1"""Power series evaluation and manipulation using sparse Polynomials
3Implementing a new function
6There are a few things to be kept in mind when adding a new function here::
8    - The implementation should work on all possible input domains/rings.
9      Special cases include the ``EX`` ring and a constant term in the series
10      to be expanded. There can be two types of constant terms in the series:
12        + A constant value or symbol.
13        + A term of a multivariate series not involving the generator, with
14          respect to which the series is to expanded.
16      Strictly speaking, a generator of a ring should not be considered a
17      constant. However, for series expansion both the cases need similar
18      treatment (as the user doesn't care about inner details), i.e, use an
19      addition formula to separate the constant part and the variable part (see
20      rs_sin for reference).
22    - All the algorithms used here are primarily designed to work for Taylor
23      series (number of iterations in the algo equals the required order).
24      Hence, it becomes tricky to get the series of the right order if a
25      Puiseux series is input. Use rs_puiseux? in your function if your
26      algorithm is not designed to handle fractional powers.
28Extending rs_series
31To make a function work with rs_series you need to do two things::
33    - Many sure it works with a constant term (as explained above).
34    - If the series contains constant terms, you might need to extend its ring.
35      You do so by adding the new terms to the rings as generators.
36      ``PolyRing.compose`` and ``PolyRing.add_gens`` are two functions that do
37      so and need to be called every time you expand a series containing a
38      constant term.
40Look at rs_sin and rs_series for further reference.
44from sympy.polys.domains import QQ, EX
45from sympy.polys.rings import PolyElement, ring, sring
46from sympy.polys.polyerrors import DomainError
47from sympy.polys.monomials import (monomial_min, monomial_mul, monomial_div,
48                                   monomial_ldiv)
49from mpmath.libmp.libintmath import ifac
50from sympy.core import PoleError, Function, Expr
51from sympy.core.numbers import Rational, igcd
52from sympy.core.compatibility import as_int
53from sympy.functions import sin, cos, tan, atan, exp, atanh, tanh, log, ceiling
54from mpmath.libmp.libintmath import giant_steps
55import math
58def _invert_monoms(p1):
59    """
60    Compute ``x**n * p1(1/x)`` for a univariate polynomial ``p1`` in ``x``.
62    Examples
63    ========
65    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ
66    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
67    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import _invert_monoms
68    >>> R, x = ring('x', ZZ)
69    >>> p = x**2 + 2*x + 3
70    >>> _invert_monoms(p)
71    3*x**2 + 2*x + 1
73    See Also
74    ========
76    sympy.polys.densebasic.dup_reverse
77    """
78    terms = list(p1.items())
79    terms.sort()
80    deg = p1.degree()
81    R = p1.ring
82    p = R.zero
83    cv = p1.listcoeffs()
84    mv = p1.listmonoms()
85    for i in range(len(mv)):
86        p[(deg - mv[i][0],)] = cv[i]
87    return p
89def _giant_steps(target):
90    """Return a list of precision steps for the Newton's method"""
91    res = giant_steps(2, target)
92    if res[0] != 2:
93        res = [2] + res
94    return res
96def rs_trunc(p1, x, prec):
97    """
98    Truncate the series in the ``x`` variable with precision ``prec``,
99    that is, modulo ``O(x**prec)``
101    Examples
102    ========
104    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
105    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
106    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_trunc
107    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
108    >>> p = x**10 + x**5 + x + 1
109    >>> rs_trunc(p, x, 12)
110    x**10 + x**5 + x + 1
111    >>> rs_trunc(p, x, 10)
112    x**5 + x + 1
113    """
114    R = p1.ring
115    p = R.zero
116    i = R.gens.index(x)
117    for exp1 in p1:
118        if exp1[i] >= prec:
119            continue
120        p[exp1] = p1[exp1]
121    return p
123def rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
124    """
125    Test if ``p`` is Puiseux series in ``x``.
127    Raise an exception if it has a negative power in ``x``.
129    Examples
130    ========
132    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
133    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
134    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_is_puiseux
135    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
136    >>> p = x**QQ(2,5) + x**QQ(2,3) + x
137    >>> rs_is_puiseux(p, x)
138    True
139    """
140    index = p.ring.gens.index(x)
141    for k in p:
142        if k[index] != int(k[index]):
143            return True
144        if k[index] < 0:
145            raise ValueError('The series is not regular in %s' % x)
146    return False
148def rs_puiseux(f, p, x, prec):
149    """
