1 //                                               -*- C++ -*-
2 /**
3  *  @brief The InverseChiSquare distribution
4  *
5  *  Copyright 2005-2021 Airbus-EDF-IMACS-ONERA-Phimeca
6  *
7  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  *  along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  *
20  */
21 #include <cmath>
22 #include "openturns/InverseChiSquare.hxx"
23 #include "openturns/RandomGenerator.hxx"
24 #include "openturns/SpecFunc.hxx"
25 #include "openturns/DistFunc.hxx"
26 #include "openturns/PersistentObjectFactory.hxx"
27 #include "openturns/Distribution.hxx"
31 CLASSNAMEINIT(InverseChiSquare)
33 static const Factory<InverseChiSquare> Factory_InverseChiSquare;
35 /* Default constructor */
InverseChiSquare()36 InverseChiSquare::InverseChiSquare()
37   : ContinuousDistribution()
38   , nu_(1.0)
39   , normalizationFactor_(0.0)
40 {
41   setName("InverseChiSquare");
42   setDimension(1);
43   computeRange();
44 }
46 /* Parameters constructor */
InverseChiSquare(const Scalar nu)47 InverseChiSquare::InverseChiSquare(const Scalar nu)
48   : ContinuousDistribution()
49   , nu_(0.0)
50   , normalizationFactor_(0.0)
51 {
52   setName("InverseChiSquare");
53   setNu(nu);
54   setDimension(1);
55 }
57 /* Comparison operator */
operator ==(const InverseChiSquare & other) const58 Bool InverseChiSquare::operator ==(const InverseChiSquare & other) const
59 {
60   if (this == &other) return true;
61   return nu_ == other.nu_;
62 }
equals(const DistributionImplementation & other) const64 Bool InverseChiSquare::equals(const DistributionImplementation & other) const
65 {
66   const InverseChiSquare* p_other = dynamic_cast<const InverseChiSquare*>(&other);
67   return p_other && (*this == *p_other);
68 }
70 /* String converter */
__repr__() const71 String InverseChiSquare::__repr__() const
72 {
73   OSS oss;
74   oss << "class=" << InverseChiSquare::GetClassName()
75       << " name=" << getName()
76       << " dimension=" << getDimension()
77       << " nu=" << nu_;
78   return oss;
79 }
__str__(const String &) const81 String InverseChiSquare::__str__(const String & ) const
82 {
83   OSS oss;
84   oss << getClassName() << "(nu = " << nu_ << ")";
85   return oss;
86 }
88 /* K accessor */
setNu(const Scalar nu)89 void InverseChiSquare::setNu(const Scalar nu)
90 {
91   if (!(nu > 0.0)) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Nu MUST be positive";
92   if (nu != nu_)
93   {
94     nu_ = nu;
95     computeRange();
96     update();
97   }
98 }
getNu() const100 Scalar InverseChiSquare::getNu() const
101 {
102   return nu_;
103 }
105 /* Virtual constructor */
clone() const106 InverseChiSquare * InverseChiSquare::clone() const
107 {
108   return new InverseChiSquare(*this);
109 }
111 /* Compute the numerical range of the distribution given the parameters values */
computeRange()112 void InverseChiSquare::computeRange()
113 {
114   const Point lowerBound(1, 0.0);
115   const Point upperBound(computeUpperBound());
116   const Interval::BoolCollection finiteLowerBound(1, true);
117   const Interval::BoolCollection finiteUpperBound(1, false);
118   setRange(Interval(lowerBound, upperBound, finiteLowerBound, finiteUpperBound));
119 }
121 /** Update the derivative attributes */
update()122 void InverseChiSquare::update()
123 {
124   // For large k we use the following normalization factor:
125   // normalizationFactor = log(2*k^{k-1}/Gamma(k))
126   //                     = log(2) + (k+1)log(k) - log(Gamma(k))
