1# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-lines
2"""Density estimation functions for ArviZ."""
3import warnings
5import numpy as np
6from scipy.fftpack import fft
7from scipy.optimize import brentq
8from scipy.signal import convolve, convolve2d, gaussian  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
9from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
10from scipy.special import ive  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
12from ..utils import _cov, _dot, _stack, conditional_jit
14__all__ = ["kde"]
17def _bw_scott(x, x_std=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
18    """Scott's Rule."""
19    if x_std is None:
20        x_std = np.std(x)
21    bw = 1.06 * x_std * len(x) ** (-0.2)
22    return bw
25def _bw_silverman(x, x_std=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
26    """Silverman's Rule."""
27    if x_std is None:
28        x_std = np.std(x)
29    q75, q25 = np.percentile(x, [75, 25])
30    x_iqr = q75 - q25
31    a = min(x_std, x_iqr / 1.34)
32    bw = 0.9 * a * len(x) ** (-0.2)
33    return bw
36def _bw_isj(x, grid_counts=None, x_std=None, x_range=None):
37    """Improved Sheather-Jones bandwidth estimation.
39    Improved Sheather and Jones method as explained in [1]_. This method is used internally by the
40    KDE estimator, resulting in saved computation time as minimums, maximums and the grid are
41    pre-computed.
43    References
44    ----------
45    .. [1] Kernel density estimation via diffusion.
46       Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski, and D. P. Kroese.
47       Ann. Statist. 38 (2010), no. 5, 2916--2957.
48    """
49    x_len = len(x)
50    if x_range is None:
51        x_min = np.min(x)
52        x_max = np.max(x)
53        x_range = x_max - x_min
55    # Relative frequency per bin
56    if grid_counts is None:
57        x_std = np.std(x)
58        grid_len = 256
59        grid_min = x_min - 0.5 * x_std
60        grid_max = x_max + 0.5 * x_std
61        grid_counts, _, _ = histogram(x, grid_len, (grid_min, grid_max))
62    else:
63        grid_len = len(grid_counts) - 1
65    grid_relfreq = grid_counts / x_len
67    # Discrete cosine transform of the data
68    a_k = _dct1d(grid_relfreq)
70    k_sq = np.arange(1, grid_len) ** 2
71    a_sq = a_k[range(1, grid_len)] ** 2
73    t = _root(_fixed_point, x_len, args=(x_len, k_sq, a_sq), x=x)
74    h = t ** 0.5 * x_range
75    return h
78def _bw_experimental(x, grid_counts=None, x_std=None, x_range=None):
79    """Experimental bandwidth estimator."""
80    bw_silverman = _bw_silverman(x, x_std=x_std)
81    bw_isj = _bw_isj(x, grid_counts=grid_counts, x_range=x_range)
82    return 0.5 * (bw_silverman + bw_isj)
85def _bw_taylor(x):
86    """Taylor's rule for circular bandwidth estimation.
88    This function implements a rule-of-thumb for choosing the bandwidth of a von Mises kernel
89    density estimator that assumes the underlying distribution is von Mises as introduced in [1]_.
90    It is analogous to Scott's rule for the Gaussian KDE.
92    Circular bandwidth has a different scale from linear bandwidth. Unlike linear scale, low
93    bandwidths are associated with oversmoothing and high values with undersmoothing.
95    References
96    ----------
97    .. [1] C.C Taylor (2008). Automatic bandwidth selection for circular
98           density estimation.
99           Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52, 7, 3493–3500.
100    """
101    x_len = len(x)
102    kappa = _kappa_mle(x)
103    num = 3 * x_len * kappa ** 2 * ive(2, 2 * kappa)
104    den = 4 * np.pi ** 0.5 * ive(0, kappa) ** 2
105    return (num / den) ** 0.4
109    "scott": _bw_scott,
110    "silverman": _bw_silverman,
111    "isj": _bw_isj,
112    "experimental": _bw_experimental,
116def _get_bw(x, bw, grid_counts=None, x_std=None, x_range=None):
117    """Compute bandwidth for a given data `x` and `bw`.
119    Also checks `bw` is correctly specified.
121    Parameters
122    ----------
123    x : 1-D numpy array
124        1 dimensional array of sample data from the
125        variable for which a density estimate is desired.
