1#! /usr/bin/env python
2# PuLP : Python LP Modeler
5# Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Jean-Sebastien Roy (js@jeannot.org)
6# Modifications Copyright (c) 2007- Stuart Anthony Mitchell (s.mitchell@auckland.ac.nz)
7# $Id: pulp.py 1791 2008-04-23 22:54:34Z smit023 $
9# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
10# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
11# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
12# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
13# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
14# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
15# the following conditions:
17# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
18# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
29PuLP is an LP modeler written in python. PuLP can generate MPS or LP files
30and call GLPK[1], COIN CLP/CBC[2], CPLEX[3], GUROBI[4] and MOSEK[5] to solve linear
33See the examples directory for examples.
35The examples require at least a solver in your PATH or a shared library file.
37Documentation is found on https://www.coin-or.org/PuLP/.
38A comprehensive wiki can be found at https://www.coin-or.org/PuLP/
40Use LpVariable() to create new variables. To create a variable 0 <= x <= 3
41>>> x = LpVariable("x", 0, 3)
43To create a variable 0 <= y <= 1
44>>> y = LpVariable("y", 0, 1)
46Use LpProblem() to create new problems. Create "myProblem"
47>>> prob = LpProblem("myProblem", const.LpMinimize)
49Combine variables to create expressions and constraints and add them to the
51>>> prob += x + y <= 2
53If you add an expression (not a constraint), it will
54become the objective.
55>>> prob += -4 * x + y
57Choose a solver and solve the problem. ex:
58>>> status = prob.solve(PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0))
60Display the status of the solution
61>>> const.LpStatus[status]
64You can get the value of the variables using value(). ex:
65>>> value(x)
68Exported Classes:
69    - LpProblem -- Container class for a Linear programming problem
70    - LpVariable -- Variables that are added to constraints in the LP
71    - LpConstraint -- A constraint of the general form
72      a1x1+a2x2 ...anxn (<=, =, >=) b
73    - LpConstraintVar -- Used to construct a column of the model in column-wise
74      modelling
76Exported Functions:
77    - value() -- Finds the value of a variable or expression
78    - lpSum() -- given a list of the form [a1*x1, a2x2, ..., anxn] will construct
79      a linear expression to be used as a constraint or variable
80    - lpDot() --given two lists of the form [a1, a2, ..., an] and
81      [ x1, x2, ..., xn] will construct a linear epression to be used
82      as a constraint or variable
84Comments, bug reports, patches and suggestions are welcome.
88[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/glpk.html
89[2] http://www.coin-or.org/
90[3] http://www.cplex.com/
91[4] http://www.gurobi.com/
92[5] http://www.mosek.com/
95import sys
96import warnings
97from time import time
99from .apis import LpSolverDefault, PULP_CBC_CMD
100from .apis.core import clock
101from .utilities import value
102from . import constants as const
103from . import mps_lp as mpslp
106    from collections.abc import Iterable
107except ImportError:
108    # python 2.7 compatible
109    from collections import Iterable
111import logging
113log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
115try:  # allow Python 2/3 compatibility
116    maketrans = str.maketrans
117except AttributeError:
118    from string import maketrans
120_DICT_TYPE = dict
122if sys.platform not in ["cli"]:
123    # iron python does not like an OrderedDict
124    try:
125        from odict import OrderedDict
127        _DICT_TYPE = OrderedDict
128    except ImportError:
129        pass
130    try:
131        # python 2.7 or 3.1
132        from collections import OrderedDict
134        _DICT_TYPE = OrderedDict
135    except ImportError:
136        pass
139    import ujson as json
140except ImportError:
141    import json
143import re
146class LpElement(object):
147    """Base class for LpVariable and LpConstraintVar"""
149    # To remove illegal characters from the names
150    illegal_chars = "-+[] ->/"
151    expression = re.compile("[{}]".format(re.escape(illegal_chars)))
152    trans = maketrans(illegal_chars, "________")
154    def setName(self, name):
155        if name:
156            if self.expression.match(name):
157                warnings.warn(
158                    "The name {} has illegal characters that will be replaced by _".format(
159                        name
160                    )
161                )
162            self.__name = str(name).translate(self.trans)
163        else:
164            self.__name = None
166    def getName(self):
167        return self.__name
169    name = property(fget=getName, fset=setName)
171    def __init__(self, name):
172        self.name = name
173        # self.hash MUST be different for each variable
174        # else dict() will call the comparison operators that are overloaded
175        self.hash = id(self)
176        self.modified = True
178    def __hash__(self):
179        return self.hash
181    def __str__(self):
182        return self.name
184    def __repr__(self):
185        return self.name
187    def __neg__(self):
188        return -LpAffineExpression(self)
190    def __pos__(self):
191        return self
193    def __bool__(self):
194        return 1
196    def __add__(self, other):
197        return LpAffineExpression(self) + other
199    def __radd__(self, other):
200        return LpAffineExpression(self) + other
202    def __sub__(self, other):
203        return LpAffineExpression(self) - other
205    def __rsub__(self, other):
206        return other - LpAffineExpression(self)
208    def __mul__(self, other):
209        return LpAffineExpression(self) * other
211    def __rmul__(self, other):
212        return LpAffineExpression(self) * other
214    def __div__(self, other):
215        return LpAffineExpression(self) / other
217    def __rdiv__(self, other):
218        raise TypeError("Expressions cannot be divided by a variable")
220    def __le__(self, other):
221        return LpAffineExpression(self) <= other
223    def __ge__(self, other):
224        return LpAffineExpression(self) >= other
226    def __eq__(self, other):
227        return LpAffineExpression(self) == other
229    def __ne__(self, other):
230        if isinstance(other, LpVariable):
231            return self.name is not other.name
232        elif isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression):
233            if other.isAtomic():
234                return self is not other.atom()
235            else:
236                return 1
237        else:
238            return 1
241class LpVariable(LpElement):
242    """
243    This class models an LP Variable with the specified associated parameters
245    :param name: The name of the variable used in the output .lp file
246    :param lowBound: The lower bound on this variable's range.
247        Default is negative infinity
248    :param upBound: The upper bound on this variable's range.
249        Default is positive infinity
250    :param cat: The category this variable is in, Integer, Binary or
251        Continuous(default)
252    :param e: Used for column based modelling: relates to the variable's
253        existence in the objective function and constraints
254    """
256    def __init__(
257        self, name, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat=const.LpContinuous, e=None
258    ):
259        LpElement.__init__(self, name)
260        self._lowbound_original = self.lowBound = lowBound
261        self._upbound_original = self.upBound = upBound
262        self.cat = cat
263        self.varValue = None
264        self.dj = None
265        if cat == const.LpBinary:
266            self.lowBound = 0
267            self.upBound = 1
268            self.cat = const.LpInteger
269        # Code to add a variable to constraints for column based
270        # modelling.
271        if e:
272            self.add_expression(e)
274    def toDict(self):
275        """
276        Exports a variable into a dictionary with its relevant information
278        :return: a dictionary with the variable information
279        :rtype: dict
280        """
281        return dict(
282            lowBound=self.lowBound,
283            upBound=self.upBound,
284            cat=self.cat,
285            varValue=self.varValue,
286            dj=self.dj,
287            name=self.name,
288        )
290    to_dict = toDict
292    @classmethod
293    def fromDict(cls, dj=None, varValue=None, **kwargs):
294        """
295        Initializes a variable object from information that comes from a dictionary (kwargs)
297        :param dj: shadow price of the variable
298        :param float varValue: the value to set the variable
299        :param kwargs: arguments to initialize the variable
300        :return: a :py:class:`LpVariable`
301        :rtype: :LpVariable
302        """
303        var = cls(**kwargs)
304        var.dj = dj
305        var.varValue = varValue
306        return var
308    from_dict = fromDict
310    def add_expression(self, e):
311        self.expression = e
312        self.addVariableToConstraints(e)
314    @classmethod
315    def matrix(
316        cls,
317        name,
318        indices=None,  # required param. enforced within function for backwards compatibility
319        lowBound=None,
320        upBound=None,
321        cat=const.LpContinuous,
322        indexStart=[],
323        indexs=None,
324    ):
326        # Backwards Compatiblity with Deprecation Warning for indexs
327        if indices is not None and indexs is not None:
328            raise TypeError(
329                "Both 'indices' and 'indexs' provided to LpVariable.matrix.  Use one only, preferably 'indices'."
330            )
331        elif indices is not None:
332            pass
333        elif indexs is not None:
334            warnings.warn(
335                "'indexs' is deprecated; use 'indices'.", DeprecationWarning, 2
336            )
337            indices = indexs
338        else:
339            raise TypeError(
340                "LpVariable.matrix missing both 'indices' and deprecated 'indexs' arguments."
