2UncertaintySet class: defines generic methods and attributes
3of an uncertainty set in the context of robust optimization. UncertaintySet objects only
4contain data which describes the set, and does not contain any Pyomo object information.
6Supports the following classes of uncertainty sets:
8- UncertaintySet (user defined/implemented)
9- Ellipsoidal
10- AxesAlignedEllipsoidal
11- Polyhedral
12- Box
13- BudgetSet
14- Cardinality/Gamma
15- Discrete
16- FactorModel
17- IntersectedSet
20import abc
21import functools
22import math
23from enum import Enum
24from pyomo.common.dependencies import numpy as np, scipy as sp
25from pyomo.core.base import ConcreteModel, Objective, maximize, minimize, Block
26from pyomo.core.base.constraint import ConstraintList
27from pyomo.core.base.var import Var, _VarData, IndexedVar
28from pyomo.core.base.param import Param, _ParamData, IndexedParam
29from pyomo.core.expr import value
30from pyomo.opt.results import check_optimal_termination
31from pyomo.contrib.pyros.util import add_bounds_for_uncertain_parameters
33def uncertainty_sets(obj):
34    if not isinstance(obj, UncertaintySet):
35        raise ValueError("Expected an UncertaintySet object, instead recieved %s" % (obj,))
36    return obj
38def column(matrix, i):
39    # Get column i of a given multi-dimensional list
40    return [row[i] for row in matrix]
42class Geometry(Enum):
43    '''
44    Enum defining uncertainty set geometries
45    '''
46    LINEAR = 1
52class UncertaintySet(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
53    '''
54    Base class for custom user-defined uncertainty sets.
55    '''
57    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
58        """
59        Constructor for UncertaintySet base class
61        Args:
62             kwargs: Use the kwargs for specifying data for the UncertaintySet object. This data should be used in defining constraints in the 'set_as_constraint' function.
63        """
64        return
66    @property
67    @abc.abstractmethod
68    def dim(self):
69        """
70        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
71        """
72        raise NotImplementedError
74    @property
75    @abc.abstractmethod
76    def geometry(self):
77        """
78        UncertaintySet geometry:
79        1 is linear,
80        2 is convex nonlinear,
81        3 is general nonlinear,
82        4 is discrete.
83        """
84        raise NotImplementedError
86    @property
87    @abc.abstractmethod
88    def parameter_bounds(self):
89        """
90        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
91        """
92        raise NotImplementedError
94    def is_bounded(self, config):
95        """
96        Return True if the uncertainty set is bounded, else False.
97        """
98        # === Determine bounds on all uncertain params
99        bounding_model = ConcreteModel()
100        bounding_model.util = Block() # So that boundedness checks work for Cardinality and FactorModel sets
101        bounding_model.uncertain_param_vars = IndexedVar(range(len(config.uncertain_params)), initialize=1)
102        for idx, param in enumerate(config.uncertain_params):
103            bounding_model.uncertain_param_vars[idx].value = param.value
105        bounding_model.add_component("uncertainty_set_constraint",
106                                     config.uncertainty_set.set_as_constraint(
107                                         uncertain_params=bounding_model.uncertain_param_vars,
108                                         model=bounding_model,
109                                         config=config
110                                     ))
112        for idx, param in enumerate(list(bounding_model.uncertain_param_vars.values())):
113            bounding_model.add_component("lb_obj_" + str(idx), Objective(expr=param, sense=minimize))
114            bounding_model.add_component("ub_obj_" + str(idx), Objective(expr=param, sense=maximize))
116        for o in bounding_model.component_data_objects(Objective):
117            o.deactivate()
119        for i in range(len(bounding_model.uncertain_param_vars)):
120            for limit in ("lb", "ub"):
121                getattr(bounding_model, limit + "_obj_" + str(i)).activate()
122                res = config.global_solver.solve(bounding_model, tee=False)
123                getattr(bounding_model, limit + "_obj_" + str(i)).deactivate()
124                if not check_optimal_termination(res):
125                    return False
126        return True
128    def is_nonempty(self, config):
129        """
130        Return True if the uncertainty set is nonempty, else False.
131        """
132        return self.is_bounded(config)
134    def is_valid(self, config):
135        """
136        Return True if the uncertainty set is bounded and non-empty, else False.
137        """
138        return self.is_nonempty(config=config) and self.is_bounded(config=config)
140    @abc.abstractmethod
141    def set_as_constraint(self, **kwargs):
142        """
143        An uncertainty set *must* have a set_as_constraint method. UncertaintySets are instantiated with "q" as
144        the list of uncertain param objects. Returns a Pyomo Constraint object (could
145        be indexed) representing the uncertainty set for use in the separation problem
147        Args:
148            **kwargs: may be used to pass any additional information needed to generate the constraint(s)
149            representing the UncertaintySet
150        """
151        pass
153    def point_in_set(self, point):
154        """
155        Calculates if supplied ``point`` is contained in the uncertainty set. Returns True or False.
157        Args:
158            point: The point being checked for membership in the set.
159                   The coordinates of the point should be supplied in the same order as the elements of ``uncertain_params``
160                   that is to be supplied to the PyROS solve statement.
