1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement
3 // de l'Epita (LRDE).
4 //
5 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6 //
7 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
15 // License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 #pragma once
22 #include <spot/twa/twagraph.hh>
24 namespace spot
25 {
26   /// \ingroup twa_acc_transform
27   /// \brief Options to control various optimizations of to_parity().
28   struct to_parity_options
29   {
30     /// If \c search_ex is true, whenever CAR or IAR have to move
31     /// several elements in a record, it tries to find an order such
32     /// that the new permutation already exists.
33     bool search_ex = true;
34     /// If \c use_last is true and \a search_ex are true, we use the
35     /// most recent state when we find multiple existing state
36     /// compatible with the current move.
37     bool use_last = true;
38     /// If \c force_order is true, we force to use an order when CAR or IAR is
39     /// applied. Given a state s and a set E ({0}, {0 1}, {2} for example) we
40     /// construct an order on colors. With the given example, we ask to have
41     /// a permutation that start with [0 …], [0 1 …] or [2 …] in
42     ///  that order of preference.
43     bool force_order = true;
44     /// If \c partial_degen is true, apply a partial
45     /// degeneralization to remove occurrences of acceptance
46     /// subformulas such as `Fin(x) | Fin(y)` or `Inf(x) & Inf(y)`.
47     bool partial_degen = true;
48     /// If \c force_degen is false, to_parity will checks if we can
49     /// get a better result if we don't apply partial_degeneralize.
50     bool force_degen = true;
51     /// If \c scc_acc_clean is true, to_parity() will ignore colors
52     /// not occurring in an SCC while processing this SCC.
53     bool acc_clean = true;
54     /// If \c parity_equiv is true, to_parity() will check if there
55     /// exists a permutations of colors such that the acceptance
56     /// condition is a parity condition.
57     bool parity_equiv = true;
58     /// If \c parity_prefix is true, to_parity() will use a special
59     /// handling for acceptance conditions of the form `Inf(m0) |
60     /// (Fin(m1) & (Inf(m2) | (… β)))` that start as a parity
61     /// condition (modulo a renumbering of `m0`, `m1`, `m2`, ...) but where
62     /// `β` can be an arbitrary formula.  In this case, the paritization
63     /// algorithm is really applied only to `β`, and the marks of the
64     /// prefix are appended after a suitable renumbering.
65     ///
66     /// For technical reasons, activating this option (and this is the
67     /// default) causes reduce_parity() to be called at the end to
68     /// minimize the number of colors used.  It is therefore
69     /// recommended to disable this option when one wants to follow
70     /// the output CAR/IAR constructions.
71     bool parity_prefix = true;
72     /// If \c rabin_to_buchi is true, to_parity() tries to convert a Rabin or
73     /// Streett condition to Büchi or co-Büchi with
74     /// rabin_to_buchi_if_realizable().
75     bool rabin_to_buchi = true;
76     /// Only allow degeneralization if it reduces the number of colors in the
77     /// acceptance condition.
78     bool reduce_col_deg = false;
79     /// Use propagate_marks_here to increase the number of marks on transition
80     /// in order to move more colors (and increase the number of
81     /// compatible states) when we apply LAR.
82     bool propagate_col = true;
83     /// If \c pretty_print is true, states of the output automaton are
84     /// named to help debugging.
85     bool pretty_print = false;
86   };
89   /// \ingroup twa_acc_transform
90   /// \brief Take an automaton with any acceptance condition and return an
91   /// equivalent parity automaton.
92   ///
93   /// If the input is already a parity automaton of any kind, it is
94   /// returned unchanged.  Otherwise a new parity automaton with max
95   /// odd or max even condition is created.
96   ///
97   /// This procedure combines many strategies in an attempt to produce
98   /// the smallest possible parity automaton.  Some of the strategies
99   /// include CAR (color acceptance record), IAR (index appearance
100   /// record), partial degenerazation, conversion from Rabin to Büchi
101   /// when possible, etc.
102   ///
103   /// The \a options argument can be used to selectively disable some of the
104   /// optimizations.
105   SPOT_API twa_graph_ptr
106   to_parity(const const_twa_graph_ptr &aut,
107             const to_parity_options options = to_parity_options());
109   /// \ingroup twa_acc_transform
110   /// \brief Take an automaton with any acceptance condition and return an
111   /// equivalent parity automaton.
112   ///
113   /// The parity condition of the returned automaton is max even.
114   ///
115   /// This implements a straightforward adaptation of the LAR (latest
116   /// appearance record) to automata with transition-based marks.  We
117   /// call this adaptation the CAR (color apperance record), as it
118   /// tracks colors (i.e., acceptance sets) instead of states.
119   ///
120   /// It is better to use to_parity() instead, as it will use better
121   /// strategies when possible, and has additional optimizations.
122   SPOT_API twa_graph_ptr
123   to_parity_old(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut, bool pretty_print = false);
125   /// \ingroup twa_acc_transform
126   /// \brief Turn a Rabin-like or Streett-like automaton into a parity automaton
127   /// based on the index appearence record (IAR)
128   ///
129   /// This is an implementation of \cite kretinsky.17.tacas .
130   /// If the input automaton has n states and k pairs, the output automaton has
131   /// at most k!*n states and 2k+1 colors. If the input automaton is
132   /// deterministic, the output automaton is deterministic as well, which is the
133   /// intended use case for this function. If the input automaton is
134   /// non-deterministic, the result is still correct, but way larger than an
135   /// equivalent Büchi automaton.
136   ///
137   /// If the input automaton is Rabin-like (resp. Streett-like), the output
138   /// automaton has max odd (resp. min even) acceptance condition.
139   ///
140   /// Throws an std::runtime_error if the input is neither Rabin-like nor
141   /// Street-like.
142   ///
143   /// It is better to use to_parity() instead, as it will use better
144   /// strategies when possible, and has additional optimizations.
145   SPOT_DEPRECATED("use to_parity() instead") // deprecated since Spot 2.9
146   SPOT_API twa_graph_ptr
147   iar(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut, bool pretty_print = false);
149   /// \ingroup twa_acc_transform
150   /// \brief Turn a Rabin-like or Streett-like automaton into a parity automaton
151   /// based on the index appearence record (IAR)
152   ///
153   /// Returns nullptr if the input automaton is neither Rabin-like nor
154   /// Streett-like, and calls spot::iar() otherwise.
155   SPOT_DEPRECATED("use to_parity() and spot::acc_cond::is_rabin_like() instead")
156   SPOT_API twa_graph_ptr   // deprecated since Spot 2.9
157   iar_maybe(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut, bool pretty_print = false);
159 } // namespace spot