341            )
343        if not isinstance(indices, tuple):
344            indices = (indices,)
345        if "%" not in name:
346            name += "_%s" * len(indices)
348        index = indices[0]
349        indices = indices[1:]
350        if len(indices) == 0:
351            return [
352                LpVariable(name % tuple(indexStart + [i]), lowBound, upBound, cat)
353                for i in index
354            ]
355        else:
356            return [
357                LpVariable.matrix(
358                    name, indices, lowBound, upBound, cat, indexStart + [i]
359                )
360                for i in index
361            ]
363    @classmethod
364    def dicts(
365        cls,
366        name,
367        indices=None,  # required param. enforced within function for backwards compatibility
368        lowBound=None,
369        upBound=None,
370        cat=const.LpContinuous,
371        indexStart=[],
372        indexs=None,
373    ):
374        """
375        This function creates a dictionary of :py:class:`LpVariable` with the specified associated parameters.
377        :param name: The prefix to the name of each LP variable created
378        :param indices: A list of strings of the keys to the dictionary of LP
379            variables, and the main part of the variable name itself
380        :param lowBound: The lower bound on these variables' range. Default is
381            negative infinity
382        :param upBound: The upper bound on these variables' range. Default is
383            positive infinity
384        :param cat: The category these variables are in, Integer or
385            Continuous(default)
386        :param indexs: (deprecated) Replaced with `indices` parameter
388        :return: A dictionary of :py:class:`LpVariable`
389        """
391        # Backwards Compatiblity with Deprecation Warning for indexs
392        if indices is not None and indexs is not None:
393            raise TypeError(
394                "Both 'indices' and 'indexs' provided to LpVariable.dicts.  Use one only, preferably 'indices'."
395            )
396        elif indices is not None:
397            pass
398        elif indexs is not None:
399            warnings.warn(
400                "'indexs' is deprecated; use 'indices'.", DeprecationWarning, 2
401            )
402            indices = indexs
403        else:
404            raise TypeError(
405                "LpVariable.dicts missing both 'indices' and deprecated 'indexs' arguments."
406            )
408        if not isinstance(indices, tuple):
409            indices = (indices,)
410        if "%" not in name:
411            name += "_%s" * len(indices)
413        index = indices[0]
414        indices = indices[1:]
415        d = {}
416        if len(indices) == 0:
417            for i in index:
418                d[i] = LpVariable(
419                    name % tuple(indexStart + [str(i)]), lowBound, upBound, cat
420                )
421        else:
422            for i in index:
423                d[i] = LpVariable.dicts(
424                    name, indices, lowBound, upBound, cat, indexStart + [i]
425                )
426        return d
428    @classmethod
429    def dict(cls, name, indices, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat=const.LpContinuous):
430        if not isinstance(indices, tuple):
431            indices = (indices,)
432        if "%" not in name:
433            name += "_%s" * len(indices)
435        lists = indices
437        if len(indices) > 1:
438            # Cartesian product
439            res = []
440            while len(lists):
441                first = lists[-1]
442                nres = []
443                if res:
444                    if first:
445                        for f in first:
446                            nres.extend([[f] + r for r in res])
447                    else:
448                        nres = res
449                    res = nres
450                else:
451                    res = [[f] for f in first]
452                lists = lists[:-1]
453            index = [tuple(r) for r in res]
454        elif len(indices) == 1:
455            index = indices[0]
456        else:
457            return {}
459        d = {}
460        for i in index:
461            d[i] = cls(name % i, lowBound, upBound, cat)
462        return d
464    def getLb(self):
465        return self.lowBound
467    def getUb(self):
468        return self.upBound
470    def bounds(self, low, up):
471        self.lowBound = low
472        self.upBound = up
473        self.modified = True
475    def positive(self):
476        self.bounds(0, None)
478    def value(self):
479        return self.varValue
481    def round(self, epsInt=1e-5, eps=1e-7):
482        if self.varValue is not None:
483            if (
484                self.upBound != None
485                and self.varValue > self.upBound
486                and self.varValue <= self.upBound + eps
487            ):
488                self.varValue = self.upBound
489            elif (
490                self.lowBound != None
491                and self.varValue < self.lowBound
492                and self.varValue >= self.lowBound - eps
493            ):
494                self.varValue = self.lowBound
495            if (
496                self.cat == const.LpInteger
497                and abs(round(self.varValue) - self.varValue) <= epsInt
498            ):
499                self.varValue = round(self.varValue)
501    def roundedValue(self, eps=1e-5):
502        if (
503            self.cat == const.LpInteger
504            and self.varValue != None
505            and abs(self.varValue - round(self.varValue)) <= eps
506        ):
507            return round(self.varValue)
508        else:
509            return self.varValue
511    def valueOrDefault(self):
512        if self.varValue != None:
513            return self.varValue
514        elif self.lowBound != None:
515            if self.upBound != None:
516                if 0 >= self.lowBound and 0 <= self.upBound:
517                    return 0
518                else:
519                    if self.lowBound >= 0:
520                        return self.lowBound
521                    else:
522                        return self.upBound
523            else:
524                if 0 >= self.lowBound:
525                    return 0
526                else:
527                    return self.lowBound
528        elif self.upBound != None:
529            if 0 <= self.upBound:
530                return 0
531            else:
532                return self.upBound
533        else:
534            return 0
536    def valid(self, eps):
537        if self.name == "__dummy" and self.varValue is None:
538            return True
539        if self.varValue is None:
540            return False
541        if self.upBound is not None and self.varValue > self.upBound + eps:
542            return False
543        if self.lowBound is not None and self.varValue < self.lowBound - eps:
544            return False
545        if (
546            self.cat == const.LpInteger
547            and abs(round(self.varValue) - self.varValue) > eps
548        ):
549            return False
550        return True
552    def infeasibilityGap(self, mip=1):
553        if self.varValue == None:
554            raise ValueError("variable value is None")
555        if self.upBound != None and self.varValue > self.upBound:
556            return self.varValue - self.upBound
557        if self.lowBound != None and self.varValue < self.lowBound:
558            return self.varValue - self.lowBound
559        if (
560            mip
561            and self.cat == const.LpInteger
562            and round(self.varValue) - self.varValue != 0
563        ):
564            return round(self.varValue) - self.varValue
565        return 0
567    def isBinary(self):
568        return self.cat == const.LpInteger and self.lowBound == 0 and self.upBound == 1
570    def isInteger(self):
571        return self.cat == const.LpInteger
573    def isFree(self):
574        return self.lowBound is None and self.upBound is None
576    def isConstant(self):
577        return self.lowBound is not None and self.upBound == self.lowBound
579    def isPositive(self):
580        return self.lowBound == 0 and self.upBound is None
582    def asCplexLpVariable(self):
583        if self.isFree():
584            return self.name + " free"
585        if self.isConstant():
586            return self.name + " = %.12g" % self.lowBound
587        if self.lowBound == None:
588            s = "-inf <= "
589        # Note: XPRESS and CPLEX do not interpret integer variables without
590        # explicit bounds
591        elif self.lowBound == 0 and self.cat == const.LpContinuous:
592            s = ""
593        else:
594            s = "%.12g <= " % self.lowBound
595        s += self.name
596        if self.upBound is not None:
597            s += " <= %.12g" % self.upBound
598        return s
600    def asCplexLpAffineExpression(self, name, constant=1):
601        return LpAffineExpression(self).asCplexLpAffineExpression(name, constant)
603    def __ne__(self, other):
604        if isinstance(other, LpElement):
605            return self.name is not other.name
606        elif isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression):
607            if other.isAtomic():
608                return self is not other.atom()
609            else:
610                return 1
611        else:
612            return 1
614    def addVariableToConstraints(self, e):
615        """adds a variable to the constraints indicated by
616        the LpConstraintVars in e
617        """
618        for constraint, coeff in e.items():
619            constraint.addVariable(self, coeff)
621    def setInitialValue(self, val, check=True):
622        """
623        sets the initial value of the variable to `val`
624        May be used for warmStart a solver, if supported by the solver
626        :param float val: value to set to variable
627        :param bool check: if True, we check if the value fits inside the variable bounds
628        :return: True if the value was set
629        :raises ValueError: if check=True and the value does not fit inside the bounds
630        """
631        lb = self.lowBound
632        ub = self.upBound
633        config = [
634            ("smaller", "lowBound", lb, lambda: val < lb),
635            ("greater", "upBound", ub, lambda: val > ub),
636        ]
638        for rel, bound_name, bound_value, condition in config:
639            if bound_value is not None and condition():
640                if not check:
641                    return False
642                raise ValueError(
643                    "In variable {}, initial value {} is {} than {} {}".format(
644                        self.name, val, rel, bound_name, bound_value
645                    )
646                )
647        self.varValue = val
648        return True
650    def fixValue(self):
651        """
652        changes lower bound and upper bound to the initial value if exists.
