1;;; Compiled by f2cl version:
2;;; ("f2cl1.l,v 1.221 2010/05/26 19:25:52 rtoy Exp $"
3;;;  "f2cl2.l,v 1.37 2008/02/22 22:19:33 rtoy Exp $"
4;;;  "f2cl3.l,v 1.6 2008/02/22 22:19:33 rtoy Exp $"
5;;;  "f2cl4.l,v 1.7 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy Exp $"
6;;;  "f2cl5.l,v 1.204 2010/02/23 05:21:30 rtoy Exp $"
7;;;  "f2cl6.l,v 1.48 2008/08/24 00:56:27 rtoy Exp $"
8;;;  "macros.l,v 1.114 2010/05/17 01:42:14 rtoy Exp $")
10;;; Using Lisp CMU Common Lisp CVS Head 2010-05-25 18:21:07 (20A Unicode)
12;;; Options: ((:prune-labels nil) (:auto-save t) (:relaxed-array-decls t)
13;;;           (:coerce-assigns :as-needed) (:array-type ':array)
14;;;           (:array-slicing t) (:declare-common nil)
15;;;           (:float-format double-float))
17(in-package :colnew)
20(labels ((multi-entry-colnew
21             (%name% ncomp m aleft aright zeta ipar ltol tol fixpnt ispace
22              fspace iflag fsub dfsub gsub dgsub guess)
23           (declare (type (array double-float (*)) fspace fixpnt tol zeta)
24                    (type double-float aright aleft)
25                    (type (array f2cl-lib:integer4 (*)) ispace ltol ipar m)
26                    (type (f2cl-lib:integer4) iflag ncomp))
27           (let ((colloc-rho
28                  (make-array 7
29                              :element-type 'double-float
30                              :displaced-to (colloc-part-0
31                                             *colloc-common-block*)
32                              :displaced-index-offset 0))
33                 (colloc-coef
34                  (make-array 49
35                              :element-type 'double-float
36                              :displaced-to (colloc-part-0
37                                             *colloc-common-block*)
38                              :displaced-index-offset 7))
39                 (colord-mt
40                  (make-array 20
41                              :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4
42                              :displaced-to (colord-part-0
43                                             *colord-common-block*)
44                              :displaced-index-offset 5))
45                 (colsid-tzeta
46                  (make-array 40
47                              :element-type 'double-float
48                              :displaced-to (colsid-part-0
49                                             *colsid-common-block*)
50                              :displaced-index-offset 0))
51                 (colest-tolin
52                  (make-array 40
53                              :element-type 'double-float
54                              :displaced-to (colest-part-0
55                                             *colest-common-block*)
56                              :displaced-index-offset 120))
57                 (colest-lttol
58                  (make-array 40
59                              :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4
60                              :displaced-to (colest-part-1
61                                             *colest-common-block*)
62                              :displaced-index-offset 40)))
63             (symbol-macrolet ((precis
64                                (aref (colout-part-0 *colout-common-block*) 0))
65                               (iout
66                                (aref (colout-part-1 *colout-common-block*) 0))
67                               (iprint
68                                (aref (colout-part-1 *colout-common-block*) 1))
69                               (rho colloc-rho)
70                               (coef colloc-coef)
71                               (k
72                                (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 0))
73                               (nc
74                                (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 1))
75                               (mstar
76                                (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 2))
77                               (kd
78                                (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 3))
79                               (mmax
80                                (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 4))
81                               (mt colord-mt)
82                               (n
83                                (aref (colapr-part-0 *colapr-common-block*) 0))
84                               (nold
85                                (aref (colapr-part-0 *colapr-common-block*) 1))
86                               (nmax
87                                (aref (colapr-part-0 *colapr-common-block*) 2))
88                               (nz
89                                (aref (colapr-part-0 *colapr-common-block*) 3))
90                               (ndmz
91                                (aref (colapr-part-0 *colapr-common-block*) 4))
92                               (mshflg
93                                (aref (colmsh-part-0 *colmsh-common-block*) 0))
94                               (mshnum
95                                (aref (colmsh-part-0 *colmsh-common-block*) 1))
96                               (mshlmt
97                                (aref (colmsh-part-0 *colmsh-common-block*) 2))
98                               (mshalt
99                                (aref (colmsh-part-0 *colmsh-common-block*) 3))
100                               (tzeta colsid-tzeta)
101                               (tleft
102                                (aref (colsid-part-0 *colsid-common-block*)
103                                      40))
104                               (tright
105                                (aref (colsid-part-0 *colsid-common-block*)
106                                      41))
107                               (nonlin
108                                (aref (colnln-part-0 *colnln-common-block*) 0))
109                               (limit
110                                (aref (colnln-part-0 *colnln-common-block*) 2))
111                               (icare
112                                (aref (colnln-part-0 *colnln-common-block*) 3))
113                               (iguess
114                                (aref (colnln-part-0 *colnln-common-block*) 4))
115                               (tolin colest-tolin)
116                               (lttol colest-lttol)
117                               (ntol
118                                (aref (colest-part-1 *colest-common-block*)
119                                      80)))
120               (f2cl-lib:with-multi-array-data
121                   ((m f2cl-lib:integer4 m-%data% m-%offset%)
122                    (ipar f2cl-lib:integer4 ipar-%data% ipar-%offset%)
123                    (ltol f2cl-lib:integer4 ltol-%data% ltol-%offset%)
124                    (ispace f2cl-lib:integer4 ispace-%data% ispace-%offset%)
125                    (zeta double-float zeta-%data% zeta-%offset%)
