1 /*
2 	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
3 	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
4 	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
5 	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7 	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 	GNU General Public License for more details.
12 	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
14 	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
15 	Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
17 	---
18 	Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015, Simon Hampe <simon.hampe@googlemail.com>
20 	---
21 	Copyright (c) 2016-2021
22 	Ewgenij Gawrilow, Michael Joswig, and the polymake team
23 	Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
24 	https://polymake.org
26 	This file contains a function to compute the coarsest polyhedral structure of a
27 	tropical variety
28 	*/
30 #include "polymake/client.h"
31 #include "polymake/Matrix.h"
32 #include "polymake/Rational.h"
33 #include "polymake/Vector.h"
34 #include "polymake/IncidenceMatrix.h"
35 #include "polymake/linalg.h"
36 #include "polymake/tropical/thomog.h"
37 #include "polymake/polytope/convex_hull.h"
38 #include "polymake/vector"
40 namespace polymake { namespace tropical {
42 /**
43  * @brief Takes a polyhedron in its V-description and tests whether it fulfills a given inequality
44  * @param Matrix<Rational> rays The rays/vertices of the polyhedron
45  * @param Matrix<Rational> linspace The lineality space generators of the polyhedron
46  * @param Vector<Rational> facet The inequality, in standard polymake format. Note that all three should be given in the same format, i.e. in homog. or non-homog. coordinates.
47  * @return True, if the polyhedron fulfills the inequality; false otherwise.
48  */
coneInHalfspace(const Matrix<Rational> & rays,const Matrix<Rational> & linspace,const Vector<Rational> & facet)49 bool coneInHalfspace(const Matrix<Rational>& rays, const Matrix<Rational>& linspace,
50                      const Vector<Rational>& facet)
51 {
52   Matrix<Rational> allgenerators = rays / linspace;
53   Vector<Rational> product = allgenerators * facet;
54   for (Int i = 0; i < product.dim(); ++i) {
55     if (product[i] < 0) return false;
56   }
57   return true;
58 }
60 // Documentation see perl wrapper
61 template <typename Addition>
coarsen(BigObject complex,bool testFan=false)62 BigObject coarsen(BigObject complex, bool testFan = false)
63 {
64   // Extract values
65   Matrix<Rational> rays = complex.give("VERTICES");
66   rays = tdehomog(rays);
67   Matrix<Rational> linspace = complex.give("LINEALITY_SPACE");
68   linspace = tdehomog(linspace);
69   Int cmplx_dim = complex.give("PROJECTIVE_DIM");
70   Int cmplx_ambient_dim = complex.give("PROJECTIVE_AMBIENT_DIM");
71   bool weights_exist = false;
72   Vector<Integer> weights;
73   if (complex.lookup("WEIGHTS") >> weights) {
74     weights_exist = true;
75   }
76   IncidenceMatrix<> maximalCones = complex.give("MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES");
77   IncidenceMatrix<> codimOneCones = complex.give("CODIMENSION_ONE_POLYTOPES");
78   IncidenceMatrix<> codimInMaximal = complex.give("MAXIMAL_AT_CODIM_ONE");
79   IncidenceMatrix<> maximalOverCodim = T(codimInMaximal);
80   Int noOfCones = maximalCones.rows();
82   // For fan testing, we need the equations of all non-twovalent codimension one faces
83   Vector<Matrix<Rational>> codimOneEquations(codimOneCones.rows());
84   Set<Int> highervalentCodim;
85   for (Int cd = 0; cd < codimOneCones.rows(); ++cd) {
86     if (codimInMaximal.row(cd).size() > 2) {
87       codimOneEquations[cd] = null_space( rays.minor(codimOneCones.row(cd),All) / linspace);
88       highervalentCodim += cd;
89     } //END only for >2-valent
90   } //END compute codim one cone equations.
