1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3Vector Autoregression (VAR) processes
7Lütkepohl (2005) New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis
9import numpy as np
10import numpy.linalg as npl
11from numpy.linalg import slogdet
13from statsmodels.tsa.tsatools import rename_trend
14from statsmodels.tools.decorators import deprecated_alias
15from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime, approx_hess
16import statsmodels.tsa.base.tsa_model as tsbase
17from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.irf import IRAnalysis
18import statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.util as util
19from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model import VARProcess, VARResults
22def svar_ckerr(svar_type, A, B):
23    if A is None and (svar_type == 'A' or svar_type == 'AB'):
24        raise ValueError('SVAR of type A or AB but A array not given.')
25    if B is None and (svar_type == 'B' or svar_type == 'AB'):
27        raise ValueError('SVAR of type B or AB but B array not given.')
30class SVAR(tsbase.TimeSeriesModel):
31    r"""
32    Fit VAR and then estimate structural components of A and B, defined:
34    .. math:: Ay_t = A_1 y_{t-1} + \ldots + A_p y_{t-p} + B\var(\epsilon_t)
36    Parameters
37    ----------
38    endog : array_like
39        1-d endogenous response variable. The independent variable.
40    dates : array_like
41        must match number of rows of endog
42    svar_type : str
43        "A" - estimate structural parameters of A matrix, B assumed = I
44        "B" - estimate structural parameters of B matrix, A assumed = I
45        "AB" - estimate structural parameters indicated in both A and B matrix
46    A : array_like
47        neqs x neqs with unknown parameters marked with 'E' for estimate
48    B : array_like
49        neqs x neqs with unknown parameters marked with 'E' for estimate
51    References
52    ----------
53    Hamilton (1994) Time Series Analysis
54    """
56    y = deprecated_alias("y", "endog", remove_version="0.11.0")
58    def __init__(self, endog, svar_type, dates=None,
59                 freq=None, A=None, B=None, missing='none'):
60        super().__init__(endog, None, dates, freq, missing=missing)
61        #(self.endog, self.names,
62        # self.dates) = data_util.interpret_data(endog, names, dates)
64        self.neqs = self.endog.shape[1]
66        types = ['A', 'B', 'AB']
67        if svar_type not in types:
68            raise ValueError('SVAR type not recognized, must be in '
69                             + str(types))
70        self.svar_type = svar_type
72        svar_ckerr(svar_type, A, B)
74        self.A_original = A
75        self.B_original = B
77        # initialize A, B as I if not given
78        # Initialize SVAR masks
79        if A is None:
80            A = np.identity(self.neqs)
81            self.A_mask = A_mask = np.zeros(A.shape, dtype=bool)
82        else:
83            A_mask = np.logical_or(A == 'E', A == 'e')
84            self.A_mask = A_mask
85        if B is None:
86            B = np.identity(self.neqs)
87            self.B_mask = B_mask = np.zeros(B.shape, dtype=bool)
88        else:
89            B_mask = np.logical_or(B == 'E', B == 'e')
90            self.B_mask = B_mask
92        # convert A and B to numeric
93        #TODO: change this when masked support is better or with formula
94        #integration
95        Anum = np.zeros(A.shape, dtype=float)
96        Anum[~A_mask] = A[~A_mask]
97        Anum[A_mask] = np.nan
98        self.A = Anum
100        Bnum = np.zeros(B.shape, dtype=float)
101        Bnum[~B_mask] = B[~B_mask]
102        Bnum[B_mask] = np.nan
103        self.B = Bnum
105        #LikelihoodModel.__init__(self, endog)
107        #super().__init__(endog)
109    def fit(self, A_guess=None, B_guess=None, maxlags=None, method='ols',
110            ic=None, trend='c', verbose=False, s_method='mle',
111            solver="bfgs", override=False, maxiter=500, maxfun=500):
112        """
113        Fit the SVAR model and solve for structural parameters
115        Parameters
116        ----------
117        A_guess : array_like, optional
118            A vector of starting values for all parameters to be estimated
119            in A.
120        B_guess : array_like, optional
121            A vector of starting values for all parameters to be estimated
122            in B.