161                   This point must match the dimension of the uncertain parameters of the set.
162        """
164        # === Ensure point is of correct dimensionality as the uncertain parameters
165        if len(point) != self.dim:
166            raise AttributeError("Point must have same dimensions as uncertain parameters.")
168        m = ConcreteModel()
169        the_params = []
170        for i in range(self.dim):
171            m.add_component("x_%s" % i, Var(initialize=point[i]))
172            the_params.append(getattr(m, "x_%s" % i))
174        # === Generate constraint for set
175        set_constraint = self.set_as_constraint(uncertain_params=the_params)
177        # === value() returns True if the constraint is satisfied, False else.
178        is_in_set = all(value(con.expr) for con in set_constraint.values())
180        return is_in_set
182    @staticmethod
183    def add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(**kwargs):
184        """
185        Numerical bounds on uncertain parameters are used in separation. This method should take a separation-type model
186        and update the .lb() and .ub() property for each `uncertain_param_var` member of the model to a numerical value.
187        This could be an inferred bound based on the uncertainty set itself, or a big-M type bound.
188        If the bounds need to be numerically determined, return an empty list. See PolyhedralSet and IntersectedSet as examples.
189        :param kwargs: the separation model and uncertainty set objects should be passed here.
190        :return:
191        """
192        config = kwargs.pop('config')
193        model = kwargs.pop('model')
194        _set = config.uncertainty_set
195        parameter_bounds = _set.parameter_bounds
196        for i, p in enumerate(model.util.uncertain_param_vars.values()):
197            p.setlb(parameter_bounds[i][0])
198            p.setub(parameter_bounds[i][1])
201class BoxSet(UncertaintySet):
202    """
203    Hyper-rectangle (a.k.a. "Box")
204    """
206    def __init__(self, bounds):
207        """
208        BoxSet constructor
210        Args:
211            bounds: A list of tuples providing lower and upper bounds (lb, ub) for each uncertain parameter, in the same order as the 'uncertain_params' required input that is to be supplied to the PyROS solve statement.
212        """
213        # === non-empty bounds
214        if len(bounds) == 0:
215            raise AttributeError("Vector of bounds must be non-empty")
216        # === Real number valued bounds
217        if not all(isinstance(bound, (int, float)) for tup in bounds for bound in tup):
218            raise AttributeError("Bounds must be real numbers.")
219        # === Ensure no bound is None e.g. all are bounded
220        if any(bound is None for tup in bounds for bound in tup):
221            raise AttributeError("All bounds for uncertain parameters must be real numbers, not None.")
222        # === Ensure each tuple has a lower and upper bound
223        if not all(len(b) == 2 for b in bounds):
224            raise AttributeError("Vector of bounds must include a finite lb and ub for each uncertain parameter")
225        # === Ensure each lb <= ub
226        if not all(bound[0] <= bound[1] for bound in bounds):
227               raise AttributeError("Lower bounds must be less than or equal to upper bounds")
229        self.bounds = bounds
230        self.type = "box"
232    @property
233    def dim(self):
234        """
235        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
236        """
237        return len(self.bounds)
239    @property
240    def geometry(self):
241        return Geometry.LINEAR
243    @property
244    def parameter_bounds(self):
245        """
246        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
247        """
248        return self.bounds
250    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
251        """
252        Function to generate constraints for the BoxSet uncertainty set.
254        Args:
255            uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects
256        """
258        conlist = ConstraintList()
259        conlist.construct()
261        set_i = list(range(len(uncertain_params)))
263        for i in set_i:
264            conlist.add(uncertain_params[i] >= self.bounds[i][0])
265            conlist.add(uncertain_params[i] <= self.bounds[i][1])
267        return conlist
270class CardinalitySet(UncertaintySet):
271    """
272    Cardinality-constrained (a.k.a "Gamma") uncertainty set
273    """
275    def __init__(self, origin, positive_deviation, gamma):
276        """
277        CardinalitySet constructor
279        Args:
280            origin: The origin of the set (e.g., the nominal point).
281            positive_deviation: Vector (``list``) of maximal deviations of each parameter.
282            gamma: Scalar to bound the total number of uncertain parameters that can maximally deviate from their respective 'origin'. Setting 'gamma = 0' reduces the set to the 'origin' point. Setting 'gamma' to be equal to the number of parameters produces the hyper-rectangle [origin, origin+positive_deviation]
283        """
284        # === Real number valued data
285        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in origin):
286            raise AttributeError("Elements of origin vector must be numeric.")
287        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in positive_deviation):
288            raise AttributeError("Elements of positive_deviation vector must be numeric")
289        # === Dimension of positive_deviations and origin must be same
290        if len(origin) != len(positive_deviation):
291            raise AttributeError("Vectors for origin and positive_deviation must have same dimensions.")
292        # === Gamma between 0,1
293        if gamma < 0 or gamma > len(origin):
294            raise AttributeError("Gamma parameter must be in [0, n].")
295        # === positive_deviations must all be >= 0
296        if any(elem < 0 for elem in positive_deviation):
297            raise AttributeError("Elements of positive_deviations vector must be non-negative.")