150    Return the puiseux series for `f(p, x, prec)`.
152    To be used when function ``f`` is implemented only for regular series.
154    Examples
155    ========
157    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
158    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
159    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_puiseux, rs_exp
160    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
161    >>> p = x**QQ(2,5) + x**QQ(2,3) + x
162    >>> rs_puiseux(rs_exp,p, x, 1)
163    1/2*x**(4/5) + x**(2/3) + x**(2/5) + 1
164    """
165    index = p.ring.gens.index(x)
166    n = 1
167    for k in p:
168        power = k[index]
169        if isinstance(power, Rational):
170            num, den = power.as_numer_denom()
171            n = int(n*den // igcd(n, den))
172        elif power != int(power):
173            den = power.denominator
174            n = int(n*den // igcd(n, den))
175    if n != 1:
176        p1 = pow_xin(p, index, n)
177        r = f(p1, x, prec*n)
178        n1 = QQ(1, n)
179        if isinstance(r, tuple):
180            r = tuple([pow_xin(rx, index, n1) for rx in r])
181        else:
182            r = pow_xin(r, index, n1)
183    else:
184        r = f(p, x, prec)
185    return r
187def rs_puiseux2(f, p, q, x, prec):
188    """
189    Return the puiseux series for `f(p, q, x, prec)`.
191    To be used when function ``f`` is implemented only for regular series.
192    """
193    index = p.ring.gens.index(x)
194    n = 1
195    for k in p:
196        power = k[index]
197        if isinstance(power, Rational):
198            num, den = power.as_numer_denom()
199            n = n*den // igcd(n, den)
200        elif power != int(power):
201            den = power.denominator
202            n = n*den // igcd(n, den)
203    if n != 1:
204        p1 = pow_xin(p, index, n)
205        r = f(p1, q, x, prec*n)
206        n1 = QQ(1, n)
207        r = pow_xin(r, index, n1)
208    else:
209        r = f(p, q, x, prec)
210    return r
212def rs_mul(p1, p2, x, prec):
213    """
214    Return the product of the given two series, modulo ``O(x**prec)``.
216    ``x`` is the series variable or its position in the generators.
218    Examples
219    ========
221    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
222    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
223    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_mul
224    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
225    >>> p1 = x**2 + 2*x + 1
226    >>> p2 = x + 1
227    >>> rs_mul(p1, p2, x, 3)
228    3*x**2 + 3*x + 1
229    """
230    R = p1.ring
231    p = R.zero
232    if R.__class__ != p2.ring.__class__ or R != p2.ring:
233        raise ValueError('p1 and p2 must have the same ring')
234    iv = R.gens.index(x)
235    if not isinstance(p2, PolyElement):
236        raise ValueError('p1 and p2 must have the same ring')
237    if R == p2.ring:
238        get = p.get
239        items2 = list(p2.items())
240        items2.sort(key=lambda e: e[0][iv])
241        if R.ngens == 1:
242            for exp1, v1 in p1.items():
243                for exp2, v2 in items2:
244                    exp = exp1[0] + exp2[0]
245                    if exp < prec:
246                        exp = (exp, )
247                        p[exp] = get(exp, 0) + v1*v2
248                    else:
249                        break
250        else:
251            monomial_mul = R.monomial_mul
252            for exp1, v1 in p1.items():
253                for exp2, v2 in items2:
254                    if exp1[iv] + exp2[iv] < prec:
255                        exp = monomial_mul(exp1, exp2)
256                        p[exp] = get(exp, 0) + v1*v2
257                    else:
258                        break
260    p.strip_zero()
261    return p
263def rs_square(p1, x, prec):
264    """
265    Square the series modulo ``O(x**prec)``
267    Examples
268    ========
270    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
271    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
272    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_square
273    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
274    >>> p = x**2 + 2*x + 1
275    >>> rs_square(p, x, 3)
276    6*x**2 + 4*x + 1
277    """
278    R = p1.ring
279    p = R.zero
280    iv = R.gens.index(x)
281    get = p.get
282    items = list(p1.items())
283    items.sort(key=lambda e: e[0][iv])
284    monomial_mul = R.monomial_mul
285    for i in range(len(items)):
286        exp1, v1 = items[i]
287        for j in range(i):
288            exp2, v2 = items[j]
289            if exp1[iv] + exp2[iv] < prec:
290                exp = monomial_mul(exp1, exp2)
291                p[exp] = get(exp, 0) + v1*v2
292            else:
293                break
294    p = p.imul_num(2)
295    get = p.get
296    for expv, v in p1.items():
297        if 2*expv[iv] < prec:
298            e2 = monomial_mul(expv, expv)
299            p[e2] = get(e2, 0) + v**2
300    p.strip_zero()
301    return p
303def rs_pow(p1, n, x, prec):
304    """
305    Return ``p1**n`` modulo ``O(x**prec)``
307    Examples
308    ========
310    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
311    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
312    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_pow
313    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
314    >>> p = x + 1
315    >>> rs_pow(p, 4, x, 3)
316    6*x**2 + 4*x + 1
317    """
318    R = p1.ring
319    if isinstance(n, Rational):
320        np = int(n.p)
321        nq = int(n.q)
322        if nq != 1:
323            res = rs_nth_root(p1, nq, x, prec)
324            if np != 1:
325                res = rs_pow(res, np, x, prec)
326        else:
327            res = rs_pow(p1, np, x, prec)
328        return res
330    n = as_int(n)
331    if n == 0:
332        if p1:
333            return R(1)
334        else:
335            raise ValueError('0**0 is undefined')
336    if n < 0:
337        p1 = rs_pow(p1, -n, x, prec)
338        return rs_series_inversion(p1, x, prec)
339    if n == 1:
340        return rs_trunc(p1, x, prec)
341    if n == 2:
342        return rs_square(p1, x, prec)
343    if n == 3:
344        p2 = rs_square(p1, x, prec)
345        return rs_mul(p1, p2, x, prec)
346    p = R(1)
347    while 1:
348        if n & 1:
349            p = rs_mul(p1, p, x, prec)
350            n -= 1
351            if not n:
352                break
353        p1 = rs_square(p1, x, prec)
354        n = n // 2
355    return p
357def rs_subs(p, rules, x, prec):
358    """
