1import math
3from mpmath.libmp import sqrtrem as mpmath_sqrtrem
5from ..logic import true
6from ..utilities import sift
7from .add import Add
8from .cache import cacheit
9from .compatibility import as_int
10from .evalf import PrecisionExhausted
11from .evaluate import global_evaluate
12from .expr import Expr
13from .function import (_coeff_isneg, expand_complex, expand_mul,
14                       expand_multinomial)
15from .logic import fuzzy_or
16from .mul import Mul, _keep_coeff
17from .numbers import E, I, Integer, Rational, nan, oo, pi, zoo
18from .singleton import S
19from .symbol import Dummy, symbols
20from .sympify import sympify
23def integer_nthroot(y, n):
24    """
25    Return a tuple containing x = floor(y**(1/n))
26    and a boolean indicating whether the result is exact (that is,
27    whether x**n == y).
29    >>> integer_nthroot(16, 2)
30    (4, True)
31    >>> integer_nthroot(26, 2)
32    (5, False)
34    """
35    y, n = int(y), int(n)
36    if y < 0:
37        raise ValueError('y must be nonnegative')
38    if n < 1:
39        raise ValueError('n must be positive')
40    if y in (0, 1):
41        return y, True
42    if n == 1:
43        return y, True
44    if n == 2:
45        x, rem = mpmath_sqrtrem(y)
46        return int(x), not rem
47    if n > y:
48        return 1, False
49    # Get initial estimate for Newton's method. Care must be taken to
50    # avoid overflow
51    try:
52        guess = int(y**(1./n) + 0.5)
53    except OverflowError:
54        exp = math.log(y, 2)/n
55        if exp > 53:
56            shift = int(exp - 53)
57            guess = int(2.0**(exp - shift) + 1) << shift
58        else:
59            guess = int(2.0**exp)
60    if guess > 2**50:
61        # Newton iteration
62        xprev, x = -1, guess
63        while 1:
64            t = x**(n - 1)
65            xprev, x = x, ((n - 1)*x + y//t)//n
66            if abs(x - xprev) < 2:
67                break
68    else:
69        x = guess
70    # Compensate
71    t = x**n
72    while t < y:
73        x += 1
74        t = x**n
75    while t > y:
76        x -= 1
77        t = x**n
78    return x, t == y
81class Pow(Expr):
82    """
83    Defines the expression x**y as "x raised to a power y".
85    For complex numbers `x` and `y`, ``Pow`` gives the principal
86    value of `exp(y*log(x))`.
88    Singleton definitions involving (0, 1, -1, oo, -oo, I, -I):
90    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
91    | expr         | value   | reason                                        |
92    +==============+=========+===============================================+
93    | z**0         | 1       | Although arguments over 0**0 exist, see [2].  |
94    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
95    | z**1         | z       |                                               |
96    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
97    | (-oo)**(-1)  | 0       |                                               |
98    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
99    | (-1)**-1     | -1      |                                               |
100    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
101    | 0**-1        | zoo     | This is not strictly true, as 0**-1 may be    |
102    |              |         | undefined, but is convenient in some contexts |
103    |              |         | where the base is assumed to be positive.     |
104    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
105    | 1**-1        | 1       |                                               |
106    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
107    | oo**-1       | 0       |                                               |
108    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
109    | 0**oo        | 0       | Because for all complex numbers z near        |
110    |              |         | 0, z**oo -> 0.                                |
111    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
112    | 0**-oo       | zoo     | This is not strictly true, as 0**oo may be    |
113    |              |         | oscillating between positive and negative     |
114    |              |         | values or rotating in the complex plane.      |
115    |              |         | It is convenient, however, when the base      |
116    |              |         | is positive.                                  |
117    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
118    | 1**oo        | nan     | Because there are various cases where         |
119    | 1**-oo       |         | lim(x(t),t)=1, lim(y(t),t)=oo (or -oo),       |
120    |              |         | but lim(x(t)**y(t), t) != 1.  See [3].        |
121    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
122    | z**zoo       | nan     | No limit for z**t for t -> zoo.               |
123    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
124    | (-1)**oo     | nan     | Because of oscillations in the limit.         |
125    | (-1)**(-oo)  |         |                                               |
126    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
127    | oo**oo       | oo      |                                               |
128    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
129    | oo**-oo      | 0       |                                               |
130    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
131    | (-oo)**oo    | nan     |                                               |
132    | (-oo)**-oo   |         |                                               |
133    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
134    | oo**I        | nan     | oo**e could probably be best thought of as    |
135    | (-oo)**I     |         | the limit of x**e for real x as x tends to    |
136    |              |         | oo. If e is I, then the limit does not exist  |
137    |              |         | and nan is used to indicate that.             |
138    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
139    | oo**(1+I)    | zoo     | If the real part of e is positive, then the   |
140    | (-oo)**(1+I) |         | limit of abs(x**e) is oo. So the limit value  |
141    |              |         | is zoo.                                       |
142    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
143    | oo**(-1+I)   | 0       | If the real part of e is negative, then the   |
144    | -oo**(-1+I)  |         | limit is 0.                                   |
145    +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
147    Because symbolic computations are more flexible that floating point
148    calculations and we prefer to never return an incorrect answer,
149    we choose not to conform to all IEEE 754 conventions.  This helps
150    us avoid extra test-case code in the calculation of limits.
