1 //
2 // libsemigroups - C++ library for semigroups and monoids
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 Finn Smith
4 //
5 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
14 //
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 //
19 // This file contains a declaration of fast boolean matrices up to dimension 8.
24 #include <algorithm>  // for uniform_int_distribution, swap
25 #include <cstddef>    // for size_t
26 #include <cstdint>    // for uint64_t
27 #include <iosfwd>     // for operator<<, ostringstream
28 #include <random>     // for mt19937, random_device
29 #include <utility>    // for hash
30 #include <vector>     // for vector
32 #include "adapters.hpp"             // for Complexity, Degree, etc . . .
33 #include "libsemigroups-debug.hpp"  // for LIBSEMIGROUPS_ASSERT
34 #include "string.hpp"               // for detail::to_string
36 namespace libsemigroups {
37   namespace bmat8_helpers {
38     //! Returns the identity boolean matrix of a given dimension.
39     //!
40     //! \tparam T the type of the boolean matrix being constructed, should be
41     //! BMat8 or HPCombi::BMat8.
42     //!
43     //! \param dim the dimension of the identity matrix, must be at most 7.
44     //!
45     //! \returns
46     //! A value of type \p T with the first \p dim values on the main diagonal
47     //! equal to 1 and every other entry equal to 0.
48     //!
49     //! \exceptions
50     //! \noexcept
51     //!
52     //! \complexity
53     //! Constant.
54     //!
55     //! \sa BMat8::one.
56     // TODO(later) noexcept should depend on whether or not the constructor of
57     // T is noexcept
58     template <typename T>
one(size_t dim)59     T one(size_t dim) noexcept {
60       LIBSEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(dim <= 8);
61       static std::array<uint64_t, 9> const ones = {0x0000000000000000,
62                                                    0x8000000000000000,
63                                                    0x8040000000000000,
64                                                    0x8040200000000000,
65                                                    0x8040201000000000,
66                                                    0x8040201008000000,
67                                                    0x8040201008040000,
68                                                    0x8040201008040200,
69                                                    0x8040201008040201};
70       return T(ones[dim]);
71     }
72   }  // namespace bmat8_helpers
74   //! Defined in ``bmat8.hpp``.
75   //!
76   //! Class for fast boolean matrices of dimension up to 8 x 8
77   //!
78   //! The member functions for these small matrices over the boolean semiring
79   //! are more optimised than the generic member functions for boolean matrices.
80   //! Note that all BMat8 are represented internally as an 8 x 8 matrix;
81   //! any entries not defined by the user are taken to be 0. This does
82   //! not affect the results of any calculations.
83   //!
84   //! BMat8 is a trivial class.
85   class BMat8 final {
86    public:
87     //! Default constructor.
88     //!
89     //! There is no guarantee about the contents of the matrix constructed.
90     //!
91     //! \par Parameters
92     //! (None)
93     //!
94     //! \exceptions
95     //! \noexcept
96     //!
97     //! \complexity
98     //! Constant.
99     BMat8() noexcept = default;
101     //! Construct from uint64_t.
102     //!
103     //! This constructor initializes a BMat8 to have rows equal to the
104     //! 8 chunks, of 8 bits each, of the binary representation of \p mat.
105     //!
106     //! \param mat the integer representation of the matrix being constructed.
107     //!
108     //! \exceptions
109     //! \noexcept
110     //!
111     //! \complexity
112     //! Constant.
BMat8(uint64_t mat)113     explicit BMat8(uint64_t mat) noexcept : _data(mat) {}
115     //! A constructor.
116     //!
117     //! This constructor initializes a matrix where the rows of the matrix
118     //! are the vectors in \p mat.
119     //!
120     //! \param mat the vector of vectors representation of the matrix being
121     //! constructed.
122     //!
123     //! \throws LibsemigroupsException if \p mat has 0 rows.
124     //! \throws LibsemigroupsException if \p mat has more than 8 rows.
125     //! \throws LibsemigroupsException if the rows of \p mat are not all of the
126     //! same length.
127     //!
128     //! \complexity
129     //! Constant.
130     explicit BMat8(std::vector<std::vector<bool>> const& mat);
132     //! Default copy constructor.
133     //!
134     //! \exceptions
135     //! \noexcept
136     //!
137     //! \complexity
138     //! Constant.
