1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright (C) 2014-2021  Laboratoire de
3# Recherche et Développement de l'Epita (LRDE).
5# This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
7# Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10# (at your option) any later version.
12# Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
15# License for more details.
17# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21import sys
23if sys.hexversion < 0x03030000:
24    sys.exit("This module requires Python 3.3 or newer")
26import subprocess
27import os
28import signal
29import tempfile
30from contextlib import suppress as _supress
32if 'SPOT_UNINSTALLED' in os.environ:
33    # When Spot is installed, _impl.so will be in the same directory as
34    # spot/impl.py, however when we run Spot's test suite, Spot is not yet
35    # installed and we want "from . import _impl" (generated by Swig4) to look
36    # into .libs/
37    __path__.extend(sys.path)
39# We may have third-party plugins that want to be loaded as "spot.xxx", but
40# that are installed in a different $prefix.  This sets things so that any
41# file that looks like spot-extra/xxx.py can be loaded with "import spot.xxx".
42for path in sys.path:
43    if path not in __path__:
44        path += "/spot-extra"
45        if os.path.isdir(path):
46            __path__.append(path)
49from spot.impl import *
50# spot.aux_ used to be called spot.aux until the filename aux.py
51# caused issues on Windows.  So the file is now named aux_.py, but we
52# still want to import it as spot.aux, hence we add it to spot.modules
53# as an alias.
54import spot.aux_ as aux
55sys.modules['spot.aux'] = aux
56from spot.aux import \
57     extend as _extend, \
58     str_to_svg as _str_to_svg, \
59     ostream_to_svg as _ostream_to_svg
62# The parrameters used by default when show() is called on an automaton.
63_show_default = None
66def setup(**kwargs):
67    """Configure Spot for fancy display.
69    This is manly useful in Jupyter/IPython.
71    Note that this function needs to be called before any automaton is
72    displayed.  Afterwards it will have no effect (you should restart
73    Python, or the Jupyter/IPython Kernel).
75    Parameters
76    ----------
77    bullets : bool
78        whether to display acceptance conditions as UTF8 bullets
79        (default: True)
80    fillcolor : str
81        the color to use for states (default: '#ffffaa')
82    size : str
83        the width and height of the GraphViz output in inches
84        (default: '10.2,5')
85    font : str
86        the font to use in the GraphViz output (default: 'Lato')
87    show_default : str
88        default options for show()
89    max_states : int
90        maximum number of states in GraphViz output (default: 50)
91    """
92    import os
94    s = ('size="{}" edge[arrowhead=vee, arrowsize=.7]')
95    os.environ['SPOT_DOTEXTRA'] = s.format(kwargs.get('size', '10.13,5'))
97    bullets = 'B' if kwargs.get('bullets', True) else ''
98    max_states = '<' + str(kwargs.get('max_states', 50))
99    d = 'rf({})C({}){}'.format(kwargs.get('font', 'Lato'),
100                               kwargs.get('fillcolor', '#ffffaa'),
101                               bullets + max_states)
102    global _show_default
103    _show_default = kwargs.get('show_default', None)
104    os.environ['SPOT_DOTDEFAULT'] = d
107# In version 3.0.2, Swig puts strongly typed enum in the main
108# namespace without prefixing them.  Latter versions fix this.  So we
109# can remove for following hack once 3.0.2 is no longer used in our
110# build farm.
111if 'op_ff' not in globals():
112    for i in ('ff', 'tt', 'eword', 'ap', 'Not', 'X', 'F', 'G',
113              'Closure', 'NegClosure', 'NegClosureMarked',
114              'Xor', 'Implies', 'Equiv', 'U', 'R', 'W', 'M',
115              'EConcat', 'EConcatMarked', 'UConcat', 'Or',
116              'OrRat', 'And', 'AndRat', 'AndNLM', 'Concat',
117              'Fusion', 'Star', 'FStar'):
118        globals()['op_' + i] = globals()[i]
119        del globals()[i]
122# Global BDD dict so that we do not have to create one in user code.
123_bdd_dict = make_bdd_dict()
126__om_init_tmp = option_map.__init__
129def __om_init_new(self, str=None):
130    __om_init_tmp(self)
131    if str:
132        res = self.parse_options(str)
133        if res:
134            raise RuntimeError("failed to parse option at: '" + str + "'")
137option_map.__init__ = __om_init_new
140class aig:
141    def _repr_svg_(self, opt=None):
142        ostr = ostringstream()
143        print_dot(ostr, self, opt)
144        return _ostream_to_svg(ostr)
146    def show(self, opt=None):
147        from spot.jupyter import SVG
148        return SVG(self._repr_svg_(opt))
150    def to_str(self, format='circuit', opt=None):
151        format = format.lower()
152        if format == 'circuit':
153            ostr = ostringstream()
154            print_aiger(ostr, self)
155            return ostr.str()
156        if format == 'dot':
157            ostr = ostringstream()
158            print_dot(ostr, self, opt)
159            return ostr.str()
160        raise ValueError("unknown string format: " + format)
162    def evaluate(self, gen):
163        self.circ_init()
164        outputs_pos = self.outputs()
165        out_names = self.output_names()
166        for x in gen:
167            if len(x) != self.num_inputs():
168                raise ValueError("Incorrect number of inputs")
169            self.circ_step(x)
170            values = self.circ_state()
171            res_val = [values[index] for index in outputs_pos]
172            assert(len(res_val) == len(out_names))
173            yield list(zip(out_names, res_val))
175__twa__acc1 = twa.acc
176__twa__acc2 = twa.get_acceptance
179# We store the automaton into the acceptance condition
180# returned by acc so that it does not crash when
181# taking the reference to a temporary, as in
182#    spot.translate('Foo').acc()
183# Issue #468.
184def __twa_acc1_tmp(self):
185    a = __twa__acc1(self)
186    a._aut = self
187    return a
190def __twa_acc2_tmp(self):
191    a = __twa__acc2(self)
192    a._aut = self
193    return a
196twa.acc = __twa_acc1_tmp
197twa.get_acceptance = __twa_acc2_tmp
200@_extend(twa, ta)
201class twa:
202    def _repr_svg_(self, opt=None):
203        """Output the automaton as SVG"""
204        ostr = ostringstream()
205        if opt is None:
206            global _show_default
207            opt = _show_default
208        print_dot(ostr, self, opt)
209        return _ostream_to_svg(ostr)
211    def show(self, opt=None):
212        """Display the automaton as SVG, in the IPython/Jupyter notebook"""
213        if opt is None:
214            global _show_default
215            opt = _show_default
216        # Load the SVG function only if we need it. This way the
217        # bindings can still be used outside of IPython if IPython is
218        # not installed.
