2! KGEN-generated Fortran source file
4! Filename    : wv_sat_methods.F90
5! Generated at: 2015-03-31 09:44:41
6! KGEN version: 0.4.5
10    MODULE wv_sat_methods
11        ! This portable module contains all 1 methods for estimating
12        ! the saturation vapor pressure of water.
13        !
14        ! wv_saturation provides 1-specific interfaces and utilities
15        ! based on these formulae.
16        !
17        ! Typical usage of this module:
18        !
19        ! Init:
20        ! call wv_sat_methods_init(r8, <constants>, errstring)
21        !
22        ! Get scheme index from a name string:
23        ! scheme_idx = wv_sat_get_scheme_idx(scheme_name)
24        ! if (.not. wv_sat_valid_idx(scheme_idx)) <throw some error>
25        !
26        ! Get pressures:
27        ! es = wv_sat_svp_water(t, scheme_idx)
28        ! es = wv_sat_svp_ice(t, scheme_idx)
29        !
30        ! Use ice/water transition range:
31        ! es = wv_sat_svp_trice(t, ttrice, scheme_idx)
32        !
33        ! Note that elemental functions cannot be pointed to, nor passed
34        ! as arguments. If you need to do either, it is recommended to
35        ! wrap the function so that it can be given an explicit (non-
36        ! elemental) interface.
38        PRIVATE
39        INTEGER, parameter :: r8 = selected_real_kind(12) ! 8 byte real
40        REAL(KIND=r8) :: tmelt ! Melting point of water at 1 atm (K)
41        REAL(KIND=r8) :: h2otrip ! Triple point temperature of water (K)
42        REAL(KIND=r8) :: tboil ! Boiling point of water at 1 atm (K)
43        ! Ice-water transition range
44        REAL(KIND=r8) :: epsilo ! Ice-water transition range
45        REAL(KIND=r8) :: omeps ! 1._r8 - epsilo
46        ! Indices representing individual schemes
47        INTEGER, parameter :: oldgoffgratch_idx = 0
48        INTEGER, parameter :: goffgratch_idx = 1
49        INTEGER, parameter :: murphykoop_idx = 2
50        INTEGER, parameter :: bolton_idx = 3
51        ! Index representing the current default scheme.
52        INTEGER, parameter :: initial_default_idx = goffgratch_idx
53        INTEGER :: default_idx = initial_default_idx
54        PUBLIC wv_sat_svp_water
55        PUBLIC wv_sat_svp_ice
56        ! pressure -> humidity conversion
57        PUBLIC wv_sat_svp_to_qsat
58        ! Combined qsat operations
59        PUBLIC wv_sat_qsat_water
60        PUBLIC wv_sat_qsat_ice
61            PUBLIC kgen_read_externs_wv_sat_methods
62        CONTAINS
64        ! write subroutines
65        ! No subroutines
67        ! module extern variables
69        SUBROUTINE kgen_read_externs_wv_sat_methods(kgen_unit)
70            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kgen_unit
71            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) tmelt
72            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) h2otrip
73            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) tboil
74            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) epsilo
75            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) omeps
76            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) default_idx
77        END SUBROUTINE kgen_read_externs_wv_sat_methods
79        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
81        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
82        ! Get physical constants
84        ! Look up index by name.
86        ! Check validity of an index from the above routine.
88        ! Set default scheme (otherwise, Goff & Gratch is default)
89        ! Returns a logical representing success (.true.) or
90        ! failure (.false.).
92        ! Reset default scheme to initial value.
93        ! The same thing can be accomplished with wv_sat_set_default;
94        ! the real reason to provide this routine is to reset the
95        ! module for testing purposes.
97        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
98        ! UTILITIES
99        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
100        ! Get saturation specific humidity given pressure and SVP.
101        ! Specific humidity is limited to range 0-1.
103        elemental FUNCTION wv_sat_svp_to_qsat(es, p) RESULT ( qs )
104            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: es ! SVP
105            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: p ! Current pressure.
106            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qs
107            ! If pressure is less than SVP, set qs to maximum of 1.
108            IF ((p - es) <= 0._r8) THEN
109                qs = 1.0_r8
110                ELSE
111                qs = epsilo*es / (p - omeps*es)
112            END IF
113        END FUNCTION wv_sat_svp_to_qsat
115        elemental SUBROUTINE wv_sat_qsat_water(t, p, es, qs, idx)
116            !------------------------------------------------------------------!
