1 //                                               -*- C++ -*-
2 /**
3  *  @brief This class build a stationary covariance model using a time grid and a collection of covariance matrices
4  *
5  *  Copyright 2005-2021 Airbus-EDF-IMACS-ONERA-Phimeca
6  *
7  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  *  along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  *
20  */
21 #include "openturns/UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel.hxx"
22 #include "openturns/PersistentObjectFactory.hxx"
23 #include "openturns/Exception.hxx"
27 CLASSNAMEINIT(UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel)
29 static const Factory<UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel> Factory_UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel;
31 /* Constructor with parameters */
UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel()32 UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel()
33   : CovarianceModelImplementation()
34   , covarianceCollection_(0)
35   , mesh_()
36   , nearestNeighbour_()
37 {
38   inputDimension_ = 1;
39   outputDimension_ = 0;
40   isStationary_ = true;
41 }
43 // Classical constructor
44 // For a stationary model, we need N covariance matrices with N the number of time stamps in the time grid
UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel(const RegularGrid & mesh,const SquareMatrixCollection & covarianceFunction)45 UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel(const RegularGrid & mesh,
46     const SquareMatrixCollection & covarianceFunction)
47   : CovarianceModelImplementation()
48   , covarianceCollection_(0)
49   , mesh_(mesh)
50   , nearestNeighbour_(mesh)
51 {
52   isStationary_ = true;
53   const UnsignedInteger size = mesh.getVerticesNumber();
54   if (size != covarianceFunction.getSize())
55     throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: for a non stationary covariance model, sizes are incoherent"
56                                          << " mesh size = " << size << "covariance function size = " << covarianceFunction.getSize();
57   inputDimension_ = mesh.getDimension();
58   covarianceCollection_ = SquareMatrixCollection(size);
59   // put the first element
60   covarianceCollection_[0] = covarianceFunction[0];
61   outputDimension_ = covarianceCollection_[0].getDimension();
62   // put the next elements if dimension is ok
63   for (UnsignedInteger k = 1; k < size; ++k)
64   {
65     if (covarianceFunction[k].getDimension() != outputDimension_)
66       throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << " Error with dimension; the covariance matrices should be of same dimension";
67     covarianceCollection_[k] = covarianceFunction[k];
68   }
69 }
71 /* Virtual constructor */
clone() const72 UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel * UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::clone() const
73 {
74   return new UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel(*this);
75 }
computeAsScalar(const Point & tau) const77 Scalar UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::computeAsScalar(const Point &tau) const
78 {
79   if (outputDimension_ > 1)
80     throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error : UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::computeAsScalar(tau) should be only used if output dimension is 1. Here, output dimension = " << outputDimension_;
81   if (tau.getDimension() != inputDimension_)
82     throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "In UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::computeStandardRepresentative: expected a shift of dimension=" << getInputDimension() << ", got dimension=" << tau.getDimension();
83   // We filter the collection & return corresponding values
84   if (mesh_.getN() == 1)
85     return covarianceCollection_[0](0, 0);
86   UnsignedInteger index;
87   if (tau[0] < 0.0)
88     index = nearestNeighbour_.query(tau * (-1.0));
89   else
90     index = nearestNeighbour_.query(tau);
91   // index
92   return covarianceCollection_[index](0, 0);
93 }
computeAsScalar(const Collection<Scalar>::const_iterator & s_begin,const Collection<Scalar>::const_iterator & t_begin) const95 Scalar UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::computeAsScalar(const Collection<Scalar>::const_iterator &s_begin,
96     const Collection<Scalar>::const_iterator &t_begin) const
97 {
98   if (outputDimension_ != 1)
99     throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error : UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::computeAsScalar(it, it) should be only used if output dimension is 1. Here, output dimension = " << outputDimension_;
101   // Work on iterators
102   // Unfortunately there is no other solution then generating the tau point
103   Collection<Scalar>::const_iterator s_it = s_begin;
104   Collection<Scalar>::const_iterator t_it = t_begin;
105   Point tau(inputDimension_, 0.0);
106   for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < inputDimension_; ++i, ++s_it, ++t_it)
107   {
108     tau[i] = *s_it - *t_it;
109   }
110   return computeAsScalar(tau);
111 }
113 /* Computation of the covariance function */
operator ()(const Point & tau) const114 SquareMatrix UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::operator()(const Point & tau) const
115 {
116   if (tau.getDimension() != inputDimension_) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: expected a shift of dimension=" << inputDimension_ << ", got dimension=" << tau.getDimension();
117   // If the grid size is one, return the covariance function
118   // else find in the grid the nearest instant values with nonnegative first component
119   if (mesh_.getN() == 1) return covarianceCollection_[0];
121   if (tau[0] < 0.0) return covarianceCollection_[nearestNeighbour_.query(tau * (-1.0))];
122   return covarianceCollection_[nearestNeighbour_.query(tau)];
123 }
discretize(const Mesh & mesh) const125 CovarianceMatrix UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::discretize(const Mesh & mesh) const
126 {
127   return discretize(RegularGrid(mesh));
128 }
discretize(const Sample & vertices) const130 CovarianceMatrix UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::discretize(const Sample & vertices) const
131 {
132   return discretize(Mesh(vertices));
133 }
135 /* Mesh accessor */
getTimeGrid() const136 RegularGrid UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::getTimeGrid() const
137 {
138   return mesh_;
139 }
141 /* String converter */
__repr__() const142 String UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::__repr__() const
143 {
144   OSS oss(true);
145   oss << "class=" << UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::GetClassName()
146       << " mesh=" << mesh_.__repr__()
147       << " covarianceCollection=" << covarianceCollection_;
148   return oss;
149 }
151 /* String converter */
__str__(const String &) const152 String UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::__str__(const String & ) const
153 {
154   return __repr__();
155 }
157 /* Method save() stores the object through the StorageManager */
save(Advocate & adv) const158 void UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::save(Advocate & adv) const
159 {
160   CovarianceModelImplementation::save(adv);
161   adv.saveAttribute( "covarianceCollection_", covarianceCollection_);
162   adv.saveAttribute( "mesh_", mesh_);
163 }
165 /* Method load() reloads the object from the StorageManager */
load(Advocate & adv)166 void UserDefinedStationaryCovarianceModel::load(Advocate & adv)
167 {
168   CovarianceModelImplementation::load(adv);
169   adv.loadAttribute( "covarianceCollection_", covarianceCollection_);
170   adv.loadAttribute( "mesh_", mesh_);
171 }