1import re
2import os
3import sys
4import warnings
5import platform
6import tempfile
7import hashlib
8import base64
9import subprocess
10from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
11from numpy.distutils.exec_command import filepath_from_subprocess_output
12from numpy.distutils.fcompiler import FCompiler
13from distutils.version import LooseVersion
15compilers = ['GnuFCompiler', 'Gnu95FCompiler']
17TARGET_R = re.compile(r"Target: ([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)")
19# XXX: handle cross compilation
22def is_win64():
23    return sys.platform == "win32" and platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit"
26class GnuFCompiler(FCompiler):
27    compiler_type = 'gnu'
28    compiler_aliases = ('g77', )
29    description = 'GNU Fortran 77 compiler'
31    def gnu_version_match(self, version_string):
32        """Handle the different versions of GNU fortran compilers"""
33        # Strip warning(s) that may be emitted by gfortran
34        while version_string.startswith('gfortran: warning'):
35            version_string =\
36                version_string[version_string.find('\n') + 1:].strip()
38        # Gfortran versions from after 2010 will output a simple string
39        # (usually "x.y", "x.y.z" or "x.y.z-q") for ``-dumpversion``; older
40        # gfortrans may still return long version strings (``-dumpversion`` was
41        # an alias for ``--version``)
42        if len(version_string) <= 20:
43            # Try to find a valid version string
44            m = re.search(r'([0-9.]+)', version_string)
45            if m:
46                # g77 provides a longer version string that starts with GNU
47                # Fortran
48                if version_string.startswith('GNU Fortran'):
49                    return ('g77', m.group(1))
51                # gfortran only outputs a version string such as #.#.#, so check
52                # if the match is at the start of the string
53                elif m.start() == 0:
54                    return ('gfortran', m.group(1))
55        else:
56            # Output probably from --version, try harder:
57            m = re.search(r'GNU Fortran\s+95.*?([0-9-.]+)', version_string)
58            if m:
59                return ('gfortran', m.group(1))
60            m = re.search(
61                r'GNU Fortran.*?\-?([0-9-.]+\.[0-9-.]+)', version_string)
62            if m:
63                v = m.group(1)
64                if v.startswith('0') or v.startswith('2') or v.startswith('3'):
65                    # the '0' is for early g77's
66                    return ('g77', v)
67                else:
68                    # at some point in the 4.x series, the ' 95' was dropped
69                    # from the version string
70                    return ('gfortran', v)
72        # If still nothing, raise an error to make the problem easy to find.
73        err = 'A valid Fortran version was not found in this string:\n'
74        raise ValueError(err + version_string)
76    def version_match(self, version_string):
77        v = self.gnu_version_match(version_string)
78        if not v or v[0] != 'g77':
79            return None
80        return v[1]
82    possible_executables = ['%%FC%%', 'g77', 'f77']
83    executables = {
84        'version_cmd'  : [None, "-dumpversion"],
85        'compiler_f77' : [None, "-g", "-Wall", "-fno-second-underscore"],
86        'compiler_f90' : None,  # Use --fcompiler=gnu95 for f90 codes
87        'compiler_fix' : None,
88        'linker_so'    : [None, "-g", "-Wall"],
89        'archiver'     : ["ar", "-cr"],
90        'ranlib'       : ["ranlib"],
91        'linker_exe'   : [None, "-g", "-Wall"]
92    }
93    module_dir_switch = None
94    module_include_switch = None
96    # Cygwin: f771: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is
97    # position independent)
98    if os.name != 'nt' and sys.platform != 'cygwin':
99        pic_flags = ['-fPIC']
101    # use -mno-cygwin for g77 when Python is not Cygwin-Python
102    if sys.platform == 'win32':
103        for key in ['version_cmd', 'compiler_f77', 'linker_so', 'linker_exe']:
104            executables[key].append('-mno-cygwin')
106    g2c = '%%FC%%'
107    suggested_f90_compiler = 'gnu95'
109    def get_flags_linker_so(self):
110        opt = self.linker_so[1:]
111        if 'FFLAGS' in os.environ:
112            opt.append(os.environ['FFLAGS'])
113        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
114            target = os.environ.get('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', None)
115            # If MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is set, we simply trust the value
116            # and leave it alone.  But, distutils will complain if the
117            # environment's value is different from the one in the Python
118            # Makefile used to build Python.  We let disutils handle this
119            # error checking.
120            if not target:
121                # If MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is not set in the environment,
122                # we try to get it first from sysconfig and then
123                # fall back to setting it to 10.9 This is a reasonable default
124                # even when using the official Python dist and those derived
125                # from it.
