1import copy
2import sys
3import gc
4import tempfile
5import pytest
6from os import path
7from io import BytesIO
8from itertools import chain
10import numpy as np
11from numpy.testing import (
12        assert_, assert_equal, IS_PYPY, assert_almost_equal,
13        assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_raises,
14        assert_raises_regex, assert_warns, suppress_warnings,
15        _assert_valid_refcount, HAS_REFCOUNT,
16        )
17from numpy.testing._private.utils import _no_tracing, requires_memory
18from numpy.compat import asbytes, asunicode, pickle
21    RecursionError
22except NameError:
23    RecursionError = RuntimeError  # python < 3.5
25class TestRegression:
26    def test_invalid_round(self):
27        # Ticket #3
28        v = 4.7599999999999998
29        assert_array_equal(np.array([v]), np.array(v))
31    def test_mem_empty(self):
32        # Ticket #7
33        np.empty((1,), dtype=[('x', np.int64)])
35    def test_pickle_transposed(self):
36        # Ticket #16
37        a = np.transpose(np.array([[2, 9], [7, 0], [3, 8]]))
38        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
39            with BytesIO() as f:
40                pickle.dump(a, f, protocol=proto)
41                f.seek(0)
42                b = pickle.load(f)
43            assert_array_equal(a, b)
45    def test_dtype_names(self):
46        # Ticket #35
47        # Should succeed
48        np.dtype([(('name', 'label'), np.int32, 3)])
50    def test_reduce(self):
51        # Ticket #40
52        assert_almost_equal(np.add.reduce([1., .5], dtype=None), 1.5)
54    def test_zeros_order(self):
55        # Ticket #43
56        np.zeros([3], int, 'C')
57        np.zeros([3], order='C')
58        np.zeros([3], int, order='C')
60    def test_asarray_with_order(self):
61        # Check that nothing is done when order='F' and array C/F-contiguous
62        a = np.ones(2)
63        assert_(a is np.asarray(a, order='F'))
65    def test_ravel_with_order(self):
66        # Check that ravel works when order='F' and array C/F-contiguous
67        a = np.ones(2)
68        assert_(not a.ravel('F').flags.owndata)
70    def test_sort_bigendian(self):
71        # Ticket #47
72        a = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)
73        c = a.astype(np.dtype('<f8'))
74        c.sort()
75        assert_array_almost_equal(c, a)
77    def test_negative_nd_indexing(self):
78        # Ticket #49
79        c = np.arange(125).reshape((5, 5, 5))
80        origidx = np.array([-1, 0, 1])
81        idx = np.array(origidx)
82        c[idx]
83        assert_array_equal(idx, origidx)
85    def test_char_dump(self):
86        # Ticket #50
87        ca = np.char.array(np.arange(1000, 1010), itemsize=4)
88        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
89            with BytesIO() as f:
90                pickle.dump(ca, f, protocol=proto)
91                f.seek(0)
92                ca = np.load(f, allow_pickle=True)
94    def test_noncontiguous_fill(self):
95        # Ticket #58.
96        a = np.zeros((5, 3))
97        b = a[:, :2,]
99        def rs():
100            b.shape = (10,)
102        assert_raises(AttributeError, rs)
104    def test_bool(self):
105        # Ticket #60
106        np.bool_(1)  # Should succeed
108    def test_indexing1(self):
109        # Ticket #64
110        descr = [('x', [('y', [('z', 'c16', (2,)),]),]),]
111        buffer = ((([6j, 4j],),),)
112        h = np.array(buffer, dtype=descr)
113        h['x']['y']['z']
115    def test_indexing2(self):
116        # Ticket #65
117        descr = [('x', 'i4', (2,))]
118        buffer = ([3, 2],)
119        h = np.array(buffer, dtype=descr)
120        h['x']
122    def test_round(self):
123        # Ticket #67
124        x = np.array([1+2j])
125        assert_almost_equal(x**(-1), [1/(1+2j)])
127    def test_scalar_compare(self):
128        # Trac Ticket #72
129        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/565
130        a = np.array(['test', 'auto'])
131        assert_array_equal(a == 'auto', np.array([False, True]))
132        assert_(a[1] == 'auto')
133        assert_(a[0] != 'auto')
134        b = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)
135        # This should return true for now, but will eventually raise an error:
136        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
137            sup.filter(FutureWarning)
138            assert_(b != 'auto')
139        assert_(b[0] != 'auto')
141    def test_unicode_swapping(self):
142        # Ticket #79
143        ulen = 1
144        ucs_value = u'\U0010FFFF'
145        ua = np.array([[[ucs_value*ulen]*2]*3]*4, dtype='U%s' % ulen)
146        ua.newbyteorder()  # Should succeed.
148    def test_object_array_fill(self):
149        # Ticket #86
150        x = np.zeros(1, 'O')
151        x.fill([])
153    def test_mem_dtype_align(self):
154        # Ticket #93
155        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype,
156                              {'names':['a'], 'formats':['foo']}, align=1)
158    def test_endian_bool_indexing(self):
159        # Ticket #105
160        a = np.arange(10., dtype='>f8')
161        b = np.arange(10., dtype='<f8')
162        xa = np.where((a > 2) & (a < 6))
163        xb = np.where((b > 2) & (b < 6))
164        ya = ((a > 2) & (a < 6))
165        yb = ((b > 2) & (b < 6))
166        assert_array_almost_equal(xa, ya.nonzero())
167        assert_array_almost_equal(xb, yb.nonzero())
168        assert_(np.all(a[ya] > 0.5))
169        assert_(np.all(b[yb] > 0.5))
171    def test_endian_where(self):
172        # GitHub issue #369
173        net = np.zeros(3, dtype='>f4')
174        net[1] = 0.00458849
175        net[2] = 0.605202
176        max_net = net.max()
177        test = np.where(net <= 0., max_net, net)
178        correct = np.array([ 0.60520202,  0.00458849,  0.60520202])
179        assert_array_almost_equal(test, correct)
181    def test_endian_recarray(self):
182        # Ticket #2185
183        dt = np.dtype([
184               ('head', '>u4'),
185               ('data', '>u4', 2),
186            ])
187        buf = np.recarray(1, dtype=dt)
188        buf[0]['head'] = 1
189        buf[0]['data'][:] = [1, 1]
191        h = buf[0]['head']
192        d = buf[0]['data'][0]
193        buf[0]['head'] = h
194        buf[0]['data'][0] = d
195        assert_(buf[0]['head'] == 1)
197    def test_mem_dot(self):
198        # Ticket #106
199        x = np.random.randn(0, 1)
200        y = np.random.randn(10, 1)
201        # Dummy array to detect bad memory access:
202        _z = np.ones(10)
203        _dummy = np.empty((0, 10))
204        z = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(_z, _dummy.shape, _dummy.strides)
205        np.dot(x, np.transpose(y), out=z)
206        assert_equal(_z, np.ones(10))
207        # Do the same for the built-in dot:
208        np.core.multiarray.dot(x, np.transpose(y), out=z)
209        assert_equal(_z, np.ones(10))
211    def test_arange_endian(self):
212        # Ticket #111
213        ref = np.arange(10)
214        x = np.arange(10, dtype='<f8')
215        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
216        x = np.arange(10, dtype='>f8')
217        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
219    def test_arange_inf_step(self):
220        ref = np.arange(0, 1, 10)
221        x = np.arange(0, 1, np.inf)
222        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
224        ref = np.arange(0, 1, -10)
225        x = np.arange(0, 1, -np.inf)
226        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
228        ref = np.arange(0, -1, -10)
229        x = np.arange(0, -1, -np.inf)
230        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
232        ref = np.arange(0, -1, 10)
233        x = np.arange(0, -1, np.inf)
234        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
236    def test_arange_underflow_stop_and_step(self):
237        finfo = np.finfo(np.float64)
239        ref = np.arange(0, finfo.eps, 2 * finfo.eps)
240        x = np.arange(0, finfo.eps, finfo.max)
241        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
243        ref = np.arange(0, finfo.eps, -2 * finfo.eps)
244        x = np.arange(0, finfo.eps, -finfo.max)
245        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
247        ref = np.arange(0, -finfo.eps, -2 * finfo.eps)
248        x = np.arange(0, -finfo.eps, -finfo.max)
249        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
251        ref = np.arange(0, -finfo.eps, 2 * finfo.eps)
252        x = np.arange(0, -finfo.eps, finfo.max)
253        assert_array_equal(ref, x)
255    def test_argmax(self):
256        # Ticket #119
257        a = np.random.normal(0, 1, (4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
258        for i in range(a.ndim):
259            a.argmax(i)  # Should succeed
261    def test_mem_divmod(self):
262        # Ticket #126
263        for i in range(10):
264            divmod(np.array([i])[0], 10)
266    def test_hstack_invalid_dims(self):
267        # Ticket #128
268        x = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))
269        y = np.array([0, 0, 0])
270        assert_raises(ValueError, np.hstack, (x, y))
272    def test_squeeze_type(self):
273        # Ticket #133
274        a = np.array([3])
275        b = np.array(3)
276        assert_(type(a.squeeze()) is np.ndarray)
277        assert_(type(b.squeeze()) is np.ndarray)
279    def test_add_identity(self):
280        # Ticket #143
281        assert_equal(0, np.add.identity)
283    def test_numpy_float_python_long_addition(self):
284        # Check that numpy float and python longs can be added correctly.
285        a = np.float_(23.) + 2**135
286        assert_equal(a, 23. + 2**135)
288    def test_binary_repr_0(self):
289        # Ticket #151
290        assert_equal('0', np.binary_repr(0))
292    def test_rec_iterate(self):
293        # Ticket #160
294        descr = np.dtype([('i', int), ('f', float), ('s', '|S3')])
295        x = np.rec.array([(1, 1.1, '1.0'),
296                         (2, 2.2, '2.0')], dtype=descr)
297        x[0].tolist()
298        [i for i in x[0]]
300    def test_unicode_string_comparison(self):
301        # Ticket #190
302        a = np.array('hello', np.unicode_)
303        b = np.array('world')
304        a == b
306    def test_tobytes_FORTRANORDER_discontiguous(self):
307        # Fix in r2836
308        # Create non-contiguous Fortran ordered array
309        x = np.array(np.random.rand(3, 3), order='F')[:, :2]
310        assert_array_almost_equal(x.ravel(), np.frombuffer(x.tobytes()))
312    def test_flat_assignment(self):
313        # Correct behaviour of ticket #194
314        x = np.empty((3, 1))
315        x.flat = np.arange(3)
316        assert_array_almost_equal(x, [[0], [1], [2]])
317        x.flat = np.arange(3, dtype=float)
318        assert_array_almost_equal(x, [[0], [1], [2]])
320    def test_broadcast_flat_assignment(self):
321        # Ticket #194
322        x = np.empty((3, 1))
324        def bfa():
325            x[:] = np.arange(3)
327        def bfb():
328            x[:] = np.arange(3, dtype=float)
330        assert_raises(ValueError, bfa)
331        assert_raises(ValueError, bfb)
333    def test_nonarray_assignment(self):
334        # See also Issue gh-2870, test for non-array assignment
335        # and equivalent unsafe casted array assignment
336        a = np.arange(10)
337        b = np.ones(10, dtype=bool)
338        r = np.arange(10)
340        def assign(a, b, c):
341            a[b] = c
343        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, b, np.nan)
344        a[b] = np.array(np.nan)  # but not this.
