2Interpolation inside triangular grids.
4from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
5                        unicode_literals)
7import six
8from six.moves import xrange
10from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
11from matplotlib.tri.trifinder import TriFinder
12from matplotlib.tri.tritools import TriAnalyzer
13import numpy as np
14import warnings
16__all__ = ('TriInterpolator', 'LinearTriInterpolator', 'CubicTriInterpolator')
19class TriInterpolator(object):
20    """
21    Abstract base class for classes used to perform interpolation on
22    triangular grids.
24    Derived classes implement the following methods:
26        - ``__call__(x, y)`` ,
27          where x, y are array_like point coordinates of the same shape, and
28          that returns a masked array of the same shape containing the
29          interpolated z-values.
31        - ``gradient(x, y)`` ,
32          where x, y are array_like point coordinates of the same
33          shape, and that returns a list of 2 masked arrays of the same shape
34          containing the 2 derivatives of the interpolator (derivatives of
35          interpolated z values with respect to x and y).
37    """
38    def __init__(self, triangulation, z, trifinder=None):
39        if not isinstance(triangulation, Triangulation):
40            raise ValueError("Expected a Triangulation object")
41        self._triangulation = triangulation
43        self._z = np.asarray(z)
44        if self._z.shape != self._triangulation.x.shape:
45            raise ValueError("z array must have same length as triangulation x"
46                             " and y arrays")
48        if trifinder is not None and not isinstance(trifinder, TriFinder):
49            raise ValueError("Expected a TriFinder object")
50        self._trifinder = trifinder or self._triangulation.get_trifinder()
52        # Default scaling factors : 1.0 (= no scaling)
53        # Scaling may be used for interpolations for which the order of
54        # magnitude of x, y has an impact on the interpolant definition.
55        # Please refer to :meth:`_interpolate_multikeys` for details.
56        self._unit_x = 1.0
57        self._unit_y = 1.0
59        # Default triangle renumbering: None (= no renumbering)
60        # Renumbering may be used to avoid unnecessary computations
61        # if complex calculations are done inside the Interpolator.
62        # Please refer to :meth:`_interpolate_multikeys` for details.
63        self._tri_renum = None
65    # __call__ and gradient docstrings are shared by all subclasses
66    # (except, if needed, relevant additions).
67    # However these methods are only implemented in subclasses to avoid
68    # confusion in the documentation.
69    _docstring__call__ = """
70        Returns a masked array containing interpolated values at the specified
71        x,y points.
73        Parameters
74        ----------
75        x, y : array-like
76            x and y coordinates of the same shape and any number of
77            dimensions.
79        Returns
80        -------
81        z : np.ma.array
82            Masked array of the same shape as *x* and *y* ; values
83            corresponding to (*x*, *y*) points outside of the triangulation
84            are masked out.
86        """
88    _docstringgradient = """
89        Returns a list of 2 masked arrays containing interpolated derivatives
90        at the specified x,y points.
92        Parameters
93        ----------
94        x, y : array-like
95            x and y coordinates of the same shape and any number of
96            dimensions.
98        Returns
99        -------
100        dzdx, dzdy : np.ma.array
101            2  masked arrays of the same shape as *x* and *y* ; values
102            corresponding to (x,y) points outside of the triangulation
103            are masked out.
104            The first returned array contains the values of
105            :math:`\\frac{\\partial z}{\\partial x}` and the second those of
106            :math:`\\frac{\\partial z}{\\partial y}`.
108        """
110    def _interpolate_multikeys(self, x, y, tri_index=None,
111                               return_keys=('z',)):
112        """
113        Versatile (private) method defined for all TriInterpolators.
115        :meth:`_interpolate_multikeys` is a wrapper around method
116        :meth:`_interpolate_single_key` (to be defined in the child
117        subclasses).
118        :meth:`_interpolate_single_key actually performs the interpolation,
119        but only for 1-dimensional inputs and at valid locations (inside
120        unmasked triangles of the triangulation).
122        The purpose of :meth:`_interpolate_multikeys` is to implement the
123        following common tasks needed in all subclasses implementations:
125            - calculation of containing triangles
126            - dealing with more than one interpolation request at the same
127              location (e.g., if the 2 derivatives are requested, it is
128              unnecessary to compute the containing triangles twice)
129            - scaling according to self._unit_x, self._unit_y
130            - dealing with points outside of the grid (with fill value np.nan)
131            - dealing with multi-dimensionnal *x*, *y* arrays: flattening for
132              :meth:`_interpolate_params` call and final reshaping.
134        (Note that np.vectorize could do most of those things very well for
135        you, but it does it by function evaluations over successive tuples of
136        the input arrays. Therefore, this tends to be more time consuming than
137        using optimized numpy functions - e.g., np.dot - which can be used
138        easily on the flattened inputs, in the child-subclass methods
139        :meth:`_interpolate_single_key`.)
141        It is guaranteed that the calls to :meth:`_interpolate_single_key`
142        will be done with flattened (1-d) array_like input parameters `x`, `y`
143        and with flattened, valid `tri_index` arrays (no -1 index allowed).
145        Parameters
146        ----------
147        x, y : array_like
148            x and y coordinates indicating where interpolated values are
149            requested.
150        tri_index : integer array_like, optional
151            Array of the containing triangle indices, same shape as
152            *x* and *y*. Defaults to None. If None, these indices
153            will be computed by a TriFinder instance.
154            (Note: For point outside the grid, tri_index[ipt] shall be -1).
155        return_keys : tuple of keys from {'z', 'dzdx', 'dzdy'}
156            Defines the interpolation arrays to return, and in which order.
158        Returns
159        -------
160        ret : list of arrays
161            Each array-like contains the expected interpolated values in the
162            order defined by *return_keys* parameter.
163        """
164        # Flattening and rescaling inputs arrays x, y
165        # (initial shape is stored for output)
166        x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64)
167        y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float64)
168        sh_ret = x.shape
169        if x.shape != y.shape:
170            raise ValueError("x and y shall have same shapes."
171                             " Given: {0} and {1}".format(x.shape, y.shape))
172        x = np.ravel(x)
173        y = np.ravel(y)
174        x_scaled = x/self._unit_x
175        y_scaled = y/self._unit_y
176        size_ret = np.size(x_scaled)
178        # Computes & ravels the element indexes, extract the valid ones.
179        if tri_index is None:
180            tri_index = self._trifinder(x, y)
181        else:
182            if (tri_index.shape != sh_ret):
183                raise ValueError(
184                    "tri_index array is provided and shall"
185                    " have same shape as x and y. Given: "
186                    "{0} and {1}".format(tri_index.shape, sh_ret))
187            tri_index = np.ravel(tri_index)
189        mask_in = (tri_index != -1)
190        if self._tri_renum is None:
191            valid_tri_index = tri_index[mask_in]
192        else:
193            valid_tri_index = self._tri_renum[tri_index[mask_in]]
194        valid_x = x_scaled[mask_in]
195        valid_y = y_scaled[mask_in]
197        ret = []
198        for return_key in return_keys:
199            # Find the return index associated with the key.
200            try:
201                return_index = {'z': 0, 'dzdx': 1, 'dzdy': 2}[return_key]
202            except KeyError:
203                raise ValueError("return_keys items shall take values in"
204                                 " {'z', 'dzdx', 'dzdy'}")
206            # Sets the scale factor for f & df components
207            scale = [1., 1./self._unit_x, 1./self._unit_y][return_index]
209            # Computes the interpolation
210            ret_loc = np.empty(size_ret, dtype=np.float64)
211            ret_loc[~mask_in] = np.nan
212            ret_loc[mask_in] = self._interpolate_single_key(
213                return_key, valid_tri_index, valid_x, valid_y) * scale
214            ret += [np.ma.masked_invalid(ret_loc.reshape(sh_ret), copy=False)]
216        return ret
218    def _interpolate_single_key(self, return_key, tri_index, x, y):
219        """
220        Performs the interpolation at points belonging to the triangulation
221        (inside an unmasked triangles).
223        Parameters
224        ----------
225        return_index : string key from {'z', 'dzdx', 'dzdy'}
226            Identifies the requested values (z or its derivatives)
227        tri_index : 1d integer array
228            Valid triangle index (-1 prohibited)
229        x, y : 1d arrays, same shape as `tri_index`
230            Valid locations where interpolation is requested.
232        Returns
233        -------
234        ret : 1-d array
235            Returned array of the same size as *tri_index*
236        """
237        raise NotImplementedError("TriInterpolator subclasses" +
238                                  "should implement _interpolate_single_key!")