126                import sysconfig
127                target = sysconfig.get_config_var('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET')
128                if not target:
129                    target = '10.9'
130                    s = f'Env. variable MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to {target}'
131                    warnings.warn(s, stacklevel=2)
132                os.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = str(target)
133            opt.extend(['-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup', '-bundle'])
134        else:
135            opt.append("-shared")
136        if sys.platform.startswith('sunos'):
137            # SunOS often has dynamically loaded symbols defined in the
138            # static library libg2c.a  The linker doesn't like this.  To
139            # ignore the problem, use the -mimpure-text flag.  It isn't
140            # the safest thing, but seems to work. 'man gcc' says:
141            # ".. Instead of using -mimpure-text, you should compile all
142            #  source code with -fpic or -fPIC."
143            opt.append('-mimpure-text')
144        return opt
146    def get_libgcc_dir(self):
147        try:
148            output = subprocess.check_output(self.compiler_f77 +
149                                            ['-print-libgcc-file-name'])
150        except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
151            pass
152        else:
153            output = filepath_from_subprocess_output(output)
154            return os.path.dirname(output)
155        return None
157    def get_libgfortran_dir(self):
158        if sys.platform[:5] == 'linux':
159            libgfortran_name = 'libgfortran.so'
160        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
161            libgfortran_name = 'libgfortran.dylib'
162        else:
163            libgfortran_name = None
165        libgfortran_dir = None
166        if libgfortran_name:
167            find_lib_arg = ['-print-file-name={0}'.format(libgfortran_name)]
168            try:
169                output = subprocess.check_output(
170                                       self.compiler_f77 + find_lib_arg)
171            except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
172                pass
173            else:
174                output = filepath_from_subprocess_output(output)
175                libgfortran_dir = os.path.dirname(output)
176        return libgfortran_dir
178    def get_library_dirs(self):
179        opt = []
180        if sys.platform[:5] != 'linux':
181            d = self.get_libgcc_dir()
182            if d:
183                # if windows and not cygwin, libg2c lies in a different folder
184                if sys.platform == 'win32' and not d.startswith('/usr/lib'):
185                    d = os.path.normpath(d)
186                    path = os.path.join(d, "lib%s.a" % self.g2c)
187                    if not os.path.exists(path):
188                        root = os.path.join(d, *((os.pardir, ) * 4))
189                        d2 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, 'lib'))
190                        path = os.path.join(d2, "lib%s.a" % self.g2c)
191                        if os.path.exists(path):
192                            opt.append(d2)
193                opt.append(d)
194        # For Macports / Linux, libgfortran and libgcc are not co-located
195        lib_gfortran_dir = self.get_libgfortran_dir()
196        if lib_gfortran_dir:
197            opt.append(lib_gfortran_dir)
198        return opt
200    def get_libraries(self):
201        opt = []
202        d = self.get_libgcc_dir()
203        if d is not None:
204            g2c = self.g2c + '-pic'
205            f = self.static_lib_format % (g2c, self.static_lib_extension)
206            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, f)):
207                g2c = self.g2c
208        else:
209            g2c = self.g2c
211        if g2c is not None:
212            opt.append(g2c)
213        c_compiler = self.c_compiler
214        if sys.platform == 'win32' and c_compiler and \
215                c_compiler.compiler_type == 'msvc':
216            opt.append('gcc')
217        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
218            opt.append('cc_dynamic')
219        return opt
221    def get_flags_debug(self):
222        return ['-g']
224    def get_flags_opt(self):
225        v = self.get_version()
226        if v and v <= '3.3.3':
227            # With this compiler version building Fortran BLAS/LAPACK
228            # with -O3 caused failures in lib.lapack heevr,syevr tests.
