1## Copyright (C) 2013 Carnë Draug <carandraug@octave.org>
3## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
4## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
5## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
6## version.
8## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
9## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
10## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
11## details.
13## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
14## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16## -*- texinfo -*-
17## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} im2col (@var{A}, @var{block_size})
18## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} im2col (@var{A}, @var{block_size}, @var{block_type})
19## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} im2col (@var{A}, "indexed", @dots{})
20## Rearrange blocks from matrix into columns.
22## Rearranges blocks of size @var{block_size}, sampled from the matrix @var{A},
23## into a serie of columns.  This effectively transforms any image into a
24## 2 dimensional matrix, a block per column, which can then be passed to
25## other functions that perform calculations along columns.
27## Both blocks and matrix @var{A} can have any number of dimensions (though
28## for sliding blocks, a block can't be larger than @var{A} in any dimension).
29## Blocks are always accessed in column-major order (like Octave arrays are
30## stored) so that a matrix can be easily reconstructed with @code{reshape}
31## and @code{col2im}. For a 2 dimensional matrix, blocks are taken first from
32## the top to the bottom, and then from the left to the right of the matrix.
34## The sampling can be performed in two different ways as defined by
35## @var{block_type} (defaults to @qcode{"sliding"}):
37## @table @asis
38## @item @qcode{"distinct"}
39## Each block is completely distinct from the other, with no overlapping
40## elements.  The matrix @var{A} is padded as required with a value of 0
41## (or 1 for non-integer indexed images).
43## @item @qcode{"sliding"}
44## A single block slides across @var{A} without any padding.
46## While this can be used to perform sliding window operations such as maximum
47## and median filters, specialized functions such as @code{imdilate} and
48## @code{medfilt2} will be more efficient.
50## Note that large images being arranged in large blocks can easily exceed the
51## maximum matrix size (see @code{sizemax}).  For example, a matrix @var{A} of
52## size 500x500, with sliding block of size [100 100], would require a matrix
53## with 2.4108e+09 elements, i.e., the number of elements in a block,
54## @code{100*100}, times the number of blocks, @code{(500-10+1) * (500-10+1)}.
56## @end table
58## If @var{A} is an indexed image, the second argument should be the
59## string @qcode{"indexed"} so that any required padding is done correctly.
60## The padding value will be 0 except for indexed images of class uint8
61## and uint16.
63## @seealso{blockproc, bestblk, col2im, colfilt, nlfilter, reshape}
64## @end deftypefn
66## Matlab behaves weird with N-dimensional images. It ignores block_size
67## elements after the first 2, and treat N-dimensional as if the extra
68## dimensions were concatenated horizontally. We are performing real
69## N-dimensional conversion of image blocks into colums.
71function B = im2col (A, varargin)
73  ## Input check
74  if (nargin > 4)
75    print_usage ();
76  endif
77  [p, block_size, padval] = im2col_check ("im2col", nargin, A, varargin{:});
78  if (nargin > p)
79    ## we have block_type param
80    if (! ischar (varargin{p}))
81      error("im2col: BLOCK_TYPE must be a string");
82    endif
83    block_type = varargin{p++};
84  else
85    block_type = "sliding";
86  endif
87  if (nargin > p)
88    print_usage ();
89  endif
91  ## After all the input check, start the actual im2col. The idea is to
92  ## calculate the linear indices for each of the blocks (using broadcasting
93  ## for each dimension), and then reshape it with one block per column.
95  switch (tolower (block_type))
96    case "distinct"
97      ## We may need to expand the size vector to include singletons
98      size_singletons = @(x, ndim) postpad (size (x), ndim, 1);
100      ## Calculate needed padding
101      A_size = size_singletons (A, numel (block_size));
102      sp = mod (-A_size, block_size);
103      if (any (sp))
104        A = padarray (A, sp, padval, "post");
105      endif
106      A_size = size_singletons (A, numel (block_size));
108      ## Get linear indixes for the first block
109      [ind, stride] = get_1st_ind (A_size, block_size);
111      ## Get linear indices for all of the blocks
