransientLinearImplicitSystem & system =
502     es.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem> ("Convection-Diffusion");
504   // Get the Finite Element type for the first (and only)
505   // variable in the system.
506   FEType fe_type = system.variable_type(0);
508   // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type.  Since the
509   // FEBase::build() member dynamically creates memory we will
510   // store the object as a std::unique_ptr<FEBase>.  This can be thought
511   // of as a pointer that will clean up after itself.
512   std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe      (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
513   std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe_face (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
515   // A Gauss quadrature rule for numerical integration.
516   // Let the FEType object decide what order rule is appropriate.
517   QGauss qrule (dim,   fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
518   QGauss qface (dim-1, fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
520   // Tell the finite element object to use our quadrature rule.
521   fe->attach_quadrature_rule      (&qrule);
522   fe_face->attach_quadrature_rule (&qface);
524   // Here we define some references to cell-specific data that
525   // will be used to assemble the linear system.  We will start
526   // with the element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each integration point.
527   const std::vector<Real> & JxW      = fe->get_JxW();
528   const std::vector<Real> & JxW_face = fe_face->get_JxW();
530   // The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
531   const std::vector<std::vector<Real>> & phi = fe->get_phi();
532   const std::vector<std::vector<Real>> & psi = fe_face->get_phi();
534   // The element shape function gradients evaluated at the quadrature
535   // points.
536   const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient>> & dphi = fe->get_dphi();
538   // The XY locations of the quadrature points used for face integration
539   const std::vector<Point> & qface_points = fe_face->get_xyz();
541   // A reference to the DofMap object for this system.  The DofMap
542   // object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
543   // to degree of freedom numbers.  We will talk more about the DofMap
544   // in future examples.
545   const DofMap & dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
547   // Define data structures to contain the element matrix
548   // and right-hand-side vector contribution.  Following
549   // basic finite element terminology we will denote these
550   // "Ke" and "Fe".
551   DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;
552   DenseVector<Number> Fe;
554   // This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
555   // the element.  These define where in the global system
556   // the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
557   std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;
559   // Here we extract the velocity & parameters that we put in the
560   // EquationSystems object.
561   const RealVectorValue velocity =
562     es.parameters.get<RealVectorValue> ("velocity");
564   const Real diffusivity =
565     es.parameters.get<Real> ("diffusivity");
567   const Real dt = es.parameters.get<Real> ("dt");
569   // Now we will loop over all the elements in the mesh that
570   // live on the local processor. We will compute the element
571   // matrix and right-hand-side contribution.  Since the mesh
572   // will be refined we want to only consider the ACTIVE elements,
573   // hence we use a variant of the active_elem_iterator.
574   for (const auto & elem : mesh.active_local_element_ptr_range())
575     {
576       // Get the degree of freedom indices for the
577       // current element.  These define where in the global
578       // matrix and right-hand-side this element will
579       // contribute to.
580       dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);
582       // Compute the element-specific data for the current
583       // element.  This involves computing the location of the
584       // quadrature points (q_point) and the shape functions
585       // (phi, dphi) for the current element.
586       fe->reinit (elem);
588       const unsigned int n_dofs =
589         cast_int<unsigned int>(dof_indices.size());
590       libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_dofs, phi.size());
592       // Zero the element matrix and right-hand side before
593       // summing them.  We use the resize member here because
594       // the number of degrees of freedom might have changed from
595       // the last element.  Note that this will be the case if the
596       // element type is different (i.e. the last element was a
597       // triangle, now we are on a quadrilateral).
598       Ke.resize (n_dofs, n_dofs);
600       Fe.resize (n_dofs);
602       // Now we will build the element matrix and right-hand-side.
603       // Constructing the RHS requires the solution and its
604       // gradient from the previous timestep.  This myst be
605       // calculated at each quadrature point by summing the
606       // solution degree-of-freedom values by the appropriate
607       // weight functions.