345        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, r, np.nan)
346        a[r] = np.array(np.nan)
348    def test_unpickle_dtype_with_object(self):
349        # Implemented in r2840
350        dt = np.dtype([('x', int), ('y', np.object_), ('z', 'O')])
351        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
352            with BytesIO() as f:
353                pickle.dump(dt, f, protocol=proto)
354                f.seek(0)
355                dt_ = pickle.load(f)
356            assert_equal(dt, dt_)
358    def test_mem_array_creation_invalid_specification(self):
359        # Ticket #196
360        dt = np.dtype([('x', int), ('y', np.object_)])
361        # Wrong way
362        assert_raises(ValueError, np.array, [1, 'object'], dt)
363        # Correct way
364        np.array([(1, 'object')], dt)
366    def test_recarray_single_element(self):
367        # Ticket #202
368        a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int32)
369        b = a.copy()
370        r = np.rec.array(a, shape=1, formats=['3i4'], names=['d'])
371        assert_array_equal(a, b)
372        assert_equal(a, r[0][0])
374    def test_zero_sized_array_indexing(self):
375        # Ticket #205
376        tmp = np.array([])
378        def index_tmp():
379            tmp[np.array(10)]
381        assert_raises(IndexError, index_tmp)
383    def test_chararray_rstrip(self):
384        # Ticket #222
385        x = np.chararray((1,), 5)
386        x[0] = b'a   '
387        x = x.rstrip()
388        assert_equal(x[0], b'a')
390    def test_object_array_shape(self):
391        # Ticket #239
392        assert_equal(np.array([[1, 2], 3, 4], dtype=object).shape, (3,))
393        assert_equal(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=object).shape, (2, 2))
394        assert_equal(np.array([(1, 2), (3, 4)], dtype=object).shape, (2, 2))
395        assert_equal(np.array([], dtype=object).shape, (0,))
396        assert_equal(np.array([[], [], []], dtype=object).shape, (3, 0))
397        assert_equal(np.array([[3, 4], [5, 6], None], dtype=object).shape, (3,))
399    def test_mem_around(self):
400        # Ticket #243
401        x = np.zeros((1,))
402        y = [0]
403        decimal = 6
404        np.around(abs(x-y), decimal) <= 10.0**(-decimal)
406    def test_character_array_strip(self):
407        # Ticket #246
408        x = np.char.array(("x", "x ", "x  "))
409        for c in x:
410            assert_equal(c, "x")
412    def test_lexsort(self):
413        # Lexsort memory error
414        v = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
415        assert_equal(np.lexsort(v), 0)
417    def test_lexsort_invalid_sequence(self):
418        # Issue gh-4123
419        class BuggySequence:
420            def __len__(self):
421                return 4
423            def __getitem__(self, key):
424                raise KeyError
426        assert_raises(KeyError, np.lexsort, BuggySequence())
428    def test_lexsort_zerolen_custom_strides(self):
429        # Ticket #14228
430        xs = np.array([], dtype='i8')
431        assert xs.strides == (8,)
432        assert np.lexsort((xs,)).shape[0] == 0 # Works
434        xs.strides = (16,)
435        assert np.lexsort((xs,)).shape[0] == 0 # Was: MemoryError
437    def test_lexsort_zerolen_custom_strides_2d(self):
438        xs = np.array([], dtype='i8')
440        xs.shape = (0, 2)
441        xs.strides = (16, 16)
442        assert np.lexsort((xs,), axis=0).shape[0] == 0
444        xs.shape = (2, 0)
445        xs.strides = (16, 16)
446        assert np.lexsort((xs,), axis=0).shape[0] == 2
448    def test_lexsort_invalid_axis(self):
449        assert_raises(np.AxisError, np.lexsort, (np.arange(1),), axis=2)
450        assert_raises(np.AxisError, np.lexsort, (np.array([]),), axis=1)
451        assert_raises(np.AxisError, np.lexsort, (np.array(1),), axis=10)
453    def test_lexsort_zerolen_element(self):
454        dt = np.dtype([])  # a void dtype with no fields
455        xs = np.empty(4, dt)
457        assert np.lexsort((xs,)).shape[0] == xs.shape[0]
459    def test_pickle_py2_bytes_encoding(self):
460        # Check that arrays and scalars pickled on Py2 are
461        # unpickleable on Py3 using encoding='bytes'
463        test_data = [
464            # (original, py2_pickle)
465            (np.unicode_('\u6f2c'),
466             b"cnumpy.core.multiarray\nscalar\np0\n(cnumpy\ndtype\np1\n"
467             b"(S'U1'\np2\nI0\nI1\ntp3\nRp4\n(I3\nS'<'\np5\nNNNI4\nI4\n"
468             b"I0\ntp6\nbS',o\\x00\\x00'\np7\ntp8\nRp9\n."),
470            (np.array([9e123], dtype=np.float64),
471             b"cnumpy.core.multiarray\n_reconstruct\np0\n(cnumpy\nndarray\n"
472             b"p1\n(I0\ntp2\nS'b'\np3\ntp4\nRp5\n(I1\n(I1\ntp6\ncnumpy\ndtype\n"
473             b"p7\n(S'f8'\np8\nI0\nI1\ntp9\nRp10\n(I3\nS'<'\np11\nNNNI-1\nI-1\n"
474             b"I0\ntp12\nbI00\nS'O\\x81\\xb7Z\\xaa:\\xabY'\np13\ntp14\nb."),
476            (np.array([(9e123,)], dtype=[('name', float)]),
477             b"cnumpy.core.multiarray\n_reconstruct\np0\n(cnumpy\nndarray\np1\n"
478             b"(I0\ntp2\nS'b'\np3\ntp4\nRp5\n(I1\n(I1\ntp6\ncnumpy\ndtype\np7\n"
479             b"(S'V8'\np8\nI0\nI1\ntp9\nRp10\n(I3\nS'|'\np11\nN(S'name'\np12\ntp13\n"
480             b"(dp14\ng12\n(g7\n(S'f8'\np15\nI0\nI1\ntp16\nRp17\n(I3\nS'<'\np18\nNNNI-1\n"
481             b"I-1\nI0\ntp19\nbI0\ntp20\nsI8\nI1\nI0\ntp21\n"
482             b"bI00\nS'O\\x81\\xb7Z\\xaa:\\xabY'\np22\ntp23\nb."),
483        ]
485        for original, data in test_data:
486            result = pickle.loads(data, encoding='bytes')
487            assert_equal(result, original)
489            if isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and result.dtype.names is not None:
490                for name in result.dtype.names:
491                    assert_(isinstance(name, str))
493    def test_pickle_dtype(self):
494        # Ticket #251
495        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
496            pickle.dumps(float, protocol=proto)
498    def test_swap_real(self):
499        # Ticket #265
500        assert_equal(np.arange(4, dtype='>c8').imag.max(), 0.0)
501        assert_equal(np.arange(4, dtype='<c8').imag.max(), 0.0)
502        assert_equal(np.arange(4, dtype='>c8').real.max(), 3.0)
503        assert_equal(np.arange(4, dtype='<c8').real.max(), 3.0)
505    def test_object_array_from_list(self):
506        # Ticket #270
507        assert_(np.array([1, 'A', None]).shape == (3,))
509    def test_multiple_assign(self):
510        # Ticket #273
511        a = np.zeros((3, 1), int)
512        a[[1, 2]] = 1
514    def test_empty_array_type(self):
515        assert_equal(np.array([]).dtype, np.zeros(0).dtype)
517    def test_void_copyswap(self):
518        dt = np.dtype([('one', '<i4'), ('two', '<i4')])
519        x = np.array((1, 2), dtype=dt)
520        x = x.byteswap()
521        assert_(x['one'] > 1 and x['two'] > 2)
523    def test_method_args(self):
524        # Make sure methods and functions have same default axis
525        # keyword and arguments
526        funcs1 = ['argmax', 'argmin', 'sum', ('product', 'prod'),
527                 ('sometrue', 'any'),
528                 ('alltrue', 'all'), 'cumsum', ('cumproduct', 'cumprod'),
529                 'ptp', 'cumprod', 'prod', 'std', 'var', 'mean',
530                 'round', 'min', 'max', 'argsort', 'sort']
531        funcs2 = ['compress', 'take', 'repeat']
533        for func in funcs1:
534            arr = np.random.rand(8, 7)
535            arr2 = arr.copy()
536            if isinstance(func, tuple):
537                func_meth = func[1]
538                func = func[0]
539            else:
540                func_meth = func
541            res1 = getattr(arr, func_meth)()
542            res2 = getattr(np, func)(arr2)
543            if res1 is None:
544                res1 = arr
546            if res1.dtype.kind in 'uib':
547                assert_((res1 == res2).all(), func)
548            else:
549                assert_(abs(res1-res2).max() < 1e-8, func)
551        for func in funcs2:
552            arr1 = np.random.rand(8, 7)
553            arr2 = np.random.rand(8, 7)
554            res1 = None
555            if func == 'compress':
556                arr1 = arr1.ravel()
557                res1 = getattr(arr2, func)(arr1)
558            else:
559                arr2 = (15*arr2).astype(int).ravel()
560            if res1 is None:
561                res1 = getattr(arr1, func)(arr2)
562            res2 = getattr(np, func)(arr1, arr2)
563            assert_(abs(res1-res2).max() < 1e-8, func)
565    def test_mem_lexsort_strings(self):
566        # Ticket #298
567        lst = ['abc', 'cde', 'fgh']
568        np.lexsort((lst,))
570    def test_fancy_index(self):
571        # Ticket #302
572        x = np.array([1, 2])[np.array([0])]
573        assert_equal(x.shape, (1,))
575    def test_recarray_copy(self):
576        # Ticket #312
577        dt = [('x', np.int16), ('y', np.float64)]
578        ra = np.array([(1, 2.3)], dtype=dt)
579        rb = np.rec.array(ra, dtype=dt)
580        rb['x'] = 2.
581        assert_(ra['x'] != rb['x'])
583    def test_rec_fromarray(self):
584        # Ticket #322
585        x1 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
586        x2 = np.array(['a', 'dd', 'xyz'])
587        x3 = np.array([1.1, 2, 3])
588        np.rec.fromarrays([x1, x2, x3], formats="(2,)i4,a3,f8")
590    def test_object_array_assign(self):
591        x = np.empty((2, 2), object)
592        x.flat[2] = (1, 2, 3)
593        assert_equal(x.flat[2], (1, 2, 3))
595    def test_ndmin_float64(self):
596        # Ticket #324
597        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float64)
598        assert_equal(np.array(x, dtype=np.float32, ndmin=2).ndim, 2)
599        assert_equal(np.array(x, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=2).ndim, 2)
601    def test_ndmin_order(self):
602        # Issue #465 and related checks
603        assert_(np.array([1, 2], order='C', ndmin=3).flags.c_contiguous)
604        assert_(np.array([1, 2], order='F', ndmin=3).flags.f_contiguous)
605        assert_(np.array(np.ones((2, 2), order='F'), ndmin=3).flags.f_contiguous)
606        assert_(np.array(np.ones((2, 2), order='C'), ndmin=3).flags.c_contiguous)
608    def test_mem_axis_minimization(self):
609        # Ticket #327
610        data = np.arange(5)
611        data = np.add.outer(data, data)
613    def test_mem_float_imag(self):
614        # Ticket #330
615        np.float64(1.0).imag
617    def test_dtype_tuple(self):
618        # Ticket #334
619        assert_(np.dtype('i4') == np.dtype(('i4', ())))
621    def test_dtype_posttuple(self):
622        # Ticket #335
623        np.dtype([('col1', '()i4')])
625    def test_numeric_carray_compare(self):
626        # Ticket #341
627        assert_equal(np.array(['X'], 'c'), b'X')
629    def test_string_array_size(self):
630        # Ticket #342
631        assert_raises(ValueError,
632                              np.array, [['X'], ['X', 'X', 'X']], '|S1')
634    def test_dtype_repr(self):
635        # Ticket #344
636        dt1 = np.dtype(('uint32', 2))
637        dt2 = np.dtype(('uint32', (2,)))
638        assert_equal(dt1.__repr__(), dt2.__repr__())
640    def test_reshape_order(self):
641        # Make sure reshape order works.
642        a = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3, order='F')
643        assert_equal(a, [[0, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5]])
644        a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
645        b = a[:, 1]
646        assert_equal(b.reshape(2, 2, order='F'), [[2, 6], [4, 8]])
648    def test_reshape_zero_strides(self):
649        # Issue #380, test reshaping of zero strided arrays
650        a = np.ones(1)
651        a = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=(5,), strides=(0,))
652        assert_(a.reshape(5, 1).strides[0] == 0)
654    def test_reshape_zero_size(self):
655        # GitHub Issue #2700, setting shape failed for 0-sized arrays
656        a = np.ones((0, 2))
657        a.shape = (-1, 2)
659    # Cannot test if NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING changes the strides.
660    # With NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING the test becomes superfluous.
661    @pytest.mark.skipif(np.ones(1).strides[0] == np.iinfo(np.intp).max,
662                        reason="Using relaxed stride checking")
663    def test_reshape_trailing_ones_strides(self):
664        # GitHub issue gh-2949, bad strides for trailing ones of new shape
665        a = np.zeros(12, dtype=np.int32)[::2]  # not contiguous
666        strides_c = (16, 8, 8, 8)
667        strides_f = (8, 24, 48, 48)
668        assert_equal(a.reshape(3, 2, 1, 1).strides, strides_c)
669        assert_equal(a.reshape(3, 2, 1, 1, order='F').strides, strides_f)
670        assert_equal(np.array(0, dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, 1).strides, (4, 4))
672    def test_repeat_discont(self):
673        # Ticket #352
674        a = np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3)[:, 2]
675        assert_equal(a.repeat(3), [2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 11, 11, 11])
677    def test_array_index(self):
678        # Make sure optimization is not called in this case.