139     BMat8(BMat8 const&) noexcept = default;
141     //! Default move constructor.
142     //!
143     //! \exceptions
144     //! \noexcept
145     //!
146     //! \complexity
147     //! Constant.
148     BMat8(BMat8&&) noexcept = default;
150     //! Default copy assignment operator.
151     //!
152     //! \exceptions
153     //! \noexcept
154     //!
155     //! \complexity
156     //! Constant.
157     BMat8& operator=(BMat8 const&) noexcept = default;
159     //! Default move assignment operator.
160     //!
161     //! \exceptions
162     //! \noexcept
163     //!
164     //! \complexity
165     //! Constant.
166     BMat8& operator=(BMat8&&) noexcept = default;
168     ~BMat8() = default;
170     //! Returns \c true if \c this equals \p that.
171     //!
172     //! This member function checks the mathematical equality of two BMat8
173     //! objects.
174     //!
175     //! \param that the BMat8 for comparison.
176     //!
177     //! \exceptions
178     //! \noexcept
179     //!
180     //! \complexity
181     //! Constant.
operator ==(BMat8 const & that) const182     bool operator==(BMat8 const& that) const noexcept {
183       return _data == that._data;
184     }
186     //! Returns \c true if \c this does not equal \p that
187     //!
188     //! This member function checks the mathematical inequality of two BMat8
189     //! objects.
190     //!
191     //! \param that the BMat8 for comparison.
192     //!
193     //! \exceptions
194     //! \noexcept
195     //!
196     //! \complexity
197     //! Constant.
operator !=(BMat8 const & that) const198     bool operator!=(BMat8 const& that) const noexcept {
199       return _data != that._data;
200     }
202     //! Returns \c true if \c this is less than \p that.
203     //!
204     //! This member function checks whether a BMat8 objects is less than
205     //! another. We order by the results of to_int() for each matrix.
206     //!
207     //! \param that the BMat8 for comparison.
208     //!
209     //! \exceptions
210     //! \noexcept
211     //!
212     //! \complexity
213     //! Constant.
operator <(BMat8 const & that) const214     bool operator<(BMat8 const& that) const noexcept {
215       return _data < that._data;
216     }
218     //! Returns \c true if \c this is greater than \p that.
219     //!
220     //! This member function checks whether a BMat8 objects is greater than
221     //! another. We order by the results of to_int() for each matrix.
222     //!
223     //! \param that the BMat8 for comparison.
224     //!
225     //! \exceptions
226     //! \noexcept
227     //!
228     //! \complexity
229     //! Constant.
operator >(BMat8 const & that) const230     bool operator>(BMat8 const& that) const noexcept {
231       return _data > that._data;
232     }
234     //! Returns the entry in the (\p i, \p j)th position.
235     //!
236     //! This member function returns the entry in the (\p i, \p j)th position.
237     //!
238     //! \param i the row of the entry sought.
239     //! \param j the column of the entry sought.
240     //!
241     //! \returns
242     //! A ``bool``.
243     //!
244     //! \exceptions
245     //! \noexcept
246     //!
247     //! \complexity
248     //! Constant.
249     //!
250     //! \note
251     //! Note that since all matrices are internally represented as 8 x 8, it
252     //! is possible to access entries that you might not believe exist.
253     //!
254     //! \warning
255     //! No checks on the parameters \p i and \p j are performed, if \p i or \p
256     //! j is greater than 7, then bad things will happen.
get(size_t i,size_t j) const257     bool get(size_t i, size_t j) const noexcept {
258       LIBSEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(i < 8);
259       LIBSEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(j < 8);
260       return (_data << (8 * i + j)) >> 63;
261     }
263     // TODO(later) at method
265     //! Sets the (\p i, \p j)th position to \p val.
266     //!
267     //! This member function sets the (\p i, \p j)th entry of \c this to \p val.
268     //! Uses the bit twiddle for setting bits found
269     //! <a href=http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks>here</a>.
270     //!
271     //! \param i the row
272     //! \param j the column
273     //! \param val the value to set in position (\p i, \p j)th
274     //!
275     //! \returns
276     //! (None)
277     //!
278     //! \throws LibsemigroupsException if \p i or \p j is out of bounds.
279     //!
280     //! \complexity
281     //! Constant.