92   // If the fan has no rays, it has only lineality space and we return the complex itself
93   if (rays.rows() == 0)  return complex;
95   // If the fan has no codim 1 faces, it must be 0- dimensional or a lineality space and we return
96   // the complex itself
97   if (codimOneCones.rows() == 0) return complex;
99   // Compute equivalence classes of maximal cones
100   std::vector<Set<Int>> equivalenceClasses;
101   std::vector<bool> hasBeenAdded(noOfCones); //contains whether a cone has been added to an equivalence class
103   for (Int mc = 0; mc < noOfCones; ++mc) {
104     if (!hasBeenAdded[mc]) {
105       equivalenceClasses.push_back(Set<Int>{ mc });
106       // Do a breadth-first search for all other cones in the component
107       std::list<Int> queue;
108       queue.push_back(mc);
109       // Semantics: Elements in that queue have been added but their neighbours might not
110       while (!queue.empty()) {
111         // Take the first element and find its neighbours
112         Int node = queue.front();
113         queue.pop_front();
114         Set<Int> cdset = maximalOverCodim.row(node);
115         for (auto cd = entire(cdset); !cd.at_end(); ++cd) {
116           Set<Int> otherMaximals = codimInMaximal.row(*cd) - node;
117           // We are only interested in codim-one-faces that have exactly two adjacent maximal cones
118           if (otherMaximals.size() == 1) {
119             Int othermc = *(otherMaximals.begin());
120             if (!hasBeenAdded[othermc]) {
121               // Now add the cone to the equivalence class of mc
122               equivalenceClasses.back() += othermc;
123               queue.push_back(othermc);
124               hasBeenAdded[othermc] = true;
125             }
126           }
127         }
128       } //End iterate queue
129     }
130   } //END iterate maximal cones
132   /* Test equivalence classes for convexit:
133      An equivalence class S = (s1,...,sr) is convex, iff it fulfills the following criterion: Let T be the set of all outer (i.e. not two-valent) codim one facets and write f_t >= a_t for the corresponding facet inequality. Then for each pair t,t' in T the polyhedron t must fulfill the inequality f_t' >= a_t'.
134   */
135   if (testFan) {
136     // Check each equivalence class
137     for (const auto& conesInClass : equivalenceClasses) {
138       // First, we compute the equation of the subdivision class
139       Matrix<Rational> classEquation =
140         null_space(rays.minor(maximalCones.row(*(conesInClass.begin())), All) / linspace);
141       // Compute all outer codim one faces and their facet inequality;
142       Set<Int> outerFacets;
143       Map<Int, Vector<Rational>> facetInequality;
144       for (auto mc = entire(conesInClass); !mc.at_end(); ++mc) {
145         Set<Int> outerCodimInMc = maximalOverCodim.row(*mc) * highervalentCodim;
146         outerFacets += outerCodimInMc;
147         for (auto fct = entire(outerCodimInMc); !fct.at_end(); ++fct) {
148           // Find the one equation of fct that is not an equation of the class
149           for (Int r = 0; r < codimOneEquations[*fct].rows(); ++r) {
150             if (rank(classEquation / codimOneEquations[*fct].row(r)) > cmplx_ambient_dim - cmplx_dim) {
151               // Find the right sign and save the inequality
152               Int additionalRay = *( (maximalCones.row(*mc) - codimOneCones.row(*fct)).begin());
153               facetInequality[*fct] = codimOneEquations[*fct].row(r);
154               if (facetInequality[*fct] * rays.row(additionalRay) < 0) {
155                 facetInequality[*fct] = - facetInequality[*fct];
156               }
157               break;
158             }
159           } //END iterate equations of fct
160         } //END iterate all outer facets of the cone
161       } //END iterate all maximal cones in the class
163       // Now go through all pairs of outer facets
164       for (const Int out1 : outerFacets) {
165         for (const Int out2 : outerFacets - out1) {
166           // Check if out2 fulfills the facet inequality of out1
167           if (!coneInHalfspace(rays.minor(codimOneCones.row(out2),All), linspace, facetInequality[out1])) {
168             throw std::runtime_error("The equivalence classes are not convex. There is no coarsest structure.");
169           }
170         } //END iterate second facet.
