1 #include "Global.h"
2 #include "Rat.h"
rI(Long a)4 Rat  rI(Long a) 			       		      /*  a -> a/1  */
5 {    Rat c; c.N=a; c.D=1; return c;
6 }
rR(Long a,Long b)7 Rat  rR(Long a, Long b)					    /* (a,b) -> a/b */
8 {    Rat c; register Long g=Fgcd(a,b);
9      if( (c.D=(b/g)) < 0 ) {c.D=-c.D; c.N=-a/g;} else c.N=a/g;
10 #ifdef	TEST
11      if(c.D<=0) {Rpr(c); puts(" *** c.D<=0 in rR! ***"); exit(0);}
12 #endif
13      return c;
14 }
irP(Long i,Rat c)15 Rat  irP(Long i, Rat c)					   /* (int) * (Rat) */
16 {    register Long g=Fgcd(i,c.D); if(g < 0) g=-g;
17      c.N *= (i/g); c.D/=g;
18 #ifdef	TEST
19      if(c.D<=0) {Rpr(c); puts(" *** c.D<=0 in irP! ***"); exit(0);}
20 #endif
21      return c;
22 }
rS(Rat a,Rat b)23 Rat  rS(Rat a, Rat b)                                            /*  a + b  */
24 {    Rat c; register Long g=Fgcd(a.D,b.D);
25      g = Fgcd(c.N=a.N*(b.D/g)+b.N*(a.D/g), c.D=a.D*(b.D/g));
26      if(g < 0) g=-g;
27      c.N/=g; c.D/=g; /* LONG in line above ... */
28 #ifdef	TEST
29      if(c.D<=0) {Rpr(c); puts(" *** c.D<=0 in rS! ***"); exit(0);}
30 #endif
31      return c;
32 }
rD(Rat a,Rat b)33 Rat  rD(Rat a, Rat b)                                            /*  a - b  */
34 {    Rat c; register Long g=Fgcd(a.D,b.D);
35      g = Fgcd(c.N=a.N*(b.D/g)-b.N*(a.D/g), c.D=a.D*(b.D/g));
36      if(g < 0) g=-g;
37      c.N/=g; c.D/=g; /* LONG in line above ... */
38 #ifdef	TEST
39      if(c.D<=0) {Rpr(c); puts(" *** c.D<=0 in rD! ***"); exit(0);}
40 #endif
41      return c;
42 }
rP(Rat a,Rat b)43 Rat  rP(Rat a, Rat b)                                            /*  a * b  */
44 {    register Long g=Fgcd(a.N,b.D); register Long h=Fgcd(b.N,a.D);
45      Rat c; c.N=(a.N/g)*(b.N/h);
46      if((c.D=(a.D/h)*(b.D/g)) < 0) {c.D=-c.D; c.N=-c.N;} return c;
47 }
rQ(Rat a,Rat b)48 Rat  rQ(Rat a, Rat b)                                            /*  a / b  */
49 {    register Long g=NNgcd(a.N,b.N); register Long h=Fgcd(b.D,a.D);
50      Rat c; c.N=(a.N/g)*(b.D/h);
51      if((c.D=(a.D/h)*(b.N/g)) < 0) {c.N=-c.N; c.D=-c.D;} return c;
52 }
rC(Rat a,Rat b)53 int  rC(Rat a, Rat b)          /* Compare = [1 / 0 / -1] iff a [gt/eq/lt] b */
54 {    register Long g=Fgcd(a.D,b.D);
55      if((g=a.N*(b.D/g)-b.N*(a.D/g))) {if(g>0) return 1; else return -1;}
56      else return 0;
57 }
Rpr(Rat c)58 void Rpr(Rat c)					/* write "c.N/c.D" -> outFN */
59 {    fprintf(outFILE,"%d/%d",(int) c.N, (int) c.D);
60 }
61 #ifdef	TEST
TEST_Rat()62 void TEST_Rat()
63 {    Rat a, b; int i, j, k, l;
