2 #include <sys/types.h>
4 #if defined INTEGERTIME || defined CLOCKTIME || defined PosixTime
5 # include <time.h>
6 #elif defined EnhTime
7 # include <windows.h>
8 #else
9 # include <sys/time.h>
10 #endif
12 #include <stdlib.h>
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #ifdef WIN32
15 # include <io.h>       /* Used in file search functions */
16 #endif
17 #include <ctype.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <float.h>
20 #include <math.h>
21 #include "commonlib.h"
23 #ifdef FORTIFY
24 # include "lp_fortify.h"
25 #endif
27 #if defined FPUexception
28 /* FPU exception masks */
clearFPU()29 unsigned int clearFPU()
30 {
31   return( _clearfp() );
32 }
resetFPU(unsigned int mask)33 unsigned int resetFPU(unsigned int mask)
34 {
35   _clearfp();
36   mask = _controlfp( mask, 0xfffff);
37   return( mask );
38 }
catchFPU(unsigned int mask)39 unsigned int catchFPU(unsigned int mask)
40 {
41   /* Always call _clearfp before enabling/unmasking a FPU exception */
42   unsigned int u = _clearfp();
44   /* Set the new mask by not-and'ing it with the previous settings */
45   u = _controlfp(0, 0);
46   mask = u & ~mask;
47   mask = _controlfp(mask, _MCW_EM);
49   /* Return the previous mask */
50   return( u );
51 }
52 #endif
54 /* Math operator equivalence function */
intpow(int base,int exponent)55 int intpow(int base, int exponent)
56 {
57   int result = 1;
58   while(exponent > 0) {
59     result *= base;
60     exponent--;
61   }
62   while(exponent < 0) {
63     result /= base;
64     exponent++;
65   }
66   return( result );
67 }
mod(int n,int d)68 int mod(int n, int d)
69 {
70   return(n % d);
71 }
73 /* Some string functions */
strtoup(char * s)74 void strtoup(char *s)
75 {
76   if(s != NULL)
77   while (*s) {
78     *s = toupper(*s);
79     s++;
80   }
81 }
strtolo(char * s)82 void strtolo(char *s)
83 {
84   if(s != NULL)
85   while (*s) {
86     *s = tolower(*s);
87     s++;
88   }
89 }
strcpyup(char * t,char * s)90 void strcpyup(char *t, char *s)
91 {
92   if((s != NULL) && (t != NULL)) {
93     while (*s) {
94       *t = toupper(*s);
95       t++;
96       s++;
97     }
98     *t = '\0';
99   }
100 }
strcpylo(char * t,char * s)101 void strcpylo(char *t, char *s)
102 {
103   if((s != NULL) && (t != NULL)) {
104     while (*s) {
105       *t = tolower(*s);
106       t++;
107       s++;
108     }
109     *t = '\0';
110   }
111 }
113 /* Unix library naming utility function */
so_stdname(char * stdname,char * descname,int buflen)114 MYBOOL so_stdname(char *stdname, char *descname, int buflen)
115 {
116   char *ptr;
118   if((descname == NULL) || (stdname == NULL) || (((int) strlen(descname)) >= buflen - 6))
119     return( FALSE );
121   strcpy(stdname, descname);
122   if((ptr = strrchr(descname, '/')) == NULL)
123     ptr = descname;
124   else
125     ptr++;
126   stdname[(int) (ptr - descname)] = 0;
127   if(strncmp(ptr, "lib", 3))
128     strcat(stdname, "lib");
129   strcat(stdname, ptr);
130   if(strcmp(stdname + strlen(stdname) - 3, ".so"))
131     strcat(stdname, ".so");
132   return( TRUE );
133 }
135 /* Return the greatest common divisor of a and b, or -1 if it is
136    not defined. Return through the pointer arguments the integers
137    such that gcd(a,b) = c*a + b*d. */
gcd(LLONG a,LLONG b,int * c,int * d)138 int gcd(LLONG a, LLONG b, int *c, int *d)
139 {
140   LLONG q,r,t;
141   int   cret,dret,C,D,rval, sgn_a = 1,sgn_b = 1, swap = 0;
143   if((a == 0) || (b == 0))
144     return( -1 );
146   /* Use local multiplier instances, if necessary */
147   if(c == NULL)
148     c = &cret;
149   if(d == NULL)
150     d = &dret;
152   /* Normalize so that 0 < a <= b */
153   if(a < 0){
154     a = -a;
155     sgn_a = -1;
156   }
157   if(b < 0){
158     b = -b;
159     sgn_b = -1;
160   }
161   if(b < a){
162     t = b;
163     b = a;
164     a = t;
165     swap = 1;
166   }
168   /* Now a <= b and both >= 1. */
169   q = b/a;
170   r = b - a*q;
171   if(r == 0) {
172     if(swap){
173       *d = 1;
174       *c = 0;
175     }
176     else {
177       *c = 1;
178       *d = 0;
179     }
180     *c = sgn_a*(*c);
181     *d = sgn_b*(*d);
182     return( (int) a );
183   }
185   rval = gcd(a,r,&C,&D);
186   if(swap){
187     *d = (int) (C-D*q);
188     *c = D;
189   }
