1 /***************************************************************************
2  * wnd.h is part of Math Graphic Library
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Alexey Balakin <mathgl.abalakin@gmail.ru>       *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License  as       *
7  *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the    *
8  *   License, or (at your option) any later version.                       *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public     *
16  *   License along with this program; if not, write to the                 *
17  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
19  ***************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef _MGL_WND_H_
21 #define _MGL_WND_H_
23 #include "mgl2/mgl.h"
24 #include "mgl2/wnd_cf.h"
25 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 MGL_EXPORT void *mgl_draw_calc(void *p);
27 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_comments(const char *text, double &a1, double &a2, double &da, std::vector<std::string> &anim, std::string &dlg_ids, std::vector<std::string> &dlg_par);
28 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_comments(const wchar_t *text, double &a1, double &a2, double &da, std::vector<std::wstring> &anim, std::string &dlg_ids, std::vector<std::wstring> &dlg_par);
29 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_animation(const char *text, std::vector<std::string> &anim);
30 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_animation(const wchar_t *text, std::vector<std::wstring> &anim);
31 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 /// Class for drawing in windows (like, mglCanvasFL, mglCanvasQT and so on)
33 /// Make inherited class and redefine Draw() function if you don't want to use function pointers.
34 class MGL_EXPORT mglDraw
35 {
36 public:
37 	virtual int Draw(mglGraph *)=0;	///< Function for drawing
Reload()38 	virtual void Reload(){}		///< Function for reloading data
Param(char id,const char * val)39 	virtual void Param(char id, const char *val){}	///< Function for setting parameter
Click()40 	virtual void Click() {}		///< Callback function on mouse click
mglDraw()42 	mglDraw()	{	running=false;	pthread_mutex_init(&mutex,NULL);	thr=0;	}
~mglDraw()43 	virtual ~mglDraw()	{	pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);	}
Calc()45 	virtual void Calc()	{}		///< Function for calculations
Run()46 	inline void Run()			///< Run/resume calculation in other thread
47 	{
48 		if(!running)
49 		{	pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex);	pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
50 			pthread_create(&thr,0,mgl_draw_calc,this);
51 			pthread_detach(thr);	running = true;	}
52 	}
Cancel()53 	inline void Cancel()		///< Cancel thread with calculations
54 	{	pthread_cancel(thr);	running = false;	}
Pause()55 	inline void Pause()			///< Pause calculation
56 	{	pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);	}
Continue()57 	inline void Continue()		///< Continue calculation
58 	{	pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex);	pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);	}
Check()59 	inline void Check()			///< Check if calculation can be continued (should be called inside Calc() )
60 	{	pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);	pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);	}
61 //protected:
62 	pthread_t thr;
63 	bool running;
64 	pthread_mutex_t mutex;
66 #else
mglDraw()67 	mglDraw() {}
~mglDraw()68 	virtual ~mglDraw() {}
69 #endif
70 };
71 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 extern "C" {
73 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_draw_graph(HMGL gr, void *p);
74 // NOTE: MGL_EXPORT mgl_draw_class() and MGL_EXPORT mgl_draw_load() use mglWindow* only. Don't use it with inherited classes
75 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_draw_class(HMGL gr, void *p);
76 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_click_class(void *p);
77 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_reload_class(void *p);
78 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_prop_class(char id, const char *val, void *p);
79 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_prop_func(char id, const char *val, void *p);
80 extern MGL_EXPORT const char *mgl_hints[];
81 }
82 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 /// Abstract class for windows displaying graphics
84 class MGL_EXPORT mglWnd : public mglGraph
85 {