219        from spot.jupyter import SVG
220        return SVG(self._repr_svg_(opt))
222    def highlight_states(self, states, color):
223        """Highlight a list of states.  This can be a list of
224        state numbers, or a list of Booleans."""
225        for idx, val in enumerate(states):
226            if type(val) is bool:
227                if val:
228                    self.highlight_state(idx, color)
229            else:
230                self.highlight_state(val, color)
231        return self
233    def highlight_edges(self, edges, color):
234        """Highlight a list of edges.  This can be a list of
235        edge numbers, or a list of Booleans."""
236        for idx, val in enumerate(edges):
237            if type(val) is bool:
238                if val:
239                    self.highlight_edge(idx, color)
240            else:
241                self.highlight_edge(val, color)
242        return self
245class twa:
246    def to_str(a, format='hoa', opt=None):
247        format = format.lower()
248        if format == 'hoa':
249            ostr = ostringstream()
250            print_hoa(ostr, a, opt)
251            return ostr.str()
252        if format == 'dot':
253            ostr = ostringstream()
254            print_dot(ostr, a, opt)
255            return ostr.str()
256        if format == 'spin':
257            ostr = ostringstream()
258            print_never_claim(ostr, a, opt)
259            return ostr.str()
260        if format == 'lbtt':
261            ostr = ostringstream()
262            print_lbtt(ostr, a, opt)
263            return ostr.str()
264        raise ValueError("unknown string format: " + format)
266    def save(a, filename, format='hoa', opt=None, append=False):
267        with open(filename, 'a' if append else 'w') as f:
268            s = a.to_str(format, opt)
269            f.write(s)
270            if s[-1] != '\n':
271                f.write('\n')
272        return a
276class twa_graph:
277    def show_storage(self, opt=None):
278        ostr = ostringstream()
279        self.dump_storage_as_dot(ostr, opt)
280        from spot.jupyter import SVG
281        return SVG(_ostream_to_svg(ostr))
283    def __copy__(self):
284        return make_twa_graph(self, twa_prop_set.all(), True)
287def make_twa_graph(*args):
288    from spot.impl import make_twa_graph as mtg
289    if len(args) == 0:
290        return mtg(_bdd_dict)
291    return mtg(*args)
295class formula:
296    def __init__(self, str):
297        """Parse the given string to create a formula."""
298        if type(str) == formula:
299            self.this = str
300        else:
301            self.this = parse_formula(str)
303    def show_ast(self):
304        """Display the syntax tree of the formula."""
305        # Load the SVG function only if we need it. This way the bindings
306        # can still be used outside of IPython if IPython is not
307        # installed.
308        from spot.jupyter import SVG
309        return SVG(_str_to_svg(self.to_str('d')))
311    def _repr_latex_(self):
312        return '$' + self.to_str('j') + '$'
314    def to_str(self, format='spot', parenth=False):
315        if format == 'spot' or format == 'f':
316            return str_psl(self, parenth)
317        elif format == 'spin' or format == 's':
318            return str_spin_ltl(self, parenth)
319        elif format == 'utf8' or format == '8':
320            return str_utf8_psl(self, parenth)
321        elif format == 'lbt' or format == 'l':
322            return str_lbt_ltl(self)
323        elif format == 'wring' or format == 'w':
324            return str_wring_ltl(self)
325        elif format == 'latex' or format == 'x':
326            return str_latex_psl(self, parenth)
327        elif format == 'sclatex' or format == 'X':
328            return str_sclatex_psl(self, parenth)
329        elif format == 'mathjax' or format == 'j':
330            return (str_sclatex_psl(self, parenth).
331                    replace("``", "\\unicode{x201C}").
332                    replace("\\textrm{''}", "\\unicode{x201D}"))
333        elif format == 'dot' or format == 'd':
334            ostr = ostringstream()
335            print_dot_psl(ostr, self)
336            return ostr.str().encode('utf-8')
337        else:
338            raise ValueError("unknown string format: " + format)
340    def __format__(self, spec):
341        """Format the formula according to `spec`.
343        Parameters
344        ----------
345        spec : str, optional
346            a list of letters that specify how the formula
347            should be formatted.
349        Supported specifiers
350        --------------------
352        - 'f': use Spot's syntax (default)
353        - '8': use Spot's syntax in UTF-8 mode
354        - 's': use Spin's syntax
355        - 'l': use LBT's syntax
356        - 'w': use Wring's syntax
357        - 'x': use LaTeX output
358        - 'X': use self-contained LaTeX output
359        - 'j': use self-contained LaTeX output, adjusted for MathJax
361        Add some of those letters for additional options:
363        - 'p': use full parentheses
364        - 'c': escape the formula for CSV output (this will
365               enclose the formula in double quotes, and escape
366               any included double quotes)
367        - 'h': escape the formula for HTML output
368        - 'd': escape double quotes and backslash,
369               for use in C-strings (the outermost double
370               quotes are *not* added)
371        - 'q': quote and escape for shell output, using single
372               quotes or double quotes depending on the contents.
373        - '[...]': rewrite away all the operators specified in brackets,
374               using spot.unabbreviate().
376        - ':spec': pass the remaining specification to the
377                   formating function for strings.
