1Function: plotrecth
2Section: graphic
3C-Name: plotrecth0
4Wrapper: (,,,G)
6  (small,gen,gen,gen,?small,?small):gen:prec plotrecth(${4 cookie}, ${4 wrapper}, $1, $2, $3, $5, $6, $prec)
7Prototype: LV=GGED0,M,D0,L,p\nParametric|1; Recursive|2; no_Rescale|4; no_X_axis|8; no_Y_axis|16; no_Frame|32; no_Lines|64; Points_too|128; Splines|256; no_X_ticks|512; no_Y_ticks|1024; Same_ticks|2048; Complex|4096
8Help: plotrecth(w,X=a,b,expr,{flag=0},{n=0}):
9 writes to rectwindow w the curve output of
10 ploth(w,X=a,b,expr,flag,n). Returns a vector for the bounding box.
11Doc: writes to rectwindow $w$ the curve output of
12 \kbd{ploth}$(w,X=a,b,\var{expr},\fl,n)$. Returns a vector for the bounding box.
14 %\syn{NO}