241class LinearTriInterpolator(TriInterpolator):
242    """
243    A LinearTriInterpolator performs linear interpolation on a triangular grid.
245    Each triangle is represented by a plane so that an interpolated value at
246    point (x,y) lies on the plane of the triangle containing (x,y).
247    Interpolated values are therefore continuous across the triangulation, but
248    their first derivatives are discontinuous at edges between triangles.
250    Parameters
251    ----------
252    triangulation : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.Triangulation` object
253        The triangulation to interpolate over.
254    z : array_like of shape (npoints,)
255        Array of values, defined at grid points, to interpolate between.
256    trifinder : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.TriFinder` object, optional
257          If this is not specified, the Triangulation's default TriFinder will
258          be used by calling
259          :func:`matplotlib.tri.Triangulation.get_trifinder`.
261    Methods
262    -------
263    `__call__` (x, y) :  Returns interpolated values at x,y points
264    `gradient` (x, y) : Returns interpolated derivatives at x,y points
266    """
267    def __init__(self, triangulation, z, trifinder=None):
268        TriInterpolator.__init__(self, triangulation, z, trifinder)
270        # Store plane coefficients for fast interpolation calculations.
271        self._plane_coefficients = \
272            self._triangulation.calculate_plane_coefficients(self._z)
274    def __call__(self, x, y):
275        return self._interpolate_multikeys(x, y, tri_index=None,
276                                           return_keys=('z',))[0]
277    __call__.__doc__ = TriInterpolator._docstring__call__
279    def gradient(self, x, y):
280        return self._interpolate_multikeys(x, y, tri_index=None,
281                                           return_keys=('dzdx', 'dzdy'))
282    gradient.__doc__ = TriInterpolator._docstringgradient
284    def _interpolate_single_key(self, return_key, tri_index, x, y):
285        if return_key == 'z':
286            return (self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 0]*x +
287                    self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 1]*y +
288                    self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 2])
289        elif return_key == 'dzdx':
290            return self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 0]
291        elif return_key == 'dzdy':
292            return self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 1]
293        else:
294            raise ValueError("Invalid return_key: " + return_key)
297class CubicTriInterpolator(TriInterpolator):
298    """
299    A CubicTriInterpolator performs cubic interpolation on triangular grids.
301    In one-dimension - on a segment - a cubic interpolating function is
302    defined by the values of the function and its derivative at both ends.
303    This is almost the same in 2-d inside a triangle, except that the values
304    of the function and its 2 derivatives have to be defined at each triangle
305    node.
307    The CubicTriInterpolator takes the value of the function at each node -
308    provided by the user - and internally computes the value of the
309    derivatives, resulting in a smooth interpolation.
310    (As a special feature, the user can also impose the value of the
311    derivatives at each node, but this is not supposed to be the common
312    usage.)
314    Parameters
315    ----------
316    triangulation : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.Triangulation` object
317        The triangulation to interpolate over.
318    z : array_like of shape (npoints,)
319        Array of values, defined at grid points, to interpolate between.
320    kind : {'min_E', 'geom', 'user'}, optional
321        Choice of the smoothing algorithm, in order to compute
322        the interpolant derivatives (defaults to 'min_E'):
324            - if 'min_E': (default) The derivatives at each node is computed
325              to minimize a bending energy.
326            - if 'geom': The derivatives at each node is computed as a
327              weighted average of relevant triangle normals. To be used for
328              speed optimization (large grids).
329            - if 'user': The user provides the argument `dz`, no computation
330              is hence needed.
332    trifinder : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.TriFinder` object, optional
333        If not specified, the Triangulation's default TriFinder will
334        be used by calling
335        :func:`matplotlib.tri.Triangulation.get_trifinder`.
336    dz : tuple of array_likes (dzdx, dzdy), optional
337        Used only if  *kind* ='user'. In this case *dz* must be provided as
338        (dzdx, dzdy) where dzdx, dzdy are arrays of the same shape as *z* and
339        are the interpolant first derivatives at the *triangulation* points.
341    Methods
342    -------
343    `__call__` (x, y) :  Returns interpolated values at x,y points
344    `gradient` (x, y) : Returns interpolated derivatives at x,y points
346    Notes
347    -----
348    This note is a bit technical and details the way a
349    :class:`~matplotlib.tri.CubicTriInterpolator` computes a cubic
350    interpolation.
352    The interpolation is based on a Clough-Tocher subdivision scheme of
353    the *triangulation* mesh (to make it clearer, each triangle of the
354    grid will be divided in 3 child-triangles, and on each child triangle
355    the interpolated function is a cubic polynomial of the 2 coordinates).
356    This technique originates from FEM (Finite Element Method) analysis;
357    the element used is a reduced Hsieh-Clough-Tocher (HCT)
358    element. Its shape functions are described in [1]_.
359    The assembled function is guaranteed to be C1-smooth, i.e. it is
360    continuous and its first derivatives are also continuous (this
361    is easy to show inside the triangles but is also true when crossing the
362    edges).
364    In the default case (*kind* ='min_E'), the interpolant minimizes a
365    curvature energy on the functional space generated by the HCT element
366    shape functions - with imposed values but arbitrary derivatives at each
367    node. The minimized functional is the integral of the so-called total
368    curvature (implementation based on an algorithm from [2]_ - PCG sparse
369    solver):
371        .. math::
373            E(z) = \\ \\frac{1}{2} \\int_{\\Omega}   \\left(
374            \\left( \\frac{\\partial^2{z}}{\\partial{x}^2} \\right)^2 +
375            \\left( \\frac{\\partial^2{z}}{\\partial{y}^2} \\right)^2 +
376            2\\left( \\frac{\\partial^2{z}}{\\partial{y}\\partial{x}}
377            \\right)^2 \\right)  dx\\,dy
379    If the case *kind* ='geom' is chosen by the user, a simple geometric
380    approximation is used (weighted average of the triangle normal
381    vectors), which could improve speed on very large grids.
383    References
384    ----------
385    .. [1] Michel Bernadou, Kamal Hassan, "Basis functions for general
386        Hsieh-Clough-Tocher triangles, complete or reduced.",
387        International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
388        17(5):784 - 789. 2.01.
389    .. [2] C.T. Kelley, "Iterative Methods for Optimization".
391    """
392    def __init__(self, triangulation, z, kind='min_E', trifinder=None,
393                 dz=None):
394        TriInterpolator.__init__(self, triangulation, z, trifinder)
396        # Loads the underlying c++ _triangulation.
397        # (During loading, reordering of triangulation._triangles may occur so
398        # that all final triangles are now anti-clockwise)
399        self._triangulation.get_cpp_triangulation()
401        # To build the stiffness matrix and avoid zero-energy spurious modes
402        # we will only store internally the valid (unmasked) triangles and
403        # the necessary (used) points coordinates.
404        # 2 renumbering tables need to be computed and stored:
405        #  - a triangle renum table in order to translate the result from a
406        #    TriFinder instance into the internal stored triangle number.
407        #  - a node renum table to overwrite the self._z values into the new
408        #    (used) node numbering.
409        tri_analyzer = TriAnalyzer(self._triangulation)
410        (compressed_triangles, compressed_x, compressed_y, tri_renum,
411         node_renum) = tri_analyzer._get_compressed_triangulation(True, True)
412        self._triangles = compressed_triangles
413        self._tri_renum = tri_renum
414        # Taking into account the node renumbering in self._z:
415        node_mask = (node_renum == -1)
416        self._z[node_renum[~node_mask]] = self._z
417        self._z = self._z[~node_mask]
419        # Computing scale factors
420        self._unit_x = np.ptp(compressed_x)
421        self._unit_y = np.ptp(compressed_y)
422        self._pts = np.column_stack([compressed_x / self._unit_x,
423                                     compressed_y / self._unit_y])
424        # Computing triangle points
425        self._tris_pts = self._pts[self._triangles]
426        # Computing eccentricities
427        self._eccs = self._compute_tri_eccentricities(self._tris_pts)
428        # Computing dof estimations for HCT triangle shape function
429        self._dof = self._compute_dof(kind, dz=dz)
430        # Loading HCT element
431        self._ReferenceElement = _ReducedHCT_Element()
433    def __call__(self, x, y):
434        return self._interpolate_multikeys(x, y, tri_index=None,
435                                           return_keys=('z',))[0]
436    __call__.__doc__ = TriInterpolator._docstring__call__
438    def gradient(self, x, y):
439        return self._interpolate_multikeys(x, y, tri_index=None,
440                                           return_keys=('dzdx', 'dzdy'))
441    gradient.__doc__ = TriInterpolator._docstringgradient
443    def _interpolate_single_key(self, return_key, tri_index, x, y):
444        tris_pts = self._tris_pts[tri_index]
445        alpha = self._get_alpha_vec(x, y, tris_pts)
446        ecc = self._eccs[tri_index]
447        dof = np.expand_dims(self._dof[tri_index], axis=1)
448        if return_key == 'z':
449            return self._ReferenceElement.get_function_values(
450                alpha, ecc, dof)
451        elif return_key in ['dzdx', 'dzdy']:
452            J = self._get_jacobian(tris_pts)
453            dzdx = self._ReferenceElement.get_function_derivatives(
454                alpha, J, ecc, dof)
455            if return_key == 'dzdx':
456                return dzdx[:, 0, 0]
457            else:
458                return dzdx[:, 1, 0]
459        else:
460            raise ValueError("Invalid return_key: " + return_key)
462    def _compute_dof(self, kind, dz=None):
463        """
464        Computes and returns nodal dofs according to kind
466        Parameters
467        ----------
468        kind: {'min_E', 'geom', 'user'}
469            Choice of the _DOF_estimator subclass to perform the gradient
470            estimation.