mglWnd(const mglWnd &)86 	mglWnd(const mglWnd &) {}	// copying is not allowed
87 	const mglWnd &operator=(const mglWnd &t)	{	return t;	}
88 public:
mglWnd()89 	mglWnd() : mglGraph(-1)	{}
~mglWnd()90 	virtual ~mglWnd() {	mgl_use_graph(gr,-255);	}
91 	virtual int Run()=0;		///< Run main loop for event handling
Window()92 	inline void *Window()		///< Return pointer to widget (Fl_Window* or QMainWindow*) used for plotting
93 	{	return mgl_wnd_window(gr);	}
Widget()94 	inline void *Widget()		///< Return pointer to widget (Fl_MGLView* or QMathGL*) used for plotting
95 	{	return mgl_wnd_widget(gr);	}
WndSize(int w,int h)96 	inline void WndSize(int w, int h)	///< Resize window
97 	{	mgl_wnd_size(gr,w,h);	}
WndMove(int x,int y)98 	inline void WndMove(int x, int y)	///< Move window
99 	{	mgl_wnd_move(gr,x,y);	}
ToggleAlpha()101 	inline void ToggleAlpha()	///< Switch on/off transparency (do not overwrite user settings)
102 	{	mgl_wnd_toggle_alpha(gr);	}
ToggleLight()103 	inline void ToggleLight()	///< Switch on/off lighting (do not overwrite user settings)
104 	{	mgl_wnd_toggle_light(gr);	}
ToggleZoom()105 	inline void ToggleZoom()	///< Switch on/off zooming by mouse
106 	{	mgl_wnd_toggle_zoom(gr);	}
ToggleRotate()107 	inline void ToggleRotate()	///< Switch on/off rotation by mouse
108 	{	mgl_wnd_toggle_rotate(gr);	}
ToggleNo()109 	inline void ToggleNo()		///< Switch off all zooming and rotation
110 	{	mgl_wnd_toggle_no(gr);	}
Update()111 	inline void Update()		///< Update picture by calling user drawing function
112 	{	mgl_wnd_update(gr);	}
ReLoad()113 	inline void ReLoad()		///< Reload user data and update picture
114 	{	mgl_wnd_reload(gr);	}
Adjust()115 	inline void Adjust()		///< Adjust size of bitmap to window size
116 	{	mgl_wnd_adjust(gr);	}
NextFrame()117 	inline void NextFrame()		///< Show next frame (if one)
118 	{	mgl_wnd_next_frame(gr);	}
PrevFrame()119 	inline void PrevFrame()		///< Show previous frame (if one)
120 	{	mgl_wnd_prev_frame(gr);	}
Animation()121 	inline void Animation()		///< Run slideshow (animation) of frames
122 	{	mgl_wnd_animation(gr);	}
SetClickFunc(void (* func)(void * p))123 	inline void SetClickFunc(void (*func)(void *p))	///< Callback function for mouse click
124 	{	mgl_set_click_func(gr,func);	}
125 	/// Set callback function for properties setup
126 	void SetPropFunc(void (*prop)(char id, const char *val, void *p), void *par=NULL)
127 	{	mgl_wnd_set_prop(gr,prop,par);	}
128 	/// Make custom dialog for parameters ids of element properties defined by args
MakeDialog(const char * ids,char const * const * args,const char * title)129 	inline void MakeDialog(const char *ids, char const * const *args, const char *title)
130 	{	mgl_wnd_make_dialog(gr, ids, args, title);	}
131 	inline void MakeDialog(const std::string &ids, const std::vector<std::string> &args, const char *title="")
132 	{
133 		if(args.size()>0)
134 		{
135 			std::vector<const char *> buf;	buf.reserve(args.size());
136 			for(size_t i=0;i<args.size();i++)	buf.push_back(args[i].c_str());
137 			MakeDialog(ids.c_str(), &(buf[0]), title);
138 		}
139 	}
140 	/// Set callback functions for drawing and data reloading
141 	inline void SetDrawFunc(int (*draw)(mglBase *gr, void *p), void *par=NULL, void (*reload)(void *p)=NULL)
142 	{	mgl_wnd_set_func(gr,draw,par,reload);	}
SetDrawFunc(int (* draw)(mglGraph * gr))143 	inline void SetDrawFunc(int (*draw)(mglGraph *gr))
144 	{	mgl_wnd_set_func(gr,draw?mgl_draw_graph:0,(void*)draw,0);	}
SetDrawFunc(mglDraw * draw)145 	inline void SetDrawFunc(mglDraw *draw)
146 	{	mgl_wnd_set_func(gr,draw?mgl_draw_class:0,draw,mgl_reload_class);
148 		mgl_wnd_set_mutex(gr, &(draw->mutex));
149 #endif
150 		mgl_set_click_func(gr, mgl_click_class);	}
152 	/// Mutex for lock/unlock by widget
SetMutex(pthread_mutex_t * mutex)153 	inline void SetMutex(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
154 	{	mgl_wnd_set_mutex(gr, mutex);	}
155 #endif
SetDelay(double dt)157 	inline void SetDelay(double dt)	///< Set delay for animation in seconds
158 	{	mgl_wnd_set_delay(gr, dt);	}
GetDelay()159 	inline double GetDelay()		///< Get delay for animation in seconds
160 	{	return mgl_wnd_get_delay(gr);	}
161 	inline void Setup(bool clf_upd=true, bool showpos=false)
162 	{	mgl_setup_window(gr, clf_upd, showpos);	}
LastMousePos()163 	inline mglPoint LastMousePos()		///< Last mouse position
164 	{	mreal x,y,z;	mgl_get_last_mouse_pos(gr,&x,&y,&z);	return mglPoint(x,y,z);	}
165 };
166 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 #endif