1 /****************************************************************************
2 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015, Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University.
4 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
5 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
6 deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
7 rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
8 sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
9 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
11 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
12 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21 ****************************************************************************/
23 #ifndef picosat_h_INCLUDED
24 #define picosat_h_INCLUDED
26 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include <stdlib.h>
29 #include <stdio.h>
30 #include <stddef.h>
32 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 /* The following macros allows for users to distiguish between different
34  * versions of the API.  The first 'PICOSAT_REENTRANT_API' is defined for
35  * the new reentrant API which allows to generate multiple instances of
36  * PicoSAT in one process.  The second 'PICOSAT_API_VERSION' defines the
37  * (smallest) version of PicoSAT to which this API conforms.
38  */
40 #define PICOSAT_API_VERSION 953         /* API version */
42 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
43 /* These are the return values for 'picosat_sat' as for instance
44  * standardized by the output format of the SAT competition.
45  */
46 #define PICOSAT_UNKNOWN         0
47 #define PICOSAT_SATISFIABLE     10
50 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
52 typedef struct PicoSAT PicoSAT;
54 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
56 const char *picosat_version (void);
57 const char *picosat_config (void);
58 const char *picosat_copyright (void);
60 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
61 /* You can make PicoSAT use an external memory manager instead of the one
62  * provided by LIBC. But then you need to call these three function before
63  * 'picosat_init'.  The memory manager functions here all have an additional
64  * first argument which is a pointer to the memory manager, but otherwise
65  * are supposed to work as their LIBC counter parts 'malloc', 'realloc' and
66  * 'free'.  As exception the 'resize' and 'delete' function have as third
67  * argument the number of bytes of the block given as second argument.
68  */
70 typedef void * (*picosat_malloc)(void *, size_t);
71 typedef void * (*picosat_realloc)(void*, void *, size_t, size_t);
72 typedef void (*picosat_free)(void*, void*, size_t);
74 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
76 PicoSAT * picosat_init (void);          /* constructor */
78 PicoSAT * picosat_minit (void * state,
79                          picosat_malloc,
80                          picosat_realloc,
81                          picosat_free);
83 void picosat_reset (PicoSAT *);         /* destructor */
85 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
86 /* The following five functions are essentially parameters to 'init', and
87  * thus should be called right after 'picosat_init' before doing anything
88  * else.  You should not call any of them after adding a literal.
89  */
91 /* Set output file, default is 'stdout'.
92  */
93 void picosat_set_output (PicoSAT *, FILE *);
95 /* Measure all time spent in all calls in the solver.  By default only the
96  * time spent in 'picosat_sat' is measured.  Enabling this function might
97  * for instance triple the time needed to add large CNFs, since every call
98  * to 'picosat_add' will trigger a call to 'getrusage'.
99  */
100 void picosat_measure_all_calls (PicoSAT *);
102 /* Set the prefix used for printing verbose messages and statistics.
103  * Default is "c ".
104  */
105 void picosat_set_prefix (PicoSAT *, const char *);
107 /* Set verbosity level.  A verbosity level of 1 and above prints more and
108  * more detailed progress reports on the output file, set by
109  * 'picosat_set_output'.  Verbose messages are prefixed with the string set
110  * by 'picosat_set_prefix'.
111  */
112 void picosat_set_verbosity (PicoSAT *, int new_verbosity_level);
114 /* Disable/Enable all pre-processing, currently only failed literal probing.
115  *
116  *  new_plain_value != 0    only 'plain' solving, so no preprocessing
117  *  new_plain_value == 0    allow preprocessing
118  */
119 void picosat_set_plain (PicoSAT *, int new_plain_value);
121 /* Set default initial phase:
122  *
123  *   0 = false
124  *   1 = true
125  *   2 = Jeroslow-Wang (default)
126  *   3 = random initial phase
127  *
128  * After a variable has been assigned the first time, it will always
129  * be assigned the previous value if it is picked as decision variable.
130  * The initial assignment can be chosen with this function.
131  */
132 void picosat_set_global_default_phase (PicoSAT *, int);
134 /* Set next/initial phase of a particular variable if picked as decision
135  * variable.  Second argument 'phase' has the following meaning:
136  *
137  *   negative = next value if picked as decision variable is false
138  *
139  *   positive = next value if picked as decision variable is true
140  *
141  *   0        = use global default phase as next value and
142  *              assume 'lit' was never assigned
143  *
144  * Again if 'lit' is assigned afterwards through a forced assignment,
145  * then this forced assignment is the next phase if this variable is
146  * used as decision variable.