379        """
381        syntax = 'f'
382        parent = False
383        escape = None
385        form = self
387        while spec:
388            c, spec = spec[0], spec[1:]
389            if c in ('f', 's', '8', 'l', 'w', 'x', 'X', 'j'):
390                syntax = c
391            elif c == 'p':
392                parent = True
393            elif c in ('c', 'd', 'h', 'q'):
394                escape = c
395            elif c == ':':
396                break
397            elif c == '[':
398                pos = spec.find(']')
399                if pos < 0:
400                    raise ValueError("unclosed bracket: [" + spec)
401                form = form.unabbreviate(spec[0:pos])
402                spec = spec[pos+1:]
403            else:
404                raise ValueError("unknown format specification: " + c + spec)
406        s = form.to_str(syntax, parent)
408        if escape == 'c':
409            o = ostringstream()
410            escape_rfc4180(o, s)
411            s = '"' + o.str() + '"'
412        elif escape == 'd':
413            s = escape_str(s)
414        elif escape == 'h':
415            o = ostringstream()
416            escape_html(o, s)
417            s = o.str()
418        elif escape == 'q':
419            o = ostringstream()
420            quote_shell_string(o, s)
421            s = o.str()
423        return s.__format__(spec)
425    def traverse(self, func, *args):
426        if func(self, *args):
427            return
428        for f in self:
429            f.traverse(func, *args)
431    def map(self, func, *args):
432        k = self.kind()
433        if k in (op_ff, op_tt, op_eword, op_ap):
434            return self
435        if k in (op_Not, op_X, op_F, op_G, op_Closure,
436                 op_NegClosure, op_NegClosureMarked):
437            return formula.unop(k, func(self[0], *args))
438        if k in (op_Xor, op_Implies, op_Equiv, op_U, op_R, op_W,
439                 op_M, op_EConcat, op_EConcatMarked, op_UConcat):
440            return formula.binop(k, func(self[0], *args), func(self[1], *args))
441        if k in (op_Or, op_OrRat, op_And, op_AndRat, op_AndNLM,
442                 op_Concat, op_Fusion):
443            return formula.multop(k, [func(x, *args) for x in self])
444        if k in (op_Star, op_FStar):
445            return formula.bunop(k, func(self[0], *args),
446                                 self.min(), self.max())
447        raise ValueError("unknown type of formula")
451class atomic_prop_set:
452    def _repr_latex_(self):
453        res = '$\{'
454        comma = ''
455        for ap in self:
456            apname = ap.to_str('j')
457            if not '\\unicode{' in apname:
458                apname = "\\unicode{x201C}" + apname + "\\unicode{x201D}"
459            res += comma
460            comma = ', '
461            res += apname
462        res += '\}$'
463        return res
467class zielonka_tree:
468    def _repr_svg_(self):
469        """Output the Zielonka tree as SVG"""
470        ostr = ostringstream()
471        self.dot(ostr)
472        return _ostream_to_svg(ostr)
474_acdnum = 0
477class acd:
478    def _repr_svg_(self, id=None):
479        """Output the ACD as SVG"""
480        ostr = ostringstream()
481        self.dot(ostr, id)
482        return _ostream_to_svg(ostr)
484    def _repr_html_(self):
485        global _acdnum
486        num = _acdnum
487        _acdnum += 1
488        style = '''
489.acdhigh ellipse,.acdacc ellipse,.acdacc path,.acdacc polygon{stroke:green;}
490.acdhigh polygon,.acdrej ellipse,.acdrej path,.acdrej polygon{stroke:red;}
491.acdbold ellipse,.acdbold polygon,.acdbold path{stroke-width:2;}
492.acdrej polygon{fill:red;}
493.acdacc polygon{fill:green;}
495        js = '''
496function acd{num}_clear(){{
497        $("#acd{num} .node,#acdaut{num} .node,#acdaut{num} .edge")
498        .removeClass("acdhigh acdbold acdacc acdrej");
500function acd{num}_state(state){{
501        acd{num}_clear();
502        $("#acd{num} .acdS" + state).addClass("acdhigh acdbold");
503        $("#acdaut{num} #S" + state).addClass("acdbold");
505function acd{num}_edge(edge){{
506        acd{num}_clear();
507        var theedge = $('#acdaut{num} #E' + edge)
508        var classList = theedge.attr('class').split(/\s+/);
509        $.each(classList, function(index, item) {{
510           if (item.startsWith('acdN')) {{
511        $("#acd{num} #" + item.substring(3)).addClass("acdhigh acdbold");
512           }}
513        }});
514        theedge.addClass("acdbold");
516function acd{num}_node(node, acc){{
517        acd{num}_clear();
518        $("#acdaut{num} .acdN" + node).addClass(acc
519                                                ? "acdacc acdbold"
520                                                : "acdrej acdbold");
521        $("#acd{num} #N" + node).addClass("acdbold acdhigh");
523        me = 0
524        for n in range(self.node_count()):
525            for e in self.edges_of_node(n):
526                me = max(e, me)
527                js += '$("#acdaut{num} #E{e}").addClass("acdN{n}");'\
528                      .format(num=num, e=e, n=n)
529        for e in range(1, me + 1):
530            js += '$("#acdaut{num} #E{e}")'\
531                  '.click(function(){{acd{num}_edge({e});}});'\
532                  .format(num=num, e=e)
533        for s in range(self.get_aut().num_states()):
534            js += '$("#acdaut{num} #S{s}")'\
535                  '.click(function(){{acd{num}_state({s});}});'\
536                  .format(num=num, s=s)
537        for n in range(self.node_count()):
538            v = int(self.node_acceptance(n))
539            js += '$("#acd{num} #N{n}")'\
540                  '.click(function(){{acd{num}_node({n}, {v});}});'\
541                  .format(num=num, n=n, v=v)
542        html = '<style>{}</style><div>{}</div><div>{}</div><script>{}</script>'\
543               .format(style,
544                       self.get_aut().show('.i(acdaut{})'.format(num)).data,
545                       self._repr_svg_("acd{}".format(num)),
546                       js);
547        return html
550def automata(*sources, timeout=None, ignore_abort=True,
551             trust_hoa=True, no_sid=False, debug=False,
552             want_kripke=False):
553    """Read automata from a list of sources.
555    Parameters
556    ----------
557    *sources : list of str
558        These sources can be either commands (end with `|`),
559        textual representations of automata (contain `\n`),
560        or filenames (else).
561    timeout : int, optional
562        Number of seconds to wait for the result of a command.
563        If None (the default), not limit is used.
564    ignore_abort : bool, optional
565        If True (the default), skip HOA atomata that ends with
566        `--ABORT--`, and return the next automaton in the stream.
567        If False, aborted automata are reported as syntax errors.
568    trust_hoa : bool, optional
569        If True (the default), supported HOA properies that
570        cannot be easily verified are trusted.
571    want_kripke : bool, optional
572        If True, the input is expected to discribe Kripke
573        structures, in the HOA format, and the returned type
574        will be of type kripke_graph_ptr.
575    no_sid : bool, optional
576        When an automaton is obtained from a subprocess, this
577        subprocess is started from a shell with its own session
578        group (the default) unless no_sid is set to True.
579    debug : bool, optional
580        Whether to run the parser in debug mode.
582    Notes
583    -----
585    The automata can be written in the `HOA format`_, as `never
586    claims`_, in `LBTT's format`_, or in `ltl2dstar's format`_.
588    .. _HOA format: http://adl.github.io/hoaf/
589    .. _never claims: http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/never.html
590    .. _LBTT's format:
591       http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/lbtt/doc/html/Format-for-automata.html
592    .. _ltl2dstar's format:
593       http://www.ltl2dstar.de/docs/ltl2dstar.html#output-format-dstar
595    If an argument ends with a `|`, then this argument is interpreted as
596    a shell command, and the output of that command (without the `|`)
597    is parsed.
599    If an argument contains a newline, then it is interpreted as
600    actual contents to be parsed.
602    Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be a filename.
604    The result of this function is a generator on all the automata
605    objects read from these sources.  The typical usage is::
607        for aut in spot.automata(filename, command, ...):
608            # do something with aut
610    When the source is a command, and no `timeout` is specified,
611    parsing is done straight out of the pipe connecting the
612    command.  So
614        for aut in spot.automata('randaut -H -n 10 2 |'):
615            process(aut)
617    will call `process(aut)` on each automaton as soon as it is output by
618    `randaut`, and without waiting for `randaut` to terminate.