298        # === Non-emptiness is implied
300        self.origin = origin
301        self.positive_deviation = positive_deviation
302        self.gamma = gamma
303        self.type = "cardinality"
305    @property
306    def dim(self):
307        """
308        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
309        """
310        return len(self.origin)
312    @property
313    def geometry(self):
314        return Geometry.LINEAR
316    @property
317    def parameter_bounds(self):
318        """
319        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
320        """
322        nom_val = self.origin
323        deviation = self.positive_deviation
324        gamma = self.gamma
325        parameter_bounds = [(nom_val[i], nom_val[i] + min(gamma, 1) * deviation[i]) for i in range(len(nom_val))]
326        return parameter_bounds
328    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
329        """
330        Function to generate constraints for the CardinalitySet uncertainty set.
332        Args:
333            uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects
334        """
336        # === Ensure dimensions
337        if len(uncertain_params) != len(self.origin):
338               raise AttributeError("Dimensions of origin and uncertain_param lists must be equal.")
340        model = kwargs['model']
341        set_i = list(range(len(uncertain_params)))
342        model.util.cassi = Var(set_i, initialize=0, bounds=(0, 1))
344        # Make n equality constraints
345        conlist = ConstraintList()
346        conlist.construct()
347        for i in set_i:
348            conlist.add(self.origin[i] + self.positive_deviation[i] * model.util.cassi[i] == uncertain_params[i])
350        conlist.add(sum(model.util.cassi[i] for i in set_i) <= self.gamma)
352        return conlist
354    def point_in_set(self, point):
355        """
356        Calculates if supplied ``point`` is contained in the uncertainty set. Returns True or False.
358        Args:
359            point: the point being checked for membership in the set
360        """
362        cassis = []
363        for i in range(self.dim):
364            if self.positive_deviation[i] > 0:
365                cassis.append((point[i] - self.origin[i])/self.positive_deviation[i])
367        if sum(cassi for cassi in cassis) <= self.gamma and \
368            all(cassi >= 0 and cassi <= 1 for cassi in cassis):
369            return True
370        else:
371            return False
374class PolyhedralSet(UncertaintySet):
375    """
376    Polyhedral uncertainty set
377    """
379    def __init__(self, lhs_coefficients_mat, rhs_vec):
380        """
381        PolyhedralSet constructor
383        Args:
384            lhs_coefficients_mat: Matrix of left-hand side coefficients for the linear inequality constraints defining the polyhedral set.
385            rhs_vec: Vector (``list``) of right-hand side values for the linear inequality constraints defining the polyhedral set.
386        """
388        # === Real valued data
389        mat = np.asarray(lhs_coefficients_mat)
390        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for row in lhs_coefficients_mat for elem in row):
391            raise AttributeError("Matrix lhs_coefficients_mat must be real-valued and numeric.")
392        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in rhs_vec):
393            raise AttributeError("Vector rhs_vec must be real-valued and numeric.")
394        # === Check columns of A must be same length as rhs
395        if mat.shape[0] != len(rhs_vec):
396            raise AttributeError("Rows of lhs_coefficients_mat matrix must equal length of rhs_vec list.")
397        # === Columns are non-zero
398        if mat.shape[1] == 0:
399            raise AttributeError("Columns of lhs_coefficients_mat must be non-zero.")
400        # === Matrix is not all zeros
401        if all(np.isclose(elem, 0) for row in lhs_coefficients_mat for elem in row):
402            raise AttributeError("Matrix lhs_coefficients_mat cannot be all zeroes.")
403        # === Non-emptiness
404        res = sp.optimize.linprog(c=np.zeros(mat.shape[1]), A_ub=mat, b_ub=rhs_vec, method="simplex")
405        if not res.success:
406            raise AttributeError("User-defined PolyhedralSet was determined to be empty. "
407                                 "Please check the set of constraints supplied during set construction.")
408        # === Boundedness
409        if res.status == 3:
410            # scipy linprog status == 3 indicates unboundedness
411            raise AttributeError("User-defined PolyhedralSet was determined to be unbounded. "
412                                 "Please augment the set of constraints supplied during set construction.")
415        self.coefficients_mat = lhs_coefficients_mat
416        self.rhs_vec = rhs_vec
417        self.type = "polyhedral"
419    @property
420    def dim(self):
421        """
422        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
423        """
424        return len(self.coefficients_mat[0])
426    @property
427    def geometry(self):
428        return Geometry.LINEAR
430    @property
431    def parameter_bounds(self):
432        """
433        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
434        PolyhedralSet bounds are not computed at set construction because they cannot be algebraically determined
435        and require access to an optimization solver.
436        """
437        # For the PolyhedralSet, these are numerically determined
438        # in the algorithm therefore they cannot presently be determined at construction of the set.
439        return []
441    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
442        """
443        Function to generate constraints for the PolyhedralSet uncertainty set.
445        Args:
446            uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects
447        """
449        # === Ensure valid dimensions of lhs and rhs w.r.t uncertain_params
450        if np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat).shape[1] != len(uncertain_params):
451            raise AttributeError("Columns of coefficients_mat matrix "
452                                 "must equal length of uncertain parameters list.")