471        dz: tuple of array_likes (dzdx, dzdy), optional
472            Used only if *kind=user ; in this case passed to the
473            :class:`_DOF_estimator_user`.
475        Returns
476        -------
477        dof : array_like, shape (npts,2)
478              Estimation of the gradient at triangulation nodes (stored as
479              degree of freedoms of reduced-HCT triangle elements).
480        """
481        if kind == 'user':
482            if dz is None:
483                raise ValueError("For a CubicTriInterpolator with "
484                                 "*kind*='user', a valid *dz* "
485                                 "argument is expected.")
486            TE = _DOF_estimator_user(self, dz=dz)
487        elif kind == 'geom':
488            TE = _DOF_estimator_geom(self)
489        elif kind == 'min_E':
490            TE = _DOF_estimator_min_E(self)
491        else:
492            raise ValueError("CubicTriInterpolator *kind* proposed: {0} ; "
493                             "should be one of: "
494                             "'user', 'geom', 'min_E'".format(kind))
495        return TE.compute_dof_from_df()
497    @staticmethod
498    def _get_alpha_vec(x, y, tris_pts):
499        """
500        Fast (vectorized) function to compute barycentric coordinates alpha.
502        Parameters
503        ----------
504        x, y : array-like of dim 1 (shape (nx,))
505                  Coordinates of the points whose points barycentric
506                  coordinates are requested
507        tris_pts : array like of dim 3 (shape: (nx,3,2))
508                    Coordinates of the containing triangles apexes.
510        Returns
511        -------
512        alpha : array of dim 2 (shape (nx,3))
513                 Barycentric coordinates of the points inside the containing
514                 triangles.
515        """
516        ndim = tris_pts.ndim-2
518        a = tris_pts[:, 1, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :]
519        b = tris_pts[:, 2, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :]
520        abT = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(a, ndim+1),
521                              np.expand_dims(b, ndim+1)], ndim+1)
522        ab = _transpose_vectorized(abT)
523        x = np.expand_dims(x, ndim)
524        y = np.expand_dims(y, ndim)
525        OM = np.concatenate([x, y], ndim) - tris_pts[:, 0, :]
527        metric = _prod_vectorized(ab, abT)
528        # Here we try to deal with the colinear cases.
529        # metric_inv is in this case set to the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
530        # meaning that we will still return a set of valid barycentric
531        # coordinates.
532        metric_inv = _pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized(metric)
533        Covar = _prod_vectorized(ab, _transpose_vectorized(
534            np.expand_dims(OM, ndim)))
535        ksi = _prod_vectorized(metric_inv, Covar)
536        alpha = _to_matrix_vectorized([
537            [1-ksi[:, 0, 0]-ksi[:, 1, 0]], [ksi[:, 0, 0]], [ksi[:, 1, 0]]])
538        return alpha
540    @staticmethod
541    def _get_jacobian(tris_pts):
542        """
543        Fast (vectorized) function to compute triangle jacobian matrix.
545        Parameters
546        ----------
547        tris_pts : array like of dim 3 (shape: (nx,3,2))
548                    Coordinates of the containing triangles apexes.
550        Returns
551        -------
552        J : array of dim 3 (shape (nx,2,2))
553                 Barycentric coordinates of the points inside the containing
554                 triangles.
555                 J[itri,:,:] is the jacobian matrix at apex 0 of the triangle
556                 itri, so that the following (matrix) relationship holds:
557                    [dz/dksi] = [J] x [dz/dx]
558                    with x: global coordinates
559                    ksi: element parametric coordinates in triangle first apex
560                    local basis.
561        """
562        a = np.array(tris_pts[:, 1, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :])
563        b = np.array(tris_pts[:, 2, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :])
564        J = _to_matrix_vectorized([[a[:, 0], a[:, 1]],
565                                   [b[:, 0], b[:, 1]]])
566        return J
568    @staticmethod
569    def _compute_tri_eccentricities(tris_pts):
570        """
571        Computes triangle eccentricities
573        Parameters
574        ----------
575        tris_pts : array like of dim 3 (shape: (nx,3,2))
576                   Coordinates of the triangles apexes.
578        Returns
579        -------
580        ecc : array like of dim 2 (shape: (nx,3))
581              The so-called eccentricity parameters [1] needed for
582              HCT triangular element.
583        """
584        a = np.expand_dims(tris_pts[:, 2, :] - tris_pts[:, 1, :], axis=2)
585        b = np.expand_dims(tris_pts[:, 0, :] - tris_pts[:, 2, :], axis=2)
586        c = np.expand_dims(tris_pts[:, 1, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :], axis=2)
587        # Do not use np.squeeze, this is dangerous if only one triangle
588        # in the triangulation...
589        dot_a = _prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(a), a)[:, 0, 0]
590        dot_b = _prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(b), b)[:, 0, 0]
591        dot_c = _prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(c), c)[:, 0, 0]
592        # Note that this line will raise a warning for dot_a, dot_b or dot_c
593        # zeros, but we choose not to support triangles with duplicate points.
594        return _to_matrix_vectorized([[(dot_c-dot_b) / dot_a],
595                                      [(dot_a-dot_c) / dot_b],
596                                      [(dot_b-dot_a) / dot_c]])
599# FEM element used for interpolation and for solving minimisation
600# problem (Reduced HCT element)
601class _ReducedHCT_Element():
602    """
603    Implementation of reduced HCT triangular element with explicit shape
604    functions.
606    Computes z, dz, d2z and the element stiffness matrix for bending energy:
607    E(f) = integral( (d2z/dx2 + d2z/dy2)**2 dA)
609    *** Reference for the shape functions: ***
610    [1] Basis functions for general Hsieh-Clough-Tocher _triangles, complete or
611        reduced.
612        Michel Bernadou, Kamal Hassan
613        International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
614        17(5):784 - 789.  2.01
616    *** Element description: ***
617    9 dofs: z and dz given at 3 apex
618    C1 (conform)
620    """
621    # 1) Loads matrices to generate shape functions as a function of
622    #    triangle eccentricities - based on [1] p.11 '''
623    M = np.array([
624        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  4.50,  4.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
625        [-0.25, 0.00, 0.00,  0.50,  1.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
626        [-0.25, 0.00, 0.00,  1.25,  0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
627        [ 0.50, 1.00, 0.00, -1.50,  0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00],
628        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -0.25,  0.25, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.50],
629        [ 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, -0.50, -0.25, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00],
630        [ 0.50, 0.00, 1.00,  0.00, -1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00],
631        [ 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, -0.25, -0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00],
632        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.25, -0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.50]])
633    M0 = np.array([
634        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00],
635        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00],
636        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00],
637        [-1.00, 0.00, 0.00,  1.50,  1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -3.00],
638        [-0.50, 0.00, 0.00,  0.75,  0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -1.50],
639        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00],
640        [ 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, -1.50, -1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  3.00],
641        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00],
642        [ 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, -0.75, -0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  1.50]])
643    M1 = np.array([
644        [-0.50, 0.00, 0.00,  1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
645        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
646        [-0.25, 0.00, 0.00,  0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
647        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
648        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
649        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
650        [ 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, -1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
651        [ 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, -0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
652        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]])
653    M2 = np.array([
654        [ 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
655        [ 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
656        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
657        [-0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
658        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
659        [-0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
660        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
661        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
662        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]])
664    # 2) Loads matrices to rotate components of gradient & Hessian
665    #    vectors in the reference basis of triangle first apex (a0)
666    rotate_dV = np.array([[ 1.,  0.], [ 0.,  1.],
667                          [ 0.,  1.], [-1., -1.],
668                          [-1., -1.], [ 1.,  0.]])
