1 /* ssrcsr.f -- translated by f2c (version 19970219).
2    You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
3 	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
4 #include "f2c.h"
6  ssrcsr is part of the SPARSKIT library by Y. Saad at University of Minnesota
7  For the full SPARSKIT library visit:
8  	                  www.cs.umn.edu/~saad/
10 */
ssrcsr(int * job,int * value2,int * nrow,double * a,int * ja,int * ia,int * nzmax,double * ao,int * jao,int * iao,int * indu,int * iwk,int * ierr)12 int ssrcsr(int *job, int *value2, int *nrow, double *a, int *ja, int *ia,
13    int *nzmax, double *ao, int *jao, int *iao, int *indu, int *iwk, int *ierr)
14 {
15     /* System generated locals */
16     int i__1, i__2, i__3;
18     /* Local variables */
19     static int ipos, i__, j, k, klast, kosav, ko, kfirst;
20     static double tmp;
21     static int nnz;
23 /*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
24 /*     .. */
25 /*     .. Array Arguments .. */
26 /*     .. */
27 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
28  */
29 /*     Symmetric Sparse Row to Compressed Sparse Row format */
30 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
31  */
32 /*     This subroutine converts a given matrix in SSR format to regular */
33 /*     CSR format by computing Ao = A + A' - diag(A), where A' is A */
34 /*     transpose. */
36 /*     Typically this routine is used to expand the SSR matrix of */
37 /*     Harwell Boeing matrices, or to obtain a symmetrized graph of */
38 /*     unsymmetric matrices. */
40 /*     This routine is inplace, i.e., (Ao,jao,iao) may be same as */
41 /*     (a,ja,ia). */
43 /*     It is possible to input an arbitrary CSR matrix to this routine, */
44 /*     since there is no syntactical difference between CSR and SSR */
45 /*     format. It also removes duplicate entries and perform a partial */
46 /*     ordering. The output matrix has an order of lower half, main */
47 /*     diagonal and upper half after the partial ordering. */
48 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
49  */
50 /* on entry: */
51 /* --------- */
53 /* job   = options */
54 /*         0 -- duplicate entries are not removed. If the input matrix is
55 */
56 /*             SSR (not an arbitary CSR) matrix, no duplicate entry should
57 */
58 /*              arise from this routine. */
59 /*         1 -- eliminate duplicate entries, zero entries. */
60 /*         2 -- eliminate duplicate entries and perform partial ordering.
61 */
62 /*         3 -- eliminate duplicate entries, sort the entries in the */
63 /*              increasing order of clumn indices. */
65 /* value2= will the values of A be copied? */
66 /*         0 -- only expand the graph (a, ao are not touched) */
67 /*         1 -- expand the matrix with the values. */
69 /* nrow  = column dimension of inout matrix */
70 /* a, */
71 /* ia, */
72 /* ja    = matrix in compressed sparse row format. */
74 /* nzmax = size of arrays ao and jao. SSRCSR will abort if the storage */
75 /*          provided in ao, jao is not sufficient to store A. See ierr. */
77 /* on return: */
78 /* ---------- */
79 /* ao, jao, iao */
80 /*       = output matrix in compressed sparse row format. The resulting */
81 /*         matrix is symmetric and is equal to A+A'-D. ao, jao, iao, */
82 /*         can be the same as a, ja, ia in the calling sequence. */
84 /* indu  = integer array of length nrow. INDU will contain pointers */
85 /*         to the beginning of upper traigular part if job > 1. */
86 /*         Otherwise it is also used as a work array (size nrow). */
88 /* iwk   = integer work space (size nrow+1). */
90 /* ierr  = integer. Serving as error message. If the length of the arrays
91 */
92 /*         ao, jao exceeds nzmax, ierr returns the minimum value */
93 /*         needed for nzmax. otherwise ierr=0 (normal return). */
95 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
96  */
97 /*     .. Local Scalars .. */
98 /*     .. */
99 /*     .. Executable Statements .. */
100     /* Parameter adjustments */