190   else {
191     *d = D;
192     *c = (int) (C-D*q);
193   }
194   *c = sgn_a*(*c);
195   *d = sgn_b*(*d);
196   return( rval );
197 }
199 /* Array search functions */
findIndex(int target,int * attributes,int count,int offset)200 int findIndex(int target, int *attributes, int count, int offset)
201 {
202   int focusPos, beginPos, endPos;
203   int focusAttrib, beginAttrib, endAttrib;
205  /* Set starting and ending index offsets */
206   beginPos = offset;
207   endPos = beginPos + count - 1;
208   if(endPos < beginPos)
209     return(-1);
211  /* Do binary search logic based on a sorted (decending) attribute vector */
212   focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2;
213   beginAttrib = attributes[beginPos];
214   focusAttrib = attributes[focusPos];
215   endAttrib   = attributes[endPos];
217   while(endPos - beginPos > LINEARSEARCH) {
218     if(beginAttrib == target) {
219       focusAttrib = beginAttrib;
220       endPos = beginPos;
221     }
222     else if(endAttrib == target) {
223       focusAttrib = endAttrib;
224       beginPos = endPos;
225     }
226     else if(focusAttrib < target) {
227       beginPos = focusPos + 1;
228       beginAttrib = attributes[beginPos];
229       focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2;
230       focusAttrib = attributes[focusPos];
231     }
232     else if(focusAttrib > target) {
233       endPos = focusPos - 1;
234       endAttrib = attributes[endPos];
235       focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2;
236       focusAttrib = attributes[focusPos];
237     }
238     else {
239       beginPos = focusPos;
240       endPos = focusPos;
241     }
242   }
244  /* Do linear (unsorted) search logic */
245   if(endPos - beginPos <= LINEARSEARCH) {
247     /* CPU intensive loop; provide alternative evaluation models */
248 #if defined DOFASTMATH
249     /* Do fast pointer arithmetic */
250     int *attptr = attributes + beginPos;
251     while((beginPos < endPos) && ((*attptr) < target)) {
252       beginPos++;
253       attptr++;
254     }
255     focusAttrib = (*attptr);
256 #else
257     /* Do traditional indexed access */
258     focusAttrib = attributes[beginPos];
259     while((beginPos < endPos) && (focusAttrib < target)) {
260       beginPos++;
261       focusAttrib = attributes[beginPos];
262     }
263 #endif
264   }
266  /* Return the index if a match was found, or signal failure with a -1        */
267   if(focusAttrib == target)             /* Found; return retrieval index      */
268     return(beginPos);
269   else if(focusAttrib > target)         /* Not found; last item               */
270     return(-beginPos);
271   else if(beginPos > offset+count-1)
272     return(-(endPos+1));                /* Not found; end of list             */
273   else
274     return(-(beginPos+1));              /* Not found; intermediate point      */
276 }
findIndexEx(void * target,void * attributes,int count,int offset,int recsize,findCompare_func findCompare,MYBOOL ascending)277 int findIndexEx(void *target, void *attributes, int count, int offset, int recsize, findCompare_func findCompare, MYBOOL ascending)
278 {
279   int  focusPos, beginPos, endPos, compare, order;
280   void *focusAttrib, *beginAttrib, *endAttrib;
282  /* Set starting and ending index offsets */
283   beginPos = offset;
284   endPos = beginPos + count - 1;
285   if(endPos < beginPos)
286     return(-1);
287   order = (ascending ? -1 : 1);
289  /* Do binary search logic based on a sorted attribute vector */
290   focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2;
291   beginAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(beginPos);
292   focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(focusPos);
293   endAttrib   = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(endPos);
295   compare = 0;
296   while(endPos - beginPos > LINEARSEARCH) {
297     if(findCompare(target, beginAttrib) == 0) {
298       focusAttrib = beginAttrib;
299       endPos = beginPos;
300     }
301     else if(findCompare(target, endAttrib) == 0) {
302       focusAttrib = endAttrib;
303       beginPos = endPos;
304     }
305     else {
306       compare = findCompare(target, focusAttrib)*order;
307       if(compare < 0) {