64      puts(" type 4 numbers: "); scanf("%d%d%d%d",&i,&j,&k,&l);
65      Rpr(rS(rR(i,j),rR(k,l))); puts(" i/j + k/l");
66      Rpr(rD(rR(i,j),rR(k,l))); puts(" i/j - k/l");
67 }
68 #endif
69 /*  ==========  	  END of Rational Operations		==========  */
73 /*  ==========		(Extended) Greatest Common Divisor	 =========  */
74 /*
75  *	Fgcd()  computes the GCD for two positive integers (F -> fast)
76  *	NNgcd() computes the non-negative GCD for two arbitrary integers
77  *
78  *	Egcd()  computes the EGCD for two integers
79  *	REgcd() recursively computes the EGCD for a number of integers
80  */
Fgcd(register Long a,register Long b)81 Long Fgcd(register Long a, register Long b)     /* Fast greatest common div */
82 {
83      while( a %= b ) if ( !(b %= a) ) return a;
84      return  b;
85 }
NNgcd(register Long a,register Long b)86 Long NNgcd(register Long a, register Long b)  /* NonNegative gcd handling 0 */
87 {
88      a = (a<0) ? -a:a; b = (b<0) ? -b:b; if (!b) return a;
89      while( a %= b ) if ( !(b %= a) ) return a;
90      return  b;
91 }
92 /*  ==========	Egcd(a,b,*x,*y)=a *x+b *y;  REgcd(Vin, *dim, Vout) = Vin.Vout;
93  *
94  *   a_i+1=a_i-1 % a_i, a_I+1==0  =>  egcd(a_0,a_1)=a_I;    Vout={x_I,y_I}
95  *   a_i==x_ia_0+y_ia_1a_i+1 and a_i+1=a_i-1 -(a_i-1 /a_i)a_i =>
96  *   x_i+1=x_i-1 -(a_i-1 /a_i)x_i with x_0=1; x_1=0;  y_I=(a_I-a_0 x_I)/a_1
97  *									    */
Egcd(register Long A0,register Long A1,Long * Vout0,Long * Vout1)98 Long Egcd(register Long A0, register Long A1, Long *Vout0, Long *Vout1)
99 {    register Long V0=A0, V1=A1, A2, X0=1, X1=0, X2=0;
100      while((A2 = A0 % A1)) { X2=X0-X1*(A0/A1); A0=A1; A1=A2; X0=X1; X1=X2; }
101      *Vout0=X1, *Vout1=(A1-(V0) * X1)/ (V1); return A1;
102 }
103 /*
104  *   g = v0 x0 + ... + v(n-1) x(n-1),	G= A g+ B vn	=>
105  *   G = v0 x0 + ... + vn xn		with xn=B, xi*=A,
106  *									    */
REgcd(Long * Vin,int * _n,Long * Vout)107 Long REgcd(Long *Vin, int *_n, Long *Vout)  /*  recursive Egcd(a_1,...,a_n)  */
108 {    Long Ain[2], Aout[2], gcd; int N=*_n-1, i;
109      if (*_n==2) return Egcd(*Vin,(Vin[1]),Vout,&(Vout[1]));
110      *Ain=REgcd(Vin,&N,Vout); Ain[1]=Vin[N]; 	gcd=
111 	Egcd(*Ain,(Ain[1]),Aout,&(Aout[1]));	Vout[N]=Aout[1];
112      for(i=0; i<N; i++) Vout[i] *= (*Aout);
113      return gcd;
114 }
115 /*  ==========	   END of (Extended) Greatest Common Divisor	 =========  */
118 /*  ==========	 GLZ-matrix=(Egcd, B_1, B_2, ...) E.W=g, B.W=0	 =========  */
119 /*
120  *   assumes W[i]!=0, lines 1 thru d-1 are lower triangular and		    *