653        :return: None
654        """
655        self._lowbound_unfix = self.lowBound
656        self._upbound_unfix = self.upBound
657        val = self.varValue
658        if val is not None:
659            self.bounds(val, val)
661    def isFixed(self):
662        """
664        :return: True if upBound and lowBound are the same
665        :rtype: bool
666        """
667        return self.isConstant()
669    def unfixValue(self):
670        self.bounds(self._lowbound_original, self._upbound_original)
673class LpAffineExpression(_DICT_TYPE):
674    """
675    A linear combination of :class:`LpVariables<LpVariable>`.
676    Can be initialised with the following:
678    #.   e = None: an empty Expression
679    #.   e = dict: gives an expression with the values being the coefficients of the keys (order of terms is undetermined)
680    #.   e = list or generator of 2-tuples: equivalent to dict.items()
681    #.   e = LpElement: an expression of length 1 with the coefficient 1
682    #.   e = other: the constant is initialised as e
684    Examples:
686       >>> f=LpAffineExpression(LpElement('x'))
687       >>> f
688       1*x + 0
689       >>> x_name = ['x_0', 'x_1', 'x_2']
690       >>> x = [LpVariable(x_name[i], lowBound = 0, upBound = 10) for i in range(3) ]
691       >>> c = LpAffineExpression([ (x[0],1), (x[1],-3), (x[2],4)])
692       >>> c
693       1*x_0 + -3*x_1 + 4*x_2 + 0
694    """
696    # to remove illegal characters from the names
697    trans = maketrans("-+[] ", "_____")
699    def setName(self, name):
700        if name:
701            self.__name = str(name).translate(self.trans)
702        else:
703            self.__name = None
705    def getName(self):
706        return self.__name
708    name = property(fget=getName, fset=setName)
710    def __init__(self, e=None, constant=0, name=None):
711        self.name = name
712        # TODO remove isinstance usage
713        if e is None:
714            e = {}
715        if isinstance(e, LpAffineExpression):
716            # Will not copy the name
717            self.constant = e.constant
718            super(LpAffineExpression, self).__init__(list(e.items()))
719        elif isinstance(e, dict):
720            self.constant = constant
721            super(LpAffineExpression, self).__init__(list(e.items()))
722        elif isinstance(e, Iterable):
723            self.constant = constant
724            super(LpAffineExpression, self).__init__(e)
725        elif isinstance(e, LpElement):
726            self.constant = 0
727            super(LpAffineExpression, self).__init__([(e, 1)])
728        else:
729            self.constant = e
730            super(LpAffineExpression, self).__init__()
732    # Proxy functions for variables
734    def isAtomic(self):
735        return len(self) == 1 and self.constant == 0 and list(self.values())[0] == 1
737    def isNumericalConstant(self):
738        return len(self) == 0
740    def atom(self):
741        return list(self.keys())[0]
743    # Functions on expressions
745    def __bool__(self):
746        return (float(self.constant) != 0.0) or (len(self) > 0)
748    def value(self):
749        s = self.constant
750        for v, x in self.items():
751            if v.varValue is None:
752                return None
753            s += v.varValue * x
754        return s
756    def valueOrDefault(self):
757        s = self.constant
758        for v, x in self.items():
759            s += v.valueOrDefault() * x
760        return s
762    def addterm(self, key, value):
763        y = self.get(key, 0)
764        if y:
765            y += value
766            self[key] = y
767        else:
768            self[key] = value
770    def emptyCopy(self):
771        return LpAffineExpression()
773    def copy(self):
774        """Make a copy of self except the name which is reset"""
775        # Will not copy the name
776        return LpAffineExpression(self)
778    def __str__(self, constant=1):
779        s = ""
780        for v in self.sorted_keys():
781            val = self[v]
782            if val < 0:
783                if s != "":
784                    s += " - "
785                else:
786                    s += "-"
787                val = -val
788            elif s != "":
789                s += " + "
790            if val == 1:
791                s += str(v)
792            else:
793                s += str(val) + "*" + str(v)
794        if constant:
795            if s == "":
796                s = str(self.constant)
797            else:
798                if self.constant < 0:
799                    s += " - " + str(-self.constant)
800                elif self.constant > 0:
801                    s += " + " + str(self.constant)
802        elif s == "":
803            s = "0"
804        return s
806    def sorted_keys(self):
807        """
808        returns the list of keys sorted by name
809        """
810        result = [(v.name, v) for v in self.keys()]
811        result.sort()
812        result = [v for _, v in result]
813        return result
815    def __repr__(self):
816        l = [str(self[v]) + "*" + str(v) for v in self.sorted_keys()]
817        l.append(str(self.constant))
818        s = " + ".join(l)
819        return s
821    @staticmethod
822    def _count_characters(line):
823        # counts the characters in a list of strings
824        return sum(len(t) for t in line)
826    def asCplexVariablesOnly(self, name):
827        """
828        helper for asCplexLpAffineExpression
829        """
830        result = []
831        line = ["%s:" % name]
832        notFirst = 0
833        variables = self.sorted_keys()
834        for v in variables:
835            val = self[v]
836            if val < 0:
837                sign = " -"
838                val = -val
839            elif notFirst:
840                sign = " +"
841            else:
842                sign = ""
843            notFirst = 1
844            if val == 1:
845                term = "%s %s" % (sign, v.name)
846            else:
847                # adding zero to val to remove instances of negative zero
848                term = "%s %.12g %s" % (sign, val + 0, v.name)
850            if self._count_characters(line) + len(term) > const.LpCplexLPLineSize:
851                result += ["".join(line)]
852                line = [term]
853            else:
854                line += [term]
855        return result, line
857    def asCplexLpAffineExpression(self, name, constant=1):
858        """
859        returns a string that represents the Affine Expression in lp format
860        """
861        # refactored to use a list for speed in iron python
862        result, line = self.asCplexVariablesOnly(name)
863        if not self:
864            term = " %s" % self.constant
865        else:
866            term = ""
867            if constant:
868                if self.constant < 0:
869                    term = " - %s" % (-self.constant)
870                elif self.constant > 0:
871                    term = " + %s" % self.constant
872        if self._count_characters(line) + len(term) > const.LpCplexLPLineSize:
873            result += ["".join(line)]
874            line = [term]
875        else:
876            line += [term]
877        result += ["".join(line)]
878        result = "%s\n" % "\n".join(result)
879        return result
881    def addInPlace(self, other):
882        if isinstance(other, int) and (other == 0):
883            return self
884        if other is None:
885            return self
886        if isinstance(other, LpElement):
887            self.addterm(other, 1)
888        elif isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression):
889            self.constant += other.constant
890            for v, x in other.items():
891                self.addterm(v, x)
892        elif isinstance(other, dict):
893            for e in other.values():
894                self.addInPlace(e)
895        elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, Iterable):
896            for e in other:
897                self.addInPlace(e)
898        else:
899            self.constant += other
900        return self
902    def subInPlace(self, other):
903        if isinstance(other, int) and (other == 0):
904            return self
905        if other is None:
906            return self
907        if isinstance(other, LpElement):
908            self.addterm(other, -1)
909        elif isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression):
910            self.constant -= other.constant
911            for v, x in other.items():
912                self.addterm(v, -x)
913        elif isinstance(other, dict):
914            for e in other.values():
915                self.subInPlace(e)
916        elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, Iterable):
917            for e in other:
918                self.subInPlace(e)
919        else:
920            self.constant -= other
921        return self
923    def __neg__(self):
924        e = self.emptyCopy()
925        e.constant = -self.constant
926        for v, x in self.items():
927            e[v] = -x
928        return e
930    def __pos__(self):
931        return self
933    def __add__(self, other):
934        return self.copy().addInPlace(other)
936    def __radd__(self, other):
937        return self.copy().addInPlace(other)
939    def __iadd__(self, other):
940        return self.addInPlace(other)
942    def __sub__(self, other):
943        return self.copy().subInPlace(other)
945    def __rsub__(self, other):
946        return (-self).addInPlace(other)
948    def __isub__(self, other):