454        set_i = list(range(len(self.coefficients_mat)))
456        conlist = ConstraintList()
457        conlist.construct()
459        for i in set_i:
460            constraint = 0
461            for j in range(len(uncertain_params)):
462                constraint += float(self.coefficients_mat[i][j]) * uncertain_params[j]
463            conlist.add(constraint <= float(self.rhs_vec[i]))
465        return conlist
467    @staticmethod
468    def add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(model, config):
469        '''
470        Add bounds on uncertain parameters
472        Args:
473            model: The model to add bounds on for the uncertain parameter variable objects
474            config: the config object for the PyROS solver instance
475        '''
476        add_bounds_for_uncertain_parameters(model=model, config=config)
477        return
480class BudgetSet(PolyhedralSet):
481    """
482    Budget uncertainty set
483    """
485    def __init__(self, budget_membership_mat,  rhs_vec):
486        """
487        BudgetSet constructor
489        Args:
490            budget_membership_mat: A matrix with 0-1 entries to designate which uncertain parameters participate in each budget constraint. Here, each row is associated with a separate budget constraint.
491            rhs_vec: Vector (``list``) of right-hand side values for the budget constraints.
492        """
493        # === Non-zero number of columns
494        mat = np.asarray(budget_membership_mat)
495        rhs = np.asarray(rhs_vec)
497        if len(mat.shape) == 1:
498            cols = mat.shape
499        else:
500            cols = mat.shape[1]
501        if cols == 0:
502            raise AttributeError("Budget membership matrix must have non-zero number of columns.")
503        # === Assert is valid matrix (same number of columns across all rows
504        if not all(len(row) == cols for row in budget_membership_mat):
505                raise AttributeError("Budget membership matrix must be a valid matrix, "
506                                     "e.g. same number of column entries across rows.")
507        # === Matrix dimension compatibility
508        if mat.shape[0] != rhs.shape[0] :
509               raise AttributeError("Rows of lhs_coefficients_mat matrix must equal rows of rhs_vec lists.")
510        # === Ensure a 0-1 matrix
511        if any(not np.isclose(elem, 0) and not np.isclose(elem, 1) for row in budget_membership_mat for elem in row):
512            raise AttributeError("Budget membership matrix must be a matrix of 0's and 1's.")
513        # === No all zero rows
514        if all(elem == 0 for row in budget_membership_mat for elem in row):
515               raise AttributeError("All zero rows are not permitted in the budget membership matrix.")
517        # === Ensure 0 <= rhs_i for all i
518        if any(rhs_vec[i] < 0 for i in range(len(rhs_vec))):
519            raise AttributeError("RHS vector entries must be >= 0.")
520        # === Non-emptiness is implied by the set
522        # === Add constraints such that uncertain params are >= 0
523        # === This adds >=0 bound on all parameters in the set
524        cols = mat.shape[1]
525        identity = np.identity(cols) * -1
526        for row in identity:
527            budget_membership_mat.append(row.tolist())
529        for i in range(identity.shape[0]):
530            rhs_vec.append(0)
532        self.coefficients_mat = budget_membership_mat
533        self.rhs_vec = rhs_vec
535        self.type = "budget"
537    @property
538    def dim(self):
539        """
540        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
541        """
542        return np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat).shape[1]
544    @property
545    def geometry(self):
546        return Geometry.LINEAR
548    @property
549    def parameter_bounds(self):
550        """
551        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
552        """
553        membership_mat = np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat)
554        rhs_vec = self.rhs_vec
555        parameter_bounds = []
556        for i in range(membership_mat.shape[1]):
557            col = column(membership_mat, i)
558            ub = min(list(col[j] * rhs_vec[j] for j in range(len(rhs_vec))))
559            lb = 0
560            parameter_bounds.append((lb, ub))
561        return parameter_bounds
563    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
564        """
565        Function to generate constraints for the BudgetSet uncertainty set.
567        Args:
568            uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects
569        """
571        # === Ensure matrix cols == len uncertain params
572        if np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat).shape[1] != len(uncertain_params):
573               raise AttributeError("Budget membership matrix must have compatible "
574                                    "dimensions with uncertain parameters vector.")
576        conlist = PolyhedralSet.set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params)
577        return conlist
579    @staticmethod
580    def add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(model, config):
581        # In this case, we use the UncertaintySet class method because we have numerical parameter_bounds
582        UncertaintySet.add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(model=model, config=config)
584class FactorModelSet(UncertaintySet):
585    """
586    Factor model (a.k.a. "net-alpha" model) uncertainty set
587    """
589    def __init__(self, origin, number_of_factors, psi_mat, beta):
590        """
591        FactorModelSet constructor
593        Args:
594            origin: Vector (``list``) of uncertain parameter values around which deviations are restrained.
595            number_of_factors: Natural number representing the dimensionality of the space to which the set projects.
596            psi: Matrix with non-negative entries designating each uncertain parameter's contribution to each factor. Here, each row is associated with a separate uncertain parameter and each column with a separate factor.
597            beta: Number in [0,1] representing the fraction of the independent factors that can simultaneously attain their extreme values. Setting 'beta = 0' will enforce that as many factors will be above 0 as there will be below 0 (i.e., "zero-net-alpha" model). Setting 'beta = 1' produces the hyper-rectangle [origin - psi e, origin + psi e], where 'e' is the vector of ones.
