1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Laboratoire de Recherche et
3 // Developpement de l'Epita (LRDE).
4 //
5 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6 //
7 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
15 // License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 #include "config.h"
21 #include <ostream>
22 #include <sstream>
23 #include <cstring>
24 #include <map>
25 #include <spot/twa/twa.hh>
26 #include <spot/twa/twagraph.hh>
27 #include <spot/twaalgos/hoa.hh>
28 #include <spot/misc/escape.hh>
29 #include <spot/misc/bddlt.hh>
30 #include <spot/misc/minato.hh>
31 #include <spot/twa/formula2bdd.hh>
32 #include <spot/tl/formula.hh>
33 #include <spot/kripke/fairkripke.hh>
35 using namespace std::string_literals;
37 namespace spot
38 {
39   namespace
40   {
41     struct metadata final
42     {
43       // Assign a number to each atomic proposition.
44       typedef std::map<int, unsigned> ap_map;
45       ap_map ap;
46       typedef std::vector<int> vap_t;
47       vap_t vap;
49       std::vector<bool> common_acc;
50       bool has_state_acc;
51       bool is_complete;
52       bool is_universal;
53       bool is_colored;
54       bool use_implicit_labels;
55       bool use_state_labels = true;
56       bdd all_ap;
58       // Label support: the set of all conditions occurring in the
59       // automaton.
60       typedef std::map<bdd, std::string, bdd_less_than> sup_map;
61       sup_map sup;
metadataspot::__anon81d34ea30111::metadata63       metadata(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut, bool implicit,
64                bool state_labels)
65       {
66         check_det_and_comp(aut);
67         use_implicit_labels = implicit && is_universal && is_complete;
68         use_state_labels &= state_labels;
69         number_all_ap(aut);
70       }
72       std::ostream&
emit_accspot::__anon81d34ea30111::metadata73       emit_acc(std::ostream& os, acc_cond::mark_t b)
74       {
75         // FIXME: We could use a cache for this.
76         if (!b)
77           return os;
78         os << " {";
79         bool notfirst = false;
80         for (auto v: b.sets())
81           {
82             if (notfirst)
83               os << ' ';
84             else
85               notfirst = true;
86             os << v;
87           }
88         os << '}';
89         return os;
90       }
check_det_and_compspot::__anon81d34ea30111::metadata92       void check_det_and_comp(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut)
93       {
94         std::string empty;
96         unsigned ns = aut->num_states();
97         bool universal = true;
98         bool complete = true;
99         bool state_acc = true;
100         bool nodeadend = true;
101         bool colored = aut->num_sets() >= 1;
102         for (unsigned src = 0; src < ns; ++src)
103           {
104             bdd sum = bddfalse;
105             bdd available = bddtrue;
106             bool st_acc = true;
107             bool notfirst = false;
108             acc_cond::mark_t prev = {};
109             bool has_succ = false;
110             bdd lastcond = bddfalse;
111             for (auto& t: aut->out(src))
112               {
113                 if (has_succ)
114                   use_state_labels &= lastcond == t.cond;
115                 else
116                   lastcond = t.cond;
117                 if (complete)
118                   sum |= t.cond;
119                 if (universal)
120                   {
121                     if (!bdd_implies(t.cond, available))
122                       universal = false;
123                     else
124                       available -= t.cond;
125                   }
126                 sup.insert(std::make_pair(t.cond, empty));
127                 if (st_acc)
128                   {
129                     if (notfirst && prev != t.acc)
130                       {
131                         st_acc = false;
132                       }
133                     else
134                       {
135                         notfirst = true;
136                         prev = t.acc;
137                       }
138                   }
139                 if (colored)
140                   {
141                     auto a = t.acc;
142                     if (!a || a.remove_some(1))
143                       colored = false;
144                   }
145                 has_succ = true;
146               }
147             nodeadend &= has_succ;
148             if (complete)
149               complete &= sum == bddtrue;
150             common_acc.push_back(st_acc);
151             state_acc &= st_acc;
152           }
153         is_universal = universal;
154         is_complete = complete;
155         has_state_acc = state_acc;
156         // If the automaton has state-based acceptance and contain
157         // some states without successors do not declare it as
158         // colored.
