1 /* Copyright (c) 1997-2021
2    Ewgenij Gawrilow, Michael Joswig, and the polymake team
3    Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
4    https://polymake.org
6    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
8    Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
9    later version: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt.
11    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14    GNU General Public License for more details.
15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 */
18 #include "polymake/client.h"
19 #include "polymake/Integer.h"
20 #include "polymake/topaz/multi_associahedron_sphere.h"
22 namespace polymake { namespace topaz {
24 using namespace multi_associahedron_sphere_utils;
26 BigObject
27 multi_associahedron_sphere(Int n, Int k, OptionSet options)
28 {
29    const Int
30       m  (n*(n-1)/2-n*k), // the number of vertices = relevant diagonals
31       nu (n-2*k-1),       // the complexity measure
32       dim(k*nu-1);        // the dimension of the sphere
34    const bool no_facets    = options["no_facets"];
35    const bool no_crossings = options["no_crossings"];
exchangePath(const graph::ShrinkingLattice<graph::lattice::BasicDecoration> & M,MorseEdgeMap & EM,const Array<Int> & p,Int u,Int v,Int & size)36 
37    if (k<=0) throw std::runtime_error("multi_associahedron_sphere: require k>=1");
38    if (m<=0) throw std::runtime_error("multi_associahedron_sphere: require (n choose 2) > n*k");
39    assert(n>=3);
41    DiagonalIndex index_of;
42    DiagonalList diagonals; diagonals.reserve(m);
43    DiagonalLabels labels; labels.reserve(m);
44    prepare_diagonal_data(n, k, index_of, diagonals, labels);
45    assert(index_of.size() == size_t(m));
47    BigObject ind_Aut("group::Group");
48    BigObject induced_action("group::PermutationAction");
49    Array<Array<Int>> igens;
51    if (nu > 1) {
52       BigObject Aut = group::dihedral_group(2*n);
53       const Array<Array<Int>> gens = Aut.give("PERMUTATION_ACTION.GENERATORS");
54       igens = induced_action_gens_impl(gens, diagonals, index_of);
56       induced_action.set_description("action of D_" + std::to_string(2*n)
57                                      + " on the vertices of the simplicial complex, induced by the action of D_"
58                                      + std::to_string(2*n) + " on the vertices of the polygon");
60       const group::ConjugacyClassReps<> class_reps = Aut.give("PERMUTATION_ACTION.CONJUGACY_CLASS_REPRESENTATIVES");
61       group::ConjugacyClassReps<> induced_ccr(class_reps.size());
62       auto iicr_it = entire(induced_ccr);
checkAcyclicDFS(const graph::ShrinkingLattice<graph::lattice::BasicDecoration> & M,const MorseEdgeMap & EM,Array<Int> & marked,Int v,bool lower,Int base)63       for (const auto& r: class_reps) {
64          *iicr_it = induced_gen(r, diagonals, index_of);
65          ++iicr_it;
66       }
67       induced_action.take("CONJUGACY_CLASS_REPRESENTATIVES") << induced_ccr;
68       ind_Aut.take("CHARACTER_TABLE") << group::dn_character_table(2*n);
69       ind_Aut.take("ORDER") << 2*n;
70    } else {
71       induced_action.set_description("action of S" + std::to_string(m)
72                                      + " on the vertices of the simplicial complex, induced by the action of D_"
73                                      + std::to_string(2*n) + " on the vertices of the polygon");
74       igens = group::symmetric_group_gens(m);
75       if (m<8) {
76          induced_action.take("CONJUGACY_CLASS_REPRESENTATIVES") << group::sn_reps(m);
77          ind_Aut.take("CHARACTER_TABLE") << group::sn_character_table(m);
78       }
79       ind_Aut.take("ORDER") << Integer::fac(m);
80    }
82    induced_action.take("GENERATORS") << igens;
83    ind_Aut.take("PERMUTATION_ACTION") << induced_action;
85    hash_set<Set<Int>> lower_rep_level, k_plus_1_crossings;
87    if (!no_crossings || !no_facets) {
88       // accumulate all k-cliques, to prepare for calculating the (k+1)-crossings and the f-vector
89       for (auto cit = entire(all_subsets_of_k(sequence(0,m), k)); !cit.at_end(); ++cit)
90          lower_rep_level += *cit;
91    }
93    if (!no_crossings) {
94       // now calculate the (k+1)-crossings
95       for (const auto& c : lower_rep_level)
96          for (Int d_index = 0; d_index < m; ++d_index)
97             if (!c.contains(d_index) && contains_new_k_plus_1_crossing(d_index, k, c, diagonals))
98                k_plus_1_crossings += group::unordered_orbit<group::on_container>(igens, Set<Int>(c+d_index));
99    }
101    Array<Int> f_vector(dim+1);
103    if (!no_facets) {
104       // the complex is k-neighborly, so we know part of the f-vector
105       auto fvec_it = f_vector.begin();
106       *fvec_it++ = m;
107       for (Int kk = 2; kk <= k; ++kk)
108          *fvec_it++ = Int(Integer::binom(m,kk));