127   // which is expanded wrt k
128   const Scalar k = 0.5 * nu_;
129   if (k >= 6.9707081224932495879)
130   {
131     static const Scalar alpha[10] = {0.91893853320467274177, 0.83333333333333333333e-1, -0.27777777777777777778e-2, 0.79365079365079365079e-3, -0.59523809523809523810e-3, 0.84175084175084175084e-3, -0.19175269175269175269e-2, 0.64102564102564102564e-2, -0.29550653594771241830e-1, 0.17964437236883057316};
132     const Scalar ik = 1.0 / k;
133     const Scalar ik2 = ik * ik;
134     normalizationFactor_ = std::log(2.0) + k + 1.5 * std::log(k) - (alpha[0] + ik * (alpha[1] + ik2 * (alpha[2] + ik2 * (alpha[3] + ik2 * (alpha[4] + ik2 * (alpha[5] + ik2 * (alpha[6] + ik2 * (alpha[7] + ik2 * (alpha[8] + ik2 * alpha[9])))))))));
135   }
136   // For small k, the normalization factor is:
137   // normalizationFactor = log(2/Gamma(k))
138   //                     = log(2) - log(Gamma(k))
139   else normalizationFactor_ = std::log(2.0) - SpecFunc::LnGamma(k);
140   isAlreadyComputedMean_ = false;
141   isAlreadyComputedCovariance_ = false;
142 }
145 /* Get one realization of the distribution */
getRealization() const146 Point InverseChiSquare::getRealization() const
147 {
148   return Point(1, 1.0 / (2.0 * DistFunc::rGamma(0.5 * nu_)));
149 }
152 /* Get the DDF of the distribution */
computeDDF(const Point & point) const153 Point InverseChiSquare::computeDDF(const Point & point) const
154 {
155   if (point.getDimension() != 1) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: the given point must have dimension=1, here dimension=" << point.getDimension();
157   const Scalar x = point[0];
158   if (x <= 0.0) return Point(1, 0.0);
159   return Point(1, (1.0 / (2.0 * x) - (0.5 * nu_ + 1.0)) * computePDF(point) / x);
160 }
163 /* Get the PDF of the distribution */
computePDF(const Point & point) const164 Scalar InverseChiSquare::computePDF(const Point & point) const
165 {
166   if (point.getDimension() != 1) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: the given point must have dimension=1, here dimension=" << point.getDimension();
168   if (point[0] <= 0.0) return 0.0;
169   return std::exp(computeLogPDF(point));
170 }
computeLogPDF(const Point & point) const172 Scalar InverseChiSquare::computeLogPDF(const Point & point) const
173 {
174   if (point.getDimension() != 1) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: the given point must have dimension=1, here dimension=" << point.getDimension();
176   // From textbook, we have log(PDF(x)) =  log(lambda)-log(Gamma(k))-(k+1)*log(lambda*x)-1/(lambda*x)
177   const Scalar u = 2.0 * point[0];
178   if (u <= 0.0) return SpecFunc::LowestScalar;
179   // Use asymptotic expansion for large k
180   // Here log(PDF(x)) = L - (k-1)*log(k)-(k+1)*log(2*x)-1/(2*x)
181   const Scalar k = 0.5 * nu_;
182   if (k >= 6.9707081224932495879) return normalizationFactor_ - (k + 1.0) * std::log(k * u) - 1.0 / u;
183   return normalizationFactor_ - (k + 1.0) * std::log(u) - 1.0 / u;
184 }
186 /* Get the CDF of the distribution */
computeCDF(const Point & point) const187 Scalar InverseChiSquare::computeCDF(const Point & point) const
188 {
189   if (point.getDimension() != 1) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: the given point must have dimension=1, here dimension=" << point.getDimension();
191   const Scalar x = point[0];
192   // No test here as the CDF is continuous for all k
193   if (x <= 0.0) return 0.0;
194   return DistFunc::pGamma(0.5 * nu_, 0.5 / x, true);