159         is_colored = colored && (!has_state_acc || nodeadend);
160         // If the automaton declares that it is universal or
161         // state-based, make sure that it really is.
162         if (aut->prop_universal().is_true() && !universal)
163           throw std::runtime_error("print_hoa(): automaton is not universal"
164                                    " but prop_universal()==true");
165         if (aut->prop_universal().is_false() && universal)
166           throw std::runtime_error("print_hoa(): automaton is universal"
167                                    " despite prop_universal()==false");
168         if (aut->prop_complete().is_true() && !complete)
169           throw std::runtime_error("print_hoa(): automaton is not complete"
170                                    " but prop_complete()==true");
171         if (aut->prop_complete().is_false() && complete)
172           throw std::runtime_error("print_hoa(): automaton is complete"
173                                    " but prop_complete()==false");
174         if (aut->prop_state_acc() && !state_acc)
175           throw std::runtime_error("print_hoa(): automaton has "
176                                    "transition-based acceptance despite"
177                                    " prop_state_acc()==true");
178       }
number_all_apspot::__anon81d34ea30111::metadata180       void number_all_ap(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut)
181       {
182         // Make sure that the automaton uses only atomic propositions
183         // that have been registered via twa::register_ap() or some
184         // variant.  If that is not the case, it is a bug that should
185         // be fixed in the function creating the automaton.  Since
186         // that function could be written by the user, throw an
187         // exception rather than using an assert().
188         bdd all = bddtrue;
189         for (auto& i: sup)
190           all &= bdd_support(i.first);
191         all_ap = aut->ap_vars();
192         if (bdd_exist(all, all_ap) != bddtrue)
193           throw std::runtime_error("print_hoa(): automaton uses "
194                                    "unregistered atomic propositions");
195         all = all_ap;
197         while (all != bddtrue)
198           {
199             int v = bdd_var(all);
200             all = bdd_high(all);
201             ap.insert(std::make_pair(v, vap.size()));
202             vap.emplace_back(v);
203           }
205         if (use_implicit_labels)
206           return;
208         for (auto& i: sup)
209           {
210             bdd cond = i.first;
211             if (cond == bddtrue)
212               {
213                 i.second = "t";
214                 continue;
215               }
216             if (cond == bddfalse)
217               {
218                 i.second = "f";
219                 continue;
220               }
221             std::ostringstream s;
222             bool notfirstor = false;
224             minato_isop isop(cond);
225             bdd cube;
226             while ((cube = isop.next()) != bddfalse)
227               {
228                 if (notfirstor)
229                   s << " | ";
230                 bool notfirstand = false;
231                 while (cube != bddtrue)
232                   {
233                     if (notfirstand)
234                       s << '&';
235                     else
236                       notfirstand = true;
237                     bdd h = bdd_high(cube);
238                     if (h == bddfalse)
239                       {
240                         s << '!' << ap[bdd_var(cube)];
241                         cube = bdd_low(cube);
242                       }
243                     else
244                       {
245                         s << ap[bdd_var(cube)];
246                         cube = h;
247                       }
248                   }
249                 notfirstor = true;
250               }
251             i.second = s.str();
252           }
253       }
254     };
256   }
258   enum hoa_acceptance
259     {
260       Hoa_Acceptance_States,        /// state-based acceptance if
261                                 /// (globally) possible
262                                 /// transition-based acceptance
263                                 /// otherwise.