126    bw: int, float or str
127        If numeric, indicates the bandwidth and must be positive.
128        If str, indicates the method to estimate the bandwidth.
130    Returns
131    -------
132    bw: float
133        Bandwidth
134    """
135    if isinstance(bw, bool):
136        raise ValueError(
137            (
138                "`bw` must not be of type `bool`.\n"
139                "Expected a positive numeric or one of the following strings:\n"
140                f"{list(_BW_METHODS_LINEAR.keys())}."
141            )
142        )
143    if isinstance(bw, (int, float)):
144        if bw < 0:
145            raise ValueError(f"Numeric `bw` must be positive.\nInput: {bw:.4f}.")
146    elif isinstance(bw, str):
147        bw_lower = bw.lower()
149        if bw_lower not in _BW_METHODS_LINEAR.keys():
150            raise ValueError(
151                "Unrecognized bandwidth method.\n"
152                f"Input is: {bw_lower}.\n"
153                f"Expected one of: {list(_BW_METHODS_LINEAR.keys())}."
154            )
156        bw_fun = _BW_METHODS_LINEAR[bw_lower]
157        bw = bw_fun(x, grid_counts=grid_counts, x_std=x_std, x_range=x_range)
158    else:
159        raise ValueError(
160            "Unrecognized `bw` argument.\n"
161            "Expected a positive numeric or one of the following strings:\n"
162            f"{list(_BW_METHODS_LINEAR.keys())}."
163        )
164    return bw
167def _vonmises_pdf(x, mu, kappa):
168    """Calculate vonmises_pdf."""
169    if kappa <= 0:
170        raise ValueError("Argument 'kappa' must be positive.")
171    pdf = 1 / (2 * np.pi * ive(0, kappa)) * np.exp(np.cos(x - mu) - 1) ** kappa
172    return pdf
175def _a1inv(x):
176    """Compute inverse function.
178    Inverse function of the ratio of the first and
179    zeroth order Bessel functions of the first kind.
181    Returns the value k, such that a1inv(x) = k, i.e. a1(k) = x.
182    """
183    if 0 <= x < 0.53:
184        return 2 * x + x ** 3 + (5 * x ** 5) / 6
185    elif x < 0.85:
186        return -0.4 + 1.39 * x + 0.43 / (1 - x)
187    else:
188        return 1 / (x ** 3 - 4 * x ** 2 + 3 * x)
191def _kappa_mle(x):
192    mean = _circular_mean(x)
193    kappa = _a1inv(np.mean(np.cos(x - mean)))
194    return kappa
197def _dct1d(x):
198    """Discrete Cosine Transform in 1 Dimension.
200    Parameters
201    ----------
202    x : numpy array
203        1 dimensional array of values for which the
204        DCT is desired
206    Returns
207    -------
208    output : DTC transformed values
209    """
210    x_len = len(x)
212    even_increasing = np.arange(0, x_len, 2)
213    odd_decreasing = np.arange(x_len - 1, 0, -2)
215    x = np.concatenate((x[even_increasing], x[odd_decreasing]))
217    w_1k = np.r_[1, (2 * np.exp(-(0 + 1j) * (np.arange(1, x_len)) * np.pi / (2 * x_len)))]
218    output = np.real(w_1k * fft(x))
220    return output
223def _fixed_point(t, N, k_sq, a_sq):
224    """Calculate t-zeta*gamma^[l](t).
226    Implementation of the function t-zeta*gamma^[l](t) derived from equation (30) in [1].
228    References
229    ----------
230    .. [1] Kernel density estimation via diffusion.
231       Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski, and D. P. Kroese.
232       Ann. Statist. 38 (2010), no. 5, 2916--2957.
233    """
234    k_sq = np.asfarray(k_sq, dtype=np.float64)
235    a_sq = np.asfarray(a_sq, dtype=np.float64)
237    l = 7
238    f = np.sum(np.power(k_sq, l) * a_sq * np.exp(-k_sq * np.pi ** 2 * t))
239    f *= 0.5 * np.pi ** (2.0 * l)
241    for j in np.arange(l - 1, 2 - 1, -1):
242        c1 = (1 + 0.5 ** (j + 0.5)) / 3
243        c2 = np.product(np.arange(1.0, 2 * j + 1, 2, dtype=np.float64))
244        c2 /= (np.pi / 2) ** 0.5
245        t_j = np.power((c1 * (c2 / (N * f))), (2.0 / (3.0 + 2.0 * j)))
246        f = np.sum(k_sq ** j * a_sq * np.exp(-k_sq * np.pi ** 2.0 * t_j))
247        f *= 0.5 * np.pi ** (2 * j)
249    out = t - (2 * N * np.pi ** 0.5 * f) ** (-0.4)
250    return out
253def _root(function, N, args, x):
254    # The right bound is at most 0.01
255    found = False
256    N = max(min(1050, N), 50)
257    tol = 10e-12 + 0.01 * (N - 50) / 1000
259    while not found:
260        try:
261            bw, res = brentq(function, 0, 0.01, args=args, full_output=True, disp=False)
262            found = res.converged
263        except ValueError:
264            bw = 0
265            tol *= 2.0
266            found = False
267        if bw <= 0 or tol >= 1:
268            bw = (_bw_silverman(x) / np.ptp(x)) ** 2
269            return bw
270    return bw
273def _check_custom_lims(custom_lims, x_min, x_max):
274    """Check if `custom_lims` are of the correct type.
