2! KGEN-generated Fortran source file
4! Filename    : prim_advection_mod.F90
5! Generated at: 2015-02-24 15:34:48
6! KGEN version: 0.4.4
10    MODULE vertremap_mod
11        !**************************************************************************************
12        !
13        !  Purpose:
14        !        Construct sub-grid-scale polynomials using piecewise spline method with
15        !        monotone filters.
16        !
17        !  References: PCM - Zerroukat et al., Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 2005. (ZWS2005QJR)
18        !              PSM - Zerroukat et al., Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 2005. (ZWS2005IJMF)
19        !
20        !**************************************************************************************
21        USE kinds, ONLY: real_kind
22        USE dimensions_mod, ONLY: nlev
23        USE perf_mod, ONLY: t_startf
24        USE perf_mod, ONLY: t_stopf ! _EXTERNAL
25        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: kgen_dp = selected_real_kind(15, 307)
26        PUBLIC remap1
27        type, public  ::  check_t
28            logical :: Passed
29            integer :: numFatal
30            integer :: numTotal
31            integer :: numIdentical
32            integer :: numWarning
33            integer :: VerboseLevel
34            real(kind=kgen_dp) :: tolerance
35        end type check_t
36        ! remap any field, splines, monotone
37        ! remap any field, splines, no filter
38        ! todo: tweak interface to match remap1 above, rename remap1_ppm:
39        PUBLIC remap_q_ppm ! remap state%Q, PPM, monotone
40        CONTAINS
41        subroutine kgen_init_check(check,tolerance)
42          type(check_t), intent(inout) :: check
43          real(kind=kgen_dp), intent(in), optional :: tolerance
44           check%Passed   = .TRUE.
45           check%numFatal = 0
46           check%numWarning = 0
47           check%numTotal = 0
48           check%numIdentical = 0
49           check%VerboseLevel = 1
50           if(present(tolerance)) then
51             check%tolerance = tolerance
52           else
53              check%tolerance = 1.E-14
54           endif
55        end subroutine kgen_init_check
56        subroutine kgen_print_check(kname, check)
57           character(len=*) :: kname
58           type(check_t), intent(in) ::  check
59           write (*,*)
60           write (*,*) TRIM(kname),' KGENPrtCheck: Tolerance for normalized RMS: ',check%tolerance
61           write (*,*) TRIM(kname),' KGENPrtCheck: Number of variables checked: ',check%numTotal
62           write (*,*) TRIM(kname),' KGENPrtCheck: Number of Identical results: ',check%numIdentical
63           write (*,*) TRIM(kname),' KGENPrtCheck: Number of warnings detected: ',check%numWarning
64           write (*,*) TRIM(kname),' KGENPrtCheck: Number of fatal errors detected: ', check%numFatal
65           if (check%numFatal> 0) then
66                write(*,*) TRIM(kname),' KGENPrtCheck: verification FAILED'
67           else
68                write(*,*) TRIM(kname),' KGENPrtCheck: verification PASSED'
69           endif
70        end subroutine kgen_print_check
71        !=======================================================================================================!
72        !remap_calc_grids computes the vertical pressures and pressure differences for one vertical column for the reference grid
73        !and for the deformed Lagrangian grid. This was pulled out of each routine since it was a repeated task.
75        !=======================================================================================================!
77        SUBROUTINE remap1(nx, qsize, qdp, dp1, dp2, kgen_unit)
78            ! remap 1 field
79            ! input:  Qdp   field to be remapped (NOTE: MASS, not MIXING RATIO)
80            !         dp1   layer thickness (source)
81            !         dp2   layer thickness (target)
82            !
83            ! output: remaped Qdp, conserving mass, monotone on Q=Qdp/dp
84            !
