1 #include "Global.h"
2 #include "Nef.h"
3 #include "Rat.h"
5 /*   ===============	    Typedefs and Headers	===================  */
6 #define min(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? (a):(b))
7 #define max(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a):(b))
9 void Sort_PPL(PolyPointList *_P, VertexNumList *_V);
10 void part_nef(PolyPointList *, VertexNumList *, EqList *, PartList *,
11 	      int *, NEF_Flags *);
13 void IP_Fiber_Data(PolyPointList *, PolyPointList *,int nv,
14 		   Long G[VERT_Nmax][POLY_Dmax][POLY_Dmax],int fd[VERT_Nmax],
15 		   int *nf,int CD);
17 /*   ===============	End of Typedefs and Headers	===================  */
19 /*   ===============	Begin of DYNamical Complete     ===================  */
Print_DYN_PPL(DYN_PPL * _MP,const char * comment)21 void Print_DYN_PPL( DYN_PPL *_MP, const char *comment){
22   int i,j;
23   if(_MP->np > 20){
24     fprintf(outFILE,"%d %d  %s\n", (int) _MP->np,_MP->n, comment);
25     for(i = 0; i < _MP->np; i++) {
26       for(j = 0; j < _MP->n; j++)
27 	fprintf(outFILE,"%d ",(int) _MP->L[i].x[j]);
28       fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
29     }
30   }
31   else {
32     fprintf(outFILE,"%d %d  %s\n",_MP->n, (int)_MP->np, comment);
33     for(i = 0;i < _MP->n; i++) {
34       for(j = 0; j < _MP->np; j++)
35 	fprintf(outFILE," %4d",(int) _MP->L[j].x[i]);
36       fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
37     }
38   }
39 }
DYNadd_for_completion(Long * yDen,Long Den,EqList * _E,DYN_PPL * _CP)41 void DYNadd_for_completion(Long *yDen, Long Den, EqList *_E, DYN_PPL *_CP){
42   int i,n=_CP->n;
43   Long yold[POLY_Dmax];
45   if(Den>1) for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
46     if(yDen[i]%Den) return;
47     yold[i]=yDen[i]/Den;}
48   else for(i=0;i<n;i++) yold[i]=yDen[i];
49   for (i=0;i<_E->ne;i++)
50     if (Eval_Eq_on_V(&(_E->e[i]), yold, n) < 0) return;
51   if(!(_CP->np < _CP->NP_max)){
52     _CP->NP_max += 1000000;
53     if((_CP->L=(Vector *)realloc(_CP->L,_CP->NP_max * sizeof(Vector))) == NULL)
54       Die("Unable to realloc space for _CP->L");
55   }
56   for(i=0;i<n;i++) _CP->L[_CP->np].x[i]=yold[i];
57   _CP->np++;
58 }
DYNComplete_Poly(Long VPM[][VERT_Nmax],EqList * _E,int nv,DYN_PPL * _CP)60 void DYNComplete_Poly(Long VPM[][VERT_Nmax], EqList *_E, int nv, DYN_PPL *_CP){
61   int i,j,k,l,InsPoint,rank=0,n=_CP->n;
62   Long MaxDist[EQUA_Nmax], InvMat[POLY_Dmax][POLY_Dmax], Den=1;
63   Long yDen[POLY_Dmax];
64   int OrdFac[VERT_Nmax],
65     BasFac[POLY_Dmax], one[POLY_Dmax], position[POLY_Dmax];
66   LRat ind[POLY_Dmax][POLY_Dmax], x[POLY_Dmax], y[POLY_Dmax], f,
67     PInvMat[POLY_Dmax][POLY_Dmax];
69   _CP->np=0;
71   /* Calculate maximal distances from facets of Delta^* (Vertices of Delta) */
73   for (i=0;i<_E->ne;i++) {
74     MaxDist[i]=0;
75     for (j=0;j<nv;j++)
76     if (MaxDist[i]<VPM[i][j]) MaxDist[i]=VPM[i][j];}
78   /* Order facets of Delta^* (Vertices of Delta) w.r.t. MaxDist   */
80   OrdFac[0]=0;
81   for (i=1;i<_E->ne;i++){
82     InsPoint=i;
83     while (InsPoint&&(MaxDist[i]<MaxDist[OrdFac[InsPoint-1]])) InsPoint--;
84     for (j=i;j>InsPoint;j--) OrdFac[j]=OrdFac[j-1];
85     OrdFac[InsPoint]=i; }
87   /* Find first POLY_Dmax linearly independent facets + Inverse Matrix */
89   for (i=0;i<n;i++) for (j=0;j<n;j++) PInvMat[i][j]=LrI(0);
90   for (i=0;i<n;i++) PInvMat[i][i]=LrI(1);
91   i=0;
92   while (rank<n){
93     for (j=0;j<n;j++) x[j]=LrI(_E->e[OrdFac[i]].a[j]);
94     for (j=0;j<n;j++) y[j]=LrI(0);
95     y[rank]=LrI(1);
96     for (j=0;j<rank;j++) {
97       f=x[one[j]];
98       for (k=0;k<n;k++) {
99         x[k]=LrD(x[k],LrP(f,ind[j][k]));
100         y[k]=LrD(y[k],LrP(f,PInvMat[j][k]));  } }
101     one[rank]=-1;
102     for (l=0;(l<n)&&(one[rank]==-1);l++) if (x[l].N) one[rank]=l;
103     if(one[rank]>-1){
104       for (k=0;k<n;k++) {
105         ind[rank][k]=LrQ(x[k],x[one[rank]]);
106         PInvMat[rank][k]=LrQ(y[k],x[one[rank]]); }
107       for (j=0;j<rank;j++) {
108         f=ind[j][one[rank]];
109         for (k=0;k<n;k++)         {
110           ind[j][k]=LrD(ind[j][k],LrP(ind[rank][k],f));
111           PInvMat[j][k]=LrD(PInvMat[j][k],LrP(PInvMat[rank][k],f));  }     }
112       BasFac[rank]=OrdFac[i];
113       rank++; }
114     i++; }
115   for (i=0;i<n;i++) for (j=0;j<n;j++)
116     Den=(Den/LFgcd(Den,PInvMat[i][j].D))*PInvMat[i][j].D;
117   for (i=0;i<n;i++) for (j=0;j<n;j++)
118     InvMat[one[i]][j]=(Den/PInvMat[i][j].D)*PInvMat[i][j].N;
120   for (i=0;i<n;i++){
121     for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
122       long long s=0;
123       for(k=0;k<n;k++) s+=((long long) (InvMat[k][i]))*
124 			 ((long long) (_E->e[BasFac[j]].a[k]));
125       if (s!=Den*(i==j)) {
126 	puts("something wrong in Make_Dual_Poly");
127 	exit(0);}}}
129   /* Examine all integer points of parallelogram:                         */
130   /* The basic structure of the algorithm is:
131   for (k=0;k<n-1;k++) position[k]=-1;      / * sets k=n-1; important!      *
132   position[n-1]=-2;  / * starting point just outside the parallelogram     *
133   while(k>=0){
134     position[k]++;
135     DO AT position;
136     for(k=n-1;((position[k]==MaxDist[BasFac[k]]-1)&&(k>=0));k--)
137        position[k]=-1;  }
138          / * sets k to the highest value where pos.[k] wasn't the max value;
139             resets the following max values to min values                 */
140   /* Quantities linear in position can be changed with every change of
141      position (here: yDen)                                                */
143   for(i=0;i<n;i++) yDen[i]=0;
144   for (k=0;k<n-1;k++) {   /* sets k=n-1; important!   */
145     position[k]=-_E->e[BasFac[k]].c;
146     for(i=0;i<n;i++) yDen[i]-=_E->e[BasFac[k]].c*InvMat[i][k]; }
147   position[n-1]=-_E->e[BasFac[n-1]].c-1;
148   for(i=0;i<n;i++) yDen[i]-=(_E->e[BasFac[k]].c+1)*InvMat[i][n-1];
149   while(k>=0){
150     position[k]++;
151     for(i=0;i<n;i++) yDen[i]+=InvMat[i][k];
152     DYNadd_for_completion(yDen, Den, _E, _CP);
153     for(k=n-1;(k>=0);k--){
154       if (position[k]!=MaxDist[BasFac[k]]-_E->e[BasFac[k]].c) break;
155       position[k]=-_E->e[BasFac[k]].c;
156       for (i=0;i<n;i++) yDen[i]-=MaxDist[BasFac[k]]*InvMat[i][k]; }}
157 }
DYNMake_VEPM(DYN_PPL * _P,VertexNumList * _V,EqList * _E,Long PM[][VERT_Nmax])159 void DYNMake_VEPM(DYN_PPL *_P, VertexNumList *_V, EqList *_E,
160 	       Long PM[][VERT_Nmax]){
161   int i, j;
162   for (i=0;i<_E->ne;i++) for (j=0;j<_V->nv;j++)
163     PM[i][j]=Eval_Eq_on_V(&_E->e[i],_P->L[_V->v[j]].x,_P->n);
164 }
166 /*   ===============	End of DYNamical Complete	===================  */
167 /*   ===============	Begin of FIBRATIONS             ===================  */
PRINT_APL(AmbiPointList * _AP,const char * comment)168 void PRINT_APL(AmbiPointList *_AP, const char *comment){
169   int i,j;
171   fprintf(outFILE,"%d %d  %s\n", _AP->N, _AP->np, comment);
172   for(i = 0; i < _AP->N; i++){
173     for(j = 0; j < _AP->np; j++)
174       fprintf(outFILE,(_AP->np>20) ? " %2d" : " %4d", (int) _AP->x[j][i]);
175     fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
176   }