670    rotate_d2V = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [ 0.,  0.,  1.],
671                           [0., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 1.], [ 0., -2., -1.],
672                           [1., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 0.], [-2.,  0., -1.]])
674    # 3) Loads Gauss points & weights on the 3 sub-_triangles for P2
675    #    exact integral - 3 points on each subtriangles.
676    # NOTE: as the 2nd derivative is discontinuous , we really need those 9
677    # points!
678    n_gauss = 9
679    gauss_pts = np.array([[13./18.,  4./18.,  1./18.],
680                          [ 4./18., 13./18.,  1./18.],
681                          [ 7./18.,  7./18.,  4./18.],
682                          [ 1./18., 13./18.,  4./18.],
683                          [ 1./18.,  4./18., 13./18.],
684                          [ 4./18.,  7./18.,  7./18.],
685                          [ 4./18.,  1./18., 13./18.],
686                          [13./18.,  1./18.,  4./18.],
687                          [ 7./18.,  4./18.,  7./18.]], dtype=np.float64)
688    gauss_w = np.ones([9], dtype=np.float64) / 9.
690    #  4) Stiffness matrix for curvature energy
691    E = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 2.]])
693    #  5) Loads the matrix to compute DOF_rot from tri_J at apex 0
694    J0_to_J1 = np.array([[-1.,  1.], [-1.,  0.]])
695    J0_to_J2 = np.array([[ 0., -1.], [ 1., -1.]])
697    def get_function_values(self, alpha, ecc, dofs):
698        """
699        Parameters
700        ----------
701        alpha : is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of
702        barycentric coordinates,
703        ecc : is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle
704        eccentricities,
705        dofs : is a (N x 1 x 9) arrays (arrays of row-matrices) of computed
706        degrees of freedom.
708        Returns
709        -------
710        Returns the N-array of interpolated function values.
711        """
712        subtri = np.argmin(alpha, axis=1)[:, 0]
713        ksi = _roll_vectorized(alpha, -subtri, axis=0)
714        E = _roll_vectorized(ecc, -subtri, axis=0)
715        x = ksi[:, 0, 0]
716        y = ksi[:, 1, 0]
717        z = ksi[:, 2, 0]
718        x_sq = x*x
719        y_sq = y*y
720        z_sq = z*z
721        V = _to_matrix_vectorized([
722            [x_sq*x], [y_sq*y], [z_sq*z], [x_sq*z], [x_sq*y], [y_sq*x],
723            [y_sq*z], [z_sq*y], [z_sq*x], [x*y*z]])
724        prod = _prod_vectorized(self.M, V)
725        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 0, 0],
726                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M0, V))
727        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 1, 0],
728                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M1, V))
729        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 2, 0],
730                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M2, V))
731        s = _roll_vectorized(prod, 3*subtri, axis=0)
732        return _prod_vectorized(dofs, s)[:, 0, 0]
734    def get_function_derivatives(self, alpha, J, ecc, dofs):
735        """
736        Parameters
737        ----------
738        *alpha* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices of
739        barycentric coordinates)
740        *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at
741        triangle first apex)
742        *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices of triangle
743        eccentricities)
744        *dofs* is a (N x 1 x 9) arrays (arrays of row-matrices) of computed
745        degrees of freedom.
747        Returns
748        -------
749        Returns the values of interpolated function derivatives [dz/dx, dz/dy]
750        in global coordinates at locations alpha, as a column-matrices of
751        shape (N x 2 x 1).
752        """
753        subtri = np.argmin(alpha, axis=1)[:, 0]
754        ksi = _roll_vectorized(alpha, -subtri, axis=0)
755        E = _roll_vectorized(ecc, -subtri, axis=0)
756        x = ksi[:, 0, 0]
757        y = ksi[:, 1, 0]
758        z = ksi[:, 2, 0]
759        x_sq = x*x
760        y_sq = y*y
761        z_sq = z*z
762        dV = _to_matrix_vectorized([
763            [    -3.*x_sq,     -3.*x_sq],
764            [     3.*y_sq,           0.],
765            [          0.,      3.*z_sq],
766            [     -2.*x*z, -2.*x*z+x_sq],
767            [-2.*x*y+x_sq,      -2.*x*y],
768            [ 2.*x*y-y_sq,        -y_sq],
769            [      2.*y*z,         y_sq],
770            [        z_sq,       2.*y*z],
771            [       -z_sq,  2.*x*z-z_sq],
772            [     x*z-y*z,      x*y-y*z]])
773        # Puts back dV in first apex basis
774        dV = _prod_vectorized(dV, _extract_submatrices(
775            self.rotate_dV, subtri, block_size=2, axis=0))
777        prod = _prod_vectorized(self.M, dV)
778        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 0, 0],
779                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M0, dV))
780        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 1, 0],
781                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M1, dV))
782        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 2, 0],
783                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M2, dV))
784        dsdksi = _roll_vectorized(prod, 3*subtri, axis=0)
785        dfdksi = _prod_vectorized(dofs, dsdksi)
786        # In global coordinates:
787        # Here we try to deal with the simplest colinear cases, returning a
788        # null matrix.
789        J_inv = _safe_inv22_vectorized(J)
790        dfdx = _prod_vectorized(J_inv, _transpose_vectorized(dfdksi))
791        return dfdx
793    def get_function_hessians(self, alpha, J, ecc, dofs):
794        """
795        Parameters
796        ----------
797        *alpha* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of
798        barycentric coordinates
799        *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at
800        triangle first apex)
801        *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle
802        eccentricities
803        *dofs* is a (N x 1 x 9) arrays (arrays of row-matrices) of computed
804        degrees of freedom.
806        Returns
807        -------
808        Returns the values of interpolated function 2nd-derivatives
809        [d2z/dx2, d2z/dy2, d2z/dxdy] in global coordinates at locations alpha,
810        as a column-matrices of shape (N x 3 x 1).
811        """
812        d2sdksi2 = self.get_d2Sidksij2(alpha, ecc)
813        d2fdksi2 = _prod_vectorized(dofs, d2sdksi2)
814        H_rot = self.get_Hrot_from_J(J)
815        d2fdx2 = _prod_vectorized(d2fdksi2, H_rot)
816        return _transpose_vectorized(d2fdx2)
818    def get_d2Sidksij2(self, alpha, ecc):
819        """
820        Parameters
821        ----------
822        *alpha* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of
823        barycentric coordinates
824        *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle
825        eccentricities
827        Returns
828        -------
829        Returns the arrays d2sdksi2 (N x 3 x 1) Hessian of shape functions
830        expressed in covariante coordinates in first apex basis.
831        """
832        subtri = np.argmin(alpha, axis=1)[:, 0]
833        ksi = _roll_vectorized(alpha, -subtri, axis=0)
834        E = _roll_vectorized(ecc, -subtri, axis=0)
835        x = ksi[:, 0, 0]
836        y = ksi[:, 1, 0]
837        z = ksi[:, 2, 0]
838        d2V = _to_matrix_vectorized([
839            [     6.*x,      6.*x,      6.*x],
840            [     6.*y,        0.,        0.],
841            [       0.,      6.*z,        0.],
842            [     2.*z, 2.*z-4.*x, 2.*z-2.*x],
843            [2.*y-4.*x,      2.*y, 2.*y-2.*x],
844            [2.*x-4.*y,        0.,     -2.*y],
845            [     2.*z,        0.,      2.*y],
846            [       0.,      2.*y,      2.*z],
847            [       0., 2.*x-4.*z,     -2.*z],
848            [    -2.*z,     -2.*y,     x-y-z]])
849        # Puts back d2V in first apex basis
850        d2V = _prod_vectorized(d2V, _extract_submatrices(
851            self.rotate_d2V, subtri, block_size=3, axis=0))
852        prod = _prod_vectorized(self.M, d2V)
853        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 0, 0],
854                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M0, d2V))
855        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 1, 0],
856                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M1, d2V))
857        prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 2, 0],
858                                   _prod_vectorized(self.M2, d2V))
859        d2sdksi2 = _roll_vectorized(prod, 3*subtri, axis=0)
860        return d2sdksi2
862    def get_bending_matrices(self, J, ecc):
863        """
864        Parameters
865        ----------
866        *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at
867        triangle first apex)
868        *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle
869        eccentricities
871        Returns
872        -------
873        Returns the element K matrices for bending energy expressed in
874        GLOBAL nodal coordinates.
875        K_ij = integral [ (d2zi/dx2 + d2zi/dy2) * (d2zj/dx2 + d2zj/dy2) dA]
876        tri_J is needed to rotate dofs from local basis to global basis
877        """
878        n = np.size(ecc, 0)
880        # 1) matrix to rotate dofs in global coordinates
881        J1 = _prod_vectorized(self.J0_to_J1, J)
882        J2 = _prod_vectorized(self.J0_to_J2, J)
883        DOF_rot = np.zeros([n, 9, 9], dtype=np.float64)
884        DOF_rot[:, 0, 0] = 1
885        DOF_rot[:, 3, 3] = 1
886        DOF_rot[:, 6, 6] = 1
887        DOF_rot[:, 1:3, 1:3] = J
888        DOF_rot[:, 4:6, 4:6] = J1
889        DOF_rot[:, 7:9, 7:9] = J2
891        # 2) matrix to rotate Hessian in global coordinates.