126                    (tol double-float tol-%data% tol-%offset%)
127                    (fixpnt double-float fixpnt-%data% fixpnt-%offset%)
128                    (fspace double-float fspace-%data% fspace-%offset%))
129                 (prog ((ic 0) (k2 0) (idmz 0) (np1 0) (linteg 0) (lpvtw 0)
130                        (lpvtg 0) (ldscl 0) (lscl 0) (laccum 0) (lslope 0)
131                        (lvalst 0) (lrhs 0) (ldqdmz 0) (ldqz 0) (ldeldz 0)
132                        (ldelz 0) (ldmz 0) (lz 0) (lv 0) (lw 0) (lxiold 0)
133                        (lg 0) (lxi 0) (nmaxi 0) (nmaxf 0) (nsizef 0) (nfixf 0)
134                        (nsizei 0) (nfixi 0) (ib 0) (nrec 0) (ip 0) (nfxpnt 0)
135                        (ndimi 0) (ndimf 0) (iread 0) (i 0) (precp1 0.0)
136                        (dummy (make-array 1 :element-type 'double-float)))
137                   (declare (type (array double-float (1)) dummy)
138                            (type double-float precp1)
139                            (type (f2cl-lib:integer4) i iread ndimf ndimi
140                                                      nfxpnt ip nrec ib nfixi
141                                                      nsizei nfixf nsizef nmaxf
142                                                      nmaxi lxi lg lxiold lw lv
143                                                      lz ldmz ldelz ldeldz ldqz
144                                                      ldqdmz lrhs lvalst lslope
145                                                      laccum lscl ldscl lpvtg
146                                                      lpvtw linteg np1 idmz k2
147                                                      ic))
148                   (if (eq %name% 'colsys) (go colsys))
149                  colsys
150                   (if
151                    (<= (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data% (7) ((1 1)) ipar-%offset%)
152                        0)
153                    (f2cl-lib:fformat 6
154                                      ("~%" "~%"
155                                       " VERSION *COLNEW* OF COLSYS .    " "~%"
156                                       "~%" "~%")))
157                   (setf iout 6)
158                   (setf precis 1.0)
159                  label10
160                   (setf precis (/ precis 2.0))
161                   (setf precp1 (+ precis 1.0))
162                   (if (> precp1 1.0) (go label10))
163                   (setf precis (* precis 100.0))
164                   (setf iflag -3)
165                   (if (or (< ncomp 1) (> ncomp 20)) (go end_label))
166                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
167                                 ((> i ncomp) nil)
168                     (tagbody
169                       (if
170                        (or
171                         (< (f2cl-lib:fref m-%data% (i) ((1 1)) m-%offset%) 1)
172                         (> (f2cl-lib:fref m-%data% (i) ((1 1)) m-%offset%) 4))
173                        (go end_label))
174                      label20))
175                   (setf nonlin
176                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
177                                          (1)
178                                          ((1 1))
179                                          ipar-%offset%))
180                   (setf k
181                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
182                                          (2)
183                                          ((1 1))
184                                          ipar-%offset%))
185                   (setf n
186                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
187                                          (3)
188                                          ((1 1))
189                                          ipar-%offset%))
190                   (if (= n 0) (setf n 5))
191                   (setf iread
192                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
193                                          (8)
194                                          ((1 1))
195                                          ipar-%offset%))
196                   (setf iguess
197                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
198                                          (9)
199                                          ((1 1))
200                                          ipar-%offset%))
201                   (if (and (= nonlin 0) (= iguess 1)) (setf iguess 0))
202                   (if (and (>= iguess 2) (= iread 0)) (setf iread 1))
203                   (setf icare
204                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
205                                          (10)
206                                          ((1 1))
207                                          ipar-%offset%))
208                   (setf ntol
209                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
210                                          (4)
211                                          ((1 1))
212                                          ipar-%offset%))
213                   (setf ndimf
214                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
215                                          (5)
216                                          ((1 1))
217                                          ipar-%offset%))
218                   (setf ndimi
219                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
220                                          (6)
221                                          ((1 1))
222                                          ipar-%offset%))
223                   (setf nfxpnt
224                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
225                                          (11)
226                                          ((1 1))
227                                          ipar-%offset%))
228                   (setf iprint
229                           (f2cl-lib:fref ipar-%data%
230                                          (7)
231                                          ((1 1))
232                                          ipar-%offset%))
233                   (setf mstar 0)
234                   (setf mmax 0)
235                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
236                                 ((> i ncomp) nil)
237                     (tagbody
238                       (setf mmax
239                               (f2cl-lib:max0 mmax
240                                              (f2cl-lib:fref m-%data%
241                                                             (i)
242                                                             ((1 1))
243                                                             m-%offset%)))
244                       (setf mstar
245                               (f2cl-lib:int-add mstar
246                                                 (f2cl-lib:fref m-%data%
247                                                                (i)