308         beginPos = focusPos + 1;
309         beginAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(beginPos);
310         focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2;
311         focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(focusPos);
312       }
313       else if(compare > 0) {
314         endPos = focusPos - 1;
315         endAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(endPos);
316         focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2;
317         focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(focusPos);
318       }
319       else {
320         beginPos = focusPos;
321         endPos = focusPos;
322       }
323     }
324   }
326  /* Do linear (unsorted) search logic */
327   if(endPos - beginPos <= LINEARSEARCH) {
329     /* Do traditional indexed access */
330     focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(beginPos);
331     if(beginPos == endPos)
332       compare = findCompare(target, focusAttrib)*order;
333     else
334     while((beginPos < endPos) &&
335           ((compare = findCompare(target, focusAttrib)*order) < 0)) {
336       beginPos++;
337       focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(beginPos);
338     }
339   }
341  /* Return the index if a match was found, or signal failure with a -1        */
342   if(compare == 0)                      /* Found; return retrieval index      */
343     return(beginPos);
344   else if(compare > 0)                  /* Not found; last item               */
345     return(-beginPos);
346   else if(beginPos > offset+count-1)
347     return(-(endPos+1));                /* Not found; end of list             */
348   else
349     return(-(beginPos+1));              /* Not found; intermediate point      */
351 }
353 /* Simple sorting and searching comparison "operators" */
compareCHAR(const void * current,const void * candidate)354 int CMP_CALLMODEL compareCHAR(const void *current, const void *candidate)
355 {
356   return( CMP_COMPARE( *(char *) current, *(char *) candidate ) );
357 }
compareINT(const void * current,const void * candidate)358 int CMP_CALLMODEL compareINT(const void *current, const void *candidate)
359 {
360   return( CMP_COMPARE( *(int *) current, *(int *) candidate ) );
361 }
compareREAL(const void * current,const void * candidate)362 int CMP_CALLMODEL compareREAL(const void *current, const void *candidate)
363 {
364   return( CMP_COMPARE( *(REAL *) current, *(REAL *) candidate ) );
365 }
367 /* Heap sort function (procedurally based on the Numerical Recipes version,
368    but expanded and generalized to hande any object with the use of
369    qsort-style comparison operator).  An expanded version is also implemented,
370    where interchanges are reflected in a caller-initialized integer "tags" list. */
hpsort(void * attributes,int count,int offset,int recsize,MYBOOL descending,findCompare_func findCompare)371 void hpsort(void *attributes, int count, int offset, int recsize, MYBOOL descending, findCompare_func findCompare)
372 {
373   register int  i, j, k, ir, order;
374   register char *hold, *base;
375   char          *save;
377   if(count < 2)
378     return;
379   offset -= 1;
380   attributes = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(offset);
381   base = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(1);
382   save = (char *) malloc(recsize);
383   if(descending)
384     order = -1;
385   else
386     order = 1;
388   k = (count >> 1) + 1;
389   ir = count;
391   for(;;) {
392     if(k > 1) {
393       MEMCOPY(save, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(--k), recsize);
394     }
395     else {
396       hold = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(ir);
397       MEMCOPY(save, hold, recsize);
398       MEMCOPY(hold, base, recsize);
399       if(--ir == 1) {
400         MEMCOPY(base, save, recsize);
401         break;
402       }
403     }
405     i = k;
406     j = k << 1;
407     while(j <= ir) {
408       hold = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j);
409       if( (j < ir) && (findCompare(hold, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j+1))*order < 0) ) {
410         hold += recsize;
411         j++;
412       }
413       if(findCompare(save, hold)*order < 0) {