177 }
PRINT_MATRIX(Long * M,int l,int c,int C)179 void PRINT_MATRIX(Long *M, int l, int c, int C){
180   int i,j;
181   for(j = 0; j < l; j++){
182     for(i = 0; i < c; i++)
183       fprintf(outFILE,(c>20) ? " %3d" : " %4d", (int) *(M+i+C*j));
184     fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
185   }
186 }
PRINT_TMATRIX(Long * M,int l,int c,int C)188 void PRINT_TMATRIX(Long *M, int l, int c, int C){
189   int i,j;
191   for(i = 0; i < c; i++){
192       for(j = 0; j < l; j++)
193 	fprintf(outFILE,(l>20) ? " %3d" : " %4d", (int) *(M+i+C*j));
194       fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
195     }
196 }
PRINT_PL(PolyPointList * _P,const char * comment)198 void PRINT_PL(PolyPointList *_P, const char *comment){
200   fprintf(outFILE,"%d %d  %s\n", _P->n, _P->np, comment);
201   PRINT_TMATRIX(&_P->x[0][0], _P->np, _P->n, POLY_Dmax);
202 }
PRINT_GORE(PolyPointList * _P,int codim,int n,const char * comment)204 void PRINT_GORE(PolyPointList *_P, int codim, int n, const char *comment){
206   PolyPointList *_P_AUX;
207   VertexNumList *_V_AUX;
208   EqList *_E_AUX;
209   int i, j, Z=0;
211   _P_AUX = (PolyPointList *) malloc(sizeof(PolyPointList));
212   if (_P_AUX == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PolyPointLis _P_AUX");
213   _V_AUX = (VertexNumList *) malloc(sizeof(VertexNumList));
214   if (_V_AUX == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for VertexNumList _V_AUX");
215   _E_AUX = (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
216   if (_E_AUX == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for EqList _E_AUX");
218   _P_AUX->n = _P->n - codim + 1;
220  /* troubles if IP==0 not in last position:
221   _P_AUX->np = _P->np - codim + 1;
222   for(i = 0; i < _P_AUX->np; i++)
223     for(j = 0; j < _P_AUX->n; j++)
224       _P_AUX->x[i][j] = _P->x[i][j + codim - 1];	** replaced by:	*/
225   _P_AUX->np = _P->np - codim;
226   for(i = 0; i < _P->np; i++){ int z=0; j=0;
227     while((j < _P_AUX->n)&&(!z)) {if(_P->x[i][j + codim - 1]) z=1; j++;};
228     if(z){ for(j = 0; j < _P_AUX->n; j++)
229            _P_AUX->x[i-Z][j] = _P->x[i][j + codim - 1]; }
230     else  Z++;}
231   for(j = 0; j < _P_AUX->n; j++) _P_AUX->x[_P_AUX->np][j] = 0;
232   _P_AUX->np++;
233 				/* Print_PPL(_P_AUX,"Ref_Check input"); */
234   assert(Ref_Check(_P_AUX, _V_AUX, _E_AUX));
235   /* Find_Equations(_P_AUX, _V_AUX, _E_AUX);  ...  redundant */
236   if(n == 0){
237     Sort_PPL(_P_AUX, _V_AUX);
238     fprintf(outFILE,"%d %d %s (nv=%d)\n",_P_AUX->n,_P_AUX->np,comment,_V_AUX->nv);
239     for(i = 0; i < _P_AUX->n; i++){
240       for(j = 0; j < _P_AUX->np; j++)
241 	fprintf(outFILE,(_P_AUX->np>20) ? " %3d" : " %4d", (int) _P_AUX->x[j][i]);
242       fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
243     } /*PRINT_PL(_P_AUX, comment);*/
244   }
245   else{
246     Sort_VL(_V_AUX);
247     Sort_PPL(_P, _V_AUX);
248     if(n == 1)
249       fprintf(outFILE,"%d %d %s (nv=%d)\n",_P->n,_P->np,comment,_V_AUX->nv );
250     if(n == 2){
251       int o;
252       fprintf(outFILE,"%d %d %s (nv=%d)\n",_P->n+1,_P->np,comment,_V_AUX->nv );
253       for(j = 0; j < _P->np; j++){
254 	o = 1; i = 0;
255 	while(o && (i < codim - 1)){
256 	  if(_P->x[j][i] == 1)
257 	    o = 0;
258 	  i++;
259 	}
260 	fprintf(outFILE,(_P->np>20) ? " %3d" : " %4d", o);
261       }
262       fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
263     }
264     for(i = 0; i < _P->n; i++){
265       for(j = 0; j < _P->np; j++)
266 	fprintf(outFILE,(_P->np>20) ? " %3d" : " %4d", (int) _P->x[j][i]);
267       fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
268     }
269   }
270   free(_P_AUX);free(_V_AUX);free(_E_AUX);
271 }
G_x_P(Long * Gi,Long * V,int * d)273 Long G_x_P(Long *Gi, Long *V, int *d){
275   Long x=0; int j;
277   for(j=0;j<*d;j++)
278     x+=Gi[j]*V[j];
279   return x;
280 }
PRINT_Fibrations(VertexNumList * _V,PolyPointList * _P,Flags * _F)282 void PRINT_Fibrations(VertexNumList *_V, PolyPointList *_P, Flags *_F
283 		      /* ,PartList *_PTL */  ){
285   Long G[VERT_Nmax][POLY_Dmax][POLY_Dmax];
286   int s[VERT_Nmax], CD=_F->f, n, c, i, j, fib, nf, nv, np, dim[VERT_Nmax];
287   PolyPointList *_P_AUX;
288   VertexNumList *_V_AUX;
289   EqList *_E_AUX;
290   char C[VERT_Nmax];
292   _P_AUX = (PolyPointList *) malloc(sizeof(PolyPointList));
293   if (_P_AUX == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PolyPointLis _P_AUX");
294   _V_AUX = (VertexNumList *) malloc(sizeof(VertexNumList));
295   if (_V_AUX == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for VertexNumList _V_AUX");
296   _E_AUX = (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
297   if (_E_AUX == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for EqList _E_AUX");
299   if (_P->np >= VERT_Nmax) Die("Need _P->np < VERT_Nmax in PRINT_Fibrations");
300   IP_Fiber_Data(_P, _P_AUX, _V->nv, G, dim, &nf, CD);
301   if (nf >= VERT_Nmax) Die("Need  nf < VERT_Nmax in PRINT_Fibrations");
305   if(nf){
306     for(j = 0; j < _P->np - 1; j++)
307       fprintf(outFILE,(_P->np > 20) ? "----" :"-----");
308     fprintf(outFILE," #fibrations=%d\n",nf);
309   }
310   for(n = 0; n < nf; n++){
311     c = 0;
312     for(i = 0; i < (_P->np - 1) ; i++){
313       j = dim[n]; fib = 1;
314       while((j < _P->n) && fib){
315 	if (G_x_P(G[n][j], _P->x[i], &_P->n))
316 	  fib = 0;
317 	j++;
318       }
319       if(fib){
320 	for(j = 0; j < dim[n]; j++)
321 	  _P_AUX->x[c][j] = G_x_P(G[n][j], _P->x[i], &_P->n);
322 	s[c++] = i;
323       }
324     }
325     _P_AUX->np = c; _P_AUX->n = dim[n];
326     assert(Ref_Check(_P_AUX, _V_AUX, _E_AUX));
327     for(i = 0; i < (_P->np-1); i++) C[i]='_';
328     for(i = 0; i < c; i++)
329       C[s[i]] = 'p';
330     for(i = 0; i < _V_AUX->nv; i++)
331       C[s[_V_AUX->v[i]]] = 'v';
332     for(i = 0; i < _P->np-1; i++)
333       fprintf(outFILE,"%s%c", (_P->np > 20) ? "   " : "    ",C[i]);
334     nv = _V_AUX->nv; np = (_P_AUX->np + 1);
335     EL_to_PPL(_E_AUX, _P_AUX, &dim[n]);
336     assert(Ref_Check(_P_AUX, _V_AUX, _E_AUX));
337     {
338       Long X[VERT_Nmax][VERT_Nmax];
339       Make_VEPM(_P_AUX, _V_AUX, _E_AUX, X);
340       Complete_Poly(X, _E_AUX, _V_AUX->nv, _P_AUX);
341       /*Dim_Fib_CI(dim, n, _PTL, C);*/
342       fprintf(outFILE,"  cd=%d  m:%3d %2d n:%2d %d\n",(_P->n - dim[n]),
343 	      _P_AUX->np, _V_AUX->nv, np, nv);
344     }
346   }
347   free(_P_AUX);free(_V_AUX);free(_E_AUX);
348 }
350 /*   ===============	End of FIBRATIONS	        ===================  */
Die(char * comment)352 void Die(char *comment){
353   printf("\n%s\n",comment); exit(0);
354 }
Time_Info(time_t * _Tstart,clock_t * _Cstart,const char * comment)356 void Time_Info(time_t *_Tstart, clock_t *_Cstart, const char *comment){
358   fprintf(outFILE, "%s     %dsec  %dcpu\n", comment, (int)
359 	  /* CLOCKS_PER_SEC::10^6 */
360 	  difftime(time(NULL), *_Tstart), (int) ((((long long)
361 	  clock() - *_Cstart) / (long long) CLOCKS_PER_SEC))); fflush(0);
362 }
Print_Nefinfo(PartList * _PTL,time_t * _Tstart,clock_t * _Cstart)364 void Print_Nefinfo(PartList *_PTL, /* Flags *_F,*/ time_t *_Tstart,
365 		   clock_t *_Cstart){
