1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit https://mfem.org.
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
12 #ifndef MFEM_INTRULES
13 #define MFEM_INTRULES
15 #include "../config/config.hpp"
16 #include "../general/array.hpp"
18 namespace mfem
19 {
21 /* Classes for IntegrationPoint, IntegrationRule, and container class
22    IntegrationRules.  Declares the global variable IntRules */
24 /// Class for integration point with weight
25 class IntegrationPoint
26 {
27 public:
28    double x, y, z, weight;
29    int index;
Init(int const i)31    void Init(int const i)
32    {
33       x = y = z = weight = 0.0;
34       index = i;
35    }
Set(const double * p,const int dim)37    void Set(const double *p, const int dim)
38    {
39       MFEM_ASSERT(1 <= dim && dim <= 3, "invalid dim: " << dim);
40       x = p[0];
41       if (dim > 1)
42       {
43          y = p[1];
44          if (dim > 2)
45          {
46             z = p[2];
47          }
48       }
49    }
Get(double * p,const int dim) const51    void Get(double *p, const int dim) const
52    {
53       MFEM_ASSERT(1 <= dim && dim <= 3, "invalid dim: " << dim);
54       p[0] = x;
55       if (dim > 1)
56       {
57          p[1] = y;
58          if (dim > 2)
59          {
60             p[2] = z;
61          }
62       }
63    }
Set(const double x1,const double x2,const double x3,const double w)65    void Set(const double x1, const double x2, const double x3, const double w)
66    { x = x1; y = x2; z = x3; weight = w; }
Set3w(const double * p)68    void Set3w(const double *p) { x = p[0]; y = p[1]; z = p[2]; weight = p[3]; }
Set3(const double x1,const double x2,const double x3)70    void Set3(const double x1, const double x2, const double x3)
71    { x = x1; y = x2; z = x3; }
Set3(const double * p)73    void Set3(const double *p) { x = p[0]; y = p[1]; z = p[2]; }
Set2w(const double x1,const double x2,const double w)75    void Set2w(const double x1, const double x2, const double w)
76    { x = x1; y = x2; weight = w; }
Set2w(const double * p)78    void Set2w(const double *p) { x = p[0]; y = p[1]; weight = p[2]; }
Set2(const double x1,const double x2)80    void Set2(const double x1, const double x2) { x = x1; y = x2; }
Set2(const double * p)82    void Set2(const double *p) { x = p[0]; y = p[1]; }
Set1w(const double x1,const double w)84    void Set1w(const double x1, const double w) { x = x1; weight = w; }
Set1w(const double * p)86    void Set1w(const double *p) { x = p[0]; weight = p[1]; }
87 };
89 /// Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint.
90 class IntegrationRule : public Array<IntegrationPoint>
91 {
92 private:
93    friend class IntegrationRules;
94    int Order;
95    /** @brief The quadrature weights gathered as a contiguous array. Created
96        by request with the method GetWeights(). */
97    mutable Array<double> weights;
99    /// Define n-simplex rule (triangle/tetrahedron for n=2/3) of order (2s+1)
100    void GrundmannMollerSimplexRule(int s, int n = 3);
AddTriMidPoint(const int off,const double weight)102    void AddTriMidPoint(const int off, const double weight)
103    { IntPoint(off).Set2w(1./3., 1./3., weight); }
AddTriPoints3(const int off,const double a,const double b,const double weight)105    void AddTriPoints3(const int off, const double a, const double b,
106                       const double weight)
107    {
108       IntPoint(off + 0).Set2w(a, a, weight);
109       IntPoint(off + 1).Set2w(a, b, weight);
110       IntPoint(off + 2).Set2w(b, a, weight);
111    }
AddTriPoints3(const int off,const double a,const double weight)113    void AddTriPoints3(const int off, const double a, const double weight)
114    { AddTriPoints3(off, a, 1. - 2.*a, weight); }
AddTriPoints3b(const int off,const double b,const double weight)116    void AddTriPoints3b(const int off, const double b, const double weight)
117    { AddTriPoints3(off, (1. - b)/2., b, weight); }