101     --iwk;
102     --indu;
103     --iao;
104     --ia;
105     --a;
106     --ja;
107     --jao;
108     --ao;
110     /* Function Body */
111     *ierr = 0;
112     i__1 = *nrow;
113     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
114 	indu[i__] = 0;
115 	iwk[i__] = 0;
116 /* L10: */
117     }
118     iwk[*nrow + 1] = 0;
120 /*     .. compute number of elements in each row of (A'-D) */
121 /*     put result in iwk(i+1)  for row i. */
123     i__1 = *nrow;
124     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
125 	i__2 = ia[i__ + 1] - 1;
126 	for (k = ia[i__]; k <= i__2; ++k) {
127 	    j = ja[k];
128 	    if (j != i__) {
129 		++iwk[j + 1];
130 	    }
131 /* L20: */
132 	}
133 /* L30: */
134     }
136 /*     .. find addresses of first elements of ouput matrix. result in iwk
137 */
139     iwk[1] = 1;
140     i__1 = *nrow;
141     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
142 	indu[i__] = iwk[i__] + ia[i__ + 1] - ia[i__];
143 	iwk[i__ + 1] += indu[i__];
144 	--indu[i__];
145 /* L40: */
146     }
147 /* .....Have we been given enough storage in ao, jao ? */
148     nnz = iwk[*nrow + 1] - 1;
149     if (nnz > *nzmax) {
150 	*ierr = nnz;
151 	return 0;
152     }
154 /*     .. copy the existing matrix (backwards). */
156     kosav = iwk[*nrow + 1];
157     for (i__ = *nrow; i__ >= 1; --i__) {
158 	klast = ia[i__ + 1] - 1;
159 	kfirst = ia[i__];
160 	iao[i__ + 1] = kosav;
161 	kosav = iwk[i__];
162 	ko = iwk[i__] - kfirst;
163 	iwk[i__] = ko + klast + 1;
164 	i__1 = kfirst;
165 	for (k = klast; k >= i__1; --k) {
166 	    if (*value2 != 0) {
167 		ao[k + ko] = a[k];
168 	    }
169 	    jao[k + ko] = ja[k];
170 /* L50: */
171 	}
172 /* L60: */
173     }
174     iao[1] = 1;
176 /*     now copy (A'-D). Go through the structure of ao, jao, iao */
177 /*     that has already been copied. iwk(i) is the address */
178 /*     of the next free location in row i for ao, jao. */
180     i__1 = *nrow;
181     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
182 	i__2 = indu[i__];
183 	for (k = iao[i__]; k <= i__2; ++k) {
184 	    j = jao[k];
185 	    if (j != i__) {
186 		ipos = iwk[j];
187 		if (*value2 != 0) {
188 		    ao[ipos] = ao[k];
189 		}
190 		jao[ipos] = i__;
191 		iwk[j] = ipos + 1;
192 	    }
193 /* L70: */
194 	}
195 /* L80: */
196     }
197     if (*job <= 0) {
198 	return 0;
199     }
201 /*     .. eliminate duplicate entries -- */
202 /*     array INDU is used as marker for existing indices, it is also the
203 */
204 /*     location of the entry. */
205 /*     IWK is used to stored the old IAO array. */
206 /*     matrix is copied to squeeze out the space taken by the duplicated
207 */
208 /*     entries. */
210     i__1 = *nrow;
211     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
212 	indu[i__] = 0;
213 	iwk[i__] = iao[i__];
214 /* L90: */
215     }
216     iwk[*nrow + 1] = iao[*nrow + 1];
217     k = 1;
218     i__1 = *nrow;
219     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
220 	iao[i__] = k;
221 	ipos = iwk[i__];
222 	klast = iwk[i__ + 1];
223 L100:
224 	if (ipos < klast) {
225 	    j = jao[ipos];
226 	    if (indu[j] == 0) {
227 /*     .. new entry .. */
228 		if (*value2 != 0) {
229 		    if (ao[ipos] != 0.) {
230 			indu[j] = k;
231 			jao[k] = jao[ipos];
232 			ao[k] = ao[ipos];
233 			++k;
234 		    }
235 		} else {
236 		    indu[j] = k;
237 		    jao[k] = jao[ipos];
238 		    ++k;
239 		}
240 	    } else if (*value2 != 0) {
241 /*     .. duplicate entry .. */
242 		ao[indu[j]] += ao[ipos];
243 	    }
244 	    ++ipos;
245 	    goto L100;
246 	}
247 /*     .. remove marks before working on the next row .. */
248 	i__2 = k - 1;
249 	for (ipos = iao[i__]; ipos <= i__2; ++ipos) {
250 	    indu[jao[ipos]] = 0;
251 /* L110: */
252 	}
253 /* L120: */
254     }
255     iao[*nrow + 1] = k;
256     if (*job <= 1) {
257 	return 0;
258     }
260 /*     .. partial ordering .. */
261 /*     split the matrix into strict upper/lower triangular */
262 /*     parts, INDU points to the the beginning of the strict upper part.