152    See Also
153    ========
155    diofant.core.numbers.Infinity
156    diofant.core.numbers.NaN
158    References
159    ==========
161    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation
162    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_to_the_power_of_zero
163    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indeterminate_forms
165    """
167    is_Pow = True
169    @cacheit
170    def __new__(cls, b, e, evaluate=None):
171        if evaluate is None:
172            evaluate = global_evaluate[0]
173        from ..functions.elementary.exponential import exp_polar
175        b = sympify(b, strict=True)
176        e = sympify(e, strict=True)
177        if evaluate:
178            if nan in (b, e):
179                return nan
180            elif e is S.Zero:
181                return Integer(1)
182            elif e is S.One:
183                return b
184            elif e is zoo:
185                return nan
186            elif e.is_integer and _coeff_isneg(b):
187                if e.is_even:
188                    b = -b
189                elif e.is_odd:
190                    return -Pow(-b, e)
191            if b is S.One:
192                if abs(e).is_infinite:
193                    return nan
194                return Integer(1)
195            else:
196                # recognize base as E
197                if not e.is_Atom and b is not E and not isinstance(b, exp_polar):
198                    from ..functions import im, log, sign
199                    from ..simplify import denom, numer
200                    from .exprtools import factor_terms
201                    c, ex = factor_terms(e, sign=False).as_coeff_Mul()
202                    den = denom(ex)
203                    if isinstance(den, log) and den.args[0] == b:
204                        return E**(c*numer(ex))
205                    elif den.is_Add:
206                        s = sign(im(b))
207                        if s.is_Number and s and den == \
208                                log(-factor_terms(b, sign=False)) + s*I*pi:
209                            return E**(c*numer(ex))
211                obj = b._eval_power(e)
212                if obj is not None:
213                    return obj
214        return Expr.__new__(cls, b, e)
216    def _eval_is_commutative(self):
217        return self.base.is_commutative and self.exp.is_commutative
219    @property
220    def base(self):
221        """Returns base of the power expression."""
222        return self.args[0]
224    @property
225    def exp(self):
226        """Returns exponent of the power expression."""
227        return self.args[1]
229    @classmethod
230    def class_key(cls):
231        """Nice order of classes."""
232        return 4, 2, cls.__name__
234    def _eval_power(self, other):
235        from ..functions import Abs, arg, exp, floor, im, log, re, sign
236        b, e = self.as_base_exp()
237        if b is nan:
238            return (b**e)**other  # let __new__ handle it
240        s = None
241        if other.is_integer:
242            s = 1
243        elif b.is_polar:  # e.g. exp_polar, besselj, var('p', polar=True)...
244            s = 1
245        elif e.is_extended_real is not None:
246            # helper functions ===========================
247            def _half(e):
248                """Return True if the exponent has a literal 2 as the
249                denominator, else None.
251                """
252                if getattr(e, 'denominator', None) == 2:
253                    return True
254                n, d = e.as_numer_denom()
255                if n.is_integer and d == 2:
256                    return True
258            def _n2(e):
259                """Return ``e`` evaluated to a Number with 2 significant
260                digits, else None.
262                """
263                try:
264                    rv = e.evalf(2)
265                    if rv.is_Number:
266                        return rv
267                except PrecisionExhausted:  # pragma: no cover
268                    pass
270            # ===================================================
271            if e.is_extended_real:
272                # we need _half(other) with constant floor or
273                # floor(Rational(1, 2) - e*arg(b)/2/pi) == 0
275                # handle -1 as special case
276                if (e == -1):
277                    # floor arg. is 1/2 + arg(b)/2/pi
278                    if _half(other):
279                        if b.is_negative is True:
280                            return (-1)**other*Pow(-b, e*other)
281                        if b.is_extended_real is False:
282                            return Pow(b.conjugate()/Abs(b)**2, other)
283                elif e.is_even:
284                    if b.is_extended_real:
285                        b = abs(b)
286                    if b.is_imaginary:
287                        b = abs(im(b))*I
289                if (abs(e) < 1) == true or (e == 1):
290                    s = 1  # floor = 0
291                elif b.is_nonnegative:
292                    s = 1  # floor = 0
293                elif re(b).is_nonnegative and (abs(e) < 2) == true:
294                    s = 1  # floor = 0
295                elif im(b).is_nonzero and (abs(e) == 2):
296                    s = 1  # floor = 0
297                elif b.is_imaginary and (abs(e) == 2):
298                    s = 1  # floor = 0
299                elif _half(other):
300                    s = exp(2*pi*I*other*floor(
301                        Rational(1, 2) - e*arg(b)/(2*pi)))
302                    if s.is_extended_real and _n2(sign(s) - s) == 0:
303                        s = sign(s)
304                    else:
305                        s = None
306            else:
307                # e.is_extended_real is False requires:
308                #     _half(other) with constant floor or
309                #     floor(Rational(1, 2) - im(e*log(b))/2/pi) == 0
310                s = exp(2*I*pi*other*floor(Rational(1, 2) - im(e*log(b))/2/pi))
311                # be careful to test that s is -1 or 1 b/c sign(I) == I:
312                # so check that s is real
313                if s.is_extended_real and _n2(sign(s) - s) == 0:
314                    s = sign(s)
315                else:
316                    s = None
318        if s is not None:
319            return s*Pow(b, e*other)
321    def _eval_is_positive(self):
322        b, e = self.base, self.exp
324        if b.is_nonnegative and b == e:
325            return True
326        elif b.is_positive and (e.is_real or e.is_positive):