367   int i, d = 0, p = 0;
369   for(i = 0; i < _PTL->n; i++){
370     if(_PTL->DirProduct[i]) d++;
371   }
372   for(i = 0; i < _PTL->n; i++){
373     if(_PTL->Proj[i]) p++;
374   }
375   fprintf(outFILE, "np=%d d:%d p:%d %4dsec  %4dcpu\n", _PTL->n-d-p, d, p,
376 	  /* CLOCKS_PER_SEC::10^6 */ (int) difftime(time(NULL), *_Tstart), (int)
377 	  ((((long long) clock() - *_Cstart) / (long long) CLOCKS_PER_SEC)));
378   fflush(0);
379 }
N_Part(PartList * _PTL)381 int N_Part(PartList *_PTL){
383   int i;
384   for(i = 0; i < _PTL->n; i++)
385     if((!_PTL->DirProduct[i]) && (!_PTL->Proj[i]))
386       return 1;
387   return 0;
388 }
Print_L(LInfo * _L,int p,int v)390 void Print_L(LInfo *_L, int p, int v)
391 {
392   int codim, D, i, j, N;
394   if(v && p) Die("only -Lp OR -Lv !");
396   N = (v ? _L->nv : (_L->nv + 1));
397   if(v){
398     assert(FIB_POINT_Nmax >= N);
399     fprintf(outFILE,"%d %d Vertices in N-lattice:\n",_L->d, N);
400     for(j = 0; j < _L->d; j++){
401       for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
402 				fprintf(outFILE,(_L->nv > 20) ? " %3d" : " %4d", (int) _L->VM[i][j]);
403       fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
404     }
405   }
406   for(j = 0; j < N; j++)
407     fprintf(outFILE,(_L->nv > 20) ? "----" :"-----");
408   fprintf(outFILE,"\n");
409   assert(FIB_Nmax >= _L->nw); assert(FIB_POINT_Nmax >= _L->nv);
410   for(i = 0; i < _L->nw; i++){
411     D = 0; codim = 0;
412     for(j = 0; j < _L->nv; j++){
413       D +=  _L->W[i][j];
414       if(_L->W[i][j] == 0)
415 				codim++;
416     }
417     for(j = 0; j < _L->nv; j++)
418       fprintf(outFILE,(N > 20) ? " %3d" : " %4d",(int) _L->W[i][j]);
419     fprintf(outFILE,"  d=%d  ",D);
420     fprintf(outFILE,"codim=%d\n",codim+_L->d-_L->nv+1);
421   }
422 }
Make_L(PolyPointList * _P,VertexNumList * _V,LInfo * _L,int p,int v)424 void Make_L(PolyPointList *_P, VertexNumList *_V, LInfo *_L , int p, int v){
425   int i,j;
427   if(v){
428     for(i = 0; i < _V->nv; i++)
429       for(j = 0; j < _P->n; j++)
430 				_L->VM[i][j] = _P->x[_V->v[i]][j];
431     _L->nv = _V->nv;
432   }
433   if(p){
434     assert(_P->np <= VERT_Nmax);
435     for(i = 0; i < _P->np; i++)
436       for(j = 0; j < _P->n; j++)
437 				_L->VM[i][j] = _P->x[i][j];
438     _L->nv = (_P->np-1);
439   }
440   _L->Wmax = FIB_Nmax; _L->nw = 0; _L->d = _P->n;
441   IP_Simplex_Decomp(_L->VM, _L->nv, _P->n, &_L->nw, _L->W, _L->Wmax,0);
442 }
IntSqrt(int q)444 int IntSqrt(int q)
445 {				/* sqrt(q) => r=1; r'=(q+r*r)/(2r); */
446   if (q == 0)
447     return 0;
448   if (q < 4)
449     return 1;
450   else {			/* troubles: e.g. 9408 */
451     long long r = (q + 1) / 2, n;
452     while (r > (n = (q + r * r) / (2 * r)))
453       r = n;
454     if (q < r * r)
455       r--;
456     if ((r * r <= q) && (q < (r + 1) * (r + 1)))
457       return (int) r;
458     else{
459       printf("Error in sqrt(%d)=%d\n", q, (int) n);
460       exit(0);
461     }
462   }
463   return 0;
465 }void INCI_TO(int I[], INCI * _X, int *_n)
466 {
467 /*  INCI X -> (0,0,1,0,.....,0,1,0);*/
468   int i;
470   INCI Y = *_X;
471   for (i = 0; i < *_n; i++) {
472     if (INCI_M2(Y))
473       I[i] = 1;
474     else
475       I[i] = 0;
476     Y = INCI_D2(Y);
477   }
478 }
Num_Pos(Cone * _C)480 int Num_Pos(Cone *_C){
482   int d, n=2;
484   for (d = 1; d < _C->dim; d++)
485     n += _C->nface[d];
486   return n;
487 }
Make_PosetList(Cone * _C,Poset_Element_List * _PEL)489 void Make_PosetList(Cone *_C, Poset_Element_List *_PEL){
491   int n = 0, d, i;
493   for (d = 0; d <= _C->dim; d++)
494     for (i = 0; i < _C->nface[d]; i++) {
495       _PEL->L[n].dim = d;
496       _PEL->L[n].num = i;
497       n++;
498     }
499 }
Interval_Check(int rank,Poset_Element * _x,Poset_Element * _y,Cone * _C)501 int Interval_Check(int rank, Poset_Element * _x, Poset_Element * _y,
502 		   Cone * _C)
503 {
504   int flag = 0;
506   if (_x->dim == (_y->dim - rank))
507     if (INCI_LE(_C->edge[_x->dim][_x->num], _C->edge[_y->dim][_y->num]))
508       flag = 1;
509   return flag;
510 }
Make_Intervallist(Interval_List * _IL,Poset_Element_List * _PEL,Cone * _C)512 void Make_Intervallist(Interval_List *_IL, Poset_Element_List *_PEL, Cone *_C){
514   int d, i, j;
516   _IL->n = 0;
517   for (d = 0; d <= _C->dim; d++)
518     for (i = 0; i < _PEL->n; i++)
519       for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
520 	if (Interval_Check(d, &_PEL->L[j], &_PEL->L[i], _C) == 1) {
521 	  _IL->L[_IL->n].min = j;
522 	  _IL->L[_IL->n].max = i;
523 	  _IL->n++;
524 	}
525 }
Make_Mirror(EPoly * _EP,int h[][POLY_Dmax],int D,int dim)527 int Make_Mirror(EPoly *_EP, int h[][POLY_Dmax], int D, int dim)
528 {
529   int i, j, k, u, v, chi = 0, H;
531   for (u = 0; u < 4*(Pos_Max); u++)
532     for (v = 0; v < 3*(Pos_Max); v++){
533       if(((-2 * D + u) > dim) || ((-2 * D + u) < 0) ||
534 	 ((-2 * D + v) > dim) || ((-2 * D + v) < 0)){
535 	if (_EP->E[u][v] != 0)
536 	  Die("Something wrong with E poly");
537       }
538       else {
539 	h[dim - (u - 2*D)][v - 2*D] = _EP->E[u][v];
540 	chi += _EP->E[u][v];
541 	if(((u - 2*D + v - 2*D) %2 ) != 0)
542 	  h[dim - (u - 2*D)][v - 2*D] *= -1;
543       }
544     }
545   if((dim %2) != 0) chi = chi*(-1);
546   H = - dim*chi;
547   for (i = 0; i <= dim; i++)
548     for (j = 0; j <= dim; j++){
549       if(((i+j) %2) == 0)
550 	k = 1;
551       else
552 	k = -1;
553       H += 3*k*(2*i - dim)*(2*i - dim)*h[i][j];
554     }
555   if (H != 0) Die("paper: CY 4-folds and toric fibrations; equation (8) don't hold");
556   if (dim == 4){
557     if((-h[2][2] + 44*h[0][0] + 4 * h[1][1] - 2 * h[1][2] + 4 * h[1][3] +
558 	20 * h[0][2] - 52 * h[0][1]) != 0)
559 	Die("paper: CY 4-folds and toric fibrations; equation (9) don't hold");
560   }
561   return chi;
562 }
Max_S(PartList * _PTL,int * _n)564 int Max_S(PartList * _PTL, int *_n)
565 {
566   int i, k, m = 0, nv, Nv = 0;
567   for (i = 0; i < _PTL->codim; i++) {
568     nv = 0;
569     for (k = 0; k < _PTL->nv; k++)
570       if (_PTL->S[*_n][k] == i)
571 	nv++;
572     if (Nv < nv) {
573       Nv = nv;
574       m = i;
575     }
576   }
577   return m;
578 }
PrintDegrees(LInfo * _L,PartList * _PTL,int m,int S[VERT_Nmax])580 void PrintDegrees(	/*Flags *_F,*/ 	LInfo *_L, PartList *_PTL, int m,
581 			/*int n,   */ 	int S[VERT_Nmax])
582 {
583   int d[POLY_Dmax], i, j;
585   for (i = 0; i < _L->nw; i++){
586     fprintf(outFILE," (");
587     for (j = 0; j < _PTL->codim; j++)
588       d[j] = 0;
589     for (j = 0; j < _L->nv; j++)
590       d[S[j]] += _L->W[i][j];
591     for (j = 0; j < _PTL->codim; j++)
592       if(j != m)
593 	fprintf(outFILE,"%d ",d[j]);
594     fprintf(outFILE,"%d",d[m]);
595     fprintf(outFILE,")");
596   }
597 }
PrintWeights(CWS * _W)599 void PrintWeights(CWS * _W)
600 {
601   int i,j;
602   for (i = 0; i < _W->nw; i++) {
603     fprintf(outFILE, "%ld", (long) _W->d[i]);
604     for (j = 0; j < _W->N; j++)
605       fprintf(outFILE, " %ld", (long) _W->W[i][j]);
606     if (i != (_W->nw - 1))
607       fprintf(outFILE, "  ");
608   }
609 }
PrintDiamond(int h[][POLY_Dmax],int dim)611 void PrintDiamond(int h[][POLY_Dmax], int dim)