620    However if `timeout` is passed, then `automata()` will wait for
621    the entire command to terminate before parsing its entire output.
622    If one command takes more than `timeout` seconds,
623    `subprocess.TimeoutExpired` is raised.
625    If any command terminates with a non-zero error,
626    `subprocess.CalledProcessError` is raised.
627    """
629    o = automaton_parser_options()
630    o.debug = debug
631    o.ignore_abort = ignore_abort
632    o.trust_hoa = trust_hoa
633    o.raise_errors = True
634    o.want_kripke = want_kripke
636    for filename in sources:
637        try:
638            p = None
639            proc = None
640            if filename[-1] == '|':
641                setsid_maybe = None
642                if not no_sid:
643                    setsid_maybe = os.setsid
644                # universal_newlines for str output instead of bytes
645                # when the pipe is read from Python (which happens
646                # when timeout is set).
647                prefn = None if no_sid else os.setsid
648                proc = subprocess.Popen(filename[:-1], shell=True,
649                                        preexec_fn=prefn,
650                                        universal_newlines=True,
651                                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
652                if timeout is None:
653                    p = automaton_stream_parser(proc.stdout.fileno(),
654                                                filename, o)
655                else:
656                    try:
657                        out, err = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout)
658                    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
659                        # Using subprocess.check_output() with timeout
660                        # would just kill the shell, not its children.
661                        os.killpg(proc.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
662                        raise
663                    else:
664                        ret = proc.wait()
665                        if ret:
666                            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret,
667                                                                filename[:-1])
668                    finally:
669                        proc = None
670                    p = automaton_stream_parser(out, filename, o)
671            elif '\n' in filename:
672                p = automaton_stream_parser(filename, "<string>", o)
673            else:
674                p = automaton_stream_parser(filename, o)
675            a = True
676            # Using proc as a context manager ensures that proc.stdout will be
677            # closed on exit, and the process will be properly waited for.
678            # This is important when running tools that produce an infinite
679            # stream of automata and that must be killed once the generator
680            # returned by spot.automata() is destroyed.  Otherwise, _supress()
681            # is just a dummy context manager that does nothing (Python 3.7
682            # introduces nullcontext() for this purpose, but at the time of
683            # writing we support Python 3.4).
684            mgr = proc if proc else _supress()
685            with mgr:
686                while a:
687                    # the automaton is None when we reach the end of the file.
688                    res = p.parse(_bdd_dict)
689                    a = res.ks if want_kripke else res.aut
690                    if a:
691                        yield a
692        finally:
693            # Make sure we destroy the parser (p) and the subprocess
694            # (prop) in the correct order.
695            del p
696            if proc is not None:
697                ret = proc.returncode
698                del proc
699                # Do not complain about the exit code if we are already raising
700                # an exception.
701                if ret and sys.exc_info()[0] is None:
702                    raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, filename[:-1])
703    # deleting o explicitly now prevents Python 3.5 from
704    # reporting the following error: "<built-in function
705    # delete_automaton_parser_options> returned a result with
706    # an error set".  It's not clear to me if the bug is in Python
707    # or Swig.  At least it's related to the use of generators.
708    del o
709    return
712def automaton(filename, **kwargs):
713    """Read a single automaton from a file.
715    See `spot.automata` for a list of supported formats."""
716    try:
717        return next(automata(filename, **kwargs))
718    except StopIteration:
719        raise RuntimeError("Failed to read automaton from {}".format(filename))
721def aiger_circuits(*sources, bdd_dict = None):
722    """Read aiger circuits from a list of sources.
724    Parameters
725    ----------
726    *sources : list of str
727        These sources can be either commands (end with `|`),
728        textual representations of the circuit in restricted aag format
729        (start with aag and contain '\n'), or filenames (else).
730    bdd_dict : If not supplied, a fresh bdd_dict will be created, common for
731        all of the circuits.
732    """
734    bdd_dict = bdd_dict if bdd_dict is not None else make_bdd_dict()
736    for source in sources:
737        if (source.startswith("aag") and '\n' in source):
738            yield aig.parse_aag(source, "<string>", bdd_dict)
739        else:
740            yield aig.parse_aag(source, bdd_dict)
742def aiger_circuit(source, bdd_dict = None):
743    """Read a single aiger circuit from file or textual representation.
745    See `spot.aiger_circuits` for a list of supported formats."""
746    try:
747        return next(aiger_circuits(source, bdd_dict = bdd_dict))
748    except StopIteration:
749        raise RuntimeError("Failed to read an aiger circuit "
750                           "from {}".format(source))
753def _postproc_translate_options(obj, default_type, *args):
754    type_name_ = None
755    type_ = None
756    pref_name_ = None
757    pref_ = None
758    optm_name_ = None
759    optm_ = None
760    comp_ = 0
761    unam_ = 0
762    sbac_ = 0
763    colo_ = 0
765    def type_set(val):
766        nonlocal type_, type_name_
767        if type_ is not None and type_name_ != val:
768            raise ValueError("type cannot be both {} and {}"
769                             .format(type_name_, val))
770        elif val == 'generic' or val == 'gen' or val == 'g':
771            type_ = postprocessor.Generic
772        elif val == 'tgba': # historical
773            type_ = postprocessor.GeneralizedBuchi
774        elif val == 'generalizedbuchi':
775            type_ = postprocessor.GeneralizedBuchi
776        elif val == 'ba': # historical
777            type_ = postprocessor.Buchi
778            sbac_ = postprocessor.SBAcc
779        elif val == 'buchi':
780            type_ = postprocessor.Buchi
781        elif val == 'cobuchi' or val == 'nca':
782            type_ = postprocessor.CoBuchi
783        elif val == 'dca':
784            type_ = postprocessor.CoBuchi
785            pref_ = postprocessor.Deterministic
786        elif val == 'parity min odd':
787            type_ = postprocessor.ParityMinOdd
788        elif val == 'parity min even':
789            type_ = postprocessor.ParityMinEven
790        elif val == 'parity max odd':
791            type_ = postprocessor.ParityMaxOdd
792        elif val == 'parity max even':
793            type_ = postprocessor.ParityMaxEven
794        elif val == 'parity min':
795            type_ = postprocessor.ParityMin
796        elif val == 'parity max':
797            type_ = postprocessor.ParityMax