679        a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
680        a2 = np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
681        assert_equal(a[np.where(a == 3)], a2[np.where(a2 == 3)])
683    def test_object_argmax(self):
684        a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=object)
685        assert_(a.argmax() == 2)
687    def test_recarray_fields(self):
688        # Ticket #372
689        dt0 = np.dtype([('f0', 'i4'), ('f1', 'i4')])
690        dt1 = np.dtype([('f0', 'i8'), ('f1', 'i8')])
691        for a in [np.array([(1, 2), (3, 4)], "i4,i4"),
692                  np.rec.array([(1, 2), (3, 4)], "i4,i4"),
693                  np.rec.array([(1, 2), (3, 4)]),
694                  np.rec.fromarrays([(1, 2), (3, 4)], "i4,i4"),
695                  np.rec.fromarrays([(1, 2), (3, 4)])]:
696            assert_(a.dtype in [dt0, dt1])
698    def test_random_shuffle(self):
699        # Ticket #374
700        a = np.arange(5).reshape((5, 1))
701        b = a.copy()
702        np.random.shuffle(b)
703        assert_equal(np.sort(b, axis=0), a)
705    def test_refcount_vdot(self):
706        # Changeset #3443
707        _assert_valid_refcount(np.vdot)
709    def test_startswith(self):
710        ca = np.char.array(['Hi', 'There'])
711        assert_equal(ca.startswith('H'), [True, False])
713    def test_noncommutative_reduce_accumulate(self):
714        # Ticket #413
715        tosubtract = np.arange(5)
716        todivide = np.array([2.0, 0.5, 0.25])
717        assert_equal(np.subtract.reduce(tosubtract), -10)
718        assert_equal(np.divide.reduce(todivide), 16.0)
719        assert_array_equal(np.subtract.accumulate(tosubtract),
720            np.array([0, -1, -3, -6, -10]))
721        assert_array_equal(np.divide.accumulate(todivide),
722            np.array([2., 4., 16.]))
724    def test_convolve_empty(self):
725        # Convolve should raise an error for empty input array.
726        assert_raises(ValueError, np.convolve, [], [1])
727        assert_raises(ValueError, np.convolve, [1], [])
729    def test_multidim_byteswap(self):
730        # Ticket #449
731        r = np.array([(1, (0, 1, 2))], dtype="i2,3i2")
732        assert_array_equal(r.byteswap(),
733                           np.array([(256, (0, 256, 512))], r.dtype))
735    def test_string_NULL(self):
736        # Changeset 3557
737        assert_equal(np.array("a\x00\x0b\x0c\x00").item(),
738                     'a\x00\x0b\x0c')
740    def test_junk_in_string_fields_of_recarray(self):
741        # Ticket #483
742        r = np.array([[b'abc']], dtype=[('var1', '|S20')])
743        assert_(asbytes(r['var1'][0][0]) == b'abc')
745    def test_take_output(self):
746        # Ensure that 'take' honours output parameter.
747        x = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))
748        a = np.take(x, [0, 2], axis=1)
749        b = np.zeros_like(a)
750        np.take(x, [0, 2], axis=1, out=b)
751        assert_array_equal(a, b)
753    def test_take_object_fail(self):
754        # Issue gh-3001
755        d = 123.
756        a = np.array([d, 1], dtype=object)
757        if HAS_REFCOUNT:
758            ref_d = sys.getrefcount(d)
759        try:
760            a.take([0, 100])
761        except IndexError:
762            pass
763        if HAS_REFCOUNT:
764            assert_(ref_d == sys.getrefcount(d))
766    def test_array_str_64bit(self):
767        # Ticket #501
768        s = np.array([1, np.nan], dtype=np.float64)
769        with np.errstate(all='raise'):
770            np.array_str(s)  # Should succeed
772    def test_frompyfunc_endian(self):
773        # Ticket #503
774        from math import radians
775        uradians = np.frompyfunc(radians, 1, 1)
776        big_endian = np.array([83.4, 83.5], dtype='>f8')
777        little_endian = np.array([83.4, 83.5], dtype='<f8')
778        assert_almost_equal(uradians(big_endian).astype(float),
779                            uradians(little_endian).astype(float))
781    def test_mem_string_arr(self):
782        # Ticket #514
783        s = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
784        t = []
785        np.hstack((t, s))
787    def test_arr_transpose(self):
788        # Ticket #516
789        x = np.random.rand(*(2,)*16)
790        x.transpose(list(range(16)))  # Should succeed
792    def test_string_mergesort(self):
793        # Ticket #540
794        x = np.array(['a']*32)
795        assert_array_equal(x.argsort(kind='m'), np.arange(32))
797    def test_argmax_byteorder(self):
798        # Ticket #546
799        a = np.arange(3, dtype='>f')
800        assert_(a[a.argmax()] == a.max())
802    def test_rand_seed(self):
803        # Ticket #555
804        for l in np.arange(4):
805            np.random.seed(l)
807    def test_mem_deallocation_leak(self):
808        # Ticket #562
809        a = np.zeros(5, dtype=float)
810        b = np.array(a, dtype=float)
811        del a, b
813    def test_mem_on_invalid_dtype(self):
814        "Ticket #583"
815        assert_raises(ValueError, np.fromiter, [['12', ''], ['13', '']], str)
817    def test_dot_negative_stride(self):
818        # Ticket #588
819        x = np.array([[1, 5, 25, 125., 625]])
820        y = np.array([[20.], [160.], [640.], [1280.], [1024.]])
821        z = y[::-1].copy()
822        y2 = y[::-1]
823        assert_equal(np.dot(x, z), np.dot(x, y2))
825    def test_object_casting(self):
826        # This used to trigger the object-type version of
827        # the bitwise_or operation, because float64 -> object
828        # casting succeeds
829        def rs():
830            x = np.ones([484, 286])
831            y = np.zeros([484, 286])
832            x |= y
834        assert_raises(TypeError, rs)
836    def test_unicode_scalar(self):
837        # Ticket #600
838        x = np.array(["DROND", "DROND1"], dtype="U6")
839        el = x[1]
840        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
841            new = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(el, protocol=proto))
842            assert_equal(new, el)
844    def test_arange_non_native_dtype(self):
845        # Ticket #616
846        for T in ('>f4', '<f4'):
847            dt = np.dtype(T)
848            assert_equal(np.arange(0, dtype=dt).dtype, dt)
849            assert_equal(np.arange(0.5, dtype=dt).dtype, dt)
850            assert_equal(np.arange(5, dtype=dt).dtype, dt)
852    def test_bool_flat_indexing_invalid_nr_elements(self):
853        s = np.ones(10, dtype=float)
854        x = np.array((15,), dtype=float)
856        def ia(x, s, v):
857            x[(s > 0)] = v
859        assert_raises(IndexError, ia, x, s, np.zeros(9, dtype=float))
860        assert_raises(IndexError, ia, x, s, np.zeros(11, dtype=float))
862        # Old special case (different code path):
863        assert_raises(ValueError, ia, x.flat, s, np.zeros(9, dtype=float))
864        assert_raises(ValueError, ia, x.flat, s, np.zeros(11, dtype=float))
866    def test_mem_scalar_indexing(self):
867        # Ticket #603
868        x = np.array([0], dtype=float)
869        index = np.array(0, dtype=np.int32)
870        x[index]
872    def test_binary_repr_0_width(self):
873        assert_equal(np.binary_repr(0, width=3), '000')
875    def test_fromstring(self):
876        assert_equal(np.fromstring("12:09:09", dtype=int, sep=":"),
877                     [12, 9, 9])
879    def test_searchsorted_variable_length(self):
880        x = np.array(['a', 'aa', 'b'])
881        y = np.array(['d', 'e'])
882        assert_equal(x.searchsorted(y), [3, 3])
884    def test_string_argsort_with_zeros(self):
885        # Check argsort for strings containing zeros.
886        x = np.frombuffer(b"\x00\x02\x00\x01", dtype="|S2")
887        assert_array_equal(x.argsort(kind='m'), np.array([1, 0]))
888        assert_array_equal(x.argsort(kind='q'), np.array([1, 0]))
890    def test_string_sort_with_zeros(self):
891        # Check sort for strings containing zeros.
892        x = np.frombuffer(b"\x00\x02\x00\x01", dtype="|S2")
893        y = np.frombuffer(b"\x00\x01\x00\x02", dtype="|S2")
894        assert_array_equal(np.sort(x, kind="q"), y)
896    def test_copy_detection_zero_dim(self):
897        # Ticket #658
898        np.indices((0, 3, 4)).T.reshape(-1, 3)
900    def test_flat_byteorder(self):
901        # Ticket #657
902        x = np.arange(10)
903        assert_array_equal(x.astype('>i4'), x.astype('<i4').flat[:])
904        assert_array_equal(x.astype('>i4').flat[:], x.astype('<i4'))
906    def test_sign_bit(self):
907        x = np.array([0, -0.0, 0])
908        assert_equal(str(np.abs(x)), '[0. 0. 0.]')
910    def test_flat_index_byteswap(self):
911        for dt in (np.dtype('<i4'), np.dtype('>i4')):
912            x = np.array([-1, 0, 1], dtype=dt)
913            assert_equal(x.flat[0].dtype, x[0].dtype)
915    def test_copy_detection_corner_case(self):
916        # Ticket #658
917        np.indices((0, 3, 4)).T.reshape(-1, 3)
919    # Cannot test if NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING changes the strides.
920    # With NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING the test becomes superfluous,
921    # 0-sized reshape itself is tested elsewhere.
922    @pytest.mark.skipif(np.ones(1).strides[0] == np.iinfo(np.intp).max,
923                        reason="Using relaxed stride checking")
924    def test_copy_detection_corner_case2(self):
925        # Ticket #771: strides are not set correctly when reshaping 0-sized
926        # arrays
927        b = np.indices((0, 3, 4)).T.reshape(-1, 3)
928        assert_equal(b.strides, (3 * b.itemsize, b.itemsize))
930    def test_object_array_refcounting(self):
931        # Ticket #633
932        if not hasattr(sys, 'getrefcount'):
933            return
935        # NB. this is probably CPython-specific
937        cnt = sys.getrefcount
939        a = object()
940        b = object()
941        c = object()
943        cnt0_a = cnt(a)
944        cnt0_b = cnt(b)
945        cnt0_c = cnt(c)
947        # -- 0d -> 1-d broadcast slice assignment
949        arr = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.object_)
951        arr[:] = a
952        assert_equal(cnt(a), cnt0_a + 5)
954        arr[:] = b
955        assert_equal(cnt(a), cnt0_a)
956        assert_equal(cnt(b), cnt0_b + 5)
958        arr[:2] = c
959        assert_equal(cnt(b), cnt0_b + 3)
960        assert_equal(cnt(c), cnt0_c + 2)
962        del arr
964        # -- 1-d -> 2-d broadcast slice assignment
966        arr = np.zeros((5, 2), dtype=np.object_)
967        arr0 = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.object_)
969        arr0[0] = a
970        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 1)
971        arr0[1] = b
972        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 1)
974        arr[:, :] = arr0
975        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 6)
976        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 6)
978        arr[:, 0] = None
979        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 1)
981        del arr, arr0
983        # -- 2-d copying + flattening
985        arr = np.zeros((5, 2), dtype=np.object_)
987        arr[:, 0] = a
988        arr[:, 1] = b
989        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 5)
990        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 5)
992        arr2 = arr.copy()
993        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 10)
994        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 10)
996        arr2 = arr[:, 0].copy()
997        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 10)
998        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 5)
1000        arr2 = arr.flatten()
1001        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 10)
1002        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 10)
1004        del arr, arr2
1006        # -- concatenate, repeat, take, choose
1008        arr1 = np.zeros((5, 1), dtype=np.object_)
1009        arr2 = np.zeros((5, 1), dtype=np.object_)
1011        arr1[...] = a
1012        arr2[...] = b
1013        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 5)
1014        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 5)
1016        tmp = np.concatenate((arr1, arr2))
1017        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 5 + 5)
1018        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 5 + 5)
1020        tmp = arr1.repeat(3, axis=0)
1021        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 5 + 3*5)
1023        tmp = arr1.take([1, 2, 3], axis=0)
1024        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 5 + 3)
1026        x = np.array([[0], [1], [0], [1], [1]], int)
1027        tmp = x.choose(arr1, arr2)
1028        assert_(cnt(a) == cnt0_a + 5 + 2)
1029        assert_(cnt(b) == cnt0_b + 5 + 3)
1031        del tmp  # Avoid pyflakes unused variable warning
1033    def test_mem_custom_float_to_array(self):
1034        # Ticket 702
1035        class MyFloat:
1036            def __float__(self):
1037                return 1.0
1039        tmp = np.atleast_1d([MyFloat()])
1040        tmp.astype(float)  # Should succeed
1042    def test_object_array_refcount_self_assign(self):
1043        # Ticket #711
1044        class VictimObject:
1045            deleted = False
1047            def __del__(self):
1048                self.deleted = True
1050        d = VictimObject()
1051        arr = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.object_)
1052        arr[:] = d
1053        del d
1054        arr[:] = arr  # refcount of 'd' might hit zero here
1055        assert_(not arr[0].deleted)
1056        arr[:] = arr  # trying to induce a segfault by doing it again...