263 */
265     i__1 = *nrow;
266     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
267 	klast = iao[i__ + 1] - 1;
268 	kfirst = iao[i__];
269 L130:
270 	if (klast > kfirst) {
271 	    if (jao[klast] < i__ && jao[kfirst] >= i__) {
272 /*     .. swap klast with kfirst .. */
273 		j = jao[klast];
274 		jao[klast] = jao[kfirst];
275 		jao[kfirst] = j;
276 		if (*value2 != 0) {
277 		    tmp = ao[klast];
278 		    ao[klast] = ao[kfirst];
279 		    ao[kfirst] = tmp;
280 		}
281 	    }
282 	    if (jao[klast] >= i__) {
283 		--klast;
284 	    }
285 	    if (jao[kfirst] < i__) {
286 		++kfirst;
287 	    }
288 	    goto L130;
289 	}
291 	if (jao[klast] < i__) {
292 	    indu[i__] = klast + 1;
293 	} else {
294 	    indu[i__] = klast;
295 	}
296 /* L140: */
297     }
298     if (*job <= 2) {
299 	return 0;
300     }
302 /*     .. order the entries according to column indices */
303 /*     bubble-sort is used */
305     i__1 = *nrow;
306     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
307 	i__2 = indu[i__] - 1;
308 	for (ipos = iao[i__]; ipos <= i__2; ++ipos) {
309 	    i__3 = ipos + 1;
310 	    for (j = indu[i__] - 1; j >= i__3; --j) {
311 		k = j - 1;
312 		if (jao[k] > jao[j]) {
313 		    ko = jao[k];
314 		    jao[k] = jao[j];
315 		    jao[j] = ko;
316 		    if (*value2 != 0) {
317 			tmp = ao[k];
318 			ao[k] = ao[j];
319 			ao[j] = tmp;
320 		    }
321 		}
322 /* L150: */
323 	    }
324 /* L160: */
325 	}
326 	i__2 = iao[i__ + 1] - 1;
327 	for (ipos = indu[i__]; ipos <= i__2; ++ipos) {
328 	    i__3 = ipos + 1;
329 	    for (j = iao[i__ + 1] - 1; j >= i__3; --j) {
330 		k = j - 1;
331 		if (jao[k] > jao[j]) {
332 		    ko = jao[k];
333 		    jao[k] = jao[j];
334 		    jao[j] = ko;
335 		    if (*value2 != 0) {
336 			tmp = ao[k];
337 			ao[k] = ao[j];
338 			ao[j] = tmp;
339 		    }
340 		}
341 /* L170: */
342 	    }
343 /* L180: */
344 	}
345 /* L190: */
346     }
348     return 0;
349 /* ---- end of ssrcsr ----------------------------------------------------
350  */
351 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
352  */
353 } /* ssrcsr_ */