123        maxlags : int
124            Maximum number of lags to check for order selection, defaults to
125            12 * (nobs/100.)**(1./4), see select_order function
126        method : {'ols'}
127            Estimation method to use
128        ic : {'aic', 'fpe', 'hqic', 'bic', None}
129            Information criterion to use for VAR order selection.
130            aic : Akaike
131            fpe : Final prediction error
132            hqic : Hannan-Quinn
133            bic : Bayesian a.k.a. Schwarz
134        verbose : bool, default False
135            Print order selection output to the screen
136        trend, str {"c", "ct", "ctt", "n"}
137            "c" - add constant
138            "ct" - constant and trend
139            "ctt" - constant, linear and quadratic trend
140            "n" - co constant, no trend
141            Note that these are prepended to the columns of the dataset.
142        s_method : {'mle'}
143            Estimation method for structural parameters
144        solver : {'nm', 'newton', 'bfgs', 'cg', 'ncg', 'powell'}
145            Solution method
146            See statsmodels.base for details
147        override : bool, default False
148            If True, returns estimates of A and B without checking
149            order or rank condition
150        maxiter : int, default 500
151            Number of iterations to perform in solution method
152        maxfun : int
153            Number of function evaluations to perform
155        Notes
156        -----
157        Lütkepohl pp. 146-153
158        Hamilton pp. 324-336
160        Returns
161        -------
162        est : SVARResults
163        """
164        lags = maxlags
165        trend = rename_trend(trend)
166        if ic is not None:
167            selections = self.select_order(maxlags=maxlags, verbose=verbose)
168            if ic not in selections:
169                raise ValueError("%s not recognized, must be among %s"
170                                 % (ic, sorted(selections)))
171            lags = selections[ic]
172            if verbose:
173                print('Using %d based on %s criterion' %  (lags, ic))
174        else:
175            if lags is None:
176                lags = 1
178        self.nobs = len(self.endog) - lags
180        # initialize starting parameters
181        start_params = self._get_init_params(A_guess, B_guess)
183        return self._estimate_svar(start_params, lags, trend=trend,
184                                   solver=solver, override=override,
185                                   maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun)
187    def _get_init_params(self, A_guess, B_guess):
188        """
189        Returns either the given starting or .1 if none are given.
190        """
192        var_type = self.svar_type.lower()
194        n_masked_a = self.A_mask.sum()
195        if var_type in ['ab', 'a']:
196            if A_guess is None:
197                A_guess = np.array([.1]*n_masked_a)
198            else:
199                if len(A_guess) != n_masked_a:
200                    msg = 'len(A_guess) = %s, there are %s parameters in A'
201                    raise ValueError(msg % (len(A_guess), n_masked_a))
202        else:
203            A_guess = []
205        n_masked_b = self.B_mask.sum()
206        if var_type in ['ab', 'b']:
207            if B_guess is None:
208                B_guess = np.array([.1]*n_masked_b)
209            else:
210                if len(B_guess) != n_masked_b:
211                    msg = 'len(B_guess) = %s, there are %s parameters in B'
212                    raise ValueError(msg % (len(B_guess), n_masked_b))
213        else:
214            B_guess = []
216        return np.r_[A_guess, B_guess]
218    def _estimate_svar(self, start_params, lags, maxiter, maxfun,
219                       trend='c', solver="nm", override=False):
220        """
221        lags : int
222        trend : {str, None}
223            As per above
224        """
225        k_trend = util.get_trendorder(trend)
226        y = self.endog
227        z = util.get_var_endog(y, lags, trend=trend, has_constant='raise')
228        y_sample = y[lags:]
230        # Lutkepohl p75, about 5x faster than stated formula
231        var_params = np.linalg.lstsq(z, y_sample, rcond=-1)[0]
232        resid = y_sample - np.dot(z, var_params)
234        # Unbiased estimate of covariance matrix $\Sigma_u$ of the white noise
235        # process $u$
236        # equivalent definition
237        # .. math:: \frac{1}{T - Kp - 1} Y^\prime (I_T - Z (Z^\prime Z)^{-1}
238        # Z^\prime) Y
239        # Ref: Lutkepohl p.75
240        # df_resid right now is T - Kp - 1, which is a suggested correction
242        avobs = len(y_sample)
244        df_resid = avobs - (self.neqs * lags + k_trend)
246        sse = np.dot(resid.T, resid)
247        #TODO: should give users the option to use a dof correction or not
248        omega = sse / df_resid
249        self.sigma_u = omega
251        A, B = self._solve_AB(start_params, override=override,
252                              solver=solver,
253                              maxiter=maxiter)
254        A_mask = self.A_mask
255        B_mask = self.B_mask
257        return SVARResults(y, z, var_params, omega, lags,
258                           names=self.endog_names, trend=trend,
259                           dates=self.data.dates, model=self,
260                           A=A, B=B, A_mask=A_mask, B_mask=B_mask)
262    def loglike(self, params):
263        """
264        Loglikelihood for SVAR model
266        Notes
267        -----
268        This method assumes that the autoregressive parameters are
269        first estimated, then likelihood with structural parameters
270        is estimated
271        """
273        #TODO: this does not look robust if A or B is None
274        A = self.A
275        B = self.B
276        A_mask = self.A_mask
277        B_mask = self.B_mask
278        A_len = len(A[A_mask])
279        B_len = len(B[B_mask])
281        if A is not None:
282            A[A_mask] = params[:A_len]
283        if B is not None:
284            B[B_mask] = params[A_len:A_len+B_len]
286        nobs = self.nobs
287        neqs = self.neqs
288        sigma_u = self.sigma_u
290        W = np.dot(npl.inv(B),A)
291        trc_in = np.dot(np.dot(W.T,W),sigma_u)
292        sign, b_logdet = slogdet(B**2) #numpy 1.4 compat
293        b_slogdet = sign * b_logdet
295        likl = -nobs/2. * (neqs * np.log(2 * np.pi) -
296                           np.log(npl.det(A)**2) + b_slogdet +
297                           np.trace(trc_in))
299        return likl
301    def score(self, AB_mask):
302        """