147  */
148 void picosat_set_default_phase_lit (PicoSAT *, int lit, int phase);
150 /* You can reset all phases by the following function.
151  */
152 void picosat_reset_phases (PicoSAT *);
154 /* Scores can be erased as well.  Note, however, that even after erasing
155  * scores and phases, learned clauses are kept.  In addition head tail
156  * pointers for literals are not moved either.  So expect a difference
157  * between calling the solver in incremental mode or with a fresh copy of
158  * the CNF.
159  */
160 void picosat_reset_scores (PicoSAT *);
162 /* Reset assignment if in SAT state and then remove the given percentage of
163  * less active (large) learned clauses.  If you specify 100% all large
164  * learned clauses are removed.
165  */
166 void picosat_remove_learned (PicoSAT *, unsigned percentage);
168 /* Set some variables to be more important than others.  These variables are
169  * always used as decisions before other variables are used.  Dually there
170  * is a set of variables that is used last.  The default is
171  * to mark all variables as being indifferent only.
172  */
173 void picosat_set_more_important_lit (PicoSAT *, int lit);
174 void picosat_set_less_important_lit (PicoSAT *, int lit);
176 /* Allows to print to internal 'out' file from client.
177  */
178 void picosat_message (PicoSAT *, int verbosity_level, const char * fmt, ...);
180 /* Set a seed for the random number generator.  The random number generator
181  * is currently just used for generating random decisions.  In our
182  * experiments having random decisions did not really help on industrial
183  * examples, but was rather helpful to randomize the solver in order to
184  * do proper benchmarking of different internal parameter sets.
185  */
186 void picosat_set_seed (PicoSAT *, unsigned random_number_generator_seed);
188 /* If you ever want to extract cores or proof traces with the current
189  * instance of PicoSAT initialized with 'picosat_init', then make sure to
190  * call 'picosat_enable_trace_generation' right after 'picosat_init'.   This
191  * is not necessary if you only use 'picosat_set_incremental_rup_file'.
192  *
193  * NOTE, trace generation code is not necessarily included, e.g. if you
194  * configure PicoSAT with full optimzation as './configure.sh -O' or with
196  * you do not get any results by trying to generate traces.
197  *
198  * The return value is non-zero if code for generating traces is included
199  * and it is zero if traces can not be generated.
200  */
201 int picosat_enable_trace_generation (PicoSAT *);
203 /* You can dump proof traces in RUP format incrementally even without
204  * keeping the proof trace in memory.  The advantage is a reduction of
205  * memory usage, but the dumped clauses do not necessarily belong to the
206  * clausal core.  Beside the file the additional parameters denotes the
207  * maximal number of variables and the number of original clauses.
208  */
209 void picosat_set_incremental_rup_file (PicoSAT *, FILE * file, int m, int n);
211 /* Save original clauses for 'picosat_deref_partial'.  See comments to that
212  * function further down.
213  */
214 void picosat_save_original_clauses (PicoSAT *);
216 /* Add a call back which is checked regularly to notify the SAT solver
217  * to terminate earlier.  This is useful for setting external time limits
218  * or terminate early in say a portfolio style parallel SAT solver.
219  */
220 void picosat_set_interrupt (PicoSAT *,
221                             void * external_state,
222                             int (*interrupted)(void * external_state));
224 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
225 /* This function returns the next available unused variable index and
226  * allocates a variable for it even though this variable does not occur as
227  * assumption, nor in a clause or any other constraints.  In future calls to
228  * 'picosat_sat', 'picosat_deref' and particularly for 'picosat_changed',
229  * this variable is treated as if it had been used.
230  */
231 int picosat_inc_max_var (PicoSAT *);
233 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
234 /* Push and pop semantics for PicoSAT.   'picosat_push' opens up a new
235  * context.  All clauses added in this context are attached to it and
236  * discarded when the context is closed with 'picosat_pop'.  It is also
237  * possible to nest contexts.
238  *
239  * The current implementation uses a new internal variable for each context.
240  * However, the indices for these internal variables are shared with
241  * ordinary external variables.  This means that after any call to
242  * 'picosat_push', new variable indices should be obtained with
243  * 'picosat_inc_max_var' and not just by incrementing the largest variable
244  * index used so far.
245  *
246  * The return value is the index of the literal that assumes this context.
247  * This literal can only be used for 'picosat_failed_context' otherwise
248  * it will lead to an API usage error.