327            return True
328        elif b.is_negative and e.is_integer and (b.is_finite or e.is_nonnegative):
329            return e.is_even
330        elif b.is_nonpositive and e.is_odd and (b.is_finite or e.is_nonnegative):
331            return False
332        elif b in {I, -I} and e.is_imaginary:
333            return True
335    def _eval_is_nonnegative(self):
336        b, e = self.base, self.exp
338        if b.is_imaginary and e.is_nonnegative:
339            m = e % 4
340            if m.is_integer:
341                return m.is_zero
343    def _eval_is_negative(self):
344        b, e = self.base, self.exp
346        if b.is_negative:
347            if e.is_odd and (b.is_finite or e.is_positive):
348                return True
349            if e.is_even:
350                return False
351        elif b.is_positive:
352            if e.is_extended_real:
353                return False
354        elif b.is_nonnegative:
355            if e.is_nonnegative:
356                return False
357        elif b.is_nonpositive:
358            if e.is_even:
359                return False
360        elif b.is_extended_real:
361            if e.is_even:
362                return False
364    def _eval_is_zero(self):
365        b, e = self.base, self.exp
367        if b.is_zero:
368            if e.is_positive:
369                return True
370            elif e.is_nonpositive:
371                return False
372        elif b.is_nonzero:
373            if e.is_finite:
374                return False
375            elif e.is_infinite:
376                if (1 - abs(b)).is_positive:
377                    return e.is_positive
378                elif (1 - abs(b)).is_negative:
379                    return e.is_negative
381    def _eval_is_integer(self):
382        b, e = self.base, self.exp
384        if b.is_rational:
385            if b.is_integer is False and e.is_positive:
386                return False  # rat**nonneg
387        if b.is_integer and e.is_integer:
388            if b is S.NegativeOne:
389                return True
390            if e.is_nonnegative or e.is_positive:
391                return True
392        if b.is_integer and e.is_negative and (e.is_finite or e.is_integer):
393            if (b - 1).is_nonzero and (b + 1).is_nonzero:
394                return False
395        if b.is_Number and e.is_Number:
396            check = self.func(*self.args)
397            if check.is_Integer:
398                return True
400    def _eval_is_extended_real(self):
401        from ..functions import arg, log
402        from .mul import Mul
404        b, e = self.base, self.exp
406        if b is E:
407            if e.is_extended_real:
408                return True
409            elif e.is_imaginary:
410                return (2*I*e/pi).is_even
412        if b.is_extended_real is None:
413            if b.func == self.func and b.base is E and b.exp.is_imaginary:
414                return e.is_imaginary
415        if e.is_extended_real is None:
416            return
418        if b.is_extended_real and e.is_extended_real:
419            if b.is_positive:
420                return True
421            elif b.is_nonnegative:
422                if e.is_nonnegative:
423                    return True
424            else:
425                if e.is_integer:
426                    if b.is_nonzero or e.is_nonnegative:
427                        return True
428                elif b.is_negative:
429                    if e.is_rational and e.is_noninteger:
430                        return False
432        if b.is_nonzero and e.is_negative:
433            return (b**-e).is_extended_real
435        if b.is_imaginary:
436            if e.is_integer:
437                if e.is_even:
438                    if b.is_nonzero or e.is_nonnegative:
439                        return True
440                elif e.is_odd:
441                    return False
442            elif e.is_imaginary and log(b).is_imaginary:
443                return True
444            elif e.is_Add:
445                c, a = e.as_coeff_Add()
446                if c and c.is_Integer:
447                    return Mul(b**c, b**a, evaluate=False).is_extended_real
448            elif b in (-I, I) and (e/2).is_noninteger:
449                return False
450            return
452        if b.is_extended_real and e.is_imaginary:
453            if b is S.NegativeOne:
454                return True
455            c = e.coeff(I)
456            if c in (1, -1):
457                if b == 2:
458                    return False
460        if b.is_extended_real is False:  # we already know it's not imag
461            i = arg(b)*e/pi
462            return i.is_integer
464    def _eval_is_complex(self):
465        from ..functions import log
467        b, e = self.base, self.exp
469        if b.is_complex:
470            exp = log(b)*e
471            return fuzzy_or([exp.is_complex, exp.is_negative])
473    def _eval_is_imaginary(self):
474        from ..functions import arg, log
476        b, e = self.base, self.exp
478        if b.is_imaginary:
479            if e.is_integer:
480                return e.is_odd
482        if e.is_imaginary and e.is_nonzero:
483            if log(b).is_imaginary:
484                return False
486        if b.is_real and e.is_real:
487            if b.is_positive:
488                return False
489            else:
490                if e.is_integer:
491                    return False
492                else:
493                    if (2*e).is_integer:
494                        return b.is_negative
496        if b.is_real is False:  # we already know it's not imag
497            return (2*arg(b)*e/pi).is_odd
499    def _eval_is_odd(self):
500        b, e = self.base, self.exp
502        if e.is_integer:
503            if e.is_positive:
504                return b.is_odd
505            elif e.is_nonnegative and b.is_odd:
506                return True
507            elif b is S.NegativeOne:
508                return True
510    def _eval_is_finite(self):
511        b, e = self.base, self.exp
513        if e.is_negative:
514            if b.is_zero:
515                return False
516        if b.is_finite and e.is_finite:
517            if e.is_nonnegative or b.is_nonzero:
518                return True
520    def _eval_is_polar(self):
521        b, e = self.base, self.exp
523        if b.is_polar and e.is_commutative:
524            return True
526    def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
527        from ..functions import log
528        from .symbol import Symbol
530        def _check(ct1, ct2, old):