276    It accepts numeric lists/tuples of length 2.
278    Parameters
279    ----------
280    custom_lims : Object whose type is checked.
282    Returns
283    -------
284    None: Object of type None
285    """
286    if not isinstance(custom_lims, (list, tuple)):
287        raise TypeError(
288            "`custom_lims` must be a numeric list or tuple of length 2.\n"
289            f"Not an object of {type(custom_lims)}."
290        )
292    if len(custom_lims) != 2:
293        raise AttributeError(f"`len(custom_lims)` must be 2, not {len(custom_lims)}.")
295    any_bool = any(isinstance(i, bool) for i in custom_lims)
296    if any_bool:
297        raise TypeError("Elements of `custom_lims` must be numeric or None, not bool.")
299    custom_lims = list(custom_lims)  # convert to a mutable object
300    if custom_lims[0] is None:
301        custom_lims[0] = x_min
303    if custom_lims[1] is None:
304        custom_lims[1] = x_max
306    all_numeric = all(isinstance(i, (int, float, np.integer, np.float)) for i in custom_lims)
307    if not all_numeric:
308        raise TypeError(
309            ("Elements of `custom_lims` must be numeric or None.\n" "At least one of them is not.")
310        )
312    if not custom_lims[0] < custom_lims[1]:
313        raise ValueError("`custom_lims[0]` must be smaller than `custom_lims[1]`.")
315    if custom_lims[0] > x_min or custom_lims[1] < x_max:
316        raise ValueError("Some observations are outside `custom_lims` boundaries.")
318    return custom_lims
321def _get_grid(
322    x_min, x_max, x_std, extend_fct, grid_len, custom_lims, extend=True, bound_correction=False
324    """Compute the grid that bins the data used to estimate the density function.
326    Parameters
327    ----------
328    x_min : float
329        Minimum value of the data
330    x_max: float
331        Maximum value of the data.
332    x_std: float
333        Standard deviation of the data.
334    extend_fct: bool
335        Indicates the factor by which `x_std` is multiplied
336        to extend the range of the data.
337    grid_len: int
338        Number of bins
339    custom_lims: tuple or list
340        Custom limits for the domain of the density estimation.
341        Must be numeric of length 2. Overrides `extend`.
342    extend: bool, optional
343        Whether to extend the range of the data or not.
344        Default is True.
345    bound_correction: bool, optional
346        Whether the density estimations performs boundary correction or not.
347        This does not impacts directly in the output, but is used
348        to override `extend`. Overrides `extend`.
349        Default is False.
351    Returns
352    -------
353    grid_len: int
354        Number of bins
355    grid_min: float
356        Minimum value of the grid
357    grid_max: float
358        Maximum value of the grid
359    """
360    # Set up number of bins.
361    grid_len = max(int(grid_len), 100)
363    # Set up domain
364    if custom_lims is not None:
365        custom_lims = _check_custom_lims(custom_lims, x_min, x_max)
366        grid_min = custom_lims[0]
367        grid_max = custom_lims[1]
368    elif extend and not bound_correction:
369        grid_extend = extend_fct * x_std
370        grid_min = x_min - grid_extend
371        grid_max = x_max + grid_extend
372    else:
373        grid_min = x_min
374        grid_max = x_max
375    return grid_min, grid_max, grid_len
378def kde(x, circular=False, **kwargs):
379    """One dimensional density estimation.
381    It is a wrapper around `kde_linear()` and `kde_circular()`.
383    Parameters
384    ----------
385    x : 1D numpy array
386        Data used to calculate the density estimation.
387    circular: bool, optional
388        Whether `x` is a circular variable or not. Defaults to False.
389    **kwargs: Arguments passed to `kde_linear()` and `kde_circular()`.