949        return (self).subInPlace(other)
951    def __mul__(self, other):
952        e = self.emptyCopy()
953        if isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression):
954            e.constant = self.constant * other.constant
955            if len(other):
956                if len(self):
957                    raise TypeError("Non-constant expressions cannot be multiplied")
958                else:
959                    c = self.constant
960                    if c != 0:
961                        for v, x in other.items():
962                            e[v] = c * x
963            else:
964                c = other.constant
965                if c != 0:
966                    for v, x in self.items():
967                        e[v] = c * x
968        elif isinstance(other, LpVariable):
969            return self * LpAffineExpression(other)
970        else:
971            if other != 0:
972                e.constant = self.constant * other
973                for v, x in self.items():
974                    e[v] = other * x
975        return e
977    def __rmul__(self, other):
978        return self * other
980    def __div__(self, other):
981        if isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression) or isinstance(other, LpVariable):
982            if len(other):
983                raise TypeError(
984                    "Expressions cannot be divided by a non-constant expression"
985                )
986            other = other.constant
987        e = self.emptyCopy()
988        e.constant = self.constant / other
989        for v, x in self.items():
990            e[v] = x / other
991        return e
993    def __truediv__(self, other):
994        if isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression) or isinstance(other, LpVariable):
995            if len(other):
996                raise TypeError(
997                    "Expressions cannot be divided by a non-constant expression"
998                )
999            other = other.constant
1000        e = self.emptyCopy()
1001        e.constant = self.constant / other
1002        for v, x in self.items():
1003            e[v] = x / other
1004        return e
1006    def __rdiv__(self, other):
1007        e = self.emptyCopy()
1008        if len(self):
1009            raise TypeError(
1010                "Expressions cannot be divided by a non-constant expression"
1011            )
1012        c = self.constant
1013        if isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression):
1014            e.constant = other.constant / c
1015            for v, x in other.items():
1016                e[v] = x / c
1017        else:
1018            e.constant = other / c
1019        return e
1021    def __le__(self, other):
1022        return LpConstraint(self - other, const.LpConstraintLE)
1024    def __ge__(self, other):
1025        return LpConstraint(self - other, const.LpConstraintGE)
1027    def __eq__(self, other):
1028        return LpConstraint(self - other, const.LpConstraintEQ)
1030    def toDict(self):
1031        """
1032        exports the :py:class:`LpAffineExpression` into a list of dictionaries with the coefficients
1033        it does not export the constant
1035        :return: list of dictionaries with the coefficients
1036        :rtype: list
1037        """
1038        return [dict(name=k.name, value=v) for k, v in self.items()]
1040    to_dict = toDict
1043class LpConstraint(LpAffineExpression):
1044    """An LP constraint"""
1046    def __init__(self, e=None, sense=const.LpConstraintEQ, name=None, rhs=None):
1047        """
1048        :param e: an instance of :class:`LpAffineExpression`
1049        :param sense: one of :data:`~pulp.const.LpConstraintEQ`, :data:`~pulp.const.LpConstraintGE`, :data:`~pulp.const.LpConstraintLE` (0, 1, -1 respectively)
1050        :param name: identifying string
1051        :param rhs: numerical value of constraint target
1052        """
1053        LpAffineExpression.__init__(self, e, name=name)
1054        if rhs is not None:
1055            self.constant -= rhs
1056        self.sense = sense
1057        self.pi = None
1058        self.slack = None
1059        self.modified = True
1061    def getLb(self):
1062        if (self.sense == const.LpConstraintGE) or (self.sense == const.LpConstraintEQ):
1063            return -self.constant
1064        else:
1065            return None
1067    def getUb(self):
1068        if (self.sense == const.LpConstraintLE) or (self.sense == const.LpConstraintEQ):
1069            return -self.constant
1070        else:
1071            return None
1073    def __str__(self):
1074        s = LpAffineExpression.__str__(self, 0)
1075        if self.sense is not None:
1076            s += " " + const.LpConstraintSenses[self.sense] + " " + str(-self.constant)
1077        return s
1079    def asCplexLpConstraint(self, name):
1080        """
1081        Returns a constraint as a string
1082        """
1083        result, line = self.asCplexVariablesOnly(name)
1084        if not list(self.keys()):
1085            line += ["0"]
1086        c = -self.constant
1087        if c == 0:
1088            c = 0  # Supress sign
1089        term = " %s %.12g" % (const.LpConstraintSenses[self.sense], c)
1090        if self._count_characters(line) + len(term) > const.LpCplexLPLineSize:
1091            result += ["".join(line)]
1092            line = [term]
1093        else:
1094            line += [term]
1095        result += ["".join(line)]
1096        result = "%s\n" % "\n".join(result)
1097        return result
1099    def changeRHS(self, RHS):
1100        """
1101        alters the RHS of a constraint so that it can be modified in a resolve
1102        """
1103        self.constant = -RHS
1104        self.modified = True
1106    def __repr__(self):
1107        s = LpAffineExpression.__repr__(self)
1108        if self.sense is not None:
1109            s += " " + const.LpConstraintSenses[self.sense] + " 0"
1110        return s
1112    def copy(self):
1113        """Make a copy of self"""
1114        return LpConstraint(self, self.sense)
1116    def emptyCopy(self):
1117        return LpConstraint(sense=self.sense)
1119    def addInPlace(self, other):
1120        if isinstance(other, LpConstraint):
1121            if self.sense * other.sense >= 0:
1122                LpAffineExpression.addInPlace(self, other)
1123                self.sense |= other.sense
1124            else:
1125                LpAffineExpression.subInPlace(self, other)
1126                self.sense |= -other.sense
1127        elif isinstance(other, list):
1128            for e in other:
1129                self.addInPlace(e)
1130        else:
1131            LpAffineExpression.addInPlace(self, other)
1132            # raise TypeError, "Constraints and Expressions cannot be added"
1133        return self
1135    def subInPlace(self, other):
1136        if isinstance(other, LpConstraint):
1137            if self.sense * other.sense <= 0:
1138                LpAffineExpression.subInPlace(self, other)
1139                self.sense |= -other.sense
1140            else:
1141                LpAffineExpression.addInPlace(self, other)
1142                self.sense |= other.sense
1143        elif isinstance(other, list):
1144            for e in other:
1145                self.subInPlace(e)
1146        else:
1147            LpAffineExpression.subInPlace(self, other)
1148            # raise TypeError, "Constraints and Expressions cannot be added"
1149        return self
1151    def __neg__(self):
1152        c = LpAffineExpression.__neg__(self)
1153        c.sense = -c.sense
1154        return c
1156    def __add__(self, other):
1157        return self.copy().addInPlace(other)
1159    def __radd__(self, other):
1160        return self.copy().addInPlace(other)
1162    def __sub__(self, other):
1163        return self.copy().subInPlace(other)
1165    def __rsub__(self, other):
1166        return (-self).addInPlace(other)
1168    def __mul__(self, other):
1169        if isinstance(other, LpConstraint):
1170            c = LpAffineExpression.__mul__(self, other)
1171            if c.sense == 0:
1172                c.sense = other.sense
1173            elif other.sense != 0:
1174                c.sense *= other.sense
1175            return c
1176        else:
1177            return LpAffineExpression.__mul__(self, other)
1179    def __rmul__(self, other):
1180        return self * other
1182    def __div__(self, other):
1183        if isinstance(other, LpConstraint):
1184            c = LpAffineExpression.__div__(self, other)
1185            if c.sense == 0:
1186                c.sense = other.sense
1187            elif other.sense != 0:
1188                c.sense *= other.sense
1189            return c
1190        else:
1191            return LpAffineExpression.__mul__(self, other)
1193    def __rdiv__(self, other):
1194        if isinstance(other, LpConstraint):
1195            c = LpAffineExpression.__rdiv__(self, other)
1196            if c.sense == 0:
1197                c.sense = other.sense
1198            elif other.sense != 0:
1199                c.sense *= other.sense
1200            return c
1201        else:
1202            return LpAffineExpression.__mul__(self, other)
1204    def valid(self, eps=0):
1205        val = self.value()
1206        if self.sense == const.LpConstraintEQ:
1207            return abs(val) <= eps
1208        else:
1209            return val * self.sense >= -eps
1211    def makeElasticSubProblem(self, *args, **kwargs):
1212        """
1213        Builds an elastic subproblem by adding variables to a hard constraint