612 {
613   int i,j;
615   fprintf(outFILE, "\n\n"); fflush(0);
616   for (i = 0; i <= dim; i++) {
617     fprintf(outFILE, "        ");
618     for (j = 0; j <= (dim - i); j++)
619       fprintf(outFILE, "     ");
620     for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
621       fprintf(outFILE, "   h%2d%2d   ", i - j, j);
622     fprintf(outFILE, "\n\n");
623     fflush(0);
624   }
625   for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++) {
626     fprintf(outFILE, "        ");
627     for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
628       fprintf(outFILE, "     ");
629     for (j = i; j <= dim; j++)
630       fprintf(outFILE, "   h%2d%2d   ", dim - j + i, j);
631     fprintf(outFILE, "\n\n");
632     fflush(0);
633   }
634   fprintf(outFILE, "\n\n");fflush(0);
635   for (i = 0; i <= dim; i++) {
636     fprintf(outFILE, "     ");
637     for (j = 0; j <= (dim - i); j++)
638       fprintf(outFILE, "     ");
639     for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
640       fprintf(outFILE, "%10d", h[i - j][j]);
641     fprintf(outFILE, "\n\n");
642   }
643   for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++) {
644     fprintf(outFILE, "     ");
645     for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
646       fprintf(outFILE, "     ");
647     for (j = i; j <= dim; j++)
648       fprintf(outFILE, "%10d", h[dim - j + i][j]);
649     fprintf(outFILE, "\n\n");
650   }
651   fflush(0);
652 }
Print_Points(PolyPointList * _P,int c,int nv,int S[VERT_Nmax])654 void Print_Points(PolyPointList *_P, int c, int nv, int S[VERT_Nmax]){
656   int i, P=0;
658   for(i = nv; i < (_P->np - 1); i++)
659     if(S[i] == c){
660       fprintf(outFILE,"%d ",i);
661       P=1;
662     }
663   if(P)
664     fprintf(outFILE," ");
665 }
Output(PolyPointList * _P,PolyPointList * _P_D,CWS * _W,EPoly * _EP,VertexNumList * _V,int * _n,PartList * _PTL,int * _codim,FILE * outFILE,Flags * _F,int * _D,LInfo * _L)667 void Output(PolyPointList * _P, /* PolyPointList * _DP,*/
668 	    PolyPointList * _P_D, CWS * _W, EPoly *_EP, /* EqList * _E,*/
669 	    VertexNumList * _V, int *_n, PartList *_PTL,
670 	    int *_codim, FILE *outFILE, Flags * _F, int *_D, LInfo *_L)
671 {
672   int i, j, k, m, chi = 0, D = (_P_D->n + 1), dim = (_P->n - *_codim);
673   int h[POLY_Dmax][POLY_Dmax] = {{0}, {0}}, S[VERT_Nmax];
676   m = Max_S(_PTL, _n);
677   if (((!_PTL->DirProduct[*_n]) || _F->Dir) && ((!_PTL->Proj[*_n]) || _F->Proj)) {
678     if (_F->H == 0){
679       if (_F->w){
680 	PrintWeights(_W); fprintf(outFILE, " ");
681       }
682 #ifdef	WRITE_CWS
683       if (_F->Msum == 1)
684 	fprintf(outFILE, " d=%d %d", (int) _D[0], (int) _D[1]);
685 #endif
686       if (!_F->p){
687 	chi =  Make_Mirror(_EP, h, D, dim);
688 	fprintf(outFILE, "H:");
689 	for (i = 1; i < dim; i++)
690 	  fprintf(outFILE, "%d ", h[1][i]);
691 	fprintf(outFILE, "[%d]", chi);
692 	for (i = 1; i <=  dim/2; i++)
693 	  if (h[0][i] != 0)
694 	    fprintf(outFILE, " h%d=%d", i, h[0][i]);
695 	if(h[0][0] != 1){
696 	  if (_PTL->DirProduct[*_n])
697 	    fprintf(outFILE, " h%d=%d", 0, h[0][0]);
698 	  else
699 	    Die("\nh00 not 1 !!!\n");
700 	}
701       }
702       if((_P_D->np - *_codim) <= VERT_Nmax)
703 	for(i = 0; i < (_P_D->np - *_codim); i++){
704 	  S[i] = 0;
705 	  for(j = 0; j < (*_codim - 1); j++)
706 	    if(_P_D->x[i][j])
707 	      S[i] = (j+1);
708 	}
709       if (*_codim == 2) {
710 	fprintf(outFILE, " P:%d V:", *_n);
711 	i = 0;
712 	if (m == 0)
713 	  i = 1;
714 	for (j = 0; j < _PTL->nv; j++)
715 	  if (_PTL->S[*_n][j] == i)
716 	    fprintf(outFILE, "%d ", j);
717 	fprintf(outFILE," ");
718 	if((_P_D->np - *_codim) <= VERT_Nmax)
719 	  Print_Points(_P, i, _V->nv, S);
720 	else
721 	  fprintf(outFILE, " _P->np > VERT_Nmax! ");
722       }
723       else {
724 	fprintf(outFILE, " P:%d ", *_n);
725 	j = 0;
726 	for (i = 0; i < *_codim; i++)
727 	  if (i != m) {
728 	    fprintf(outFILE, "V%d:", j);
729 	    for (k = 0; k < _PTL->nv; k++)
730 	      if (_PTL->S[*_n][k] == i)
731 		fprintf(outFILE, "%d ", k);
732 	    fprintf(outFILE," ");
733 	    j++;
734 	    if((_P_D->np - *_codim) <= VERT_Nmax)
735 	      Print_Points(_P, i, _V->nv, S);
736 	    else
737 	      fprintf(outFILE, " _P->np > VERT_Nmax! ");
738 	  }
739       }
740       if(_PTL->DProj[*_n])
741 	fprintf(outFILE, "DP ");
742       if(_PTL->DirProduct[*_n])
743 	fprintf(outFILE, " D");
744       if(_F->Lv || (_F->Lp && (_P_D->np - *_codim) <= VERT_Nmax))
745 	PrintDegrees(/*_F,*/ _L, _PTL, m, /* *_n,*/ S);
746       fflush(0);
747     }
748     else{
749       chi =  Make_Mirror(_EP, h, D, dim);
750       PrintDiamond(h, dim);
751     }
752   }
753 }
Min_Dim(int n,int T_flag)756 int Min_Dim(int n, int T_flag)
757 {
758   if (!T_flag){
759     int i;
760     i = n / 2;
761     if((n % 2) != 0)
762       i += 1;
763     return i;
764   } else
765     return n;
766 }
Init_ST(SPoly * _S,SPoly * _T,Poset_Element_List * _PEL)768 void Init_ST(SPoly *_S, SPoly *_T, Poset_Element_List *_PEL)
769 {
770   int i, d;
772   for(i = 0; i < _PEL->n; i++){
773     for(d = 1; d <= _PEL->L[i].dim; d++){
774       _S[i].S[d] = 0;
775       _T[i].S[d] = 0;
776     }
777     _S[i].S[0] = 1; _T[i].S[0] = 0;
778   }
779 }
Eval_Eq_on_x(Long * _x,Equation * _E,int dim)781 Long Eval_Eq_on_x(Long *_x, Equation *_E, int dim){
783   Long c = _E->c;
784   int d;
786   for(d = 0; d < dim; d++)
787     c += _x[d] * _E->a[d];
788   return c;
789 }
INCI_to_x(int n,DYN_PPL * _P,EqList * _E)791 INCI INCI_to_x(int n, DYN_PPL *_P, EqList *_E){
793   INCI X = INCI_0();
794   int i;
796   for(i = 0; i < _E->ne; i++)
797     X = INCI_PN(X,Eval_Eq_on_x(_P->L[n].x, &_E->e[i], _P->n));
798   return X;
799 }
Poly_To_ST(DYN_PPL * _P,EqList * _E,Cone * _C,SPoly * _S,SPoly * _T,Poset_Element_List * _PEL,int l,int T_flag)801 void Poly_To_ST(DYN_PPL *_P, EqList *_E, Cone *_C, SPoly *_S, SPoly *_T,
802 		Poset_Element_List *_PEL, int l, int T_flag)
804 {
805   int min, i, dim_flag, in_flag, n, dim, num;
806   INCI X;
808   min = Min_Dim(l, T_flag);
809   for(i = 0; i < _P->np; i++){
810     dim_flag = 1; in_flag = 0;
811     n = (_PEL->n - 1);
812     X = INCI_to_x(i, _P, _E);
813     while(dim_flag && !in_flag){
814       dim = (_C->dim - _PEL->L[n].dim);
815       num = (_C->nface[dim] - _PEL->L[n].num -1);
816       if (INCI_LE(_C->edge[dim][num], X)){
817 	_S[n].S[l] += 1;
818 	if (INCI_LE(X, _C->edge[dim][num])){
819 	  _T[n].S[l] += 1;
820 	  in_flag = 1;
821 	}
822       }
823       n--;
824       if (_PEL->L[n].dim < min)
825 	dim_flag = 0;
826     }
827   }
828 }
New_CPVE(PolyPointList * _P,DYN_PPL * _CP,VertexNumList * _V,VertexNumList * _CV,EqList * _E,EqList * _CE,int n)830 void New_CPVE(PolyPointList *_P, DYN_PPL *_CP, VertexNumList *_V,
831 	    VertexNumList *_CV, EqList *_E, EqList *_CE, int n)
832 {
833   int j, d, nv = 0;
835   for(j = 0; j < _E->ne; j++){
836     _CE->e[j].c = n*(_E->e[j].c);
837     for(d = 0; d < _P->n; d++)
838       _CE->e[j].a[d] = _E->e[j].a[d];
839   }
840   for(j = 0; j < _V->nv; j++){
841     for(d = 0; d < _P->n; d++)
842       _CP->L[nv].x[d] = n*(_P->x[_V->v[j]][d]);
843     _CV->v[nv] = nv;