AddTriPoints3R(const int off,const double a,const double b,const double c,const double weight)119    void AddTriPoints3R(const int off, const double a, const double b,
120                        const double c, const double weight)
121    {
122       IntPoint(off + 0).Set2w(a, b, weight);
123       IntPoint(off + 1).Set2w(c, a, weight);
124       IntPoint(off + 2).Set2w(b, c, weight);
125    }
AddTriPoints3R(const int off,const double a,const double b,const double weight)127    void AddTriPoints3R(const int off, const double a, const double b,
128                        const double weight)
129    { AddTriPoints3R(off, a, b, 1. - a - b, weight); }
AddTriPoints6(const int off,const double a,const double b,const double c,const double weight)131    void AddTriPoints6(const int off, const double a, const double b,
132                       const double c, const double weight)
133    {
134       IntPoint(off + 0).Set2w(a, b, weight);
135       IntPoint(off + 1).Set2w(b, a, weight);
136       IntPoint(off + 2).Set2w(a, c, weight);
137       IntPoint(off + 3).Set2w(c, a, weight);
138       IntPoint(off + 4).Set2w(b, c, weight);
139       IntPoint(off + 5).Set2w(c, b, weight);
140    }
AddTriPoints6(const int off,const double a,const double b,const double weight)142    void AddTriPoints6(const int off, const double a, const double b,
143                       const double weight)
144    { AddTriPoints6(off, a, b, 1. - a - b, weight); }
146    // add the permutations of (a,a,b)
AddTetPoints3(const int off,const double a,const double b,const double weight)147    void AddTetPoints3(const int off, const double a, const double b,
148                       const double weight)
149    {
150       IntPoint(off + 0).Set(a, a, b, weight);
151       IntPoint(off + 1).Set(a, b, a, weight);
152       IntPoint(off + 2).Set(b, a, a, weight);
153    }
155    // add the permutations of (a,b,c)
AddTetPoints6(const int off,const double a,const double b,const double c,const double weight)156    void AddTetPoints6(const int off, const double a, const double b,
157                       const double c, const double weight)
158    {
159       IntPoint(off + 0).Set(a, b, c, weight);
160       IntPoint(off + 1).Set(a, c, b, weight);
161       IntPoint(off + 2).Set(b, c, a, weight);
162       IntPoint(off + 3).Set(b, a, c, weight);
163       IntPoint(off + 4).Set(c, a, b, weight);
164       IntPoint(off + 5).Set(c, b, a, weight);
165    }
AddTetMidPoint(const int off,const double weight)167    void AddTetMidPoint(const int off, const double weight)
168    { IntPoint(off).Set(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, weight); }
170    // given a, add the permutations of (a,a,a,b), where 3*a + b = 1
AddTetPoints4(const int off,const double a,const double weight)171    void AddTetPoints4(const int off, const double a, const double weight)
172    {
173       IntPoint(off).Set(a, a, a, weight);
174       AddTetPoints3(off + 1, a, 1. - 3.*a, weight);
175    }
177    // given b, add the permutations of (a,a,a,b), where 3*a + b = 1
AddTetPoints4b(const int off,const double b,const double weight)178    void AddTetPoints4b(const int off, const double b, const double weight)
179    {
180       const double a = (1. - b)/3.;
181       IntPoint(off).Set(a, a, a, weight);
182       AddTetPoints3(off + 1, a, b, weight);
183    }
185    // add the permutations of (a,a,b,b), 2*(a + b) = 1
AddTetPoints6(const int off,const double a,const double weight)186    void AddTetPoints6(const int off, const double a, const double weight)
187    {
188       const double b = 0.5 - a;
189       AddTetPoints3(off,     a, b, weight);
190       AddTetPoints3(off + 3, b, a, weight);
191    }
193    // given (a,b) or (a,c), add the permutations of (a,a,b,c), 2*a + b + c = 1
AddTetPoints12(const int off,const double a,const double bc,const double weight)194    void AddTetPoints12(const int off, const double a, const double bc,