121  *   their diagonal entries are positive if all W[i] are positive.	    *
122  *   GLZ has to be an initialized list of pointers. 	 returns gcd(W_i)   *
123  *									    */
FloorQ(Long N,Long D)124 Long FloorQ(Long N,Long D)				/*  F <= N/D < F+1  */
125 {    Long F; if(D<0) {D=-D; N=-N;} F=N/D; return (F*D>N) ? F-1 : F;
126 }
CeilQ(Long N,Long D)127 Long CeilQ(Long N,Long D) { return -FloorQ(-N,D); }
RoundQ(Long N,Long D)128 Long RoundQ(Long N,Long D)
129 {    Long F; if(D<0) {D=-D; N=-N;} F=N/D; return F+(2*(N-F*D))/D;
130 }
W_to_GLZ(Long * W,int * d,Long ** GLZ)131 Long W_to_GLZ(Long *W, int *d, Long **GLZ)
132 {    int i, j; Long G, *E=*GLZ, *B=GLZ[1]; for(i=0;i<*d;i++) assert(W[i]!=0);
133      for(i=1;i<*d;i++)for(j=0;j<*d;j++)GLZ[i][j]=0;
134      G=Egcd(W[0],W[1],&E[0],&E[1]); B[0]=-W[1]/G; B[1]=W[0]/G;
135      for(i=2;i<*d;i++)
136      {  Long a, b, g=Egcd(G,W[i],&a,&b); B=GLZ[i];
137         B[i]= G/g; G=W[i]/g; for(j=0;j<i;j++) B[j]=-E[j]*G;  /* B=Base-Line */
138         for(j=0;j<i;j++) E[j]*=a;
139 	E[j]=b;                     /* next Egcd */
140         for(j=i-1;0<j;j--)                         /* I M P R O V E M E N T */
141 	{   int n; Long *Y=GLZ[j], rB=RoundQ(B[j],Y[j]), rE=RoundQ(E[j],Y[j]);
142 	/*  rB=CeilQ(B[j],Y[j]), rE=CeilQ(E[j],Y[j]);			*/
143 	/*  printf(" [%d/%d -> %d] ",(int)B[j],(int)Y[j],(int)rB);
144 	    printf(" [%d/%d -> %d] ",(int)E[j],(int)Y[j],(int)rE); 	*/
145             for(n=0;n<=j;n++) { B[n] -= rB*Y[n]; E[n] -= rE*Y[n]; }
146 	}   G=g;
147      }
148      return G;
149 }
150 /*   Map Permutations: Do "ArgFun" for all permutations pi of *d elements */
151 #ifdef	__cplusplus
152 #define ARG_FUN		void (*ArgFun)(int *d,int *pi,int *pinv,void *info)
153 #else
154 #define	ARG_FUN 	void ( ArgFun() )
155 #endif
Map_Permut(int * d,int * pi,int * pinv,ARG_FUN,void * AuxPtr)156 void Map_Permut(int *d,int *pi,int *pinv,ARG_FUN,void *AuxPtr)
157 {    int i, j, n_rem_perm, n_perm=1, a, b, perm_j;
158      for (i=1;i<=*d;i++) n_perm*=i;
159      for (i=0;i<n_perm;i++)
160      {	b=i; n_rem_perm=n_perm; for (j=0;j<*d;j++) pinv[j]=-1;
161 	for (j=*d;j>0;j--)
162 	{   n_rem_perm/=j; a=b/n_rem_perm; b=b%n_rem_perm; perm_j=*d;
163 	    while (a>=0) { perm_j--; if (pinv[perm_j]<0) a--;}
164 	    pi[j-1]=perm_j; pinv[perm_j]=j-1;
165 	}   (ArgFun)(d,pi,pinv,AuxPtr);
166      }
167 }
168 /*  ==========	   END of GLZ-matrix=(Egcd, B_1, B_2, ...)	 =========  */
LrI(LLong a)173 LRat  LrI(LLong a) 			       		      /*  a -> a/1  */