229            opt = ['-O2']
230        else:
231            opt = ['-O3']
232        opt.append('-funroll-loops')
233        return opt
235    def _c_arch_flags(self):
236        """ Return detected arch flags from CFLAGS """
237        import sysconfig
238        try:
239            cflags = sysconfig.get_config_vars()['CFLAGS']
240        except KeyError:
241            return []
242        arch_re = re.compile(r"-arch\s+(\w+)")
243        arch_flags = []
244        for arch in arch_re.findall(cflags):
245            arch_flags += ['-arch', arch]
246        return arch_flags
248    def get_flags_arch(self):
249        return []
251    def runtime_library_dir_option(self, dir):
252        if sys.platform == 'win32':
253            # Linux/Solaris/Unix support RPATH, Windows does not
254            raise NotImplementedError
256        # TODO: could use -Xlinker here, if it's supported
257        assert "," not in dir
259        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
260            return f'-Wl,-rpath,{dir}'
261        elif sys.platform[:3] == 'aix':
262            # AIX RPATH is called LIBPATH
263            return f'-Wl,-blibpath:{dir}'
264        else:
265            return f'-Wl,-rpath={dir}'
268class Gnu95FCompiler(GnuFCompiler):
269    compiler_type = 'gnu95'
270    compiler_aliases = ('gfortran', )
271    description = 'GNU Fortran 95 compiler'
273    def version_match(self, version_string):
274        v = self.gnu_version_match(version_string)
275        if not v or v[0] != 'gfortran':
276            return None
277        v = v[1]
278        if LooseVersion(v) >= "4":
279            # gcc-4 series releases do not support -mno-cygwin option
280            pass
281        else:
282            # use -mno-cygwin flag for gfortran when Python is not
283            # Cygwin-Python
284            if sys.platform == 'win32':
285                for key in [
286                        'version_cmd', 'compiler_f77', 'compiler_f90',
287                        'compiler_fix', 'linker_so', 'linker_exe'
288                ]:
289                    self.executables[key].append('-mno-cygwin')
290        return v
292    possible_executables = ['%%FC%%', 'gfortran', 'f95']
293    executables = {
294        'version_cmd'  : ["<F90>", "-dumpversion"],
295        'compiler_f77' : [None, "-Wall", "-g", "-ffixed-form",
296                          "-fno-second-underscore"],
297        'compiler_f90' : [None, "-Wall", "-g",
298                          "-fno-second-underscore"],
299        'compiler_fix' : [None, "-Wall",  "-g","-ffixed-form",
300                          "-fno-second-underscore"],
301        'linker_so'    : ["<F90>", "-Wall", "-g"],
302        'archiver'     : ["ar", "-cr"],
303        'ranlib'       : ["ranlib"],
304        'linker_exe'   : [None, "-Wall"]
305    }
307    module_dir_switch = '-J'
308    module_include_switch = '-I'
310    if sys.platform[:3] == 'aix':
311        executables['linker_so'].append('-lpthread')
312        if platform.architecture()[0][:2] == '64':
313            for key in ['compiler_f77', 'compiler_f90','compiler_fix','linker_so', 'linker_exe']:
314                executables[key].append('-maix64')
316    g2c = 'gfortran'
318    def _universal_flags(self, cmd):
319        """Return a list of -arch flags for every supported architecture."""
320        if not sys.platform == 'darwin':
321            return []
322        arch_flags = []
323        # get arches the C compiler gets.
324        c_archs = self._c_arch_flags()
325        if "i386" in c_archs:
326            c_archs[c_archs.index("i386")] = "i686"
327        # check the arches the Fortran compiler supports, and compare with
328        # arch flags from C compiler
329        for arch in ["ppc", "i686", "x86_64", "ppc64"]:
330            if _can_target(cmd, arch) and arch in c_archs:
331                arch_flags.extend(["-arch", arch])
332        return arch_flags
334    def get_flags(self):
335        flags = GnuFCompiler.get_flags(self)
336        arch_flags = self._universal_flags(self.compiler_f90)
337        if arch_flags:
338            flags[:0] = arch_flags
339        return flags
341    def get_flags_linker_so(self):
342        flags = GnuFCompiler.get_flags_linker_so(self)
343        arch_flags = self._universal_flags(self.linker_so)
344        if arch_flags:
345            flags[:0] = arch_flags
346        return flags
348    def get_library_dirs(self):
349        opt = GnuFCompiler.get_library_dirs(self)
350        if sys.platform == 'win32':
351            c_compiler = self.c_compiler
352            if c_compiler and c_compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
353                target = self.get_target()
354                if target:
355                    d = os.path.normpath(self.get_libgcc_dir())
356                    root = os.path.join(d, *((os.pardir, ) * 4))
357                    path = os.path.join(root, "lib")
358                    mingwdir = os.path.normpath(path)
359                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mingwdir, "libmingwex.a")):
360                        opt.append(mingwdir)
361        # For Macports / Linux, libgfortran and libgcc are not co-located
362        lib_gfortran_dir = self.get_libgfortran_dir()
363        if lib_gfortran_dir:
364            opt.append(lib_gfortran_dir)
365        return opt
367    def get_libraries(self):
368        opt = GnuFCompiler.get_libraries(self)
369        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
370            opt.remove('cc_dynamic')
371        if sys.platform == 'win32':
372            c_compiler = self.c_compiler
373            if c_compiler and c_compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
374                if "gcc" in opt:
375                    i = opt.index("gcc")
376                    opt.insert(i + 1, "mingwex")
377                    opt.insert(i + 1, "mingw32")
378            c_compiler = self.c_compiler
379            if c_compiler and c_compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
380                return []
381            else:
382                pass
383        return opt