414         MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), hold, recsize);
415         i = j;
416         j <<= 1;
417 	    }
418       else
419         break;
420     }
421     MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), save, recsize);
422   }
424   FREE(save);
425 }
hpsortex(void * attributes,int count,int offset,int recsize,MYBOOL descending,findCompare_func findCompare,int * tags)426 void hpsortex(void *attributes, int count, int offset, int recsize, MYBOOL descending, findCompare_func findCompare, int *tags)
427 {
428   if(count < 2)
429     return;
430   if(tags == NULL) {
431     hpsort(attributes, count, offset, recsize, descending, findCompare);
432     return;
433   }
434   else {
435     register int  i, j, k, ir, order;
436     register char *hold, *base;
437     char          *save;
438     int           savetag;
440     offset -= 1;
441     attributes = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(offset);
442     tags += offset;
443     base = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(1);
444     save = (char *) malloc(recsize);
445     if(descending)
446       order = -1;
447     else
448       order = 1;
450     k = (count >> 1) + 1;
451     ir = count;
453     for(;;) {
454       if(k > 1) {
455         MEMCOPY(save, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(--k), recsize);
456         savetag = tags[k];
457       }
458       else {
459         hold = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(ir);
460         MEMCOPY(save, hold, recsize);
461         MEMCOPY(hold, base, recsize);
462         savetag = tags[ir];
463         tags[ir] = tags[1];
464         if(--ir == 1) {
465           MEMCOPY(base, save, recsize);
466           tags[1] = savetag;
467           break;
468         }
469       }
471       i = k;
472       j = k << 1;
473       while(j <= ir) {
474         hold = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j);
475         if( (j < ir) && (findCompare(hold, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j+1))*order < 0) ) {
476           hold += recsize;
477           j++;
478         }
479         if(findCompare(save, hold)*order < 0) {
480           MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), hold, recsize);
481           tags[i] = tags[j];
482           i = j;
483           j <<= 1;
484   	    }
485         else
486           break;
487       }
488       MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), save, recsize);
489       tags[i] = savetag;
490     }
492     FREE(save);
493   }
494 }
496 /* This is a "specialized generic" version of C.A.R Hoare's Quick Sort algorithm.
497    It will handle arrays that are already sorted, and arrays with duplicate keys.
498    There are two versions here; one extended conventional with optional tag data
499    for each sortable value, and a version for the QSORTrec format.  The QSORTrec
500    format i.a. includes the ability for to do linked list sorting. If the passed
501    comparison operator is NULL, the comparison is assumed to be for integers. */
502 #define QS_IS_switch LINEARSEARCH    /* Threshold for switching to insertion sort */
qsortex_swap(void * attributes,int l,int r,int recsize,void * tags,int tagsize,char * save,char * savetag)504 void qsortex_swap(void *attributes, int l, int r, int recsize,
505                          void *tags, int tagsize, char *save, char *savetag)
506 {
507    MEMCOPY(save, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(l), recsize);
509    MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(r), save, recsize);
510    if(tags != NULL) {
511      MEMCOPY(savetag, CMP_TAGS(l), tagsize);
512      MEMCOPY(CMP_TAGS(l), CMP_TAGS(r), tagsize);
513      MEMCOPY(CMP_TAGS(r), savetag, tagsize);
514    }
515 }
qsortex_sort(void * attributes,int l,int r,int recsize,int sortorder,findCompare_func findCompare,void * tags,int tagsize,char * save,char * savetag)517 int qsortex_sort(void *attributes, int l, int r, int recsize, int sortorder, findCompare_func findCompare,
518                         void *tags, int tagsize, char *save, char *savetag)
519 {
520   register int i, j, nmove = 0;
521   char     *v;
523   /* Perform the a fast QuickSort */
524   if((r-l) > QS_IS_switch) {