264       Hoa_Acceptance_Transitions, /// transition-based acceptance globally
265       Hoa_Acceptance_Mixed    /// mix state-based and transition-based
266     };
268   static std::ostream&
print_hoa(std::ostream & os,const const_twa_graph_ptr & aut,const char * opt)269   print_hoa(std::ostream& os,
270                 const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut,
271                 const char* opt)
272   {
273     bool newline = true;
274     hoa_acceptance acceptance = Hoa_Acceptance_States;
275     bool implicit_labels = false;
276     bool verbose = false;
277     bool state_labels = false;
278     bool v1_1 = false;
280     if (opt)
281       while (*opt)
282         {
283           switch (char c = *opt++)
284             {
285             case '1':
286               if (opt[0] == '.' && opt[1] == '1')
287                 {
288                   v1_1 = true;
289                   opt += 2;
290                 }
291               else if (opt[0] == '.' && opt[1] == '0')
292                 {
293                   v1_1 = false;
294                   opt += 2;
295                 }
296               else
297                 {
298                   v1_1 = false;
299                 }
300               break;
301             case 'i':
302               implicit_labels = true;
303               break;
304             case 'k':
305               state_labels = true;
306               break;
307             case 'K':
308               state_labels = false;
309               break;
310             case 'l':
311               newline = false;
312               break;
313             case 'm':
314               acceptance = Hoa_Acceptance_Mixed;
315               break;
316             case 's':
317               acceptance = Hoa_Acceptance_States;
318               break;
319             case 't':
320               acceptance = Hoa_Acceptance_Transitions;
321               break;
322             case 'v':
323               verbose = true;
324               break;
325             default:
326               throw std::runtime_error("unknown option for print_hoa(): "s + c);
327             }
328         }
330     metadata md(aut, implicit_labels, state_labels);
332     if (acceptance == Hoa_Acceptance_States && !md.has_state_acc)
333       acceptance = Hoa_Acceptance_Transitions;
335     auto print_dst = [&os, &aut](unsigned dst)
336       {
337         bool notfirst = false;
338         for (unsigned d: aut->univ_dests(dst))
339           {
340             if (notfirst)
341               os << '&';
342             else
343               notfirst = true;
344             os << d;
345           }
346       };
348     unsigned num_states = aut->num_states();
349     unsigned init = aut->get_init_state_number();
351     const char nl = newline ? '\n' : ' ';
352     os << (v1_1 ? "HOA: v1.1" : "HOA: v1") << nl;
353     auto n = aut->get_named_prop<std::string>("automaton-name");
354     if (n)
355       escape_str(os << "name: \"", *n) << '"' << nl;
356     unsigned nap = md.vap.size();
357     os << "States: " << num_states << nl
358        << "Start: ";
359     print_dst(init);
360     os << nl
361        << "AP: " << nap;
362     auto d = aut->get_dict();
363     for (auto& i: md.vap)
364       escape_str(os << " \"", d->bdd_map[i].f.ap_name()) << '"';
365     os << nl;
367     unsigned num_acc = aut->num_sets();
368     acc_cond::acc_code acc_c = aut->acc().get_acceptance();
369     if (aut->acc().is_generalized_buchi())
370       {
371         if (aut->acc().is_all())
372           os << "acc-name: all";
373         else if (aut->acc().is_buchi())
374           os << "acc-name: Buchi";
375         else
376           os << "acc-name: generalized-Buchi " << num_acc;
377         os << nl;
378       }
379     else if (aut->acc().is_generalized_co_buchi())
380       {
381         if (aut->acc().is_none())
382           os << "acc-name: none";
383         else if (aut->acc().is_co_buchi())
384           os << "acc-name: co-Buchi";
385         else
386           os << "acc-name: generalized-co-Buchi " << num_acc;
387         os << nl;
388       }
389     else
390       {
391         int r = aut->acc().is_rabin();
392         assert(r != 0);
393         if (r > 0)
394           {
395             os << "acc-name: Rabin " << r << nl;
396             // Force the acceptance to remove any duplicate sets, and
397             // make sure it is correctly ordered.
398             acc_c = acc_cond::acc_code::rabin(r);
399           }
400         else
401           {
402             r = aut->acc().is_streett();
403             assert(r != 0);
404             if (r > 0)
405               {
406                 os << "acc-name: Streett " << r << nl;
407                 // Force the acceptance to remove any duplicate sets, and
408                 // make sure it is correctly ordered.
409                 acc_c = acc_cond::acc_code::streett(r);
410               }
411             else
412               {
413                 std::vector<unsigned> pairs;
414                 if (aut->acc().is_generalized_rabin(pairs))
415                   {
416                     os << "acc-name: generalized-Rabin " << pairs.size();
417                     for (auto p: pairs)
418                       os << ' ' << p;
419                     os << nl;
420                     // Force the acceptance to remove any duplicate
421                     // sets, and make sure it is correctly ordered.