303        Return the gradient of the loglike at AB_mask.
305        Parameters
306        ----------
307        AB_mask : unknown values of A and B matrix concatenated
309        Notes
310        -----
311        Return numerical gradient
312        """
313        loglike = self.loglike
314        return approx_fprime(AB_mask, loglike, epsilon=1e-8)
316    def hessian(self, AB_mask):
317        """
318        Returns numerical hessian.
319        """
320        loglike = self.loglike
321        return approx_hess(AB_mask, loglike)
323    def _solve_AB(self, start_params, maxiter, override=False, solver='bfgs'):
324        """
325        Solves for MLE estimate of structural parameters
327        Parameters
328        ----------
330        override : bool, default False
331            If True, returns estimates of A and B without checking
332            order or rank condition
333        solver : str or None, optional
334            Solver to be used. The default is 'nm' (Nelder-Mead). Other
335            choices are 'bfgs', 'newton' (Newton-Raphson), 'cg'
336            conjugate, 'ncg' (non-conjugate gradient), and 'powell'.
337        maxiter : int, optional
338            The maximum number of iterations. Default is 500.
340        Returns
341        -------
342        A_solve, B_solve: ML solutions for A, B matrices
343        """
344        #TODO: this could stand a refactor
345        A_mask = self.A_mask
346        B_mask = self.B_mask
347        A = self.A
348        B = self.B
349        A_len = len(A[A_mask])
351        A[A_mask] = start_params[:A_len]
352        B[B_mask] = start_params[A_len:]
354        if not override:
355            J = self._compute_J(A, B)
356            self.check_order(J)
357            self.check_rank(J)
358        else: #TODO: change to a warning?
359            print("Order/rank conditions have not been checked")
361        retvals = super().fit(start_params=start_params,
362                              method=solver, maxiter=maxiter,
363                              gtol=1e-20, disp=False).params
365        A[A_mask] = retvals[:A_len]
366        B[B_mask] = retvals[A_len:]
368        return A, B
370    def _compute_J(self, A_solve, B_solve):
372        #first compute appropriate duplication matrix
373        # taken from Magnus and Neudecker (1980),
374        #"The Elimination Matrix: Some Lemmas and Applications
375        # the creation of the D_n matrix follows MN (1980) directly,
376        #while the rest follows Hamilton (1994)
378        neqs = self.neqs
379        sigma_u = self.sigma_u
380        A_mask = self.A_mask
381        B_mask = self.B_mask
383        #first generate duplication matrix, see MN (1980) for notation
385        D_nT = np.zeros([int((1.0 / 2) * (neqs) * (neqs + 1)), neqs**2])
387        for j in range(neqs):
388            i=j
389            while j <= i < neqs:
390                u=np.zeros([int((1.0/2)*neqs*(neqs+1)), 1])
391                u[int(j * neqs + (i + 1) - (1.0 / 2) * (j + 1) * j - 1)] = 1
392                Tij=np.zeros([neqs,neqs])
393                Tij[i,j]=1
394                Tij[j,i]=1
395                D_nT=D_nT+np.dot(u,(Tij.ravel('F')[:,None]).T)
396                i=i+1
398        D_n=D_nT.T
399        D_pl=npl.pinv(D_n)
401        #generate S_B
402        S_B = np.zeros((neqs**2, len(A_solve[A_mask])))
403        S_D = np.zeros((neqs**2, len(B_solve[B_mask])))
405        j = 0
406        j_d = 0
407        if len(A_solve[A_mask]) != 0:
408            A_vec = np.ravel(A_mask, order='F')
409            for k in range(neqs**2):
410                if A_vec[k]:
411                    S_B[k,j] = -1
412                    j += 1
413        if len(B_solve[B_mask]) != 0:
414            B_vec = np.ravel(B_mask, order='F')
415            for k in range(neqs**2):
416                if B_vec[k]:
417                    S_D[k,j_d] = 1
418                    j_d +=1
420        #now compute J
421        invA = npl.inv(A_solve)
422        J_p1i = np.dot(np.dot(D_pl, np.kron(sigma_u, invA)), S_B)
423        J_p1 = -2.0 * J_p1i
424        J_p2 = np.dot(np.dot(D_pl, np.kron(invA, invA)), S_D)
426        J = np.append(J_p1, J_p2, axis=1)
428        return J
430    def check_order(self, J):
431        if np.size(J, axis=0) < np.size(J, axis=1):
432            raise ValueError("Order condition not met: "
433                             "solution may not be unique")
435    def check_rank(self, J):
436        rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(J)
437        if rank < np.size(J, axis=1):
438            raise ValueError("Rank condition not met: "
439                             "solution may not be unique.")