359    Substitution with truncation according to the mapping in ``rules``.
361    Return a series with precision ``prec`` in the generator ``x``
363    Note that substitutions are not done one after the other
365    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
366    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
367    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_subs
368    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
369    >>> p = x**2 + y**2
370    >>> rs_subs(p, {x: x+ y, y: x+ 2*y}, x, 3)
371    2*x**2 + 6*x*y + 5*y**2
372    >>> (x + y)**2 + (x + 2*y)**2
373    2*x**2 + 6*x*y + 5*y**2
375    which differs from
377    >>> rs_subs(rs_subs(p, {x: x+ y}, x, 3), {y: x+ 2*y}, x, 3)
378    5*x**2 + 12*x*y + 8*y**2
380    Parameters
381    ----------
382    p : :class:`~.PolyElement` Input series.
383    rules : ``dict`` with substitution mappings.
384    x : :class:`~.PolyElement` in which the series truncation is to be done.
385    prec : :class:`~.Integer` order of the series after truncation.
387    Examples
388    ========
390    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
391    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
392    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_subs
393    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
394    >>> rs_subs(x**2+y**2, {y: (x+y)**2}, x, 3)
395     6*x**2*y**2 + x**2 + 4*x*y**3 + y**4
396    """
397    R = p.ring
398    ngens = R.ngens
399    d = R(0)
400    for i in range(ngens):
401        d[(i, 1)] = R.gens[i]
402    for var in rules:
403        d[(R.index(var), 1)] = rules[var]
404    p1 = R(0)
405    p_keys = sorted(p.keys())
406    for expv in p_keys:
407        p2 = R(1)
408        for i in range(ngens):
409            power = expv[i]
410            if power == 0:
411                continue
412            if (i, power) not in d:
413                q, r = divmod(power, 2)
414                if r == 0 and (i, q) in d:
415                    d[(i, power)] = rs_square(d[(i, q)], x, prec)
416                elif (i, power - 1) in d:
417                    d[(i, power)] = rs_mul(d[(i, power - 1)], d[(i, 1)],
418                                           x, prec)
419                else:
420                    d[(i, power)] = rs_pow(d[(i, 1)], power, x, prec)
421            p2 = rs_mul(p2, d[(i, power)], x, prec)
422        p1 += p2*p[expv]
423    return p1
425def _has_constant_term(p, x):
426    """
427    Check if ``p`` has a constant term in ``x``
429    Examples
430    ========
432    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
433    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
434    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import _has_constant_term
435    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
436    >>> p = x**2 + x + 1
437    >>> _has_constant_term(p, x)
438    True
439    """
440    R = p.ring
441    iv = R.gens.index(x)
442    zm = R.zero_monom
443    a = [0]*R.ngens
444    a[iv] = 1
445    miv = tuple(a)
446    for expv in p:
447        if monomial_min(expv, miv) == zm:
448            return True
449    return False
451def _get_constant_term(p, x):
452    """Return constant term in p with respect to x
454    Note that it is not simply `p[R.zero_monom]` as there might be multiple
455    generators in the ring R. We want the `x`-free term which can contain other
456    generators.