1057        assert_(not arr[0].deleted)
1059    def test_mem_fromiter_invalid_dtype_string(self):
1060        x = [1, 2, 3]
1061        assert_raises(ValueError,
1062                              np.fromiter, [xi for xi in x], dtype='S')
1064    def test_reduce_big_object_array(self):
1065        # Ticket #713
1066        oldsize = np.setbufsize(10*16)
1067        a = np.array([None]*161, object)
1068        assert_(not np.any(a))
1069        np.setbufsize(oldsize)
1071    def test_mem_0d_array_index(self):
1072        # Ticket #714
1073        np.zeros(10)[np.array(0)]
1075    def test_nonnative_endian_fill(self):
1076        # Non-native endian arrays were incorrectly filled with scalars
1077        # before r5034.
1078        if sys.byteorder == 'little':
1079            dtype = np.dtype('>i4')
1080        else:
1081            dtype = np.dtype('<i4')
1082        x = np.empty([1], dtype=dtype)
1083        x.fill(1)
1084        assert_equal(x, np.array([1], dtype=dtype))
1086    def test_dot_alignment_sse2(self):
1087        # Test for ticket #551, changeset r5140
1088        x = np.zeros((30, 40))
1089        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
1090            y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x, protocol=proto))
1091            # y is now typically not aligned on a 8-byte boundary
1092            z = np.ones((1, y.shape[0]))
1093            # This shouldn't cause a segmentation fault:
1094            np.dot(z, y)
1096    def test_astype_copy(self):
1097        # Ticket #788, changeset r5155
1098        # The test data file was generated by scipy.io.savemat.
1099        # The dtype is float64, but the isbuiltin attribute is 0.
1100        data_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
1101        filename = path.join(data_dir, "astype_copy.pkl")
1102        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
1103            xp = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')
1104        xpd = xp.astype(np.float64)
1105        assert_((xp.__array_interface__['data'][0] !=
1106                xpd.__array_interface__['data'][0]))
1108    def test_compress_small_type(self):
1109        # Ticket #789, changeset 5217.
1110        # compress with out argument segfaulted if cannot cast safely
1111        import numpy as np
1112        a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
1113        b = np.zeros((2, 1), dtype=np.single)
1114        try:
1115            a.compress([True, False], axis=1, out=b)
1116            raise AssertionError("compress with an out which cannot be "
1117                                 "safely casted should not return "
1118                                 "successfully")
1119        except TypeError:
1120            pass
1122    def test_attributes(self):
1123        # Ticket #791
1124        class TestArray(np.ndarray):
1125            def __new__(cls, data, info):
1126                result = np.array(data)
1127                result = result.view(cls)
1128                result.info = info
1129                return result
1131            def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
1132                self.info = getattr(obj, 'info', '')
1134        dat = TestArray([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]], 'jubba')
1135        assert_(dat.info == 'jubba')
1136        dat.resize((4, 2))
1137        assert_(dat.info == 'jubba')
1138        dat.sort()
1139        assert_(dat.info == 'jubba')
1140        dat.fill(2)
1141        assert_(dat.info == 'jubba')
1142        dat.put([2, 3, 4], [6, 3, 4])
1143        assert_(dat.info == 'jubba')
1144        dat.setfield(4, np.int32, 0)
1145        assert_(dat.info == 'jubba')
1146        dat.setflags()
1147        assert_(dat.info == 'jubba')
1148        assert_(dat.all(1).info == 'jubba')
1149        assert_(dat.any(1).info == 'jubba')
1150        assert_(dat.argmax(1).info == 'jubba')
1151        assert_(dat.argmin(1).info == 'jubba')
1152        assert_(dat.argsort(1).info == 'jubba')
1153        assert_(dat.astype(TestArray).info == 'jubba')
1154        assert_(dat.byteswap().info == 'jubba')
1155        assert_(dat.clip(2, 7).info == 'jubba')
1156        assert_(dat.compress([0, 1, 1]).info == 'jubba')
1157        assert_(dat.conj().info == 'jubba')
1158        assert_(dat.conjugate().info == 'jubba')
1159        assert_(dat.copy().info == 'jubba')
1160        dat2 = TestArray([2, 3, 1, 0], 'jubba')
1161        choices = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [10, 11, 12, 13],
1162                   [20, 21, 22, 23], [30, 31, 32, 33]]
1163        assert_(dat2.choose(choices).info == 'jubba')
1164        assert_(dat.cumprod(1).info == 'jubba')
1165        assert_(dat.cumsum(1).info == 'jubba')
1166        assert_(dat.diagonal().info == 'jubba')
1167        assert_(dat.flatten().info == 'jubba')
1168        assert_(dat.getfield(np.int32, 0).info == 'jubba')
1169        assert_(dat.imag.info == 'jubba')
1170        assert_(dat.max(1).info == 'jubba')
1171        assert_(dat.mean(1).info == 'jubba')
1172        assert_(dat.min(1).info == 'jubba')
1173        assert_(dat.newbyteorder().info == 'jubba')
1174        assert_(dat.prod(1).info == 'jubba')
1175        assert_(dat.ptp(1).info == 'jubba')
1176        assert_(dat.ravel().info == 'jubba')
1177        assert_(dat.real.info == 'jubba')
1178        assert_(dat.repeat(2).info == 'jubba')
1179        assert_(dat.reshape((2, 4)).info == 'jubba')
1180        assert_(dat.round().info == 'jubba')
1181        assert_(dat.squeeze().info == 'jubba')
1182        assert_(dat.std(1).info == 'jubba')
1183        assert_(dat.sum(1).info == 'jubba')
1184        assert_(dat.swapaxes(0, 1).info == 'jubba')
1185        assert_(dat.take([2, 3, 5]).info == 'jubba')
1186        assert_(dat.transpose().info == 'jubba')
1187        assert_(dat.T.info == 'jubba')
1188        assert_(dat.var(1).info == 'jubba')
1189        assert_(dat.view(TestArray).info == 'jubba')
1190        # These methods do not preserve subclasses
1191        assert_(type(dat.nonzero()[0]) is np.ndarray)
1192        assert_(type(dat.nonzero()[1]) is np.ndarray)
1194    def test_recarray_tolist(self):
1195        # Ticket #793, changeset r5215
1196        # Comparisons fail for NaN, so we can't use random memory
1197        # for the test.
1198        buf = np.zeros(40, dtype=np.int8)
1199        a = np.recarray(2, formats="i4,f8,f8", names="id,x,y", buf=buf)
1200        b = a.tolist()
1201        assert_( a[0].tolist() == b[0])
1202        assert_( a[1].tolist() == b[1])
1204    def test_nonscalar_item_method(self):
1205        # Make sure that .item() fails graciously when it should
1206        a = np.arange(5)
1207        assert_raises(ValueError, a.item)
1209    def test_char_array_creation(self):
1210        a = np.array('123', dtype='c')
1211        b = np.array([b'1', b'2', b'3'])
1212        assert_equal(a, b)
1214    def test_unaligned_unicode_access(self):
1215        # Ticket #825
1216        for i in range(1, 9):
1217            msg = 'unicode offset: %d chars' % i
1218            t = np.dtype([('a', 'S%d' % i), ('b', 'U2')])
1219            x = np.array([(b'a', u'b')], dtype=t)
1220            assert_equal(str(x), "[(b'a', 'b')]", err_msg=msg)
1222    def test_sign_for_complex_nan(self):
1223        # Ticket 794.
1224        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
1225            C = np.array([-np.inf, -2+1j, 0, 2-1j, np.inf, np.nan])
1226            have = np.sign(C)
1227            want = np.array([-1+0j, -1+0j, 0+0j, 1+0j, 1+0j, np.nan])
1228            assert_equal(have, want)
1230    def test_for_equal_names(self):
1231        # Ticket #674
1232        dt = np.dtype([('foo', float), ('bar', float)])
1233        a = np.zeros(10, dt)
1234        b = list(a.dtype.names)
1235        b[0] = "notfoo"
1236        a.dtype.names = b
1237        assert_(a.dtype.names[0] == "notfoo")
1238        assert_(a.dtype.names[1] == "bar")
1240    def test_for_object_scalar_creation(self):
1241        # Ticket #816
1242        a = np.object_()
1243        b = np.object_(3)
1244        b2 = np.object_(3.0)
1245        c = np.object_([4, 5])
1246        d = np.object_([None, {}, []])
1247        assert_(a is None)
1248        assert_(type(b) is int)
1249        assert_(type(b2) is float)
1250        assert_(type(c) is np.ndarray)
1251        assert_(c.dtype == object)
1252        assert_(d.dtype == object)
1254    def test_array_resize_method_system_error(self):
1255        # Ticket #840 - order should be an invalid keyword.
1256        x = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
1257        assert_raises(TypeError, x.resize, (2, 2), order='C')
1259    def test_for_zero_length_in_choose(self):
1260        "Ticket #882"
1261        a = np.array(1)
1262        assert_raises(ValueError, lambda x: x.choose([]), a)
1264    def test_array_ndmin_overflow(self):
1265        "Ticket #947."
1266        assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: np.array([1], ndmin=33))
1268    def test_void_scalar_with_titles(self):
1269        # No ticket
1270        data = [('john', 4), ('mary', 5)]
1271        dtype1 = [(('source:yy', 'name'), 'O'), (('source:xx', 'id'), int)]
1272        arr = np.array(data, dtype=dtype1)
1273        assert_(arr[0][0] == 'john')
1274        assert_(arr[0][1] == 4)
1276    def test_void_scalar_constructor(self):
1277        #Issue #1550
1279        #Create test string data, construct void scalar from data and assert
1280        #that void scalar contains original data.
1281        test_string = np.array("test")
1282        test_string_void_scalar = np.core.multiarray.scalar(
1283            np.dtype(("V", test_string.dtype.itemsize)), test_string.tobytes())
1285        assert_(test_string_void_scalar.view(test_string.dtype) == test_string)
1287        #Create record scalar, construct from data and assert that
1288        #reconstructed scalar is correct.
1289        test_record = np.ones((), "i,i")
1290        test_record_void_scalar = np.core.multiarray.scalar(
1291            test_record.dtype, test_record.tobytes())
1293        assert_(test_record_void_scalar == test_record)
1295        # Test pickle and unpickle of void and record scalars
1296        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
1297            assert_(pickle.loads(
1298                pickle.dumps(test_string, protocol=proto)) == test_string)
1299            assert_(pickle.loads(
1300                pickle.dumps(test_record, protocol=proto)) == test_record)
1302    @_no_tracing
1303    def test_blasdot_uninitialized_memory(self):
1304        # Ticket #950
1305        for m in [0, 1, 2]:
1306            for n in [0, 1, 2]:
1307                for k in range(3):
1308                    # Try to ensure that x->data contains non-zero floats
1309                    x = np.array([123456789e199], dtype=np.float64)
1310                    if IS_PYPY:
1311                        x.resize((m, 0), refcheck=False)
1312                    else:
1313                        x.resize((m, 0))
1314                    y = np.array([123456789e199], dtype=np.float64)
1315                    if IS_PYPY:
1316                        y.resize((0, n), refcheck=False)
1317                    else:
1318                        y.resize((0, n))
1320                    # `dot` should just return zero (m, n) matrix
1321                    z = np.dot(x, y)
1322                    assert_(np.all(z == 0))
1323                    assert_(z.shape == (m, n))
1325    def test_zeros(self):
1326        # Regression test for #1061.
