2Test Results for the VAR model.  Obtained from Stata using
6import numpy as np
9class MacrodataResults(object):
10    def __init__(self):
11        params = [
12            -0.2794863875, 0.0082427826, 0.6750534746, 0.2904420695,
13            0.0332267098,  -0.0073250059, 0.0015269951,  -0.1004938623,
14            -0.1231841792, 0.2686635768, 0.2325045441, 0.0257430635,
15            0.0235035714, 0.0054596064, -1.97116e+00, 0.3809752365,
16            4.4143364022, 0.8001168377, 0.2255078864,  -0.1241109271,
17            -0.0239026118]
18        params = np.asarray(params).reshape(3, -1)
19        params = np.hstack((params[:, -1][:, None],
20                            params[:, :-1:2],
21                            params[:, 1::2]))
22        self.params = params
23        self.neqs = 3
24        self.nobs = 200
25        self.df_eq = 7
26        self.nobs_1 = 200
27        self.df_model_1 = 6
28        self.rmse_1 = .0075573716985351
29        self.rsquared_1 = .2739094844780006
30        self.llf_1 = 696.8213727557811
31        self.nobs_2 = 200
32        self.rmse_2 = .0065444260782597
33        self.rsquared_2 = .1423626064753714
34        self.llf_2 = 725.6033255319256
35        self.nobs_3 = 200
36        self.rmse_3 = .0395942039671031
37        self.rsquared_3 = .2955406949737428
38        self.llf_3 = 365.5895183036045
39        # These are from Stata.  They use the LL based definition
40        # We return Lutkepohl statistics.  See Stata TS manual page 436
41        #        self.bic = -19.06939794312953
42        #        self.aic = -19.41572126661708
43        #        self.hqic = -19.27556951526737
44        # These are from R.  See var.R in macrodata folder
45        self.bic = -2.758301611618373e+01
46        self.aic = -2.792933943967127e+01
47        self.hqic = -2.778918768832157e+01
48        self.fpe = 7.421287668357018e-13
49        self.detsig = 6.01498432283e-13
50        self.llf = 1962.572126661708
52        self.chi2_1 = 75.44775165699033
53        # do not know how they calculate this;  it's not -2 * (ll1 - ll0)
55        self.chi2_2 = 33.19878716815366
56        self.chi2_3 = 83.90568280242312
57        bse = [
58            .1666662376, .1704584393, .1289691456, .1433308696, .0257313781,
59            .0253307796, .0010992645, .1443272761, .1476111934, .1116828804,
60            .1241196435, .0222824956, .021935591, .0009519255, .8731894193,
61            .8930573331, .6756886998, .7509319263, .1348105496, .1327117543,
62            .0057592114]
63        bse = np.asarray(bse).reshape(3, -1)
64        bse = np.hstack((bse[:, -1][:, None],
65                         bse[:, :-1:2],
66                         bse[:, 1::2]))
67        self.bse = bse