457    """
458    R = p.ring
459    i = R.gens.index(x)
460    zm = R.zero_monom
461    a = [0]*R.ngens
462    a[i] = 1
463    miv = tuple(a)
464    c = 0
465    for expv in p:
466        if monomial_min(expv, miv) == zm:
467            c += R({expv: p[expv]})
468    return c
470def _check_series_var(p, x, name):
471    index = p.ring.gens.index(x)
472    m = min(p, key=lambda k: k[index])[index]
473    if m < 0:
474        raise PoleError("Asymptotic expansion of %s around [oo] not "
475                        "implemented." % name)
476    return index, m
478def _series_inversion1(p, x, prec):
479    """
480    Univariate series inversion ``1/p`` modulo ``O(x**prec)``.
482    The Newton method is used.
484    Examples
485    ========
487    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
488    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
489    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import _series_inversion1
490    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
491    >>> p = x + 1
492    >>> _series_inversion1(p, x, 4)
493    -x**3 + x**2 - x + 1
494    """
495    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
496        return rs_puiseux(_series_inversion1, p, x, prec)
497    R = p.ring
498    zm = R.zero_monom
499    c = p[zm]
501    # giant_steps does not seem to work with PythonRational numbers with 1 as
502    # denominator. This makes sure such a number is converted to integer.
503    if prec == int(prec):
504        prec = int(prec)
506    if zm not in p:
507        raise ValueError("No constant term in series")
508    if _has_constant_term(p - c, x):
509        raise ValueError("p cannot contain a constant term depending on "
510                         "parameters")
511    one = R(1)
512    if R.domain is EX:
513        one = 1
514    if c != one:
515        # TODO add check that it is a unit
516        p1 = R(1)/c
517    else:
518        p1 = R(1)
519    for precx in _giant_steps(prec):
520        t = 1 - rs_mul(p1, p, x, precx)
521        p1 = p1 + rs_mul(p1, t, x, precx)
522    return p1
524def rs_series_inversion(p, x, prec):
525    """
526    Multivariate series inversion ``1/p`` modulo ``O(x**prec)``.
528    Examples
529    ========
531    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
532    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
533    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_series_inversion
534    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
535    >>> rs_series_inversion(1 + x*y**2, x, 4)
536    -x**3*y**6 + x**2*y**4 - x*y**2 + 1
537    >>> rs_series_inversion(1 + x*y**2, y, 4)
538    -x*y**2 + 1
539    >>> rs_series_inversion(x + x**2, x, 4)
540    x**3 - x**2 + x - 1 + x**(-1)
541    """
542    R = p.ring
543    if p == R.zero:
544        raise ZeroDivisionError
545    zm = R.zero_monom
546    index = R.gens.index(x)
547    m = min(p, key=lambda k: k[index])[index]
548    if m:
549        p = mul_xin(p, index, -m)
550        prec = prec + m
551    if zm not in p:
552        raise NotImplementedError("No constant term in series")
554    if _has_constant_term(p - p[zm], x):
555        raise NotImplementedError("p - p[0] must not have a constant term in "
556                                  "the series variables")
557    r = _series_inversion1(p, x, prec)
558    if m != 0:
559        r = mul_xin(r, index, -m)
560    return r
562def _coefficient_t(p, t):
563    r"""Coefficient of `x_i**j` in p, where ``t`` = (i, j)"""
564    i, j = t
565    R = p.ring
566    expv1 = [0]*R.ngens
567    expv1[i] = j
568    expv1 = tuple(expv1)
569    p1 = R(0)
570    for expv in p:
571        if expv[i] == j:
572            p1[monomial_div(expv, expv1)] = p[expv]
573    return p1
575def rs_series_reversion(p, x, n, y):
576    r"""
577    Reversion of a series.
579    ``p`` is a series with ``O(x**n)`` of the form $p = ax + f(x)$
580    where $a$ is a number different from 0.
582    $f(x) = \sum_{k=2}^{n-1} a_kx_k$
584    Parameters
585    ==========
587      a_k : Can depend polynomially on other variables, not indicated.
588      x : Variable with name x.
589      y : Variable with name y.
591    Returns
592    =======
594    Solve $p = y$, that is, given $ax + f(x) - y = 0$,
595    find the solution $x = r(y)$ up to $O(y^n)$.