174 {    LRat c; c.N=a; c.D=1; return c;
175 }
LrR(LLong a,LLong b)176 LRat  LrR(LLong a, LLong b)					    /* (a,b) -> a/b */
177 {    LRat c; register LLong g=LFgcd(a,b);
178      if( (c.D=(b/g)) < 0 ) {c.D=-c.D; c.N=-a/g;} else c.N=a/g;
179 #ifdef	TEST
180      if(c.D<=0) {LRpr(c); puts(" *** c.D<=0 in rR! ***"); exit(0);}
181 #endif
182      return c;
183 }
LirP(LLong i,LRat c)184 LRat  LirP(LLong i, LRat c)					   /* (int) * (LRat) */
185 {    register LLong g=LFgcd(i,c.D); if(g < 0) g=-g;
186      c.N *= (i/g); c.D/=g;
187 #ifdef	TEST
188      if(c.D<=0) {LRpr(c); puts(" *** c.D<=0 in irP! ***"); exit(0);}
189 #endif
190      return c;
191 }
LrS(LRat a,LRat b)192 LRat  LrS(LRat a, LRat b)                                            /*  a + b  */
193 {    LRat c; register LLong g=LFgcd(a.D,b.D);
194      g = LFgcd(c.N=a.N*(b.D/g)+b.N*(a.D/g), c.D=a.D*(b.D/g));
195      if(g < 0) g=-g;
196      c.N/=g; c.D/=g; /* LLong in line above ... */
197 #ifdef	TEST
198      if(c.D<=0) {LRpr(c); puts(" *** c.D<=0 in rS! ***"); exit(0);}
199 #endif
200      return c;
201 }
LrD(LRat a,LRat b)202 LRat  LrD(LRat a, LRat b)                                            /*  a - b  */
203 {    LRat c; register LLong g=LFgcd(a.D,b.D);
204      g = LFgcd(c.N=a.N*(b.D/g)-b.N*(a.D/g), c.D=a.D*(b.D/g));
205      if(g < 0) g=-g;
206      c.N/=g; c.D/=g; /* LLong in line above ... */
207 #ifdef	TEST
208      if(c.D<=0) {LRpr(c); puts(" *** c.D<=0 in rD! ***"); exit(0);}
209 #endif
210      return c;
211 }
LrP(LRat a,LRat b)212 LRat  LrP(LRat a, LRat b)                                            /*  a * b  */
213 {    register LLong g=LFgcd(a.N,b.D); register LLong h=LFgcd(b.N,a.D);
214      LRat c; c.N=(a.N/g)*(b.N/h);
215      if((c.D=(a.D/h)*(b.D/g)) < 0) {c.D=-c.D; c.N=-c.N;} return c;
216 }
LrQ(LRat a,LRat b)217 LRat  LrQ(LRat a, LRat b)                                            /*  a / b  */
218 {    register LLong g=LNNgcd(a.N,b.N); register LLong h=LFgcd(b.D,a.D);
219      LRat c; c.N=(a.N/g)*(b.D/h);
220      if((c.D=(a.D/h)*(b.N/g)) < 0) {c.N=-c.N; c.D=-c.D;} return c;
221 }
LrC(LRat a,LRat b)222 int  LrC(LRat a, LRat b)          /* Compare = [1 / 0 / -1] iff a [gt/eq/lt] b */
223 {    register LLong g=LFgcd(a.D,b.D);
224      if((g=a.N*(b.D/g)-b.N*(a.D/g))) {if(g>0) return 1; else return -1;}
225      else return 0;
226 }
LRpr(LRat c)227 void LRpr(LRat c)					/* write "c.N/c.D" -> outFN */
228 {    fprintf(outFILE,"%lld/%lld",(LLong) c.N, (LLong) c.D);
229 }
230 #ifdef	TEST
TEST_LRat()231 void TEST_LRat()