390        See their documentation for more info.
392    Returns
393    -------
394    grid : Gridded numpy array for the x values.
395    pdf : Numpy array for the density estimates.
396    bw: optional, the estimated bandwidth.
398    Examples
399    --------
400    Default density estimation for linear data
401    .. plot::
402        :context: close-figs
404        >>> import numpy as np
405        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
406        >>> from arviz import kde
407        >>>
408        >>> rvs = np.random.gamma(shape=1.8, size=1000)
409        >>> grid, pdf = kde(rvs)
410        >>> plt.plot(grid, pdf)
411        >>> plt.show()
413    Density estimation for linear data with Silverman's rule bandwidth
414    .. plot::
415        :context: close-figs
417        >>> grid, pdf = kde(rvs, bw="silverman")
418        >>> plt.plot(grid, pdf)
419        >>> plt.show()
421    Density estimation for linear data with scaled bandwidth
422    .. plot::
423        :context: close-figs
425        >>> # bw_fct > 1 means more smoothness.
426        >>> grid, pdf = kde(rvs, bw_fct=2.5)
427        >>> plt.plot(grid, pdf)
428        >>> plt.show()
430    Default density estimation for linear data with extended limits
431    .. plot::
432        :context: close-figs
434        >>> grid, pdf = kde(rvs, bound_correction=False, extend=True, extend_fct=0.5)
435        >>> plt.plot(grid, pdf)
436        >>> plt.show()
438    Default density estimation for linear data with custom limits
439    .. plot::
440        :context: close-figs
441    # It accepts tuples and lists of length 2.
442        >>> grid, pdf = kde(rvs, bound_correction=False, custom_lims=(0, 10))
443        >>> plt.plot(grid, pdf)
444        >>> plt.show()
446    Default density estimation for circular data
447    .. plot::
448        :context: close-figs
450        >>> rvs = np.random.vonmises(mu=np.pi, kappa=1, size=500)
451        >>> grid, pdf = kde(rvs, circular=True)
452        >>> plt.plot(grid, pdf)
453        >>> plt.show()
455    Density estimation for circular data with scaled bandwidth
456    .. plot::
457        :context: close-figs
459        >>> rvs = np.random.vonmises(mu=np.pi, kappa=1, size=500)
460        >>> # bw_fct > 1 means less smoothness.
461        >>> grid, pdf = kde(rvs, circular=True, bw_fct=3)
462        >>> plt.plot(grid, pdf)
463        >>> plt.show()
465    Density estimation for circular data with custom limits
466    .. plot::
467        :context: close-figs
469        >>> # This is still experimental, does not always work.
470        >>> rvs = np.random.vonmises(mu=0, kappa=30, size=500)
471        >>> grid, pdf = kde(rvs, circular=True, custom_lims=(-1, 1))
472        >>> plt.plot(grid, pdf)
473        >>> plt.show()
475    See Also
476    --------
477    plot_kde : Compute and plot a kernel density estimate.
478    """
479    x = x[np.isfinite(x)]
480    if x.size == 0 or np.all(x == x[0]):
481        warnings.warn("Your data appears to have a single value or no finite values")
483        return np.zeros(2), np.array([np.nan] * 2)
485    if circular:
486        if circular == "degrees":
487            x = np.radians(x)
488        kde_fun = _kde_circular
489    else:
490        kde_fun = _kde_linear
492    return kde_fun(x, **kwargs)
495def _kde_linear(
496    x,
497    bw="experimental",
498    adaptive=False,
499    extend=False,
500    bound_correction=True,
501    extend_fct=0,
502    bw_fct=1,
503    bw_return=False,
504    custom_lims=None,
505    cumulative=False,
506    grid_len=512,
507    **kwargs,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
509    """One dimensional density estimation for linear data.
511    Given an array of data points `x` it returns an estimate of
512    the probability density function that generated the samples in `x`.
514    Parameters
515    ----------
516    x : 1D numpy array
517        Data used to calculate the density estimation.
518    bw: int, float or str, optional
519        If numeric, indicates the bandwidth and must be positive.
520        If str, indicates the method to estimate the bandwidth and must be one of "scott",
521        "silverman", "isj" or "experimental". Defaults to "experimental".