597    Algorithm
598    =========
600    If $r_i$ is the solution at order $i$, then:
601    $ar_i + f(r_i) - y = O\left(y^{i + 1}\right)$
603    and if $r_{i + 1}$ is the solution at order $i + 1$, then:
604    $ar_{i + 1} + f(r_{i + 1}) - y = O\left(y^{i + 2}\right)$
606    We have, $r_{i + 1} = r_i + e$, such that,
607    $ae + f(r_i) = O\left(y^{i + 2}\right)$
608    or $e = -f(r_i)/a$
610    So we use the recursion relation:
611    $r_{i + 1} = r_i - f(r_i)/a$
612    with the boundary condition: $r_1 = y$
614    Examples
615    ========
617    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
618    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
619    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_series_reversion, rs_trunc
620    >>> R, x, y, a, b = ring('x, y, a, b', QQ)
621    >>> p = x - x**2 - 2*b*x**2 + 2*a*b*x**2
622    >>> p1 = rs_series_reversion(p, x, 3, y); p1
623    -2*y**2*a*b + 2*y**2*b + y**2 + y
624    >>> rs_trunc(p.compose(x, p1), y, 3)
625    y
626    """
627    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
628        raise NotImplementedError
629    R = p.ring
630    nx = R.gens.index(x)
631    y = R(y)
632    ny = R.gens.index(y)
633    if _has_constant_term(p, x):
634        raise ValueError("p must not contain a constant term in the series "
635                         "variable")
636    a = _coefficient_t(p, (nx, 1))
637    zm = R.zero_monom
638    assert zm in a and len(a) == 1
639    a = a[zm]
640    r = y/a
641    for i in range(2, n):
642        sp = rs_subs(p, {x: r}, y, i + 1)
643        sp = _coefficient_t(sp, (ny, i))*y**i
644        r -= sp/a
645    return r
647def rs_series_from_list(p, c, x, prec, concur=1):
648    """
649    Return a series `sum c[n]*p**n` modulo `O(x**prec)`.
651    It reduces the number of multiplications by summing concurrently.
653    `ax = [1, p, p**2, .., p**(J - 1)]`
654    `s = sum(c[i]*ax[i]` for i in `range(r, (r + 1)*J))*p**((K - 1)*J)`
655    with `K >= (n + 1)/J`
657    Examples
658    ========
660    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
661    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
662    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_series_from_list, rs_trunc
663    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
664    >>> p = x**2 + x + 1
665    >>> c = [1, 2, 3]
666    >>> rs_series_from_list(p, c, x, 4)
667    6*x**3 + 11*x**2 + 8*x + 6
668    >>> rs_trunc(1 + 2*p + 3*p**2, x, 4)
669    6*x**3 + 11*x**2 + 8*x + 6
670    >>> pc = R.from_list(list(reversed(c)))
671    >>> rs_trunc(pc.compose(x, p), x, 4)
672    6*x**3 + 11*x**2 + 8*x + 6
674    """
676    # TODO: Add this when it is documented in Sphinx
677    """
678    See Also
679    ========
681    sympy.polys.rings.PolyRing.compose
683    """
684    R = p.ring
685    n = len(c)
686    if not concur:
687        q = R(1)
688        s = c[0]*q
689        for i in range(1, n):
690            q = rs_mul(q, p, x, prec)
691            s += c[i]*q
692        return s
693    J = int(math.sqrt(n) + 1)
694    K, r = divmod(n, J)
695    if r:
696        K += 1
697    ax = [R(1)]
698    q = R(1)
699    if len(p) < 20:
700        for i in range(1, J):
701            q = rs_mul(q, p, x, prec)
702            ax.append(q)
703    else:
704        for i in range(1, J):
705            if i % 2 == 0:
706                q = rs_square(ax[i//2], x, prec)
707            else:
708                q = rs_mul(q, p, x, prec)
709            ax.append(q)
710    # optimize using rs_square
711    pj = rs_mul(ax[-1], p, x, prec)
712    b = R(1)
713    s = R(0)
714    for k in range(K - 1):
715        r = J*k
716        s1 = c[r]
717        for j in range(1, J):
718            s1 += c[r + j]*ax[j]
719        s1 = rs_mul(s1, b, x, prec)
720        s += s1
721        b = rs_mul(b, pj, x, prec)
722        if not b:
723            break
724    k = K - 1
725    r = J*k
726    if r < n:
727        s1 = c[r]*R(1)
728        for j in range(1, J):
729            if r + j >= n:
730                break
731            s1 += c[r + j]*ax[j]
732        s1 = rs_mul(s1, b, x, prec)
733        s += s1
734    return s
736def rs_diff(p, x):
737    """
738    Return partial derivative of ``p`` with respect to ``x``.
740    Parameters
741    ==========
743    x : :class:`~.PolyElement` with respect to which ``p`` is differentiated.
745    Examples
746    ========
748    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
749    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
750    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_diff
751    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
752    >>> p = x + x**2*y**3
753    >>> rs_diff(p, x)
754    2*x*y**3 + 1
755    """
756    R = p.ring
757    n = R.gens.index(x)
758    p1 = R.zero
759    mn = [0]*R.ngens
760    mn[n] = 1
761    mn = tuple(mn)
762    for expv in p:
763        if expv[n]:
764            e = monomial_ldiv(expv, mn)
765            p1[e] = R.domain_new(p[expv]*expv[n])
766    return p1
768def rs_integrate(p, x):
769    """
770    Integrate ``p`` with respect to ``x``.
772    Parameters
773    ==========
775    x : :class:`~.PolyElement` with respect to which ``p`` is integrated.