531            """Return bool, pow where, if bool is True, then the exponent of
532            Pow `old` will combine with `pow` so the substitution is valid,
533            otherwise bool will be False,
535            cti are the coefficient and terms of an exponent of self or old
536            In this _eval_subs routine a change like (b**(2*x)).subs({b**x: y})
537            will give y**2 since (b**x)**2 == b**(2*x); if that equality does
538            not hold then the substitution should not occur so `bool` will be
539            False.
541            """
542            coeff1, terms1 = ct1
543            coeff2, terms2 = ct2
544            if terms1 == terms2:
545                pow = coeff1/coeff2
546                try:
547                    pow = as_int(pow)
548                    combines = True
549                except ValueError:
550                    combines = Pow._eval_power(
551                        Pow(*old.as_base_exp(), evaluate=False),
552                        pow)
553                    if isinstance(combines, Pow):
554                        combines = combines.base is old.base
555                    else:
556                        combines = False
557                return combines, pow
558            return False, None
560        if old == self.base:
561            return new**self.exp._subs(old, new)
563        if old.func is self.func and self.exp == old.exp:
564            l = log(self.base, old.base)
565            if l.is_Number:
566                return Pow(new, l)
568        if isinstance(old, self.func) and self.base == old.base:
569            if self.exp.is_Add is False:
570                ct2 = old.exp.as_independent(Symbol, as_Add=False)
571                ct1 = (self.exp/ct2[1], ct2[1])
572                ok, pow = _check(ct1, ct2, old)
573                if ok:
574                    # issue sympy/sympy#5180: (x**(6*y)).subs({x**(3*y):z})->z**2
575                    return self.func(new, pow)
576            else:  # b**(6*x+a).subs({b**(3*x): y}) -> y**2 * b**a
577                # exp(exp(x) + exp(x**2)).subs({exp(exp(x)): w}) -> w * exp(exp(x**2))
578                oarg = old.exp
579                new_l = []
580                o_al = []
581                ct2 = oarg.as_coeff_mul()
582                for a in self.exp.args:
583                    newa = a._subs(old, new)
584                    ct1 = newa.as_coeff_mul()
585                    ok, pow = _check(ct1, ct2, old)
586                    if ok:
587                        new_l.append(new**pow)
588                        continue
589                    o_al.append(newa)
590                if new_l:
591                    new_l.append(Pow(self.base, Add(*o_al), evaluate=False))
592                    return Mul(*new_l)
594        if old.is_Pow and old.base is E and self.exp.is_extended_real and self.base.is_positive:
595            ct1 = old.exp.as_independent(Symbol, as_Add=False)
596            ct2 = (self.exp*log(self.base)).as_independent(
597                Symbol, as_Add=False)
598            ok, pow = _check(ct1, ct2, old)
599            if ok:
600                return self.func(new, pow)  # (2**x).subs({exp(x*log(2)): z}) -> z
602    def as_base_exp(self):
603        """Return base and exp of self.
605        If base is 1/Integer, then return Integer, -exp. If this extra
606        processing is not needed, the base and exp properties will
607        give the raw arguments
609        Examples
610        ========
612        >>> p = Pow(Rational(1, 2), 2, evaluate=False)
613        >>> p.as_base_exp()
614        (2, -2)
615        >>> p.args
616        (1/2, 2)
618        """
619        b, e = self.base, self.exp
620        if b.is_Rational and b.numerator == 1 and b.denominator != 1:
621            return Integer(b.denominator), -e
622        return b, e
624    def _eval_adjoint(self):
625        from ..functions.elementary.complexes import adjoint
626        i, p = self.exp.is_integer, self.base.is_positive
627        if i:
628            return adjoint(self.base)**self.exp
629        if p:
630            return self.base**adjoint(self.exp)
632    def _eval_conjugate(self):
633        if self.is_extended_real:
634            return self
635        from ..functions.elementary.complexes import conjugate as c
636        i, p = self.exp.is_integer, self.base.is_positive
637        if i:
638            return c(self.base)**self.exp
639        if p:
640            return self.base**c(self.exp)
641        if i is False and p is False:
642            expanded = expand_complex(self)
643            assert expanded != self
644            return c(expanded)
646    def _eval_transpose(self):
647        from ..functions.elementary.complexes import transpose
648        i, p = self.exp.is_integer, self.base.is_complex
649        if p:
650            return self.base**self.exp
651        if i:
652            return transpose(self.base)**self.exp
654    def _eval_expand_power_exp(self, **hints):
655        """a**(n+m) -> a**n*a**m."""
656        b = self.base
657        e = self.exp
658        if e.is_Add and e.is_commutative:
659            expr = []
660            for x in e.args:
661                expr.append(self.func(self.base, x))
662            return Mul(*expr)
663        return self.func(b, e)
665    def _eval_expand_power_base(self, **hints):
666        """(a*b)**n -> a**n * b**n."""