249  */
250 int picosat_push (PicoSAT *);
252 /* This is as 'picosat_failed_assumption', but only for internal variables
253  * generated by 'picosat_push'.
254  */
255 int picosat_failed_context (PicoSAT *, int lit);
257 /* Returns the literal that assumes the current context or zero if the
258  * outer context has been reached.
259  */
260 int picosat_context (PicoSAT *);
262 /* Closes the current context and recycles the literal generated for
263  * assuming this context.  The return value is the literal for the new
264  * outer context or zero if the outer most context has been reached.
265  */
266 int picosat_pop (PicoSAT *);
268 /* Force immmediate removal of all satisfied clauses and clauses that are
269  * added or generated in closed contexts.  This function is called
270  * internally if enough units are learned or after a certain number of
271  * contexts have been closed.  This number is fixed at compile time
272  * and defined as MAXCILS in 'picosat.c'.
273  *
274  * Note that learned clauses which only involve outer contexts are kept.
275  */
276 void picosat_simplify (PicoSAT *);
278 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
279 /* If you know a good estimate on how many variables you are going to use
280  * then calling this function before adding literals will result in less
281  * resizing of the variable table.  But this is just a minor optimization.
282  * Beside exactly allocating enough variables it has the same effect as
283  * calling 'picosat_inc_max_var'.
284  */
285 void picosat_adjust (PicoSAT *, int max_idx);
287 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
288 /* Statistics.
289  */
290 int picosat_variables (PicoSAT *);                      /* p cnf <m> n */
291 int picosat_added_original_clauses (PicoSAT *);         /* p cnf m <n> */
292 size_t picosat_max_bytes_allocated (PicoSAT *);
293 double picosat_time_stamp (void);                       /* ... in process */
294 void picosat_stats (PicoSAT *);                         /* > output file */
295 unsigned long long picosat_propagations (PicoSAT *);    /* #propagations */
296 unsigned long long picosat_decisions (PicoSAT *);       /* #decisions */
297 unsigned long long picosat_visits (PicoSAT *);          /* #visits */
299 /* The time spent in calls to the library or in 'picosat_sat' respectively.
300  * The former is returned if, right after initialization
301  * 'picosat_measure_all_calls' is called.
302  */
303 double picosat_seconds (PicoSAT *);
305 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
306 /* Add a literal of the next clause.  A zero terminates the clause.  The
307  * solver is incremental.  Adding a new literal will reset the previous
308  * assignment.   The return value is the original clause index to which
309  * this literal respectively the trailing zero belong starting at 0.
310  */
311 int picosat_add (PicoSAT *, int lit);
313 /* As the previous function, but allows to add a full clause at once with an
314  * at compiled time known size.  The list of argument literals has to be
315  * terminated with a zero literal.  Literals beyond the first zero literal
316  * are discarded.
317  */
318 int picosat_add_arg (PicoSAT *, ...);
320 /* As the previous function but with an at compile time unknown size.
321  */
322 int picosat_add_lits (PicoSAT *, int * lits);
324 /* Print the CNF to the given file in DIMACS format.
325  */
326 void picosat_print (PicoSAT *, FILE *);
328 /* You can add arbitrary many assumptions before the next 'picosat_sat'
329  * call.  This is similar to the using assumptions in MiniSAT, except that
330  * for PicoSAT you do not have to collect all your assumptions in a vector
331  * yourself.  In PicoSAT you can add one after the other, to be used in the
332  * next call to 'picosat_sat'.
333  *
334  * These assumptions can be interpreted as adding unit clauses with those
335  * assumptions as literals.  However these assumption clauses are only valid
336  * for exactly the next call to 'picosat_sat', and will be removed
337  * afterwards, e.g. in following future calls to 'picosat_sat' after the
338  * next 'picosat_sat' call, unless they are assumed again trough
339  * 'picosat_assume'.
340  *
341  * More precisely, assumptions actually remain valid even after the next
342  * call to 'picosat_sat' has returned.  Valid means they remain 'assumed'
343  * internally until a call to 'picosat_add', 'picosat_assume', or a second
344  * 'picosat_sat', following the first 'picosat_sat'.  The reason for keeping
345  * them valid is to allow 'picosat_failed_assumption' to return correct
346  * values.
347  *
348  * Example:
349  *
350  *   picosat_assume (1);        // assume unit clause '1 0'
351  *   picosat_assume (-2);       // additionally assume clause '-2 0'
352  *   res = picosat_sat (1000);  // assumes 1 and -2 to hold
353  *                              // 1000 decisions max.