117            ! Purpose:                                                         !
118            !   Calculate SVP over water at a given temperature, and then      !
119            !   calculate and return saturation specific humidity.             !
120            !------------------------------------------------------------------!
121            ! Inputs
122            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t ! Temperature
123            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: p ! Pressure
124            ! Outputs
125            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: es ! Saturation vapor pressure
126            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qs ! Saturation specific humidity
127            INTEGER, intent(in), optional :: idx ! Scheme index
128            es = wv_sat_svp_water(t, idx)
129            qs = wv_sat_svp_to_qsat(es, p)
130            ! Ensures returned es is consistent with limiters on qs.
131            es = min(es, p)
132        END SUBROUTINE wv_sat_qsat_water
134        elemental SUBROUTINE wv_sat_qsat_ice(t, p, es, qs, idx)
135            !------------------------------------------------------------------!
136            ! Purpose:                                                         !
137            !   Calculate SVP over ice at a given temperature, and then        !
138            !   calculate and return saturation specific humidity.             !
139            !------------------------------------------------------------------!
140            ! Inputs
141            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t ! Temperature
142            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: p ! Pressure
143            ! Outputs
144            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: es ! Saturation vapor pressure
145            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qs ! Saturation specific humidity
146            INTEGER, intent(in), optional :: idx ! Scheme index
147            es = wv_sat_svp_ice(t, idx)
148            qs = wv_sat_svp_to_qsat(es, p)
149            ! Ensures returned es is consistent with limiters on qs.
150            es = min(es, p)
151        END SUBROUTINE wv_sat_qsat_ice
153        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
155        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
157        elemental FUNCTION wv_sat_svp_water(t, idx) RESULT ( es )
158            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t
159            INTEGER, intent(in), optional :: idx
160            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es
161            INTEGER :: use_idx
162            IF (present(idx)) THEN
163                use_idx = idx
164                ELSE
165                use_idx = default_idx
166            END IF
167            SELECT CASE ( use_idx )
168                CASE ( goffgratch_idx )
169                es = goffgratch_svp_water(t)
170                CASE ( murphykoop_idx )
171                es = murphykoop_svp_water(t)
172                CASE ( oldgoffgratch_idx )
173                es = oldgoffgratch_svp_water(t)
174                CASE ( bolton_idx )
175                es = bolton_svp_water(t)
176            END SELECT
177        END FUNCTION wv_sat_svp_water
179        elemental FUNCTION wv_sat_svp_ice(t, idx) RESULT ( es )
180            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t
181            INTEGER, intent(in), optional :: idx
182            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es
183            INTEGER :: use_idx
184            IF (present(idx)) THEN
185                use_idx = idx
186                ELSE
187                use_idx = default_idx
188            END IF
189            SELECT CASE ( use_idx )
190                CASE ( goffgratch_idx )
191                es = goffgratch_svp_ice(t)
192                CASE ( murphykoop_idx )
193                es = murphykoop_svp_ice(t)
194                CASE ( oldgoffgratch_idx )
195                es = oldgoffgratch_svp_ice(t)
196                CASE ( bolton_idx )
197                es = bolton_svp_water(t)
198            END SELECT
199        END FUNCTION wv_sat_svp_ice
201        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
202        ! SVP METHODS
203        !---------------------------------------------------------------------
204        ! Goff & Gratch (1946)
206        elemental FUNCTION goffgratch_svp_water(t) RESULT ( es )
207            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t ! Temperature in Kelvin
208            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es ! SVP in Pa
209            ! uncertain below -70 C
210            es = 10._r8**(-7.90298_r8*(tboil/t-1._r8)+        5.02808_r8*log10(tboil/t)-        1.3816e-7_r8*(10._r8**(11.344_r8*(&
211            1._r8-t/tboil))-1._r8)+        8.1328e-3_r8*(10._r8**(-3.49149_r8*(tboil/t-1._r8))-1._r8)+        log10(1013.246_r8))*100._r8