1215        uses FixedElasticSubProblem
1216        """
1217        return FixedElasticSubProblem(self, *args, **kwargs)
1219    def toDict(self):
1220        """
1221        exports constraint information into a dictionary
1223        :return: dictionary with all the constraint information
1224        """
1225        return dict(
1226            sense=self.sense,
1227            pi=self.pi,
1228            constant=self.constant,
1229            name=self.name,
1230            coefficients=LpAffineExpression.toDict(self),
1231        )
1233    @classmethod
1234    def fromDict(cls, _dict):
1235        """
1236        Initializes a constraint object from a dictionary with necessary information
1238        :param dict _dict: dictionary with data
1239        :return: a new :py:class:`LpConstraint`
1240        """
1241        const = cls(
1242            e=_dict["coefficients"],
1243            rhs=-_dict["constant"],
1244            name=_dict["name"],
1245            sense=_dict["sense"],
1246        )
1247        const.pi = _dict["pi"]
1248        return const
1250    from_dict = fromDict
1253class LpFractionConstraint(LpConstraint):
1254    """
1255    Creates a constraint that enforces a fraction requirement a/b = c
1256    """
1258    def __init__(
1259        self,
1260        numerator,
1261        denominator=None,
1262        sense=const.LpConstraintEQ,
1263        RHS=1.0,
1264        name=None,
1265        complement=None,
1266    ):
1267        """
1268        creates a fraction Constraint to model constraints of
1269        the nature
1270        numerator/denominator {==, >=, <=} RHS
1271        numerator/(numerator + complement) {==, >=, <=} RHS
1273        :param numerator: the top of the fraction
1274        :param denominator: as described above
1275        :param sense: the sense of the relation of the constraint
1276        :param RHS: the target fraction value
1277        :param complement: as described above
1278        """
1279        self.numerator = numerator
1280        if denominator is None and complement is not None:
1281            self.complement = complement
1282            self.denominator = numerator + complement
1283        elif denominator is not None and complement is None:
1284            self.denominator = denominator
1285            self.complement = denominator - numerator
1286        else:
1287            self.denominator = denominator
1288            self.complement = complement
1289        lhs = self.numerator - RHS * self.denominator
1290        LpConstraint.__init__(self, lhs, sense=sense, rhs=0, name=name)
1291        self.RHS = RHS
1293    def findLHSValue(self):
1294        """
1295        Determines the value of the fraction in the constraint after solution
1296        """
1297        if abs(value(self.denominator)) >= const.EPS:
1298            return value(self.numerator) / value(self.denominator)
1299        else:
1300            if abs(value(self.numerator)) <= const.EPS:
1301                # zero divided by zero will return 1
1302                return 1.0
1303            else:
1304                raise ZeroDivisionError
1306    def makeElasticSubProblem(self, *args, **kwargs):
1307        """
1308        Builds an elastic subproblem by adding variables and splitting the
1309        hard constraint
1311        uses FractionElasticSubProblem
1312        """
1313        return FractionElasticSubProblem(self, *args, **kwargs)
1316class LpConstraintVar(LpElement):
1317    """A Constraint that can be treated as a variable when constructing
1318    a LpProblem by columns
1319    """
1321    def __init__(self, name=None, sense=None, rhs=None, e=None):
1322        LpElement.__init__(self, name)
1323        self.constraint = LpConstraint(name=self.name, sense=sense, rhs=rhs, e=e)
1325    def addVariable(self, var, coeff):
1326        """
1327        Adds a variable to the constraint with the
1328        activity coeff
1329        """
1330        self.constraint.addterm(var, coeff)
1332    def value(self):
1333        return self.constraint.value()
1336class LpProblem(object):
1337    """An LP Problem"""
1339    def __init__(self, name="NoName", sense=const.LpMinimize):
1340        """
1341        Creates an LP Problem
1343        This function creates a new LP Problem  with the specified associated parameters
1345        :param name: name of the problem used in the output .lp file
1346        :param sense: of the LP problem objective.  \
1347                Either :data:`~pulp.const.LpMinimize` (default) \
1348                or :data:`~pulp.const.LpMaximize`.
1349        :return: An LP Problem
1350        """
1351        if " " in name:
1352            warnings.warn("Spaces are not permitted in the name. Converted to '_'")
1353            name = name.replace(" ", "_")
1354        self.objective = None
1355        self.constraints = _DICT_TYPE()
1356        self.name = name
1357        self.sense = sense
1358        self.sos1 = {}
1359        self.sos2 = {}
1360        self.status = const.LpStatusNotSolved
1361        self.sol_status = const.LpSolutionNoSolutionFound
1362        self.noOverlap = 1
1363        self.solver = None
1364        self.modifiedVariables = []
1365        self.modifiedConstraints = []
1366        self.resolveOK = False
1367        self._variables = []
1368        self._variable_ids = {}  # old school using dict.keys() for a set
1369        self.dummyVar = None
1370        self.solutionTime = 0
1371        self.solutionCpuTime = 0
1373        # locals
1374        self.lastUnused = 0
1376    def __repr__(self):
1377        s = self.name + ":\n"
1378        if self.sense == 1:
1379            s += "MINIMIZE\n"
1380        else:
1381            s += "MAXIMIZE\n"
1382        s += repr(self.objective) + "\n"
1384        if self.constraints:
1385            s += "SUBJECT TO\n"
1386            for n, c in self.constraints.items():
1387                s += c.asCplexLpConstraint(n) + "\n"
1388        s += "VARIABLES\n"
1389        for v in self.variables():
1390            s += v.asCplexLpVariable() + " " + const.LpCategories[v.cat] + "\n"
1391        return s
1393    def __getstate__(self):
1394        # Remove transient data prior to pickling.
1395        state = self.__dict__.copy()
1396        del state["_variable_ids"]
1397        return state
1399    def __setstate__(self, state):
1400        # Update transient data prior to unpickling.
1401        self.__dict__.update(state)
1402        self._variable_ids = {}
1403        for v in self._variables:
1404            self._variable_ids[v.hash] = v
1406    def copy(self):
1407        """Make a copy of self. Expressions are copied by reference"""
1408        lpcopy = LpProblem(name=self.name, sense=self.sense)
1409        lpcopy.objective = self.objective
1410        lpcopy.constraints = self.constraints.copy()
1411        lpcopy.sos1 = self.sos1.copy()
1412        lpcopy.sos2 = self.sos2.copy()
1413        return lpcopy
1415    def deepcopy(self):
1416        """Make a copy of self. Expressions are copied by value"""
1417        lpcopy = LpProblem(name=self.name, sense=self.sense)
1418        if self.objective is not None:
1419            lpcopy.objective = self.objective.copy()
1420        lpcopy.constraints = {}
1421        for k, v in self.constraints.items():
1422            lpcopy.constraints[k] = v.copy()
1423        lpcopy.sos1 = self.sos1.copy()
1424        lpcopy.sos2 = self.sos2.copy()
1425        return lpcopy
1427    def toDict(self):
1428        """
1429        creates a dictionary from the model with as much data as possible.
1430        It replaces variables by variable names.
1431        So it requires to have unique names for variables.
1433        :return: dictionary with model data
1434        :rtype: dict
1435        """
1436        try:
1437            self.checkDuplicateVars()
1438        except const.PulpError:
1439            raise const.PulpError(
1440                "Duplicated names found in variables:\nto export the model, variable names need to be unique"
1441            )
1442        self.fixObjective()
1443        variables = self.variables()
1444        return dict(
1445            objective=dict(
1446                name=self.objective.name, coefficients=self.objective.toDict()
1447            ),
1448            constraints=[v.toDict() for v in self.constraints.values()],
1449            variables=[v.toDict() for v in variables],
1450            parameters=dict(
1451                name=self.name,
1452                sense=self.sense,
1453                status=self.status,
1454                sol_status=self.sol_status,
1455            ),
1456            sos1=list(self.sos1.values()),
1457            sos2=list(self.sos2.values()),
1458        )
1460    to_dict = toDict
1462    @classmethod
1463    def fromDict(cls, _dict):
1464        """
1465        Takes a dictionary with all necessary information to build a model.
1466        And returns a dictionary of variables and a problem object
1468        :param _dict: dictionary with the model stored
1469        :return: a tuple with a dictionary of variables and a :py:class:`LpProblem`
1470        """
1472        # we instantiate the problem
1473        params = _dict["parameters"]
1474        pb_params = {"name", "sense"}
1475        args = {k: params[k] for k in pb_params}
1476        pb = cls(**args)
1477        pb.status = params["status"]
1478        pb.sol_status = params["sol_status"]
1480        # recreate the variables.
1481        var = {v["name"]: LpVariable.fromDict(**v) for v in _dict["variables"]}
1483        # objective function.