1327        # Set a size which cannot fit into a 64 bits signed integer
1328        sz = 2 ** 64
1329        with assert_raises_regex(ValueError,
1330                                 'Maximum allowed dimension exceeded'):
1331            np.empty(sz)
1333    def test_huge_arange(self):
1334        # Regression test for #1062.
1335        # Set a size which cannot fit into a 64 bits signed integer
1336        sz = 2 ** 64
1337        with assert_raises_regex(ValueError,
1338                                 'Maximum allowed size exceeded'):
1339            np.arange(sz)
1340            assert_(np.size == sz)
1342    def test_fromiter_bytes(self):
1343        # Ticket #1058
1344        a = np.fromiter(list(range(10)), dtype='b')
1345        b = np.fromiter(list(range(10)), dtype='B')
1346        assert_(np.alltrue(a == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])))
1347        assert_(np.alltrue(b == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])))
1349    def test_array_from_sequence_scalar_array(self):
1350        # Ticket #1078: segfaults when creating an array with a sequence of
1351        # 0d arrays.
1352        a = np.array((np.ones(2), np.array(2)), dtype=object)
1353        assert_equal(a.shape, (2,))
1354        assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype(object))
1355        assert_equal(a[0], np.ones(2))
1356        assert_equal(a[1], np.array(2))
1358        a = np.array(((1,), np.array(1)), dtype=object)
1359        assert_equal(a.shape, (2,))
1360        assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype(object))
1361        assert_equal(a[0], (1,))
1362        assert_equal(a[1], np.array(1))
1364    def test_array_from_sequence_scalar_array2(self):
1365        # Ticket #1081: weird array with strange input...
1366        t = np.array([np.array([]), np.array(0, object)], dtype=object)
1367        assert_equal(t.shape, (2,))
1368        assert_equal(t.dtype, np.dtype(object))
1370    def test_array_too_big(self):
1371        # Ticket #1080.
1372        assert_raises(ValueError, np.zeros, [975]*7, np.int8)
1373        assert_raises(ValueError, np.zeros, [26244]*5, np.int8)
1375    def test_dtype_keyerrors_(self):
1376        # Ticket #1106.
1377        dt = np.dtype([('f1', np.uint)])
1378        assert_raises(KeyError, dt.__getitem__, "f2")
1379        assert_raises(IndexError, dt.__getitem__, 1)
1380        assert_raises(TypeError, dt.__getitem__, 0.0)
1382    def test_lexsort_buffer_length(self):
1383        # Ticket #1217, don't segfault.
1384        a = np.ones(100, dtype=np.int8)
1385        b = np.ones(100, dtype=np.int32)
1386        i = np.lexsort((a[::-1], b))
1387        assert_equal(i, np.arange(100, dtype=int))
1389    def test_object_array_to_fixed_string(self):
1390        # Ticket #1235.
1391        a = np.array(['abcdefgh', 'ijklmnop'], dtype=np.object_)
1392        b = np.array(a, dtype=(np.str_, 8))
1393        assert_equal(a, b)
1394        c = np.array(a, dtype=(np.str_, 5))
1395        assert_equal(c, np.array(['abcde', 'ijklm']))
1396        d = np.array(a, dtype=(np.str_, 12))
1397        assert_equal(a, d)
1398        e = np.empty((2, ), dtype=(np.str_, 8))
1399        e[:] = a[:]
1400        assert_equal(a, e)
1402    def test_unicode_to_string_cast(self):
1403        # Ticket #1240.
1404        a = np.array([[u'abc', u'\u03a3'],
1405                      [u'asdf', u'erw']],
1406                     dtype='U')
1407        assert_raises(UnicodeEncodeError, np.array, a, 'S4')
1409    def test_unicode_to_string_cast_error(self):
1410        # gh-15790
1411        a = np.array([u'\x80'] * 129, dtype='U3')
1412        assert_raises(UnicodeEncodeError, np.array, a, 'S')
1413        b = a.reshape(3, 43)[:-1, :-1]
1414        assert_raises(UnicodeEncodeError, np.array, b, 'S')
1416    def test_mixed_string_unicode_array_creation(self):
1417        a = np.array(['1234', u'123'])
1418        assert_(a.itemsize == 16)
1419        a = np.array([u'123', '1234'])
1420        assert_(a.itemsize == 16)
1421        a = np.array(['1234', u'123', '12345'])
1422        assert_(a.itemsize == 20)
1423        a = np.array([u'123', '1234', u'12345'])
1424        assert_(a.itemsize == 20)
1425        a = np.array([u'123', '1234', u'1234'])
1426        assert_(a.itemsize == 16)
1428    def test_misaligned_objects_segfault(self):
1429        # Ticket #1198 and #1267
1430        a1 = np.zeros((10,), dtype='O,c')
1431        a2 = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'], 'S10')
1432        a1['f0'] = a2
1433        repr(a1)
1434        np.argmax(a1['f0'])
1435        a1['f0'][1] = "FOO"
1436        a1['f0'] = "FOO"
1437        np.array(a1['f0'], dtype='S')
1438        np.nonzero(a1['f0'])
1439        a1.sort()
1440        copy.deepcopy(a1)
1442    def test_misaligned_scalars_segfault(self):
1443        # Ticket #1267
1444        s1 = np.array(('a', 'Foo'), dtype='c,O')
1445        s2 = np.array(('b', 'Bar'), dtype='c,O')
1446        s1['f1'] = s2['f1']
1447        s1['f1'] = 'Baz'
1449    def test_misaligned_dot_product_objects(self):
1450        # Ticket #1267
1451        # This didn't require a fix, but it's worth testing anyway, because
1452        # it may fail if .dot stops enforcing the arrays to be BEHAVED
1453        a = np.array([[(1, 'a'), (0, 'a')], [(0, 'a'), (1, 'a')]], dtype='O,c')
1454        b = np.array([[(4, 'a'), (1, 'a')], [(2, 'a'), (2, 'a')]], dtype='O,c')
1455        np.dot(a['f0'], b['f0'])
1457    def test_byteswap_complex_scalar(self):
1458        # Ticket #1259 and gh-441
1459        for dtype in [np.dtype('<'+t) for t in np.typecodes['Complex']]:
1460            z = np.array([2.2-1.1j], dtype)
1461            x = z[0]  # always native-endian
1462            y = x.byteswap()
1463            if x.dtype.byteorder == z.dtype.byteorder:
1464                # little-endian machine
1465                assert_equal(x, np.frombuffer(y.tobytes(), dtype=dtype.newbyteorder()))
1466            else:
1467                # big-endian machine
1468                assert_equal(x, np.frombuffer(y.tobytes(), dtype=dtype))
1469            # double check real and imaginary parts:
1470            assert_equal(x.real, y.real.byteswap())
1471            assert_equal(x.imag, y.imag.byteswap())
1473    def test_structured_arrays_with_objects1(self):
1474        # Ticket #1299
1475        stra = 'aaaa'
1476        strb = 'bbbb'
1477        x = np.array([[(0, stra), (1, strb)]], 'i8,O')
1478        x[x.nonzero()] = x.ravel()[:1]
1479        assert_(x[0, 1] == x[0, 0])
1481    @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
1482    def test_structured_arrays_with_objects2(self):
1483        # Ticket #1299 second test
1484        stra = 'aaaa'
1485        strb = 'bbbb'
1486        numb = sys.getrefcount(strb)
1487        numa = sys.getrefcount(stra)
1488        x = np.array([[(0, stra), (1, strb)]], 'i8,O')
1489        x[x.nonzero()] = x.ravel()[:1]
1490        assert_(sys.getrefcount(strb) == numb)
1491        assert_(sys.getrefcount(stra) == numa + 2)
1493    def test_duplicate_title_and_name(self):
1494        # Ticket #1254
1495        dtspec = [(('a', 'a'), 'i'), ('b', 'i')]
1496        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, dtspec)
1498    def test_signed_integer_division_overflow(self):
1499        # Ticket #1317.
1500        def test_type(t):
1501            min = np.array([np.iinfo(t).min])
1502            min //= -1
1504        with np.errstate(divide="ignore"):
1505            for t in (np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, int):
1506                test_type(t)
1508    def test_buffer_hashlib(self):
1509        from hashlib import sha256
1511        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.dtype('<i4'))
1512        assert_equal(sha256(x).hexdigest(), '4636993d3e1da4e9d6b8f87b79e8f7c6d018580d52661950eabc3845c5897a4d')
1514    def test_0d_string_scalar(self):
1515        # Bug #1436; the following should succeed
1516        np.asarray('x', '>c')
1518    def test_log1p_compiler_shenanigans(self):
1519        # Check if log1p is behaving on 32 bit intel systems.
1520        assert_(np.isfinite(np.log1p(np.exp2(-53))))
1522    def test_fromiter_comparison(self):
1523        a = np.fromiter(list(range(10)), dtype='b')
1524        b = np.fromiter(list(range(10)), dtype='B')
1525        assert_(np.alltrue(a == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])))
1526        assert_(np.alltrue(b == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])))
1528    def test_fromstring_crash(self):
1529        # Ticket #1345: the following should not cause a crash
1530        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
1531            np.fromstring(b'aa, aa, 1.0', sep=',')
1533    def test_ticket_1539(self):
1534        dtypes = [x for x in np.typeDict.values()
1535                  if (issubclass(x, np.number)
1536                      and not issubclass(x, np.timedelta64))]
1537        a = np.array([], np.bool_)  # not x[0] because it is unordered
1538        failures = []
1540        for x in dtypes:
1541            b = a.astype(x)
1542            for y in dtypes:
1543                c = a.astype(y)
1544                try:
1545                    np.dot(b, c)
1546                except TypeError:
1547                    failures.append((x, y))
1548        if failures:
1549            raise AssertionError("Failures: %r" % failures)
1551    def test_ticket_1538(self):
1552        x = np.finfo(np.float32)
1553        for name in 'eps epsneg max min resolution tiny'.split():
1554            assert_equal(type(getattr(x, name)), np.float32,
1555                         err_msg=name)
1557    def test_ticket_1434(self):
1558        # Check that the out= argument in var and std has an effect
1559        data = np.array(((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)))
1560        out = np.zeros((3,))
1562        ret = data.var(axis=1, out=out)
1563        assert_(ret is out)
1564        assert_array_equal(ret, data.var(axis=1))
1566        ret = data.std(axis=1, out=out)
1567        assert_(ret is out)
1568        assert_array_equal(ret, data.std(axis=1))
1570    def test_complex_nan_maximum(self):
1571        cnan = complex(0, np.nan)
1572        assert_equal(np.maximum(1, cnan), cnan)
1574    def test_subclass_int_tuple_assignment(self):
1575        # ticket #1563
1576        class Subclass(np.ndarray):
1577            def __new__(cls, i):
1578                return np.ones((i,)).view(cls)
1580        x = Subclass(5)
1581        x[(0,)] = 2  # shouldn't raise an exception
1582        assert_equal(x[0], 2)
1584    def test_ufunc_no_unnecessary_views(self):
1585        # ticket #1548
1586        class Subclass(np.ndarray):
1587            pass
1588        x = np.array([1, 2, 3]).view(Subclass)
1589        y = np.add(x, x, x)
1590        assert_equal(id(x), id(y))
1592    @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
1593    def test_take_refcount(self):
1594        # ticket #939
1595        a = np.arange(16, dtype=float)
1596        a.shape = (4, 4)
1597        lut = np.ones((5 + 3, 4), float)
1598        rgba = np.empty(shape=a.shape + (4,), dtype=lut.dtype)
1599        c1 = sys.getrefcount(rgba)
1600        try:
1601            lut.take(a, axis=0, mode='clip', out=rgba)
1602        except TypeError:
1603            pass
1604        c2 = sys.getrefcount(rgba)
1605        assert_equal(c1, c2)
1607    def test_fromfile_tofile_seeks(self):
1608        # On Python 3, tofile/fromfile used to get (#1610) the Python
1609        # file handle out of sync
1610        f0 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
1611        f = f0.file
1612        f.write(np.arange(255, dtype='u1').tobytes())
1614        f.seek(20)
1615        ret = np.fromfile(f, count=4, dtype='u1')
1616        assert_equal(ret, np.array([20, 21, 22, 23], dtype='u1'))
1617        assert_equal(f.tell(), 24)
1619        f.seek(40)
1620        np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='u1').tofile(f)
1621        assert_equal(f.tell(), 43)
1623        f.seek(40)
1624        data = f.read(3)
1625        assert_equal(data, b"\x01\x02\x03")
1627        f.seek(80)
1628        f.read(4)
1629        data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='u1', count=4)
1630        assert_equal(data, np.array([84, 85, 86, 87], dtype='u1'))
1632        f.close()
1634    def test_complex_scalar_warning(self):
1635        for tp in [np.csingle, np.cdouble, np.clongdouble]:
1636            x = tp(1+2j)
1637            assert_warns(np.ComplexWarning, float, x)
1638            with suppress_warnings() as sup:
1639                sup.filter(np.ComplexWarning)
1640                assert_equal(float(x), float(x.real))
1642    def test_complex_scalar_complex_cast(self):
1643        for tp in [np.csingle, np.cdouble, np.clongdouble]:
1644            x = tp(1+2j)
1645            assert_equal(complex(x), 1+2j)
1647    def test_complex_boolean_cast(self):
1648        # Ticket #2218
1649        for tp in [np.csingle, np.cdouble, np.clongdouble]:
1650            x = np.array([0, 0+0.5j, 0.5+0j], dtype=tp)
1651            assert_equal(x.astype(bool), np.array([0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
1652            assert_(np.any(x))
1653            assert_(np.all(x[1:]))
1655    def test_uint_int_conversion(self):
1656        x = 2**64 - 1
1657        assert_equal(int(np.uint64(x)), x)
1659    def test_duplicate_field_names_assign(self):
1660        ra = np.fromiter(((i*3, i*2) for i in range(10)), dtype='i8,f8')
1661        ra.dtype.names = ('f1', 'f2')
1662        repr(ra)  # should not cause a segmentation fault
1663        assert_raises(ValueError, setattr, ra.dtype, 'names', ('f1', 'f1'))
1665    def test_eq_string_and_object_array(self):
1666        # From e-mail thread "__eq__ with str and object" (Keith Goodman)
1667        a1 = np.array(['a', 'b'], dtype=object)
1668        a2 = np.array(['a', 'c'])
1669        assert_array_equal(a1 == a2, [True, False])
1670        assert_array_equal(a2 == a1, [True, False])
1672    def test_nonzero_byteswap(self):
1673        a = np.array([0x80000000, 0x00000080, 0], dtype=np.uint32)
1674        a.dtype = np.float32
1675        assert_equal(a.nonzero()[0], [1])
1676        a = a.byteswap().newbyteorder()
1677        assert_equal(a.nonzero()[0], [1])  # [0] if nonzero() ignores swap
1679    def test_find_common_type_boolean(self):
1680        # Ticket #1695
1681        assert_(np.find_common_type([], ['?', '?']) == '?')