282     void set(size_t i, size_t j, bool val);
284     //! Returns the integer representation of \c this.
285     //!
286     //! Returns an unsigned integer obtained by interpreting an 8 x 8
287     //! BMat8 as a sequence of 64 bits (reading rows left to right,
288     //! from top to bottom) and then realising this sequence as an unsigned
289     //! int.
290     //!
291     //! \returns
292     //! A ``uint64_t``.
293     //!
294     //! \exceptions
295     //! \noexcept
296     //!
297     //! \complexity
298     //! Constant.
299     //!
300     //! \par Parameters
301     //! (None)
to_int() const302     inline uint64_t to_int() const noexcept {
303       return _data;
304     }
306     //! Returns the transpose of \c this.
307     //!
308     //! Uses the technique found in [Knu09](../biblio.html#knuth2009aa).
309     //!
310     //! \returns
311     //! A BMat8.
312     //!
313     //! \exceptions
314     //! \noexcept
315     //!
316     //! \complexity
317     //! Constant.
318     //!
319     //! \par Parameters
320     //! (None)
transpose() const321     inline BMat8 transpose() const noexcept {
322       uint64_t x = _data;
323       uint64_t y = (x ^ (x >> 7)) & 0xAA00AA00AA00AA;
324       x          = x ^ y ^ (y << 7);
325       y          = (x ^ (x >> 14)) & 0xCCCC0000CCCC;
326       x          = x ^ y ^ (y << 14);
327       y          = (x ^ (x >> 28)) & 0xF0F0F0F0;
328       x          = x ^ y ^ (y << 28);
329       return BMat8(x);
330     }
332     //! Returns the matrix product of \c this and \p that
333     //!
334     //! This member function returns the standard matrix product (over the
335     //! boolean semiring) of two BMat8 objects.
336     //! Uses the technique given [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/18448513).
337     //!
338     //! \param that the matrix we want to multiply by \c this.
339     //!
340     //! \returns
341     //! A BMat8.
342     //!
343     //! \exceptions
344     //! \noexcept
345     //!
346     //! \complexity
347     //! Constant.
348     BMat8 operator*(BMat8 const& that) const noexcept;
350     //! Insertion operator
351     //!
352     //! This member function allows BMat8 objects to be inserted into an
353     //! std::ostringstream.
354     friend std::ostringstream& operator<<(std::ostringstream& os,
355                                           BMat8 const&        bm);
357     //! Insertion operator
358     //!
359     //! This member function allows BMat8 objects to be inserted into a
360     //! std::ostream.
operator <<(std::ostream & os,BMat8 const & bm)361     friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, BMat8 const& bm) {
362       os << detail::to_string(bm);
363       return os;
364     }
366     //! Construct a random BMat8.
367     //!
368     //! This static member function returns a BMat8 chosen at random.
369     //!
370     //! \returns
371     //! A BMat8.
372     //!
373     //! \exceptions
374     //! \no_libsemigroups_except
375     //!
376     //! \par Parameters
377     //! (None)
378     // Not noexcept since std::uniform_int_distribution::operator() is not
379     // noexcept.
random()380     static BMat8 random() {
381       return BMat8(_dist(_gen));
382     }
384     //! Construct a random BMat8 of dimension at most \p dim.
385     //!
386     //! This static member function returns a BMat8 chosen at random, where
387     //! only the top-left \p dim x \p dim entries can be non-zero.
388     //!
389     //! \returns
390     //! A BMat8.
391     //!
392     //! \exceptions
393     //! \no_libsemigroups_except
394     //!
395     //! \par Parameters
396     //! (None)
397     // Not noexcept since std::uniform_int_distribution::operator() is not
398     // noexcept.
399     static BMat8 random(size_t dim);
401     //! Swaps \c this with \p that.
402     //!
403     //! This member function swaps the values of \c this and \p that.
404     //!
405     //! \param that the BMat8 to swap \c this with.
406     //!
407     //! \returns
408     //! (None)
409     //!
410     //! \exceptions
411     //! \noexcept
412     //!
413     //! \complexity
414     //! Constant.
swap(BMat8 & that)415     inline void swap(BMat8& that) noexcept {
416       std::swap(this->_data, that._data);
417     }
419     //! Find a basis for the row space of \c this.
420     //!