195                        const double weight)
196    {
197       const double cb = 1. - 2*a - bc;
198       AddTetPoints3(off,     a, bc, weight);
199       AddTetPoints3(off + 3, a, cb, weight);
200       AddTetPoints6(off + 6, a, bc, cb, weight);
201    }
203    // given (b,c), add the permutations of (a,a,b,c), 2*a + b + c = 1
AddTetPoints12bc(const int off,const double b,const double c,const double weight)204    void AddTetPoints12bc(const int off, const double b, const double c,
205                          const double weight)
206    {
207       const double a = (1. - b - c)/2.;
208       AddTetPoints3(off,     a, b, weight);
209       AddTetPoints3(off + 3, a, c, weight);
210       AddTetPoints6(off + 6, a, b, c, weight);
211    }
213 public:
IntegrationRule()214    IntegrationRule() :
215       Array<IntegrationPoint>(), Order(0) { }
217    /// Construct an integration rule with given number of points
IntegrationRule(int NP)218    explicit IntegrationRule(int NP) :
219       Array<IntegrationPoint>(NP), Order(0)
220    {
221       for (int i = 0; i < this->Size(); i++)
222       {
223          (*this)[i].Init(i);
224       }
225    }
227    /// Sets the indices of each quadrature point on initialization.
228    /** Note that most calls to IntegrationRule::SetSize should be paired with a
229        call to SetPointIndices in order for the indices to be set correctly. */
230    void SetPointIndices();
232    /// Tensor product of two 1D integration rules
233    IntegrationRule(IntegrationRule &irx, IntegrationRule &iry);
235    /// Tensor product of three 1D integration rules
236    IntegrationRule(IntegrationRule &irx, IntegrationRule &iry,
237                    IntegrationRule &irz);
239    /// Returns the order of the integration rule
GetOrder() const240    int GetOrder() const { return Order; }
242    /** @brief Sets the order of the integration rule. This is only for keeping
243        order information, it does not alter any data in the IntegrationRule. */
SetOrder(const int order)244    void SetOrder(const int order) { Order = order; }
246    /// Returns the number of the points in the integration rule
GetNPoints() const247    int GetNPoints() const { return Size(); }
249    /// Returns a reference to the i-th integration point
IntPoint(int i)250    IntegrationPoint &IntPoint(int i) { return (*this)[i]; }
252    /// Returns a const reference to the i-th integration point
IntPoint(int i) const253    const IntegrationPoint &IntPoint(int i) const { return (*this)[i]; }
255    /// Return the quadrature weights in a contiguous array.
256    /** If a contiguous array is not required, the weights can be accessed with
257        a call like this: `IntPoint(i).weight`. */
258    const Array<double> &GetWeights() const;
260    /// Destroys an IntegrationRule object
~IntegrationRule()261    ~IntegrationRule() { }
262 };
264 /// A Class that defines 1-D numerical quadrature rules on [0,1].
265 class QuadratureFunctions1D
266 {
267 public:
268    /** @name Methods for calculating quadrature rules.
269        These methods calculate the actual points and weights for the different
270        types of quadrature rules. */
271    ///@{
272    static void GaussLegendre(const int np, IntegrationRule* ir);
273    static void GaussLobatto(const int np, IntegrationRule *ir);
274    static void OpenUniform(const int np, IntegrationRule *ir);
275    static void ClosedUniform(const int np, IntegrationRule *ir);
276    static void OpenHalfUniform(const int np, IntegrationRule *ir);
277    static void ClosedGL(const int np, IntegrationRule *ir);
278    ///@}
280    /// A helper function that will play nice with Poly_1D::OpenPoints and
281    /// Poly_1D::ClosedPoints
282    static void GivePolyPoints(const int np, double *pts, const int type);
284 private:
285    static void CalculateUniformWeights(IntegrationRule *ir, const int type);
286 };
288 /// A class container for 1D quadrature type constants.