442class SVARProcess(VARProcess):
443    """
444    Class represents a known SVAR(p) process
446    Parameters
447    ----------
448    coefs : ndarray (p x k x k)
449    intercept : ndarray (length k)
450    sigma_u : ndarray (k x k)
451    names : sequence (length k)
452    A : neqs x neqs np.ndarray with unknown parameters marked with 'E'
453    A_mask : neqs x neqs mask array with known parameters masked
454    B : neqs x neqs np.ndarry with unknown parameters marked with 'E'
455    B_mask : neqs x neqs mask array with known parameters masked
456    """
457    def __init__(self, coefs, intercept, sigma_u, A_solve, B_solve,
458                 names=None):
459        self.k_ar = len(coefs)
460        self.neqs = coefs.shape[1]
461        self.coefs = coefs
462        self.intercept = intercept
463        self.sigma_u = sigma_u
464        self.A_solve = A_solve
465        self.B_solve = B_solve
466        self.names = names
468    def orth_ma_rep(self, maxn=10, P=None):
469        """
471        Unavailable for SVAR
472        """
473        raise NotImplementedError
475    def svar_ma_rep(self, maxn=10, P=None):
476        """
478        Compute Structural MA coefficient matrices using MLE
479        of A, B
480        """
481        if P is None:
482            A_solve = self.A_solve
483            B_solve = self.B_solve
484            P = np.dot(npl.inv(A_solve), B_solve)
486        ma_mats = self.ma_rep(maxn=maxn)
487        return np.array([np.dot(coefs, P) for coefs in ma_mats])
490class SVARResults(SVARProcess, VARResults):
491    """