667        force = hints.get('force', False)
669        b = self.base
670        e = self.exp
671        if not b.is_Mul:
672            return self
674        cargs, nc = b.args_cnc(split_1=False)
676        # expand each term - this is top-level-only
677        # expansion but we have to watch out for things
678        # that don't have an _eval_expand method
679        if nc:
680            nc = [i._eval_expand_power_base(**hints)
681                  if hasattr(i, '_eval_expand_power_base') else i
682                  for i in nc]
684            if e.is_Integer:
685                if e.is_positive:
686                    rv = Mul(*nc*e)
687                else:
688                    rv = 1/Mul(*nc*-e)
689                if cargs:
690                    rv *= Mul(*cargs)**e
691                return rv
693            if not cargs:
694                return self.func(Mul(*nc), e, evaluate=False)
696            nc = [Mul(*nc)]
698        # sift the commutative bases
699        def pred(x):
700            if x is I:
701                return I
702            polar = x.is_polar
703            if polar:
704                return True
705            if polar is None:
706                return fuzzy_or([x.is_nonnegative, (1/x).is_nonnegative])
707        sifted = sift(cargs, pred)
708        nonneg = sifted[True]
709        other = sifted[None]
710        neg = sifted[False]
711        imag = sifted[I]
712        if imag:
713            i = len(imag) % 4
714            if i == 0:
715                pass
716            elif i == 1:
717                other.append(I)
718            elif i == 2:
719                if neg:
720                    nonn = -neg.pop()
721                    if nonn is not S.One:
722                        nonneg.append(nonn)
723                else:
724                    neg.append(Integer(-1))
725            else:
726                if neg:
727                    nonn = -neg.pop()
728                    if nonn is not S.One:
729                        nonneg.append(nonn)
730                else:
731                    neg.append(Integer(-1))
732                other.append(I)
733            del imag
735        # bring out the bases that can be separated from the base
737        if force or e.is_integer:
738            # treat all commutatives the same and put nc in other
739            cargs = nonneg + neg + other
740            other = nc
741        else:
742            # this is just like what is happening automatically, except
743            # that now we are doing it for an arbitrary exponent for which
744            # no automatic expansion is done
746            assert not e.is_Integer
748            # handle negatives by making them all positive and putting
749            # the residual -1 in other
750            if len(neg) > 1:
751                o = Integer(1)
752                if not other and neg[0].is_Number:
753                    o *= neg.pop(0)
754                if len(neg) % 2:
755                    o = -o
756                for n in neg:
757                    nonneg.append(-n)
758                if o is not S.One:
759                    other.append(o)
760            elif neg and other:
761                if neg[0].is_Number and neg[0] is not S.NegativeOne:
762                    other.append(Integer(-1))
763                    nonneg.append(-neg[0])
764                else:
765                    other.extend(neg)
766            else:
767                other.extend(neg)
768            del neg
770            cargs = nonneg
771            other += nc
773        rv = Integer(1)
774        if cargs:
775            rv *= Mul(*[self.func(b, e, evaluate=False) for b in cargs])
776        if other:
777            rv *= self.func(Mul(*other), e, evaluate=False)
778        return rv
780    def _eval_expand_multinomial(self, **hints):
781        """(a+b+..) ** n -> a**n + n*a**(n-1)*b + .., n is nonzero integer."""
782        base, exp = self.base, self.exp
783        result = self
785        if exp.is_Rational and exp.numerator > 0 and base.is_Add:
786            if not exp.is_Integer:
787                n = Integer(exp.numerator // exp.denominator)
789                if not n:
790                    return result
791                else:
792                    radical, result = self.func(base, exp - n), []
794                    expanded_base_n = self.func(base, n)
795                    if expanded_base_n.is_Pow:
796                        expanded_base_n = \
797                            expanded_base_n._eval_expand_multinomial()
798                    for term in Add.make_args(expanded_base_n):
799                        result.append(term*radical)
801                    return Add(*result)
803            n = int(exp)
805            if base.is_commutative:
806                order_terms, other_terms = [], []
808                for b in base.args:
809                    if b.is_Order:
810                        order_terms.append(b)
811                    else:
812                        other_terms.append(b)
814                if order_terms:
815                    # (f(x) + O(x^n))^m -> f(x)^m + m*f(x)^{m-1} *O(x^n)
816                    f = Add(*other_terms)
817                    o = Add(*order_terms)
819                    if n == 2:
820                        return expand_multinomial(f**n, deep=False) + n*f*o
821                    else:
822                        g = expand_multinomial(f**(n - 1), deep=False)
823                        return expand_mul(f*g, deep=False) + n*g*o
825                if base.is_number:
826                    # Efficiently expand expressions of the form (a + b*I)**n
827                    # where 'a' and 'b' are real numbers and 'n' is integer.
828                    a, b = base.as_real_imag()
830                    if a.is_Rational and b.is_Rational:
831                        if not a.is_Integer:
832                            if not b.is_Integer:
833                                k = self.func(a.denominator * b.denominator, n)
834                                a, b = a.numerator*b.denominator, a.denominator*b.numerator
835                            else:
836                                k = self.func(a.denominator, n)
837                                a, b = a.numerator, a.denominator*b
838                        elif not b.is_Integer:
839                            k = self.func(b.denominator, n)
840                            a, b = a*b.denominator, b.numerator
841                        else:
842                            k = 1
844                        a, b, c, d = int(a), int(b), 1, 0
846                        while n:
847                            if n & 1:
848                                c, d = a*c - b*d, b*c + a*d
849                                n -= 1
850                            a, b = a*a - b*b, 2*a*b
851                            n //= 2
853                        if k == 1:
854                            return c + I*d
855                        else:
856                            return Integer(c)/k + I*d/k
858                p = other_terms
859                # (x+y)**3 -> x**3 + 3*x**2*y + 3*x*y**2 + y**3
860                # in this particular example:
861                # p = [x,y]; n = 3
862                # so now it's easy to get the correct result -- we get the
863                # coefficients first:
864                from ..ntheory import multinomial_coefficients
865                from ..polys import Poly
866                expansion_dict = multinomial_coefficients(len(p), n)
867                # in our example: {(3, 0): 1, (1, 2): 3, (0, 3): 1, (2, 1): 3}
868                # and now construct the expression.