598        """
599        mat = np.asarray(psi_mat)
600        # === Numeric valued arrays
601        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in origin):
602            raise AttributeError("All elements of origin vector must be numeric.")
603        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for row in psi_mat for elem in row):
604            raise AttributeError("All elements of psi_mat vector must be numeric.")
605        if not isinstance(beta, (int, float)):
606            raise AttributeError("Beta parameter must be numeric.")
607        if not isinstance(number_of_factors, (int)):
608            raise AttributeError("number_of_factors must be integer.")
609        # === Ensure dimensions of psi are n x F
610        if mat.shape != (len(origin), number_of_factors):
611                raise AttributeError("Psi matrix must be of dimensions n x F where n is dim(uncertain_params)"
612                "and F is number_of_factors.")
613        # === Ensure beta in [0,1]
614        if beta > 1 or beta < 0:
615            raise AttributeError("Beta parameter must be in [0,1].")
616        # === No all zero columns of psi_mat
617        for idx in range(mat.shape[1]):
618            if all(np.isclose(elem, 0) for elem in mat[:,idx]):
619                raise AttributeError("Psi matrix cannot have all zero columns.")
620        # === Psi must be strictly positive entries
621        for idx in range(mat.shape[1]):
622            if any(elem < 0 for elem in mat[:,idx]):
623                raise AttributeError("Psi matrix cannot have any negative entries. All factors must be non-negative.")
625        self.origin = origin
626        self.number_of_factors = number_of_factors
627        self.psi_mat = psi_mat
628        self.beta = beta
629        self.type = "factor_model"
631    @property
632    def dim(self):
633        """
634        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
635        """
636        return len(self.origin)
638    @property
639    def geometry(self):
640        return Geometry.LINEAR
642    @property
643    def parameter_bounds(self):
644        """
645        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
646        """
647        nom_val = self.origin
648        psi_mat = self.psi_mat
650        F = self.number_of_factors
651        beta_F = self.beta * F
652        floor_beta_F = math.floor(beta_F)
653        parameter_bounds = []
654        for i in range(len(nom_val)):
655            non_decreasing_factor_row = sorted(psi_mat[i], reverse=True)
656            # deviation = sum_j=1^floor(beta F) {psi_if_j} + (beta F - floor(beta F)) psi_{if_{betaF +1}}
657            # because indexing starts at 0, we adjust the limit on the sum and the final factor contribution
658            if beta_F - floor_beta_F == 0:
659                deviation = sum(non_decreasing_factor_row[j] for j in range(floor_beta_F - 1))
660            else:
661                deviation = sum(non_decreasing_factor_row[j] for j in range(floor_beta_F - 1)) + (
662                            beta_F - floor_beta_F) * psi_mat[i][floor_beta_F]
663            lb = nom_val[i] - deviation
664            ub = nom_val[i] + deviation
665            if lb > ub:
666                raise AttributeError("The computed lower bound on uncertain parameters must be less than or equal to the upper bound.")
667            parameter_bounds.append((lb, ub))
668        return parameter_bounds
670    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
671        """
672        Function to generate constraints for the FactorModelSet uncertainty set.
674        Args:
675            uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects
676        """
677        model = kwargs['model']
679        # === Ensure dimensions
680        if len(uncertain_params) != len(self.origin):
681                raise AttributeError("Dimensions of origin and uncertain_param lists must be equal.")
683        # Make F-dim cassi variable
684        n = list(range(self.number_of_factors))
685        model.util.cassi = Var(n, initialize=0, bounds=(-1, 1))
687        conlist = ConstraintList()
688        conlist.construct()
690        disturbances = [sum(self.psi_mat[i][j] * model.util.cassi[j] for j in n)
691                        for i in range(len(uncertain_params))]
693        # Make n equality constraints
694        for i in range(len(uncertain_params)):
695            conlist.add(self.origin[i] + disturbances[i] == uncertain_params[i])
696        conlist.add(sum(model.util.cassi[i] for i in n) <= +self.beta * self.number_of_factors)
697        conlist.add(sum(model.util.cassi[i] for i in n) >= -self.beta * self.number_of_factors)
698        return conlist
701    def point_in_set(self, point):
702        """
703        Calculates if supplied ``point`` is contained in the uncertainty set. Returns True or False.
705        Args:
706             point: the point being checked for membership in the set
707        """
708        inv_psi = np.linalg.pinv(self.psi_mat)
709        diff = np.asarray(list(point[i] - self.origin[i] for i in range(len(point))))
710        cassis = np.dot(inv_psi, np.transpose(diff))
712        if abs(sum(cassi for cassi in cassis)) <= self.beta * self.number_of_factors and \
713            all(cassi >= -1 and cassi <= 1 for cassi in cassis):
714            return True
715        else:
716            return False
719class AxisAlignedEllipsoidalSet(UncertaintySet):
720    '''
721    Axis-aligned ellipsoidal uncertainty set
722    '''
723    def __init__(self, center, half_lengths):
724        """
725        AxisAlignedEllipsoidalSet constructor
727        Args:
728            center: Vector (``list``) of uncertain parameter values around which deviations are restrained.