85            IMPLICIT NONE
86            integer, intent(in) :: kgen_unit
88            ! read interface
89            interface kgen_read_var
90                procedure read_var_real_real_kind_dim4
91            end interface kgen_read_var
95            ! verification interface
96            interface kgen_verify_var
97                procedure verify_var_logical
98                procedure verify_var_integer
99                procedure verify_var_real
100                procedure verify_var_character
101                procedure verify_var_real_real_kind_dim4
102            end interface kgen_verify_var
104            INTEGER*8 :: kgen_intvar, start_clock, stop_clock, rate_clock
105            TYPE(check_t):: check_status
106            REAL(KIND=kgen_dp) :: tolerance
107            INTEGER, intent(in) :: nx
108            INTEGER, intent(in) :: qsize
109            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(inout) :: qdp(nx,nx,nlev,qsize)
110            REAL(KIND=real_kind), allocatable :: ref_qdp(:,:,:,:)
111            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: dp1(nx,nx,nlev)
112            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: dp2(nx,nx,nlev)
113            ! ========================
114            ! Local Variables
115            ! ========================
116                tolerance = 1.E-14
117                CALL kgen_init_check(check_status, tolerance)
118                ! None
119                call kgen_read_var(ref_qdp, kgen_unit)
120                ! call to kernel
121                CALL remap_q_ppm(qdp, nx, qsize, dp1, dp2)
122                ! kernel verification for output variables
123                call kgen_verify_var("qdp", check_status, qdp, ref_qdp)
124                CALL kgen_print_check("remap_q_ppm", check_status)
125                CALL system_clock(start_clock, rate_clock)
126                DO kgen_intvar=1,10
127                    CALL remap_q_ppm(qdp, nx, qsize, dp1, dp2)
128                END DO
129                CALL system_clock(stop_clock, rate_clock)
130                WRITE(*,*)
131                PRINT *, "Elapsed time (sec): ", (stop_clock - start_clock)/REAL(rate_clock*10)
132            ! q loop
133        CONTAINS
135        ! read subroutines
136        subroutine read_var_real_real_kind_dim4(var, kgen_unit)
137            integer, intent(in) :: kgen_unit
138            real(kind=real_kind), intent(out), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: var
139            integer, dimension(2,4) :: kgen_bound
140            logical is_save
142            READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) is_save
143            if ( is_save ) then
144                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) kgen_bound(1, 1)
145                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) kgen_bound(2, 1)
146                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) kgen_bound(1, 2)
147                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) kgen_bound(2, 2)
148                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) kgen_bound(1, 3)
149                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) kgen_bound(2, 3)
150                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) kgen_bound(1, 4)
151                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) kgen_bound(2, 4)
152                ALLOCATE(var(kgen_bound(2, 1) - kgen_bound(1, 1) + 1, kgen_bound(2, 2) - kgen_bound(1, 2) + 1, kgen_bound(2, 3) - kgen_bound(1, 3) + 1, kgen_bound(2, 4) - kgen_bound(1, 4) + 1))
153                READ(UNIT = kgen_unit) var
154            end if
155        end subroutine
157        subroutine verify_var_logical(varname, check_status, var, ref_var)
158            character(*), intent(in) :: varname
159            type(check_t), intent(inout) :: check_status
160            logical, intent(in) :: var, ref_var
162            check_status%numTotal = check_status%numTotal + 1
163            IF ( var .eqv. ref_var ) THEN
164                check_status%numIdentical = check_status%numIdentical + 1
165                if(check_status%verboseLevel > 1) then
166                    WRITE(*,*)
167                    WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is IDENTICAL( ", var, " )."
168                endif
169            ELSE
170                if(check_status%verboseLevel > 1) then
171                    WRITE(*,*)
172                    WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is NOT IDENTICAL."
173                    if(check_status%verboseLevel > 2) then
174                        WRITE(*,*) "KERNEL: ", var
175                        WRITE(*,*) "REF.  : ", ref_var
176                    endif
177                endif
178                check_status%numFatal = check_status%numFatal + 1
179            END IF
180        end subroutine
182        subroutine verify_var_integer(varname, check_status, var, ref_var)