421     //! This member function returns a BMat8 whose non-zero rows form a basis
422     //! for the row space of \c this.
423     //!
424     //! \returns
425     //! A BMat8.
426     //!
427     //! \exceptions
428     //! \noexcept
429     //!
430     //! \complexity
431     //! Constant.
432     //!
433     //! \par Parameters
434     //! (None)
435     BMat8 row_space_basis() const noexcept;
437     //! Find a basis for the column space of \c this.
438     //!
439     //! This member function returns a BMat8 whose non-zero columns form a basis
440     //! for the column space of \c this.
441     //!
442     //! \returns
443     //! A BMat8.
444     //!
445     //! \exceptions
446     //! \noexcept
447     //!
448     //! \complexity
449     //! Constant.
450     //!
451     //! \par Parameters
452     //! (None)
col_space_basis() const453     BMat8 col_space_basis() const noexcept {
454       return this->transpose().row_space_basis().transpose();
455     }
457     //! Returns a vector containing the rows of \c this
458     //!
459     //! This member function returns a std::vector of uint8_ts representing the
460     //! rows of \c this. The vector will always be of length 8, even if \c this
461     //! was constructed with fewer rows.
462     //!
463     //! \returns
464     //! A std::vector<uint8_t>.
465     //!
466     //! \exceptions
467     //! \no_libsemigroups_except
468     //!
469     //! \complexity
470     //! Constant.
471     //!
472     //! \par Parameters
473     //! (None)
474     // TODO(later) make this return an array instead of a vector
475     std::vector<uint8_t> rows() const;
477     //! Find the size of the row space of \c this.
478     //!
479     //! \returns
480     //! A \c size_t.
481     //!
482     //! \exceptions
483     //! \no_libsemigroups_except
484     //!
485     //! \complexity
486     //! \f$O(n)\f$ where \f$n\f$ is the return value of this function.
487     //!
488     //! \par Parameters
489     //! (None)
490     //!
491     //! \sa bmat8_helpers::col_space_size.
492     size_t row_space_size() const;
494     //! Returns the number of non-zero rows in \c this.
495     //!
496     //! BMat8s do not know their "dimension" - in effect they are all of
497     //! dimension 8. However, this member function can be used to obtain the
498     //! number of non-zero rows of \c this.
499     //!
500     //! \returns
501     //! A \c size_t.
502     //!
503     //! \exceptions
504     //! \noexcept
505     //!
506     //! \complexity
507     //! Constant.
508     //!
509     //! \par Parameters
510     //! (None)
511     //!
512     //! \sa bmat8_helpers::nr_cols and bmat8_helpers::minimum_dim.
nr_rows() const513     size_t nr_rows() const noexcept {
514       size_t count = 0;
515       for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
516         if (_data << (8 * i) >> 56 > 0) {
517           count++;
518         }
519       }
520       return count;
521     }
523     //! Check whether \c this is a regular element of the full boolean matrix
524     //! monoid of appropriate dimension.
525     //!
526     //! \returns
527     //! A \c true if there exists a boolean matrix \c y such that `x * y * x =
528     //! x` where \c x is \c *this.
529     //!
530     //! \exceptions
531     //! \noexcept
532     //!
533     //! \complexity
534     //! Constant.
535     //!
536     //! \par Parameters
537     //! (None)
is_regular_element() const538     bool is_regular_element() const noexcept {
539       return *this
540                  * BMat8(
541                        ~(*this * BMat8(~_data).transpose() * (*this)).to_int())
542                        .transpose()
543                  * (*this)
544              == *this;
545     }
547     //! Returns the identity BMat8.
548     //!
549     //! This member function returns the BMat8 with the first \c dim entries in
550     //! the main diagonal equal to \c 1 and every other value equal to \c 0.
551     //!
552     //! \param dim the dimension of the identity (default: 8)
553     //!
554     //! \returns
555     //! A BMat8.
556     //!
557     //! \exceptions
558     //! \noexcept
559     //!
560     //! \complexity
561     //! Constant.
one(size_t dim=8)562     static BMat8 one(size_t dim = 8) noexcept {
563       return bmat8_helpers::one<BMat8>(dim);
564     }
566    private:
567     void sort_rows() noexcept;
569     uint64_t                                       _data;
570     static std::random_device                      _rd;
571     static std::mt19937                            _gen;
572     static std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> _dist;
573   };
575   static_assert(std::is_trivial<BMat8>(), "BMat8 is not a trivial class!");
577   //! Defined in ``bmat8.hpp``.