892        H_rot, area = self.get_Hrot_from_J(J, return_area=True)
894        # 3) Computes stiffness matrix
895        # Gauss quadrature.
896        K = np.zeros([n, 9, 9], dtype=np.float64)
897        weights = self.gauss_w
898        pts = self.gauss_pts
899        for igauss in range(self.n_gauss):
900            alpha = np.tile(pts[igauss, :], n).reshape(n, 3)
901            alpha = np.expand_dims(alpha, 2)
902            weight = weights[igauss]
903            d2Skdksi2 = self.get_d2Sidksij2(alpha, ecc)
904            d2Skdx2 = _prod_vectorized(d2Skdksi2, H_rot)
905            K += weight * _prod_vectorized(_prod_vectorized(d2Skdx2, self.E),
906                                           _transpose_vectorized(d2Skdx2))
908        # 4) With nodal (not elem) dofs
909        K = _prod_vectorized(_prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(DOF_rot),
910                                              K), DOF_rot)
912        # 5) Need the area to compute total element energy
913        return _scalar_vectorized(area, K)
915    def get_Hrot_from_J(self, J, return_area=False):
916        """
917        Parameters
918        ----------
919        *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at
920        triangle first apex)
922        Returns
923        -------
924        Returns H_rot used to rotate Hessian from local basis of first apex,
925        to global coordinates.
926        if *return_area* is True, returns also the triangle area (0.5*det(J))
927        """
928        # Here we try to deal with the simplest colinear cases ; a null
929        # energy and area is imposed.
930        J_inv = _safe_inv22_vectorized(J)
931        Ji00 = J_inv[:, 0, 0]
932        Ji11 = J_inv[:, 1, 1]
933        Ji10 = J_inv[:, 1, 0]
934        Ji01 = J_inv[:, 0, 1]
935        H_rot = _to_matrix_vectorized([
936            [Ji00*Ji00, Ji10*Ji10, Ji00*Ji10],
937            [Ji01*Ji01, Ji11*Ji11, Ji01*Ji11],
938            [2*Ji00*Ji01, 2*Ji11*Ji10, Ji00*Ji11+Ji10*Ji01]])
939        if not return_area:
940            return H_rot
941        else:
942            area = 0.5 * (J[:, 0, 0]*J[:, 1, 1] - J[:, 0, 1]*J[:, 1, 0])
943            return H_rot, area
945    def get_Kff_and_Ff(self, J, ecc, triangles, Uc):
946        """
947        Builds K and F for the following elliptic formulation:
948        minimization of curvature energy with value of function at node
949        imposed and derivatives 'free'.
950        Builds the global Kff matrix in cco format.
951        Builds the full Ff vec Ff = - Kfc x Uc
953        Parameters
954        ----------
955        *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at
956        triangle first apex)
957        *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle
958        eccentricities
959        *triangles* is a (N x 3) array of nodes indexes.
960        *Uc* is (N x 3) array of imposed displacements at nodes
962        Returns
963        -------
964        (Kff_rows, Kff_cols, Kff_vals) Kff matrix in coo format - Duplicate
965        (row, col) entries must be summed.
966        Ff: force vector - dim npts * 3
967        """
968        ntri = np.size(ecc, 0)
969        vec_range = np.arange(ntri, dtype=np.int32)
970        c_indices = -np.ones(ntri, dtype=np.int32)  # for unused dofs, -1
971        f_dof = [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8]
972        c_dof = [0, 3, 6]
974        # vals, rows and cols indices in global dof numbering
975        f_dof_indices = _to_matrix_vectorized([[
976            c_indices, triangles[:, 0]*2, triangles[:, 0]*2+1,
977            c_indices, triangles[:, 1]*2, triangles[:, 1]*2+1,
978            c_indices, triangles[:, 2]*2, triangles[:, 2]*2+1]])
980        expand_indices = np.ones([ntri, 9, 1], dtype=np.int32)
981        f_row_indices = _prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(f_dof_indices),
982                                         _transpose_vectorized(expand_indices))
983        f_col_indices = _prod_vectorized(expand_indices, f_dof_indices)
984        K_elem = self.get_bending_matrices(J, ecc)
986        # Extracting sub-matrices
987        # Explanation & notations:
988        # * Subscript f denotes 'free' degrees of freedom (i.e. dz/dx, dz/dx)
989        # * Subscript c denotes 'condensated' (imposed) degrees of freedom
990        #    (i.e. z at all nodes)
991        # * F = [Ff, Fc] is the force vector
992        # * U = [Uf, Uc] is the imposed dof vector
993        #        [ Kff Kfc ]
994        # * K =  [         ]  is the laplacian stiffness matrix
995        #        [ Kcf Kff ]
996        # * As F = K x U one gets straightforwardly: Ff = - Kfc x Uc
998        # Computing Kff stiffness matrix in sparse coo format
999        Kff_vals = np.ravel(K_elem[np.ix_(vec_range, f_dof, f_dof)])
1000        Kff_rows = np.ravel(f_row_indices[np.ix_(vec_range, f_dof, f_dof)])
1001        Kff_cols = np.ravel(f_col_indices[np.ix_(vec_range, f_dof, f_dof)])
1003        # Computing Ff force vector in sparse coo format
1004        Kfc_elem = K_elem[np.ix_(vec_range, f_dof, c_dof)]
1005        Uc_elem = np.expand_dims(Uc, axis=2)
1006        Ff_elem = - _prod_vectorized(Kfc_elem, Uc_elem)[:, :, 0]
1007        Ff_indices = f_dof_indices[np.ix_(vec_range, [0], f_dof)][:, 0, :]
1009        # Extracting Ff force vector in dense format
1010        # We have to sum duplicate indices -  using bincount
1011        Ff = np.bincount(np.ravel(Ff_indices), weights=np.ravel(Ff_elem))
1012        return Kff_rows, Kff_cols, Kff_vals, Ff
1015# :class:_DOF_estimator, _DOF_estimator_user, _DOF_estimator_geom,
1016# _DOF_estimator_min_E
1017# Private classes used to compute the degree of freedom of each triangular
1018# element for the TriCubicInterpolator.
1019class _DOF_estimator():
1020    """
1021    Abstract base class for classes used to perform estimation of a function
1022    first derivatives, and deduce the dofs for a CubicTriInterpolator using a
1023    reduced HCT element formulation.
1024    Derived classes implement compute_df(self,**kwargs), returning
1025    np.vstack([dfx,dfy]).T where : dfx, dfy are the estimation of the 2
1026    gradient coordinates.
1027    """
1028    def __init__(self, interpolator, **kwargs):
1029        if not isinstance(interpolator, CubicTriInterpolator):
1030            raise ValueError("Expected a CubicTriInterpolator object")
1031        self._pts = interpolator._pts
1032        self._tris_pts = interpolator._tris_pts
1033        self.z = interpolator._z
1034        self._triangles = interpolator._triangles
1035        (self._unit_x, self._unit_y) = (interpolator._unit_x,
1036                                        interpolator._unit_y)
1037        self.dz = self.compute_dz(**kwargs)
1038        self.compute_dof_from_df()
1040    def compute_dz(self, **kwargs):
1041        raise NotImplementedError
1043    def compute_dof_from_df(self):
1044        """
1045        Computes reduced-HCT elements degrees of freedom, knowing the
1046        gradient.
1047        """
1048        J = CubicTriInterpolator._get_jacobian(self._tris_pts)
1049        tri_z = self.z[self._triangles]
1050        tri_dz = self.dz[self._triangles]
1051        tri_dof = self.get_dof_vec(tri_z, tri_dz, J)
1052        return tri_dof
1054    @staticmethod
1055    def get_dof_vec(tri_z, tri_dz, J):
1056        """
1057        Computes the dof vector of a triangle, knowing the value of f, df and
1058        of the local Jacobian at each node.