248                                                                ((1 1))
249                                                                m-%offset%)))
250                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref mt (i) ((1 20)))
251                               (f2cl-lib:fref m-%data% (i) ((1 1)) m-%offset%))
252                      label30))
253                   (if (= k 0)
254                       (setf k
255                               (f2cl-lib:max0 (f2cl-lib:int-add mmax 1)
256                                              (f2cl-lib:int-sub 5 mmax))))
257                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
258                                 ((> i mstar) nil)
259                     (tagbody
260                      label40
261                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref tzeta (i) ((1 40)))
262                               (f2cl-lib:fref zeta-%data%
263                                              (i)
264                                              ((1 1))
265                                              zeta-%offset%))))
266                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
267                                 ((> i ntol) nil)
268                     (tagbody
269                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref lttol (i) ((1 40)))
270                               (f2cl-lib:fref ltol-%data%
271                                              (i)
272                                              ((1 1))
273                                              ltol-%offset%))
274                      label50
275                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref tolin (i) ((1 40)))
276                               (f2cl-lib:fref tol-%data%
277                                              (i)
278                                              ((1 1))
279                                              tol-%offset%))))
280                   (setf tleft aleft)
281                   (setf tright aright)
282                   (setf nc ncomp)
283                   (setf kd (f2cl-lib:int-mul k ncomp))
284                   (if (> iprint -1) (go label80))
285                   (if (> nonlin 0) (go label60))
286                   (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
287                                     ("~%" "~%" "~%"
288                                      " THE NUMBER OF (LINEAR) DIFF EQNS IS " 1
289                                      (("~3D")) "~%" "~1@T" "THEIR ORDERS ARE"
290                                      20 (("~3D")) "~%")
291                                     ncomp
292                                     (do ((ip 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add ip 1))
293                                          (%ret nil))
294                                         ((> ip ncomp) (nreverse %ret))
295                                       (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 ip))
296                                       (push
297                                        (f2cl-lib:fref m-%data%
298                                                       (ip)
299                                                       ((1 1))
300                                                       m-%offset%)
301                                        %ret)))
302                   (go label70)
303                  label60
304                   (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
305                                     ("~%" "~%" "~%"
306                                      " THE NUMBER OF (NONLINEAR) DIFF EQNS IS "
307                                      1 (("~3D")) "~%" "~1@T"
308                                      "THEIR ORDERS ARE" 20 (("~3D")) "~%")
309                                     ncomp
310                                     (do ((ip 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add ip 1))
311                                          (%ret nil))
312                                         ((> ip ncomp) (nreverse %ret))
313                                       (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 ip))
314                                       (push
315                                        (f2cl-lib:fref m-%data%
316                                                       (ip)
317                                                       ((1 1))
318                                                       m-%offset%)
319                                        %ret)))
320                  label70
321                   (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
322                                     (" SIDE CONDITION POINTS ZETA" 8
323                                      (("~10,6,0,'*,F")) 4
324                                      ("~%" "~27@T" 8 (("~10,6,0,'*,F"))) "~%")
325                                     (do ((ip 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add ip 1))
326                                          (%ret nil))
327                                         ((> ip mstar) (nreverse %ret))
328                                       (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 ip))
329                                       (push
330                                        (f2cl-lib:fref zeta-%data%
331                                                       (ip)
332                                                       ((1 1))
333                                                       zeta-%offset%)
334                                        %ret)))
335                   (if (> nfxpnt 0)
336                       (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
337                                         (" THERE ARE" 1 (("~5D"))
338                                          " FIXED POINTS IN THE MESH -" 10
339                                          (6 (("~10,6,0,'*,F")) "~%") "~%")
340                                         nfxpnt
341                                         (do ((ip 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add ip 1))
342                                              (%ret nil))
343                                             ((> ip nfxpnt) (nreverse %ret))
344                                           (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 ip))
345                                           (push
346                                            (f2cl-lib:fref fixpnt-%data%
347                                                           (ip)
348                                                           ((1 1))
349                                                           fixpnt-%offset%)
350                                            %ret))))
351                   (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
352                                     (" NUMBER OF COLLOC PTS PER INTERVAL IS" 1
353                                      (("~3D")) "~%")
354                                     k)