729            half_lengths: Vector (``list``) of half-length values representing the maximal deviations for each uncertain parameter.
730        """
731        # === Valid data in lists
732        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in half_lengths):
733            raise AttributeError("Vector of half-lengths must be real-valued and numeric.")
734        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in center):
735            raise AttributeError("Vector center must be real-valued and numeric.")
736        if any(elem <= 0 for elem in half_lengths):
737            raise AttributeError("Half length values must be > 0.")
738        # === Valid variance dimensions
739        if not len(center) == len(half_lengths):
740            raise AttributeError("Half lengths and center of ellipsoid must have same dimensions.")
742        self.center=center
743        self.half_lengths=half_lengths
744        self.type="ellipsoidal"
746    @property
747    def dim(self):
748        """
749        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
750        """
751        return len(self.center)
753    @property
754    def geometry(self):
755        return Geometry.CONVEX_NONLINEAR
757    @property
758    def parameter_bounds(self):
759        """
760        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
761        """
762        nom_value = self.center
763        half_length =self.half_lengths
764        parameter_bounds = [(nom_value[i] - half_length[i], nom_value[i] + half_length[i]) for i in range(len(nom_value))]
765        return parameter_bounds
767    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
768        """
769        Function to generate constraints for the AxisAlignedEllipsoid uncertainty set.
771        Args:
772           uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects
773        """
774        if len(uncertain_params) != len(self.center):
775               raise AttributeError("Center of ellipsoid must be same dimensions as vector of uncertain parameters.")
776        # square and invert half lengths
777        inverse_squared_half_lengths = list(1.0/(a**2) for a in self.half_lengths)
778        # Calculate row vector of differences
779        diff_squared = []
780        # === Assume VarList uncertain_param_vars
781        for idx, i in enumerate(uncertain_params):
782           if uncertain_params[idx].is_indexed():
783               for index in uncertain_params[idx]:
784                   diff_squared.append((uncertain_params[idx][index] - self.center[idx])**2)
785           else:
786               diff_squared.append((uncertain_params[idx] - self.center[idx])**2)
788        # Calculate inner product of difference vector and variance matrix
789        constraint = sum([x * y for x, y in zip(inverse_squared_half_lengths, diff_squared)])
791        conlist = ConstraintList()
792        conlist.construct()
793        conlist.add(constraint <= 1)
794        return conlist
797class EllipsoidalSet(UncertaintySet):
798    """
799    Ellipsoidal uncertainty set
800    """
802    def __init__(self, center, shape_matrix, scale=1):
803        """
804        EllipsoidalSet constructor
806        Args:
807            center: Vector (``list``) of uncertain parameter values around which deviations are restrained.
808            shape_matrix: Positive semi-definite matrix, effectively a covariance matrix for
809            constraint and bounds determination.
810            scale: Right-hand side value for the ellipsoid.
811        """
813        # === Valid data in lists/matrixes
814        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for row in shape_matrix for elem in row):
815            raise AttributeError("Matrix shape_matrix must be real-valued and numeric.")
816        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in center):
817            raise AttributeError("Vector center must be real-valued and numeric.")
818        if not isinstance(scale, (int, float)):
819            raise AttributeError("Ellipse scale must be a real-valued numeric.")
820        # === Valid matrix dimensions
821        num_cols = len(shape_matrix[0])
822        if not all(len(row) == num_cols for row in shape_matrix):
823               raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must have valid matrix dimensions.")
824        # === Ensure shape_matrix is a square matrix
825        array_shape_mat = np.asarray(shape_matrix)
826        if array_shape_mat.shape[0] != array_shape_mat.shape[1]:
827                raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must be square.")
828        # === Ensure dimensions of shape_matrix are same as dimensions of uncertain_params
829        if array_shape_mat.shape[1] != len(center):
830                raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must be "
831                                     "same dimensions as vector of uncertain parameters.")
832        # === Symmetric shape_matrix
833        if not np.all(np.abs(array_shape_mat-array_shape_mat.T) < 1e-8):
834            raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must be symmetric.")
835        # === Ensure scale is non-negative
836        if scale < 0:
837            raise AttributeError("Scale of ellipse (rhs) must be non-negative.")
838        # === Check if shape matrix is invertible
839        try:
840            np.linalg.inv(shape_matrix)
841        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as err:
842            raise("Error with shape matrix supplied to EllipsoidalSet object being singular. %s" % err)
843        # === Check is shape matrix is positive semidefinite
844        if not all(np.linalg.eigvals(shape_matrix) >= 0):
845            raise("Non positive-semidefinite shape matrix.")
846        # === Ensure matrix is not degenerate, for determining inferred bounds
847        try:
848            for i in range(len(shape_matrix)):
849                np.power(shape_matrix[i][i], 0.5)
850        except:
851            raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must be non-degenerate.")