183            character(*), intent(in) :: varname
184            type(check_t), intent(inout) :: check_status
185            integer, intent(in) :: var, ref_var
187            check_status%numTotal = check_status%numTotal + 1
188            IF ( var == ref_var ) THEN
189                check_status%numIdentical = check_status%numIdentical + 1
190                if(check_status%verboseLevel > 1) then
191                    WRITE(*,*)
192                    WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is IDENTICAL( ", var, " )."
193                endif
194            ELSE
195                if(check_status%verboseLevel > 0) then
196                    WRITE(*,*)
197                    WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is NOT IDENTICAL."
198                    if(check_status%verboseLevel > 2) then
199                        WRITE(*,*) "KERNEL: ", var
200                        WRITE(*,*) "REF.  : ", ref_var
201                    endif
202                endif
203                check_status%numFatal = check_status%numFatal + 1
204            END IF
205        end subroutine
207        subroutine verify_var_real(varname, check_status, var, ref_var)
208            character(*), intent(in) :: varname
209            type(check_t), intent(inout) :: check_status
210            real, intent(in) :: var, ref_var
212            check_status%numTotal = check_status%numTotal + 1
213            IF ( var == ref_var ) THEN
214                check_status%numIdentical = check_status%numIdentical + 1
215                if(check_status%verboseLevel > 1) then
216                    WRITE(*,*)
217                    WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is IDENTICAL( ", var, " )."
218                endif
219            ELSE
220                if(check_status%verboseLevel > 0) then
221                    WRITE(*,*)
222                    WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is NOT IDENTICAL."
223                    if(check_status%verboseLevel > 2) then
224                        WRITE(*,*) "KERNEL: ", var
225                        WRITE(*,*) "REF.  : ", ref_var
226                    endif
227                endif
228                check_status%numFatal = check_status%numFatal + 1
229            END IF
230        end subroutine
232        subroutine verify_var_character(varname, check_status, var, ref_var)
233            character(*), intent(in) :: varname
234            type(check_t), intent(inout) :: check_status
235            character(*), intent(in) :: var, ref_var
237            check_status%numTotal = check_status%numTotal + 1
238            IF ( var == ref_var ) THEN
239                check_status%numIdentical = check_status%numIdentical + 1
240                if(check_status%verboseLevel > 1) then
241                    WRITE(*,*)
242                    WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is IDENTICAL( ", var, " )."
243                endif
244            ELSE
245                if(check_status%verboseLevel > 0) then
246                    WRITE(*,*)
247                    WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is NOT IDENTICAL."
248                    if(check_status%verboseLevel > 2) then
249                        WRITE(*,*) "KERNEL: ", var
250                        WRITE(*,*) "REF.  : ", ref_var
251                    end if
252                end if
253                check_status%numFatal = check_status%numFatal + 1
254            END IF
255        end subroutine
257        subroutine verify_var_real_real_kind_dim4(varname, check_status, var, ref_var)
258            character(*), intent(in) :: varname
259            type(check_t), intent(inout) :: check_status
260            real(kind=real_kind), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:) :: var
261            real(kind=real_kind), intent(in), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: ref_var
262            real(kind=real_kind) :: nrmsdiff, rmsdiff
263            real(kind=real_kind), allocatable :: temp(:,:,:,:), temp2(:,:,:,:)
264            integer :: n
267            IF ( ALLOCATED(ref_var) ) THEN
268                check_status%numTotal = check_status%numTotal + 1
269                allocate(temp(SIZE(var,dim=1),SIZE(var,dim=2),SIZE(var,dim=3),SIZE(var,dim=4)))
270                allocate(temp2(SIZE(var,dim=1),SIZE(var,dim=2),SIZE(var,dim=3),SIZE(var,dim=4)))