869                return Poly(expansion_dict, *p).as_expr()
870            else:
871                if n == 2:
872                    return Add(*[f*g for f in base.args for g in base.args])
873                else:
874                    multi = (base**(n - 1))._eval_expand_multinomial()
875                    assert multi.is_Add
876                    return Add(*[f*g for f in base.args for g in multi.args])
877        elif (exp.is_Rational and exp.numerator < 0 and base.is_Add and
878                abs(exp.numerator) > exp.denominator):
879            return 1 / self.func(base, -exp)._eval_expand_multinomial()
880        elif exp.is_Add and base.is_Number:
881            #  a + b      a  b
882            # n      --> n  n  , where n, a, b are Numbers
884            coeff, tail = Integer(1), Integer(0)
885            for term in exp.args:
886                if term.is_Number:
887                    coeff *= self.func(base, term)
888                else:
889                    tail += term
891            return coeff * self.func(base, tail)
892        else:
893            return result
895    def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
896        """Returns real and imaginary parts of self
898        See Also
899        ========
901        diofant.core.expr.Expr.as_real_imag
903        """
904        from ..functions import arg, cos, sin
906        if self.exp.is_Integer:
907            exp = self.exp
908            re, im = self.base.as_real_imag(deep=deep)
909            if not im:
910                return self, Integer(0)
911            a, b = symbols('a b', cls=Dummy)
912            if exp >= 0:
913                if re.is_Number and im.is_Number:
914                    # We can be more efficient in this case
915                    expr = expand_multinomial(self.base**exp)
916                    return expr.as_real_imag()
918                expr = ((a + b)**exp).as_poly()  # a = re, b = im; expr = (a + b*I)**exp
919            else:
920                mag = re**2 + im**2
921                re, im = re/mag, -im/mag
922                if re.is_Number and im.is_Number:
923                    # We can be more efficient in this case
924                    expr = expand_multinomial((re + im*I)**-exp)
925                    return expr.as_real_imag()
927                expr = ((a + b)**-exp).as_poly()
929            # Terms with even b powers will be real
930            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if not i[0][1] % 2]
931            re_part = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])
932            # Terms with odd b powers will be imaginary
933            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if i[0][1] % 4 == 1]
934            im_part1 = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])
935            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if i[0][1] % 4 == 3]
936            im_part3 = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])
938            return (re_part.subs({a: re, b: I*im}),
939                    im_part1.subs({a: re, b: im}) + im_part3.subs({a: re, b: -im}))
941        elif self.exp.is_Rational:
942            re, im = self.base.as_real_imag(deep=deep)
944            if im.is_zero and self.exp is S.Half:
945                if re.is_nonnegative:
946                    return self, Integer(0)
947                if re.is_nonpositive:
948                    return Integer(0), (-self.base)**self.exp
950            # XXX: This is not totally correct since for x**(p/q) with
951            #      x being imaginary there are actually q roots, but
952            #      only a single one is returned from here.
953            r = self.func(self.func(re, 2) + self.func(im, 2), Rational(1, 2))
954            t = arg(re + I*im)
956            rp, tp = self.func(r, self.exp), t*self.exp
958            return rp*cos(tp), rp*sin(tp)
959        elif self.base is E:
960            from ..functions import exp
961            re, im = self.exp.as_real_imag()
962            if deep:
963                re = re.expand(deep, **hints)
964                im = im.expand(deep, **hints)
965            c, s = cos(im), sin(im)
966            return exp(re)*c, exp(re)*s
967        else:
968            from ..functions import im, re
969            if deep:
970                hints['complex'] = False
972                expanded = self.expand(deep, **hints)
973                if hints.get('ignore') != expanded:
974                    return re(expanded), im(expanded)
975            else:
976                return re(self), im(self)
978    def _eval_derivative(self, s):
979        from ..functions import log
980        dbase = self.base.diff(s)
981        dexp = self.exp.diff(s)
982        return self * (dexp * log(self.base) + dbase * self.exp/self.base)
984    def _eval_evalf(self, prec):
985        base, exp = self.as_base_exp()
986        base = base._evalf(prec)
987        if not exp.is_Integer:
988            exp = exp._evalf(prec)
989        return self.func(base, exp)
991    def _eval_is_polynomial(self, syms):
992        if self.exp.has(*syms):
993            return False
995        if self.base.has(*syms):
996            return bool(self.base._eval_is_polynomial(syms) and
997                        self.exp.is_Integer and (self.exp >= 0))
998        else:
999            return True
1001    def _eval_is_rational(self):
1002        p = self.func(*self.as_base_exp())  # in case it's unevaluated
1003        if not p.is_Pow:
1004            return p.is_rational
1005        b, e = p.base, p.exp
1007        if e.is_Rational and b.is_Rational:
1008            # we didn't check that e is not an Integer
1009            # because Rational**Integer autosimplifies
1010            return False
1011        if e.is_integer:
1012            if b.is_rational:
1013                if b.is_nonzero or e.is_nonnegative:
1014                    return True
1015                if b == e:  # always rational, even for 0**0
1016                    return True
1017            elif b.is_irrational:
1018                if e.is_zero:
1019                    return True
1020        if b is E:
1021            if e.is_rational and e.is_nonzero:
1022                return False
1024    def _eval_is_algebraic(self):
1025        b, e = self.base, self.exp
1027        if b.is_zero or (b - 1).is_zero:
1028            return True
1029        elif b is E:
1030            s = self.doit()
1031            if s.func == self.func:
1032                if e.is_nonzero:
1033                    if e.is_algebraic:
1034                        return False
1035                    elif (e/pi).is_rational:
1036                        return False
1037                    elif (e/(I*pi)).is_rational:
1038                        return True
1039            else:
1040                return s.is_algebraic
1041        elif e.is_rational and e.is_nonzero:
1042            if b.is_nonzero or e.is_nonnegative:
1043                return b.is_algebraic
1044        elif b.is_algebraic and e.is_algebraic:
1045            if (b.is_nonzero and (b - 1).is_nonzero) or b.is_irrational:
1046                return e.is_rational
1048    def _eval_is_rational_function(self, syms):
1049        if self.exp.has(*syms):
1050            return False
1052        if self.base.has(*syms):
1053            return self.base._eval_is_rational_function(syms) and \
1054                self.exp.is_Integer
1055        else:
1056            return True
1058    def _eval_is_algebraic_expr(self, syms):
1059        if self.exp.has(*syms):
1060            return False
1062        if self.base.has(*syms):
1063            return self.base._eval_is_algebraic_expr(syms) and \
1064                self.exp.is_Rational
1065        else:
1066            return True
1068    def _eval_as_numer_denom(self):
1069        """Expression -> a/b -> a, b.