422                     acc_c = acc_cond::acc_code::generalized_rabin(pairs.begin(),
423                                                                   pairs.end());
424                   }
425                 else
426                   {
427                     bool max = false;
428                     bool odd = false;
429                     if (aut->acc().is_parity(max, odd))
430                       os << "acc-name: parity "
431                          << (max ? "max " : "min ")
432                          << (odd ? "odd " : "even ")
433                          << num_acc << nl;
434                   }
435               }
436           }
437       }
438     os << "Acceptance: " << num_acc << ' ';
439     os << acc_c;
440     os << nl;
441     os << "properties:";
442     // Make sure the property line is not too large,
443     // otherwise our test cases do not fit in 80 columns...
444     unsigned prop_len = 60;
445     auto prop = [&](const char* str)
446       {
447         if (newline)
448           {
449             auto l = strlen(str);
450             if (prop_len < l)
451               {
452                 prop_len = 60;
453                 os << "\nproperties:";
454               }
455             prop_len -= l;
456           }
457         os << str;
458       };
459     implicit_labels = md.use_implicit_labels;
460     state_labels = md.use_state_labels;
461     if (implicit_labels)
462       prop(" implicit-labels");
463     else if (state_labels)
464       prop(" state-labels explicit-labels");
465     else
466       prop(" trans-labels explicit-labels");
467     if (acceptance == Hoa_Acceptance_States)
468       prop(" state-acc");
469     else if (acceptance == Hoa_Acceptance_Transitions)
470       prop(" trans-acc");
471     if (md.is_colored)
472       prop(" colored");
473     else if (verbose && v1_1)
474       prop(" !colored");
475     if (md.is_complete)
476       prop(" complete");
477     else if (v1_1)
478       prop(" !complete");
479     // The definition of "deterministic" was changed between HOA v1
480     // (were it meant "universal") and HOA v1.1 were it means
481     // ("universal" and "existential").
482     if (!v1_1)
483       {
484         if (md.is_universal)
485           prop(" deterministic");
486         // It's probable that nobody cares about the "no-univ-branch"
487         // property.  The "univ-branch" property seems more important to
488         // announce that the automaton might not be parsable by tools that
489         // do not support alternating automata.
490         if (!aut->is_existential())
491           {
492             prop(" univ-branch");
493           }
494         else if (verbose)
495           {
496             if (v1_1)
497               prop(" !univ-branch");
498             else
499               prop(" no-univ-branch");
500           }
501       }
502     else
503       {
504         if (md.is_universal && aut->is_existential())
505           {
506             prop(" deterministic");
507             if (verbose)
508               prop(" !univ-branch !exist-branch");
509           }
510         else
511           {
512             prop(" !deterministic");
513             if (!aut->is_existential())
514               prop(" univ-branch");
515             else if (verbose)
516               prop(" !univ-branch");
517             if (!md.is_universal)
518               prop(" exist-branch");
519             else if (verbose)
520               prop(" !exist-branch");
521           }
522       }
523     // Deterministic automata are also unambiguous, so writing both
524     // properties seems redundant.  People working on unambiguous
525     // automata are usually concerned about non-deterministic
526     // unambiguous automata.  So do not mention "unambiguous"
527     // in the case of deterministic automata.