385    def get_target(self):
386        try:
387            output = subprocess.check_output(self.compiler_f77 + ['-v'])
388        except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
389            pass
390        else:
391            output = filepath_from_subprocess_output(output)
392            m = TARGET_R.search(output)
393            if m:
394                return m.group(1)
395        return ""
397    def _hash_files(self, filenames):
398        h = hashlib.sha1()
399        for fn in filenames:
400            with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
401                while True:
402                    block = f.read(131072)
403                    if not block:
404                        break
405                    h.update(block)
406        text = base64.b32encode(h.digest())
407        text = text.decode('ascii')
408        return text.rstrip('=')
410    def _link_wrapper_lib(self, objects, output_dir, extra_dll_dir,
411                          chained_dlls, is_archive):
412        """Create a wrapper shared library for the given objects
414        Return an MSVC-compatible lib
415        """
417        c_compiler = self.c_compiler
418        if c_compiler.compiler_type != "msvc":
419            raise ValueError("This method only supports MSVC")
421        object_hash = self._hash_files(list(objects) + list(chained_dlls))
423        if is_win64():
424            tag = 'win_amd64'
425        else:
426            tag = 'win32'
428        basename = 'lib' + os.path.splitext(
429            os.path.basename(objects[0]))[0][:8]
430        root_name = basename + '.' + object_hash + '.gfortran-' + tag
431        dll_name = root_name + '.dll'
432        def_name = root_name + '.def'
433        lib_name = root_name + '.lib'
434        dll_path = os.path.join(extra_dll_dir, dll_name)
435        def_path = os.path.join(output_dir, def_name)
436        lib_path = os.path.join(output_dir, lib_name)
438        if os.path.isfile(lib_path):
439            # Nothing to do
440            return lib_path, dll_path
442        if is_archive:
443            objects = (["-Wl,--whole-archive"] + list(objects) +
444                       ["-Wl,--no-whole-archive"])
445        self.link_shared_object(
446            objects,
447            dll_name,
448            output_dir=extra_dll_dir,
449            extra_postargs=list(chained_dlls) + [
450                '-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition',
451                '-Wl,--output-def,' + def_path,
452                '-Wl,--export-all-symbols',
453                '-Wl,--enable-auto-import',
454                '-static',
455                '-mlong-double-64',
456            ])
458        # No PowerPC!
459        if is_win64():
460            specifier = '/MACHINE:X64'
461        else:
462            specifier = '/MACHINE:X86'
464        # MSVC specific code
465        lib_args = ['/def:' + def_path, '/OUT:' + lib_path, specifier]
466        if not c_compiler.initialized:
467            c_compiler.initialize()
468        c_compiler.spawn([c_compiler.lib] + lib_args)
470        return lib_path, dll_path
472    def can_ccompiler_link(self, compiler):
473        # MSVC cannot link objects compiled by GNU fortran
474        return compiler.compiler_type not in ("msvc", )
476    def wrap_unlinkable_objects(self, objects, output_dir, extra_dll_dir):
477        """
478        Convert a set of object files that are not compatible with the default
479        linker, to a file that is compatible.
480        """
481        if self.c_compiler.compiler_type == "msvc":
482            # Compile a DLL and return the lib for the DLL as
483            # the object. Also keep track of previous DLLs that
484            # we have compiled so that we can link against them.
486            # If there are .a archives, assume they are self-contained
487            # static libraries, and build separate DLLs for each
488            archives = []
489            plain_objects = []
490            for obj in objects:
491                if obj.lower().endswith('.a'):
492                    archives.append(obj)
493                else:
494                    plain_objects.append(obj)
496            chained_libs = []
497            chained_dlls = []
498            for archive in archives[::-1]:
499                lib, dll = self._link_wrapper_lib(
500                    [archive],
501                    output_dir,
502                    extra_dll_dir,
503                    chained_dlls=chained_dlls,
504                    is_archive=True)
505                chained_libs.insert(0, lib)
506                chained_dlls.insert(0, dll)
508            if not plain_objects:
509                return chained_libs
511            lib, dll = self._link_wrapper_lib(
512                plain_objects,
513                output_dir,
514                extra_dll_dir,
515                chained_dlls=chained_dlls,
516                is_archive=False)
517            return [lib] + chained_libs
518        else:
519            raise ValueError("Unsupported C compiler")
522def _can_target(cmd, arch):
523    """Return true if the architecture supports the -arch flag"""
524    newcmd = cmd[:]
525    fid, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".f")
526    os.close(fid)
527    try:
528        d = os.path.dirname(filename)
529        output = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".o"
530        try:
531            newcmd.extend(["-arch", arch, "-c", filename])
532            p = Popen(newcmd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE, cwd=d)
533            p.communicate()
534            return p.returncode == 0
535        finally:
536            if os.path.exists(output):
537                os.remove(output)
538    finally:
539        os.remove(filename)
540    return False
543if __name__ == '__main__':
544    from distutils import log
545    from numpy.distutils import customized_fcompiler
546    log.set_verbosity(2)
548    print(customized_fcompiler('gnu').get_version())
549    try:
550        print(customized_fcompiler('g95').get_version())
551    except Exception as e:
552        print(e)