1 //                                               -*- C++ -*-
2 /**
3  *  @brief The test file of class Laplace for standard methods
4  *
5  *  Copyright 2005-2021 Airbus-EDF-IMACS-ONERA-Phimeca
6  *
7  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  *  along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  *
20  */
21 #include "openturns/OT.hxx"
22 #include "openturns/OTtestcode.hxx"
24 using namespace OT;
25 using namespace OT::Test;
27 class TestObject : public Laplace
28 {
29 public:
TestObject()30   TestObject() : Laplace(0.5, 1.5) {}
~TestObject()31   virtual ~TestObject() {}
32 };
main(int,char * [])35 int main(int, char *[])
36 {
38   OStream fullprint(std::cout);
39   setRandomGenerator();
41   try
42   {
43     // Test basic functionnalities
44     checkClassWithClassName<TestObject>();
46     // Instanciate one distribution object
47     Laplace distribution(0.5, 1.0 / 1.5);
48     fullprint << "Distribution " << distribution << std::endl;
49     std::cout << "Distribution " << distribution << std::endl;
51     // Is this distribution elliptical ?
52     fullprint << "Elliptical = " << (distribution.isElliptical() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
54     // Is this distribution continuous ?
55     fullprint << "Continuous = " << (distribution.isContinuous() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
57     // Test for realization of distribution
58     Point oneRealization = distribution.getRealization();
59     fullprint << "oneRealization=" << oneRealization << std::endl;
61     // Test for sampling
62     UnsignedInteger size = 10000;
63     Sample oneSample = distribution.getSample( size );
64     fullprint << "oneSample first=" << oneSample[0] << " last=" << oneSample[size - 1] << std::endl;
65     fullprint << "mean=" << oneSample.computeMean() << std::endl;
66     fullprint << "covariance=" << oneSample.computeCovariance() << std::endl;
67     size = 100;
68     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
69     {
70       fullprint << "Kolmogorov test for the generator, sample size=" << size << " is " << (FittingTest::Kolmogorov(distribution.getSample(size), distribution).getBinaryQualityMeasure() ? "accepted" : "rejected") << std::endl;
71       size *= 10;
72     }
74     // Define a point
75     Point point( distribution.getDimension(), 1.0 );
76     fullprint << "Point= " << point << std::endl;
78     // Show PDF and CDF of point
79     Scalar eps = 1e-5;
80     Point DDF = distribution.computeDDF( point );
81     fullprint << "ddf     =" << DDF << std::endl;
82     Scalar LPDF = distribution.computeLogPDF( point );
83     fullprint << "log pdf=" << LPDF << std::endl;
84     Scalar PDF = distribution.computePDF( point );
85     fullprint << "pdf     =" << PDF << std::endl;
86     fullprint << "pdf (FD)=" << (distribution.computeCDF( point + Point(1, eps) ) - distribution.computeCDF( point  + Point(1, -eps) )) / (2.0 * eps) << std::endl;
87     Scalar CDF = distribution.computeCDF( point );
88     fullprint << "cdf=" << CDF << std::endl;
89     Scalar CCDF = distribution.computeComplementaryCDF( point );
90     fullprint << "ccdf=" << CCDF << std::endl;
91     Scalar Survival = distribution.computeSurvivalFunction( point );
92     fullprint << "survival=" << Survival << std::endl;
93     Point InverseSurvival = distribution.computeInverseSurvivalFunction(0.95);
94     fullprint << "Inverse survival=" << InverseSurvival << std::endl;
95     fullprint << "Survival(inverse survival)=" << distribution.computeSurvivalFunction(InverseSurvival) << std::endl;
96     Complex CF = distribution.computeCharacteristicFunction( point[0] );
97     fullprint << "characteristic function=" << CF << std::endl;
98     Complex LCF = distribution.computeLogCharacteristicFunction( point[0] );
99     fullprint << "log characteristic function=" << LCF << std::endl;
100     Point PDFgr = distribution.computePDFGradient( point );
101     fullprint << "pdf gradient     =" << PDFgr << std::endl;
102     Point PDFgrFD(2);
103     PDFgrFD[0] = (Laplace(distribution.getMu() + eps, distribution.getLambda()).computePDF(point) -
104                   Laplace(distribution.getMu() - eps, distribution.getLambda()).computePDF(point)) / (2.0 * eps);
105     PDFgrFD[1] = (Laplace(distribution.getMu(), distribution.getLambda() + eps).computePDF(point) -