522    adaptive: boolean, optional
523        Indicates if the bandwidth is adaptive or not.
524        It is the recommended approach when there are multiple modes with different spread.
525        It is not compatible with convolution. Defaults to False.
526    extend: boolean, optional
527        Whether to extend the observed range for `x` in the estimation.
528        It extends each bound by a multiple of the standard deviation of `x` given by `extend_fct`.
529        Defaults to False.
530    bound_correction: boolean, optional
531        Whether to perform boundary correction on the bounds of `x` or not.
532        Defaults to True.
533    extend_fct: float, optional
534        Number of standard deviations used to widen the lower and upper bounds of `x`.
535        Defaults to 0.5.
536    bw_fct: float, optional
537        A value that multiplies `bw` which enables tuning smoothness by hand.
538        Must be positive. Values below 1 decrease smoothness while values above 1 decrease it.
539        Defaults to 1 (no modification).
540    bw_return: bool, optional
541        Whether to return the estimated bandwidth in addition to the other objects.
542        Defaults to False.
543    custom_lims: list or tuple, optional
544        A list or tuple of length 2 indicating custom bounds for the range of `x`.
545        Defaults to None which disables custom bounds.
546    cumulative: bool, optional
547        Whether return the PDF or the cumulative PDF. Defaults to False.
548    grid_len: int, optional
549        The number of intervals used to bin the data points i.e. the length of the grid used in
550        the estimation. Defaults to 512.
552    Returns
553    -------
554    grid : Gridded numpy array for the x values.
555    pdf : Numpy array for the density estimates.
556    bw: optional, the estimated bandwidth.
557    """
558    # Check `bw_fct` is numeric and positive
559    if not isinstance(bw_fct, (int, float, np.integer, np.floating)):
560        raise TypeError(f"`bw_fct` must be a positive number, not an object of {type(bw_fct)}.")
562    if bw_fct <= 0:
563        raise ValueError(f"`bw_fct` must be a positive number, not {bw_fct}.")
565    # Preliminary calculations
566    x_min = x.min()
567    x_max = x.max()
568    x_std = np.std(x)
569    x_range = x_max - x_min
571    # Determine grid
572    grid_min, grid_max, grid_len = _get_grid(
573        x_min, x_max, x_std, extend_fct, grid_len, custom_lims, extend, bound_correction
574    )
575    grid_counts, _, grid_edges = histogram(x, grid_len, (grid_min, grid_max))
577    # Bandwidth estimation
578    bw = bw_fct * _get_bw(x, bw, grid_counts, x_std, x_range)
580    # Density estimation
581    if adaptive:
582        grid, pdf = _kde_adaptive(x, bw, grid_edges, grid_counts, grid_len, bound_correction)
583    else:
584        grid, pdf = _kde_convolution(x, bw, grid_edges, grid_counts, grid_len, bound_correction)
586    if cumulative:
587        pdf = pdf.cumsum() / pdf.sum()
589    if bw_return:
590        return grid, pdf, bw
591    else:
592        return grid, pdf
595def _kde_circular(
596    x,
597    bw="taylor",
598    bw_fct=1,
599    bw_return=False,
600    custom_lims=None,
601    cumulative=False,
602    grid_len=512,
603    **kwargs,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
605    """One dimensional density estimation for circular data.
607    Given an array of data points `x` measured in radians, it returns an estimate of the
608    probability density function that generated the samples in `x`.
610    Parameters
611    ----------
612    x : 1D numpy array
613        Data used to calculate the density estimation.
614    bw: int, float or str, optional
615        If numeric, indicates the bandwidth and must be positive.
616        If str, indicates the method to estimate the bandwidth and must be "taylor" since it is the
617        only option supported so far. Defaults to "taylor".
618    bw_fct: float, optional
619        A value that multiplies `bw` which enables tuning smoothness by hand. Must be positive.
620        Values above 1 decrease smoothness while values below 1 decrease it.
621        Defaults to 1 (no modification).
622    bw_return: bool, optional
623        Whether to return the estimated bandwidth in addition to the other objects.
624        Defaults to False.
625    custom_lims: list or tuple, optional
626        A list or tuple of length 2 indicating custom bounds for the range of `x`.
627        Defaults to None which means the estimation limits are [-pi, pi].
628    cumulative: bool, optional
629        Whether return the PDF or the cumulative PDF. Defaults to False.
630    grid_len: int, optional
631        The number of intervals used to bin the data pointa i.e. the length of the grid used in the
632        estimation. Defaults to 512.