578   //!
579   //! This namespace contains various helper functions for the class BMat8.
580   //! These functions could be member functions of BMat8 but they only use
581   //! public member functions of BMat8, and so they are declared as free
582   //! functions instead.
583   namespace bmat8_helpers {
584     // TODO(later) these should be templated to allow using HPCombi::BMat8's
585     // here too.
586     //! Returns the number of non-zero columns in \p x.
587     //!
588     //! BMat8s do not know their "dimension" - in effect they are all of
589     //! dimension 8. However, this member function can be used to obtain the
590     //! number of non-zero rows of \c this.
591     //!
592     //! \param x the BMat8 whose number of columns we want.
593     //!
594     //! \returns
595     //! A \c size_t.
596     //!
597     //! \exceptions
598     //! \noexcept
599     //!
600     //! \complexity
601     //! Constant.
602     //!
603     //! \sa BMat8::nr_rows and bmat8_helpers::minimum_dim.
604     // noexcept because transpose and nr_rows are.
nr_cols(BMat8 const & x)605     static inline size_t nr_cols(BMat8 const& x) noexcept {
606       return x.transpose().nr_rows();
607     }
609     //! Find the size of the column space of \c x.
610     //!
611     //! \param x a BMat8.
612     //!
613     //! \returns
614     //! A \c size_t.
615     //!
616     //! \exceptions
617     //! \no_libsemigroups_except
618     //!
619     //! \complexity
620     //! \f$O(n)\f$ where \f$n\f$ is the return value of this function.
621     //!
622     //! \sa BMat8::row_space_size.
623     // Not noexcept because row_space_size isn't.
col_space_size(BMat8 const & x)624     static inline size_t col_space_size(BMat8 const& x) {
625       return x.transpose().row_space_size();
626     }
628     //! Find the minimum dimension of \p x.
629     //!
630     //! This member function returns the maximal \c i such that row \c i or
631     //! column \c i contains a \c 1.
632     //!
633     //! \param x a BMat8.
634     //!
635     //! \exceptions
636     //! \noexcept
637     //!
638     //! \complexity
639     //! Constant.
640     size_t minimum_dim(BMat8 const& x) noexcept;
642   }  // namespace bmat8_helpers
643 }  // namespace libsemigroups
645 namespace std {
646   template <>
647   struct hash<libsemigroups::BMat8> {
operator ()std::hash648     size_t operator()(libsemigroups::BMat8 const& bm) const {
649       return hash<uint64_t>()(bm.to_int());
650     }
651   };
652 }  // namespace std
654 namespace libsemigroups {
655   //! Specialization of the adapter Complexity for instances of BMat8.
656   //!
657   //! \sa Complexity.
658   template <>
659   struct Complexity<BMat8> {
660     //! Returns 0; BMat8 multiplication is constant complexity.
operator ()libsemigroups::Complexity661     constexpr inline size_t operator()(BMat8 const&) const noexcept {
662       return 0;
663     }
664   };
666   //! Specialization of the adapter Degree for instances of BMat8.
667   //!
668   //! \sa Degree.
669   template <>
670   struct Degree<BMat8> {
671     //! Returns 8; all BMat8s have degree 8.
operator ()libsemigroups::Degree672     constexpr inline size_t operator()(BMat8 const&) const noexcept {
673       return 8;
674     }
675   };
677   //! Specialization of the adapter IncreaseDegree for instances of BMat8.
678   //!
679   //! \sa IncreaseDegree.
680   template <>
681   struct IncreaseDegree<BMat8> {
682     //! Does nothing.
operator ()libsemigroups::IncreaseDegree683     inline void operator()(BMat8 const&) const noexcept {}
684   };
686   //! Specialization of the adapter One for instances of BMat8.
687   //!
688   //! \sa One.
689   template <>
690   struct One<BMat8> {
691     //! Returns \p x.one()
operator ()libsemigroups::One692     inline BMat8 operator()(BMat8 const& x) const noexcept {
693       return x.one();
694     }
695     //! Returns BMat8::one(dim)
operator ()libsemigroups::One696     inline BMat8 operator()(size_t dim = 8) const noexcept {
697       return BMat8::one(dim);
698     }
699   };
701   //! Specialization of the adapter Product for instances of BMat8.