528     if (aut->prop_unambiguous() && (verbose || !md.is_universal))
529       prop(" unambiguous");
530     else if (v1_1 && !aut->prop_unambiguous())
531       prop(" !unambiguous");
532     if (aut->prop_semi_deterministic() && (verbose || !md.is_universal))
533       prop(" semi-deterministic");
534     else if (v1_1 && !aut->prop_semi_deterministic())
535       prop(" !semi-deterministic");
536     if (aut->prop_stutter_invariant())
537       prop(" stutter-invariant");
538     if (!aut->prop_stutter_invariant())
539       {
540         if (v1_1)
541           prop(" !stutter-invariant");
542         else
543           prop(" stutter-sensitive");
544       }
545     if (aut->prop_terminal())
546       prop(" terminal");
547     if (aut->prop_very_weak() && (verbose || aut->prop_terminal() != true))
548       prop(" very-weak");
549     if (aut->prop_weak() && (verbose || (aut->prop_terminal() != true &&
550                                          aut->prop_very_weak() != true)))
551       prop(" weak");
552     if (aut->prop_inherently_weak() && (verbose || aut->prop_weak() != true))
553       prop(" inherently-weak");
554     if (v1_1 && !aut->prop_terminal() && (verbose || aut->prop_weak() != false))
555       prop(" !terminal");
556     if (v1_1 && !aut->prop_very_weak() && (verbose
557                                            || aut->prop_weak() != false))
558       prop(" !very-weak");
559     if (v1_1 && !aut->prop_weak() && (verbose ||
560                                       aut->prop_inherently_weak() != false))
561       prop(" !weak");
562     if (v1_1 && !aut->prop_inherently_weak())
563       prop(" !inherently-weak");
564     os << nl;
566     // highlighted states and edges are only output in the 1.1 format,
567     // because we use a dot in the header name.
568     if (v1_1)
569       {
570         if (auto hstates = aut->get_named_prop
571             <std::map<unsigned, unsigned>>("highlight-states"))
572           {
573             os << "spot.highlight.states:";
574             for (auto& p: *hstates)
575               os << ' ' << p.first << ' ' << p.second;
576             os << nl;
577           }
578         if (auto hedges = aut->get_named_prop
579             <std::map<unsigned, unsigned>>("highlight-edges"))
580           {
581             // Numbering edges is a delicate process.  The
582             // "highlight-edges" property uses edges numbers that are
583             // indices in the "edges" vector.  However these edges
584             // need not be sorted.  When edges are output in HOA, they
585             // are output with increasing source state number, and the
586             // edges number expected in the HOA file should use that
587             // order.  So we need to make a first pass on the
588             // automaton to number all edges as they will be output.
589             unsigned maxedge = aut->edge_vector().size();
590             std::vector<unsigned> renum(maxedge);
591             unsigned edge = 0;
592             for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_states; ++i)
593               for (auto& t: aut->out(i))
594                 renum[aut->get_graph().index_of_edge(t)] = ++edge;
595             os << "spot.highlight.edges:";
596             for (auto& p: *hedges)
597               if (p.first < maxedge) // highlighted edges could come from user
598                 os << ' ' << renum[p.first] << ' ' << p.second;
599             os << nl;
600           }
601       }
602     if (auto word = aut->get_named_prop<std::string>("accepted-word"))
603       {
604         os << (v1_1 ? "spot." : "spot-") << "accepted-word: \"";
605         escape_str(os, *word) << '"' << nl;
606       }
607     if (auto word = aut->get_named_prop<std::string>("rejected-word"))
608       {
609         os << (v1_1 ? "spot." : "spot-") << "rejected-word: \"";
610         escape_str(os, *word) << '"' << nl;
611       }
612     if (auto player = aut->get_named_prop<std::vector<bool>>("state-player"))
613       {
614         os << (v1_1 ? "spot." : "spot-") << "state-player:";
615         if (player->size() != num_states)
616           throw std::runtime_error("print_hoa(): state-player property has"
617                                    " (" + std::to_string(player->size()) +
618                                    " states but automaton has " +
619                                    std::to_string(num_states));
620         unsigned n = 0;
621         while (n < num_states)
622           {
623             os << ' ' << (*player)[n];
624             ++n;
625             if (newline && n < num_states && (n % 30 == 0))
626               os << "\n                  ";
627           }
628         os << nl;
629       }
631     // If we want to output implicit labels, we have to
632     // fill a vector with all destinations in order.
633     std::vector<unsigned> out;
634     std::vector<acc_cond::mark_t> outm;
635     if (implicit_labels)
636       {
637         out.resize(1UL << nap);
638         if (acceptance != Hoa_Acceptance_States)
639           outm.resize(1UL << nap);
640       }
642     os << "--BODY--" << nl;
644     auto sn = aut->get_named_prop<std::vector<std::string>>("state-names");
645     for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_states; ++i)
646       {
647         hoa_acceptance this_acc = acceptance;
648         if (this_acc == Hoa_Acceptance_Mixed)
649           this_acc = (md.common_acc[i] ?