1683    def test_empty_mul(self):
1684        a = np.array([1.])
1685        a[1:1] *= 2
1686        assert_equal(a, [1.])
1688    def test_array_side_effect(self):
1689        # The second use of itemsize was throwing an exception because in
1690        # ctors.c, discover_itemsize was calling PyObject_Length without
1691        # checking the return code.  This failed to get the length of the
1692        # number 2, and the exception hung around until something checked
1693        # PyErr_Occurred() and returned an error.
1694        assert_equal(np.dtype('S10').itemsize, 10)
1695        np.array([['abc', 2], ['long   ', '0123456789']], dtype=np.string_)
1696        assert_equal(np.dtype('S10').itemsize, 10)
1698    def test_any_float(self):
1699        # all and any for floats
1700        a = np.array([0.1, 0.9])
1701        assert_(np.any(a))
1702        assert_(np.all(a))
1704    def test_large_float_sum(self):
1705        a = np.arange(10000, dtype='f')
1706        assert_equal(a.sum(dtype='d'), a.astype('d').sum())
1708    def test_ufunc_casting_out(self):
1709        a = np.array(1.0, dtype=np.float32)
1710        b = np.array(1.0, dtype=np.float64)
1711        c = np.array(1.0, dtype=np.float32)
1712        np.add(a, b, out=c)
1713        assert_equal(c, 2.0)
1715    def test_array_scalar_contiguous(self):
1716        # Array scalars are both C and Fortran contiguous
1717        assert_(np.array(1.0).flags.c_contiguous)
1718        assert_(np.array(1.0).flags.f_contiguous)
1719        assert_(np.array(np.float32(1.0)).flags.c_contiguous)
1720        assert_(np.array(np.float32(1.0)).flags.f_contiguous)
1722    def test_squeeze_contiguous(self):
1723        # Similar to GitHub issue #387
1724        a = np.zeros((1, 2)).squeeze()
1725        b = np.zeros((2, 2, 2), order='F')[:, :, ::2].squeeze()
1726        assert_(a.flags.c_contiguous)
1727        assert_(a.flags.f_contiguous)
1728        assert_(b.flags.f_contiguous)
1730    def test_squeeze_axis_handling(self):
1731        # Issue #10779
1732        # Ensure proper handling of objects
1733        # that don't support axis specification
1734        # when squeezing
1736        class OldSqueeze(np.ndarray):
1738            def __new__(cls,
1739                        input_array):
1740                obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls)
1741                return obj
1743            # it is perfectly reasonable that prior
1744            # to numpy version 1.7.0 a subclass of ndarray
1745            # might have been created that did not expect
1746            # squeeze to have an axis argument
1747            # NOTE: this example is somewhat artificial;
1748            # it is designed to simulate an old API
1749            # expectation to guard against regression
1750            def squeeze(self):
1751                return super(OldSqueeze, self).squeeze()
1753        oldsqueeze = OldSqueeze(np.array([[1],[2],[3]]))
1755        # if no axis argument is specified the old API
1756        # expectation should give the correct result
1757        assert_equal(np.squeeze(oldsqueeze),
1758                     np.array([1,2,3]))
1760        # likewise, axis=None should work perfectly well
1761        # with the old API expectation
1762        assert_equal(np.squeeze(oldsqueeze, axis=None),
1763                     np.array([1,2,3]))
1765        # however, specification of any particular axis
1766        # should raise a TypeError in the context of the
1767        # old API specification, even when using a valid
1768        # axis specification like 1 for this array
1769        with assert_raises(TypeError):
1770            # this would silently succeed for array
1771            # subclasses / objects that did not support
1772            # squeeze axis argument handling before fixing
1773            # Issue #10779
1774            np.squeeze(oldsqueeze, axis=1)
1776        # check for the same behavior when using an invalid
1777        # axis specification -- in this case axis=0 does not
1778        # have size 1, but the priority should be to raise
1779        # a TypeError for the axis argument and NOT a
1780        # ValueError for squeezing a non-empty dimension
1781        with assert_raises(TypeError):
1782            np.squeeze(oldsqueeze, axis=0)
1784        # the new API knows how to handle the axis
1785        # argument and will return a ValueError if
1786        # attempting to squeeze an axis that is not
1787        # of length 1
1788        with assert_raises(ValueError):
1789            np.squeeze(np.array([[1],[2],[3]]), axis=0)
1791    def test_reduce_contiguous(self):
1792        # GitHub issue #387
1793        a = np.add.reduce(np.zeros((2, 1, 2)), (0, 1))
1794        b = np.add.reduce(np.zeros((2, 1, 2)), 1)
1795        assert_(a.flags.c_contiguous)
1796        assert_(a.flags.f_contiguous)
1797        assert_(b.flags.c_contiguous)
1799    def test_object_array_self_reference(self):
1800        # Object arrays with references to themselves can cause problems
1801        a = np.array(0, dtype=object)
1802        a[()] = a
1803        assert_raises(RecursionError, int, a)
1804        assert_raises(RecursionError, float, a)
1805        a[()] = None
1807    def test_object_array_circular_reference(self):
1808        # Test the same for a circular reference.
1809        a = np.array(0, dtype=object)
1810        b = np.array(0, dtype=object)
1811        a[()] = b
1812        b[()] = a
1813        assert_raises(RecursionError, int, a)
1814        # NumPy has no tp_traverse currently, so circular references
1815        # cannot be detected. So resolve it:
1816        a[()] = None
1818        # This was causing a to become like the above
1819        a = np.array(0, dtype=object)
1820        a[...] += 1
1821        assert_equal(a, 1)
1823    def test_object_array_nested(self):
1824        # but is fine with a reference to a different array
1825        a = np.array(0, dtype=object)
1826        b = np.array(0, dtype=object)
1827        a[()] = b
1828        assert_equal(int(a), int(0))
1829        assert_equal(float(a), float(0))
1831    def test_object_array_self_copy(self):
1832        # An object array being copied into itself DECREF'ed before INCREF'ing
1833        # causing segmentation faults (gh-3787)
1834        a = np.array(object(), dtype=object)
1835        np.copyto(a, a)
1836        if HAS_REFCOUNT:
1837            assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[()]) == 2)
1838        a[()].__class__  # will segfault if object was deleted
1840    def test_zerosize_accumulate(self):
1841        "Ticket #1733"
1842        x = np.array([[42, 0]], dtype=np.uint32)
1843        assert_equal(np.add.accumulate(x[:-1, 0]), [])
1845    def test_objectarray_setfield(self):
1846        # Setfield should not overwrite Object fields with non-Object data
1847        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=object)
1848        assert_raises(TypeError, x.setfield, 4, np.int32, 0)
1850    def test_setting_rank0_string(self):
1851        "Ticket #1736"
1852        s1 = b"hello1"
1853        s2 = b"hello2"
1854        a = np.zeros((), dtype="S10")
1855        a[()] = s1
1856        assert_equal(a, np.array(s1))
1857        a[()] = np.array(s2)
1858        assert_equal(a, np.array(s2))
1860        a = np.zeros((), dtype='f4')
1861        a[()] = 3
1862        assert_equal(a, np.array(3))
1863        a[()] = np.array(4)
1864        assert_equal(a, np.array(4))
1866    def test_string_astype(self):
1867        "Ticket #1748"
1868        s1 = b'black'
1869        s2 = b'white'
1870        s3 = b'other'
1871        a = np.array([[s1], [s2], [s3]])
1872        assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('S5'))
1873        b = a.astype(np.dtype('S0'))
1874        assert_equal(b.dtype, np.dtype('S5'))
1876    def test_ticket_1756(self):
1877        # Ticket #1756
1878        s = b'0123456789abcdef'
1879        a = np.array([s]*5)
1880        for i in range(1, 17):
1881            a1 = np.array(a, "|S%d" % i)
1882            a2 = np.array([s[:i]]*5)
1883            assert_equal(a1, a2)
1885    def test_fields_strides(self):
1886        "gh-2355"
1887        r = np.frombuffer(b'abcdefghijklmnop'*4*3, dtype='i4,(2,3)u2')
1888        assert_equal(r[0:3:2]['f1'], r['f1'][0:3:2])
1889        assert_equal(r[0:3:2]['f1'][0], r[0:3:2][0]['f1'])
1890        assert_equal(r[0:3:2]['f1'][0][()], r[0:3:2][0]['f1'][()])
1891        assert_equal(r[0:3:2]['f1'][0].strides, r[0:3:2][0]['f1'].strides)
1893    def test_alignment_update(self):
1894        # Check that alignment flag is updated on stride setting
1895        a = np.arange(10)
1896        assert_(a.flags.aligned)
1897        a.strides = 3
1898        assert_(not a.flags.aligned)
1900    def test_ticket_1770(self):
1901        "Should not segfault on python 3k"
1902        import numpy as np
1903        try:
1904            a = np.zeros((1,), dtype=[('f1', 'f')])
1905            a['f1'] = 1
1906            a['f2'] = 1
1907        except ValueError:
1908            pass
1909        except Exception:
1910            raise AssertionError
1912    def test_ticket_1608(self):
1913        "x.flat shouldn't modify data"
1914        x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).T
1915        np.array(x.flat)
1916        assert_equal(x, [[1, 3], [2, 4]])
1918    def test_pickle_string_overwrite(self):
1919        import re
1921        data = np.array([1], dtype='b')
1922        blob = pickle.dumps(data, protocol=1)
1923        data = pickle.loads(blob)
1925        # Check that loads does not clobber interned strings
1926        s = re.sub("a(.)", "\x01\\1", "a_")
1927        assert_equal(s[0], "\x01")
1928        data[0] = 0xbb
1929        s = re.sub("a(.)", "\x01\\1", "a_")
1930        assert_equal(s[0], "\x01")
1932    def test_pickle_bytes_overwrite(self):
1933        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
1934            data = np.array([1], dtype='b')
1935            data = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(data, protocol=proto))
1936            data[0] = 0xdd
1937            bytestring = "\x01  ".encode('ascii')
1938            assert_equal(bytestring[0:1], '\x01'.encode('ascii'))
1940    def test_pickle_py2_array_latin1_hack(self):
1941        # Check that unpickling hacks in Py3 that support
1942        # encoding='latin1' work correctly.