212        END FUNCTION goffgratch_svp_water
214        elemental FUNCTION goffgratch_svp_ice(t) RESULT ( es )
215            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t ! Temperature in Kelvin
216            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es ! SVP in Pa
217            ! good down to -100 C
218            es = 10._r8**(-9.09718_r8*(h2otrip/t-1._r8)-3.56654_r8*        log10(h2otrip/t)+0.876793_r8*(1._r8-t/h2otrip)+        &
219            log10(6.1071_r8))*100._r8
220        END FUNCTION goffgratch_svp_ice
221        ! Murphy & Koop (2005)
223        elemental FUNCTION murphykoop_svp_water(t) RESULT ( es )
224            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t ! Temperature in Kelvin
225            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es ! SVP in Pa
226            ! (good for 123 < T < 332 K)
227            es = exp(54.842763_r8 - (6763.22_r8 / t) - (4.210_r8 * log(t)) +        (0.000367_r8 * t) + (tanh(0.0415_r8 * (t - &
228            218.8_r8)) *        (53.878_r8 - (1331.22_r8 / t) - (9.44523_r8 * log(t)) +        0.014025_r8 * t)))
229        END FUNCTION murphykoop_svp_water
231        elemental FUNCTION murphykoop_svp_ice(t) RESULT ( es )
232            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t ! Temperature in Kelvin
233            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es ! SVP in Pa
234            ! (good down to 110 K)
235            es = exp(9.550426_r8 - (5723.265_r8 / t) + (3.53068_r8 * log(t))        - (0.00728332_r8 * t))
236        END FUNCTION murphykoop_svp_ice
237        ! Old 1 implementation, also labelled Goff & Gratch (1946)
238        ! The water formula differs only due to compiler-dependent order of
239        ! operations, so differences are roundoff level, usually 0.
240        ! The ice formula gives fairly close answers to the current
241        ! implementation, but has been rearranged, and uses the
242        ! 1 atm melting point of water as the triple point.
243        ! Differences are thus small but above roundoff.
244        ! A curious fact: although using the melting point of water was
245        ! probably a mistake, it mildly improves accuracy for ice svp,
246        ! since it compensates for a systematic error in Goff & Gratch.
248        elemental FUNCTION oldgoffgratch_svp_water(t) RESULT ( es )
249            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t
250            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es
251            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ps
252            REAL(KIND=r8) :: e1
253            REAL(KIND=r8) :: e2
254            REAL(KIND=r8) :: f1
255            REAL(KIND=r8) :: f2
256            REAL(KIND=r8) :: f3
257            REAL(KIND=r8) :: f4
258            REAL(KIND=r8) :: f5
259            REAL(KIND=r8) :: f
260            ps = 1013.246_r8
261            e1 = 11.344_r8*(1.0_r8 - t/tboil)
262            e2 = -3.49149_r8*(tboil/t - 1.0_r8)
263            f1 = -7.90298_r8*(tboil/t - 1.0_r8)
264            f2 = 5.02808_r8*log10(tboil/t)
265            f3 = -1.3816_r8*(10.0_r8**e1 - 1.0_r8)/10000000.0_r8
266            f4 = 8.1328_r8*(10.0_r8**e2 - 1.0_r8)/1000.0_r8
267            f5 = log10(ps)
268            f = f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5
269            es = (10.0_r8**f)*100.0_r8
270        END FUNCTION oldgoffgratch_svp_water
272        elemental FUNCTION oldgoffgratch_svp_ice(t) RESULT ( es )
273            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t
274            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es
275            REAL(KIND=r8) :: term1
276            REAL(KIND=r8) :: term2
277            REAL(KIND=r8) :: term3
278            term1 = 2.01889049_r8/(tmelt/t)
279            term2 = 3.56654_r8*log(tmelt/t)
280            term3 = 20.947031_r8*(tmelt/t)
281            es = 575.185606e10_r8*exp(-(term1 + term2 + term3))
282        END FUNCTION oldgoffgratch_svp_ice
283        ! Bolton (1980)
284        ! zm_conv deep convection scheme contained this SVP calculation.
285        ! It appears to be from D. Bolton, 1980, Monthly Weather Review.
286        ! Unlike the other schemes, no distinct ice formula is associated
287        ! with it. (However, a Bolton ice formula exists in CLUBB.)
288        ! The original formula used degrees C, but this function
289        ! takes Kelvin and internally converts.
291        elemental FUNCTION bolton_svp_water(t) RESULT ( es )
292            REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: c1 = 611.2_r8
293            REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: c2 = 17.67_r8
294            REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: c3 = 243.5_r8
295            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t ! Temperature in Kelvin
296            REAL(KIND=r8) :: es ! SVP in Pa
297            es = c1*exp((c2*(t - tmelt))/((t - tmelt)+c3))
298        END FUNCTION bolton_svp_water
299    END MODULE wv_sat_methods