355                   (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
356                                     (" COMPONENTS OF Z REQUIRING TOLERANCES -"
357                                      8 ("~7@T" 1 (("~2D")) "~1@T") 4
358                                      ("~%" "~38@T" 8 (("~10D"))) "~%")
359                                     (do ((ip 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add ip 1))
360                                          (%ret nil))
361                                         ((> ip ntol) (nreverse %ret))
362                                       (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 ip))
363                                       (push
364                                        (f2cl-lib:fref ltol-%data%
365                                                       (ip)
366                                                       ((1 1))
367                                                       ltol-%offset%)
368                                        %ret)))
369                   (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
370                                     (" CORRESPONDING ERROR TOLERANCES -"
371                                      "~6@T" 8 (("~10,2,2,0,'*,,'DE")) 4
372                                      ("~%" "~39@T" 8 (("~10,2,2,0,'*,,'DE")))
373                                      "~%")
374                                     (do ((ip 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add ip 1))
375                                          (%ret nil))
376                                         ((> ip ntol) (nreverse %ret))
377                                       (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 ip))
378                                       (push
379                                        (f2cl-lib:fref tol-%data%
380                                                       (ip)
381                                                       ((1 1))
382                                                       tol-%offset%)
383                                        %ret)))
384                   (if (>= iguess 2)
385                       (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
386                                         (" INITIAL MESH(ES) AND Z,DMZ PROVIDED BY USER"
387                                          "~%")))
388                   (if (= iread 2)
389                       (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
390                                         (" NO ADAPTIVE MESH SELECTION" "~%")))
391                  label80
392                   (if (or (< k 0) (> k 7)) (go end_label))
393                   (if (< n 0) (go end_label))
394                   (if (or (< iread 0) (> iread 2)) (go end_label))
395                   (if (or (< iguess 0) (> iguess 4)) (go end_label))
396                   (if (or (< icare 0) (> icare 2)) (go end_label))
397                   (if (or (< ntol 0) (> ntol mstar)) (go end_label))
398                   (if (< nfxpnt 0) (go end_label))
399                   (if (or (< iprint -1) (> iprint 1)) (go end_label))
400                   (if (or (< mstar 0) (> mstar 40)) (go end_label))
401                   (setf ip 1)
402                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
403                                 ((> i mstar) nil)
404                     (tagbody
405                       (if
406                        (or
407                         (<
408                          (f2cl-lib:dabs
409                           (-
410                            (f2cl-lib:fref zeta-%data%
411                                           (i)
412                                           ((1 1))
413                                           zeta-%offset%)
414                            aleft))
415                          precis)
416                         (<
417                          (f2cl-lib:dabs
418                           (-
419                            (f2cl-lib:fref zeta-%data%
420                                           (i)
421                                           ((1 1))
422                                           zeta-%offset%)
423                            aright))
424                          precis))
425                        (go label100))
426                      label90
427                       (if (> ip nfxpnt) (go end_label))
428                       (if
429                        (<
430                         (-
431                          (f2cl-lib:fref zeta-%data% (i) ((1 1)) zeta-%offset%)
432                          precis)
433                         (f2cl-lib:fref fixpnt-%data%
434                                        (ip)
435                                        ((1 1))
436                                        fixpnt-%offset%))
437                        (go label95))
438                       (setf ip (f2cl-lib:int-add ip 1))
439                       (go label90)
440                      label95
441                       (if
442                        (<
443                         (+
444                          (f2cl-lib:fref zeta-%data% (i) ((1 1)) zeta-%offset%)
445                          precis)
446                         (f2cl-lib:fref fixpnt-%data%
447                                        (ip)
448                                        ((1 1))
449                                        fixpnt-%offset%))
450                        (go end_label))
451                      label100))
452                   (setf mshlmt 3)
453                   (setf mshflg 0)
454                   (setf mshnum 1)
455                   (setf mshalt 1)
456                   (setf limit 40)
457                   (setf nrec 0)
458                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
459                                 ((> i mstar) nil)
460                     (tagbody
461                       (setf ib
462                               (f2cl-lib:int-sub (f2cl-lib:int-add mstar 1) i))
463                       (if
464                        (>=
465                         (f2cl-lib:fref zeta-%data% (ib) ((1 1)) zeta-%offset%)
466                         aright)
467                        (setf nrec i))
468                      label110))
469                   (setf nfixi mstar)
470                   (setf nsizei (f2cl-lib:int-add 3 kd mstar))
471                   (setf nfixf
472                           (f2cl-lib:int-add
473                            (f2cl-lib:int-mul nrec (f2cl-lib:int-mul 2 mstar))
474                            (f2cl-lib:int-mul 5 mstar)
475                            3))
476                   (setf nsizef
477                           (f2cl-lib:int-add 4
478                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul 3 mstar)
479                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul
480                                              (f2cl-lib:int-add kd 5)
481                                              (f2cl-lib:int-add kd mstar))