853        self.center = center
854        self.shape_matrix = shape_matrix
855        self.scale = scale
856        self.type = "ellipsoidal"
858    @property
859    def dim(self):
860        """
861        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
862        """
863        return len(self.center)
865    @property
866    def geometry(self):
867        return Geometry.CONVEX_NONLINEAR
869    @property
870    def parameter_bounds(self):
871        """
872        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
873        """
874        scale = self.scale
875        nom_value = self.center
876        P = self.shape_matrix
877        parameter_bounds = [(nom_value[i] - np.power(P[i][i], 0.5) * scale,
878                             nom_value[i] + np.power(P[i][i], 0.5) * scale) for i in range(self.dim)]
879        return parameter_bounds
881    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
882        """
883        Function to generate constraints for the EllipsoidalSet uncertainty set.
885        Args:
886           uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects
887        """
888        inv_covar = np.linalg.inv(self.shape_matrix)
890        if len(uncertain_params) != len(self.center):
891               raise AttributeError("Center of ellipsoid must be same dimensions as vector of uncertain parameters.")
893        # Calculate row vector of differences
894        diff = []
895        # === Assume VarList uncertain_param_vars
896        for idx, i in enumerate(uncertain_params):
897            if uncertain_params[idx].is_indexed():
898                for index in uncertain_params[idx]:
899                    diff.append(uncertain_params[idx][index] - self.center[idx])
900            else:
901                diff.append(uncertain_params[idx] - self.center[idx])
903        # Calculate inner product of difference vector and covar matrix
904        product1 = [sum([x * y for x, y in zip(diff, column(inv_covar, i))]) for i in range(len(inv_covar))]
905        constraint = sum([x * y for x, y in zip(product1, diff)])
907        conlist = ConstraintList()
908        conlist.construct()
909        conlist.add(constraint <= self.scale)
910        return conlist
913class DiscreteScenarioSet(UncertaintySet):
914    """
915    Set of discrete scenarios (i.e., finite collection of realizations)
916    """
918    def __init__(self, scenarios):
919        """
920        DiscreteScenarioSet constructor
922        Args:
923            scenarios: Vector (``list``) of discrete scenarios where each scenario represents a realization of the uncertain parameters.
924        """
926        # === Non-empty
927        if len(scenarios) == 0:
928            raise AttributeError("Scenarios list must be non-empty.")
929        # === Each scenario must be of real numbers
930        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for d in scenarios for elem in d):
931            raise AttributeError("Each scenario must consist of real-number values for each parameter.")
932        # === Confirm all scenarios are of same dimensionality
933        dim = len(scenarios[0])
934        if not all(len(d)==dim for d in scenarios):
935               raise AttributeError("All points in list of scenarios must be same dimension.")
937        # Standardize to list of tuples
938        self.scenarios = list(tuple(s) for s in scenarios)  # set of discrete points which are distinct realizations of uncertain params
939        self.type = "discrete"
941    @property
942    def dim(self):
943        """
944        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
945        """
946        return len(self.scenarios[0])
948    @property
949    def geometry(self):
950        return Geometry.DISCRETE_SCENARIOS
952    @property
953    def parameter_bounds(self):
954        """
955        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
956        """
957        parameter_bounds = [(min(s[i] for s in self.scenarios),
958                             max(s[i] for s in self.scenarios)) for i in range(self.dim)]
959        return parameter_bounds
961    def is_bounded(self, config):
962        '''
963        DiscreteScenarios is bounded by default due to finiteness of the set.
964        :param config:
965        :return: True
966        '''
967        return True
969    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
970        """
971        Function to generate constraints for the EllipsoidalSet uncertainty set.
973        Args:
974           uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects
975        """
976        # === Ensure point is of correct dimensionality as the uncertain parameters
977        dim = len(uncertain_params)
978        if any(len(d) != dim for d in self.scenarios):
979                raise AttributeError("All scenarios must have same dimensions as uncertain parameters.")
981        conlist = ConstraintList()
982        conlist.construct()
984        for n in list(range(len(self.scenarios))):
985            for i in list(range(len(uncertain_params))):
986                conlist.add(uncertain_params[i] == self.scenarios[n][i])
988        conlist.deactivate()
989        return conlist
991    def point_in_set(self, point):
992        """
993        Calculates if supplied ``point`` is contained in the uncertainty set. Returns True or False.
995        Args:
996             point: the point being checked for membership in the set
997        """
998        # Round all double precision to a tolerance
999        num_decimals = 8
1000        rounded_scenarios = list(list(round(num, num_decimals) for num in d) for d in self.scenarios)
1001        rounded_point = list(round(num, num_decimals) for num in point)
1003        return any(rounded_point==rounded_d for rounded_d in rounded_scenarios)
1006class IntersectionSet(UncertaintySet):
1007    """
1008    Set stemming from intersecting previously constructed sets of any type
1009    """
1011    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
1012        """
1013        IntersectionSet constructor
1015        Args:
1016            **kwargs: Keyword arguments for specifying all PyROS UncertaintySet objects to be intersected.
1017        """
1018        if not all(isinstance(a_set, UncertaintySet) for a_set in kwargs.values()):
1019            raise ValueError("SetIntersection objects can only be constructed via UncertaintySet objects.")
1021        # === dim must be defined on all UncertaintySet objects
1022        all_sets = list(a_set for a_set in kwargs.values())
1023        if len(all_sets) < 2:
1024            raise AttributeError("SetIntersection requires 2 or more UncertaintySet objects.")