1484        # we change the names for the objects:
1485        obj_e = {var[v["name"]]: v["value"] for v in _dict["objective"]["coefficients"]}
1486        pb += LpAffineExpression(e=obj_e, name=_dict["objective"]["name"])
1488        # constraints
1489        # we change the names for the objects:
1490        def edit_const(const):
1491            const = dict(const)
1492            const["coefficients"] = {
1493                var[v["name"]]: v["value"] for v in const["coefficients"]
1494            }
1495            return const
1497        constraints = [edit_const(v) for v in _dict["constraints"]]
1498        for c in constraints:
1499            pb += LpConstraint.fromDict(c)
1501        # last, parameters, other options
1502        list_to_dict = lambda v: {k: v for k, v in enumerate(v)}
1503        pb.sos1 = list_to_dict(_dict["sos1"])
1504        pb.sos2 = list_to_dict(_dict["sos2"])
1506        return var, pb
1508    from_dict = fromDict
1510    def toJson(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
1511        """
1512        Creates a json file from the LpProblem information
1514        :param str filename: filename to write json
1515        :param args: additional arguments for json function
1516        :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments for json function
1517        :return: None
1518        """
1519        with open(filename, "w") as f:
1520            json.dump(self.toDict(), f, *args, **kwargs)
1522    to_json = toJson
1524    @classmethod
1525    def fromJson(cls, filename):
1526        """
1527        Creates a new Lp Problem from a json file with information
1529        :param str filename: json file name
1530        :return: a tuple with a dictionary of variables and an LpProblem
1531        :rtype: (dict, :py:class:`LpProblem`)
1532        """
1533        with open(filename, "r") as f:
1534            data = json.load(f)
1535        return cls.fromDict(data)
1537    from_json = fromJson
1539    @classmethod
1540    def fromMPS(cls, filename, sense=const.LpMinimize, **kwargs):
1541        data = mpslp.readMPS(filename, sense=sense, **kwargs)
1542        return cls.fromDict(data)
1544    def normalisedNames(self):
1545        constraintsNames = {k: "C%07d" % i for i, k in enumerate(self.constraints)}
1546        _variables = self.variables()
1547        variablesNames = {k.name: "X%07d" % i for i, k in enumerate(_variables)}
1548        return constraintsNames, variablesNames, "OBJ"
1550    def isMIP(self):
1551        for v in self.variables():
1552            if v.cat == const.LpInteger:
1553                return 1
1554        return 0
1556    def roundSolution(self, epsInt=1e-5, eps=1e-7):
1557        """
1558        Rounds the lp variables
1560        Inputs:
1561            - none
1563        Side Effects:
1564            - The lp variables are rounded
1565        """
1566        for v in self.variables():
1567            v.round(epsInt, eps)
1569    def unusedConstraintName(self):
1570        self.lastUnused += 1
1571        while 1:
1572            s = "_C%d" % self.lastUnused
1573            if s not in self.constraints:
1574                break
1575            self.lastUnused += 1
1576        return s
1578    def valid(self, eps=0):
1579        for v in self.variables():
1580            if not v.valid(eps):
1581                return False
1582        for c in self.constraints.values():
1583            if not c.valid(eps):
1584                return False
1585        else:
1586            return True
1588    def infeasibilityGap(self, mip=1):
1589        gap = 0
1590        for v in self.variables():
1591            gap = max(abs(v.infeasibilityGap(mip)), gap)
1592        for c in self.constraints.values():
1593            if not c.valid(0):
1594                gap = max(abs(c.value()), gap)
1595        return gap
1597    def addVariable(self, variable):
1598        """
1599        Adds a variable to the problem before a constraint is added
1601        @param variable: the variable to be added
1602        """
1603        if variable.hash not in self._variable_ids:
1604            self._variables.append(variable)
1605            self._variable_ids[variable.hash] = variable
1607    def addVariables(self, variables):
1608        """
1609        Adds variables to the problem before a constraint is added
1611        @param variables: the variables to be added
1612        """
1613        for v in variables:
1614            self.addVariable(v)
1616    def variables(self):
1617        """
1618        Returns the problem variables
1620        :return: A list containing the problem variables
1621        :rtype: (list, :py:class:`LpVariable`)
1622        """
1623        if self.objective:
1624            self.addVariables(list(self.objective.keys()))
1625        for c in self.constraints.values():
1626            self.addVariables(list(c.keys()))
1627        self._variables.sort(key=lambda v: v.name)
1628        return self._variables
1630    def variablesDict(self):
1631        variables = {}
1632        if self.objective:
1633            for v in self.objective:
1634                variables[v.name] = v
1635        for c in list(self.constraints.values()):
1636            for v in c:
1637                variables[v.name] = v
1638        return variables
1640    def add(self, constraint, name=None):
1641        self.addConstraint(constraint, name)
1643    def addConstraint(self, constraint, name=None):
1644        if not isinstance(constraint, LpConstraint):
1645            raise TypeError("Can only add LpConstraint objects")
1646        if name:
1647            constraint.name = name
1648        try:
1649            if constraint.name:
1650                name = constraint.name
1651            else:
1652                name = self.unusedConstraintName()
1653        except AttributeError:
1654            raise TypeError("Can only add LpConstraint objects")
1655            # removed as this test fails for empty constraints
1656        #        if len(constraint) == 0:
1657        #            if not constraint.valid():
1658        #                raise ValueError, "Cannot add false constraints"
1659        if name in self.constraints:
1660            if self.noOverlap:
1661                raise const.PulpError("overlapping constraint names: " + name)
1662            else:
1663                print("Warning: overlapping constraint names:", name)
1664        self.constraints[name] = constraint
1665        self.modifiedConstraints.append(constraint)
1666        self.addVariables(list(constraint.keys()))
1668    def setObjective(self, obj):
1669        """
1670        Sets the input variable as the objective function. Used in Columnwise Modelling
1672        :param obj: the objective function of type :class:`LpConstraintVar`
1674        Side Effects:
1675            - The objective function is set
1676        """
1677        if isinstance(obj, LpVariable):
1678            # allows the user to add a LpVariable as an objective
1679            obj = obj + 0.0
1680        try:
1681            obj = obj.constraint
1682            name = obj.name
1683        except AttributeError:
1684            name = None
1685        self.objective = obj
1686        self.objective.name = name
1687        self.resolveOK = False
1689    def __iadd__(self, other):
1690        if isinstance(other, tuple):
1691            other, name = other
1692        else:
1693            name = None
1694        if other is True:
1695            return self
1696        elif other is False:
1697            raise TypeError("A False object cannot be passed as a constraint")
1698        elif isinstance(other, LpConstraintVar):
1699            self.addConstraint(other.constraint)
1700        elif isinstance(other, LpConstraint):
1701            self.addConstraint(other, name)
1702        elif isinstance(other, LpAffineExpression):
1703            if self.objective is not None:
1704                warnings.warn("Overwriting previously set objective.")
1705            self.objective = other
1706            if name is not None:
1707                # we may keep the LpAffineExpression name
1708                self.objective.name = name
1709        elif isinstance(other, LpVariable) or isinstance(other, (int, float)):
1710            if self.objective is not None:
1711                warnings.warn("Overwriting previously set objective.")
1712            self.objective = LpAffineExpression(other)
1713            self.objective.name = name
1714        else:
1715            raise TypeError(
1716                "Can only add LpConstraintVar, LpConstraint, LpAffineExpression or True objects"
1717            )
1718        return self
1720    def extend(self, other, use_objective=True):
1721        """
1722        extends an LpProblem by adding constraints either from a dictionary
1723        a tuple or another LpProblem object.
1725        @param use_objective: determines whether the objective is imported from
1726        the other problem
1728        For dictionaries the constraints will be named with the keys
1729        For tuples an unique name will be generated
1730        For LpProblems the name of the problem will be added to the constraints
1731        name
1732        """
1733        if isinstance(other, dict):
1734            for name in other:
1735                self.constraints[name] = other[name]
1736        elif isinstance(other, LpProblem):
1737            for v in set(other.variables()).difference(self.variables()):
1738                v.name = other.name + v.name
1739            for name, c in other.constraints.items():
1740                c.name = other.name + name
1741                self.addConstraint(c)
1742            if use_objective:
1743                self.objective += other.objective
1744        else:
1745            for c in other:
1746                if isinstance(c, tuple):
1747                    name = c[0]
1748                    c = c[1]
1749                else:
1750                    name = None
1751                if not name:
1752                    name = c.name
1753                if not name:
1754                    name = self.unusedConstraintName()
1755                self.constraints[name] = c
1757    def coefficients(self, translation=None):
1758        coefs = []
1759        if translation == None:
1760            for c in self.constraints:
1761                cst = self.constraints[c]
1762                coefs.extend([(v.name, c, cst[v]) for v in cst])
1763        else:
1764            for c in self.constraints:
1765                ctr = translation[c]
1766                cst = self.constraints[c]
1767                coefs.extend([(translation[v.name], ctr, cst[v]) for v in cst])
1768        return coefs
1770    def writeMPS(self, filename, mpsSense=0, rename=0, mip=1):
1771        """
1772        Writes an mps files from the problem information
1774        :param str filename: name of the file to write
1775        :param int mpsSense:
1776        :param bool rename: if True, normalized names are used for variables and constraints
1777        :param mip: variables and variable renames
1778        :return:
1779        Side Effects:
1780            - The file is created
1781        """
1782        return mpslp.writeMPS(self, filename, mpsSense=mpsSense, rename=rename, mip=mip)
1784    def writeLP(self, filename, writeSOS=1, mip=1, max_length=100):
1785        """
1786        Write the given Lp problem to a .lp file.
1788        This function writes the specifications (objective function,
1789        constraints, variables) of the defined Lp problem to a file.
1791        :param str filename: the name of the file to be created.