1060        *tri_z*: array of shape (3,) of f nodal values
1061        *tri_dz*: array of shape (3,2) of df/dx, df/dy nodal values
1062        *J*: Jacobian matrix in local basis of apex 0
1064        Returns dof array of shape (9,) so that for each apex iapex:
1065            dof[iapex*3+0] = f(Ai)
1066            dof[iapex*3+1] = df(Ai).(AiAi+)
1067            dof[iapex*3+2] = df(Ai).(AiAi-)]
1068        """
1069        npt = tri_z.shape[0]
1070        dof = np.zeros([npt, 9], dtype=np.float64)
1071        J1 = _prod_vectorized(_ReducedHCT_Element.J0_to_J1, J)
1072        J2 = _prod_vectorized(_ReducedHCT_Element.J0_to_J2, J)
1074        col0 = _prod_vectorized(J, np.expand_dims(tri_dz[:, 0, :], axis=2))
1075        col1 = _prod_vectorized(J1, np.expand_dims(tri_dz[:, 1, :], axis=2))
1076        col2 = _prod_vectorized(J2, np.expand_dims(tri_dz[:, 2, :], axis=2))
1078        dfdksi = _to_matrix_vectorized([
1079            [col0[:, 0, 0], col1[:, 0, 0], col2[:, 0, 0]],
1080            [col0[:, 1, 0], col1[:, 1, 0], col2[:, 1, 0]]])
1081        dof[:, 0:7:3] = tri_z
1082        dof[:, 1:8:3] = dfdksi[:, 0]
1083        dof[:, 2:9:3] = dfdksi[:, 1]
1084        return dof
1087class _DOF_estimator_user(_DOF_estimator):
1088    """ dz is imposed by user / Accounts for scaling if any """
1089    def compute_dz(self, dz):
1090        (dzdx, dzdy) = dz
1091        dzdx = dzdx * self._unit_x
1092        dzdy = dzdy * self._unit_y
1093        return np.vstack([dzdx, dzdy]).T
1096class _DOF_estimator_geom(_DOF_estimator):
1097    """ Fast 'geometric' approximation, recommended for large arrays. """
1098    def compute_dz(self):
1099        """
1100        self.df is computed as weighted average of _triangles sharing a common
1101        node. On each triangle itri f is first assumed linear (= ~f), which
1102        allows to compute d~f[itri]
1103        Then the following approximation of df nodal values is then proposed:
1104            f[ipt] = SUM ( w[itri] x d~f[itri] , for itri sharing apex ipt)
1105        The weighted coeff. w[itri] are proportional to the angle of the
1106        triangle itri at apex ipt
1107        """
1108        el_geom_w = self.compute_geom_weights()
1109        el_geom_grad = self.compute_geom_grads()
1111        # Sum of weights coeffs
1112        w_node_sum = np.bincount(np.ravel(self._triangles),
1113                                 weights=np.ravel(el_geom_w))
1115        # Sum of weighted df = (dfx, dfy)
1116        dfx_el_w = np.empty_like(el_geom_w)
1117        dfy_el_w = np.empty_like(el_geom_w)
1118        for iapex in range(3):
1119            dfx_el_w[:, iapex] = el_geom_w[:, iapex]*el_geom_grad[:, 0]
1120            dfy_el_w[:, iapex] = el_geom_w[:, iapex]*el_geom_grad[:, 1]
1121        dfx_node_sum = np.bincount(np.ravel(self._triangles),
1122                                   weights=np.ravel(dfx_el_w))
1123        dfy_node_sum = np.bincount(np.ravel(self._triangles),
1124                                   weights=np.ravel(dfy_el_w))
1126        # Estimation of df
1127        dfx_estim = dfx_node_sum/w_node_sum
1128        dfy_estim = dfy_node_sum/w_node_sum
1129        return np.vstack([dfx_estim, dfy_estim]).T
1131    def compute_geom_weights(self):
1132        """
1133        Builds the (nelems x 3) weights coeffs of _triangles angles,
1134        renormalized so that np.sum(weights, axis=1) == np.ones(nelems)
1135        """
1136        weights = np.zeros([np.size(self._triangles, 0), 3])
1137        tris_pts = self._tris_pts
1138        for ipt in range(3):
1139            p0 = tris_pts[:, (ipt) % 3, :]
1140            p1 = tris_pts[:, (ipt+1) % 3, :]
1141            p2 = tris_pts[:, (ipt-1) % 3, :]
1142            alpha1 = np.arctan2(p1[:, 1]-p0[:, 1], p1[:, 0]-p0[:, 0])
1143            alpha2 = np.arctan2(p2[:, 1]-p0[:, 1], p2[:, 0]-p0[:, 0])
1144            # In the below formula we could take modulo 2. but
1145            # modulo 1. is safer regarding round-off errors (flat triangles).
1146            angle = np.abs(np.mod((alpha2-alpha1) / np.pi, 1.))
1147            # Weight proportional to angle up np.pi/2 ; null weight for
1148            # degenerated cases 0. and np.pi (Note that `angle` is normalized
1149            # by np.pi)
1150            weights[:, ipt] = 0.5 - np.abs(angle-0.5)
1151        return weights
1153    def compute_geom_grads(self):
1154        """
1155        Compute the (global) gradient component of f assumed linear (~f).
1156        returns array df of shape (nelems,2)
1157        df[ielem].dM[ielem] = dz[ielem] i.e. df = dz x dM = dM.T^-1 x dz
1158        """
1159        tris_pts = self._tris_pts
1160        tris_f = self.z[self._triangles]
1162        dM1 = tris_pts[:, 1, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :]
1163        dM2 = tris_pts[:, 2, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :]
1164        dM = np.dstack([dM1, dM2])
1165        # Here we try to deal with the simplest colinear cases: a null
1166        # gradient is assumed in this case.
1167        dM_inv = _safe_inv22_vectorized(dM)
1169        dZ1 = tris_f[:, 1] - tris_f[:, 0]
1170        dZ2 = tris_f[:, 2] - tris_f[:, 0]
1171        dZ = np.vstack([dZ1, dZ2]).T
1172        df = np.empty_like(dZ)
1174        # With np.einsum :  could be ej,eji -> ej
1175        df[:, 0] = dZ[:, 0]*dM_inv[:, 0, 0] + dZ[:, 1]*dM_inv[:, 1, 0]
1176        df[:, 1] = dZ[:, 0]*dM_inv[:, 0, 1] + dZ[:, 1]*dM_inv[:, 1, 1]
1177        return df
1180class _DOF_estimator_min_E(_DOF_estimator_geom):
1181    """
1182    The 'smoothest' approximation, df is computed through global minimization
1183    of the bending energy:
1184      E(f) = integral[(d2z/dx2 + d2z/dy2 + 2 d2z/dxdy)**2 dA]
1185    """
1186    def __init__(self, Interpolator):
1187        self._eccs = Interpolator._eccs
1188        _DOF_estimator_geom.__init__(self, Interpolator)
1190    def compute_dz(self):
1191        """
1192        Elliptic solver for bending energy minimization.
1193        Uses a dedicated 'toy' sparse Jacobi PCG solver.
1194        """
1195        # Initial guess for iterative PCG solver.
1196        dz_init = _DOF_estimator_geom.compute_dz(self)
1197        Uf0 = np.ravel(dz_init)
1199        reference_element = _ReducedHCT_Element()
1200        J = CubicTriInterpolator._get_jacobian(self._tris_pts)
1201        eccs = self._eccs
1202        triangles = self._triangles
1203        Uc = self.z[self._triangles]
1205        # Building stiffness matrix and force vector in coo format
1206        Kff_rows, Kff_cols, Kff_vals, Ff = reference_element.get_Kff_and_Ff(
1207            J, eccs, triangles, Uc)
1209        # Building sparse matrix and solving minimization problem
1210        # We could use scipy.sparse direct solver ; however to avoid this
1211        # external dependency an implementation of a simple PCG solver with
1212        # a simplendiagonal Jocabi preconditioner is implemented.
1213        tol = 1.e-10
1214        n_dof = Ff.shape[0]
1215        Kff_coo = _Sparse_Matrix_coo(Kff_vals, Kff_rows, Kff_cols,
1216                                     shape=(n_dof, n_dof))
1217        Kff_coo.compress_csc()
1218        Uf, err = _cg(A=Kff_coo, b=Ff, x0=Uf0, tol=tol)
1219        # If the PCG did not converge, we return the best guess between Uf0
1220        # and Uf.
