1c     program DRSNLSGB
2c>> 2001-05-24 DRSNLSGB Krogh Minor change for making .f90 version.
3c>> 1997-06-18 DRSNLSGB Krogh  Changes to improve C portability.
4c>> 1994-11-02 DRSNLSGB Krogh  Changes to use M77CON
5c>> 1994-09-14 DRSNLSGB CLL Set IV(OUTLEV) = 0 for comparing output.
6c>> 1992-04-13 CLL Rename and reorder common block [D/S]KEY.
7c>> 1992-02-03 CLL @ JPL
8c>> 1990-07-02 CLL @ JPL
9c>> 1990-06-27 CLL @ JPL
10c>> 1990-04-05 CLL @ JPL
11c>> 1990-03-29 CLL @ JPL
12c     Demo driver for SNLSGB. A variant of the nonlinear LS code NL2SOL.
13c     SNLSGB solves the "separable" problem.
14c     SNLSGB handles bounds on the nonlinear variables.
15c     SNLSGB requires values of the function and the Jacobian matrix.
16c     Note:  MDER is the number of ones in the array IND().
17c     ------------------------------------------------------------------
18c--S replaces "?": DR?NLSGB, ?NLSGB, ?CALCA, ?CALCB, ?IVSET, ?KEY
19c     ------------------------------------------------------------------
20      external SCALCA, SCALCB
22      parameter(MDATA = 30, MA = 2, MB = 5)
23      parameter(MDER = 4)
24      parameter(LIV = 115 + 4*MA + MB + 2*MDER)
25      parameter(LV = 105 + MDATA*(MB+MDER+MA+3) +
26     *               (MB*(MB+3))/2 + MA*(2*MA+21))
27      integer IND(MB+1,MA), IV(LIV)
28      integer F, OUTLEV, SOLPRT, STATPR, X0PRT
29      parameter(F=10, OUTLEV=19, SOLPRT=22, STATPR=23, X0PRT=24)
30      real             ALF(MA), BET(MB), BND(2,MA)
31      real             DOF, V(LV), YDATA(MDATA)
32      data (BND(1,J),J=1,2) /  2*5.0e0 /
33      data (BND(2,J),J=1,2) / 2*10.0e0 /
34      data ((IND(ITERM,IVAR),IVAR = 1,2),ITERM = 1,6)/
35     *     0, 0,
36     *     1, 0,
37     *     1, 0,
38     *     0, 1,
39     *     0, 1,
40     *     0, 0/
41      data YDATA /
42     *     1.700641e0, 1.793512e0, 1.838309e0, 1.838416e0, 1.792204e0,
43     *     1.700501e0, 1.579804e0, 1.426268e0, 1.260724e0, 1.084901e0,
44     *     0.917094e0, 0.761920e0, 0.627304e0, 0.522146e0, 0.446645e0,
45     *     0.404920e0, 0.392033e0, 0.409622e0, 0.453045e0, 0.510765e0,
46     *     0.584554e0, 0.663109e0, 0.747613e0, 0.829439e0, 0.908496e0,
47     *     0.983178e0, 1.051046e0, 1.114072e0, 1.171746e0, 1.227823e0/
48c     ------------------------------------------------------------------
49      NDATA = MDATA
50      NA = MA
51      NB = MB
52      ALF(1) =    5.0e0
53      ALF(2) =   10.0e0
54      IV(1) = 0
56      print'(1x,a)',
57     * 'Program DRSNLSGB.. Demo driver for SNLSGB.',
58     * '   A variant of NL2SOL.',
59     * '   SNLSGB handles the Separable problem.',
60     * '   SNLSGB requires values of the function and the Jacobian.',
61     * '   SNLSGB handles bounds on the nonlinear variables.',
62     * ' ',
63     * 'Sample problem is a nonlinear curve fit to data.',
64     * 'Model function is B1 + B2 * cos(A1*t) + B3 * sin(A1*t) +',
65     * '                       B4 * cos(A2*t) + B5 * sin(A2*t) + Noise',
66     * 'Data generated using',
67     * '(A1, A2, B1, ..., B5) = (6, 9, 1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1)',
68     * 'and Gaussian noise with mean 0 and',
69     * 'sample standard deviation 0.001',
70     * ' '
72      call SIVSET(1, IV, LIV, LV, V)
73      IV( X0PRT) = 1
74      IV(OUTLEV) = 0
75      IV(STATPR) = 1
76      IV(SOLPRT) = 1
79     *         IND, NB+1, IV, LIV, LV, V)
81      DOF = max(NDATA - NA - NB, 1)
82      print'(1x/1x,a,g12.4)',
83     *    'SIGFAC: sqrt((2 * V(F))/DOF) =',
84     *             sqrt(2.0e0 * V(F)/DOF)
85      stop
86      end
87c     ==================================================================
88      subroutine SCALCA(NDATA, NA, NB, ALF, NCOUNT, PHI)
89c     Test case for separable nonlinear least squares computation.