482                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul
483                                              (f2cl-lib:int-sub
484                                               (f2cl-lib:int-mul 2 mstar)
485                                               nrec)
486                                              2
487                                              mstar)))
488                   (setf nmaxf
489                           (the f2cl-lib:integer4
490                                (truncate (- ndimf nfixf) nsizef)))
491                   (setf nmaxi
492                           (the f2cl-lib:integer4
493                                (truncate (- ndimi nfixi) nsizei)))
494                   (if (< iprint 1)
495                       (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
496                                         (" THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SUBINTERVALS IS MIN ("
497                                          1 (("~4D")) " (ALLOWED FROM FSPACE),"
498                                          1 (("~4D"))
499                                          " (ALLOWED FROM ISPACE) )" "~%")
500                                         nmaxf
501                                         nmaxi))
502                   (setf nmax (f2cl-lib:min0 nmaxf nmaxi))
503                   (if (< nmax n) (go end_label))
504                   (if (< nmax (f2cl-lib:int-add nfxpnt 1)) (go end_label))
505                   (if
506                    (and
507                     (< nmax (f2cl-lib:int-add (f2cl-lib:int-mul 2 nfxpnt) 2))
508                     (< iprint 1))
509                    (f2cl-lib:fformat iout
510                                      ("~%"
511                                       " INSUFFICIENT SPACE TO DOUBLE MESH FOR ERROR ESTIMATE"
512                                       "~%")))
513                   (setf lxi 1)
514                   (setf lg (f2cl-lib:int-add lxi nmax 1))
515                   (setf lxiold
516                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lg
517                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul 2
518                                                               mstar
519                                                               (f2cl-lib:int-add
520                                                                (f2cl-lib:int-mul
521                                                                 nmax
522                                                                 (f2cl-lib:int-sub
523                                                                  (f2cl-lib:int-mul
524                                                                   2
525                                                                   mstar)
526                                                                  nrec))
527                                                                nrec))))
528                   (setf lw (f2cl-lib:int-add lxiold nmax 1))
529                   (setf lv
530                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lw
531                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul (expt kd 2)
532                                                               nmax)))
533                   (setf lz
534                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lv
535                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul mstar kd nmax)))
536                   (setf ldmz
537                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lz
538                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul mstar
539                                                               (f2cl-lib:int-add
540                                                                nmax
541                                                                1))))
542                   (setf ldelz
543                           (f2cl-lib:int-add ldmz (f2cl-lib:int-mul kd nmax)))
544                   (setf ldeldz
545                           (f2cl-lib:int-add ldelz
546                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul mstar
547                                                               (f2cl-lib:int-add
548                                                                nmax
549                                                                1))))
550                   (setf ldqz
551                           (f2cl-lib:int-add ldeldz
552                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul kd nmax)))
553                   (setf ldqdmz
554                           (f2cl-lib:int-add ldqz
555                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul mstar
556                                                               (f2cl-lib:int-add
557                                                                nmax
558                                                                1))))
559                   (setf lrhs
560                           (f2cl-lib:int-add ldqdmz
561                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul kd nmax)))
562                   (setf lvalst
563                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lrhs
564                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul kd nmax)
565                                             mstar))
566                   (setf lslope
567                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lvalst
568                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul 4 mstar nmax)))
569                   (setf laccum (f2cl-lib:int-add lslope nmax))
570                   (setf lscl (f2cl-lib:int-add laccum nmax 1))
571                   (setf ldscl
572                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lscl
573                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul mstar
574                                                               (f2cl-lib:int-add
575                                                                nmax
576                                                                1))))
577                   (setf lpvtg 1)
578                   (setf lpvtw
579                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lpvtg
580                                             (f2cl-lib:int-mul mstar
581                                                               (f2cl-lib:int-add
582                                                                nmax
583                                                                1))))
584                   (setf linteg
585                           (f2cl-lib:int-add lpvtw (f2cl-lib:int-mul kd nmax)))
586                   (if (< iguess 2) (go label160))
587                   (setf nold n)
588                   (if (= iguess 4)
589                       (setf nold
590                               (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
591                                              (1)
592                                              ((1 1))