1221        err0 = np.linalg.norm(Kff_coo.dot(Uf0) - Ff)
1222        if err0 < err:
1223            # Maybe a good occasion to raise a warning here ?
1224            warnings.warn("In TriCubicInterpolator initialization, PCG sparse"
1225                          " solver did not converge after 1000 iterations. "
1226                          "`geom` approximation is used instead of `min_E`")
1227            Uf = Uf0
1229        # Building dz from Uf
1230        dz = np.empty([self._pts.shape[0], 2], dtype=np.float64)
1231        dz[:, 0] = Uf[::2]
1232        dz[:, 1] = Uf[1::2]
1233        return dz
1236# The following private :class:_Sparse_Matrix_coo and :func:_cg provide
1237# a PCG sparse solver for (symmetric) elliptic problems.
1238class _Sparse_Matrix_coo(object):
1239    def __init__(self, vals, rows, cols, shape):
1240        """
1241        Creates a sparse matrix in coo format
1242        *vals*: arrays of values of non-null entries of the matrix
1243        *rows*: int arrays of rows of non-null entries of the matrix
1244        *cols*: int arrays of cols of non-null entries of the matrix
1245        *shape*: 2-tuple (n,m) of matrix shape
1247        """
1248        self.n, self.m = shape
1249        self.vals = np.asarray(vals, dtype=np.float64)
1250        self.rows = np.asarray(rows, dtype=np.int32)
1251        self.cols = np.asarray(cols, dtype=np.int32)
1253    def dot(self, V):
1254        """
1255        Dot product of self by a vector *V* in sparse-dense to dense format
1256        *V* dense vector of shape (self.m,)
1257        """
1258        assert V.shape == (self.m,)
1259        return np.bincount(self.rows,
1260                           weights=self.vals*V[self.cols],
1261                           minlength=self.m)
1263    def compress_csc(self):
1264        """
1265        Compress rows, cols, vals / summing duplicates. Sort for csc format.
1266        """
1267        _, unique, indices = np.unique(
1268            self.rows + self.n*self.cols,
1269            return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
1270        self.rows = self.rows[unique]
1271        self.cols = self.cols[unique]
1272        self.vals = np.bincount(indices, weights=self.vals)
1274    def compress_csr(self):
1275        """
1276        Compress rows, cols, vals / summing duplicates. Sort for csr format.
1277        """
1278        _, unique, indices = np.unique(
1279            self.m*self.rows + self.cols,
1280            return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
1281        self.rows = self.rows[unique]
1282        self.cols = self.cols[unique]
1283        self.vals = np.bincount(indices, weights=self.vals)
1285    def to_dense(self):
1286        """
1287        Returns a dense matrix representing self.
1288        Mainly for debugging purposes.
1289        """
1290        ret = np.zeros([self.n, self.m], dtype=np.float64)
1291        nvals = self.vals.size
1292        for i in range(nvals):
1293            ret[self.rows[i], self.cols[i]] += self.vals[i]
1294        return ret
1296    def __str__(self):
1297        return self.to_dense().__str__()
1299    @property
1300    def diag(self):
1301        """
1302        Returns the (dense) vector of the diagonal elements.
1303        """
1304        in_diag = (self.rows == self.cols)
1305        diag = np.zeros(min(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.float64)  # default 0.
1306        diag[self.rows[in_diag]] = self.vals[in_diag]
1307        return diag
1310def _cg(A, b, x0=None, tol=1.e-10, maxiter=1000):
1311    """
1312    Use Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iteration to solve A x = b
1313    A simple Jacobi (diagonal) preconditionner is used.
1315    Parameters
1316    ----------
1317    A: _Sparse_Matrix_coo
1318        *A* must have been compressed before by compress_csc or
1319        compress_csr method.
1321    b: array
1322        Right hand side of the linear system.
1324    Returns
1325    -------
1326    x: array.
1327        The converged solution.
1328    err: float
1329        The absolute error np.linalg.norm(A.dot(x) - b)
1331    Other parameters
1332    ----------------
1333    x0: array.
1334        Starting guess for the solution.
1335    tol: float.
1336        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when the relative
1337        residual is below tol.
1338    maxiter: integer.
1339        Maximum number of iterations. Iteration will stop
1340        after maxiter steps even if the specified tolerance has not
1341        been achieved.
1342    """
1343    n = b.size
1344    assert A.n == n
1345    assert A.m == n
1346    b_norm = np.linalg.norm(b)
1348    # Jacobi pre-conditioner
1349    kvec = A.diag
1350    # For diag elem < 1e-6 we keep 1e-6.
1351    kvec = np.where(kvec > 1.e-6, kvec, 1.e-6)
1353    # Initial guess
1354    if x0 is None:
1355        x = np.zeros(n)
1356    else:
1357        x = x0
1359    r = b - A.dot(x)
1360    w = r/kvec
1362    p = np.zeros(n)
1363    beta = 0.0
1364    rho = np.dot(r, w)
1365    k = 0
1367    # Following C. T. Kelley
1368    while (np.sqrt(abs(rho)) > tol*b_norm) and (k < maxiter):
1369        p = w + beta*p
1370        z = A.dot(p)
1371        alpha = rho/np.dot(p, z)
1372        r = r - alpha*z
1373        w = r/kvec
1374        rhoold = rho
1375        rho = np.dot(r, w)
1376        x = x + alpha*p
1377        beta = rho/rhoold
1378        #err = np.linalg.norm(A.dot(x) - b) # absolute accuracy - not used
1379        k += 1
1380    err = np.linalg.norm(A.dot(x) - b)
1381    return x, err
1384# The following private functions:
1385#     :func:`_inv22_vectorized`
1386#     :func:`_safe_inv22_vectorized`
1387#     :func:`_pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized`
1388#     :func:`_prod_vectorized`
1389#     :func:`_scalar_vectorized`
1390#     :func:`_transpose_vectorized`
1391#     :func:`_roll_vectorized`
1392#     :func:`_to_matrix_vectorized`
1393#     :func:`_extract_submatrices`
1394# provide fast numpy implementation of some standard operations on arrays of
1395# matrices - stored as (:, n_rows, n_cols)-shaped np.arrays.
1396def _inv22_vectorized(M):
1397    """
1398    Inversion of arrays of (2,2) matrices.
1399    """
1400    assert (M.ndim == 3)
1401    assert (M.shape[-2:] == (2, 2))
1402    M_inv = np.empty_like(M)
1403    delta_inv = np.reciprocal(M[:, 0, 0]*M[:, 1, 1] - M[:, 0, 1]*M[:, 1, 0])
1404    M_inv[:, 0, 0] = M[:, 1, 1]*delta_inv
1405    M_inv[:, 0, 1] = -M[:, 0, 1]*delta_inv
1406    M_inv[:, 1, 0] = -M[:, 1, 0]*delta_inv
1407    M_inv[:, 1, 1] = M[:, 0, 0]*delta_inv
1408    return M_inv
1411# Development note: Dealing with pathologic 'flat' triangles in the
1412# CubicTriInterpolator code and impact on (2,2)-matrix inversion functions
1413# :func:`_safe_inv22_vectorized` and :func:`_pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized`.
1415# Goals:
1416# 1) The CubicTriInterpolator should be able to handle flat or almost flat
1417#    triangles without raising an error,
1418# 2) These degenerated triangles should have no impact on the automatic dof
1419#    calculation (associated with null weight for the _DOF_estimator_geom and
1420#    with null energy for the _DOF_estimator_min_E),
1421# 3) Linear patch test should be passed exactly on degenerated meshes,
1422# 4) Interpolation (with :meth:`_interpolate_single_key` or
1423#    :meth:`_interpolate_multi_key`) shall be correctly handled even *inside*
1424#    the pathologic triangles, to interact correctly with a TriRefiner class.
1426# Difficulties:
1427# Flat triangles have rank-deficient *J* (so-called jacobian matrix) and
1428# *metric* (the metric tensor = J x J.T). Computation of the local
1429# tangent plane is also problematic.
1431# Implementation:
1432# Most of the time, when computing the inverse of a rank-deficient matrix it
1433# is safe to simply return the null matrix (which is the implementation in
1434# :func:`_safe_inv22_vectorized`). This is because of point 2), itself
1435# enforced by:
1436#    - null area hence null energy in :class:`_DOF_estimator_min_E`
1437#    - angles close or equal to 0 or np.pi hence null weight in
1438#      :class:`_DOF_estimator_geom`.
1439#      Note that the function angle -> weight is continuous and maximum for an
1440#      angle np.pi/2 (refer to :meth:`compute_geom_weights`)
1441# The exception is the computation of barycentric coordinates, which is done
1442# by inversion of the *metric* matrix. In this case, we need to compute a set
1443# of valid coordinates (1 among numerous possibilities), to ensure point 4).