844     nv++;
845   }
846   _CV->nv = _V->nv; _CP->np = _V->nv; _CP->n = _P->n; _CE->ne = _E->ne;
847 }
Poly_To_DYNPoly(DYN_PPL * _CP,PolyPointList * _P)849 void Poly_To_DYNPoly(DYN_PPL *_CP, PolyPointList *_P){
850   int i, d;
852   assert(_P->np <= _CP->NP_max);
853   for(i = 0; i < _P->np; i++)
854     for(d = 0; d < _P->n; d++)
855       _CP->L[i].x[d] = _P->x[i][d];
856   _CP->n = _P->n; _CP->np = _P->np;
857 }
Make_S_Poly(Cone * _C,VertexNumList * _V,EqList * _E,PolyPointList * _P,Poset_Element_List * _PEL,SPoly * _S,int SINFO,int CHECK_SERRE)859 void Make_S_Poly(Cone *_C, VertexNumList *_V, EqList *_E, PolyPointList *_P,
860 		 Poset_Element_List *_PEL, SPoly *_S, int SINFO, int CHECK_SERRE)
861 {
862   Long PM[EQUA_Nmax][VERT_Nmax];
863   DYN_PPL CP;
864   VertexNumList *_CV;
865   EqList *_CE;
866   SPoly *_T;
867   int i=1, j, d, min;
869   CP.NP_max = NP_Max;
870   min = Min_Dim(_C->dim,CHECK_SERRE);
872   CP.L = (Vector *) calloc(CP.NP_max, sizeof(Vector));
873   if (CP.L == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PolyPointList _CP.L");
874   _CV = (VertexNumList *) malloc(sizeof(VertexNumList));
875   if (_CV == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for VertexNumList _CV");
876   _CE = (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
877   if (_CE == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for EqList _CE");
878   _T = (SPoly *) calloc(_PEL->n, sizeof(SPoly ));
879   if (_T == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for SPoly _T");
881   Poly_To_DYNPoly(&CP, _P);
882   Init_ST(_S, _T, _PEL);
883   Poly_To_ST(&CP, _E, _C, _S, _T, _PEL, i, CHECK_SERRE);
885   if(SINFO){
886     printf("\n\n#points in largest cone:\n");
887     printf("layer: %2d #p: %8d #ip: %8d\n", i=1, (int) _S[_PEL->n-1].S[1],
888 	   (int)_T[_PEL->n-1].S[1]);
889   }
890   for (i = 2; i <= min; i++) {
891     New_CPVE(_P, &CP, _V, _CV, _E, _CE, i);
892     DYNMake_VEPM(&CP,_CV,_CE, PM);
893     DYNComplete_Poly(PM, _CE, _V->nv, &CP);
894     Poly_To_ST(&CP, _CE, _C, _S, _T, _PEL, i, CHECK_SERRE);
895     if(SINFO)
896       printf("layer: %2d #p: %8d #ip: %8d\n",i, (int)_S[_PEL->n-1].S[i],
897 						 (int) _T[_PEL->n-1].S[i]);
898   }
899   for(i = 0; i < _PEL->n; i++){
900     for (j = 0; j < _PEL->L[i].dim; j++){
901       min = Min_Dim(_PEL->L[i].dim, CHECK_SERRE);
902       for (d = min; d > 0; d--) {
903 				_S[i].S[d] += -_S[i].S[d - 1];
904 				_T[i].S[d] += -_T[i].S[d - 1];
905       }
906     }
907     if(CHECK_SERRE){
908       for (d = 1; d < _PEL->L[i].dim; d++)
909 				if(_S[i].S[d] != _T[i].S[_PEL->L[i].dim - d]){
910 					puts("No Serre Duality!");
911 					for(d = 1; d < _PEL->L[i].dim; d++)
912 						printf("S[%d]: %3d   T[%d]: %3d\n",d, (int) _S[i].S[d],
913 									 (_PEL->L[i].dim - d), (int) _T[i].S[_PEL->L[i].dim - d]);
914 					exit(0);
915 				}
916     }
917     if (!CHECK_SERRE){
918       for (d = 1; d < _PEL->L[i].dim / 2; d++)
919 				_S[i].S[_PEL->L[i].dim - d] = _T[i].S[d];
920       if (_PEL->L[i].dim != 0)
921 				_S[i].S[_PEL->L[i].dim] = 0;
922     }
923   }
924   free(_T);free(_CV);free(_CE);free(CP.L);
925 }
SB_To_E(EPoly * _EP,Cone * _C,Poset_Element_List * _PEL,BPoly * _BL,Interval_List * _IL,SPoly * _S_D,SPoly * _S_N,int * _codim)927 void SB_To_E(EPoly *_EP, Cone *_C, Poset_Element_List *_PEL, BPoly * _BL,
928 		Interval_List * _IL, SPoly *_S_D, SPoly *_S_N, int *_codim){
929   /* E[0][0] = E[2*_C->dim][2*_C->dim] */
931   int i, j, x, y, u, v, s, dim, dmax, dmin;
933   for (u = 0; u < 4*(Pos_Max); u++)
934     for (v = 0; v < 4*(Pos_Max); v++)
935       _EP->E[u][v] = 0;
937   for (i = 0; i < _IL->n; i++) {
938     dmin = _PEL->L[_IL->L[i].min].dim;
939     dmax = _PEL->L[_IL->L[i].max].dim;
940     dim = dmax - dmin;
941     s = 1;
942     for (j = 0; j < dmin; j++)
943       s *= -1;
944     for (y = 0; y < (_C->dim - dmax + 1); y++)
945       for (x = 0; x < (dmin + 1); x++)
946 				for (u = 0; u < (dim + 1); u++)
947 					for (v = 0;v <= (dim / 2); v++)
948 						_EP->E[2*_C->dim - x + y + dmax - u - *_codim]
949 							[2*_C->dim + y + x + v - *_codim] +=
950 							_S_D[_IL->L[i].min].S[x] * _S_N[_PEL->n - _IL->L[i].max - 1].S[y]
951 							* _BL[i].B[u][v] * s;
952   }
953 }
Make_Cone(Cone * _C_D,Cone * _C_N,FaceInfo * _I,PolyPointList * _P)955 void Make_Cone(Cone * _C_D, Cone * _C_N, FaceInfo * _I, PolyPointList * _P)
956 {
957   int d, i;
959   _C_D->dim = (_P->n + 1); _C_N->dim = (_P->n + 1);
960   _C_D->nface[0] = 1; _C_N->nface[0] = 1;
961   _C_D->nface[_P->n + 1] = 1; _C_N->nface[_P->n + 1] = 1;
962   _C_D->edge[0][0] = INCI_0(); _C_N->edge[0][0] = INCI_0();
963   _C_D->edge[_C_D->dim][0] = INCI_0();
964   for (i = 0; i < _I->nf[0]; i++)
965     _C_D->edge[_C_D->dim][0] =
966       INCI_OR(_C_D->edge[_C_D->dim][0], _I->v[0][i]);
967   _C_N->edge[_C_N->dim][0] = INCI_0();
968   for (i = 0; i < _I->nf[_P->n - 1]; i++)
969     _C_N->edge[_C_N->dim][0] =
970       INCI_OR(_C_N->edge[_C_N->dim][0], _I->f[_P->n - 1][i]);
971   for (d = 0; d < _P->n; d++) {
972     _C_D->nface[d + 1] = _I->nf[d];
973     _C_N->nface[_C_D->dim - d -1] = _I->nf[d];
974     for (i = 0; i < _I->nf[d]; i++) {
975       _C_D->edge[d + 1][i] = _I->v[d][i];
976       _C_N->edge[_C_D->dim - d -1][_I->nf[d] - i -1] = _I->f[d][i];
977    }
978   }
979 }
Make_EN(PolyPointList * _P,VertexNumList * _V,EqList * _EN,int * _codim)981 void Make_EN(PolyPointList * _P, VertexNumList * _V, EqList * _EN, int *_codim)
982 {
983   int x, i, j;
985   _EN->ne = _V->nv;
986   for (i = 0; i < _V->nv; i++) {
987     x = 1; j = 0;
988     while((x == 1) && (j < (*_codim - 1))){
989       if(_P->x[_V->v[i]][j] == 1)
990 	x = 0;
991       j++;
992     }
993     _EN->e[i].c = x;
994     for (j = 0; j < _P->n; j++){
995       if(j < *_codim - 1)
996 	_EN->e[i].a[j] = _P->x[_V->v[i]][j] - x;
997       else
998 	_EN->e[i].a[j] = _P->x[_V->v[i]][j];
999     }
1000   }
1001 }
Remove_Proj(PolyPointList * _P,int * _codim)1003 int Remove_Proj(PolyPointList * _P, /* int *_n,*/ int *_codim)
1004 {
1005   int nv, Nv=0, j, i = 0, proj_flag = 0;
1007   while (!proj_flag && (i < *_codim - 1)) {
1008     nv=0;
1009     for(j = 0; j < _P->np; j++)
1010       if(_P->x[j][i] == 1)
1011 	nv++;
1012     Nv += nv;
1013     if(nv == 2)
1014       proj_flag = 1;
1015     i++;
1016   }
1017   if((_P->np - Nv) == 2)
1018     proj_flag = 1;
1019   return proj_flag;
1020 }
Make_Gore_Poly(PolyPointList * _P,PolyPointList * _DP,PolyPointList * _P_D,PolyPointList * _P_N,VertexNumList * _V,PartList * _PTL,int * _codim,int * _n)1022 void Make_Gore_Poly(PolyPointList * _P, PolyPointList * _DP,
1023 		    PolyPointList * _P_D, PolyPointList * _P_N,
1024 		    VertexNumList * _V, PartList * _PTL, int *_codim,
1025 		    int *_n)
1026 {
1027   /*_P_N from _DP (in M-lattice), _P_D from _P (in N-lattice)  */
1029   int i, l, k, d, sum, ip, c;
1031   if(*_codim <= 0)
1032     Die("Need Codim > 0");
1033   _P_N->n = _DP->n + *_codim - 1;
1034   _P_N->np = 0;
1035   for (l = 0; l < _DP->np; l++) {
1036     for (i = 0; i < *_codim; i++) {
1037       ip = 1;
1038       k = 0;
1039       while (ip && (k < _PTL->nv)) {
1040 	sum = 0;
1041 	for (d = 0; d < _DP->n; d++)