1944        # Python2 output for pickle.dumps(numpy.array([129], dtype='b'))
1945        data = (b"cnumpy.core.multiarray\n_reconstruct\np0\n(cnumpy\nndarray\np1\n(I0\n"
1946                b"tp2\nS'b'\np3\ntp4\nRp5\n(I1\n(I1\ntp6\ncnumpy\ndtype\np7\n(S'i1'\np8\n"
1947                b"I0\nI1\ntp9\nRp10\n(I3\nS'|'\np11\nNNNI-1\nI-1\nI0\ntp12\nbI00\nS'\\x81'\n"
1948                b"p13\ntp14\nb.")
1949        # This should work:
1950        result = pickle.loads(data, encoding='latin1')
1951        assert_array_equal(result, np.array([129], dtype='b'))
1952        # Should not segfault:
1953        assert_raises(Exception, pickle.loads, data, encoding='koi8-r')
1955    def test_pickle_py2_scalar_latin1_hack(self):
1956        # Check that scalar unpickling hack in Py3 that supports
1957        # encoding='latin1' work correctly.
1959        # Python2 output for pickle.dumps(...)
1960        datas = [
1961            # (original, python2_pickle, koi8r_validity)
1962            (np.unicode_('\u6bd2'),
1963             (b"cnumpy.core.multiarray\nscalar\np0\n(cnumpy\ndtype\np1\n"
1964              b"(S'U1'\np2\nI0\nI1\ntp3\nRp4\n(I3\nS'<'\np5\nNNNI4\nI4\nI0\n"
1965              b"tp6\nbS'\\xd2k\\x00\\x00'\np7\ntp8\nRp9\n."),
1966             'invalid'),
1968            (np.float64(9e123),
1969             (b"cnumpy.core.multiarray\nscalar\np0\n(cnumpy\ndtype\np1\n(S'f8'\n"
1970              b"p2\nI0\nI1\ntp3\nRp4\n(I3\nS'<'\np5\nNNNI-1\nI-1\nI0\ntp6\n"
1971              b"bS'O\\x81\\xb7Z\\xaa:\\xabY'\np7\ntp8\nRp9\n."),
1972             'invalid'),
1974            (np.bytes_(b'\x9c'),  # different 8-bit code point in KOI8-R vs latin1
1975             (b"cnumpy.core.multiarray\nscalar\np0\n(cnumpy\ndtype\np1\n(S'S1'\np2\n"
1976              b"I0\nI1\ntp3\nRp4\n(I3\nS'|'\np5\nNNNI1\nI1\nI0\ntp6\nbS'\\x9c'\np7\n"
1977              b"tp8\nRp9\n."),
1978             'different'),
1979        ]
1980        for original, data, koi8r_validity in datas:
1981            result = pickle.loads(data, encoding='latin1')
1982            assert_equal(result, original)
1984            # Decoding under non-latin1 encoding (e.g.) KOI8-R can
1985            # produce bad results, but should not segfault.
1986            if koi8r_validity == 'different':
1987                # Unicode code points happen to lie within latin1,
1988                # but are different in koi8-r, resulting to silent
1989                # bogus results
1990                result = pickle.loads(data, encoding='koi8-r')
1991                assert_(result != original)
1992            elif koi8r_validity == 'invalid':
1993                # Unicode code points outside latin1, so results
1994                # to an encoding exception
1995                assert_raises(ValueError, pickle.loads, data, encoding='koi8-r')
1996            else:
1997                raise ValueError(koi8r_validity)
1999    def test_structured_type_to_object(self):
2000        a_rec = np.array([(0, 1), (3, 2)], dtype='i4,i8')
2001        a_obj = np.empty((2,), dtype=object)
2002        a_obj[0] = (0, 1)
2003        a_obj[1] = (3, 2)
2004        # astype records -> object
2005        assert_equal(a_rec.astype(object), a_obj)
2006        # '=' records -> object
2007        b = np.empty_like(a_obj)
2008        b[...] = a_rec
2009        assert_equal(b, a_obj)
2010        # '=' object -> records
2011        b = np.empty_like(a_rec)
2012        b[...] = a_obj
2013        assert_equal(b, a_rec)
2015    def test_assign_obj_listoflists(self):
2016        # Ticket # 1870
2017        # The inner list should get assigned to the object elements
2018        a = np.zeros(4, dtype=object)
2019        b = a.copy()
2020        a[0] = [1]
2021        a[1] = [2]
2022        a[2] = [3]
2023        a[3] = [4]
2024        b[...] = [[1], [2], [3], [4]]
2025        assert_equal(a, b)
2026        # The first dimension should get broadcast
2027        a = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=object)
2028        a[...] = [[1, 2]]
2029        assert_equal(a, [[1, 2], [1, 2]])
2031    @pytest.mark.slow_pypy
2032    def test_memoryleak(self):
2033        # Ticket #1917 - ensure that array data doesn't leak
2034        for i in range(1000):
2035            # 100MB times 1000 would give 100GB of memory usage if it leaks
2036            a = np.empty((100000000,), dtype='i1')
2037            del a
2039    @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
2040    def test_ufunc_reduce_memoryleak(self):
2041        a = np.arange(6)
2042        acnt = sys.getrefcount(a)
2043        np.add.reduce(a)
2044        assert_equal(sys.getrefcount(a), acnt)
2046    def test_search_sorted_invalid_arguments(self):
2047        # Ticket #2021, should not segfault.
2048        x = np.arange(0, 4, dtype='datetime64[D]')
2049        assert_raises(TypeError, x.searchsorted, 1)
2051    def test_string_truncation(self):
2052        # Ticket #1990 - Data can be truncated in creation of an array from a
2053        # mixed sequence of numeric values and strings
2054        for val in [True, 1234, 123.4, complex(1, 234)]:
2055            for tostr in [asunicode, asbytes]:
2056                b = np.array([val, tostr('xx')])
2057                assert_equal(tostr(b[0]), tostr(val))
2058                b = np.array([tostr('xx'), val])
2059                assert_equal(tostr(b[1]), tostr(val))
2061                # test also with longer strings
2062                b = np.array([val, tostr('xxxxxxxxxx')])
2063                assert_equal(tostr(b[0]), tostr(val))
2064                b = np.array([tostr('xxxxxxxxxx'), val])
2065                assert_equal(tostr(b[1]), tostr(val))
2067    def test_string_truncation_ucs2(self):
2068        # Ticket #2081. Python compiled with two byte unicode
2069        # can lead to truncation if itemsize is not properly
2070        # adjusted for NumPy's four byte unicode.
2071        a = np.array(['abcd'])
2072        assert_equal(a.dtype.itemsize, 16)
2074    def test_unique_stable(self):
2075        # Ticket #2063 must always choose stable sort for argsort to
2076        # get consistent results
2077        v = np.array(([0]*5 + [1]*6 + [2]*6)*4)
2078        res = np.unique(v, return_index=True)
2079        tgt = (np.array([0, 1, 2]), np.array([ 0,  5, 11]))
2080        assert_equal(res, tgt)
2082    def test_unicode_alloc_dealloc_match(self):
2083        # Ticket #1578, the mismatch only showed up when running
2084        # python-debug for python versions >= 2.7, and then as
2085        # a core dump and error message.
2086        a = np.array(['abc'], dtype=np.unicode_)[0]
2087        del a
2089    def test_refcount_error_in_clip(self):
2090        # Ticket #1588
2091        a = np.zeros((2,), dtype='>i2').clip(min=0)
2092        x = a + a
2093        # This used to segfault:
2094        y = str(x)
2095        # Check the final string:
2096        assert_(y == "[0 0]")
2098    def test_searchsorted_wrong_dtype(self):
2099        # Ticket #2189, it used to segfault, so we check that it raises the
2100        # proper exception.
2101        a = np.array([('a', 1)], dtype='S1, int')
2102        assert_raises(TypeError, np.searchsorted, a, 1.2)
2103        # Ticket #2066, similar problem:
2104        dtype = np.format_parser(['i4', 'i4'], [], [])
2105        a = np.recarray((2, ), dtype)
2106        assert_raises(TypeError, np.searchsorted, a, 1)
2108    def test_complex64_alignment(self):
2109        # Issue gh-2668 (trac 2076), segfault on sparc due to misalignment
2110        dtt = np.complex64
2111        arr = np.arange(10, dtype=dtt)
2112        # 2D array
2113        arr2 = np.reshape(arr, (2, 5))
2114        # Fortran write followed by (C or F) read caused bus error
2115        data_str = arr2.tobytes('F')
2116        data_back = np.ndarray(arr2.shape,
2117                              arr2.dtype,
2118                              buffer=data_str,
2119                              order='F')
2120        assert_array_equal(arr2, data_back)
2122    def test_structured_count_nonzero(self):
2123        arr = np.array([0, 1]).astype('i4, (2)i4')[:1]
2124        count = np.count_nonzero(arr)
2125        assert_equal(count, 0)
2127    def test_copymodule_preserves_f_contiguity(self):
2128        a = np.empty((2, 2), order='F')
2129        b = copy.copy(a)
2130        c = copy.deepcopy(a)
2131        assert_(b.flags.fortran)
2132        assert_(b.flags.f_contiguous)
2133        assert_(c.flags.fortran)
2134        assert_(c.flags.f_contiguous)
2136    def test_fortran_order_buffer(self):
2137        import numpy as np
2138        a = np.array([['Hello', 'Foob']], dtype='U5', order='F')
2139        arr = np.ndarray(shape=[1, 2, 5], dtype='U1', buffer=a)
2140        arr2 = np.array([[[u'H', u'e', u'l', u'l', u'o'],
2141                          [u'F', u'o', u'o', u'b', u'']]])
2142        assert_array_equal(arr, arr2)
2144    def test_assign_from_sequence_error(self):
2145        # Ticket #4024.
2146        arr = np.array([1, 2, 3])
2147        assert_raises(ValueError, arr.__setitem__, slice(None), [9, 9])
2148        arr.__setitem__(slice(None), [9])
2149        assert_equal(arr, [9, 9, 9])
2151    def test_format_on_flex_array_element(self):
2152        # Ticket #4369.
2153        dt = np.dtype([('date', '<M8[D]'), ('val', '<f8')])
2154        arr = np.array([('2000-01-01', 1)], dt)
2155        formatted = '{0}'.format(arr[0])
2156        assert_equal(formatted, str(arr[0]))
2158    def test_deepcopy_on_0d_array(self):
2159        # Ticket #3311.
2160        arr = np.array(3)
2161        arr_cp = copy.deepcopy(arr)
2163        assert_equal(arr, arr_cp)
2164        assert_equal(arr.shape, arr_cp.shape)
2165        assert_equal(int(arr), int(arr_cp))
2166        assert_(arr is not arr_cp)
2167        assert_(isinstance(arr_cp, type(arr)))
2169    def test_deepcopy_F_order_object_array(self):
2170        # Ticket #6456.
2171        a = {'a': 1}
2172        b = {'b': 2}
2173        arr = np.array([[a, b], [a, b]], order='F')
2174        arr_cp = copy.deepcopy(arr)
2176        assert_equal(arr, arr_cp)
2177        assert_(arr is not arr_cp)
2178        # Ensure that we have actually copied the item.
2179        assert_(arr[0, 1] is not arr_cp[1, 1])
2180        # Ensure we are allowed to have references to the same object.
2181        assert_(arr[0, 1] is arr[1, 1])
2182        # Check the references hold for the copied objects.
2183        assert_(arr_cp[0, 1] is arr_cp[1, 1])
2185    def test_deepcopy_empty_object_array(self):
2186        # Ticket #8536.