525     i = (r+l)/2;
527     /* Tri-Median Method */
528     if(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(l), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i)) > 0)
529       { nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, l,i, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); }
530     if(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(l), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(r)) > 0)
531       { nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, l,r, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); }
532     if(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(r)) > 0)
533       { nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, i,r, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); }
535     j = r-1;
536     qsortex_swap(attributes, i,j, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag);
537     i = l;
538     v = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j);
539     for(;;) {
540       while(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(++i), v) < 0);
541       while(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(--j), v) > 0);
542       if(j < i) break;
543       nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, i,j, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag);
544     }
545     nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, i,r-1, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag);
546     nmove += qsortex_sort(attributes, l,j,   recsize, sortorder, findCompare, tags, tagsize, save, savetag);
547     nmove += qsortex_sort(attributes, i+1,r, recsize, sortorder, findCompare, tags, tagsize, save, savetag);
548   }
549   return( nmove );
550 }
qsortex_finish(void * attributes,int lo0,int hi0,int recsize,int sortorder,findCompare_func findCompare,void * tags,int tagsize,char * save,char * savetag)552 int qsortex_finish(void *attributes, int lo0, int hi0, int recsize, int sortorder, findCompare_func findCompare,
553                           void *tags, int tagsize, char *save, char *savetag)
554 {
555   int i, j, nmove = 0;
557   /* This is actually InsertionSort, which is faster for local sorts */
558   for(i = lo0+1; i <= hi0; i++) {
560     /* Save bottom-most item */
561     MEMCOPY(save, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), recsize);
562     if(tags != NULL)
563       MEMCOPY(savetag, CMP_TAGS(i), tagsize);
565     /* Shift down! */
566     j = i;
567     while ((j > lo0) && (sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j-1), save) > 0)) {
568       MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j-1), recsize);
569       if(tags != NULL)
570         MEMCOPY(CMP_TAGS(j), CMP_TAGS(j-1), tagsize);
571       j--;
572       nmove++;
573     }
575     /* Store bottom-most item at the top */
576     MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j), save, recsize);
577     if(tags != NULL)
578       MEMCOPY(CMP_TAGS(j), savetag, tagsize);
579   }
580   return( nmove );
581 }
qsortex(void * attributes,int count,int offset,int recsize,MYBOOL descending,findCompare_func findCompare,void * tags,int tagsize)583 int qsortex(void *attributes, int count, int offset, int recsize, MYBOOL descending, findCompare_func findCompare, void *tags, int tagsize)
584 {
585   int  iswaps = 0, sortorder = (descending ? -1 : 1);
586   char *save = NULL, *savetag = NULL;
588   /* Check and initialize to zero-based arrays */
589   if(count <= 1)
590     goto Finish;
591   attributes = (void *) CMP_ATTRIBUTES(offset);
592   save = (char *) malloc(recsize);
593   if((tagsize <= 0) && (tags != NULL))
594     tags = NULL;
595   else if(tags != NULL) {
596     tags = (void *) CMP_TAGS(offset);
597     savetag = (char *) malloc(tagsize);
598   }
599   count--;
601   /* Perform sort */
602   iswaps = qsortex_sort(attributes, 0, count, recsize, sortorder, findCompare, tags, tagsize, save, savetag);
603 #if QS_IS_switch > 0
604   iswaps += qsortex_finish(attributes, 0, count, recsize, sortorder, findCompare, tags, tagsize, save, savetag);
605 #endif
607 Finish:
608   FREE(save);
609   FREE(savetag);
610   return( iswaps );
611 }
613 #undef QS_IS_switch
615 /* This is a "specialized generic" version of C.A.R Hoare's Quick Sort algorithm.
