2Changes for 0.98.x
4* ``psd()``, ``csd()``, and ``cohere()`` will now automatically wrap negative
5  frequency components to the beginning of the returned arrays.
6  This is much more sensible behavior and makes them consistent
7  with ``specgram()``.  The previous behavior was more of an oversight
8  than a design decision.
10* Added new keyword parameters *nonposx*, *nonposy* to
11  :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` methods that set log scale
12  parameters.  The default is still to mask out non-positive
13  values, but the kwargs accept 'clip', which causes non-positive
14  values to be replaced with a very small positive value.
16* Added new :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.fignum_exists` and
17  :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.get_fignums`; they merely expose
18  information that had been hidden in ``matplotlib._pylab_helpers``.
20* Deprecated numerix package.
22* Added new :func:`matplotlib.image.imsave` and exposed it to the
23  :mod:`matplotlib.pyplot` interface.
25* Remove support for pyExcelerator in exceltools -- use xlwt
26  instead
28* Changed the defaults of acorr and xcorr to use usevlines=True,
29  maxlags=10 and normed=True since these are the best defaults
31* Following keyword parameters for :class:`matplotlib.legend.Legend` are now
32  deprecated and new set of parameters are introduced. The new parameters
33  are given as a fraction of the font-size. Also, *scatteryoffsets*,
34  *fancybox* and *columnspacing* are added as keyword parameters.
36        ================   ================
37        Deprecated         New
38        ================   ================
39        pad                borderpad
40        labelsep           labelspacing
41        handlelen          handlelength
42        handlestextsep     handletextpad
43        axespad            borderaxespad
44        ================   ================
47* Removed the configobj and experimental traits rc support
49* Modified :func:`matplotlib.mlab.psd`, :func:`matplotlib.mlab.csd`,
50  :func:`matplotlib.mlab.cohere`, and :func:`matplotlib.mlab.specgram`
51  to scale one-sided densities by a factor of 2.  Also, optionally
52  scale the densities by the sampling frequency, which gives true values
53  of densities that can be integrated by the returned frequency values.
54  This also gives better MATLAB compatibility.  The corresponding
55  :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` methods and :mod:`matplotlib.pyplot`
56  functions were updated as well.
58* Font lookup now uses a nearest-neighbor approach rather than an
59  exact match.  Some fonts may be different in plots, but should be
60  closer to what was requested.
62* :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlim`,
63  :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylim` now return a copy of the
64  ``viewlim`` array to avoid modify-in-place surprises.
66* :meth:`matplotlib.afm.AFM.get_fullname` and
67  :meth:`matplotlib.afm.AFM.get_familyname` no longer raise an
68  exception if the AFM file does not specify these optional
69  attributes, but returns a guess based on the required FontName
70  attribute.
72* Changed precision kwarg in :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.spy`; default is
73  0, and the string value 'present' is used for sparse arrays only to
74  show filled locations.
76* :class:`matplotlib.collections.EllipseCollection` added.
78* Added ``angles`` kwarg to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.quiver` for more
79  flexible specification of the arrow angles.
81* Deprecated (raise NotImplementedError) all the mlab2 functions from
82  :mod:`matplotlib.mlab` out of concern that some of them were not
83  clean room implementations.
85* Methods :meth:`matplotlib.collections.Collection.get_offsets` and
86  :meth:`matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_offsets` added to
87  :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` base class.
89* ``matplotlib.figure.Figure.figurePatch`` renamed
90  :attr:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.patch`;
91  ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.axesPatch`` renamed
92  :attr:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.patch`;
93  ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.axesFrame`` renamed
94  :attr:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.frame`.
95  ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.get_frame``, which returns
96  :attr:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.patch`, is deprecated.
98* Changes in the :class:`matplotlib.contour.ContourLabeler` attributes
99  (:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.clabel` function) so that they all have a
100  form like ``.labelAttribute``.  The three attributes that are most
101  likely to be used by end users, ``.cl``, ``.cl_xy`` and
102  ``.cl_cvalues`` have been maintained for the moment (in addition to
103  their renamed versions), but they are deprecated and will eventually
104  be removed.
106* Moved several functions in :mod:`matplotlib.mlab` and
107  :mod:`matplotlib.cbook` into a separate module
108  ``matplotlib.numerical_methods`` because they were unrelated to
109  the initial purpose of mlab or cbook and appeared more coherent
110  elsewhere.