608       for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
609         {
610           // Values to hold the old solution & its gradient.
611           Number   u_old = 0.;
612           Gradient grad_u_old;
614           // Compute the old solution & its gradient.
615           for (unsigned int l=0; l != n_dofs; l++)
616             {
617               u_old += phi[l][qp]*system.old_solution (dof_indices[l]);
619               // This will work,
620               // grad_u_old += dphi[l][qp]*system.old_solution (dof_indices[l]);
621               // but we can do it without creating a temporary like this:
622               grad_u_old.add_scaled (dphi[l][qp], system.old_solution (dof_indices[l]));
623             }
625           // Now compute the element matrix and RHS contributions.
626           for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_dofs; i++)
627             {
628               // The RHS contribution
629               Fe(i) += JxW[qp]*(
630                                 // Mass matrix term
631                                 u_old*phi[i][qp] +
632                                 -.5*dt*(
633                                         // Convection term
634                                         // (grad_u_old may be complex, so the
635                                         // order here is important!)
636                                         (grad_u_old*velocity)*phi[i][qp] +
638                                         // Diffusion term
639                                         diffusivity*(grad_u_old*dphi[i][qp]))
640                                 );
642               for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_dofs; j++)
643                 {
644                   // The matrix contribution
645                   Ke(i,j) += JxW[qp]*(
646                                       // Mass-matrix
647                                       phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp] +
648                                       .5*dt*(
649                                              // Convection term
650                                              (velocity*dphi[j][qp])*phi[i][qp] +
651                                              // Diffusion term
652                                              diffusivity*(dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp]))
653                                       );
654                 }
655             }
656         }
658       // At this point the interior element integration has
659       // been completed.  However, we have not yet addressed
660       // boundary conditions.  For this example we will only
661       // consider simple Dirichlet boundary conditions imposed
662       // via the penalty method.
663       //
664       // The following loops over the sides of the element.
665       // If the element has no neighbor on a side then that
666       // side MUST live on a boundary of the domain.
667       {
668         // The penalty value.
669         const Real penalty = 1.e10;
671         // The following loops over the sides of the element.
672         // If the element has no neighbor on a side then that
673         // side MUST live on a boundary of the domain.
674         for (auto s : elem->side_index_range())
675           if (elem->neighbor_ptr(s) == nullptr)
676             {
677               fe_face->reinit(elem, s);
679               libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_dofs, psi.size());
681               for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qface.n_points(); qp++)
682                 {
683                   const Number value = exact_solution (qface_points[qp](0),
684                                                        qface_points[qp](1),
685                                                        system.time);
687                   // RHS contribution
688                   for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_dofs; i++)
689                     Fe(i) += penalty*JxW_face[qp]*value*psi[i][qp];
691                   // Matrix contribution
692                   for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_dofs; i++)
693                     for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_dofs; j++)
694                       Ke(i,j) += penalty*JxW_face[qp]*psi[i][qp]*psi[j][qp];
695                 }
696             }
697       }
700       // We have now built the element matrix and RHS vector in terms
701       // of the element degrees of freedom.  However, it is possible
702       // that some of the element DOFs are constrained to enforce
703       // solution continuity, i.e. they are not really "free".  We need
704       // to constrain those DOFs in terms of non-constrained DOFs to
705       // ensure a continuous solution.  The
706       // DofMap::constrain_element_matrix_and_vector() method does
707       // just that.
708       dof_map.constrain_element_matrix_and_vector (Ke, Fe, dof_indices);
710       // The element matrix and right-hand-side are now built
711       // for this element.  Add them to the global matrix and
712       // right-hand-side vector.  The SparseMatrix::add_matrix()
713       // and NumericVector::add_vector() members do this for us.
714       system.matrix->add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);
715       system.rhs->add_vector    (Fe, dof_indices);
717     }
718   // Finished computing the system matrix and right-hand side.
719 }
720 #endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR