1## Copyright (C) 2004 Josep Monés i Teixidor <jmones@puntbarra.com>
2## Copyright (C) 2015 Carnë Draug <carandraug@octave.org>
4## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
7## (at your option) any later version.
9## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12## GNU General Public License for more details.
14## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17## -*- texinfo -*-
18## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} stretchlim (@var{I})
19## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} stretchlim (@var{RGB})
20## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} stretchlim (@dots{}, @var{tol})
21## Find limits to contrast stretch an image.
23## Returns a 2 element column vector, @code{[@var{low}; @var{high}]},
24## with the pair of intensities to contrast stretch @var{I} which
25## saturates at most @var{tol} of the image.  The output of this
26## function matches the input expected by @code{imadjust}.
28## The input argument @var{tol}, controls the fraction of the image to be
29## saturated and defaults to @code{[0.01 0.99]}, i.e., a 1% saturation
30## on both sides of the image histogram.  It can be specified in two ways:
32## @itemize
33## @item a two element vector with lower and higher fraction of the
34## the image to be saturated.  These values must be in the range
35## [0 1], the display range of images of floating point class.
37## @item a scalar value with the fraction of image to be saturated on
38## each side; e.g., a @var{tol} with a value of @code{0.05} is equivalent
39## to @code{[0.05 0.95]}.  This value must be in the range @code{[0 0.5]}.
41## @end itemize
43## A common use case wanting to maximize contrast without causing any
44## saturation.  In such case @var{tol} should be 0 (zero).  It is the
45## equivalent to @code{[min(@var{I}(:)); max(@var{I}(:))]} for a single
46## plane.
48## The return values are of class double and in the range [0 1] regardless
49## of the input image class.  These values are scaled in the image class
50## range (see @code{im2double}).
52## If the input is a RGB image, i.e., the 3rd dimension has length 3, then
53## it returns a @code{[2 3]} matrix with separate limits for each colour.
54## It will actually do this for each plane, so an input of size,
55## @code{[M N P]} will return a @code{[2 P]} matrix.
57## Higher dimensions of @var{I} are also valid.  As in the 3 dimensional
58## case, the limits for each 2 dimensional plane are returned in a 2 row
59## vector for each 2 dimensional plane, one dimension below.  That is, an
60## input of size @code{[M N P Q R]} will return an array of size
61## @code{[2 P Q R]}.
63## Note the detail that @var{tol} is the maximum fraction of saturation.
64## It is rare that there is a value for that exact saturation.  In such
65## case, @code{stretchlim} will always round down and saturate less.
66## @var{tol} is the saturation limit.  For example, if @var{tol} is
67## @code{0.10}, but there are only values that will lead to 5 or 11%
68## saturation, it will return the value for a 5% saturation.
70## @seealso{brighten, contrast, histeq, imadjust}
71## @end deftypefn
73function low_high = stretchlim (img, tol = [0.01 0.99])
75  if (nargin () <1 || nargin () > 2)
76    print_usage ();
77  endif
79  if (! isimage (img))
80    error("stretchlim: I or RGB must be an image");
81  endif
83  ## Handle tol
84  if (nargin > 1)
85    if (! isnumeric (tol))
86      error ("stretchlim: TOL must be numeric");
87    endif
89    if (isscalar (tol))
90      if (min (tol) < 0 || max (tol) > 0.5)
91        error ("stretchlim: TOL must be in the [0 1] range");
92      endif
93      tol = [tol (1-tol)];
95    elseif (isvector (tol))
96      if (numel (tol) != 2)
97        error ("stretchlim: TOL must be a 2 element vector");
98      endif
99    endif
100  endif
102  ## tol is about the percentage of values that will be saturated.
103  ## So instead of percentages, we convert to the actual number of
104  ## pixels that need to be saturated.  After sorting the values in
105  ## the image, that number of pixels simply becomes the index for
106  ## the limits.
107  ##
108  ## Note that the actual intensity value that we set the limits to,
109  ## is not saturated.  Only the values below or above the lower and
110  ## higher limits it will be considered saturated.
111  ##
112  ## And since most images will have repeated values in the pixels,
113  ## chances are that there's not a limit that would cause only the
114  ## exact percentage of pixels to be saturated.  In such cases, we
115  ## must prefer a limit that would saturate less pixels than the
116  ## requested, rather than the opposite.
117  ##
118  ## We want to compute this for each plane, so we reshape the image
119  ## in order to have each plane into a single column, while respecting
120  ## any other dimensions beyond the 3rd.
122  sz = postpad (size (img), max (3, ndims (img)), 1);
123  plane_length = sz(1) * sz(2);
125  img = reshape (img, [plane_length sz(3:end)]);
127  lo_idx = floor (tol(1) * plane_length) + 1;
128  hi_idx = ceil (tol(2) * plane_length);
130  if (lo_idx == 1 && hi_idx == plane_length)
131    ## special case, equivalent to tol [0 1], even if tol was not
132    ## actually [0 1] but the image size would effectively make it.
133    low_high = [min(img, [], 1); max(img, [], 1)];
134  else
135    strides = reshape ((0:plane_length:(numel(img)-1)), [1 sz(3:end)]);
136    lo_hi_idx = [lo_idx; hi_idx] .+ strides;
137    sorted = sort (img, 1);
138    low_high = sorted(lo_hi_idx);
139  endif
141  low_high = im2double (low_high);
143  ## This will only happen if the input was floating point and with
144  ## values already outside the [0 1] range (common for users to simply
145  ## convert an uint8 image to double and forget that display is [0 1]
146  ## only).
147  low_high(low_high < 0) = 0;
148  low_high(low_high > 1) = 1;
150  ## If a plane has a single value, then both limits will have the same
151  ## value.  In such case, we must return [0; 1]
152  equal_cols = low_high(1,:) == low_high(2,:);
153  low_high(:, equal_cols) = repmat ([0; 1], 1, nnz (equal_cols));
156%!error (stretchlim ());
157%!error (stretchlim ("bad parameter"));
158#%!error (stretchlim (zeros (10, 10, 3, 2)));
159%!error (stretchlim (zeros (10, 10), "bad parameter"));
160%!error (stretchlim (zeros (10, 10), 0.01, 2));
162## default parameters
163%!assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1), [0.02; 0.99])
164%!assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1), stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, [0.01 0.99]))
166## use scalar for tol
167%!assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, 0.15), stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, [0.15 0.85]))
169## this is different than Matlab but it looks like it's a Matlab bug
170## (Matlab returns [0.018997482261387; 0.951003280689708])
171## We actually have differences from Matlab which sometimes returns
172## values that are not present in the image.
173%!assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, [0.01,0.95]), [0.02; 0.95], eps)
175## corner case of zero tolerance
176%!assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, 0), [0.01; 1])
179%! im = rand (5);
180%! assert (stretchlim (im, 0), [min(im(:)); max(im(:))])
183%! im = rand (5, 5, 3);
184%! assert (stretchlim (im, 0),
185%!         [min(im(:,:,1)(:)) min(im(:,:,2)(:)) min(im(:,:,3)(:));
186%!          max(im(:,:,1)(:)) max(im(:,:,2)(:)) max(im(:,:,3)(:))])
189## corner case where tol is not zero but the image is so small that
190## it might as well be.
192%! im = rand (5);
193%! assert (stretchlim (im, 0.03), [min(im(:)); max(im(:))])
194%! assert (stretchlim (im, 0.0399), [min(im(:)); max(im(:))])
197## Test with non double data-types
198%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 (1:100)), im2double (uint8 ([2; 99])))
199%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 (1:100), .25), im2double (uint8 ([26; 75])))
200%!assert (stretchlim (uint16  (1:1000)), im2double (uint16 ([11; 990])))
202%!assert (stretchlim (int16 (-100:100)), im2double (int16 ([-98; 98])))
203%!assert (stretchlim (single (0.01:.01:1)),
204%!         double (single (0.01:.01:1)([2; 99])).')
207## non uniform histogram tests
208%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1, 90]) 92:100]), 0.05),
209%!        im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
210%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 4]) 6:100]), 0.05),
211%!        im2double (uint8 ([6; 95])))
213## test limit rounding (actually, lack of rounding, we always round down)
214## Note that this tests were different in the image package before v2.6.
215## Back then we performed rounding of the fraction that was saturated.
216%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) 7:100]), 0.05),
217%!        im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
218%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 6]) 8:100]), 0.05),
219%!        im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
220%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 7]) 9:100]), 0.05),
221%!        im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
222%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 8]) 10:100]), 0.05),
223%!        im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
225%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.04),
226%!        im2double (uint8 ([2; 96])))
227%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.05),
228%!        im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
229%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.06),
230%!        im2double (uint8 ([3; 94])))
231%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.07),
232%!        im2double (uint8 ([3; 93])))
233%!assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.08),
234%!        im2double (uint8 ([3; 92])))
236## test RGB
238%! RGB = zeros (100, 1, 3, "uint16");
239%! RGB(:,:,1) = [1:1:100];
240%! RGB(:,:,2) = [2:2:200];
241%! RGB(:,:,3) = [4:4:400];
242%! assert (stretchlim (RGB) , im2double (uint16 ([2 4 8; 99 198 396])))
244## test other 3D lengths
246%! im6c = zeros (100, 1, 6, "uint16");
247%! im6c(:,:,1) = [1:1:100];
248%! im6c(:,:,2) = [2:2:200];
249%! im6c(:,:,3) = [4:4:400];
250%! im6c(:,:,4) = [8:8:800];
251%! im6c(:,:,5) = [16:16:1600];
252%! im6c(:,:,6) = [32:32:3200];
253%! assert (stretchlim (im6c) ,
254%!         im2double (uint16 ([2 4 8 16 32 64; 99 198 396 792 1584 3168])))
257%! im = [0 0 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .4 .4 .6 .6 .7 .7 .9 .9 .9 1 1];
259%! assert (stretchlim (im), [0; 1])
261%! ## Consider the returned lower limit in this test.  A lower limit
262%! ## of 0.1 will saturate two elements (10%), while 0.2 will saturate
263%! ## 6 elements (30%).  Both have the same distance to 20% but returning
264%! ## 0.1 is Matlab compatible.
265%! ## Now looking at the higher limit.  A limit of .9 will saturate
266%! ## 2 elements (10%), while a limit of 0.7 will saturate 5 elements (25%).
267%! ## However, for Matlab compatibility we must return .9 even though
268%! ## 25% would be closer to 20%.
269%! ## Basically, it's not just rounded.
270%! assert (stretchlim (im, .2),  [0.1; 0.9])
272%! assert (stretchlim (im, .15), [0.1; 0.9])
273%! assert (stretchlim (im, .1),  [0.1; 0.9])
274%! assert (stretchlim (im, .25), [0.1; 0.7])
276%! ## Reorder the vector of values (real images don't have the values
277%! ## already sorted), just to be sure it all works.
278%! im([6 3 16 11 7 17 14 8 5 19 15 1 2 4 18 13 9 20 10 12]) = im;
279%! assert (stretchlim (im, .2),  [0.1; 0.9])
280%! assert (stretchlim (im, .15), [0.1; 0.9])
281%! assert (stretchlim (im, .1),  [0.1; 0.9])
282%! assert (stretchlim (im, .25), [0.1; 0.7])
284## odd length images to test rounding of saturated fraction.  With a 1%
285## fraction to be saturated and 991 elements, that's 9.91 pixels.  Since
286## TOL is the limit, we must saturate the top and bottom 9 pixels (not 10).
287%!assert (stretchlim (0.01:.001:1), [0.019; 0.991], eps)
288%!assert (stretchlim (0.01:.001:1, [0.01,0.95]), [0.019; 0.951], eps)
289%!assert (stretchlim (0.01:.001:1, 0), [0.01; 1])
290%!assert (stretchlim (single (0.01:.001:1)),
291%!         double (single (0.01:.001:1)([10; 982])).')
293## Test ignoring floating point values outside [0 1] and how they do
294## count for the fraction of saturated values, but are simply clipped
295## to the [0 1] range
297%! assert (stretchlim ([(.05:.05:1) (2:4)], 0.2), [0.25; 0.95], eps)
298%! assert (stretchlim ([(.05:.05:1) (2:5)], 0.2), [0.25; 1])
299%! assert (stretchlim ([(.05:.05:1) (2:6)], 0.2), [0.3; 1])
300%! assert (stretchlim ([(.05:.05:1) (2:7)], 0.2), [0.3; 1])
303%! assert (stretchlim ([(-6:0) (.05:.05:1)], 0.2), [0; 0.75], eps)
304%! assert (stretchlim ([(-5:0) (.05:.05:1)], 0.2), [0; 0.75], eps)
306## Test N dimensions
308%! im = rand (4, 4, 2, 3, 2);
309%! rv = zeros (2, 2, 3, 2);
310%! for p = 1:2
311%!   for q = 1:3
312%!     for r = 1:2
313%!       rv(:,p,q,r) = stretchlim (im(:,:,p,q,r), 0.25);
314%!     endfor
315%!   endfor
316%! endfor
317%! assert (stretchlim (im, 0.25), rv)
319## The same but important because of our special code path for tol == 0
321%! im = rand (4, 4, 2, 3, 2);
322%! rv = zeros (2, 2, 3, 2);
323%! for p = 1:2
324%!   for q = 1:3
325%!     for r = 1:2
326%!       rv(:,p,q,r) = stretchlim (im(:,:,p,q,r), 0);
327%!     endfor
328%!   endfor
329%! endfor
330%! assert (stretchlim (im, 0), rv)
332## Corner case there's a single value in the whole image
333%!assert (stretchlim (zeros (5)), [0; 1])
334%!assert (stretchlim (ones (5)), [0; 1])
335%!assert (stretchlim (.6 * ones (5)), [0; 1])
336%!assert (stretchlim (zeros (3, 3, 3, 3)), repmat ([0; 1], [1 3 3]))
337%!assert (stretchlim ([0 .5 .5 .5 .5 1], .2), [0; 1])
339## Cornier case when some of the planes have a single unique value
341%! im = repmat ((magic (5) -1) / 24, [1 1 3 3]);
342%! im(:,:,1,1) = 0;
343%! im(:,:,2,2) = .5;
344%! im(:,:,3,3) = 1;
345%! lims = stretchlim (im, 0.2);
346%! assert (size (lims), [2 3 3])
347%! assert (lims(:, [2 3 4 6 7 8]),
348%!         repmat ([(1/24)*round(24*.2); 1-((1/24)*round(24*.2))], [1 6]), eps)
349%! assert (lims(:, [1 5 9]), repmat ([0; 1], [1 3]))