110       // build up the face lattice in layers, starting from representatives of the k-cliques
111       for (Int n_vertices = k+1; n_vertices <= dim+1; ++n_vertices) {
112          hash_set<Set<Int>> upper_rep_level;
113          for (const auto& c : lower_rep_level)
114             for (Int d_index = 0; d_index < m; ++d_index)
115                if (!c.contains(d_index) && !contains_new_k_plus_1_crossing(d_index, k, c, diagonals))
116                   upper_rep_level += group::unordered_orbit<group::on_container>(igens, Set<Int>(c+d_index));
118          *fvec_it++ = upper_rep_level.size();
119          lower_rep_level = upper_rep_level;
120       }
121    }
123    BigObject s("SimplicialComplex");
124    s.set_description() << "Simplicial complex of " << k << "-triangulations of a convex " << n << "-gon" << endl;
125    s.take("N_VERTICES") << m;
126    s.take("VERTEX_LABELS") << labels;
127    s.take("DIM") << dim;
128    s.take("PURE") << true;
129    s.take("SPHERE") << true;
130    s.take("GROUP") << ind_Aut;
132    if (!no_crossings) {
133       s.attach("K_PLUS_1_CROSSINGS") << Set<Set<Int>>(entire(k_plus_1_crossings));
134    }
136    if (!no_facets) {
137       s.take("FACETS") << Set<Set<Int>>(entire(lower_rep_level));
findMaximumForest(const Graph<Undirected> & G,const EdgeMap<Undirected,Int> & EM,Array<Int> & p,Array<Int> & visited)138       s.take("F_VECTOR") << f_vector;
139    }
141    return s;
142 }
144 UserFunction4perl("# @category Producing from scratch"
145                   "# Produce the simplicial sphere //Δ(n,k)// of (//k//+1)-crossing free multitriangulations"
146                   "# of an //n//-gon //P//, along with the group action on the diagonals induced from //D//_{2//n//}."
147                   "# //Δ(n,k)// is the simplicial complex on the set of relevant diagonals of //P// whose faces are those sets"
148                   "# of diagonals such that no //k//+1 of them mutually cross. A diagonal is //relevant// if it leaves"
149                   "# //k// or more vertices of //P// on both sides. (Any diagonal having less than //k// vertices on one"
150                   "# side trivially cannot participate in a (//k//+1)-crossing, so is //irrelevant//. The corresponding"
151                   "# complex on //all// diagonals is therefore the simplicial join of this one with the simplex of irrelevant"
152                   "# diagonals.)"
153                   "# \t Jakob Jonsson, \"Generalized triangulations and diagonal-free subsets of stack polyominoes\","
154                   "# \t J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 112(1):117–142, 2005"
155                   "# //Δ(n,k)// is known to be a //k//-neighborly vertex-decomposable sphere of dimension //k//ν-1,"
156                   "# where the parameter ν=//n//-2//k//-1 measures the complexity of this construction."
157                   "# For ν=0, the complex is a point; for ν=1 a //k//-simplex; for ν=2 the boundary of a cyclic polytope."
158                   "# Setting //k//=1 yields the boundary of the simplicial associahedron."
159                   "# The list of (//k//+1)-crossings in the //n//-gon is included as the attachment K_PLUS_1_CROSSINGS. It can"
160                   "# also be obtained as the property MINIMAL_NON_FACES, but this requires the HASSE_DIAGRAM to be computed."
161                   "# @param Int n the number of vertices of the polygon"
162                   "# @param Int k the number of diagonals that are allowed to mutually cross"
163                   "# @option Bool no_facets don't calculate the facets (for large examples)? Default 0"
164                   "# @option Bool no_crossings don't calculate the crossings? Default 0"
165                   "# @return SimplicialComplex"
166                   "# @example The f-vector of Δ(9,3) is that of a neighborly polytope, since ν=2:"
167                   "# > print multi_associahedron_sphere(9,3)->F_VECTOR;"
168                   "# | 9 36 84 117 90 30"
169                   "# @example The option no_facets=>1 still leaves useful information:"
170                   "# > $s = multi_associahedron_sphere(8,2, no_facets=>1);"
171                   "# > print $s->VERTEX_LABELS;"
172                   "# | (0 3) (1 4) (2 5) (3 6) (4 7) (0 5) (1 6) (2 7) (0 4) (1 5) (2 6) (3 7)"
173                   "# > print $s->GROUP->PERMUTATION_ACTION->GENERATORS;"
174                   "# | 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 8 9 10"
175                   "# | 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 11 10 9 8"
176                   "# > print $s->get_attachment(\"K_PLUS_1_CROSSINGS\")->size();"
177                   "# | 28"
178                   ,
179                   &multi_associahedron_sphere,
180                   "multi_associahedron_sphere($$ { no_facets=>0, no_crossings=>0 })");
182 } }
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