1042 	  sum += _DP->x[l][d] * _P->x[_V->v[k]][d];
1043 	if (((_PTL->S[*_n][k] == i) && (sum < -1)) ||
1044 	    ((_PTL->S[*_n][k] != i) && (sum < 0)))
1045 	  ip = 0;
1046 	k++;
1047       }
1048       if (ip == 1) {
1049 	assert(_P_N->np < POINT_Nmax);
1050 	for (d = 0; d < _DP->n; d++)
1051 	  _P_N->x[_P_N->np][d + *_codim - 1] = _DP->x[l][d];
1052 	for (d = 1; d < *_codim; d++) {
1053 	  if (d == i)
1054 	    _P_N->x[_P_N->np][d - 1] = 1;
1055 	  else
1056 	    _P_N->x[_P_N->np][d - 1] = 0;
1057 	}
1058 	_P_N->np++;
1059       }
1060     }
1061   }
1062   _P_D->n = _P->n + *_codim - 1;
1063   _P_D->np = 0;
1064   for (l = 0; l < _P->np; l++) {
1065     for (i = 0; i < *_codim; i++) {
1066       ip = 1;
1067       k = 0;
1068       while (ip && (k < _P_N->np)) {
1069 	sum = 0;
1070 	for (d = 0; d < _P->n; d++)
1071 	  sum += _P->x[l][d] * _P_N->x[k][d + *_codim - 1];
1072 	if (i > 0) {
1073 	  if (((_P_N->x[k][i - 1] == 1) && (sum < -1)) ||
1074 	      ((_P_N->x[k][i - 1] == 0) && (sum < 0)))
1075 	    ip = 0;
1076 	} else {
1077 	  c = -1;
1078 	  for (d = 0; d < *_codim - 1; d++)
1079 	    if (_P_N->x[k][d] == 1)
1080 	      c = 0;
1081 	  if (sum < c)
1082 	    ip = 0;
1083 	}
1084 	k++;
1085       }
1086       if (ip == 1) {
1087 	assert(_P_D->np < POINT_Nmax);
1088 	for (d = 0; d < _P->n; d++)
1089 	  _P_D->x[_P_D->np][d + *_codim - 1] = _P->x[l][d];
1090 	for (d = 1; d < *_codim; d++) {
1091 	  if (d == i)
1092 	    _P_D->x[_P_D->np][d - 1] = 1;
1093 	  else
1094 	    _P_D->x[_P_D->np][d - 1] = 0;
1095 	}
1096 	_P_D->np++;
1097       }
1098     }
1099   }
1100 }
Int_Pos(int i,Interval_List * _IL,Poset_Element_List * _PEL)1102 Poset Int_Pos(int i, Interval_List * _IL, Poset_Element_List * _PEL)
1103 {
1104   Poset P;
1106   P.x = _PEL->L[_IL->L[i].min];
1107   P.y = _PEL->L[_IL->L[i].max];
1108   return P;
1109 }
M_To_B(BPoly * _BP,BPoly * _MP,int d,int rho)1111 void M_To_B(BPoly *_BP,  BPoly *_MP, int d, int rho){
1113   int M[Pos_Max][Pos_Max] = {{0}, {0}}, i, u, v;
1115   if(rho == 0)
1116     M[0][0] = 1;
1117   else
1118     for(u = 0; u <= rho; u++)
1119       for(v = 0; v < rho/2 + (rho % 2); v++)
1120 	M[rho - u][rho - v] = _MP->B[u][v];
1121   for(i = 1; i <= d - rho; i++){
1122     for(u = rho + i; u > 0; u--)   /* (u degree != 0) && (v degree != 0) */
1123       for(v = rho + i; v > 0; v--)
1124 	M[u][v] = - M[u-1][v] + M[u][v-1];
1125     for(v = rho + i; v > 0; v--)   /* (u degree == 0) && (v degree != 0) */
1126       M[0][v] =  M[0][v-1];
1127     for(u = rho + i; u > 0; u--)   /* (u degree != 0) && (v degree == 0) */
1128       M[u][0] =  - M[u-1][0];
1129     M[0][0] = 0;                   /* (u degree == 0) && (v degree == 0) */
1130   }
1131   for(u = 0; u <= d; u++)
1132     for(v = 0; v < d/2 + (d % 2); v++)
1133       _BP->B[u][v] += M[u][v];
1134 }
N_To_B(BPoly * _BP,BPoly * _NP,int d,int rho)1136 void N_To_B(BPoly *_BP,  BPoly *_NP, int d, int rho){
1138   int N[Pos_Max][Pos_Max] = {{0}, {0}}, i, u, v;
1140   if(rho == 0)
1141     N[0][0] = 1;
1142   else
1143     for(u = 0; u <= rho; u++)
1144       for(v = 0; v < rho/2 + (rho % 2); v++)
1145 	N[u][v] = _NP->B[u][v];
1146   for(i = 1; i <= d - rho; i++){
1147     for(u = rho + i; u > 0; u--)      /* (u degree != 0) && (v degree != 0) */
1148       for(v = rho / 2 + i; v > 0; v--)
1149 	N[u][v] =  N[u-1][v-1] - N[u][v];
1150     for(v = rho/2 + i; v > 0; v--)    /* (u degree == 0) && (v degree != 0) */
1151       N[0][v] *= -1;
1152     for(u = rho + i; u >= 0; u--)     /* (u degree >= 0) && (v degree == 0) */
1153       N[u][0] *= -1;
1154   }
1155   for(u = 0; u <= d; u++)
1156     for(v = 0; v < d/2 + (d % 2); v++)
1157       _BP->B[u][v] -= N[u][v];
1158 }
Make_B_Poly(Cone * _C,Poset_Element_List * _PEL,Interval_List * _IL,BPoly * _BL)1160 void Make_B_Poly(Cone * _C, Poset_Element_List * _PEL, Interval_List * _IL,
1161 		 BPoly *_BL)
1162 {
1163   int D, i, j, k, d, n, n_;
1164   Poset Pos, pos;
1166   for (i = 0; i < _IL->n; i++) {
1167     Pos = Int_Pos(i, _IL, _PEL);
1168     d  = (Pos.y.dim - Pos.x.dim);
1169     for (j = 0; j <= d; j++)
1170       for (k = 0; k <= d / 2; k++)
1171       	  _BL[i].B[j][k] = 0;
1172     if (d == 0)
1173       _BL[i].B[0][0] = 1;
1174   }
1175   for (D = 1; D <= _C->dim; D++)
1176     for (n = 0; n < _IL->n; n++) {
1177       Pos = Int_Pos(n, _IL, _PEL);
1178       if ((Pos.y.dim - Pos.x.dim) == D) {
1179 	for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
1180 	  for (n_ = 0; n_ < n; n_++) {
1181 	    pos = Int_Pos(n_, _IL, _PEL);
1182 	    if (Interval_Check(0, &pos.x, &Pos.x, _C))
1183 	      if (Interval_Check((D - d), &pos.y, &Pos.y, _C))
1184 		M_To_B(&_BL[n], &_BL[n_], D, d);
1185 	    if (Interval_Check(0, &pos.y, &Pos.y, _C))
1186 	      if (Interval_Check((D - d), &Pos.x, &pos.x, _C))
1187 		N_To_B(&_BL[n], &_BL[n_], D, d);
1188 	  }
1189       }
1190     }
1191 }
Compute_E_Poly(EPoly * _EP,PolyPointList * _P_D,VertexNumList * _V_D,EqList * _E_D,PolyPointList * _P_N,VertexNumList * _V_N,EqList * _E_N,int * _codim,Flags * _F,time_t * _Tstart,clock_t * _Cstart)1193 void Compute_E_Poly(EPoly *_EP,
1194 		    PolyPointList * _P_D, VertexNumList * _V_D, EqList * _E_D,
1195 		    PolyPointList * _P_N, VertexNumList * _V_N, EqList * _E_N,
1196 		    int *_codim, Flags * _F, time_t *_Tstart, clock_t *_Cstart){
1198   /* Should compute _EP from the rest. Probably requires alignment of
1199      _E_D with _V_N and of _V_D with _E_N                                 */
1201   Interval_List IL;
1202   SPoly *_S_D = NULL, *_S_N = NULL;
1203   BPoly *_BL = NULL;
1204   Poset_Element_List PEL_D, PEL_N;
1205   FaceInfo *_I_D;
1206   Cone *_C_D, *_C_N;
1208   _I_D = (FaceInfo *) malloc(sizeof(FaceInfo));
1209   if (_I_D == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for FaceInfo _I_D");
1210   _C_D = (Cone *) malloc(sizeof(Cone));
1211   if (_C_D == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for Cone _C_D");
1212   _C_N = (Cone *) malloc(sizeof(Cone));
1213   if (_C_N == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for Cone _C_N");
1215       Make_Incidence(_P_D, _V_D, _E_D, _I_D);
1217       Make_Cone(_C_D, _C_N, _I_D, _P_D);
1218       PEL_D.n = Num_Pos(_C_D); PEL_N.n = Num_Pos(_C_N);
1220       PEL_D.L = (Poset_Element *) calloc(PEL_D.n, sizeof(Poset_Element));
1221       if (PEL_D.L == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PEL_D.L");
1222       PEL_N.L = (Poset_Element *) calloc(PEL_D.n, sizeof(Poset_Element));
1223       if (PEL_N.L == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PEL_N.L");
1225       Make_PosetList(_C_D, &PEL_D); Make_PosetList(_C_N, &PEL_N);
1226       if(_F->t) Time_Info(_Tstart, _Cstart, "   BEGIN S-Poly");
1228       _S_D = (SPoly *) calloc(PEL_D.n, sizeof(SPoly ));
1229       if (_S_D == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for SPoly _S_D");
1230       _S_N = (SPoly *) calloc(PEL_D.n, sizeof(SPoly ));
1231       if (_S_N == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for SPoly _S_N");
1233       Make_S_Poly(_C_N, _V_D, _E_D, _P_D, &PEL_D, _S_D, _F->S, _F->T);
1234       Make_S_Poly(_C_D, _V_N, _E_N, _P_N, &PEL_N, _S_N, _F->S, _F->T);