1071        See Also
1072        ========
1074        diofant.core.expr.Expr.as_numer_denom
1076        """
1077        if not self.is_commutative:
1078            return self, Integer(1)
1079        base, exp = self.as_base_exp()
1080        if base is S.One:
1081            return self, Integer(1)
1082        n, d = base.as_numer_denom()
1083        neg_exp = exp.is_negative
1084        if not neg_exp and not (-exp).is_negative:
1085            neg_exp = _coeff_isneg(exp)
1086        int_exp = exp.is_integer
1087        # the denominator cannot be separated from the numerator if
1088        # its sign is unknown unless the exponent is an integer, e.g.
1089        # sqrt(a/b) != sqrt(a)/sqrt(b) when a=1 and b=-1. But if the
1090        # denominator is negative the numerator and denominator can
1091        # be negated and the denominator (now positive) separated.
1092        if not (d.is_extended_real or int_exp):
1093            n = base
1094            d = Integer(1)
1095        dnonpos = d.is_nonpositive
1096        if dnonpos:
1097            n, d = -n, -d
1098        elif dnonpos is None and not int_exp:
1099            n = base
1100            d = Integer(1)
1101        if neg_exp:
1102            n, d = d, n
1103            exp = -exp
1104        if d is S.One:
1105            return self.func(n, exp), Integer(1)
1106        if n is S.One:
1107            return Integer(1), self.func(d, exp)
1108        return self.func(n, exp), self.func(d, exp)
1110    def _matches(self, expr, repl_dict={}):
1111        """Helper method for match().
1113        See Also
1114        ========
1116        diofant.core.basic.Basic.matches
1118        """
1119        expr = sympify(expr, strict=True)
1121        # special case, pattern = 1 and expr.exp can match to 0
1122        if expr is S.One:
1123            d = repl_dict.copy()
1124            d = self.exp._matches(Integer(0), d)
1125            if d is not None:
1126                return d
1128        # make sure the expression to be matched is an Expr
1129        if not isinstance(expr, Expr):
1130            return
1132        b, e = expr.as_base_exp()
1134        # special case number
1135        sb, se = self.as_base_exp()
1136        if sb.is_Symbol and se.is_Integer and expr:
1137            if e.is_rational:
1138                return sb._matches(b**(e/se), repl_dict)
1139            return sb._matches(expr**(1/se), repl_dict)
1141        d = repl_dict.copy()
1142        d = self.base._matches(b, d)
1143        if d is None:
1144            return
1146        d = self.exp.xreplace(d)._matches(e, d)
1147        if d is None:
1148            return Expr._matches(self, expr, repl_dict)
1149        return d
1151    def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx):
1152        from ..functions import arg, exp, floor, log
1153        from ..series import Order, limit
1154        from ..simplify import powsimp
1155        if self.base is E:
1156            e_series = self.exp.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
1157            if e_series.is_Order:
1158                return 1 + e_series
1159            e0 = limit(e_series.removeO(), x, 0)
1160            if e0 in (-oo, oo):
1161                return self
1162            t = e_series - e0
1163            exp_series = term = exp(e0)
1164            # series of exp(e0 + t) in t
1165            for i in range(1, n):
1166                term *= t/i
1167                term = term.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
1168                exp_series += term
1169            exp_series += Order(t**n, x)
1170            return powsimp(exp_series, deep=True, combine='exp')
1171        elif self.exp.has(x):
1172            return exp(self.exp*log(self.base)).nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
1173        else:
1174            b_series = self.base.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
1175            while b_series.is_Order:
1176                n += 1
1177                b_series = self.base.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
1178            b0 = b_series.as_leading_term(x)
1179            t = expand_mul((b_series/b0 - 1).cancel())
1180            if t.is_Add:
1181                t = t.func(*[i for i in t.args if i.limit(x, 0).is_finite])
1182            c, e = b0.as_coeff_exponent(x)
1183            if self.exp is oo:
1184                if e != 0:
1185                    sig = -e
1186                else:
1187                    sig = abs(c) - 1 if c != 1 else t.removeO()
1188                if sig.is_positive:
1189                    return oo
1190                elif sig.is_negative:
1191                    return Integer(0)
1192                else:
1193                    raise NotImplementedError
1194            pow_series = term = Integer(1)
1195            # series of (1 + t)**e in t
1196            for i in range(1, n):
1197                term *= (self.exp - i + 1)*t/i
1198                term = term.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
1199                pow_series += term
1200            factor = b0**self.exp