112      blocks  = A_size ./ block_size;
113      step    = stride .* block_size;
114      limit   = step .* (blocks -1);
115      for dim = 1:numel (A_size)
116        ind = ind(:) .+ (0:step(dim):limit(dim));
117      endfor
118      n_blocks = prod (blocks);
120    case "sliding"
121      if (numel (block_size) > ndims (A))
122        error ("im2col: BLOCK_SIZE can't have more elements than the dimensions of A");
123      endif
125      ## Get linear indixes for the first block
126      [ind, stride] = get_1st_ind (size (A), block_size);
128      ## Get linear indices for all of the blocks
129      slides  = size (A) - block_size;
130      limit   = stride .* slides;
131      for dim = 1:ndims (A)
132        ## We need to use bsxfun here because of
133        ## https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?47085
134        ind = bsxfun (@plus, ind(:), (0:stride(dim):limit(dim)));
135      endfor
136      n_blocks = prod (slides +1);
138    otherwise
139      error ("im2col: invalid BLOCK_TYPE `%s'.", block_type);
140  endswitch
142  B = reshape (A(ind(:)), prod (block_size), n_blocks);
145## Get linear indices and for the first block, and stride size per dimension
146function [ind, stride] = get_1st_ind (A_size, block_size)
147  stride = [1 cumprod(A_size(1:end-1))];
148  limit = (block_size -1) .* stride;
149  ind = 1;
150  for dim = 1:numel (A_size)
151    ind = ind(:) .+ (0:stride(dim):limit(dim));
152  endfor
156%! ## Divide A using distinct blocks and then reverse the operation
157%! A = [ 1:10
158%!      11:20
159%!      21:30
160%!      31:40];
161%! B = im2col (A, [2 5], "distinct")
162%! C = col2im (B, [2 5], [4 10], "distinct")
164## test default block type
166%! a = rand (10);
167%! assert (im2col (a, [5 5]), im2col (a, [5 5], "sliding"))
169## indexed makes no difference when sliding
171%! a = rand (10);
172%! assert (im2col (a, [5 5]), im2col (a, "indexed", [5 5]))
174%!error <BLOCK_TYPE> im2col (rand (20), [2 5], 10)
175%!error <BLOCK_TYPE> im2col (rand (20), [2 5], "wrong_block_type")
176%!error im2col (rand (10), [5 5], "sliding", 5)
177%!error im2col (rand (10), "indexed", [5 5], "sliding", 5)
179%!shared B, A, Bs, As, Ap, Bp0, Bp1, Bp0_3s
180%! v   = [1:10]';
181%! r   = reshape (v, 2, 5);
182%! B   = [v v+20  v+40 v+10  v+30 v+50];
183%! A   = [r r+10; r+20 r+30; r+40 r+50];
184%! As  = [ 1  2  3  4  5
185%!         6  7  8  9 10
186%!        11 12 13 14 15];
187%! b1  = As(1:2, 1:4)(:);
188%! b2  = As(2:3, 1:4)(:);
189%! b3  = As(1:2, 2:5)(:);
190%! b4  = As(2:3, 2:5)(:);
191%! Bs  = [b1, b2, b3, b4];
192%! Ap  = A(:, 1:9);
193%! Bp1 = Bp0 = B;
194%! Bp0(9:10, 4:6) = 0;
195%! Bp1(9:10, 4:6) = 1;
196%! Bp0_3s = Bp0;
197%! Bp0_3s(11:30, :) = 0;
199## test distinct block type
200%!assert (im2col (A, [2 5], "distinct"), B);
202## padding for distinct
203%!assert (im2col (Ap, [2 5], "distinct"), Bp0);
204%!assert (im2col (Ap, [2 5 3], "distinct"), Bp0_3s);
205%!assert (im2col (Ap, "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), Bp1);
206%!assert (im2col (uint8  (Ap), "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), uint8  (Bp0));
207%!assert (im2col (uint16 (Ap), "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), uint16 (Bp0));
208%!assert (im2col (int16  (Ap), "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), int16  (Bp1));
209%!assert (im2col (uint32 (Ap), "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), uint32 (Bp1));
211## Always return correct class
212%!assert (im2col (uint8   (A),  [2 5], "distinct"), uint8   (B));
213%!assert (im2col (single  (A),  [2 5], "distinct"), single  (B));
214%!assert (im2col (logical (A),  [2 5], "distinct"), logical (B));
215%!assert (im2col (uint8   (As), [2 4], "sliding"),  uint8   (Bs));
216%!assert (im2col (single  (As), [2 4], "sliding"),  single  (Bs));
217%!assert (im2col (logical (As), [2 4], "sliding"),  logical (Bs));
219## test sliding block type
220%!assert (im2col (As, [2 4], "sliding"), Bs);
221%!assert (im2col (As, [3 5], "sliding"), As(:));
223## Test N-dimensional
225%! A = randi (9, 10, 9, 5);
226%!assert (convn (A, ones (3, 3, 3), "valid"),
227%!        reshape (sum (im2col (A, [3 3 3])), [8 7 3]));
229%! A = randi (9, 10, 9, 5, 7);
230%!assert (convn (A, ones (3, 3, 3), "valid"),
231%!        reshape (sum (im2col (A, [3 3 3])), [8 7 3 7]));
232%!assert (convn (A, ones (3, 4, 3), "valid"),
233%!        reshape (sum (im2col (A, [3 4 3])), [8 6 3 7]));
234%!assert (convn (A, ones (3, 5, 3, 2), "valid"),
235%!        reshape (sum (im2col (A, [3 5 3 2])), [8 5 3 6]));
237## Corner case for Matlab compatibility -- bug #46774
238%!assert (im2col (1:8, [2 1]), zeros (2, 0))