106                   Laplace(distribution.getMu(), distribution.getLambda() - eps).computePDF(point)) / (2.0 * eps);
107     fullprint << "pdf gradient (FD)=" << PDFgrFD << std::endl;
108     Point CDFgr = distribution.computeCDFGradient( point );
109     fullprint << "cdf gradient     =" << CDFgr << std::endl;
110     Point CDFgrFD(2);
111     CDFgrFD[0] = (Laplace(distribution.getMu() + eps, distribution.getLambda()).computeCDF(point) -
112                   Laplace(distribution.getMu() - eps, distribution.getLambda()).computeCDF(point)) / (2.0 * eps);
113     CDFgrFD[1] = (Laplace(distribution.getMu(), distribution.getLambda() + eps).computeCDF(point) -
114                   Laplace(distribution.getMu(), distribution.getLambda() - eps).computeCDF(point)) / (2.0 * eps);
115     fullprint << "cdf gradient (FD)=" << CDFgrFD << std::endl;
116     Point quantile = distribution.computeQuantile( 0.95 );
117     fullprint << "quantile=" << quantile << std::endl;
118     fullprint << "cdf(quantile)=" << distribution.computeCDF(quantile) << std::endl;
119     // Confidence regions
120     Scalar threshold;
121     fullprint << "Minimum volume interval=" << distribution.computeMinimumVolumeIntervalWithMarginalProbability(0.95, threshold) << std::endl;
122     fullprint << "threshold=" << threshold << std::endl;
123     Scalar beta;
124     LevelSet levelSet(distribution.computeMinimumVolumeLevelSetWithThreshold(0.95, beta));
125     fullprint << "Minimum volume level set=" << levelSet << std::endl;
126     fullprint << "beta=" << beta << std::endl;
127     fullprint << "Bilateral confidence interval=" << distribution.computeBilateralConfidenceIntervalWithMarginalProbability(0.95, beta) << std::endl;
128     fullprint << "beta=" << beta << std::endl;
129     fullprint << "Unilateral confidence interval (lower tail)=" << distribution.computeUnilateralConfidenceIntervalWithMarginalProbability(0.95, false, beta) << std::endl;
130     fullprint << "beta=" << beta << std::endl;
131     fullprint << "Unilateral confidence interval (upper tail)=" << distribution.computeUnilateralConfidenceIntervalWithMarginalProbability(0.95, true, beta) << std::endl;
132     fullprint << "beta=" << beta << std::endl;
133     fullprint << "entropy=" << distribution.computeEntropy() << std::endl;
134     fullprint << "entropy (MC)=" << -distribution.computeLogPDF(distribution.getSample(1000000)).computeMean()[0] << std::endl;
135     Point mean = distribution.getMean();
136     fullprint << "mean=" << mean << std::endl;
137     CovarianceMatrix covariance = distribution.getCovariance();
138     fullprint << "covariance=" << covariance << std::endl;
139     CovarianceMatrix correlation = distribution.getCorrelation();
140     fullprint << "correlation=" << correlation << std::endl;
141     CovarianceMatrix spearman = distribution.getSpearmanCorrelation();
142     fullprint << "spearman=" << spearman << std::endl;
143     CovarianceMatrix kendall = distribution.getKendallTau();
144     fullprint << "kendall=" << kendall << std::endl;
145     Laplace::PointWithDescriptionCollection parameters = distribution.getParametersCollection();
146     fullprint << "parameters=" << parameters << std::endl;
147     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < 6; ++i) fullprint << "standard moment n=" << i << ", value=" << distribution.getStandardMoment(i) << std::endl;
148     fullprint << "Standard representative=" << distribution.getStandardRepresentative().__str__() << std::endl;
150     // Specific to this distribution
151     Scalar lambda = distribution.getLambda();
152     fullprint << "lambda=" << lambda << std::endl;
153     Scalar mu = distribution.getMu();
154     fullprint << "mu=" << mu << std::endl;
155     Point standardDeviation = distribution.getStandardDeviation();
156     fullprint << "standard deviation=" << standardDeviation << std::endl;
157     Point skewness = distribution.getSkewness();
158     fullprint << "skewness=" << skewness << std::endl;
159     Point kurtosis = distribution.getKurtosis();
160     fullprint << "kurtosis=" << kurtosis << std::endl;
161   }
162   catch (TestFailed & ex)
163   {
164     std::cerr << ex << std::endl;
165     return ExitCode::Error;
166   }
169   return ExitCode::Success;
170 }