1236       if(_F->t) Time_Info(_Tstart, _Cstart, "   BEGIN B-Poly");
1238       IL.L = (Interval *) calloc(((1 + PEL_D.n)/2 + 1)*PEL_D.n,
1239 		sizeof(Interval));
1240       if (IL.L == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for IL.L");
1242       Make_Intervallist(&IL, &PEL_D, _C_D);
1244       _BL = (BPoly *) calloc(IL.n, sizeof(BPoly));
1245       if (_BL == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for _BL");
1247       Make_B_Poly(_C_D, &PEL_D, &IL, _BL);
1249       if(_F->t) Time_Info(_Tstart, _Cstart, "   BEGIN E-Poly");
1250       SB_To_E(_EP, _C_D, &PEL_D, _BL, &IL, _S_D, _S_N, _codim);
1252       free(PEL_D.L); free(PEL_N.L); free(_S_D); free(_S_N); free(IL.L);
1253       free(_BL); free(_I_D); free(_C_D); free(_C_N);
1254 }
Make_E_Poly(FILE * outFILE,CWS * _W,PolyPointList * _CP,VertexNumList * _CV,EqList * _CE,int * _codim,Flags * _F,int * _D)1256 void Make_E_Poly(FILE * outFILE, CWS * _W, PolyPointList * _CP,
1257 		 VertexNumList * _CV, EqList * _CE, int *_codim,
1258 		 Flags * _F, int *_D)
1259 {
1260   time_t Tstart;
1261   clock_t Cstart;
1262   int n;
1263   /* Interval_List IL;
1264   SPoly *_S_D = NULL, *_S_N = NULL;
1265   BPoly *_BL = NULL; */
1266   EPoly EP;
1267   /* Poset_Element_List PEL_D, PEL_N;*/
1268   PartList *_PTL;
1269   PolyPointList *_P = NULL, *_DP = NULL, *_P_D, *_P_N;
1270   VertexNumList *_V = NULL, *_DV = NULL, *_V_D, *_V_N;
1271   EqList *_E = NULL, *_DE = NULL, *_E_D, *_E_N;
1272   /*FaceInfo *_I_D;
1273     Cone *_C_D, *_C_N;*/
1274   LInfo *_L = NULL;
1276   /*   ===============	Begin of Static Allocation	===================  */
1277   _PTL = (PartList *) malloc(sizeof(PartList));
1278   if (_PTL == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PartList _PTL");
1279   _P_D = (PolyPointList *) malloc(sizeof(PolyPointList));
1280   if (_P_D == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PolyPointLis _P_D");
1281   _P_N = (PolyPointList *) malloc(sizeof(PolyPointList));
1282   if (_P_N == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PolyPointLis _P_N");
1283   _V_D = (VertexNumList *) malloc(sizeof(VertexNumList));
1284   if (_V_D == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for VertexNumList _V_D");
1285   _V_N = (VertexNumList *) malloc(sizeof(VertexNumList));
1286   if (_V_N == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for VertexNumList _V_N");
1287   _E_D = (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
1288   if (_E_D == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for EqList _E_D");
1289   _E_N = (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
1290   if (_E_N == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for EqList _E_N");
1291   if (_F->Lv || _F->Lp){
1292     _L = (LInfo *) malloc(sizeof(LInfo));
1293     if (_L == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for LInfo _L");
1294   }
1295   if(_F->N){
1296     _DP = (PolyPointList *) malloc(sizeof(PolyPointList));
1297     if (_DP == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PolyPointLis _DP");
1298     _DV = (VertexNumList *) malloc(sizeof(VertexNumList));
1299     if (_DV == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for VertexNumList _DV");
1300     _DE = (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
1301     if (_DE == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for EqList _DE");
1302   }
1303   else{
1304     _P = (PolyPointList *) malloc(sizeof(PolyPointList));
1305     if (_P == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for PolyPointLis _P");
1306     _V = (VertexNumList *) malloc(sizeof(VertexNumList));
1307     if (_V == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for VertexNumList _V");
1308     _E = (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
1309     if (_E == NULL) Die("Unable to alloc space for EqList _E");
1310   }
1311   /*   ===============	End of Static Allocation	===================  */
1313   if(_F->N){
1314     _P=_CP; _E=_CE; _V=_CV;
1315     Make_Dual_Poly(_P, _V, _E, _DP);
1316     Find_Equations(_DP, _DV, _DE);
1317     Sort_PPL(_DP, _DV);
1318   }
1319   else{
1320     _DP=_CP; _DE=_CE; _DV=_CV;
1321     Make_Dual_Poly(_DP, _DV, _DE, _P);
1322     Find_Equations(_P, _V, _E);
1323     Sort_PPL(_P, _V);
1324   }
1325   Tstart = time(NULL); Cstart = clock(); _F->Test = 0;fflush(0);
1326        {	NEF_Flags NF; NF.Sym=_F->Sym;
1327 		NF.noconvex=_F->noconvex; NF.Test=0; NF.Sort=_F->Sort;
1328 		part_nef(_P, _V, _E, _PTL, _codim, &NF);
1329 		if(_F->y && (_PTL->n != 0) && (_W->nw == 0))
1330 			fprintf(outFILE, "%d %d Vertices of Poly in M-lattice:  ", _DP->n, _DV->nv);
1331 		if(!(_F->y && (_PTL->n==0))){
1332 			fprintf(outFILE, "M:%d %d N:%d %d ", _DP->np, _E->ne, _P->np, _V->nv);
1333 			fprintf(outFILE, " codim=%d", *_codim);
1334 			fprintf(outFILE, " #part="); fflush(0);
1335 			fprintf(outFILE, "%d\n",_PTL->n);fflush(0);
1336 		}
1337 	}
1338 		if(_F->y && (_W->nw == 0) && (_PTL->n != 0))
1339       PRINT_TMATRIX(&_DP->x[0][0], _DV->nv, _DP->n, POLY_Dmax);
1340   if(_F->V)
1341     Print_VL(_P, _V, "Vertices of P:");
1342   if((!_F->Lv) && (!_F->n) && _F->Lp)
1343      PRINT_PL(_P, "Points of Poly in N-Lattice:");
1344   if(_F->Lv || _F->Lp){
1345     Make_L(_P, _V, _L ,_F->Lp,_F->Lv);
1346     Print_L(_L,_F->Lp,_F->Lv);
1347   }
1348   if(_F->f){
1349     if(_F->Lv)
1350       PRINT_PL(_P, "Points of Poly in N-Lattice:");
1351     PRINT_Fibrations(_V, _P, _F  /*, _PTL*/ );
1352   }
1353   for (n = 0; n < _PTL->n; n++) {
1354     /*if ((!_PTL->DirProduct[n]) || _F->Dir){*/
1355     if(_F->Dir==2) if(!_PTL->DirProduct[n]) continue ;
1356     Tstart = time(NULL);
1357     Cstart = clock();
1358     Make_Gore_Poly(_P, _DP, _P_D, _P_N, _V, _PTL, _codim, &n);
1359     _PTL->Proj[n] = Remove_Proj(_P_D, /*&n,*/ _codim);
1360     _PTL->DProj[n] = Remove_Proj(_P_N, /*&n,*/ _codim);
1361     Find_Equations(_P_D, _V_D, _E_D);
1362     Find_Equations(_P_N, _V_N, _E_N);
1363     Sort_PPL(_P_N, _V_N);
1365     if (((!_PTL->Proj[n]) || _F->Proj) && ((!_PTL->DirProduct[n]) || _F->Dir)
1366 	&& !_F->p && !_F->y) {
1367       Make_EN(_P_D, _V_D, _E_N, _codim);
1368       Compute_E_Poly(&EP, _P_D, _V_D, _E_D, _P_N, _V_N, _E_N, _codim, _F,
1369 		     &Tstart, &Cstart);}
1370     /*for (i=0;i<=10;i++){
1371       for (j=0;j<=10;j++) fprintf(outFILE,"%d ",EP.E[i][j]);
1372       fprintf(outFILE,"\n");}*/
1374     if(!_F->n && !_F->g && !_F->d && !_F->y){
1375       Output(	_P, /*_DP,*/ _P_D, _W, &EP, /*_E,*/
1376 		_V, &n, _PTL, _codim, outFILE, _F, _D, _L);
1377       if (((!_PTL->Proj[n]) || _F->Proj) && ((!_PTL->DirProduct[n]) || _F->Dir))
1378 	Time_Info(&Tstart, &Cstart, "");
1379     }
1380     if (((!_PTL->Proj[n]) || _F->Proj) && ((!_PTL->DirProduct[n]) || _F->Dir)){
1381       if(_F->g) PRINT_GORE(_P_D, *_codim, _F->gd, "Points of PG:");
1382       if(_F->d) PRINT_GORE(_P_N, *_codim, _F->dd, "Points of dual PG:");
1383     }
1384   }
1385   if(!_F->n && !_F->g && !_F->d && !_F->y) Print_Nefinfo(_PTL, /* _F,*/
1386 							&Tstart, &Cstart);
1387   if(_F->n && N_Part(_PTL)) PRINT_PL(_P, "Points of Poly in N-Lattice:");
1388   /*   ===============	Begin of FREE Static Allocation	===================  */