1444# We benefit here from the symmetry of metric = J x J.T, which makes it easier
1445# to compute a pseudo-inverse in :func:`_pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized`
1446def _safe_inv22_vectorized(M):
1447    """
1448    Inversion of arrays of (2,2) matrices, returns 0 for rank-deficient
1449    matrices.
1451    *M* : array of (2,2) matrices to inverse, shape (n,2,2)
1452    """
1453    assert M.ndim == 3
1454    assert M.shape[-2:] == (2, 2)
1455    M_inv = np.empty_like(M)
1456    prod1 = M[:, 0, 0]*M[:, 1, 1]
1457    delta = prod1 - M[:, 0, 1]*M[:, 1, 0]
1459    # We set delta_inv to 0. in case of a rank deficient matrix ; a
1460    # rank-deficient input matrix *M* will lead to a null matrix in output
1461    rank2 = (np.abs(delta) > 1e-8*np.abs(prod1))
1462    if np.all(rank2):
1463        # Normal 'optimized' flow.
1464        delta_inv = 1./delta
1465    else:
1466        # 'Pathologic' flow.
1467        delta_inv = np.zeros(M.shape[0])
1468        delta_inv[rank2] = 1./delta[rank2]
1470    M_inv[:, 0, 0] = M[:, 1, 1]*delta_inv
1471    M_inv[:, 0, 1] = -M[:, 0, 1]*delta_inv
1472    M_inv[:, 1, 0] = -M[:, 1, 0]*delta_inv
1473    M_inv[:, 1, 1] = M[:, 0, 0]*delta_inv
1474    return M_inv
1477def _pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized(M):
1478    """
1479    Inversion of arrays of (2,2) SYMMETRIC matrices ; returns the
1480    (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse for rank-deficient matrices.
1482    In case M is of rank 1, we have M = trace(M) x P where P is the orthogonal
1483    projection on Im(M), and we return trace(M)^-1 x P == M / trace(M)**2
1484    In case M is of rank 0, we return the null matrix.
1486    *M* : array of (2,2) matrices to inverse, shape (n,2,2)
1487    """
1488    assert M.ndim == 3
1489    assert M.shape[-2:] == (2, 2)
1490    M_inv = np.empty_like(M)
1491    prod1 = M[:, 0, 0]*M[:, 1, 1]
1492    delta = prod1 - M[:, 0, 1]*M[:, 1, 0]
1493    rank2 = (np.abs(delta) > 1e-8*np.abs(prod1))
1495    if np.all(rank2):
1496        # Normal 'optimized' flow.
1497        M_inv[:, 0, 0] = M[:, 1, 1] / delta
1498        M_inv[:, 0, 1] = -M[:, 0, 1] / delta
1499        M_inv[:, 1, 0] = -M[:, 1, 0] / delta
1500        M_inv[:, 1, 1] = M[:, 0, 0] / delta
1501    else:
1502        # 'Pathologic' flow.
1503        # Here we have to deal with 2 sub-cases
1504        # 1) First sub-case: matrices of rank 2:
1505        delta = delta[rank2]
1506        M_inv[rank2, 0, 0] = M[rank2, 1, 1] / delta
1507        M_inv[rank2, 0, 1] = -M[rank2, 0, 1] / delta
1508        M_inv[rank2, 1, 0] = -M[rank2, 1, 0] / delta
1509        M_inv[rank2, 1, 1] = M[rank2, 0, 0] / delta
1510        # 2) Second sub-case: rank-deficient matrices of rank 0 and 1:
1511        rank01 = ~rank2
1512        tr = M[rank01, 0, 0] + M[rank01, 1, 1]
1513        tr_zeros = (np.abs(tr) < 1.e-8)
1514        sq_tr_inv = (1.-tr_zeros) / (tr**2+tr_zeros)
1515        #sq_tr_inv = 1. / tr**2
1516        M_inv[rank01, 0, 0] = M[rank01, 0, 0] * sq_tr_inv
1517        M_inv[rank01, 0, 1] = M[rank01, 0, 1] * sq_tr_inv
1518        M_inv[rank01, 1, 0] = M[rank01, 1, 0] * sq_tr_inv
1519        M_inv[rank01, 1, 1] = M[rank01, 1, 1] * sq_tr_inv
1521    return M_inv
1524def _prod_vectorized(M1, M2):
1525    """
1526    Matrix product between arrays of matrices, or a matrix and an array of
1527    matrices (*M1* and *M2*)
1528    """
1529    sh1 = M1.shape
1530    sh2 = M2.shape
1531    assert len(sh1) >= 2
1532    assert len(sh2) >= 2
1533    assert sh1[-1] == sh2[-2]
1535    ndim1 = len(sh1)
1536    t1_index = list(xrange(ndim1-2)) + [ndim1-1, ndim1-2]
1537    return np.sum(np.transpose(M1, t1_index)[..., np.newaxis] *
1538                  M2[..., np.newaxis, :], -3)
1541def _scalar_vectorized(scalar, M):
1542    """
1543    Scalar product between scalars and matrices.
1544    """
1545    return scalar[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]*M
1548def _transpose_vectorized(M):
1549    """
1550    Transposition of an array of matrices *M*.
1551    """
1552    ndim = M.ndim
1553    assert ndim == 3
1554    return np.transpose(M, [0, ndim-1, ndim-2])
1557def _roll_vectorized(M, roll_indices, axis):
1558    """
1559    Rolls an array of matrices along an axis according to an array of indices
1560    *roll_indices*
1561    *axis* can be either 0 (rolls rows) or 1 (rolls columns).
1562    """
1563    assert axis in [0, 1]
1564    ndim = M.ndim
1565    assert ndim == 3
1566    ndim_roll = roll_indices.ndim
1567    assert ndim_roll == 1
1568    sh = M.shape
1569    r, c = sh[-2:]
1570    assert sh[0] == roll_indices.shape[0]
1571    vec_indices = np.arange(sh[0], dtype=np.int32)
1573    # Builds the rolled matrix
1574    M_roll = np.empty_like(M)
1575    if axis == 0:
1576        for ir in range(r):
1577            for ic in range(c):
1578                M_roll[:, ir, ic] = M[vec_indices, (-roll_indices+ir) % r, ic]
1579    elif axis == 1:
1580        for ir in range(r):
1581            for ic in range(c):
1582                M_roll[:, ir, ic] = M[vec_indices, ir, (-roll_indices+ic) % c]
1583    return M_roll
1586def _to_matrix_vectorized(M):
1587    """
1588    Builds an array of matrices from individuals np.arrays of identical
1589    shapes.
1590    *M*: ncols-list of nrows-lists of shape sh.
1592    Returns M_res np.array of shape (sh, nrow, ncols) so that:
1593        M_res[...,i,j] = M[i][j]
1594    """
1595    assert isinstance(M, (tuple, list))
1596    assert all([isinstance(item, (tuple, list)) for item in M])
1597    c_vec = np.asarray([len(item) for item in M])
1598    assert np.all(c_vec-c_vec[0] == 0)
1599    r = len(M)
1600    c = c_vec[0]
1601    M00 = np.asarray(M[0][0])
1602    dt = M00.dtype
1603    sh = [M00.shape[0], r, c]
1604    M_ret = np.empty(sh, dtype=dt)
1605    for irow in range(r):
1606        for icol in range(c):
1607            M_ret[:, irow, icol] = np.asarray(M[irow][icol])
1608    return M_ret
1611def _extract_submatrices(M, block_indices, block_size, axis):
1612    """
1613    Extracts selected blocks of a matrices *M* depending on parameters
1614    *block_indices* and *block_size*.
1616    Returns the array of extracted matrices *Mres* so that:
1617        M_res[...,ir,:] = M[(block_indices*block_size+ir), :]
1618    """
1619    assert block_indices.ndim == 1
1620    assert axis in [0, 1]
1622    r, c = M.shape
1623    if axis == 0:
1624        sh = [block_indices.shape[0], block_size, c]
1625    elif axis == 1:
1626        sh = [block_indices.shape[0], r, block_size]
1628    dt = M.dtype
1629    M_res = np.empty(sh, dtype=dt)
1630    if axis == 0:
1631        for ir in range(block_size):
1632            M_res[:, ir, :] = M[(block_indices*block_size+ir), :]
1633    elif axis == 1:
1634        for ic in range(block_size):
1635            M_res[:, :, ic] = M[:, (block_indices*block_size+ic)]
1637    return M_res