271                IF ( ALL( var == ref_var ) ) THEN
272                    check_status%numIdentical = check_status%numIdentical + 1
273                    if(check_status%verboseLevel > 1) then
274                        WRITE(*,*)
275                        WRITE(*,*) "All elements of ", trim(adjustl(varname)), " are IDENTICAL."
276                        !WRITE(*,*) "KERNEL: ", var
277                        !WRITE(*,*) "REF.  : ", ref_var
278                        IF ( ALL( var == 0 ) ) THEN
279                            if(check_status%verboseLevel > 2) then
280                                WRITE(*,*) "All values are zero."
281                            end if
282                        END IF
283                    end if
284                ELSE
285                    n = count(var/=ref_var)
286                    where(ref_var .NE. 0)
287                        temp  = ((var-ref_var)/ref_var)**2
288                        temp2 = (var-ref_var)**2
289                    elsewhere
290                        temp  = (var-ref_var)**2
291                        temp2 = temp
292                    endwhere
293                    nrmsdiff = sqrt(sum(temp)/real(n))
294                    rmsdiff = sqrt(sum(temp2)/real(n))
296                    if(check_status%verboseLevel > 0) then
297                        WRITE(*,*)
298                        WRITE(*,*) trim(adjustl(varname)), " is NOT IDENTICAL."
299                        WRITE(*,*) count( var /= ref_var), " of ", size( var ), " elements are different."
300                        if(check_status%verboseLevel > 1) then
301                            WRITE(*,*) "Average - kernel ", sum(var)/real(size(var))
302                            WRITE(*,*) "Average - reference ", sum(ref_var)/real(size(ref_var))
303                        endif
304                        WRITE(*,*) "RMS of difference is ",rmsdiff
305                        WRITE(*,*) "Normalized RMS of difference is ",nrmsdiff
306                    end if
308                    if (nrmsdiff > check_status%tolerance) then
309                        check_status%numFatal = check_status%numFatal+1
310                    else
311                        check_status%numWarning = check_status%numWarning+1
312                    endif
313                END IF
314                deallocate(temp,temp2)
315            END IF
316        end subroutine
318        END SUBROUTINE remap1
320        !=======================================================================================================!
321        !This uses the exact same model and reference grids and data as remap_Q, but it interpolates
322        !using PPM instead of splines.
324        SUBROUTINE remap_q_ppm(qdp, nx, qsize, dp1, dp2)
325            ! remap 1 field
326            ! input:  Qdp   field to be remapped (NOTE: MASS, not MIXING RATIO)
327            !         dp1   layer thickness (source)
328            !         dp2   layer thickness (target)
329            !
330            ! output: remaped Qdp, conserving mass
331            !
332            USE control_mod, ONLY: vert_remap_q_alg
333            IMPLICIT NONE
334            INTEGER, intent(in) :: nx, qsize
335            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(inout) :: qdp(nx,nx,nlev,qsize)
336            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: dp1(nx,nx,nlev), dp2(nx,nx,nlev)
337            ! Local Variables
338            INTEGER, parameter :: gs = 2 !Number of cells to place in the ghost region
339            REAL(KIND=real_kind), dimension(nlev+2) :: pio !Pressure at interfaces for old grid
340            REAL(KIND=real_kind), dimension(nlev+1) :: pin !Pressure at interfaces for new grid
341            REAL(KIND=real_kind), dimension(nlev+1) :: masso !Accumulate mass up to each interface
342            REAL(KIND=real_kind), dimension(1-gs:nlev+gs) :: ao !Tracer value on old grid
343            REAL(KIND=real_kind), dimension(1-gs:nlev+gs) :: dpo !change in pressure over a cell for old grid
344            REAL(KIND=real_kind), dimension(1-gs:nlev+gs) :: dpn !change in pressure over a cell for old grid
345            REAL(KIND=real_kind), dimension(3,     nlev) :: coefs !PPM coefficients within each cell
346            REAL(KIND=real_kind), dimension(       nlev   ) :: z1, z2
347            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: ppmdx(10,0:nlev+1) !grid spacings
348            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: mymass, massn1, massn2
349            INTEGER :: i, j, k, q, kk, kid(nlev)
350            CALL t_startf('remap_Q_ppm')
351            DO j = 1 , nx
352                DO i = 1 , nx
353                    pin(1) = 0
354                    pio(1) = 0
355                    DO k=1,nlev
356                        dpn(k) = dp2(i,j,k)
357                        dpo(k) = dp1(i,j,k)
358                        pin(k+1) = pin(k)+dpn(k)
359                        pio(k+1) = pio(k)+dpo(k)
360                    END DO
361                    pio(nlev+2) = pio(nlev+1) + 1. !This is here to allow an entire block of k threads to run in the remapping phase.