1201            if t != 0 and not (self.exp.is_Integer and self.exp >= 0 and n > self.exp):
1202                pow_series += Order(t**n, x)
1203                # branch handling
1204                if c.is_negative:
1205                    l = floor(arg(t.removeO()*c)/(2*pi)).limit(x, 0)
1206                    assert l.is_finite
1207                    factor *= exp(2*pi*I*self.exp*l)
1208            pow_series = expand_mul(factor*pow_series)
1209            return powsimp(pow_series, deep=True, combine='exp')
1211    def _eval_as_leading_term(self, x):
1212        from ..functions import exp, log
1213        from ..series import Order
1214        if not self.exp.has(x):
1215            return self.func(self.base.as_leading_term(x), self.exp)
1216        elif self.base is E:
1217            if self.exp.is_Mul:
1218                k, arg = self.exp.as_independent(x)
1219            else:
1220                k, arg = Integer(1), self.exp
1221            if arg.is_Add:
1222                return Mul(*[exp(k*f).as_leading_term(x) for f in arg.args])
1223            arg = self.exp.as_leading_term(x)
1224            if Order(1, x).contains(arg):
1225                return Integer(1)
1226            return exp(arg)
1227        else:
1228            return exp(self.exp*log(self.base)).as_leading_term(x)
1230    def _eval_rewrite_as_sin(self, base, exp):
1231        from ..functions import sin
1232        if self.base is E:
1233            return sin(I*self.exp + pi/2) - I*sin(I*self.exp)
1235    def _eval_rewrite_as_cos(self, base, exp):
1236        from ..functions import cos
1237        if self.base is E:
1238            return cos(I*self.exp) + I*cos(I*self.exp + pi/2)
1240    def _eval_rewrite_as_tanh(self, base, exp):
1241        from ..functions import tanh
1242        if self.base is E:
1243            return (1 + tanh(self.exp/2))/(1 - tanh(self.exp/2))
1245    def as_content_primitive(self, radical=False):
1246        """Return the tuple (R, self/R) where R is the positive Rational
1247        extracted from self.
1249        Examples
1250        ========
1252        >>> sqrt(4 + 4*sqrt(2)).as_content_primitive()
1253        (2, sqrt(1 + sqrt(2)))
1254        >>> sqrt(3 + 3*sqrt(2)).as_content_primitive()
1255        (1, sqrt(3)*sqrt(1 + sqrt(2)))
1257        >>> ((2*x + 2)**2).as_content_primitive()
1258        (4, (x + 1)**2)
1259        >>> (4**((1 + y)/2)).as_content_primitive()
1260        (2, 4**(y/2))
1261        >>> (3**((1 + y)/2)).as_content_primitive()
1262        (1, 3**((y + 1)/2))
1263        >>> (3**((5 + y)/2)).as_content_primitive()
1264        (9, 3**((y + 1)/2))
1265        >>> eq = 3**(2 + 2*x)
1266        >>> powsimp(eq) == eq
1267        True
1268        >>> eq.as_content_primitive()
1269        (9, 3**(2*x))
1270        >>> powsimp(Mul(*_))
1271        3**(2*x + 2)
1273        >>> eq = (2 + 2*x)**y
1274        >>> s = expand_power_base(eq)
1275        >>> s.is_Mul, s
1276        (False, (2*x + 2)**y)
1277        >>> eq.as_content_primitive()
1278        (1, (2*(x + 1))**y)
1279        >>> s = expand_power_base(_[1])
1280        >>> s.is_Mul, s
1281        (True, 2**y*(x + 1)**y)
1283        See Also
1284        ========
1286        diofant.core.expr.Expr.as_content_primitive
1288        """
1289        b, e = self.as_base_exp()
1290        b = _keep_coeff(*b.as_content_primitive(radical=radical))
1291        ce, pe = e.as_content_primitive(radical=radical)
1292        if b.is_Rational:
1293            # e
1294            # = ce*pe
1295            # = ce*(h + t)
1296            # = ce*h + ce*t
1297            # => self
1298            # = b**(ce*h)*b**(ce*t)
1299            # = b**(cehp/cehq)*b**(ce*t)
1300            # = b**(iceh+r/cehq)*b**(ce*t)
1301            # = b**iceh*b**(r/cehq)*b**(ce*t)
1302            # = b**iceh*b**(ce*t + r/cehq)
1303            h, t = pe.as_coeff_Add()
1304            if h.is_Rational:
1305                ceh = ce*h
1306                c = self.func(b, ceh)
1307                r = Integer(0)
1308                if not c.is_Rational:
1309                    iceh, r = divmod(ceh.numerator, ceh.denominator)
1310                    c = self.func(b, iceh)
1311                return c, self.func(b, _keep_coeff(ce, t + r/ce/ceh.denominator))
1312        e = _keep_coeff(ce, pe)
1313        # b**e = (h*t)**e = h**e*t**e = c*m*t**e
1314        if e.is_Rational and b.is_Mul:
1315            h, t = b.as_content_primitive(radical=radical)  # h is positive
1316            c, m = self.func(h, e).as_coeff_Mul()  # so c is positive
1317            m, me = m.as_base_exp()
1318            if m is S.One or me == e:  # probably always true
1319                # return the following, not return c, m*Pow(t, e)
1320                # which would change Pow into Mul; we let diofant
1321                # decide what to do by using the unevaluated Mul, e.g
1322                # should it stay as sqrt(2 + 2*sqrt(5)) or become
1323                # sqrt(2)*sqrt(1 + sqrt(5))
1324                return c, self.func(_keep_coeff(m, t), e)
1325        return Integer(1), self.func(b, e)