616    It will handle arrays that are already sorted, and arrays with duplicate keys.
617    The implementation here requires the user to pass a comparison operator and
618    assumes that the array passed has the QSORTrec format, which i.a. includes
619    the ability for to do linked list sorting. If the passed comparison operator
620    is NULL, the comparison is assumed to be for integers. */
621 #define QS_IS_switch 4    /* Threshold for switching to insertion sort */
QS_swap(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],int i,int j)623 void QS_swap(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int i, int j)
624 {
625   UNIONTYPE QSORTrec T = a[i];
626   a[i] = a[j];
627   a[j] = T;
628 }
QS_addfirst(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],void * mydata)629 int QS_addfirst(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], void *mydata)
630 {
631   a[0].pvoid2.ptr = mydata;
632   return( 0 );
633 }
QS_append(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],int ipos,void * mydata)634 int QS_append(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int ipos, void *mydata)
635 {
636   if(ipos <= 0)
637     ipos = QS_addfirst(a, mydata);
638   else
639     a[ipos].pvoid2.ptr = mydata;
640   return( ipos );
641 }
QS_replace(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],int ipos,void * mydata)642 void QS_replace(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int ipos, void *mydata)
643 {
644   a[ipos].pvoid2.ptr = mydata;
645 }
QS_insert(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],int ipos,void * mydata,int epos)646 void QS_insert(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int ipos, void *mydata, int epos)
647 {
648   for(; epos > ipos; epos--)
649     a[epos] = a[epos-1];
650   a[ipos].pvoid2.ptr = mydata;
651 }
QS_delete(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],int ipos,int epos)652 void QS_delete(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int ipos, int epos)
653 {
654   for(; epos > ipos; epos--)
655     a[epos] = a[epos-1];
656 }
QS_sort(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],int l,int r,findCompare_func findCompare)657 int QS_sort(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int l, int r, findCompare_func findCompare)
658 {
659   register int i, j, nmove = 0;
662   /* Perform the a fast QuickSort */
663   if((r-l) > QS_IS_switch) {
664     i = (r+l)/2;
666     /* Tri-Median Method */
667     if(findCompare((char *) &a[l], (char *) &a[i]) > 0)
668       { nmove++; QS_swap(a,l,i); }
669     if(findCompare((char *) &a[l], (char *) &a[r]) > 0)
670       { nmove++; QS_swap(a,l,r); }
671     if(findCompare((char *) &a[i], (char *) &a[r]) > 0)
672       { nmove++; QS_swap(a,i,r); }
674     j = r-1;
675     QS_swap(a,i,j);
676     i = l;
677     v = a[j];
678     for(;;) {
679       while(findCompare((char *) &a[++i], (char *) &v) < 0);
680       while(findCompare((char *) &a[--j], (char *) &v) > 0);
681       if(j < i) break;
682       nmove++; QS_swap (a,i,j);
683     }
684     nmove++; QS_swap(a,i,r-1);
685     nmove += QS_sort(a,l,j,findCompare);
686     nmove += QS_sort(a,i+1,r,findCompare);
687   }
688   return( nmove );
689 }
QS_finish(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],int lo0,int hi0,findCompare_func findCompare)690 int QS_finish(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int lo0, int hi0, findCompare_func findCompare)
691 {
692   int      i, j, nmove = 0;
695   /* This is actually InsertionSort, which is faster for local sorts */
696   for(i = lo0+1; i <= hi0; i++) {
698     /* Save bottom-most item */
699     v = a[i];
701     /* Shift down! */
702     j = i;
703     while ((j > lo0) && (findCompare((char *) &a[j-1], (char *) &v) > 0)) {
704       a[j] = a[j-1];
705       j--;
706       nmove++;
707     }
709     /* Store bottom-most item at the top */
710     a[j] = v;
711   }
712   return( nmove );
713 }