232 {    LRat a, b; int i, j, k, l;
233      puts(" type 4 numbers: "); scanf("%d%d%d%d",&i,&j,&k,&l);
234      LRpr(LrS(rR(i,j),LrR(k,l))); puts(" i/j + k/l");
235      LRpr(LrD(LrR(i,j),LrR(k,l))); puts(" i/j - k/l");
236 }
237 #endif
238 /*  ==========  	  END of LRational OpeLRations		==========  */
242 /*  ==========		(Extended) Greatest Common Divisor	 =========  */
243 /*
244  *	LFgcd()  computes the GCD for two positive integers (F -> fast)
245  *	LNNgcd() computes the non-negative GCD for two arbitrary integers
246  *
247  *	LEgcd()  computes the LEgcd for two integers
248  *	LREgcd() recursively computes the LEgcd for a number of integers
249  */
LFgcd(register LLong a,register LLong b)250 LLong LFgcd(register LLong a, register LLong b)     /* Fast greatest common div */
251 {
252      while( a %= b ) if ( !(b %= a) ) return a;
253      return  b;
254 }
LNNgcd(register LLong a,register LLong b)255 LLong LNNgcd(register LLong a, register LLong b)  /* NonNegative gcd handling 0 */
256 {
257      a = (a<0) ? -a:a; b = (b<0) ? -b:b; if (!b) return a;
258      while( a %= b ) if ( !(b %= a) ) return a;
259      return  b;
260 }
261 /*  ==========	LEgcd(a,b,*x,*y)=a *x+b *y; LREgcd(Vin, *dim, Vout) = Vin.Vout;
262  *
263  *   a_i+1=a_i-1 % a_i, a_I+1==0  =>  LEgcd(a_0,a_1)=a_I;    Vout={x_I,y_I}
264  *   a_i==x_ia_0+y_ia_1a_i+1 and a_i+1=a_i-1 -(a_i-1 /a_i)a_i =>
265  *   x_i+1=x_i-1 -(a_i-1 /a_i)x_i with x_0=1; x_1=0;  y_I=(a_I-a_0 x_I)/a_1
266  *									    */
LEgcd(register LLong A0,register LLong A1,LLong * Vout0,LLong * Vout1)267 LLong LEgcd(register LLong A0, register LLong A1, LLong *Vout0, LLong *Vout1)
268 {    register LLong V0=A0, V1=A1, A2, X0=1, X1=0, X2=0;
269      while((A2 = A0 % A1)) { X2=X0-X1*(A0/A1); A0=A1; A1=A2; X0=X1; X1=X2; }
270      *Vout0=X1, *Vout1=(A1-(V0) * X1)/ (V1); return A1;
271 }
272 /*
273  *   g = v0 x0 + ... + v(n-1) x(n-1),	G= A g+ B vn	=>
274  *   G = v0 x0 + ... + vn xn		with xn=B, xi*=A,
275  *									    */
LREgcd(LLong * Vin,int * _n,LLong * Vout)276 LLong LREgcd(LLong *Vin, int *_n, LLong *Vout)  /*  recursive LEgcd(a_1,...,a_n)  */
277 {    LLong Ain[2], Aout[2], gcd; int N=*_n-1, i;
278      if (*_n==2) return LEgcd(*Vin,(Vin[1]),Vout,&(Vout[1]));
279      *Ain=LREgcd(Vin,&N,Vout); Ain[1]=Vin[N]; 	gcd=
280 	LEgcd(*Ain,(Ain[1]),Aout,&(Aout[1]));	Vout[N]=Aout[1];
281      for(i=0; i<N; i++) Vout[i] *= (*Aout);
282      return gcd;
283 }
284 /*  ==========	   END of (Extended) Greatest Common Divisor	 =========  */