90c     Computes MDATA x NB matrix PHI as a function of the
91c     nonlinear parameters ALF().
92c     For J .le. NB the (I,J) term of PHI is the coefficient of the
93c     linear coefficient B(J) in row I of the model.
94c     In this example the model does not have a term that is not
95c     multiplied by a linear coefficient.  If such a term is present
96c     then PHI must have an (NB+1)st column to hold this term.
97c     This code Illustrates saving results in common between SCALCA and
98c     SCALCB to avoid recalculation of common subexpressions.
99c     ------------------------------------------------------------------
100      common/SKEY/C1, C2, S1, S2, KEY
101      save  /SKEY/
102      integer I, KEY, MDATA, NA, NB, NCOUNT, NDATA
103      parameter(MDATA = 30)
104      real             ALF(NA), C1(MDATA), C2(MDATA)
105      real             DEL, PHI(NDATA,NB)
106      real             S1(MDATA), S2(MDATA), T
107c     ------------------------------------------------------------------
108      T = 0.0E0
109      DEL = 1.0E0 / 29.0E0
110      KEY = NCOUNT
111      do 10 I = 1,NDATA
112         C1(I) = cos(ALF(1)*T)
113         S1(I) = sin(ALF(1)*T)
114         C2(I) = cos(ALF(2)*T)
115         S2(I) = sin(ALF(2)*T)
116         PHI(I,1) = 1.0E0
117         PHI(I,2) = C1(I)
118         PHI(I,3) = S1(I)
119         PHI(I,4) = C2(I)
120         PHI(I,5) = S2(I)
121         T = T + DEL
122   10 continue
123      return
124      end
125c     ==================================================================
126      subroutine SCALCB(NDATA, NA, NB, ALF, NCOUNT, DER)
127c     Test case for separable nonlinear least squares computation.
128c     Computes the NDATA x NDER matrix DER.  Here NDER is the number of
129c     ones in the indicator array IND().  The columns of DER correspond
130c     to nonzero entries of IND() traversed columnwise.
131c     In this example NDER is 4 and the correspondence is as follows:
132c         Col of DER:         1       2       3       4
133c         Element of IND(): (2,1)   (3,1)   (4,2)   (5,2)
134c     In this example Row I of DER will be set to contain the values
135c     of the four partial derivatives:
136c         Partial of PHI(I,2) with respect to ALP(1)
137c         Partial of PHI(I,3) with respect to ALP(1)
138c         Partial of PHI(I,4) with respect to ALP(2)
139c         Partial of PHI(I,5) with respect to ALP(2)
140c     ------------------------------------------------------------------
141      common/SKEY/C1, C2, S1, S2, KEY
142      save  /SKEY/
143      integer I, KEY, MDATA, NCOUNT, NDATA, NA, NB, NDER
144      parameter(MDATA = 30, NDER = 4)
145      real             ALF(NA), C1(MDATA), C2(MDATA)
146      real             DEL, DER(NDATA,NDER), S1(MDATA), S2(MDATA), T
147c     ------------------------------------------------------------------
148      T = 0.0E0
149      DEL = 1.0E0 / 29.0E0
150      if(NCOUNT .eq. KEY) then
151         do 10 I = 1,NDATA
152            DER(I,1) = -S1(I)*T
153            DER(I,2) =  C1(I)*T
154            DER(I,3) = -S2(I)*T
155            DER(I,4) =  C2(I)*T
156            T = T + DEL
157   10    continue
158      else
159         do 20 I = 1,NDATA
160            DER(I,1) = -sin(ALF(1)*T)*T
161            DER(I,2) =  cos(ALF(1)*T)*T
162            DER(I,3) = -sin(ALF(2)*T)*T
163            DER(I,4) =  cos(ALF(2)*T)*T
164            T = T + DEL
165   20    continue
166      endif
167      return
168      end