2187        # Deepcopy should succeed
2188        a = np.array([], dtype=object)
2189        b = copy.deepcopy(a)
2190        assert_(a.shape == b.shape)
2192    def test_bool_subscript_crash(self):
2193        # gh-4494
2194        c = np.rec.array([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)])
2195        masked = c[np.array([True, False])]
2196        base = masked.base
2197        del masked, c
2198        base.dtype
2200    def test_richcompare_crash(self):
2201        # gh-4613
2202        import operator as op
2204        # dummy class where __array__ throws exception
2205        class Foo:
2206            __array_priority__ = 1002
2208            def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs):
2209                raise Exception()
2211        rhs = Foo()
2212        lhs = np.array(1)
2213        for f in [op.lt, op.le, op.gt, op.ge]:
2214            assert_raises(TypeError, f, lhs, rhs)
2215        assert_(not op.eq(lhs, rhs))
2216        assert_(op.ne(lhs, rhs))
2218    def test_richcompare_scalar_and_subclass(self):
2219        # gh-4709
2220        class Foo(np.ndarray):
2221            def __eq__(self, other):
2222                return "OK"
2224        x = np.array([1, 2, 3]).view(Foo)
2225        assert_equal(10 == x, "OK")
2226        assert_equal(np.int32(10) == x, "OK")
2227        assert_equal(np.array([10]) == x, "OK")
2229    def test_pickle_empty_string(self):
2230        # gh-3926
2231        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
2232            test_string = np.string_('')
2233            assert_equal(pickle.loads(
2234                pickle.dumps(test_string, protocol=proto)), test_string)
2236    def test_frompyfunc_many_args(self):
2237        # gh-5672
2239        def passer(*args):
2240            pass
2242        assert_raises(ValueError, np.frompyfunc, passer, 32, 1)
2244    def test_repeat_broadcasting(self):
2245        # gh-5743
2246        a = np.arange(60).reshape(3, 4, 5)
2247        for axis in chain(range(-a.ndim, a.ndim), [None]):
2248            assert_equal(a.repeat(2, axis=axis), a.repeat([2], axis=axis))
2250    def test_frompyfunc_nout_0(self):
2251        # gh-2014
2253        def f(x):
2254            x[0], x[-1] = x[-1], x[0]
2256        uf = np.frompyfunc(f, 1, 0)
2257        a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9]], dtype=object)
2258        assert_equal(uf(a), ())
2259        expected = np.array([[3, 2, 1], [5, 4], [9, 7, 8, 6]], dtype=object)
2260        assert_array_equal(a, expected)
2262    @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
2263    def test_leak_in_structured_dtype_comparison(self):
2264        # gh-6250
2265        recordtype = np.dtype([('a', np.float64),
2266                               ('b', np.int32),
2267                               ('d', (str, 5))])
2269        # Simple case
2270        a = np.zeros(2, dtype=recordtype)
2271        for i in range(100):
2272            a == a
2273        assert_(sys.getrefcount(a) < 10)
2275        # The case in the bug report.
2276        before = sys.getrefcount(a)
2277        u, v = a[0], a[1]
2278        u == v
2279        del u, v
2280        gc.collect()
2281        after = sys.getrefcount(a)
2282        assert_equal(before, after)
2284    def test_empty_percentile(self):
2285        # gh-6530 / gh-6553
2286        assert_array_equal(np.percentile(np.arange(10), []), np.array([]))
2288    def test_void_compare_segfault(self):
2289        # gh-6922. The following should not segfault
2290        a = np.ones(3, dtype=[('object', 'O'), ('int', '<i2')])
2291        a.sort()
2293    def test_reshape_size_overflow(self):
2294        # gh-7455
2295        a = np.ones(20)[::2]
2296        if np.dtype(np.intp).itemsize == 8:
2297            # 64 bit. The following are the prime factors of 2**63 + 5,
2298            # plus a leading 2, so when multiplied together as int64,
2299            # the result overflows to a total size of 10.
2300            new_shape = (2, 13, 419, 691, 823, 2977518503)
2301        else:
2302            # 32 bit. The following are the prime factors of 2**31 + 5,
2303            # plus a leading 2, so when multiplied together as int32,
2304            # the result overflows to a total size of 10.
2305            new_shape = (2, 7, 7, 43826197)
2306        assert_raises(ValueError, a.reshape, new_shape)
2308    def test_invalid_structured_dtypes(self):
2309        # gh-2865
2310        # mapping python objects to other dtypes
2311        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, ('O', [('name', 'i8')]))
2312        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, ('i8', [('name', 'O')]))
2313        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype,
2314                      ('i8', [('name', [('name', 'O')])]))
2315        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, ([('a', 'i4'), ('b', 'i4')], 'O'))
2316        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, ('i8', 'O'))
2317        # wrong number/type of tuple elements in dict
2318        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype,
2319                      ('i', {'name': ('i', 0, 'title', 'oops')}))
2320        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype,
2321                      ('i', {'name': ('i', 'wrongtype', 'title')}))
2322        # disallowed as of 1.13
2323        assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype,
2324                      ([('a', 'O'), ('b', 'O')], [('c', 'O'), ('d', 'O')]))
2325        # allowed as a special case due to existing use, see gh-2798
2326        a = np.ones(1, dtype=('O', [('name', 'O')]))
2327        assert_equal(a[0], 1)
2328        # In particular, the above union dtype (and union dtypes in general)
2329        # should mainly behave like the main (object) dtype:
2330        assert a[0] is a.item()
2331        assert type(a[0]) is int
2333    def test_correct_hash_dict(self):
2334        # gh-8887 - __hash__ would be None despite tp_hash being set
2335        all_types = set(np.typeDict.values()) - {np.void}
2336        for t in all_types:
2337            val = t()
2339            try:
2340                hash(val)
2341            except TypeError as e:
2342                assert_equal(t.__hash__, None)
2343            else:
2344                assert_(t.__hash__ != None)
2346    def test_scalar_copy(self):
2347        scalar_types = set(np.sctypeDict.values())
2348        values = {
2349            np.void: b"a",
2350            np.bytes_: b"a",
2351            np.unicode_: "a",
2352            np.datetime64: "2017-08-25",
2353        }
2354        for sctype in scalar_types:
2355            item = sctype(values.get(sctype, 1))
2356            item2 = copy.copy(item)
2357            assert_equal(item, item2)
2359    def test_void_item_memview(self):
2360        va = np.zeros(10, 'V4')
2361        x = va[:1].item()
2362        va[0] = b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'
2363        del va
2364        assert_equal(x, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
2366    def test_void_getitem(self):
2367        # Test fix for gh-11668.
2368        assert_(np.array([b'a'], 'V1').astype('O') == b'a')
2369        assert_(np.array([b'ab'], 'V2').astype('O') == b'ab')
2370        assert_(np.array([b'abc'], 'V3').astype('O') == b'abc')
2371        assert_(np.array([b'abcd'], 'V4').astype('O') == b'abcd')
2373    def test_structarray_title(self):
2374        # The following used to segfault on pypy, due to NPY_TITLE_KEY
2375        # not working properly and resulting to double-decref of the
2376        # structured array field items:
2377        # See: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issues/2789
2378        for j in range(5):
2379            structure = np.array([1], dtype=[(('x', 'X'), np.object_)])
2380            structure[0]['x'] = np.array([2])
2381            gc.collect()
2383    def test_dtype_scalar_squeeze(self):
2384        # gh-11384
2385        values = {
2386            'S': b"a",
2387            'M': "2018-06-20",
2388        }
2389        for ch in np.typecodes['All']:
2390            if ch in 'O':
2391                continue
2392            sctype = np.dtype(ch).type
2393            scvalue = sctype(values.get(ch, 3))
2394            for axis in [None, ()]:
2395                squeezed = scvalue.squeeze(axis=axis)
2396                assert_equal(squeezed, scvalue)
2397                assert_equal(type(squeezed), type(scvalue))
2399    def test_field_access_by_title(self):
2400        # gh-11507
2401        s = 'Some long field name'
2402        if HAS_REFCOUNT:
2403            base = sys.getrefcount(s)
2404        t = np.dtype([((s, 'f1'), np.float64)])
2405        data = np.zeros(10, t)
2406        for i in range(10):
2407            str(data[['f1']])
2408            if HAS_REFCOUNT:
2409                assert_(base <= sys.getrefcount(s))
2411    @pytest.mark.parametrize('val', [
2412        # arrays and scalars
2413        np.ones((10, 10), dtype='int32'),
2414        np.uint64(10),
2415        ])
2416    @pytest.mark.parametrize('protocol',
2417        range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1)
2418        )
2419    def test_pickle_module(self, protocol, val):
2420        # gh-12837
2421        s = pickle.dumps(val, protocol)
2422        assert b'_multiarray_umath' not in s
2423        if protocol == 5 and len(val.shape) > 0:
2424            # unpickling ndarray goes through _frombuffer for protocol 5
2425            assert b'numpy.core.numeric' in s
2426        else:
2427            assert b'numpy.core.multiarray' in s
2429    def test_object_casting_errors(self):
2430        # gh-11993 update to ValueError (see gh-16909), since strings can in
2431        # principle be converted to complex, but this string cannot.
2432        arr = np.array(['AAAAA', 18465886.0, 18465886.0], dtype=object)
2433        assert_raises(ValueError, arr.astype, 'c8')
2435    def test_eff1d_casting(self):
2436        # gh-12711
2437        x = np.array([1, 2, 4, 7, 0], dtype=np.int16)
2438        res = np.ediff1d(x, to_begin=-99, to_end=np.array([88, 99]))
2439        assert_equal(res, [-99,   1,   2,   3,  -7,  88,  99])
2441        # The use of safe casting means, that 1<<20 is cast unsafely, an
2442        # error may be better, but currently there is no mechanism for it.
2443        res = np.ediff1d(x, to_begin=(1<<20), to_end=(1<<20))
2444        assert_equal(res, [0,   1,   2,   3,  -7,  0])
2446    def test_pickle_datetime64_array(self):
2447        # gh-12745 (would fail with pickle5 installed)
2448        d = np.datetime64('2015-07-04 12:59:59.50', 'ns')
2449        arr = np.array([d])
2450        for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
2451            dumped = pickle.dumps(arr, protocol=proto)
2452            assert_equal(pickle.loads(dumped), arr)
2454    def test_bad_array_interface(self):
2455        class T:
2456            __array_interface__ = {}
2458        with assert_raises(ValueError):
2459            np.array([T()])
2461    def test_2d__array__shape(self):
2462        class T(object):
2463            def __array__(self):
2464                return np.ndarray(shape=(0,0))
2466            # Make sure __array__ is used instead of Sequence methods.
2467            def __iter__(self):
2468                return iter([])
2470            def __getitem__(self, idx):
2471                raise AssertionError("__getitem__ was called")
2473            def __len__(self):
2474                return 0
2477        t = T()
2478        # gh-13659, would raise in broadcasting [x=t for x in result]
2479        arr = np.array([t])
2480        assert arr.shape == (1, 0, 0)
2482    @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.maxsize < 2 ** 31 + 1, reason='overflows 32-bit python')
2483    @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8),
2484                        reason='overflows on windows, fixed in bpo-16865')
2485    def test_to_ctypes(self):
2486        #gh-14214
2487        arr = np.zeros((2 ** 31 + 1,), 'b')
2488        assert arr.size * arr.itemsize > 2 ** 31
2489        c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(arr)
2490        assert_equal(c_arr._length_, arr.size)
2492    def test_complex_conversion_error(self):
2493        # gh-17068
2494        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"Unable to convert dtype.*"):
2495            complex(np.array("now", np.datetime64))
2497    def test__array_interface__descr(self):
2498        # gh-17068
2499        dt = np.dtype(dict(names=['a', 'b'],
2500                           offsets=[0, 0],
2501                           formats=[np.int64, np.int64]))
2502        descr = np.array((1, 1), dtype=dt).__array_interface__['descr']
2503        assert descr == [('', '|V8')]  # instead of [(b'', '|V8')]
2505    @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.maxsize < 2 ** 31 + 1, reason='overflows 32-bit python')
2506    @requires_memory(free_bytes=9e9)
2507    def test_dot_big_stride(self):
2508        # gh-17111
2509        # blas stride = stride//itemsize > int32 max
2510        int32_max = np.iinfo(np.int32).max
2511        n = int32_max + 3
2512        a = np.empty([n], dtype=np.float32)
2513        b = a[::n-1]
2514        b[...] = 1
2515        assert b.strides[0] > int32_max * b.dtype.itemsize
2516        assert np.dot(b, b) == 2.0
2518    def test_frompyfunc_name(self):
2519        # name conversion was failing for python 3 strings
2520        # resulting in the default '?' name. Also test utf-8
2521        # encoding using non-ascii name.
2522        def cassé(x):
2523            return x
2525        f = np.frompyfunc(cassé, 1, 1)
2526        assert str(f) == "<ufunc 'cassé (vectorized)'>"