702   //!
703   //! \sa Product.
704   template <>
705   struct Product<BMat8> {
706     //! Changes \p xy in place to hold the product of \p x and \p y
operator ()libsemigroups::Product707     inline void operator()(BMat8&       xy,
708                            BMat8 const& x,
709                            BMat8 const& y,
710                            size_t = 0) const noexcept {
711       xy = x * y;
712     }
713   };
715   //! Specialization of the adapter ImageRightAction for instances of BMat8.
716   //!
717   //! \sa ImageRightAction.
718   template <>
719   struct ImageRightAction<BMat8, BMat8> {
720     //! Changes \p res in place to hold the image of \p pt under the right
721     //! action of \p x.
operator ()libsemigroups::ImageRightAction722     void operator()(BMat8&       res,
723                     BMat8 const& pt,
724                     BMat8 const& x) const noexcept {
725       res = (pt * x).row_space_basis();
726     }
727   };
729   //! Specialization of the adapter ImageLeftAction for instances of BMat8.
730   //!
731   //! \sa ImageLeftAction.
732   template <>
733   struct ImageLeftAction<BMat8, BMat8> {
734     //! Changes \p res in place to hold the image of \p pt under the left
735     //! action of \p x.
operator ()libsemigroups::ImageLeftAction736     void operator()(BMat8&       res,
737                     BMat8 const& pt,
738                     BMat8 const& x) const noexcept {
739       res = (x * pt).col_space_basis();
740     }
741   };
743   //! Specialization of the adapter Inverse for instances of BMat8.
744   //!
745   //! \sa Inverse.
746   template <>
747   struct Inverse<BMat8> {
748     //! Returns the group inverse of \p x.
operator ()libsemigroups::Inverse749     inline BMat8 operator()(BMat8 const& x) const noexcept {
750       LIBSEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(x * x.transpose() == x.one());
751       return x.transpose();
752     }
753   };
755   //! Specialization of the adapter LambdaValue for instances of BMat8.
756   //!
757   //! \sa LambdaValue
758   template <>
759   struct LambdaValue<BMat8> {
760     //! The type of Lambda values for BMat8 is also BMat8; this provides an
761     //! efficient representation of row space bases.
762     using type = BMat8;
763   };
765   //! Specialization of the adapter RhoValue for instances of BMat8.
766   //!
767   //! \sa RhoValue
768   template <>
769   struct RhoValue<BMat8> {
770     //! The type of Rho values for BMat8 is also BMat8; this provides an
771     //! efficient representation of column space bases.
772     using type = BMat8;
773   };
775   //! Specialization of the adapter Lambda for instances of BMat8.
776   //!
777   //! \sa Lambda.
778   template <>
779   struct Lambda<BMat8, BMat8> {
780     //! Returns the lambda value of \p x as used in the Konieczny algorithm; for
781     //! BMat8 this is the row space basis.
782     // noexcept because BMat8::row_space_basis is noexcept
operator ()libsemigroups::Lambda783     inline void operator()(BMat8& res, BMat8 const& x) const noexcept {
784       res = x.row_space_basis();
785     }
786   };
788   //! Specialization of the adapter Rho for instances of BMat8.
789   //!
790   //! \sa Rho.
791   template <>
792   struct Rho<BMat8, BMat8> {
793     //! Returns the rho value of \p x as used in the Konieczny algorithm; for
794     //! BMat8 this is the column space basis.
795     // noexcept because BMat8::col_space_basis is noexcept
operator ()libsemigroups::Rho796     inline void operator()(BMat8& res, BMat8 const& x) const noexcept {
797       res = x.col_space_basis();
798     }
799   };
801   //! Specialization of the adapter Rank for instances of BMat8.
802   //!
803   //! \sa Rank.
804   template <>
805   struct Rank<BMat8> {
806     //! Returns the rank of \p x as used in the Konieczny algorithm; for BMat8
807     //! this is the size of the row space.
operator ()libsemigroups::Rank808     inline size_t operator()(BMat8 const& x) const noexcept {
809       return x.row_space_size();
810     }
811   };
812 }  // namespace libsemigroups