650                       Hoa_Acceptance_States : Hoa_Acceptance_Transitions);
652         os << "State: ";
653         if (state_labels)
654           {
655             bool output = false;
656             for (auto& t: aut->out(i))
657               {
658                 os << '[' << md.sup[t.cond] << "] ";
659                 output = true;
660                 break;
661               }
662             if (!output)
663               os << "[f] ";
664           }
665         os << i;
666         if (sn && i < sn->size() && !(*sn)[i].empty())
667           os << " \"" << (*sn)[i] << '"';
668         if (this_acc == Hoa_Acceptance_States)
669           {
670             acc_cond::mark_t acc = {};
671             for (auto& t: aut->out(i))
672               {
673                 acc = t.acc;
674                 break;
675               }
676             md.emit_acc(os, acc);
677           }
678         os << nl;
680         if (!implicit_labels && !state_labels)
681           {
683             for (auto& t: aut->out(i))
684               {
685                 os << '[' << md.sup[t.cond] << "] ";
686                 print_dst(t.dst);
687                 if (this_acc == Hoa_Acceptance_Transitions)
688                   md.emit_acc(os, t.acc);
689                 os << nl;
690               }
691           }
692         else if (state_labels)
693           {
694             unsigned n = 0;
695             for (auto& t: aut->out(i))
696               {
697                 print_dst(t.dst);
698                 if (this_acc == Hoa_Acceptance_Transitions)
699                   {
700                     md.emit_acc(os, t.acc);
701                     os << nl;
702                   }
703                 else
704                   {
705                     ++n;
706                     os << (((n & 15) && t.next_succ) ? ' ' : nl);
707                   }
708               }
709           }
710         else
711           {
712             for (auto& t: aut->out(i))
713               for (bdd one: minterms_of(t.cond, md.all_ap))
714                 {
715                   unsigned level = 1;
716                   unsigned pos = 0U;
717                   while (one != bddtrue)
718                     {
719                       bdd h = bdd_high(one);
720                       if (h == bddfalse)
721                         {
722                           one = bdd_low(one);
723                         }
724                       else
725                         {
726                           pos |= level;
727                           one = h;
728                         }
729                       level <<= 1;
730                     }
731                   out[pos] = t.dst;
732                   if (this_acc != Hoa_Acceptance_States)
733                     outm[pos] = t.acc;
734                 }
735             unsigned n = out.size();
736             for (unsigned i = 0; i < n;)
737               {
738                 print_dst(out[i]);
739                 if (this_acc != Hoa_Acceptance_States)
740                   {
741                     md.emit_acc(os, outm[i]) << nl;
742                     ++i;
743                   }
744                 else
745                   {
746                     ++i;
747                     os << (((i & 15) && i < n) ? ' ' : nl);
748                   }
749               }
750           }
751       }
752     os << "--END--";                // No newline.  Let the caller decide.
753     return os;
754   }
756   std::ostream&
print_hoa(std::ostream & os,const const_twa_ptr & aut,const char * opt)757   print_hoa(std::ostream& os,
758             const const_twa_ptr& aut,
759             const char* opt)
760   {
761     bool preserve_names = false;
762     // for Kripke structures, automatically append "k" to the options.
763     // (Unless "K" was given.)
764     char* tmpopt = nullptr;
765     if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const fair_kripke>(aut) &&
766         (!opt || (strchr(opt, 'K') == nullptr)))
767       {
768         unsigned n = opt ? strlen(opt) : 0;
769         tmpopt = new char[n + 2];
770         if (opt)
771           strcpy(tmpopt, opt);
772         tmpopt[n] = 'k';
773         tmpopt[n + 1] = 0;
774         preserve_names = true;
775       }
777     auto a = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const twa_graph>(aut);
778     if (!a)
779       a = make_twa_graph(aut, twa::prop_set::all(), preserve_names);
781     print_hoa(os, a, tmpopt ? tmpopt : opt);
782     delete[] tmpopt;
783     return os;
784   }
786 }