1/** @group globals.extensional
2  The sequence of values in array \a x (which must all be in the range 1..\a S)
3  is accepted by the DFA of \a Q states with input 1..\a S and transition
4  function \a d (which maps (1..\a Q, 1..\a S) -> 0..\a Q)) and initial state \a q0
5  (which must be in 1..\a Q) and accepting states \a F (which all must be in
6  1..\a Q).  We reserve state 0 to be an always failing state.
8predicate fzn_regular(array[int] of var int: x, int: Q, int: S,
9                  array[int,int] of int: d, int: q0, set of int: F) =
10%          my_trace("  regular: index_set(x)=" ++ show(index_set(x))
11%            ++ ",  dom_array(x)=" ++ show(dom_array(x))
12%            ++ ",  dom_array(a)=" ++ show(1..Q)
13%            ++ "\n") /\
14        let {
15            % If x has index set m..n-1, then a[m] holds the initial state
16            % (q0), and a[i+1] holds the state we're in after  processing
17            % x[i].  If a[n] is in F, then we succeed (ie. accept the string).
18              int: m = min(index_set(x)),
19              int: n = max(index_set(x)) + 1,
20              array[m..n] of var 1..Q: a,
21              constraint a[m] = q0 /\                    % Set a[0].
22                         a[n] in F,                      % Check the final state is in F.
23              constraint
24                forall(i in index_set(x)) (
25                    x[i] in 1..S             % Do this in case it's a var.
26                      /\  %% trying to eliminate non-reachable states:
27                    let {
28                      set of int: va_R = { d[va, vx] | va in dom(a[i]), vx in dom(x[i]) } diff { 0 }     %% Bug in MZN 2.0.4
29                    } in
30                        a[i+1] in va_R
31                )
32            } in
33      let {
34        constraint
35        forall(i in [n-i | i in 1..length(x)]) (
36          a[i] in { va | va in dom(a[i])
37            where exists(vx in dom(x[i]))(d[va, vx] in dom(a[i+1])) }
38          /\
39          x[i] in { vx | vx in dom(x[i])
40            where exists(va in dom(a[i]))(d[va, vx] in dom(a[i+1])) }
41        )
42      } in
43        forall(i in index_set(x)) (
44            let {
45              set of int: va_R = { d[va, vx] | va in dom(a[i]), vx in dom(x[i]) } diff { 0 }     %% Bug in MZN 2.0.4
46            } in
47%              my_trace("   S" ++ show(i)
48%                ++ ": dom(a[i])=" ++ show(dom(a[i]))
49%                ++ ", va_R="++show(va_R)
50%                ++ ", index_set_2of2(eq_a) diff va_R=" ++ show(index_set_2of2(eq_a) diff va_R)
51%                ++ ", dom(a[i+1])=" ++ show(dom(a[i+1]))
52%              ) /\
53              a[i+1] in va_R
54              %/\ a[i+1] in min(va_R)..max(va_R)
55        )
56%         /\ my_trace("  regular -- domains after prop: index_set(x)=" ++ show(index_set(x))
57%            ++ ",  dom_array(x)=" ++ show(dom_array(x))
58%            ++ ",  dom_array(a)=" ++ show(dom_array(a))
59%            ++ "\n")
60%        /\ my_trace("\n")
61        /\
62        let {
63              array[int, int] of var int: eq_a=eq_encode(a),
64              array[int, int] of var int: eq_x=eq_encode(x),
65            } in
66        forall(i in index_set(x)) (
67   %         a[i+1] = d[a[i], x[i]]      % Determine a[i+1].
68        if card(dom(a[i]))*card(dom(x[i])) > nMZN__UnarySizeMax_1step_regular then
69       %% Implication  decomposition:
70          forall(va in dom(a[i]), vx in dom(x[i]))(
71            if d[va, vx] in dom(a[i+1]) then
72              eq_a[i+1, d[va, vx]] >= eq_a[i, va] + eq_x[i, vx] - 1    %% The only-if part of conj
73            else
74              1 >= eq_a[i, va] + eq_x[i, vx]
75            endif
76          )
77        else
78       %% Network-flow decomposition:
79       %% {regularIP07} M.-C. C{\^o}t{\'e}, B.~Gendron, and L.-M. Rousseau.
80                %% \newblock Modeling the regular constraint with integer programming.
81          let {
82       %       array[int, int] of set of int: VX_a12 =   %% set of x for given a1 that produce a2
83       %         array2d(1..S, 1..Q, [ { vx | vx in 1..S where d[va1, vx]==va2 } | va1 in dom(a[i]), va2 in dom(a[i+1]) ]);
84              array[int, int] of var int: ppAX = eq_encode(a[i], x[i]);
85          } in
86            forall (va2 in dom(a[i+1])) (
87              eq_a[i+1, va2] = sum(va1 in dom(a[i]),  vx in dom(x[i]) where d[va1, vx]==va2)
88                                (ppAX[va1, vx])
89            )
90            /\
91            forall(va1 in dom(a[i]), vx in dom(x[i]))(
92              if not (d[va1, vx] in dom(a[i+1])) then
93                ppAX[va1, vx] == 0
94              else
95                true
96              endif
97            )
98        endif
99        );