593                                              ispace-%offset%)))
594                   (setf nz (f2cl-lib:int-mul mstar (f2cl-lib:int-add nold 1)))
595                   (setf ndmz (f2cl-lib:int-mul kd nold))
596                   (setf np1 (f2cl-lib:int-add n 1))
597                   (if (= iguess 4) (setf np1 (f2cl-lib:int-add np1 nold 1)))
598                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
599                                 ((> i nz) nil)
600                     (tagbody
601                      label120
602                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
603                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
604                                              (f2cl-lib:int-add lz i)
605                                              1))
606                                            ((1 1))
607                                            fspace-%offset%)
608                               (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
609                                              ((f2cl-lib:int-add np1 i))
610                                              ((1 1))
611                                              fspace-%offset%))))
612                   (setf idmz (f2cl-lib:int-add np1 nz))
613                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
614                                 ((> i ndmz) nil)
615                     (tagbody
616                      label125
617                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
618                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
619                                              (f2cl-lib:int-add ldmz i)
620                                              1))
621                                            ((1 1))
622                                            fspace-%offset%)
623                               (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
624                                              ((f2cl-lib:int-add idmz i))
625                                              ((1 1))
626                                              fspace-%offset%))))
627                   (setf np1 (f2cl-lib:int-add nold 1))
628                   (if (= iguess 4) (go label140))
629                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
630                                 ((> i np1) nil)
631                     (tagbody
632                      label130
633                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
634                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
635                                              (f2cl-lib:int-add lxiold i)
636                                              1))
637                                            ((1 1))
638                                            fspace-%offset%)
639                               (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
640                                              ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
641                                                (f2cl-lib:int-add lxi i)
642                                                1))
643                                              ((1 1))
644                                              fspace-%offset%))))
645                   (go label160)
646                  label140
647                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
648                                 ((> i np1) nil)
649                     (tagbody
650                      label150
651                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
652                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
653                                              (f2cl-lib:int-add lxiold i)
654                                              1))
655                                            ((1 1))
656                                            fspace-%offset%)
657                               (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
658                                              ((f2cl-lib:int-add n 1 i))
659                                              ((1 1))
660                                              fspace-%offset%))))
661                  label160
662                   (consts k rho coef)
663                   (newmsh (f2cl-lib:int-add 3 iread)
664                    (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace double-float (lxi) ((1 1)))
665                    (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace double-float (lxiold) ((1 1)))
666                    dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy nfxpnt fixpnt)
667                   (if (>= iguess 2) (go label230))
668                   (setf np1 (f2cl-lib:int-add n 1))
669                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
670                                 ((> i np1) nil)
671                     (tagbody
672                      label210
673                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
674                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
675                                              (f2cl-lib:int-add i lxiold)
676                                              1))
677                                            ((1 1))
678                                            fspace-%offset%)
679                               (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
680                                              ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
681                                                (f2cl-lib:int-add i lxi)
682                                                1))
683                                              ((1 1))
684                                              fspace-%offset%))))
685                   (setf nold n)
686                   (if (or (= nonlin 0) (= iguess 1)) (go label230))
687                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
688                                 ((> i nz) nil)
689                     (tagbody
690                      label220
691                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
692                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-add
693                                              (f2cl-lib:int-sub lz 1)
694                                              i))
695                                            ((1 1))
696                                            fspace-%offset%)
697                               0.0)))
698                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
699                                 ((> i ndmz) nil)
700                     (tagbody
701                      label225
702                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
703                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-add
704                                              (f2cl-lib:int-sub ldmz 1)
705                                              i))