798        elif val == 'parity odd':
799            type_ = postprocessor.ParityOdd
800        elif val == 'parity even':
801            type_ = postprocessor.ParityEven
802        elif val == 'parity':
803            type_ = postprocessor.Parity
804        else:
805            assert(val == 'monitor')
806            type_ = postprocessor.Monitor
807        type_name_ = val
809    def pref_set(val):
810        nonlocal pref_, pref_name_
811        if pref_ is not None and pref_name_ != val:
812            raise ValueError("preference cannot be both {} and {}"
813                             .format(pref_name_, val))
814        elif val == 'small':
815            pref_ = postprocessor.Small
816        elif val == 'deterministic':
817            pref_ = postprocessor.Deterministic
818        else:
819            assert(val == 'any')
820            pref_ = postprocessor.Any
821        pref_name_ = val
823    def optm_set(val):
824        nonlocal optm_, optm_name_
825        if optm_ is not None and optm_name_ != val:
826            raise ValueError("optimization level cannot be both {} and {}"
827                             .format(optm_name_, val))
828        if val == 'high':
829            optm_ = postprocessor.High
830        elif val.startswith('med'):
831            optm_ = postprocessor.Medium
832        else:
833            assert(val == 'low')
834            optm_ = postprocessor.Low
835        optm_name_ = val
837    def misc_set(val):
838        nonlocal comp_, unam_, sbac_, colo_
839        if val == 'colored':
840            colo_ = postprocessor.Colored
841        elif val == 'complete':
842            comp_ = postprocessor.Complete
843        elif (val == 'sbacc' or val == 'statebasedacceptance'
844              or val == 'state-based-acceptance'):
845            sbac_ = postprocessor.SBAcc
846        else:
847            assert(val == 'unambiguous')
848            unam_ = postprocessor.Unambiguous
850    options = {
851        'any': pref_set,
852        'ba': type_set,
853        'buchi': type_set,
854        'cobuchi': type_set,
855        'colored': misc_set,
856        'complete': misc_set,
857        'dca': type_set,
858        'deterministic': pref_set,
859        'g': type_set,
860        'gen': type_set,
861        'generic': type_set,
862        'generalizedbuchi': type_set,
863        'high': optm_set,
864        'low': optm_set,
865        'medium': optm_set,
866        'monitor': type_set,
867        'nca': type_set,
868        'parity even': type_set,
869        'parity max even': type_set,
870        'parity max odd': type_set,
871        'parity max': type_set,
872        'parity min even': type_set,
873        'parity min odd': type_set,
874        'parity min': type_set,
875        'parity odd': type_set,
876        'parity': type_set,
877        'sbacc': misc_set,
878        'small': pref_set,
879        'statebasedacceptance': misc_set,
880        'state-based-acceptance': misc_set,
881        'tgba': type_set,
882        'unambiguous': misc_set,
883    }
885    for arg in args:
886        arg = arg.lower()
887        fn = options.get(arg)
888        if fn:
889            fn(arg)
890        else:
891            # arg is not an know option, but maybe it is a prefix of
892            # one of them
893            compat = []
894            f = None
895            for key, fn in options.items():
896                if key.startswith(arg):
897                    compat.append(key)
898                    f = fn
899            lc = len(compat)
900            if lc == 1:
901                f(compat[0])
902            elif lc < 1:
903                raise ValueError("unknown option '{}'".format(arg))
904            else:
905                raise ValueError("ambiguous option '{}' is prefix of {}"
906                                 .format(arg, str(compat)))
908    if type_ is None:
909        type_ = default_type
910    if pref_ is None:
911        pref_ = postprocessor.Small
912    if optm_ is None:
913        optm_ = postprocessor.High
915    obj.set_type(type_)
916    obj.set_pref(pref_ | comp_ | unam_ | sbac_ | colo_)
917    obj.set_level(optm_)
920def translate(formula, *args, dict=_bdd_dict, xargs=None):
921    """Translate a formula into an automaton.
923    Keep in mind that 'Deterministic' expresses just a preference that
924    may not be satisfied.
926    The optional arguments should be strings among the following:
927    - at most one in 'GeneralizedBuchi', 'Buchi', or 'Monitor',
928      'generic', 'parity', 'parity min odd', 'parity min even',
929      'parity max odd', 'parity max even', 'coBuchi'
930      (type of acceptance condition to build)
931    - at most one in 'Small', 'Deterministic', 'Any'
932      (preferred characteristics of the produced automaton)
933    - at most one in 'Low', 'Medium', 'High'
934      (optimization level)
935    - any combination of 'Complete', 'Unambiguous',
936      'StateBasedAcceptance' (or 'SBAcc' for short), and
937      'Colored' (only for parity acceptance)
939    The default corresponds to 'tgba', 'small' and 'high'.
941    Additional options can be supplied using a `spot.option_map`, or a
942    string (that will be converted to `spot.option_map`), as the `xargs`
943    argument.  This is similar to the `-x` option of command-line tools;
944    so check out the spot-x(7) man page for details.
946    """
947    if type(xargs) is str:
948        xargs = option_map(xargs)
949    a = translator(dict, xargs)
950    _postproc_translate_options(a, postprocessor.TGBA, *args)
951    if type(formula) == str:
952        formula = parse_formula(formula)
953    result = a.run(formula)
954    if xargs:
955        xargs.report_unused_options()
956    return result
959formula.translate = translate
962# Wrap C++-functions into lambdas so that they get converted into
963# instance methods (i.e., self passed as first argument
964# automatically), because only user-defined functions are converted as
965# instance methods.
966def _add_formula(meth, name=None):
967    setattr(formula, name or meth, (lambda self, *args, **kwargs:
968                                    globals()[meth](self, *args, **kwargs)))
972_add_formula('are_equivalent', 'equivalent_to')
975def postprocess(automaton, *args, formula=None, xargs=None):
976    """Post process an automaton.
978    This applies a number of simplification algorithms, depending on
979    the options supplied. Keep in mind that 'Deterministic' expresses
980    just a preference that may not be satisfied if the input is
981    not already 'Deterministic'.
983    The optional arguments should be strings among the following:
984    - at most one in 'Generic', 'GeneralizedBuchi', 'Buchi', or
985      'Monitor', 'parity', 'parity min odd', 'parity min even',
986      'parity max odd', 'parity max even', 'coBuchi'
987      (type of acceptance condition to build)
988    - at most one in 'Small', 'Deterministic', 'Any'
989      (preferred characteristics of the produced automaton)
990    - at most one in 'Low', 'Medium', 'High'
991      (optimization level)
992    - any combination of 'Complete', 'StateBasedAcceptance'
993      (or 'SBAcc' for short), and 'Colored (only for parity
994      acceptance)
996    The default corresponds to 'generic', 'small' and 'high'.
998    If a formula denoted by this automaton is known, pass it to as the
999    optional `formula` argument; it can help some algorithms by
1000    providing an easy way to complement the automaton.
1002    Additional options can be supplied using a `spot.option_map`, or a
1003    string (that will be converted to `spot.option_map`), as the `xargs`
1004    argument.  This is similar to the `-x` option of command-line tools;
1005    so check out the spot-x(7) man page for details.
