1 /**
2  * @file methods/sparse_coding/sparse_coding.cpp
3  * @author Nishant Mehta
4  *
5  * Implementation of Sparse Coding with Dictionary Learning using l1 (LASSO) or
6  * l1+l2 (Elastic Net) regularization.
7  *
8  * mlpack is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9  * terms of the 3-clause BSD license.  You should have received a copy of the
10  * 3-clause BSD license along with mlpack.  If not, see
11  * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for more information.
12  */
13 #include "sparse_coding.hpp"
14 #include <mlpack/core/math/lin_alg.hpp>
16 namespace mlpack {
17 namespace sparse_coding {
SparseCoding(const size_t atoms,const double lambda1,const double lambda2,const size_t maxIterations,const double objTolerance,const double newtonTolerance)19 SparseCoding::SparseCoding(
20     const size_t atoms,
21     const double lambda1,
22     const double lambda2,
23     const size_t maxIterations,
24     const double objTolerance,
25     const double newtonTolerance) :
26     atoms(atoms),
27     lambda1(lambda1),
28     lambda2(lambda2),
29     maxIterations(maxIterations),
30     objTolerance(objTolerance),
31     newtonTolerance(newtonTolerance)
32 {
33   // Nothing to do.
34 }
Encode(const arma::mat & data,arma::mat & codes)36 void SparseCoding::Encode(const arma::mat& data, arma::mat& codes)
37 {
38   // When using the Cholesky version of LARS, this is correct even if
39   // lambda2 > 0.
40   arma::mat matGram = trans(dictionary) * dictionary;
42   codes.set_size(atoms, data.n_cols);
43   for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; ++i)
44   {
45     // Report progress.
46     if ((i % 100) == 0)
47       Log::Debug << "Optimization at point " << i << "." << std::endl;
49     bool useCholesky = true;
50     regression::LARS lars(useCholesky, matGram, lambda1, lambda2);
52     // Create an alias of the code (using the same memory), and then LARS will
53     // place the result directly into that; then we will not need to have an
54     // extra copy.
55     arma::vec code = codes.unsafe_col(i);
56     arma::rowvec responses = data.unsafe_col(i).t();
57     lars.Train(dictionary, responses, code, false);
58   }
59 }
61 // Dictionary step for optimization.
OptimizeDictionary(const arma::mat & data,const arma::mat & codes,const arma::uvec & adjacencies)62 double SparseCoding::OptimizeDictionary(const arma::mat& data,
63                                         const arma::mat& codes,
64                                         const arma::uvec& adjacencies)
65 {
66   // Count the number of atomic neighbors for each point x^i.
67   arma::uvec neighborCounts = arma::zeros<arma::uvec>(data.n_cols, 1);
69   if (adjacencies.n_elem > 0)
70   {
71     // This gets the column index.  Intentional integer division.
72     size_t curPointInd = (size_t) (adjacencies(0) / atoms);
74     size_t nextColIndex = (curPointInd + 1) * atoms;
75     for (size_t l = 1; l < adjacencies.n_elem; ++l)
76     {
77       // If l no longer refers to an element in this column, advance the column
78       // number accordingly.
79       if (adjacencies(l) >= nextColIndex)
80       {
81         curPointInd = (size_t) (adjacencies(l) / atoms);
82         nextColIndex = (curPointInd + 1) * atoms;
83       }
85       ++neighborCounts(curPointInd);
86     }
87   }
89   // Handle the case of inactive atoms (atoms not used in the given coding).
90   std::vector<size_t> inactiveAtoms;
92   for (size_t j = 0; j < atoms; ++j)
93   {
94     if (arma::accu(codes.row(j) != 0) == 0)
95       inactiveAtoms.push_back(j);
96   }
98   const size_t nInactiveAtoms = inactiveAtoms.size();
99   const size_t nActiveAtoms = atoms - nInactiveAtoms;
101   // Efficient construction of Z restricted to active atoms.
102   arma::mat matActiveZ;
103   if (nInactiveAtoms > 0)
104   {
105     math::RemoveRows(codes, inactiveAtoms, matActiveZ);
106   }
108   if (nInactiveAtoms > 0)
109   {
110     Log::Warn << "There are " << nInactiveAtoms
111         << " inactive atoms. They will be re-initialized randomly.\n";
112   }
114   Log::Debug << "Solving Dual via Newton's Method.\n";
116   // Solve using Newton's method in the dual - note that the final dot
117   // multiplication with inv(A) seems to be unavoidable. Although more
118   // expensive, the code written this way (we use solve()) should be more
119   // numerically stable than just using inv(A) for everything.
120   arma::vec dualVars = arma::zeros<arma::vec>(nActiveAtoms);
122   // vec dualVars = 1e-14 * ones<vec>(nActiveAtoms);
124   // Method used by feature sign code - fails miserably here.  Perhaps the
125   // MATLAB optimizer fmincon does something clever?
126   // vec dualVars = 10.0 * randu(nActiveAtoms, 1);
128   // vec dualVars = diagvec(solve(dictionary, data * trans(codes))
129   //    - codes * trans(codes));
130   // for (size_t i = 0; i < dualVars.n_elem; ++i)
131   //   if (dualVars(i) < 0)
132   //     dualVars(i) = 0;
134   bool converged = false;
136   // If we have any inactive atoms, we must construct these differently.