QS_execute(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[],int count,findCompare_func findCompare,int * nswaps)714 MYBOOL QS_execute(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int count, findCompare_func findCompare, int *nswaps)
715 {
716   int iswaps = 0;
718   /* Check and initialize */
719   if(count <= 1)
720     goto Finish;
721   count--;
723   /* Perform sort */
724   iswaps = QS_sort(a, 0, count, findCompare);
725 #if QS_IS_switch > 0
726   iswaps += QS_finish(a, 0, count, findCompare);
727 #endif
729 Finish:
730   if(nswaps != NULL)
731     *nswaps = iswaps;
732   return( TRUE );
733 }
737 /* Simple specialized bubble/insertion sort functions */
sortByREAL(int * item,REAL * weight,int size,int offset,MYBOOL unique)738 int sortByREAL(int *item, REAL *weight, int size, int offset, MYBOOL unique)
739 {
740   int i, ii, saveI;
741   REAL saveW;
743   for(i = 1; i < size; i++) {
744     ii = i+offset-1;
745     while ((ii >= offset) && (weight[ii] >= weight[ii+1])) {
746       if(weight[ii] == weight[ii+1]) {
747         if(unique)
748           return(item[ii]);
749       }
750       else {
751         saveI = item[ii];
752         saveW = weight[ii];
753         item[ii] = item[ii+1];
754         weight[ii] = weight[ii+1];
755         item[ii+1] = saveI;
756         weight[ii+1] = saveW;
757       }
758       ii--;
759     }
760   }
761   return(0);
762 }
sortByINT(int * item,int * weight,int size,int offset,MYBOOL unique)763 int sortByINT(int *item, int *weight, int size, int offset, MYBOOL unique)
764 {
765   int i, ii, saveI;
766   int saveW;
768   for(i = 1; i < size; i++) {
769     ii = i+offset-1;
770     while ((ii >= offset) && (weight[ii] >= weight[ii+1])) {
771       if(weight[ii] == weight[ii+1]) {
772         if(unique)
773           return(item[ii]);
774       }
775       else {
776         saveI = item[ii];
777         saveW = weight[ii];
778         item[ii] = item[ii+1];
779         weight[ii] = weight[ii+1];
780         item[ii+1] = saveI;
781         weight[ii+1] = saveW;
782       }
783       ii--;
784     }
785   }
786   return(0);
787 }
sortREALByINT(REAL * item,int * weight,int size,int offset,MYBOOL unique)788 REAL sortREALByINT(REAL *item, int *weight, int size, int offset, MYBOOL unique)
789 {
790   int  i, ii, saveW;
791   REAL saveI;
793   for(i = 1; i < size; i++) {
794     ii = i+offset-1;
795     while ((ii >= offset) && (weight[ii] >= weight[ii+1])) {
796       if(weight[ii] == weight[ii+1]) {
797         if(unique)
798           return(item[ii]);
799       }
800       else {
801         saveI = item[ii];
802         saveW = weight[ii];
803         item[ii] = item[ii+1];
804         weight[ii] = weight[ii+1];
805         item[ii+1] = saveI;
806         weight[ii+1] = saveW;
807       }
808       ii--;
809     }
810   }
811   return(0);
812 }
815 /* Time and message functions */
timeNow(void)816 double timeNow(void)
817 {
818 #ifdef INTEGERTIME
819   return((double)time(NULL));
820 #elif defined CLOCKTIME
821   return((double)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC /* CLK_TCK */);
822 #elif defined PosixTime
823   struct timespec t;
824 # if 0
825   clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t);
826   return( (double) t.tv_sec + (double) t.tv_nsec/1.0e9 );
827 # else
828   static double   timeBase;
830   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);
831   if(timeBase == 0)
832     timeBase = clockNow() - ((double) t.tv_sec + (double) t.tv_nsec/1.0e9);
833   return( timeBase + (double) t.tv_sec + (double) t.tv_nsec/1.0e9 );
834 # endif
835 #elif defined EnhTime
836   static LARGE_INTEGER freq;
837   static double        timeBase;
838   LARGE_INTEGER        now;
840   QueryPerformanceCounter(&now);
841   if(timeBase == 0) {
842     QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq);
843     timeBase = clockNow() - (double) now.QuadPart/(double) freq.QuadPart;
844   }
845   return( timeBase + (double) now.QuadPart/(double) freq.QuadPart );
846 #else
847   struct timeval tv;
848   struct timezone tz;
850   gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