1007    """
1008    if type(xargs) is str:
1009        xargs = option_map(xargs)
1010    p = postprocessor(xargs)
1011    if type(automaton) == str:
1012        automaton = globals()['automaton'](automaton)
1013    _postproc_translate_options(p, postprocessor.Generic, *args)
1014    result = p.run(automaton, formula)
1015    if xargs:
1016        xargs.report_unused_options()
1017    return result
1020twa.postprocess = postprocess
1023# Wrap C++-functions into lambdas so that they get converted into
1024# instance methods (i.e., self passed as first argument
1025# automatically), because only user-defined functions are converted as
1026# instance methods.
1027def _add_twa_graph(meth, name=None):
1028    setattr(twa_graph, name or meth, (lambda self, *args, **kwargs:
1029                                      globals()[meth](self, *args, **kwargs)))
1032for meth in ('scc_filter', 'scc_filter_states',
1033             'is_deterministic', 'is_unambiguous',
1034             'contains', 'get_strategy',
1035             'set_state_players', 'get_state_players',
1036             'set_state_player', 'get_state_player',
1037             'get_state_winners', 'get_state_winner'):
1038    _add_twa_graph(meth)
1039_add_twa_graph('are_equivalent', 'equivalent_to')
1041# Wrapper around a formula iterator to which we add some methods of formula
1042# (using _addfilter and _addmap), so that we can write things like
1043# formulas.simplify().is_X_free().
1046class formulaiterator:
1047    def __init__(self, formulas):
1048        self._formulas = formulas
1050    def __iter__(self):
1051        return self
1053    def __next__(self):
1054        return next(self._formulas)
1057# fun shoud be a predicate and should be a method of formula.
1058# _addfilter adds this predicate as a filter whith the same name in
1059# formulaiterator.
1060def _addfilter(fun):
1061    def filtf(self, *args, **kwargs):
1062        it = filter(lambda f: getattr(f, fun)(*args, **kwargs), self)
1063        return formulaiterator(it)
1065    def nfiltf(self, *args, **kwargs):
1066        it = filter(lambda f: not getattr(f, fun)(*args, **kwargs), self)
1067        return formulaiterator(it)
1069    if fun[:3] == 'is_':
1070        notfun = 'is_not_' + fun[3:]
1071    elif fun[:4] == 'has_':
1072        notfun = 'has_no_' + fun[4:]
1073    else:
1074        notfun = 'not_' + fun
1075    setattr(formulaiterator, fun, filtf)
1076    setattr(formulaiterator, notfun, nfiltf)
1079# fun should be a function taking a formula as its first parameter and
1080# returning a formula.  _addmap adds this function as a method of
1081# formula and formulaiterator.
1082def _addmap(fun):
1083    def mapf(self, *args, **kwargs):
1084        return formulaiterator(map(lambda f: getattr(f, fun)(*args, **kwargs),
1085                                   self))
1086    setattr(formula, fun,
1087            lambda self, *args, **kwargs:
1088            globals()[fun](self, *args, **kwargs))
1089    setattr(formulaiterator, fun, mapf)
1092def randltl(ap, n=-1, **kwargs):
1093    """Generate random formulas.
1095    Returns a random formula iterator.
1097    ap: the number of atomic propositions used to generate random formulas.
1099    n: number of formulas to generate, or unbounded if n < 0.
1101    **kwargs:
1102    seed: seed for the random number generator (0).
1103    output: can be 'ltl', 'psl', 'bool' or 'sere' ('ltl').
1104    allow_dups: allow duplicate formulas (False).
1105    tree_size: tree size of the formulas generated, before mandatory
1106    simplifications (15)
1107    boolean_priorities: set priorities for Boolean formulas.
1108    ltl_priorities: set priorities for LTL formulas.
1109    sere_priorities: set priorities for SERE formulas.
1110    dump_priorities: show current priorities, do not generate any formula.
1111    simplify:
1112      0           No rewriting
1113      1           basic rewritings and eventual/universal rules
1114      2           additional syntactic implication rules
1115      3 (default) better implications using containment
1116    """
1117    opts = option_map()
1118    output_map = {
1119        "ltl": randltlgenerator.LTL,
1120        "psl": randltlgenerator.PSL,
1121        "bool": randltlgenerator.Bool,
1122        "sere": randltlgenerator.SERE
1123    }
1125    if isinstance(ap, list):
1126        aprops = atomic_prop_set()
1127        for elt in ap:
1128            aprops.insert(formula.ap(elt))
1129        ap = aprops
1130    ltl_priorities = kwargs.get("ltl_priorities", None)
1131    sere_priorities = kwargs.get("sere_priorities", None)
1132    boolean_priorities = kwargs.get("boolean_priorities", None)
1133    output = output_map[kwargs.get("output", "ltl")]
1134    opts.set("output", output)
1135    opts.set("seed", kwargs.get("seed", 0))
1136    tree_size = kwargs.get("tree_size", 15)
1137    if isinstance(tree_size, tuple):
1138        tree_size_min, tree_size_max = tree_size
1139    else:
1140        tree_size_min = tree_size_max = tree_size
1141    opts.set("tree_size_min", tree_size_min)
1142    opts.set("tree_size_max", tree_size_max)
1143    opts.set("unique", not kwargs.get("allow_dups", False))
1144    opts.set("wf", kwargs.get("weak_fairness", False))
1145    simpl_level = kwargs.get("simplify", 0)
1146    if simpl_level > 3 or simpl_level < 0:
1147        sys.stderr.write('invalid simplification level: ' + simpl_level)
1148        return
1149    opts.set("simplification_level", simpl_level)
1151    rg = randltlgenerator(ap, opts, ltl_priorities, sere_priorities,
1152                          boolean_priorities)
1154    dump_priorities = kwargs.get("dump_priorities", False)
1155    if dump_priorities:
1156        dumpstream = ostringstream()
1157        if output == randltlgenerator.LTL:
1158            print('Use argument ltl_priorities=STRING to set the following '
1159                  'LTL priorities:\n')
1160            rg.dump_ltl_priorities(dumpstream)
1161            print(dumpstream.str())
1162        elif output == randltlgenerator.Bool:
1163            print('Use argument boolean_priorities=STRING to set the '
1164                  'following Boolean formula priorities:\n')
1165            rg.dump_bool_priorities(dumpstream)
1166            print(dumpstream.str())
1167        elif output == randltlgenerator.PSL or output == randltlgenerator.SERE:
1168            if output != randltlgenerator.SERE:
1169                print('Use argument ltl_priorities=STRING to set the '
1170                      'following LTL priorities:\n')
1171                rg.dump_psl_priorities(dumpstream)
1172                print(dumpstream.str())
1173            print('Use argument sere_priorities=STRING to set the '
1174                  'following SERE priorities:\n')
1175            rg.dump_sere_priorities(dumpstream)
1176            print(dumpstream.str())
1177            print('Use argument boolean_priorities=STRING to set the '
1178                  'following Boolean formula priorities:\n')
1179            rg.dump_sere_bool_priorities(dumpstream)
1180            print(dumpstream.str())
1181        else:
1182            sys.stderr.write("internal error: unknown type of output")
1183        return
1185    class _randltliterator:
1186        def __init__(self, rg, n):