195 }
computeComplementaryCDF(const Point & point) const197 Scalar InverseChiSquare::computeComplementaryCDF(const Point & point) const
198 {
199   if (point.getDimension() != 1) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: the given point must have dimension=1, here dimension=" << point.getDimension();
201   const Scalar x = point[0];
202   // No test here as the CDF is continuous for all k
203   if (x <= 0.0) return 1.0;
204   return DistFunc::pGamma(0.5 * nu_, 0.5 / x);
205 }
207 /* Compute the entropy of the distribution */
computeEntropy() const208 Scalar InverseChiSquare::computeEntropy() const
209 {
210   return 0.5 * nu_ - M_LN2 + SpecFunc::LogGamma(0.5 * nu_) - (1.0 + 0.5 * nu_) * SpecFunc::Psi(0.5 * nu_);
211 }
213 /* Get the characteristic function of the distribution, i.e. phi(u) = E(exp(I*u*X)) */
computeCharacteristicFunction(const Scalar x) const214 Complex InverseChiSquare::computeCharacteristicFunction(const Scalar x) const
215 {
216   return DistributionImplementation::computeCharacteristicFunction(x);
217 }
computeLogCharacteristicFunction(const Scalar x) const219 Complex InverseChiSquare::computeLogCharacteristicFunction(const Scalar x) const
220 {
221   return DistributionImplementation::computeLogCharacteristicFunction(x);
222 }
224 /* Get the PDFGradient of the distribution */
computePDFGradient(const Point & point) const225 Point InverseChiSquare::computePDFGradient(const Point & point) const
226 {
227   if (point.getDimension() != 1) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: the given point must have dimension=1, here dimension=" << point.getDimension();
229   Point pdfGradient(2);
230   const Scalar x = point[0];
231   if (x <= 0.0) return pdfGradient;
232   const Scalar pdf = computePDF(point);
233   pdfGradient[0] = -(std::log(2.0) + std::log(x) + SpecFunc::DiGamma(0.5 * nu_)) * pdf;
234   pdfGradient[1] = 0.5 * (0.5 / x - nu_) * pdf;
235   return pdfGradient;
236 }
238 /* Get the CDFGradient of the distribution */
computeCDFGradient(const Point & point) const239 Point InverseChiSquare::computeCDFGradient(const Point & point) const
240 {
241   if (point.getDimension() != 1) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: the given point must have dimension=1, here dimension=" << point.getDimension();
243   Point cdfGradient(2, 0.0);
244   const Scalar x = point[0];
245   if (x <= 0.0) return cdfGradient;
246   const Scalar lambdaXInverse = 0.5 / x;
247   const Scalar pdf = computePDF(x);
248   const Scalar eps = std::pow(cdfEpsilon_, 1.0 / 3.0);
249   cdfGradient[0] = (DistFunc::pGamma(0.5 * nu_ + eps, lambdaXInverse, true) - DistFunc::pGamma(0.5 * nu_ - eps, lambdaXInverse, true)) / (2.0 * eps);
250   cdfGradient[1] = 0.5 * pdf * x;
251   return cdfGradient;
252 }
254 /* Get the quantile of the distribution */
computeScalarQuantile(const Scalar prob,const Bool tail) const255 Scalar InverseChiSquare::computeScalarQuantile(const Scalar prob,
256     const Bool tail) const
257 {
258   return 0.5 / DistFunc::qGamma(0.5 * nu_, prob, !tail);
259 }
261 /* Compute the mean of the distribution */
computeMean() const262 void InverseChiSquare::computeMean() const
263 {
264   if (!(nu_ > 2.0)) throw NotDefinedException(HERE) << "InverseChiSquare mean is defined only for nu > 2, here nu=" << nu_;
265   mean_ = Point(1, 1.0 / (nu_ - 2.0));
266   isAlreadyComputedMean_ = true;
267 }
269 /* Get the standard deviation of the distribution */