492    Estimate VAR(p) process with fixed number of lags
494    Parameters
495    ----------
496    endog : ndarray
497    endog_lagged : ndarray
498    params : ndarray
499    sigma_u : ndarray
500    lag_order : int
501    model : VAR model instance
502    trend : str {'n', 'c', 'ct'}
503    names : array_like
504        List of names of the endogenous variables in order of appearance in `endog`.
505    dates
507    Attributes
508    ----------
509    aic
510    bic
511    bse
512    coefs : ndarray (p x K x K)
513        Estimated A_i matrices, A_i = coefs[i-1]
514    cov_params
515    dates
516    detomega
517    df_model : int
518    df_resid : int
519    endog
520    endog_lagged
521    fittedvalues
522    fpe
523    intercept
524    info_criteria
525    k_ar : int
526    k_trend : int
527    llf
528    model
529    names
530    neqs : int
531        Number of variables (equations)
532    nobs : int
533    n_totobs : int
534    params
535    k_ar : int
536        Order of VAR process
537    params : ndarray (Kp + 1) x K
538        A_i matrices and intercept in stacked form [int A_1 ... A_p]
539    pvalue
540    names : list
541        variables names
542    resid
543    sigma_u : ndarray (K x K)
544        Estimate of white noise process variance Var[u_t]
545    sigma_u_mle
546    stderr
547    trenorder
548    tvalues
549    """
551    _model_type = 'SVAR'
553    def __init__(self, endog, endog_lagged, params, sigma_u, lag_order,
554                 A=None, B=None, A_mask=None, B_mask=None, model=None,
555                 trend='c', names=None, dates=None):
557        self.model = model
558        self.endog = endog
559        self.endog_lagged = endog_lagged
560        self.dates = dates
562        self.n_totobs, self.neqs = self.endog.shape
563        self.nobs = self.n_totobs - lag_order
564        k_trend = util.get_trendorder(trend)
565        if k_trend > 0: # make this the polynomial trend order
566            trendorder = k_trend - 1
567        else:
568            trendorder = None
569        self.k_trend = k_trend
570        self.k_exog = k_trend  # now (0.9) required by VARProcess
571        self.trendorder = trendorder
573        self.exog_names = util.make_lag_names(names, lag_order, k_trend)
574        self.params = params
575        self.sigma_u = sigma_u
577        # Each matrix needs to be transposed
578        reshaped = self.params[self.k_trend:]
579        reshaped = reshaped.reshape((lag_order, self.neqs, self.neqs))
581        # Need to transpose each coefficient matrix
582        intercept = self.params[0]
583        coefs = reshaped.swapaxes(1, 2).copy()
585        #SVAR components
586        #TODO: if you define these here, you do not also have to define
587        #them in SVAR process, but I left them for now -ss
588        self.A = A
589        self.B = B
590        self.A_mask = A_mask
591        self.B_mask = B_mask
593        super().__init__(coefs, intercept, sigma_u, A, B,
594                                          names=names)
596    def irf(self, periods=10, var_order=None):
597        """
598        Analyze structural impulse responses to shocks in system
600        Parameters
601        ----------
602        periods : int
604        Returns
605        -------
606        irf : IRAnalysis
607        """
608        A = self.A
609        B= self.B
610        P = np.dot(npl.inv(A), B)
612        return IRAnalysis(self, P=P, periods=periods, svar=True)
614    def sirf_errband_mc(self, orth=False, repl=1000, steps=10,
615                        signif=0.05, seed=None, burn=100, cum=False):
616        """
617        Compute Monte Carlo integrated error bands assuming normally
618        distributed for impulse response functions
620        Parameters
621        ----------
622        orth : bool, default False
623            Compute orthogonalized impulse response error bands
624        repl : int
625            number of Monte Carlo replications to perform
626        steps : int, default 10
627            number of impulse response periods
628        signif : float (0 < signif <1)
629            Significance level for error bars, defaults to 95% CI
630        seed : int
631            np.random.seed for replications
632        burn : int
633            number of initial observations to discard for simulation
634        cum : bool, default False
635            produce cumulative irf error bands
637        Notes
638        -----
639        Lütkepohl (2005) Appendix D
641        Returns
642        -------
643        Tuple of lower and upper arrays of ma_rep monte carlo standard errors
644        """
645        neqs = self.neqs
646        mean = self.mean()
647        k_ar = self.k_ar
648        coefs = self.coefs
649        sigma_u = self.sigma_u
650        intercept = self.intercept
651        df_model = self.df_model
652        nobs = self.nobs
654        ma_coll = np.zeros((repl, steps + 1, neqs, neqs))
655        A = self.A
656        B = self.B
657        A_mask = self.A_mask
658        B_mask = self.B_mask
659        A_pass = self.model.A_original
660        B_pass = self.model.B_original
661        s_type = self.model.svar_type
663        g_list = []
665        def agg(impulses):
666            if cum:
667                return impulses.cumsum(axis=0)
668            return impulses
670        opt_A = A[A_mask]
671        opt_B = B[B_mask]
672        for i in range(repl):
673            # discard first hundred to correct for starting bias
674            sim = util.varsim(coefs, intercept, sigma_u, seed=seed,
675                              steps=nobs + burn)
676            sim = sim[burn:]
678            smod = SVAR(sim, svar_type=s_type, A=A_pass, B=B_pass)
679            if i == 10:
680                # Use first 10 to update starting val for remainder of fits
681                mean_AB = np.mean(g_list, axis=0)
682                split = len(A[A_mask])
683                opt_A = mean_AB[:split]
684                opt_B = mean_AB[split:]
686            sres = smod.fit(maxlags=k_ar, A_guess=opt_A, B_guess=opt_B)
688            if i < 10:
689                # save estimates for starting val if in first 10
690                g_list.append(np.append(sres.A[A_mask].tolist(),
691                                        sres.B[B_mask].tolist()))
692            ma_coll[i] = agg(sres.svar_ma_rep(maxn=steps))
694        ma_sort = np.sort(ma_coll, axis=0)  # sort to get quantiles
695        index = (int(round(signif / 2 * repl) - 1),
696                 int(round((1 - signif / 2) * repl) - 1))
697        lower = ma_sort[index[0], :, :, :]
698        upper = ma_sort[index[1], :, :, :]
699        return lower, upper