777    Examples
778    ========
780    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
781    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
782    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_integrate
783    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
784    >>> p = x + x**2*y**3
785    >>> rs_integrate(p, x)
786    1/3*x**3*y**3 + 1/2*x**2
787    """
788    R = p.ring
789    p1 = R.zero
790    n = R.gens.index(x)
791    mn = [0]*R.ngens
792    mn[n] = 1
793    mn = tuple(mn)
795    for expv in p:
796        e = monomial_mul(expv, mn)
797        p1[e] = R.domain_new(p[expv]/(expv[n] + 1))
798    return p1
800def rs_fun(p, f, *args):
801    r"""
802    Function of a multivariate series computed by substitution.
804    The case with f method name is used to compute `rs\_tan` and `rs\_nth\_root`
805    of a multivariate series:
807        `rs\_fun(p, tan, iv, prec)`
809        tan series is first computed for a dummy variable _x,
810        i.e, `rs\_tan(\_x, iv, prec)`. Then we substitute _x with p to get the
811        desired series
813    Parameters
814    ==========
816    p : :class:`~.PolyElement` The multivariate series to be expanded.
817    f : `ring\_series` function to be applied on `p`.
818    args[-2] : :class:`~.PolyElement` with respect to which, the series is to be expanded.
819    args[-1] : Required order of the expanded series.
821    Examples
822    ========
824    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
825    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
826    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_fun, _tan1
827    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
828    >>> p = x + x*y + x**2*y + x**3*y**2
829    >>> rs_fun(p, _tan1, x, 4)
830    1/3*x**3*y**3 + 2*x**3*y**2 + x**3*y + 1/3*x**3 + x**2*y + x*y + x
831    """
832    _R = p.ring
833    R1, _x = ring('_x', _R.domain)
834    h = int(args[-1])
835    args1 = args[:-2] + (_x, h)
836    zm = _R.zero_monom
837    # separate the constant term of the series
838    # compute the univariate series f(_x, .., 'x', sum(nv))
839    if zm in p:
840        x1 = _x + p[zm]
841        p1 = p - p[zm]
842    else:
843        x1 = _x
844        p1 = p
845    if isinstance(f, str):
846        q = getattr(x1, f)(*args1)
847    else:
848        q = f(x1, *args1)
849    a = sorted(q.items())
850    c = [0]*h
851    for x in a:
852        c[x[0][0]] = x[1]
853    p1 = rs_series_from_list(p1, c, args[-2], args[-1])
854    return p1
856def mul_xin(p, i, n):
857    r"""
858    Return `p*x_i**n`.
860    `x\_i` is the ith variable in ``p``.
861    """
862    R = p.ring
863    q = R(0)
864    for k, v in p.items():
865        k1 = list(k)
866        k1[i] += n
867        q[tuple(k1)] = v
868    return q
870def pow_xin(p, i, n):
871    """
872    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
873    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
874    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import pow_xin
875    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
876    >>> p = x**QQ(2,5) + x + x**QQ(2,3)
877    >>> index = p.ring.gens.index(x)
878    >>> pow_xin(p, index, 15)
879    x**15 + x**10 + x**6
880    """
881    R = p.ring
882    q = R(0)
883    for k, v in p.items():
884        k1 = list(k)
885        k1[i] *= n
886        q[tuple(k1)] = v
887    return q
889def _nth_root1(p, n, x, prec):
890    """
891    Univariate series expansion of the nth root of ``p``.
893    The Newton method is used.
894    """
895    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
896        return rs_puiseux2(_nth_root1, p, n, x, prec)
897    R = p.ring
898    zm = R.zero_monom
899    if zm not in p:
900        raise NotImplementedError('No constant term in series')
901    n = as_int(n)
902    assert p[zm] == 1
903    p1 = R(1)
904    if p == 1:
905        return p
906    if n == 0:
907        return R(1)
908    if n == 1:
909        return p
910    if n < 0:
911        n = -n
912        sign = 1
913    else:
914        sign = 0
915    for precx in _giant_steps(prec):
916        tmp = rs_pow(p1, n + 1, x, precx)
917        tmp = rs_mul(tmp, p, x, precx)
918        p1 += p1/n - tmp/n
919    if sign:
920        return p1
921    else:
922        return _series_inversion1(p1, x, prec)
924def rs_nth_root(p, n, x, prec):
925    """
926    Multivariate series expansion of the nth root of ``p``.
928    Parameters
929    ==========
931    p : Expr
932        The polynomial to computer the root of.
933    n : integer
934        The order of the root to be computed.
935    x : :class:`~.PolyElement`
936    prec : integer
937        Order of the expanded series.
939    Notes
940    =====
942    The result of this function is dependent on the ring over which the
943    polynomial has been defined. If the answer involves a root of a constant,
944    make sure that the polynomial is over a real field. It can not yet handle
945    roots of symbols.