1026        a_dim = all_sets[0].dim
1027        if not all(uncertainty_set.dim == a_dim for uncertainty_set in all_sets):
1028            raise AttributeError("Uncertainty sets being intersected must have equal dimension.")
1030        self.all_sets = all_sets
1031        self.type = "intersection"
1033    @property
1034    def dim(self):
1035        """
1036        Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
1037        """
1038        return self.all_sets[0].dim
1040    @property
1041    def geometry(self):
1042        return max(self.all_sets[i].geometry.value for i in range(len(self.all_sets)))
1044    @property
1045    def parameter_bounds(self):
1046        """
1047        Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
1048        IntersectedSet bounds are not computed at set construction because they cannot be algebraically determined
1049        and require access to an optimization solver.
1050        """
1051        # For the IntersectedSet, these are numerically determined
1052        # in the algorithm therefore they cannot presently be determined at construction of the set.
1053        return []
1055    def point_in_set(self, point):
1056        """
1057        Calculates if supplied ``point`` is contained in the uncertainty set. Returns True or False.
1059        Args:
1060             point: the point being checked for membership in the set
1061        """
1062        if all(a_set.point_in_set(point=point) for a_set in self.all_sets):
1063            return True
1064        else:
1065            return False
1067    def is_empty_intersection(self, uncertain_params, nlp_solver):
1068        """
1069        Determine if intersection is empty
1071        Args:
1072            uncertain_params: list of uncertain parameters
1073            nlp_solver: a Pyomo Solver object for solving NLPs
1074        """
1076        # === Non-emptiness check for the set intersection
1077        is_empty_intersection = True
1078        if any(a_set.type == "discrete" for a_set in self.all_sets):
1079            disc_sets = (a_set for a_set in self.all_sets if a_set.type == "discrete")
1080            disc_set = min(disc_sets, key=lambda x: len(x.scenarios))  # minimum set of scenarios
1081            # === Ensure there is at least one scenario from this discrete set which is a member of all other sets
1082            for scenario in disc_set.scenarios:
1083                if all(a_set.point_in_set(point=scenario) for a_set in self.all_sets):
1084                    is_empty_intersection = False
1085                    break
1086        else:
1087            # === Compile constraints and solve NLP
1088            m = ConcreteModel()
1089            m.obj = Objective(expr=0) # dummy objective required if using baron
1090            m.param_vars = Var(uncertain_params.index_set())
1091            for a_set in self.all_sets:
1092                m.add_component(a_set.type + "_constraints", a_set.set_as_constraint(uncertain_params=m.param_vars))
1093            try:
1094                res = nlp_solver.solve(m)
1095            except:
1096                raise ValueError("Solver terminated with an error while checking set intersection non-emptiness.")
1097            if check_optimal_termination(res):
1098                is_empty_intersection = False
1099        return is_empty_intersection
1101    # === Define pairwise intersection function
1102    @staticmethod
1103    def intersect(Q1, Q2):
1104        """
1105        Binary function intersecting two UncertaintySet objects
1106        Args:
1107            Q1: uncertainty set 1
1108            Q2: uncertainty set 2
1109        """
1110        constraints = ConstraintList()
1111        constraints.construct()
1113        for set in (Q1, Q2):
1114            other = Q1 if set is Q2 else Q2
1115            if set.type == "discrete":
1116                intersected_scenarios = []
1117                for point in set.scenarios:
1118                    if other.point_in_set(point=point):
1119                        intersected_scenarios.append(point)
1120                return DiscreteScenarioSet(scenarios=intersected_scenarios)
1122        # === This case is if both sets are continuous
1123        return IntersectionSet(set1=Q1, set2=Q2)
1125        return
1127    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
1128        """
1129        Function to generate constraints for the IntersectedSet uncertainty set.
1130        Args:
1131            uncertain_params: list of uncertain param objects participating in the sets to be intersected
1132        """
1133        try:
1134            nlp_solver = kwargs["config"].global_solver
1135        except:
1136            raise AttributeError("set_as_constraint for SetIntersection requires access to an NLP solver via"
1137                                 "the PyROS Solver config.")
1138        is_empty_intersection = self.is_empty_intersection(uncertain_params=uncertain_params, nlp_solver=nlp_solver)
1140        def _intersect(Q1, Q2):
1141            return self.intersect(Q1, Q2)
1143        if not is_empty_intersection:
1144            Qint = functools.reduce(_intersect, self.all_sets)
1146            if Qint.type == "discrete":
1147                return Qint.set_as_constraint(uncertain_params=uncertain_params)
1148            else:
1149                conlist = ConstraintList()
1150                conlist.construct()
1151                for set in Qint.all_sets:
1152                    for con in list(set.set_as_constraint(uncertain_params=uncertain_params).values()):
1153                        conlist.add(con.expr)
1154                return conlist
1155        else:
1156            raise AttributeError("Set intersection is empty, cannot proceed with PyROS robust optimization.")
1158    @staticmethod
1159    def add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(model, config):
1160        """
1161        Add bounds on uncertain parameters
1163        Args:
1164            model: The model to add bounds on for the uncertain parameter variable objects
1165        """
1167        add_bounds_for_uncertain_parameters(model=model, config=config)
1168        return