851   return((double)tv.tv_sec+((double)tv.tv_usec)/1000000.0);
853 #endif
854 }
857 /* Miscellaneous reporting functions */
859 /* List a vector of INT values for the given index range */
blockWriteINT(FILE * output,char * label,int * myvector,int first,int last)860 void blockWriteINT(FILE *output, char *label, int *myvector, int first, int last)
861 {
862   int i, k = 0;
864   fprintf(output, "%s", label);
865   fprintf(output, "\n");
866   for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
867     fprintf(output, " %5d", myvector[i]);
868     k++;
869     if(k % 12 == 0) {
870       fprintf(output, "\n");
871       k = 0;
872     }
873   }
874   if(k % 12 != 0)
875     fprintf(output, "\n");
876 }
878 /* List a vector of MYBOOL values for the given index range */
blockWriteBOOL(FILE * output,char * label,MYBOOL * myvector,int first,int last,MYBOOL asRaw)879 void blockWriteBOOL(FILE *output, char *label, MYBOOL *myvector, int first, int last, MYBOOL asRaw)
880 {
881   int i, k = 0;
883   fprintf(output, "%s", label);
884   fprintf(output, "\n");
885   for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
886     if(asRaw)
887       fprintf(output, " %1d", myvector[i]);
888     else
889       fprintf(output, " %5s", my_boolstr(myvector[i]));
890     k++;
891     if(k % 36 == 0) {
892       fprintf(output, "\n");
893       k = 0;
894     }
895   }
896   if(k % 36 != 0)
897     fprintf(output, "\n");
898 }
900 /* List a vector of REAL values for the given index range */
blockWriteREAL(FILE * output,char * label,REAL * myvector,int first,int last)901 void blockWriteREAL(FILE *output, char *label, REAL *myvector, int first, int last)
902 {
903   int i, k = 0;
905   fprintf(output, "%s", label);
906   fprintf(output, "\n");
907   for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
908     fprintf(output, " %18g", myvector[i]);
909     k++;
910     if(k % 4 == 0) {
911       fprintf(output, "\n");
912       k = 0;
913     }
914   }
915   if(k % 4 != 0)
916     fprintf(output, "\n");
917 }
920 /* CONSOLE vector and matrix printing routines */
printvec(int n,REAL * x,int modulo)921 void printvec( int n, REAL *x, int modulo )
922 {
923   int i;
925   if (modulo <= 0) modulo = 5;
926   for (i = 1; i<=n; i++) {
927     if(mod(i, modulo) == 1)
928       printf("\n%2d:%12g", i, x[i]);
929     else
930       printf(" %2d:%12g", i, x[i]);
931   }
932   if(i % modulo != 0) printf("\n");
933 }
printmatUT(int size,int n,REAL * U,int modulo)936 void printmatUT( int size, int n, REAL *U, int modulo)
937 {
938    int i, ll;
939    ll = 0;
940    for(i = 1; i<=n; i++) {
941      printvec(n-i+1, &U[ll], modulo);
942      ll += size-i+1;
943    }
944 }
printmatSQ(int size,int n,REAL * X,int modulo)947 void printmatSQ( int size, int n, REAL *X, int modulo)
948 {
949    int i, ll;
950    ll = 0;
951    for(i = 1; i<=n; i++) {
952      printvec(n, &X[ll], modulo);
953      ll += size;
954    }
955 }
957 /* Miscellaneous file functions */
958 #if defined _MSC_VER
959 /* Check MS versions before 7 */
960 #if _MSC_VER < 1300
961 # define intptr_t long
962 #endif
fileCount(char * filemask)964 int fileCount( char *filemask )
965 {
966   struct   _finddata_t c_file;
967   intptr_t hFile;
968   int      count = 0;
970   /* Find first .c file in current directory */
971   if( (hFile = _findfirst( filemask, &c_file )) == -1L )
972     ;
973   /* Iterate over all matching names */
974   else {
975      while( _findnext( hFile, &c_file ) == 0 )
976        count++;
977     _findclose( hFile );
978   }
979   return( count );
980 }
fileSearchPath(char * envvar,char * searchfile,char * foundpath)981 MYBOOL fileSearchPath( char *envvar, char *searchfile, char *foundpath )
982 {
983    char pathbuffer[_MAX_PATH];
985    _searchenv( searchfile, envvar, pathbuffer );
986    if(pathbuffer[0] == '\0')
987      return( FALSE );
988    else {
989      if(foundpath != NULL)
990        strcpy(foundpath, pathbuffer);
991      return( TRUE );
992    }
993 }
994 #endif