354  *
355  *   if (res == PICOSAT_UNSATISFIABLE)
356  *     {
357  *       if (picosat_failed_assumption (1))
358  *         // unit clause '1 0' was necessary to derive UNSAT
359  *
360  *       if (picosat_failed_assumption (-2))
361  *         // unit clause '-2 0' was necessary to derive UNSAT
362  *
363  *       // at least one but also both could be necessary
364  *
365  *       picosat_assume (17);  // previous assumptions are removed
366  *                             // now assume unit clause '17 0' for
367  *                             // the next call to 'picosat_sat'
368  *
369  *       // adding a new clause, actually the first literal of
370  *       // a clause would also make the assumptions used in the previous
371  *       // call to 'picosat_sat' invalid.
372  *
373  *       // The first two assumptions above are not assumed anymore.  Only
374  *       // the assumptions, since the last call to 'picosat_sat' returned
375  *       // are assumed, e.g. the unit clause '17 0'.
376  *
377  *       res = picosat_sat (-1);
378  *     }
379  *   else if (res == PICOSAT_SATISFIABLE)
380  *     {
381  *       // now the assignment is valid and we can call 'picosat_deref'
382  *
383  *       assert (picosat_deref (1) == 1));
384  *       assert (picosat_deref (-2) == 1));
385  *
386  *       val = picosat_deref (15);
387  *
388  *       // previous two assumptions are still valid
389  *
390  *       // would become invalid if 'picosat_add' or 'picosat_assume' is
391  *       // called here, but we immediately call 'picosat_sat'.  Now when
392  *       // entering 'picosat_sat' the solver knows that the previous call
393  *       // returned SAT and it can safely reset the previous assumptions
394  *
395  *       res = picosat_sat (-1);
396  *     }
397  *   else
398  *     {
399  *       assert (res == PICOSAT_UNKNOWN);
400  *
401  *       // assumptions valid, but assignment invalid
402  *       // except for top level assigned literals which
403  *       // necessarily need to have this value if the formula is SAT
404  *
405  *       // as above the solver nows that the previous call returned UNKWOWN
406  *       // and will before doing anything else reset assumptions
407  *
408  *       picosat_sat (-1);
409  *     }
410  */
411 void picosat_assume (PicoSAT *, int lit);
413 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
414 /* This is an experimental feature for handling 'all different constraints'
415  * (ADC).  Currently only one global ADC can be handled.  The bit-width of
416  * all the bit-vectors entered in this ADC (stored in 'all different
417  * objects' or ADOs) has to be identical.
418  *
419  * TODO: also handle top level assigned literals here.
420  */
421 void picosat_add_ado_lit (PicoSAT *, int);
423 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
424 /* Call the main SAT routine.  A negative decision limit sets no limit on
425  * the number of decisions.  The return values are as above, e.g.
427  */
428 int picosat_sat (PicoSAT *, int decision_limit);
430 /* As alternative to a decision limit you can use the number of propagations
431  * as limit.  This is more linearly related to execution time. This has to
432  * be called after 'picosat_init' and before 'picosat_sat'.
433  */
434 void picosat_set_propagation_limit (PicoSAT *, unsigned long long limit);
436 /* Return last result of calling 'picosat_sat' or '0' if not called.
437  */
438 int picosat_res (PicoSAT *);
440 /* After 'picosat_sat' was called and returned 'PICOSAT_SATISFIABLE', then
441  * the satisfying assignment can be obtained by 'dereferencing' literals.
442  * The value of the literal is return as '1' for 'true',  '-1' for 'false'
443  * and '0' for an unknown value.
444  */
445 int picosat_deref (PicoSAT *, int lit);
447 /* Same as before but just returns true resp. false if the literals is
448  * forced to this assignment at the top level.  This function does not
449  * require that 'picosat_sat' was called and also does not internally reset
450  * incremental usage.
451  */
452 int picosat_deref_toplevel (PicoSAT *, int lit);
454 /* After 'picosat_sat' was called and returned 'PICOSAT_SATISFIABLE' a
455  * partial satisfying assignment can be obtained as well.  It satisfies all
456  * original clauses.  The value of the literal is return as '1' for 'true',
457  * '-1' for 'false' and '0' for an unknown value.  In order to make this
458  * work all original clauses have to be saved internally, which has to be
459  * enabled by 'picosat_save_original_clauses' right after initialization.