362                    !It makes sure there's an old interface value below the domain that is larger.
363                    pin(nlev+1) = pio(nlev+1) !The total mass in a column does not change.
364                    !Therefore, the pressure of that mass cannot either.
365                    !Fill in the ghost regions with mirrored values. if vert_remap_q_alg is defined, this is of no consequence.
366                    DO k = 1 , gs
367                        dpo(1   -k) = dpo(       k)
368                        dpo(nlev+k) = dpo(nlev+1-k)
369                    END DO
370                    !Compute remapping intervals once for all tracers. Find the old grid cell index in which the
371                    !k-th new cell interface resides. Then integrate from the bottom of that old cell to the new
372                    !interface location. In practice, the grid never deforms past one cell, so the search can be
373                    !simplified by this. Also, the interval of integration is usually of magnitude close to zero
374                    !or close to dpo because of minimial deformation.
375                    !Numerous tests confirmed that the bottom and top of the grids match to machine precision, so
376                    !I set them equal to each other.
377                    DO k = 1 , nlev
378                        kk = k !Keep from an order n^2 search operation by assuming the old cell index is close.
379                        !Find the index of the old grid cell in which this new cell's bottom interface resides.
380                        DO while (pio(kk) <= pin(k+1))
381                            kk = kk + 1
382                        END DO
383                        kk = kk - 1 !kk is now the cell index we're integrating over.
384                        IF (kk == nlev+1) kk = nlev !This is to keep the indices in bounds.
385                        !Top bounds match anyway, so doesn't matter what coefficients are used
386                        kid(k) = kk !Save for reuse
387                        z1(k) = -0.5d0 !This remapping assumes we're starting from the left interface of an old grid cell
388                        !In fact, we're usually integrating very little or almost all of the cell in question
389                        z2(k) = (pin(k+1) - ( pio(kk) + pio(kk+1) ) * 0.5) / dpo(kk) !PPM interpolants are normalized to an independent
390                        !coordinate domain [-0.5,0.5].
391                    END DO
392                    !This turned out a big optimization, remembering that only parts of the PPM algorithm depends on the data,
393                    ! namely the
394                    !limiting. So anything that depends only on the grid is pre-computed outside the tracer loop.
395                    ppmdx(:,:) = compute_ppm_grids( dpo )
396                    !From here, we loop over tracers for only those portions which depend on tracer data, which includes PPM
397                    ! limiting and
398                    !mass accumulation
399                    DO q = 1 , qsize
400                        !Accumulate the old mass up to old grid cell interface locations to simplify integration
401                        !during remapping. Also, divide out the grid spacing so we're working with actual tracer
402                        !values and can conserve mass. The option for ifndef ZEROHORZ I believe is there to ensure
403                        !tracer consistency for an initially uniform field. I copied it from the old remap routine.
404                        masso(1) = 0.
405                        DO k = 1 , nlev
406                            ao(k) = qdp(i,j,k,q)
407                            masso(k+1) = masso(k) + ao(k) !Accumulate the old mass. This will simplify the remapping
408                            ao(k) = ao(k) / dpo(k) !Divide out the old grid spacing because we want the tracer mixing ratio, not mass.
409                        END DO
410                        !Fill in ghost values. Ignored if vert_remap_q_alg == 2
411                        DO k = 1 , gs
412                            ao(1   -k) = ao(       k)
413                            ao(nlev+k) = ao(nlev+1-k)
414                        END DO
415                        !Compute monotonic and conservative PPM reconstruction over every cell
416                        coefs(:,:) = compute_ppm(ao , ppmdx)
417                        !Compute tracer values on the new grid by integrating from the old cell bottom to the new
418                        !cell interface to form a new grid mass accumulation. Taking the difference between
419                        !accumulation at successive interfaces gives the mass inside each cell. Since Qdp is
420                        !supposed to hold the full mass this needs no normalization.