1187            self.rg = rg
1188            self.i = 0
1189            self.n = n
1191        def __iter__(self):
1192            return self
1194        def __next__(self):
1195            if self.i == self.n:
1196                raise StopIteration
1197            f = self.rg.next()
1198            if f is None:
1199                sys.stderr.write("Warning: could not generate a new "
1200                                 "unique formula after {} trials.\n"
1201                                 .format(randltlgenerator.MAX_TRIALS))
1202                raise StopIteration
1203            self.i += 1
1204            return f
1206    return formulaiterator(_randltliterator(rg, n))
1209def simplify(f, **kwargs):
1210    level = kwargs.get('level', None)
1211    if level is not None:
1212        return tl_simplifier(tl_simplifier_options(level)).simplify(f)
1214    basics = kwargs.get('basics', True)
1215    synt_impl = kwargs.get('synt_impl', True)
1216    event_univ = kwargs.get('event_univ', True)
1217    cont_checks = kwargs.get('containment_checks', False)
1218    cont_checks_stronger = kwargs.get('containment_checks_stronger', False)
1219    nenoform_stop_on_boolean = kwargs.get('nenoform_stop_on_boolean', False)
1220    reduce_size_strictly = kwargs.get('reduce_size_strictly', False)
1221    boolean_to_isop = kwargs.get('boolean_to_isop', False)
1222    favor_event_univ = kwargs.get('favor_event_univ', False)
1224    simp_opts = tl_simplifier_options(basics,
1225                                      synt_impl,
1226                                      event_univ,
1227                                      cont_checks,
1228                                      cont_checks_stronger,
1229                                      nenoform_stop_on_boolean,
1230                                      reduce_size_strictly,
1231                                      boolean_to_isop,
1232                                      favor_event_univ)
1233    return tl_simplifier(simp_opts).simplify(f)
1236for fun in dir(formula):
1237    if (callable(getattr(formula, fun)) and (fun[:3] == 'is_' or
1238                                             fun[:4] == 'has_')):
1239        _addfilter(fun)
1241for fun in ['remove_x', 'relabel', 'relabel_bse',
1242            'simplify', 'unabbreviate', 'negative_normal_form',
1243            'mp_class', 'nesting_depth']:
1244    _addmap(fun)
1247# Better interface to the corresponding C++ function.
1248def sat_minimize(aut, acc=None, colored=False,
1249                 state_based=False, states=0,
1250                 max_states=0, sat_naive=False, sat_langmap=False,
1251                 sat_incr=0, sat_incr_steps=0,
1252                 display_log=False, return_log=False):
1253    args = ''
1254    if acc is not None:
1255        if type(acc) is not str:
1256            raise ValueError("argument 'acc' should be a string")
1257        args += ',acc="' + acc + '"'
1258    if colored:
1259        args += ',colored'
1260    if states:
1261        if type(states) is not int or states < 0:
1262            raise ValueError("argument 'states' should be a positive integer")
1263        args += ',states=' + str(states)
1264    if max_states:
1265        if type(max_states) is not int or max_states < 0:
1266            raise ValueError("argument 'states' should be a positive integer")
1267        args += ',max-states=' + str(max_states)
1268    if sat_naive:
1269        args += ',sat-naive'
1270    if sat_langmap:
1271        args += ',sat-langmap'
1272    if sat_incr:
1273        args += ',sat-incr=' + str(sat_incr)
1274        args += ',sat-incr-steps=' + str(sat_incr_steps)
1275    from spot.impl import sat_minimize as sm
1277    if display_log or return_log:
1278        import pandas as pd
1279        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='.', suffix='.satlog') as t:
1280            args += ',log="{}"'.format(t.name)
1281            aut = sm(aut, args, state_based)
1282            dfrm = pd.read_csv(t.name, dtype=object)
1283            if display_log:
1284                # old versions of ipython do not import display by default
1285                from IPython.display import display
1286                del dfrm['automaton']
1287                display(dfrm)
1288            if return_log:
1289                return aut, dfrm
1290            else:
1291                return aut
1292    else:
1293        return sm(aut, args, state_based)
1296def parse_word(word, dic=_bdd_dict):
1297    from spot.impl import parse_word as pw
1298    return pw(word, dic)
1301def bdd_to_formula(b, dic=_bdd_dict):
1302    from spot.impl import bdd_to_formula as bf
1303    return bf(b, dic)
1306def language_containment_checker(dic=_bdd_dict):
1307    from spot.impl import language_containment_checker as c
1308    c.contains = lambda this, a, b: c.contained(this, b, a)
1309    c.are_equivalent = lambda this, a, b: c.equal(this, a, b)
1310    return c(dic)
1313def mp_hierarchy_svg(cl=None):
1314    """
1315    Return an some string containing an SVG picture of the Manna &
1316    Pnueli hierarchy, highlighting class `cl` if given.
1318    If not None, `cl` should be one of 'TPROGSB'.  For convenience,
1319    if `cl` is an instance of `spot.formula`, it is replaced by
1320    `mp_class(cl)`.
1322    """
1323    if type(cl) == formula:
1324        cl = mp_class(cl)
1325    ch = None
1326    coords = {
1327        'T': '110,35',
1328        'R': '40,80',
1329        'P': '175,80',
1330        'O': '110,140',
1331        'S': '40,160',
1332        'G': '175,160',
1333        'B': '110,198',
1334    }
1335    if cl in coords:
1336        highlight = '''<g transform="translate({})">
1337    <line x1="-10" y1="-10" x2="10" y2="10" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" />
1338    <line x1="-10" y1="10" x2="10" y2="-10" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" />
1339    </g>'''.format(coords[cl])
1340    else:
1341        highlight = ''
1342    return '''
1343<svg height="210" width="220" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
1344<polygon points="20,0 200,120 200,210 20,210" fill="cyan" opacity=".2" />
1345<polygon points="20,120 155,210 20,210" fill="cyan" opacity=".2" />
1346<polygon points="200,0 20,120 20,210 200,210" fill="magenta" opacity=".15" />
1347<polygon points="200,120 65,210 200,210" fill="magenta" opacity=".15" />
1348''' + highlight + '''
1349<g text-anchor="middle" font-size="14">
1350<text x="110" y="20">Reactivity</text>
1351<text x="60" y="65">Recurrence</text>
1352<text x="160" y="65">Persistence</text>
1353<text x="110" y="125">Obligation</text>
1354<text x="60" y="185">Safety</text>
1355<text x="160" y="185">Guarantee</text>
1357<g font-size="14">
1358<text text-anchor="begin" transform="rotate(-90,18,210)" x="18" y="210" fill="gray">Monitor</text>
1359<text text-anchor="end" transform="rotate(-90,18,0)" x="18" y="0" fill="gray">Deterministic Büchi</text>
1360<text text-anchor="begin" transform="rotate(-90,214,210)" x="214" y="210" fill="gray">Terminal Büchi</text>
1361<text text-anchor="end" transform="rotate(-90,214,0)" x="214" y="0" fill="gray">Weak Büchi</text>
1366def show_mp_hierarchy(cl):
1367    """
1368    Return a picture of the Manna & Pnueli hierarchy as an SVG object
1369    in the IPython/Jupyter.