460  */
461 int picosat_deref_partial (PicoSAT *, int lit);
463 /* Returns non zero if the CNF is unsatisfiable because an empty clause was
464  * added or derived.
465  */
466 int picosat_inconsistent  (PicoSAT *);
468 /* Returns non zero if the literal is a failed assumption, which is defined
469  * as an assumption used to derive unsatisfiability.  This is as accurate as
470  * generating core literals, but still of course is an overapproximation of
471  * the set of assumptions really necessary.  The technique does not need
472  * clausal core generation nor tracing to be enabled and thus can be much
473  * more effective.  The function can only be called as long the current
474  * assumptions are valid.  See 'picosat_assume' for more details.
475  */
476 int picosat_failed_assumption (PicoSAT *, int lit);
478 /* Returns a zero terminated list of failed assumption in the last call to
479  * 'picosat_sat'.  The pointer is valid until the next call to
480  * 'picosat_sat' or 'picosat_failed_assumptions'.  It only makes sense if the
481  * last call to 'picosat_sat' returned 'PICOSAT_UNSATISFIABLE'.
482  */
483 const int * picosat_failed_assumptions (PicoSAT *);
485 /* Returns a zero terminated minimized list of failed assumption for the last
486  * call to 'picosat_sat'.  The pointer is valid until the next call to this
487  * function or 'picosat_sat' or 'picosat_mus_assumptions'.  It only makes sense
488  * if the last call to 'picosat_sat' returned 'PICOSAT_UNSATISFIABLE'.
489  *
490  * The call back function is called for all successful simplification
491  * attempts.  The first argument of the call back function is the state
492  * given as first argument to 'picosat_mus_assumptions'.  The second
493  * argument to the call back function is the new reduced list of failed
494  * assumptions.
495  *
496  * This function will call 'picosat_assume' and 'picosat_sat' internally but
497  * before returning reestablish a proper UNSAT state, e.g.
498  * 'picosat_failed_assumption' will work afterwards as expected.
499  *
500  * The last argument if non zero fixes assumptions.  In particular, if an
501  * assumption can not be removed it is permanently assigned true, otherwise
502  * if it turns out to be redundant it is permanently assumed to be false.
503  */
504 const int * picosat_mus_assumptions (PicoSAT *, void *,
505                                      void(*)(void*,const int*),int);
507 /* Compute one maximal subset of satisfiable assumptions.  You need to set
508  * the assumptions, call 'picosat_sat' and check for 'picosat_inconsistent',
509  * before calling this function.  The result is a zero terminated array of
510  * assumptions that consistently can be asserted at the same time.  Before
511  * returing the library 'reassumes' all assumptions.
512  *
513  * It could be beneficial to set the default phase of assumptions
514  * to true (positive).  This can speed up the computation.
515  */
516 const int * picosat_maximal_satisfiable_subset_of_assumptions (PicoSAT *);
518 /* This function assumes that you have set up all assumptions with
519  * 'picosat_assume'.  Then it calls 'picosat_sat' internally unless the
520  * formula is already inconsistent without assumptions, i.e.  it contains
521  * the empty clause.  After that it extracts a maximal satisfiable subset of
522  * assumptions.
523  *
524  * The result is a zero terminated maximal subset of consistent assumptions
525  * or a zero pointer if the formula contains the empty clause and thus no
526  * more maximal consistent subsets of assumptions can be extracted.  In the
527  * first case, before returning, a blocking clause is added, that rules out
528  * the result for the next call.
529  *
530  * NOTE: adding the blocking clause changes the CNF.
531  *
532  * So the following idiom
533  *
534  * const int * mss;
535  * picosat_assume (a1);
536  * picosat_assume (a2);
537  * picosat_assume (a3);
538  * picosat_assume (a4);
539  * while ((mss = picosat_next_maximal_satisfiable_subset_of_assumptions ()))
540  *   process_mss (mss);
541  *
542  * can be used to iterate over all maximal consistent subsets of
543  * the set of assumptions {a1,a2,a3,a4}.
544  *
545  * It could be beneficial to set the default phase of assumptions
546  * to true (positive).  This might speed up the computation.
547  */
548 const int *
549 picosat_next_maximal_satisfiable_subset_of_assumptions (PicoSAT *);
551 /* Similarly we can iterate over all minimal correcting assumption sets.
552  * See the CAMUS literature [M. Liffiton, K. Sakallah JAR 2008].