getStandardDeviation() const270 Point InverseChiSquare::getStandardDeviation() const
271 {
272   if (!(nu_ > 4.0)) throw NotDefinedException(HERE) << "InverseChiSquare standard deviation is defined only for nu > 4, here nu=" << nu_;
273   return Point(1, std::sqrt(getCovariance()(0, 0)));
274 }
276 /* Get the skewness of the distribution */
getSkewness() const277 Point InverseChiSquare::getSkewness() const
278 {
279   if (!(nu_ > 6.0)) throw NotDefinedException(HERE) << "InverseChiSquare skewness is defined only for nu > 6, here nu=" << nu_;
280   return Point(1, 8.0 * std::sqrt(0.5 * nu_ - 2.0) / (nu_ - 6.0));
281 }
283 /* Get the kurtosis of the distribution */
getKurtosis() const284 Point InverseChiSquare::getKurtosis() const
285 {
286   if (!(nu_ > 8.0)) throw NotDefinedException(HERE) << "InverseChiSquare kurtosis is defined only for nu > 8, here nu=" << nu_;
287   return Point(1, 12.0 * (0.5 * nu_ * (0.5 * nu_ + 3.0) - 10.0) / ((nu_ - 6.0) * (nu_ - 8.0)));
288 }
290 /* Get the moments of the standardized distribution */
getStandardMoment(const UnsignedInteger n) const291 Point InverseChiSquare::getStandardMoment(const UnsignedInteger n) const
292 {
293   if (nu_ <= 2.0 * n) throw NotDefinedException(HERE) << "InverseChiSquare standard moment of order " << 2.0 * n << " is defined only for nu > " << 2.0 * n << ", here k=" << nu_;
294   return Point(1, std::exp(SpecFunc::LogGamma(0.5 * nu_ - n) - SpecFunc::LogGamma(0.5 * nu_)));
295 }
297 /* Get the standard representative in the parametric family, associated with the standard moments */
getStandardRepresentative() const298 Distribution InverseChiSquare::getStandardRepresentative() const
299 {
300   return new InverseChiSquare(nu_);
301 }
303 /* Compute the covariance of the distribution */
computeCovariance() const304 void InverseChiSquare::computeCovariance() const
305 {
306   if (!(nu_ > 4.0)) throw NotDefinedException(HERE) << "InverseChiSquare covariance is defined only for nu > 4, here nu=" << nu_;
307   covariance_ = CovarianceMatrix(1);
308   covariance_(0, 0) = 2.0 / ((nu_ - 2.0) * (nu_ - 2.0) * (nu_ - 4.0));
309   isAlreadyComputedCovariance_ = true;
310 }
312 /* Parameters value accessor */
getParameter() const313 Point InverseChiSquare::getParameter() const
314 {
315   return Point(1, nu_);
316 }
setParameter(const Point & parameter)318 void InverseChiSquare::setParameter(const Point & parameter)
319 {
320   if (parameter.getSize() != 1) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: expected 1 value, got " << parameter.getSize();
321   const Scalar w = getWeight();
322   *this = InverseChiSquare(parameter[0]);
323   setWeight(w);
324 }
326 /* Parameters description accessor */
getParameterDescription() const327 Description InverseChiSquare::getParameterDescription() const
328 {
329   return Description(1, "nu");
330 }
332 /* Method save() stores the object through the StorageManager */
save(Advocate & adv) const333 void InverseChiSquare::save(Advocate & adv) const
334 {
335   ContinuousDistribution::save(adv);
336   adv.saveAttribute( "nu_", nu_ );
337   adv.saveAttribute( "normalizationFactor_", normalizationFactor_ );
338 }
340 /* Method load() reloads the object from the StorageManager */
load(Advocate & adv)341 void InverseChiSquare::load(Advocate & adv)
342 {
343   ContinuousDistribution::load(adv);
344   adv.loadAttribute( "nu_", nu_ );
345   adv.loadAttribute( "normalizationFactor_", normalizationFactor_ );
346   computeRange();
347 }