706                                            ((1 1))
707                                            fspace-%offset%)
708                               0.0)))
709                  label230
710                   (if (>= iguess 2) (setf iguess 0))
711                   (multiple-value-bind
712                         (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8
713                          var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15
714                          var-16 var-17 var-18 var-19 var-20 var-21 var-22
715                          var-23 var-24 var-25 var-26 var-27)
716                       (contrl
717                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
718                                              double-float
719                                              (lxi)
720                                              ((1 1)))
721                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
722                                              double-float
723                                              (lxiold)
724                                              ((1 1)))
725                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace double-float (lz) ((1 1)))
726                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
727                                              double-float
728                                              (ldmz)
729                                              ((1 1)))
730                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
731                                              double-float
732                                              (lrhs)
733                                              ((1 1)))
734                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
735                                              double-float
736                                              (ldelz)
737                                              ((1 1)))
738                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
739                                              double-float
740                                              (ldeldz)
741                                              ((1 1)))
742                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
743                                              double-float
744                                              (ldqz)
745                                              ((1 1)))
746                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
747                                              double-float
748                                              (ldqdmz)
749                                              ((1 1)))
750                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace double-float (lg) ((1 1)))
751                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace double-float (lw) ((1 1)))
752                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace double-float (lv) ((1 1)))
753                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
754                                              double-float
755                                              (lvalst)
756                                              ((1 1)))
757                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
758                                              double-float
759                                              (lslope)
760                                              ((1 1)))
761                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
762                                              double-float
763                                              (lscl)
764                                              ((1 1)))
765                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
766                                              double-float
767                                              (ldscl)
768                                              ((1 1)))
769                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice fspace
770                                              double-float
771                                              (laccum)
772                                              ((1 1)))
773                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice ispace
774                                              f2cl-lib:integer4
775                                              (lpvtg)
776                                              ((1 1)))
777                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice ispace
778                                              f2cl-lib:integer4
779                                              (linteg)
780                                              ((1 1)))
781                        (f2cl-lib:array-slice ispace
782                                              f2cl-lib:integer4
783                                              (lpvtw)
784                                              ((1 1)))
785                        nfxpnt fixpnt iflag fsub dfsub gsub dgsub guess)
786                     (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6
787                                      var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12
788                                      var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18
789                                      var-19 var-20 var-21 var-23 var-24 var-25
790                                      var-26 var-27))
791                     (setf iflag var-22))
792                   (setf (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
793                                        (1)
794                                        ((1 1))
795                                        ispace-%offset%)
796                           n)
797                   (setf (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
798                                        (2)
799                                        ((1 1))
800                                        ispace-%offset%)
801                           k)
802                   (setf (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
803                                        (3)
804                                        ((1 1))
805                                        ispace-%offset%)
806                           ncomp)
807                   (setf (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
808                                        (4)
809                                        ((1 1))
810                                        ispace-%offset%)
811                           mstar)
812                   (setf (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
813                                        (5)
814                                        ((1 1))
815                                        ispace-%offset%)
816                           mmax)