633    """
634    # All values between -pi and pi
635    x = _normalize_angle(x)
637    # Check `bw_fct` is numeric and positive
638    if not isinstance(bw_fct, (int, float, np.integer, np.floating)):
639        raise TypeError(f"`bw_fct` must be a positive number, not an object of {type(bw_fct)}.")
641    if bw_fct <= 0:
642        raise ValueError(f"`bw_fct` must be a positive number, not {bw_fct}.")
644    # Determine bandwidth
645    if isinstance(bw, bool):
646        raise ValueError(
647            "`bw` can't be of type `bool`.\n" "Expected a positive numeric or 'taylor'"
648        )
649    if isinstance(bw, (int, float)):
650        if bw < 0:
651            raise ValueError(f"Numeric `bw` must be positive.\nInput: {bw:.4f}.")
652    if isinstance(bw, str):
653        if bw == "taylor":
654            bw = _bw_taylor(x)
655        else:
656            raise ValueError(f"`bw` must be a positive numeric or `taylor`, not {bw}")
657    bw *= bw_fct
659    # Determine grid
660    if custom_lims is not None:
661        custom_lims = _check_custom_lims(custom_lims, x.min(), x.max())
662        grid_min = custom_lims[0]
663        grid_max = custom_lims[1]
664        assert grid_min >= -np.pi, "Lower limit can't be smaller than -pi"
665        assert grid_max <= np.pi, "Upper limit can't be larger than pi"
666    else:
667        grid_min = -np.pi
668        grid_max = np.pi
670    bins = np.linspace(grid_min, grid_max, grid_len + 1)
671    bin_counts, _, bin_edges = histogram(x, bins=bins)
672    grid = 0.5 * (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1])
674    kern = _vonmises_pdf(x=grid, mu=0, kappa=bw)
675    pdf = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(kern) * np.fft.rfft(bin_counts)))
676    pdf /= len(x)
678    if cumulative:
679        pdf = pdf.cumsum() / pdf.sum()
681    if bw_return:
682        return grid, pdf, bw
683    else:
684        return grid, pdf
687# pylint: disable=unused-argument
688def _kde_convolution(x, bw, grid_edges, grid_counts, grid_len, bound_correction, **kwargs):
689    """Kernel density with convolution.
691    One dimensional Gaussian kernel density estimation via convolution of the binned relative
692    frequencies and a Gaussian filter. This is an internal function used by `kde()`.
693    """
694    # Calculate relative frequencies per bin
695    bin_width = grid_edges[1] - grid_edges[0]
696    f = grid_counts / bin_width / len(x)
698    # Bandwidth must consider the bin width
699    bw /= bin_width
701    # See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2773606/gaussian-filter-in-matlab
703    grid = (grid_edges[1:] + grid_edges[:-1]) / 2
705    kernel_n = int(bw * 2 * np.pi)
706    if kernel_n == 0:
707        kernel_n = 1
709    kernel = gaussian(kernel_n, bw)
711    if bound_correction:
712        npad = int(grid_len / 5)
713        f = np.concatenate([f[npad - 1 :: -1], f, f[grid_len : grid_len - npad - 1 : -1]])
714        pdf = convolve(f, kernel, mode="same", method="direct")[npad : npad + grid_len]
715        pdf /= bw * (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5
716    else:
717        pdf = convolve(f, kernel, mode="same", method="direct")
718        pdf /= bw * (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5
720    return grid, pdf
723def _kde_adaptive(x, bw, grid_edges, grid_counts, grid_len, bound_correction, **kwargs):
724    """Compute Adaptive Kernel Density Estimation.
726    One dimensional adaptive Gaussian kernel density estimation. The implementation uses the binning
727    technique. Since there is not an unique `bw`, the convolution is not possible. The alternative
728    implemented in this function is known as Abramson's method.