171       } //END iterate first facet
172     } //END iterate classes
173   } //END test convexity of equivalence classes
175   // Now compute the new cones as unions of the cones in each equivalence class
176   Matrix<Rational> newlin;
177   Int newlindim = 0;
178   bool newlin_computed = false;
179   Vector<Set<Int>> newcones;
180   Vector<Integer> newweights;
181   Matrix<Rational> complete_matrix = rays / linspace;
182   Set<Int> used_rays;
184   for (const auto& conesInClass : equivalenceClasses) {
185     Matrix<Rational> union_rays(0, rays.cols());
186     Vector<Int> union_ray_list;
187     for (auto mc = entire(conesInClass); !mc.at_end(); ++mc) {
188       union_rays /= rays.minor(maximalCones.row(*mc),All);
189       union_ray_list |= Vector<Int>(maximalCones.row(*mc));
190     }
192     const auto union_cone = polytope::get_non_redundant_points(union_rays, linspace, true);
194     // If we need to test fan-ness, we need to check if different classes have different lin. spaces
195     if (testFan && newlin_computed) {
196       Matrix<Rational> otherlin = (union_rays / linspace).minor(union_cone.second, All);
197       if (newlindim != rank(otherlin)) {
198         throw std::runtime_error("Different classes have different lineality spaces. There is no coarsest structure.");
199       } else if (rank(newlin / otherlin) > rank(newlin)) {
200         throw std::runtime_error("Different classes have different lineality spaces. There is no coarsest structure.");
201       }
202     } //END check equality of lineality spaces.
204     if (!newlin_computed) {
205       newlin = (union_rays / linspace).minor(union_cone.second, All);
206       if (testFan) newlindim = rank(newlin);
207       newlin_computed = true;
208     }
210     // Convert indices of rays in union_rays to indices in rays
211     Set<Int> ray_set(union_ray_list.slice(union_cone.first));
213     newcones |= ray_set;
214     used_rays += ray_set;
215     if (weights_exist) newweights |= weights[*(conesInClass.begin())];
216   }
218   // Some rays might become equal (modulo lineality space) when coarsening, so we have to clean up
219   Map<Int, Int> ray_index_conversion;
220   Int next_index = 0;
221   Matrix<Rational> final_rays(0, complete_matrix.cols());
222   Int linrank = rank(newlin);
224   for (const Int r1 : used_rays) {
225     if (!keys(ray_index_conversion).contains(r1)) {
226       ray_index_conversion[r1] = next_index;
227       final_rays /= complete_matrix.row(r1);
229       for (const Int r2 : used_rays) {
230         if (!keys(ray_index_conversion).contains(r2)) {
231           // Check if both rays are equal mod lineality space
232           Vector<Rational> diff_vector = complete_matrix.row(r1) - complete_matrix.row(r2);
233           if (rank(newlin / diff_vector) == linrank) {
234             ray_index_conversion[r2] = next_index;
235           }
236         } //END if second not mapped yet
237       } //END iterate second ray index
238       ++next_index;
239     } //END if first not mapped yet
240   } //END iterate first ray index
242   // Now convert the cones
243   for (Int nc = 0; nc < newcones.dim(); ++nc) {
244     newcones[nc] = Set<Int>{ ray_index_conversion.map(newcones[nc]) };
245   }
247   // Produce final result
248   BigObject result("Cycle", mlist<Addition>());
249   result.take("VERTICES") << thomog(final_rays);
250   result.take("MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES") << newcones;
251   result.take("LINEALITY_SPACE") << thomog(newlin);
252   if (weights_exist) {
253     result.take("WEIGHTS") << newweights;
254   }
256   return result;
257 }
259 UserFunctionTemplate4perl("# @category Basic polyhedral operations"
260                           "# Takes a tropical variety on which a coarsest polyhedral structure exists"
261                           "# and computes this structure."
262                           "# @param Cycle<Addition> complex A tropical variety which has a unique "
263                           "# coarsest polyhedral structure "
264                           "# @param Bool testFan (Optional, FALSE by default). Whether the algorithm should perform some consistency "
265                           "# checks on the result. If true, it will check the following: "
266                           "# - That equivalence classes of cones have convex support"
267                           "# - That all equivalence classes have the same lineality space"
268                           "# If any condition is violated, the algorithm throws an exception"
269                           "# Note that it does not check whether equivalence classes form a fan"
270                           "# This can be done via [[fan::check_fan]] afterwards, but it is potentially slow."
271                           "# @return Cycle<Addition> The corresponding coarse complex. Throws an "
272                           "# exception if testFan = True and consistency checks fail.",
273                           "coarsen<Addition>(Cycle<Addition>; $=0)");
274 } }