1370    """
1371    from spot.jupyter import SVG
1372    return SVG(mp_hierarchy_svg(cl))
1375formula.show_mp_hierarchy = show_mp_hierarchy
1379class twa_word:
1380    def _repr_latex_(self):
1381        bd = self.get_dict()
1382        res = '$'
1383        for idx, letter in enumerate(self.prefix):
1384            if idx:
1385                res += '; '
1386            res += bdd_to_formula(letter, bd).to_str('j')
1387        if len(res) > 1:
1388            res += '; '
1389        res += '\\mathsf{cycle}\\{'
1390        for idx, letter in enumerate(self.cycle):
1391            if idx:
1392                res += '; '
1393            res += bdd_to_formula(letter, bd).to_str('j')
1394        return res + '\\}$'
1396    def as_svg(self):
1397        """
1398        Build an SVG picture representing the word as a collection of
1399        signals for each atomic proposition.
1400        """
1401        # Get the list of atomic proposition used
1402        sup = buddy.bddtrue
1403        for cond in list(self.prefix) + list(self.cycle):
1404            sup = sup & buddy.bdd_support(cond)
1405        ap = []
1406        while sup != buddy.bddtrue:
1407            a = buddy.bdd_var(sup)
1408            ap.append(a)
1409            sup = buddy.bdd_high(sup)
1411        # Prepare canvas
1412        psize = len(self.prefix)
1413        csize = len(self.cycle)
1414        d = {
1415            'endprefix': 50 * psize,
1416            'endcycle': 50 * (psize + csize),
1417            'w': 50 * (psize + csize * 2),
1418            'height': 50 * len(ap),
1419            'height2': 50 * len(ap) + 10,
1420            'h3': 50 * len(ap) + 12,
1421            'bgcolor': '#f4f4f4',
1422            'bgl': 'stroke="white" stroke-width="4"',
1423            'bgt': 'stroke="white" stroke-width="1"',
1424            'txt': 'text-anchor="start" font-size="20"',
1425            'red': 'stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2"',
1426            'sml': 'text-anchor="start" font-size="10"'
1427        }
1428        txt = '''
1429<svg height="{h3}" width="{w}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
1430<rect x="0" y="0" width="{w}" height="{height}" fill="{bgcolor}"/>
1431<line x1="{endprefix}" y1="0" x2="{endprefix}" y2="{height}"
1432      stroke="white" stroke-width="4"/>
1433<line x1="{endcycle}" y1="0" x2="{endcycle}" y2="{height}"
1434      stroke="white" stroke-width="4"/>
1437        # Iterate over all used atomic propositions, and fill each line
1438        l = list(self.prefix) + list(self.cycle) + list(self.cycle)
1439        bd = self.get_dict()
1440        for ypos, a in enumerate(ap):
1441            pa = buddy.bdd_ithvar(a)
1442            na = buddy.bdd_nithvar(a)
1443            name = bdd_format_formula(bd, pa)
1444            # Whether the last state was down (-1), up (1), or unknown (0)
1445            last = 0
1446            txt += ('<line x1="0" y1="{y}" x2="{w}" y2="{y}" {bgl}/>'
1447                    .format(y=ypos*50, **d))
1448            txt += ('<text x="{x}" y="{y}" {txt}>{name}</text>'
1449                    .format(x=3, y=ypos*50+30, name=name, **d))
1450            for xpos, step in enumerate(l):
1451                if buddy.bdd_implies(step, pa):
1452                    cur = 1
1453                elif buddy.bdd_implies(step, na):
1454                    cur = -1
1455                else:
1456                    cur = 0
1457                txt += ('<line x1="{x}" y1="{y1}" x2="{x}" y2="{y2}" {bgt}/>'
1458                        .format(x=(xpos+1)*50, y1=ypos*50, y2=ypos*50+50, **d))
1459                if cur != 0:
1460                    if last == -cur:
1461                        txt += \
1462                            ('<line x1="{x}" y1="{y1}" x2="{x}" y2="{y2}" {red}/>'
1463                             .format(x=xpos*50, y1=ypos*50+5,
1464                                     y2=ypos*50+45, **d))
1465                    txt += \
1466                        ('<line x1="{x1}" y1="{y}" x2="{x2}" y2="{y}" {red}/>'
1467                         .format(x1=xpos*50, x2=(xpos+1)*50,
1468                                 y=ypos*50+25-20*cur, **d))
1469                last = cur
1470        if psize > 0:
1471            txt += '<text x="0" y="{height2}" {sml}>prefix</text>'.format(**d)
1472        txt += '''<text x="{endprefix}" y="{height2}" {sml}>cycle</text>
1473<text x="{endcycle}" y="{height2}" {sml}>cycle</text>'''.format(**d)
1474        return txt + '</svg>'
1476    def show(self):
1477        """
1478        Display the word as an SVG picture of signals.
1479        """
1480        from spot.jupyter import SVG
1481        return SVG(self.as_svg())
1484# Make scc_and_mark filter usable as context manager
1486class scc_and_mark_filter:
1487    def __enter__(self):
1488        return self
1490    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
1491        self.restore_acceptance()
1494def to_parity(aut, options = None, **kwargs):
1495    """Convert aut into a parity acceptance.
1497    This procedure combines multiple strategies to attempt to
1498    produce a small parity automaton.  The resulting parity
1499    acceptance is either "max odd" or "max even".
1501    The default optimization options maybe altered by passing either an
1502    instance of to_parity_options object as options argument, or by
1503    passing additional kwargs that will be used to update options.
1505    Note that if you pass both your own options object and kwargs,
1506    options will be updated in place.
1507    """
1508    if options is None:
1509        # Can't make this a default option, otherwise the default
1510        # instance would be updated by the kwargs.
1511        options = to_parity_options()
1512    if kwargs:
1513        for key,val in to_parity_options.__dict__.items():
1514            if not key.startswith('_') and key != "thisown" and key in kwargs:
1515                setattr(options, key, kwargs.get(key))
1516    return impl.to_parity(aut, options)