729    This is an internal function used by `kde()`.
730    """
731    # Pilot computations used for bandwidth adjustment
732    pilot_grid, pilot_pdf = _kde_convolution(
733        x, bw, grid_edges, grid_counts, grid_len, bound_correction
734    )
736    # Adds to avoid np.log(0) and zero division
737    pilot_pdf += 1e-9
739    # Determine the modification factors
740    pdf_interp = np.interp(x, pilot_grid, pilot_pdf)
741    geom_mean = np.exp(np.mean(np.log(pdf_interp)))
743    # Power of c = 0.5 -> Abramson's method
744    adj_factor = (geom_mean / pilot_pdf) ** 0.5
745    bw_adj = bw * adj_factor
747    # Estimation of Gaussian KDE via binned method (convolution not possible)
748    grid = pilot_grid
750    if bound_correction:
751        grid_npad = int(grid_len / 5)
752        grid_width = grid_edges[1] - grid_edges[0]
753        grid_pad = grid_npad * grid_width
754        grid_padded = np.linspace(
755            grid_edges[0] - grid_pad,
756            grid_edges[grid_len - 1] + grid_pad,
757            num=grid_len + 2 * grid_npad,
758        )
759        grid_counts = np.concatenate(
760            [
761                grid_counts[grid_npad - 1 :: -1],
762                grid_counts,
763                grid_counts[grid_len : grid_len - grid_npad - 1 : -1],
764            ]
765        )
766        bw_adj = np.concatenate(
767            [bw_adj[grid_npad - 1 :: -1], bw_adj, bw_adj[grid_len : grid_len - grid_npad - 1 : -1]]
768        )
769        pdf_mat = (grid_padded - grid_padded[:, None]) / bw_adj[:, None]
770        pdf_mat = np.exp(-0.5 * pdf_mat ** 2) * grid_counts[:, None]
771        pdf_mat /= (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5 * bw_adj[:, None]
772        pdf = np.sum(pdf_mat[:, grid_npad : grid_npad + grid_len], axis=0) / len(x)
774    else:
775        pdf_mat = (grid - grid[:, None]) / bw_adj[:, None]
776        pdf_mat = np.exp(-0.5 * pdf_mat ** 2) * grid_counts[:, None]
777        pdf_mat /= (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5 * bw_adj[:, None]
778        pdf = np.sum(pdf_mat, axis=0) / len(x)
780    return grid, pdf
783def _fast_kde_2d(x, y, gridsize=(128, 128), circular=False):
784    """
785    2D fft-based Gaussian kernel density estimate (KDE).
787    The code was adapted from https://github.com/mfouesneau/faststats
789    Parameters
790    ----------
791    x : Numpy array or list
792    y : Numpy array or list
793    gridsize : tuple
794        Number of points used to discretize data. Use powers of 2 for fft optimization
795    circular: bool
796        If True use circular boundaries. Defaults to False
798    Returns
799    -------
800    grid: A gridded 2D KDE of the input points (x, y)
801    xmin: minimum value of x
802    xmax: maximum value of x
803    ymin: minimum value of y
804    ymax: maximum value of y
805    """
806    x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)
807    x = x[np.isfinite(x)]
808    y = np.asarray(y, dtype=float)
809    y = y[np.isfinite(y)]
811    xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
812    ymin, ymax = y.min(), y.max()
814    len_x = len(x)
815    weights = np.ones(len_x)
816    n_x, n_y = gridsize
818    d_x = (xmax - xmin) / (n_x - 1)
819    d_y = (ymax - ymin) / (n_y - 1)
821    xyi = _stack(x, y).T
822    xyi -= [xmin, ymin]
823    xyi /= [d_x, d_y]
824    xyi = np.floor(xyi, xyi).T
826    scotts_factor = len_x ** (-1 / 6)
827    cov = _cov(xyi)
828    std_devs = np.diag(cov) ** 0.5
829    kern_nx, kern_ny = np.round(scotts_factor * 2 * np.pi * std_devs)
831    inv_cov = np.linalg.inv(cov * scotts_factor ** 2)
833    x_x = np.arange(kern_nx) - kern_nx / 2
834    y_y = np.arange(kern_ny) - kern_ny / 2
835    x_x, y_y = np.meshgrid(x_x, y_y)
837    kernel = _stack(x_x.flatten(), y_y.flatten())
838    kernel = _dot(inv_cov, kernel) * kernel
839    kernel = np.exp(-kernel.sum(axis=0) / 2)
840    kernel = kernel.reshape((int(kern_ny), int(kern_nx)))
842    boundary = "wrap" if circular else "symm"
844    grid = coo_matrix((weights, xyi), shape=(n_x, n_y)).toarray()
845    grid = convolve2d(grid, kernel, mode="same", boundary=boundary)
847    norm_factor = np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * cov * scotts_factor ** 2)
848    norm_factor = len_x * d_x * d_y * norm_factor ** 0.5
850    grid /= norm_factor
852    return grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
855def get_bins(values):
856    """
857    Automatically compute the number of bins for discrete variables.
859    Parameters
860    ----------
861    values = numpy array
862        values
864    Returns
865    -------
866    array with the bins
868    Notes
869    -----
870    Computes the width of the bins by taking the maximum of the Sturges and the Freedman-Diaconis
871    estimators. According to numpy `np.histogram` this provides good all around performance.