1389   free(_PTL);free(_P_D); free(_P_N); free(_V_D); free(_V_N);  free(_E_D);
1390   free(_E_N); free(_L);
1391   if(_F->N){free(_DP); free(_DE); free(_DV);  }
1392   else{free(_P); free(_E); free(_V);  }
1393   /*   ===============	End of FREE Static Allocation	===================  */
1394 }
1396 void SL2Z_Make_Poly_UTriang(PolyPointList *P);
AnalyseGorensteinCone(CWS * _CW,PolyPointList * _P,VertexNumList * _V,EqList * _E,int * _codim,Flags * _F)1398 void AnalyseGorensteinCone(CWS *_CW,  PolyPointList *_P, VertexNumList *_V,
1399 			   EqList *_E, int *_codim, Flags * _F){
1400   /* _P should be the Gorenstein-polytope in M - what is called _P_N in
1401      certain other parts of the program                                */
1403   time_t Tstart;
1404   clock_t Cstart;
1405   EPoly EP;
1406   int i, j, k, dim = _P->n - (*_codim * 2) + 1, chi, r=1;
1407   int h[POLY_Dmax][POLY_Dmax] = {{0}, {0}};
1408   PolyPointList *_P_D = (PolyPointList *) malloc(sizeof(PolyPointList));
1409   VertexNumList *_V_D = (VertexNumList *) malloc(sizeof(VertexNumList));
1410   EqList *_E_D =  (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
1411   /* the Gorenstein-polytope in N-lattice and its vertices and equations */
1412   EqList *_new_E_D =  (EqList *) malloc(sizeof(EqList));
1413   /* the equations of _P_D in an order corresponding to the vertices of _P */
1414   PairMat VPM, VPM_D;
1416   if ((_P_D == NULL)||(_V_D == NULL)||(_E_D == NULL)||(_new_E_D == NULL))
1417     Die("Unable to allocate space for _P_D in AnalyseGorensteinCone");
1419   if (POLY_Dmax  < _P->n + 1){/* only relevant if index == 1 */
1420     printf("Please increase POLY_Dmax to at least %d = %d + 1\n",
1421 	   (_P->n + 1), _P->n);
1422     printf("(POLY_Dmax >= dim(cone) = dim(support) + 1 required)\n");
1423     assert(*_codim == 1);
1424     exit(0);}
1425   /* Print_PPL(_P, "_P before sorting");fflush(0); */
1426   Find_Equations(_P,_V,_E);
1427   Make_VEPM(_P, _V, _E, VPM);
1428   Complete_Poly(VPM, _E, _V->nv, _P);
1429   Sort_PPL(_P,_V);
1430   /* Print_PPL(_P, "_P after sorting"); */
1431   /* Print_VL(_P,_V, "_V"); */
1432   /* Print_EL(_E, &_P->n, 0, "_E"); */
1434   /* Create _P_D from the equations of _P:
1435      _P_D is the hull of the generators of the cone dual to the one over _P,
1436      Gorenstein <-> _P_D lies in a plane at distance 1 from the origin,
1437      index = modulus of the last component of the equation of this plane */
1438   _P_D->n = _P->n + 1;
1439   _P_D->np = _E->ne;
1440   for (i=0; i<_P_D->np; i++){
1441     for (j=0; j<_P_D->n; j++)
1442       _P_D->x[i][j] = _E->e[i].a[j];
1443     _P_D->x[i][_P->n] = _E->e[i].c;}
1444   /* Print_PPL(_P_D, "_P_D "); */
1445   Find_Equations(_P_D,_V_D,_E_D);
1446   /* Print_EL(_E_D, &_P_D->n, 0, "_E_D"); */
1447   if (_E_D->ne == 1){
1448     if ((_E_D->e[0].c != 1)&&(_E_D->e[0].c != -1)) r = 0;
1449     else if (abs((int) _E_D->e[0].a[_P->n]) != *_codim){
1450 	printf("Warning: Input has index %d, should be %d!   ",
1451 	       abs(_E_D->e[0].a[_P->n]), *_codim);
1452 	r = 0;}}
1453   else {assert(_E_D->ne > _P_D->n); r = 0;}
1455   Tstart = time(NULL); Cstart = clock(); _F->Test = 0;
1456   for (i = 0; i < _CW->nw; i++) {
1457     fprintf(outFILE, "%d ", (int) _CW->d[i]);
1458     for (j = 0; j < _CW->N; j++)
1459       fprintf(outFILE, "%d ", (int) _CW->W[i][j]);
1460     if (i + 1 < _CW->nw)
1461     fprintf(outFILE, " "); }
1462   fflush(0);
1464   if (r) {
1465     /* shift _P_D into a plane through the origin: */
1466     for (i=0; i<_P_D->np; i++){
1467       for (j=0; j<_P_D->n; j++)
1468 	_P_D->x[i][j] -= _P_D->x[_P_D->np-1][j];}
1469     /* Print_PPL(_P_D, "_P_D before Make_Poly_UTriang");  */
1470     SL2Z_Make_Poly_UTriang(_P_D);
1471     /* Print_PPL(_P_D, "_P_D after Make_Poly_UTriang");  */
1472     _P_D->n--;
1473     for (i=0; i<_P_D->np; i++) assert(_P_D->x[i][_P->n] == 0);
1474     /* Print_PPL(_P_D, "_P_D after reduction"); */
1475     Find_Equations(_P_D,_V_D,_E_D);
1476     /* Print_EL(_E_D, &_P_D->n, 0, "_E_D"); */
1477     Sort_VL(_V_D);
1478     /* Make_VEPM(_P, _V, _E, VPM); */
1479     /* Print_Matrix(VPM, _E->ne, _V->nv, "VPM"); */
1480     Make_VEPM(_P_D, _V_D, _E_D, VPM_D);
1481     /* Print_Matrix(VPM_D, _E_D->ne, _V_D->nv, "VPM_D"); */
1482     Complete_Poly(VPM_D, _E_D, _V_D->nv, _P_D);
1483     /* Print_PPL(_P_D, "_P_D after Complete_Poly"); */
1484     assert(_E_D->ne = _V->nv);
1485     assert(_E->ne = _V_D->nv);
1486     /* Compute _new_E_D->ne by comparing VPM and VPM_D:
1487        if (VPM[j][i] == VPM_D[k][j]) for all j then _new_E_D->e[i] = _E_D[k] */
1488     _new_E_D->ne = _E_D->ne;
1489     for (i=0;i<_V->nv;i++){
1490       for(k=0;k<_V->nv;k++){
1491 	for (j=0;j<_V_D->nv;j++) if (VPM[j][i] != VPM_D[k][j]) break;
1492 	if (j==_V_D->nv) {_new_E_D->e[i] = _E_D->e[k]; break;} }
1493       if (k >= _V->nv){
1494 	printf("k = %d, _V->nv = %d\n", k, _V->nv);
1495 	Print_Matrix(VPM, _E->ne, _V->nv, "VPM");
1496 	Print_Matrix(VPM_D, _E_D->ne, _V_D->nv, "VPM_D");}
1497       assert(k<_V->nv);}
1498     /* Print_EL(_new_E_D, &_P_D->n, 0, "_new_E_D");
1499        Make_VEPM(_P_D, _V_D, _new_E_D, VPM_D);
1500        Print_Matrix(VPM_D, _E_D->ne, _V_D->nv, "VPM_D"); */
1501     if (_F->N){ /* swap M and N  */
1502       PolyPointList *_auxP = _P_D;
1503       VertexNumList *_auxV = _V_D;
1504       EqList *_auxE = _new_E_D;
1505       _P_D = _P; _V_D = _V; _new_E_D = _E;
1506       _P = _auxP; _V = _auxV; _E = _auxE;}
1507     fprintf(outFILE,"M:%d %d ",_P->np,_V->nv);
1508     fprintf(outFILE,"N:%d %d ",_P_D->np,_V_D->nv);
1509     if (!_F->g && !_F->d){
1510       Compute_E_Poly(&EP, _P_D, _V_D, _new_E_D, _P, _V, _E, _codim, _F,
1511 		     &Tstart, &Cstart);
1512       chi =  Make_Mirror(&EP, h, _P_D->n + 1, dim);
1513       fprintf(outFILE, "H:");
1514       for (i = 1; i < dim; i++)
1515 	fprintf(outFILE, "%d ", h[1][i]);
1516       fprintf(outFILE, "[%d]", chi);
1517       for (i = 1; i <=  dim/2; i++)
1518 	if (h[0][i] != 0)
1519 	  fprintf(outFILE, " h%d=%d", i, h[0][i]);
1520       if(h[0][0] != 1) fprintf(outFILE, " h%d=%d", 0, h[0][0]);
1521       puts("");
1522       if (_F->H) PrintDiamond(h, dim);}
1523     else puts("");
1524     if(_F->V)
1525       Print_VL(_P_D, _V_D, "Vertices of support in N:");
1526     if (_F->g) Print_PPL(_P_D, "Points  of support in N:");
1527     if (_F->d) Print_PPL(_P, "Points  of support in M:");
1528     if (_F->t) Time_Info(&Tstart, &Cstart, "");
1529     if (_F->N){ /* revert M-N-swap (necessary because of alloc/free)  */
1530       PolyPointList *_auxP = _P_D;
1531       VertexNumList *_auxV = _V_D;
1532       EqList *_auxE = _new_E_D;
1533       _P_D = _P; _V_D = _V; _new_E_D = _E;
1534       _P = _auxP; _V = _auxV; _E = _auxE;}}
1535   else{
1536     if (_F->N) fprintf(outFILE,"N:%d %d ",_P->np,_V->nv);
1537     else fprintf(outFILE,"M:%d %d ",_P->np,_V->nv);
1538     fprintf(outFILE,"F:%d ",_E->ne);
1539     puts("");
1540     if ((_F->Rv) || ((_F->V)&&(_F->N)))
1541       Print_VL(_P, _V, "Vertices of input polytope:");}
1542   free(_P_D); free(_E_D); free(_V_D); free(_new_E_D);
1543 }