289 class Quadrature1D
290 {
291 public:
292    enum
293    {
294       Invalid         = -1,
295       GaussLegendre   = 0,
296       GaussLobatto    = 1,
297       OpenUniform     = 2,  ///< aka open Newton-Cotes
298       ClosedUniform   = 3,  ///< aka closed Newton-Cotes
299       OpenHalfUniform = 4,  ///< aka "open half" Newton-Cotes
300       ClosedGL        = 5   ///< aka closed Gauss Legendre
301    };
302    /** @brief If the Quadrature1D type is not closed return Invalid; otherwise
303        return type. */
304    static int CheckClosed(int type);
305    /** @brief If the Quadrature1D type is not open return Invalid; otherwise
306        return type. */
307    static int CheckOpen(int type);
308 };
310 /// Container class for integration rules
311 class IntegrationRules
312 {
313 private:
314    /// Taken from the Quadrature1D class anonymous enum
315    /// Determines the type of numerical quadrature used for
316    /// segment, square, and cube geometries
317    const int quad_type;
319    int own_rules, refined;
321    Array<IntegrationRule *> PointIntRules;
322    Array<IntegrationRule *> SegmentIntRules;
323    Array<IntegrationRule *> TriangleIntRules;
324    Array<IntegrationRule *> SquareIntRules;
325    Array<IntegrationRule *> TetrahedronIntRules;
326    Array<IntegrationRule *> PrismIntRules;
327    Array<IntegrationRule *> CubeIntRules;
AllocIntRule(Array<IntegrationRule * > & ir_array,int Order)329    void AllocIntRule(Array<IntegrationRule *> &ir_array, int Order)
330    {
331       if (ir_array.Size() <= Order)
332       {
333          ir_array.SetSize(Order + 1, NULL);
334       }
335    }
HaveIntRule(Array<IntegrationRule * > & ir_array,int Order)336    bool HaveIntRule(Array<IntegrationRule *> &ir_array, int Order)
337    {
338       return (ir_array.Size() > Order && ir_array[Order] != NULL);
339    }
GetSegmentRealOrder(int Order) const340    int GetSegmentRealOrder(int Order) const
341    {
342       return Order | 1; // valid for all quad_type's
343    }
345    /// The following methods allocate new IntegrationRule objects without
346    /// checking if they already exist.  To avoid memory leaks use
347    /// IntegrationRules::Get(int GeomType, int Order) instead.
348    IntegrationRule *GenerateIntegrationRule(int GeomType, int Order);
349    IntegrationRule *PointIntegrationRule(int Order);
350    IntegrationRule *SegmentIntegrationRule(int Order);
351    IntegrationRule *TriangleIntegrationRule(int Order);
352    IntegrationRule *SquareIntegrationRule(int Order);
353    IntegrationRule *TetrahedronIntegrationRule(int Order);
354    IntegrationRule *PrismIntegrationRule(int Order);
355    IntegrationRule *CubeIntegrationRule(int Order);
357    void DeleteIntRuleArray(Array<IntegrationRule *> &ir_array);
359 public:
360    /// Sets initial sizes for the integration rule arrays, but rules
361    /// are defined the first time they are requested with the Get method.
362    explicit IntegrationRules(int Ref = 0,
363                              int type = Quadrature1D::GaussLegendre);
365    /// Returns an integration rule for given GeomType and Order.
366    const IntegrationRule &Get(int GeomType, int Order);
368    void Set(int GeomType, int Order, IntegrationRule &IntRule);
SetOwnRules(int o)370    void SetOwnRules(int o) { own_rules = o; }
372    /// Destroys an IntegrationRules object
373    ~IntegrationRules();
374 };
376 /// A global object with all integration rules (defined in intrules.cpp)
377 extern IntegrationRules IntRules;
379 /// A global object with all refined integration rules
380 extern IntegrationRules RefinedIntRules;
382 }
384 #endif