421                        massn1 = 0.
422                        DO k = 1 , nlev
423                            kk = kid(k)
424                            massn2 = masso(kk) + integrate_parabola(coefs(:,kk) , z1(k) , z2(k)) * dpo(kk)
425                            qdp(i,j,k,q) = massn2 - massn1
426                            massn1 = massn2
427                        END DO
428                    END DO
429                END DO
430            END DO
431            CALL t_stopf('remap_Q_ppm')
432        END SUBROUTINE remap_q_ppm
433        !=======================================================================================================!
434        !THis compute grid-based coefficients from Collela & Woodward 1984.
436        FUNCTION compute_ppm_grids(dx) RESULT ( rslt )
437            USE control_mod, ONLY: vert_remap_q_alg
438            IMPLICIT NONE
439            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: dx(-1:nlev+2) !grid spacings
440            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: rslt(10,0:nlev+1) !grid spacings
441            INTEGER :: j
442            INTEGER :: indb, inde
443            !Calculate grid-based coefficients for stage 1 of compute_ppm
444            IF (vert_remap_q_alg == 2) THEN
445                indb = 2
446                inde = nlev-1
447                ELSE
448                indb = 0
449                inde = nlev+1
450            END IF
451            DO j = indb , inde
452                rslt(1,j) = dx(j) / (dx(j-1) + dx(j) + dx(j+1))
453                rslt(2,j) = (2.*dx(j-1) + dx(j)) / (dx(j+1) + dx(j))
454                rslt(3,j) = (dx(j) + 2.*dx(j+1)) / (dx(j-1) + dx(j))
455            END DO
456            !Caculate grid-based coefficients for stage 2 of compute_ppm
457            IF (vert_remap_q_alg == 2) THEN
458                indb = 2
459                inde = nlev-2
460                ELSE
461                indb = 0
462                inde = nlev
463            END IF
464            DO j = indb , inde
465                rslt(4,j) = dx(j) / (dx(j) + dx(j+1))
466                rslt(5,j) = 1. / sum(dx(j-1:j+2))
467                rslt(6,j) = (2. * dx(j+1) * dx(j)) / (dx(j) + dx(j+1 ))
468                rslt(7,j) = (dx(j-1) + dx(j  )) / (2. * dx(j  ) + dx(j+1))
469                rslt(8,j) = (dx(j+2) + dx(j+1)) / (2. * dx(j+1) + dx(j  ))
470                rslt(9,j) = dx(j  ) * (dx(j-1) + dx(j  )) / (2.*dx(j  ) +    dx(j+1))
471                rslt(10,j) = dx(j+1) * (dx(j+1) + dx(j+2)) / (dx(j  ) + 2.*dx(j+1))
472            END DO
473        END FUNCTION compute_ppm_grids
474        !=======================================================================================================!
475        !This computes a limited parabolic interpolant using a net 5-cell stencil, but the stages of computation are broken up
476        ! into 3 stages
478        FUNCTION compute_ppm(a, dx) RESULT ( coefs )
479            USE control_mod, ONLY: vert_remap_q_alg
480            IMPLICIT NONE
481            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: a    (-1:nlev+2) !Cell-mean values
482            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: dx   (10,  0:nlev+1) !grid spacings
483            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: coefs(0:2,   nlev) !PPM coefficients (for parabola)
484            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: ai (0:nlev) !fourth-order accurate, then limited interface values
485            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: dma(0:nlev+1) !An expression from Collela's '84 publication
486            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: da !Ditto
487            ! Hold expressions based on the grid (which are cumbersome).