817                   (setf (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
818                                        (6)
819                                        ((1 1))
820                                        ispace-%offset%)
821                           (f2cl-lib:int-add nz ndmz n 2))
822                   (setf k2 (f2cl-lib:int-mul k k))
823                   (setf (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
824                                        (7)
825                                        ((1 1))
826                                        ispace-%offset%)
827                           (f2cl-lib:int-sub
828                            (f2cl-lib:int-add
829                             (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
830                                            (6)
831                                            ((1 1))
832                                            ispace-%offset%)
833                             k2)
834                            1))
835                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
836                                 ((> i ncomp) nil)
837                     (tagbody
838                      label240
839                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref ispace-%data%
840                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-add 7 i))
841                                            ((1 1))
842                                            ispace-%offset%)
843                               (f2cl-lib:fref m-%data%
844                                              (i)
845                                              ((1 1))
846                                              m-%offset%))))
847                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
848                                 ((> i nz) nil)
849                     (tagbody
850                      label250
851                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
852                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-add n 1 i))
853                                            ((1 1))
854                                            fspace-%offset%)
855                               (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
856                                              ((f2cl-lib:int-add
857                                                (f2cl-lib:int-sub lz 1)
858                                                i))
859                                              ((1 1))
860                                              fspace-%offset%))))
861                   (setf idmz (f2cl-lib:int-add n 1 nz))
862                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
863                                 ((> i ndmz) nil)
864                     (tagbody
865                      label255
866                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
867                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-add idmz i))
868                                            ((1 1))
869                                            fspace-%offset%)
870                               (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
871                                              ((f2cl-lib:int-add
872                                                (f2cl-lib:int-sub ldmz 1)
873                                                i))
874                                              ((1 1))
875                                              fspace-%offset%))))
876                   (setf ic (f2cl-lib:int-add idmz ndmz))
877                   (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1))
878                                 ((> i k2) nil)
879                     (tagbody
880                      label258
881                       (setf (f2cl-lib:fref fspace-%data%
882                                            ((f2cl-lib:int-add ic i))
883                                            ((1 1))
884                                            fspace-%offset%)
885                               (f2cl-lib:fref coef (i) ((1 49))))))
886                   (go end_label)
887                  end_label
888                   (return
889                    (values nil
890                            nil
891                            nil
892                            nil
893                            nil
894                            nil
895                            nil
896                            nil
897                            nil
898                            nil
899                            nil
900                            iflag
901                            nil
902                            nil
903                            nil
904                            nil
905                            nil))))))))
906  (defun colnew
907         (ncomp m aleft aright zeta ipar ltol tol fixpnt ispace fspace iflag
908          fsub dfsub gsub dgsub guess)
909    (multiple-value-bind
910          (v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16)
911        (multi-entry-colnew 'colnew ncomp m aleft aright zeta ipar ltol tol
912         fixpnt ispace fspace iflag fsub dfsub gsub dgsub guess)
913      (values v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16)))
914  (defun colsys
915         (ncomp m aleft aright zeta ipar ltol tol fixpnt ispace fspace iflag
916          fsub dfsub gsub dgsub guess)
917    (multiple-value-bind
918          (v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16)
919        (multi-entry-colnew 'colsys ncomp m aleft aright zeta ipar ltol tol
920         fixpnt ispace fspace iflag fsub dfsub gsub dgsub guess)
921      (values v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16))))
923(in-package #-gcl #:cl-user #+gcl "CL-USER")
924#+#.(cl:if (cl:find-package '#:f2cl) '(and) '(or))
925(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
926  (setf (gethash 'fortran-to-lisp::colnew
927                 fortran-to-lisp::*f2cl-function-info*)
928          (fortran-to-lisp::make-f2cl-finfo
929           :arg-types '((fortran-to-lisp::integer4)
930                        (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (1)) double-float
931                        double-float (array double-float (1))
932                        (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (1))
933                        (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (1))
934                        (array double-float (1)) (array double-float (1))
935                        (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (1))
936                        (array double-float (1)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) t
937                        t t t t)
938           :return-values '(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
939                            fortran-to-lisp::iflag nil nil nil nil nil)
940           :calls '(fortran-to-lisp::contrl fortran-to-lisp::newmsh
941                    fortran-to-lisp::consts))))