873    The Sturges is a very simplistic estimator based on the assumption of normality of the data.
874    This estimator has poor performance for non-normal data, which becomes especially obvious for
875    large data sets. The estimate depends only on size of the data.
877    The Freedman-Diaconis rule uses interquartile range (IQR) to estimate the binwidth.
878    It is considered a robust version of the Scott rule as the IQR is less affected by outliers
879    than the standard deviation. However, the IQR depends on fewer points than the standard
880    deviation, so it is less accurate, especially for long tailed distributions.
881    """
882    dtype = values.dtype.kind
884    if dtype == "i":
885        x_min = values.min().astype(int)
886        x_max = values.max().astype(int)
887    else:
888        x_min = values.min().astype(float)
889        x_max = values.max().astype(float)
891    # Sturges histogram bin estimator
892    bins_sturges = (x_max - x_min) / (np.log2(values.size) + 1)
894    # The Freedman-Diaconis histogram bin estimator.
895    iqr = np.subtract(*np.percentile(values, [75, 25]))  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
896    bins_fd = 2 * iqr * values.size ** (-1 / 3)
898    if dtype == "i":
899        width = np.round(np.max([1, bins_sturges, bins_fd])).astype(int)
900        bins = np.arange(x_min, x_max + width + 1, width)
901    else:
902        width = np.max([bins_sturges, bins_fd])
903        if np.isclose(x_min, x_max):
904            width = 1e-3
905        bins = np.arange(x_min, x_max + width, width)
907    return bins
910def _sturges_formula(dataset, mult=1):
911    """Use Sturges' formula to determine number of bins.
913    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram#Sturges'_formula
914    or https://doi.org/10.1080%2F01621459.1926.10502161
916    Parameters
917    ----------
918    dataset: xarray.DataSet
919       Must have the `draw` dimension
921    mult: float
922        Used to scale the number of bins up or down. Default is 1 for Sturges' formula.
924    Returns
925    -------
926    int
927        Number of bins to use
928    """
929    return int(np.ceil(mult * np.log2(dataset.draw.size)) + 1)
932def _circular_mean(x):
933    """Compute mean of circular variable measured in radians.
935    The result is between -pi and pi.
936    """
937    sinr = np.sum(np.sin(x))
938    cosr = np.sum(np.cos(x))
939    mean = np.arctan2(sinr, cosr)
941    return mean
944def _normalize_angle(x, zero_centered=True):
945    """Normalize angles.
947    Normalize angles in radians to [-pi, pi) or [0, 2 * pi) according to `zero_centered`.
948    """
949    if zero_centered:
950        return (x + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
951    else:
952        return x % (2 * np.pi)
956def histogram(data, bins, range_hist=None):
957    """Conditionally jitted histogram.
959    Parameters
960    ----------
961    data : array-like
962        Input data. Passed as first positional argument to ``np.histogram``.
963    bins : int or array-like
964        Passed as keyword argument ``bins`` to ``np.histogram``.
965    range_hist : (float, float), optional
966        Passed as keyword argument ``range`` to ``np.histogram``.
968    Returns
969    -------
970    hist : array
971        The number of counts per bin.
972    density : array
973        The density corresponding to each bin.
974    bin_edges : array
975        The edges of the bins used.
976    """
977    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, range=range_hist)
978    hist_dens = hist / (hist.sum() * np.diff(bin_edges))
979    return hist, hist_dens, bin_edges
982def _find_hdi_contours(density, hdi_probs):
983    """
984    Find contours enclosing regions of highest posterior density.
986    Parameters
987    ----------
988    density : array-like
989        A 2D KDE on a grid with cells of equal area.
990    hdi_probs : array-like
991        An array of highest density interval confidence probabilities.
993    Returns
994    -------
995    contour_levels : array
996        The contour levels corresponding to the given HDI probabilities.
997    """
998    # Using the algorithm from corner.py
999    sorted_density = np.sort(density, axis=None)[::-1]
1000    sm = sorted_density.cumsum()
1001    sm /= sm[-1]
1003    contours = np.empty_like(hdi_probs)
1004    for idx, hdi_prob in enumerate(hdi_probs):
1005        try:
1006            contours[idx] = sorted_density[sm <= hdi_prob][-1]
1007        except IndexError:
1008            contours[idx] = sorted_density[0]
1010    return contours