1792        :return: variables
1793        Side Effects:
1794            - The file is created
1795        """
1796        return mpslp.writeLP(
1797            self, filename=filename, writeSOS=writeSOS, mip=mip, max_length=max_length
1798        )
1800    def checkDuplicateVars(self):
1801        """
1802        Checks if there are at least two variables with the same name
1803        :return: 1
1804        :raises `const.PulpError`: if there ar duplicates
1805        """
1806        vs = self.variables()
1808        repeated_names = {}
1809        for v in vs:
1810            repeated_names[v.name] = repeated_names.get(v.name, 0) + 1
1811        repeated_names = [
1812            (key, value) for key, value in list(repeated_names.items()) if value >= 2
1813        ]
1814        if repeated_names:
1815            raise const.PulpError("Repeated variable names:\n" + str(repeated_names))
1816        return 1
1818    def checkLengthVars(self, max_length):
1819        """
1820        Checks if variables have names smaller than `max_length`
1821        :param int max_length: max size for variable name
1822        :return:
1823        :raises const.PulpError: if there is at least one variable that has a long name
1824        """
1825        vs = self.variables()
1826        long_names = [v.name for v in vs if len(v.name) > max_length]
1827        if long_names:
1828            raise const.PulpError(
1829                "Variable names too long for Lp format\n" + str(long_names)
1830            )
1831        return 1
1833    def assignVarsVals(self, values):
1834        variables = self.variablesDict()
1835        for name in values:
1836            if name != "__dummy":
1837                variables[name].varValue = values[name]
1839    def assignVarsDj(self, values):
1840        variables = self.variablesDict()
1841        for name in values:
1842            if name != "__dummy":
1843                variables[name].dj = values[name]
1845    def assignConsPi(self, values):
1846        for name in values:
1847            try:
1848                self.constraints[name].pi = values[name]
1849            except KeyError:
1850                pass
1852    def assignConsSlack(self, values, activity=False):
1853        for name in values:
1854            try:
1855                if activity:
1856                    # reports the activity not the slack
1857                    self.constraints[name].slack = -1 * (
1858                        self.constraints[name].constant + float(values[name])
1859                    )
1860                else:
1861                    self.constraints[name].slack = float(values[name])
1862            except KeyError:
1863                pass
1865    def get_dummyVar(self):
1866        if self.dummyVar is None:
1867            self.dummyVar = LpVariable("__dummy", 0, 0)
1868        return self.dummyVar
1870    def fixObjective(self):
1871        if self.objective is None:
1872            self.objective = 0
1873            wasNone = 1
1874        else:
1875            wasNone = 0
1876        if not isinstance(self.objective, LpAffineExpression):
1877            self.objective = LpAffineExpression(self.objective)
1878        if self.objective.isNumericalConstant():
1879            dummyVar = self.get_dummyVar()
1880            self.objective += dummyVar
1881        else:
1882            dummyVar = None
1883        return wasNone, dummyVar
1885    def restoreObjective(self, wasNone, dummyVar):
1886        if wasNone:
1887            self.objective = None
1888        elif not dummyVar is None:
1889            self.objective -= dummyVar
1891    def solve(self, solver=None, **kwargs):
1892        """
1893        Solve the given Lp problem.
1895        This function changes the problem to make it suitable for solving
1896        then calls the solver.actualSolve() method to find the solution
1898        :param solver:  Optional: the specific solver to be used, defaults to the
1899              default solver.
1901        Side Effects:
1902            - The attributes of the problem object are changed in
1903              :meth:`~pulp.solver.LpSolver.actualSolve()` to reflect the Lp solution
1904        """
1906        if not (solver):
1907            solver = self.solver
1908        if not (solver):
1909            solver = LpSolverDefault
1910        wasNone, dummyVar = self.fixObjective()
1911        # time it
1912        self.startClock()
1913        status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
1914        self.stopClock()
1915        self.restoreObjective(wasNone, dummyVar)
1916        self.solver = solver
1917        return status
1919    def startClock(self):
1920        "initializes properties with the current time"
1921        self.solutionCpuTime = -clock()
1922        self.solutionTime = -time()
1924    def stopClock(self):
1925        "updates time wall time and cpu time"
1926        self.solutionTime += time()
1927        self.solutionCpuTime += clock()
1929    def sequentialSolve(
1930        self, objectives, absoluteTols=None, relativeTols=None, solver=None, debug=False
1931    ):
1932        """
1933        Solve the given Lp problem with several objective functions.
1935        This function sequentially changes the objective of the problem
1936        and then adds the objective function as a constraint
1938        :param objectives: the list of objectives to be used to solve the problem
1939        :param absoluteTols: the list of absolute tolerances to be applied to
1940           the constraints should be +ve for a minimise objective
1941        :param relativeTols: the list of relative tolerances applied to the constraints
1942        :param solver: the specific solver to be used, defaults to the default solver.
1944        """
1945        # TODO Add a penalty variable to make problems elastic
1946        # TODO add the ability to accept different status values i.e. infeasible etc
1948        if not (solver):
1949            solver = self.solver
1950        if not (solver):
1951            solver = LpSolverDefault
1952        if not (absoluteTols):
1953            absoluteTols = [0] * len(objectives)
1954        if not (relativeTols):
1955            relativeTols = [1] * len(objectives)
1956        # time it
1957        self.startClock()
1958        statuses = []
1959        for i, (obj, absol, rel) in enumerate(
1960            zip(objectives, absoluteTols, relativeTols)
1961        ):
1962            self.setObjective(obj)
1963            status = solver.actualSolve(self)
1964            statuses.append(status)
1965            if debug:
1966                self.writeLP("%sSequence.lp" % i)
1967            if self.sense == const.LpMinimize:
1968                self += obj <= value(obj) * rel + absol, "%s_Sequence_Objective" % i
1969            elif self.sense == const.LpMaximize:
1970                self += obj >= value(obj) * rel + absol, "%s_Sequence_Objective" % i
1971        self.stopClock()
1972        self.solver = solver
1973        return statuses
1975    def resolve(self, solver=None, **kwargs):
1976        """
1977        resolves an Problem using the same solver as previously
1978        """
1979        if not (solver):
1980            solver = self.solver
1981        if self.resolveOK:
1982            return self.solver.actualResolve(self, **kwargs)
1983        else:
1984            return self.solve(solver=solver, **kwargs)
1986    def setSolver(self, solver=LpSolverDefault):
1987        """Sets the Solver for this problem useful if you are using
1988        resolve
1989        """
1990        self.solver = solver
1992    def numVariables(self):
1993        """
1995        :return: number of variables in model
1996        """
1997        return len(self._variable_ids)
1999    def numConstraints(self):
2000        """
2002        :return: number of constraints in model
2003        """
2004        return len(self.constraints)
2006    def getSense(self):
2007        return self.sense
2009    def assignStatus(self, status, sol_status=None):
2010        """
2011        Sets the status of the model after solving.
2012        :param status: code for the status of the model
2013        :param sol_status: code for the status of the solution
2014        :return:
2015        """
2016        if status not in const.LpStatus:
2017            raise const.PulpError("Invalid status code: " + str(status))
2019        if sol_status is not None and sol_status not in const.LpSolution:
2020            raise const.PulpError("Invalid solution status code: " + str(sol_status))
2022        self.status = status
2023        if sol_status is None:
2024            sol_status = const.LpStatusToSolution.get(
2025                status, const.LpSolutionNoSolutionFound
2026            )
2027        self.sol_status = sol_status
2028        return True
2031class FixedElasticSubProblem(LpProblem):
2032    """
2033    Contains the subproblem generated by converting a fixed constraint
2034    :math:`\\sum_{i}a_i x_i = b` into an elastic constraint.