137   arma::mat codesXT;
138   arma::mat codesZT;
140   if (inactiveAtoms.empty())
141   {
142     codesXT = codes * trans(data);
143     codesZT = codes * trans(codes);
144   }
145   else
146   {
147     codesXT = matActiveZ * trans(data);
148     codesZT = matActiveZ * trans(matActiveZ);
149   }
151   double normGradient = 0;
152   double improvement = 0;
153   for (size_t t = 1; (t != maxIterations) && !converged; ++t)
154   {
155     arma::mat A = codesZT + diagmat(dualVars);
157     arma::mat matAInvZXT = solve(A, codesXT);
159     arma::vec gradient = -arma::sum(arma::square(matAInvZXT), 1);
160     gradient += 1;
162     arma::mat hessian = -(-2 * (matAInvZXT * trans(matAInvZXT)) % inv(A));
164     arma::vec searchDirection = -solve(hessian, gradient);
166     // Armijo line search.
167     const double c = 1e-4;
168     double alpha = 1.0;
169     const double rho = 0.9;
170     double sufficientDecrease = c * dot(gradient, searchDirection);
172     // A maxIterations parameter for the Armijo line search may be a good idea,
173     // but it doesn't seem to be causing any problems for now.
174     while (true)
175     {
176       // Calculate objective.
177       double sumDualVars = arma::sum(dualVars);
178       double fOld = -(-trace(trans(codesXT) * matAInvZXT) - sumDualVars);
179       double fNew = -(-trace(trans(codesXT) * solve(codesZT +
180           diagmat(dualVars + alpha * searchDirection), codesXT)) -
181           (sumDualVars + alpha * arma::sum(searchDirection)));
183       if (fNew <= fOld + alpha * sufficientDecrease)
184       {
185         searchDirection = alpha * searchDirection;
186         improvement = fOld - fNew;
187         break;
188       }
190       alpha *= rho;
191     }
193     // Take step and print useful information.
194     dualVars += searchDirection;
195     normGradient = arma::norm(gradient, 2);
196     Log::Debug << "Newton Method iteration " << t << ":" << std::endl;
197     Log::Debug << "  Gradient norm: " << std::scientific << normGradient
198         << "." << std::endl;
199     Log::Debug << "  Improvement: " << std::scientific << improvement << ".\n";
201     if (normGradient < newtonTolerance)
202       converged = true;
203   }
205   if (inactiveAtoms.empty())
206   {
207     // Directly update dictionary.
208     dictionary = trans(solve(codesZT + diagmat(dualVars), codesXT));
209   }
210   else
211   {
212     arma::mat activeDictionary = trans(solve(codesZT +
213         diagmat(dualVars), codesXT));
215     // Update all atoms.
216     size_t currentInactiveIndex = 0;
217     for (size_t i = 0; i < atoms; ++i)
218     {
219       if (inactiveAtoms[currentInactiveIndex] == i)
220       {
221         // This atom is inactive.  Reinitialize it randomly.
222         dictionary.col(i) = (data.col(math::RandInt(data.n_cols)) +
223                              data.col(math::RandInt(data.n_cols)) +
224                              data.col(math::RandInt(data.n_cols)));
226         dictionary.col(i) /= arma::norm(dictionary.col(i), 2);
228         // Increment inactive index counter.
229         ++currentInactiveIndex;
230       }
231       else
232       {
233         // Update estimate.
234         dictionary.col(i) = activeDictionary.col(i - currentInactiveIndex);
235       }
236     }
237   }
239   return normGradient;
240 }
242 // Project each atom of the dictionary back into the unit ball (if necessary).
ProjectDictionary()243 void SparseCoding::ProjectDictionary()
244 {
245   for (size_t j = 0; j < atoms; ++j)
246   {
247     double atomNorm = arma::norm(dictionary.col(j), 2);
248     if (atomNorm > 1)
249     {
250       Log::Info << "Norm of atom " << j << " exceeds 1 (" << std::scientific
251           << atomNorm << ").  Shrinking...\n";
252       dictionary.col(j) /= atomNorm;
253     }
254   }
255 }
257 // Compute the objective function.
Objective(const arma::mat & data,const arma::mat & codes) const258 double SparseCoding::Objective(const arma::mat& data, const arma::mat& codes)
259     const
260 {
261   double l11NormZ = arma::sum(arma::sum(arma::abs(codes)));
262   double froNormResidual = arma::norm(data - (dictionary * codes), "fro");
264   if (lambda2 > 0)
265   {
266     double froNormZ = arma::norm(codes, "fro");
267     return 0.5 * (std::pow(froNormResidual, 2.0) + (lambda2 *
268         std::pow(froNormZ, 2.0))) + (lambda1 * l11NormZ);
269   }
270   else // It can be simpler.
271   {
272     return 0.5 * std::pow(froNormResidual, 2.0) + lambda1 * l11NormZ;
273   }
274 }
276 } // namespace sparse_coding
277 } // namespace mlpack