488            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: dx1, dx2, dx3, dx4, dx5, dx6, dx7, dx8, dx9, dx10
489            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: al, ar !Left and right interface values for cell-local limiting
490            INTEGER :: j
491            INTEGER :: indb, inde
492            ! Stage 1: Compute dma for each cell, allowing a 1-cell ghost stencil below and above the domain
493            IF (vert_remap_q_alg == 2) THEN
494                indb = 2
495                inde = nlev-1
496                ELSE
497                indb = 0
498                inde = nlev+1
499            END IF
500            DO j = indb , inde
501                da = dx(1,j) * (dx(2,j) * ( a(j+1) - a(j) ) + dx(3,j) * ( a(j) - a(j-1) ))
502                dma(j) = minval((/ abs(da) , 2. * abs( a(j) - a(j-1) ) , 2. * abs( a(j+1) - a(j) ) /)) * sign(1.d0,da)
503                IF (( a(j+1) - a(j) ) * ( a(j) - a(j-1) ) <= 0.) dma(j) = 0.
504            END DO
505            ! Stage 2: Compute ai for each cell interface in the physical domain (dimension nlev+1)
506            IF (vert_remap_q_alg == 2) THEN
507                indb = 2
508                inde = nlev-2
509                ELSE
510                indb = 0
511                inde = nlev
512            END IF
513            DO j = indb , inde
514                ai(j) = a(j) + dx(4,j) * (a(j+1) - a(j)) + dx(5,j) * (dx(6,j) * ( dx(7,j) - dx(8,j) )          * ( a(j+1) - a(j) )&
515                 - dx(9,j) * dma(j+1) + dx(10,j) * dma(j))
516            END DO
517            ! Stage 3: Compute limited PPM interpolant over each cell in the physical domain
518            ! (dimension nlev) using ai on either side and ao within the cell.
519            IF (vert_remap_q_alg == 2) THEN
520                indb = 3
521                inde = nlev-2
522                ELSE
523                indb = 1
524                inde = nlev
525            END IF
526            DO j = indb , inde
527                al = ai(j-1)
528                ar = ai(j  )
529                IF ((ar - a(j)) * (a(j) - al) <= 0.) THEN
530                    al = a(j)
531                    ar = a(j)
532                END IF
533                IF ((ar - al) * (a(j) - (al + ar)/2.) >  (ar - al)**2/6.) al = 3.*a(j) - 2. * ar
534                IF ((ar - al) * (a(j) - (al + ar)/2.) < -(ar - al)**2/6.) ar = 3.*a(j) - 2. * al
535                !Computed these coefficients from the edge values and cell mean in Maple. Assumes normalized coordinates: xi=(
536                ! x-x0)/dx
537                coefs(0,j) = 1.5 * a(j) - (al + ar) / 4.
538                coefs(1,j) = ar - al
539                coefs(2,j) = -6. * a(j) + 3. * (al + ar)
540            END DO
541            !If we're not using a mirrored boundary condition, then make the two cells bordering the top and bottom
542            !material boundaries piecewise constant. Zeroing out the first and second moments, and setting the zeroth
543            !moment to the cell mean is sufficient to maintain conservation.
544            IF (vert_remap_q_alg == 2) THEN
545                coefs(0,1:2) = a(1:2)
546                coefs(1:2,1:2) = 0.
547                coefs(0,nlev-1:nlev) = a(nlev-1:nlev)
548                coefs(1:2,nlev-1:nlev) = 0.d0
549            END IF
550        END FUNCTION compute_ppm
551        !=======================================================================================================!
552        !Simple function computes the definite integral of a parabola in normalized coordinates, xi=(x-x0)/dx,
553        !given two bounds. Make sure this gets inlined during compilation.
555        FUNCTION integrate_parabola(a, x1, x2) RESULT ( mass )
556            IMPLICIT NONE
557            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: a(0:2) !Coefficients of the parabola
558            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: x1 !lower domain bound for integration
559            REAL(KIND=real_kind), intent(in) :: x2 !upper domain bound for integration
560            REAL(KIND=real_kind) :: mass
561            mass = a(0) * (x2 - x1) + a(1) * (x2 ** 2 - x1 ** 2) / 0.2d1 + a(2) * (x2 ** 3 - x1 ** 3) / 0.3d1
562        END FUNCTION integrate_parabola
563        !=============================================================================================!
564    END MODULE vertremap_mod