947    Examples
948    ========
950    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ, RR
951    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
952    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_nth_root
953    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
954    >>> rs_nth_root(1 + x + x*y, -3, x, 3)
955    2/9*x**2*y**2 + 4/9*x**2*y + 2/9*x**2 - 1/3*x*y - 1/3*x + 1
956    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', RR)
957    >>> rs_nth_root(3 + x + x*y, 3, x, 2)
958    0.160249952256379*x*y + 0.160249952256379*x + 1.44224957030741
959    """
960    if n == 0:
961        if p == 0:
962            raise ValueError('0**0 expression')
963        else:
964            return p.ring(1)
965    if n == 1:
966        return rs_trunc(p, x, prec)
967    R = p.ring
968    index = R.gens.index(x)
969    m = min(p, key=lambda k: k[index])[index]
970    p = mul_xin(p, index, -m)
971    prec -= m
973    if _has_constant_term(p - 1, x):
974        zm = R.zero_monom
975        c = p[zm]
976        if R.domain is EX:
977            c_expr = c.as_expr()
978            const = c_expr**QQ(1, n)
979        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
980            try:
981                c_expr = c.as_expr()
982                const = R(c_expr**(QQ(1, n)))
983            except ValueError:
984                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
985                    "this domain.")
986        else:
987            try:                              # RealElement doesn't support
988                const = R(c**Rational(1, n))  # exponentiation with mpq object
989            except ValueError:                # as exponent
990                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
991                    "this domain.")
992        res = rs_nth_root(p/c, n, x, prec)*const
993    else:
994        res = _nth_root1(p, n, x, prec)
995    if m:
996        m = QQ(m, n)
997        res = mul_xin(res, index, m)
998    return res
1000def rs_log(p, x, prec):
1001    """
1002    The Logarithm of ``p`` modulo ``O(x**prec)``.
1004    Notes
1005    =====
1007    Truncation of ``integral dx p**-1*d p/dx`` is used.
1009    Examples
1010    ========
1012    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1013    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1014    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_log
1015    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
1016    >>> rs_log(1 + x, x, 8)
1017    1/7*x**7 - 1/6*x**6 + 1/5*x**5 - 1/4*x**4 + 1/3*x**3 - 1/2*x**2 + x
1018    >>> rs_log(x**QQ(3, 2) + 1, x, 5)
1019    1/3*x**(9/2) - 1/2*x**3 + x**(3/2)
1020    """
1021    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1022        return rs_puiseux(rs_log, p, x, prec)
1023    R = p.ring
1024    if p == 1:
1025        return R.zero
1026    c = _get_constant_term(p, x)
1027    if c:
1028        const = 0
1029        if c == 1:
1030            pass
1031        else:
1032            c_expr = c.as_expr()
1033            if R.domain is EX:
1034                const = log(c_expr)
1035            elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
1036                try:
1037                    const = R(log(c_expr))
1038                except ValueError:
1039                    R = R.add_gens([log(c_expr)])
1040                    p = p.set_ring(R)
1041                    x = x.set_ring(R)
1042                    c = c.set_ring(R)
1043                    const = R(log(c_expr))
1044            else:
1045                try:
1046                    const = R(log(c))
1047                except ValueError:
1048                    raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1049                        "this domain.")
1051        dlog = p.diff(x)
1052        dlog = rs_mul(dlog, _series_inversion1(p, x, prec), x, prec - 1)
1053        return rs_integrate(dlog, x) + const
1054    else:
1055        raise NotImplementedError
1057def rs_LambertW(p, x, prec):
1058    """
1059    Calculate the series expansion of the principal branch of the Lambert W
1060    function.