2036    :param constraint: The LpConstraint that the elastic constraint is based on
2037    :param penalty: penalty applied for violation (+ve or -ve) of the constraints
2038    :param proportionFreeBound:
2039        the proportional bound (+ve and -ve) on
2040        constraint violation that is free from penalty
2041    :param proportionFreeBoundList: the proportional bound on \
2042        constraint violation that is free from penalty, expressed as a list\
2043        where [-ve, +ve]
2044    """
2046    def __init__(
2047        self,
2048        constraint,
2049        penalty=None,
2050        proportionFreeBound=None,
2051        proportionFreeBoundList=None,
2052    ):
2053        subProblemName = "%s_elastic_SubProblem" % constraint.name
2054        LpProblem.__init__(self, subProblemName, const.LpMinimize)
2055        self.objective = LpAffineExpression()
2056        self.constraint = constraint
2057        self.constant = constraint.constant
2058        self.RHS = -constraint.constant
2059        self.objective = LpAffineExpression()
2060        self += constraint, "_Constraint"
2061        # create and add these variables but disabled
2062        self.freeVar = LpVariable("_free_bound", upBound=0, lowBound=0)
2063        self.upVar = LpVariable("_pos_penalty_var", upBound=0, lowBound=0)
2064        self.lowVar = LpVariable("_neg_penalty_var", upBound=0, lowBound=0)
2065        constraint.addInPlace(self.freeVar + self.lowVar + self.upVar)
2066        if proportionFreeBound:
2067            proportionFreeBoundList = [proportionFreeBound, proportionFreeBound]
2068        if proportionFreeBoundList:
2069            # add a costless variable
2070            self.freeVar.upBound = abs(constraint.constant * proportionFreeBoundList[0])
2071            self.freeVar.lowBound = -abs(
2072                constraint.constant * proportionFreeBoundList[1]
2073            )
2074            # Note the reversal of the upbound and lowbound due to the nature of the
2075            # variable
2076        if penalty is not None:
2077            # activate these variables
2078            self.upVar.upBound = None
2079            self.lowVar.lowBound = None
2080            self.objective = penalty * self.upVar - penalty * self.lowVar
2082    def _findValue(self, attrib):
2083        """
2084        safe way to get the value of a variable that may not exist
2085        """
2086        var = getattr(self, attrib, 0)
2087        if var:
2088            if value(var) is not None:
2089                return value(var)
2090            else:
2091                return 0.0
2092        else:
2093            return 0.0
2095    def isViolated(self):
2096        """
2097        returns true if the penalty variables are non-zero
2098        """
2099        upVar = self._findValue("upVar")
2100        lowVar = self._findValue("lowVar")
2101        freeVar = self._findValue("freeVar")
2102        result = abs(upVar + lowVar) >= const.EPS
2103        if result:
2104            log.debug(
2105                "isViolated %s, upVar %s, lowVar %s, freeVar %s result %s"
2106                % (self.name, upVar, lowVar, freeVar, result)
2107            )
2108            log.debug(
2109                "isViolated value lhs %s constant %s" % (self.findLHSValue(), self.RHS)
2110            )
2111        return result
2113    def findDifferenceFromRHS(self):
2114        """
2115        The amount the actual value varies from the RHS (sense: LHS - RHS)
2116        """
2117        return self.findLHSValue() - self.RHS
2119    def findLHSValue(self):
2120        """
2121        for elastic constraints finds the LHS value of the constraint without
2122        the free variable and or penalty variable assumes the constant is on the
2123        rhs
2124        """
2125        upVar = self._findValue("upVar")
2126        lowVar = self._findValue("lowVar")
2127        freeVar = self._findValue("freeVar")
2128        return self.constraint.value() - self.constant - upVar - lowVar - freeVar
2130    def deElasticize(self):
2131        """de-elasticize constraint"""
2132        self.upVar.upBound = 0
2133        self.lowVar.lowBound = 0
2135    def reElasticize(self):
2136        """
2137        Make the Subproblem elastic again after deElasticize
2138        """
2139        self.upVar.lowBound = 0
2140        self.upVar.upBound = None
2141        self.lowVar.upBound = 0
2142        self.lowVar.lowBound = None
2144    def alterName(self, name):
2145        """
2146        Alters the name of anonymous parts of the problem
2148        """
2149        self.name = "%s_elastic_SubProblem" % name
2150        if hasattr(self, "freeVar"):
2151            self.freeVar.name = self.name + "_free_bound"
2152        if hasattr(self, "upVar"):
2153            self.upVar.name = self.name + "_pos_penalty_var"
2154        if hasattr(self, "lowVar"):
2155            self.lowVar.name = self.name + "_neg_penalty_var"
2158class FractionElasticSubProblem(FixedElasticSubProblem):
2159    """
2160    Contains the subproblem generated by converting a Fraction constraint
2161    numerator/(numerator+complement) = b
2162    into an elastic constraint
2164    :param name: The name of the elastic subproblem
2165    :param penalty: penalty applied for violation (+ve or -ve) of the constraints
2166    :param proportionFreeBound: the proportional bound (+ve and -ve) on
2167        constraint violation that is free from penalty
2168    :param proportionFreeBoundList: the proportional bound on
2169        constraint violation that is free from penalty, expressed as a list
2170        where [-ve, +ve]
2171    """
2173    def __init__(
2174        self,
2175        name,
2176        numerator,
2177        RHS,
2178        sense,
2179        complement=None,
2180        denominator=None,
2181        penalty=None,
2182        proportionFreeBound=None,
2183        proportionFreeBoundList=None,
2184    ):
2185        subProblemName = "%s_elastic_SubProblem" % name
2186        self.numerator = numerator
2187        if denominator is None and complement is not None:
2188            self.complement = complement
2189            self.denominator = numerator + complement
2190        elif denominator is not None and complement is None:
2191            self.denominator = denominator
2192            self.complement = denominator - numerator
2193        else:
2194            raise const.PulpError(
2195                "only one of denominator and complement must be specified"
2196            )
2197        self.RHS = RHS
2198        self.lowTarget = self.upTarget = None
2199        LpProblem.__init__(self, subProblemName, const.LpMinimize)
2200        self.freeVar = LpVariable("_free_bound", upBound=0, lowBound=0)
2201        self.upVar = LpVariable("_pos_penalty_var", upBound=0, lowBound=0)
2202        self.lowVar = LpVariable("_neg_penalty_var", upBound=0, lowBound=0)
2203        if proportionFreeBound:
2204            proportionFreeBoundList = [proportionFreeBound, proportionFreeBound]
2205        if proportionFreeBoundList:
2206            upProportionFreeBound, lowProportionFreeBound = proportionFreeBoundList
2207        else:
2208            upProportionFreeBound, lowProportionFreeBound = (0, 0)
2209        # create an objective
2210        self += LpAffineExpression()
2211        # There are three cases if the constraint.sense is ==, <=, >=
2212        if sense in [const.LpConstraintEQ, const.LpConstraintLE]:
2213            # create a constraint the sets the upper bound of target
2214            self.upTarget = RHS + upProportionFreeBound
2215            self.upConstraint = LpFractionConstraint(
2216                self.numerator,
2217                self.complement,
2218                const.LpConstraintLE,
2219                self.upTarget,
2220                denominator=self.denominator,
2221            )
2222            if penalty is not None:
2223                self.lowVar.lowBound = None
2224                self.objective += -1 * penalty * self.lowVar
2225                self.upConstraint += self.lowVar
2226            self += self.upConstraint, "_upper_constraint"
2227        if sense in [const.LpConstraintEQ, const.LpConstraintGE]:
2228            # create a constraint the sets the lower bound of target
2229            self.lowTarget = RHS - lowProportionFreeBound
2230            self.lowConstraint = LpFractionConstraint(
2231                self.numerator,
2232                self.complement,
2233                const.LpConstraintGE,
2234                self.lowTarget,
2235                denominator=self.denominator,
2236            )
2237            if penalty is not None:
2238                self.upVar.upBound = None
2239                self.objective += penalty * self.upVar
2240                self.lowConstraint += self.upVar
2241            self += self.lowConstraint, "_lower_constraint"
2243    def findLHSValue(self):
2244        """
2245        for elastic constraints finds the LHS value of the constraint without
2246        the free variable and or penalty variable assumes the constant is on the
2247        rhs
2248        """
2249        # uses code from LpFractionConstraint
2250        if abs(value(self.denominator)) >= const.EPS:
2251            return value(self.numerator) / value(self.denominator)
2252        else:
2253            if abs(value(self.numerator)) <= const.EPS:
2254                # zero divided by zero will return 1
2255                return 1.0
2256            else:
2257                raise ZeroDivisionError
2259    def isViolated(self):
2260        """
2261        returns true if the penalty variables are non-zero
2262        """
2263        if abs(value(self.denominator)) >= const.EPS:
2264            if self.lowTarget is not None:
2265                if self.lowTarget > self.findLHSValue():
2266                    return True
2267            if self.upTarget is not None:
2268                if self.findLHSValue() > self.upTarget:
2269                    return True
2270        else:
2271            # if the denominator is zero the constraint is satisfied
2272            return False
2275def lpSum(vector):
2276    """
2277    Calculate the sum of a list of linear expressions
2279    :param vector: A list of linear expressions
2280    """
2281    return LpAffineExpression().addInPlace(vector)
2284def lpDot(v1, v2):
2285    """Calculate the dot product of two lists of linear expressions"""
2286    if not const.isiterable(v1) and not const.isiterable(v2):
2287        return v1 * v2
2288    elif not const.isiterable(v1):
2289        return lpDot([v1] * len(v2), v2)
2290    elif not const.isiterable(v2):
2291        return lpDot(v1, [v2] * len(v1))
2292    else:
2293        return lpSum([lpDot(e1, e2) for e1, e2 in zip(v1, v2)])