553  *
554  * The result contains each assumed literal only once, even if it
555  * was assumed multiple times (in contrast to the maximal consistent
556  * subset functions above).
557  *
558  * It could be beneficial to set the default phase of assumptions
559  * to true (positive).  This might speed up the computation.
560  */
561 const int *
562 picosat_next_minimal_correcting_subset_of_assumptions (PicoSAT *);
564 /* Compute the union of all minmal correcting sets, which is called
565  * the 'high level union of all minimal unsatisfiable subset sets'
566  * or 'HUMUS' in our papers.
567  *
568  * It uses 'picosat_next_minimal_correcting_subset_of_assumptions' and
569  * the same notes and advices apply.  In particular, this implies that
570  * after calling the function once, the current CNF becomes inconsistent,
571  * and PicoSAT has to be reset.  So even this function internally uses
572  * PicoSAT incrementally, it can not be used incrementally itself at this
573  * point.
574  *
575  * The 'callback' can be used for progress logging and is called after
576  * each extracted minimal correcting set if non zero.  The 'nhumus'
577  * parameter of 'callback' denotes the number of assumptions found to be
578  * part of the HUMUS sofar.
579  */
580 const int *
581 picosat_humus (PicoSAT *,
582                void (*callback)(void * state, int nmcs, int nhumus),
583                void * state);
585 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
586 /* Assume that a previous call to 'picosat_sat' in incremental usage,
587  * returned 'SATISFIABLE'.  Then a couple of clauses and optionally new
588  * variables were added (a new variable is a variable that has an index
589  * larger then the maximum variable added so far).  The next call to
590  * 'picosat_sat' also returns 'SATISFIABLE'. If this function
591  * 'picosat_changed' returns '0', then the assignment to the old variables
592  * is guaranteed to not have changed.  Otherwise it might have changed.
593  *
594  * The return value to this function is only valid until new clauses are
595  * added through 'picosat_add', an assumption is made through
596  * 'picosat_assume', or again 'picosat_sat' is called.  This is the same
597  * assumption as for 'picosat_deref'.
598  *
599  * TODO currently this function might also return a non zero value even if
600  * the old assignment did not change, because it only checks whether the
601  * assignment of at least one old variable was flipped at least once during
602  * the search.  In principle it should be possible to be exact in the other
603  * direction as well by using a counter of variables that have an odd number
604  * of flips.  But this is not implemented yet.
605  */
606 int picosat_changed (PicoSAT *);
608 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
609 /* The following six functions internally extract the variable and clausal
610  * core and thus require trace generation to be enabled with
611  * 'picosat_enable_trace_generation' right after calling 'picosat_init'.
612  *
613  * TODO: using these functions in incremental mode with failed assumptions
614  * has only been tested for 'picosat_corelit' thoroughly.  The others
615  * probably only work in non-incremental mode or without using
616  * 'picosat_assume'.
617  */
619 /* This function determines whether the i'th added original clause is in the
620  * core.  The 'i' is the return value of 'picosat_add', which starts at zero
621  * and is incremented by one after a original clause is added (that is after
622  * 'picosat_add (0)').  For the index 'i' the following has to hold:
623  *
624  *   0 <= i < picosat_added_original_clauses ()
625  */
626 int picosat_coreclause (PicoSAT *, int i);
628 /* This function gives access to the variable core, which is made up of the
629  * variables that were resolved in deriving the empty clause.
630  */
631 int picosat_corelit (PicoSAT *, int lit);
633 /* Write the clauses that were used in deriving the empty clause to a file
634  * in DIMACS format.
635  */
636 void picosat_write_clausal_core (PicoSAT *, FILE * core_file);
638 /* Write a proof trace in TraceCheck format to a file.
639  */
640 void picosat_write_compact_trace (PicoSAT *, FILE * trace_file);
641 void picosat_write_extended_trace (PicoSAT *, FILE * trace_file);
643 /* Write a RUP trace to a file.  This trace file contains only the learned
644  * core clauses while this is not necessarily the case for the RUP file
645  * obtained with 'picosat_set_incremental_rup_file'.
646  */
647 void picosat_write_rup_trace (PicoSAT *, FILE * trace_file);
649 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
650 /* Keeping the proof trace around is not necessary if an over-approximation
651  * of the core is enough.  A literal is 'used' if it was involved in a
652  * resolution to derive a learned clause.  The core literals are necessarily
653  * a subset of the 'used' literals.
654  */
656 int picosat_usedlit (PicoSAT *, int lit);
657 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
658 #endif