1062    Examples
1063    ========
1065    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1066    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1067    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_LambertW
1068    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1069    >>> rs_LambertW(x + x*y, x, 3)
1070    -x**2*y**2 - 2*x**2*y - x**2 + x*y + x
1072    See Also
1073    ========
1075    LambertW
1076    """
1077    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1078        return rs_puiseux(rs_LambertW, p, x, prec)
1079    R = p.ring
1080    p1 = R(0)
1081    if _has_constant_term(p, x):
1082        raise NotImplementedError("Polynomial must not have constant term in "
1083                                  "the series variables")
1084    if x in R.gens:
1085        for precx in _giant_steps(prec):
1086            e = rs_exp(p1, x, precx)
1087            p2 = rs_mul(e, p1, x, precx) - p
1088            p3 = rs_mul(e, p1 + 1, x, precx)
1089            p3 = rs_series_inversion(p3, x, precx)
1090            tmp = rs_mul(p2, p3, x, precx)
1091            p1 -= tmp
1092        return p1
1093    else:
1094        raise NotImplementedError
1096def _exp1(p, x, prec):
1097    r"""Helper function for `rs\_exp`. """
1098    R = p.ring
1099    p1 = R(1)
1100    for precx in _giant_steps(prec):
1101        pt = p - rs_log(p1, x, precx)
1102        tmp = rs_mul(pt, p1, x, precx)
1103        p1 += tmp
1104    return p1
1106def rs_exp(p, x, prec):
1107    """
1108    Exponentiation of a series modulo ``O(x**prec)``
1110    Examples
1111    ========
1113    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1114    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1115    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_exp
1116    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
1117    >>> rs_exp(x**2, x, 7)
1118    1/6*x**6 + 1/2*x**4 + x**2 + 1
1119    """
1120    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1121        return rs_puiseux(rs_exp, p, x, prec)
1122    R = p.ring
1123    c = _get_constant_term(p, x)
1124    if c:
1125        if R.domain is EX:
1126            c_expr = c.as_expr()
1127            const = exp(c_expr)
1128        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
1129            try:
1130                c_expr = c.as_expr()
1131                const = R(exp(c_expr))
1132            except ValueError:
1133                R = R.add_gens([exp(c_expr)])
1134                p = p.set_ring(R)
1135                x = x.set_ring(R)
1136                c = c.set_ring(R)
1137                const = R(exp(c_expr))
1138        else:
1139            try:
1140                const = R(exp(c))
1141            except ValueError:
1142                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1143                    "this domain.")
1144        p1 = p - c
1146    # Makes use of sympy functions to evaluate the values of the cos/sin
1147    # of the constant term.
1148        return const*rs_exp(p1, x, prec)
1150    if len(p) > 20:
1151        return _exp1(p, x, prec)
1152    one = R(1)
1153    n = 1
1154    c = []
1155    for k in range(prec):
1156        c.append(one/n)
1157        k += 1
1158        n *= k
1160    r = rs_series_from_list(p, c, x, prec)
1161    return r
1163def _atan(p, iv, prec):
1164    """
1165    Expansion using formula.
1167    Faster on very small and univariate series.
1168    """
1169    R = p.ring
1170    mo = R(-1)
1171    c = [-mo]
1172    p2 = rs_square(p, iv, prec)
1173    for k in range(1, prec):
1174        c.append(mo**k/(2*k + 1))
1175    s = rs_series_from_list(p2, c, iv, prec)
1176    s = rs_mul(s, p, iv, prec)
1177    return s
1179def rs_atan(p, x, prec):
1180    """
1181    The arctangent of a series
1183    Return the series expansion of the atan of ``p``, about 0.
1185    Examples
1186    ========
1188    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1189    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1190    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_atan
1191    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1192    >>> rs_atan(x + x*y, x, 4)
1193    -1/3*x**3*y**3 - x**3*y**2 - x**3*y - 1/3*x**3 + x*y + x
1195    See Also
1196    ========
1198    atan
1199    """
1200    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1201        return rs_puiseux(rs_atan, p, x, prec)
1202    R = p.ring
1203    const = 0
1204    if _has_constant_term(p, x):
1205        zm = R.zero_monom
1206        c = p[zm]
1207        if R.domain is EX:
1208            c_expr = c.as_expr()
1209            const = atan(c_expr)
1210        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
1211            try:
1212                c_expr = c.as_expr()
1213                const = R(atan(c_expr))
1214            except ValueError:
1215                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1216                    "this domain.")
1217        else:
1218            try:
1219                const = R(atan(c))
1220            except ValueError:
1221                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1222                    "this domain.")
1224    # Instead of using a closed form formula, we differentiate atan(p) to get
1225    # `1/(1+p**2) * dp`, whose series expansion is much easier to calculate.
1226    # Finally we integrate to get back atan
1227    dp = p.diff(x)
1228    p1 = rs_square(p, x, prec) + R(1)
1229    p1 = rs_series_inversion(p1, x, prec - 1)
1230    p1 = rs_mul(dp, p1, x, prec - 1)
1231    return rs_integrate(p1, x) + const
1233def rs_asin(p, x, prec):
1234    """
1235    Arcsine of a series
1237    Return the series expansion of the asin of ``p``, about 0.
1239    Examples
1240    ========
1242    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1243    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1244    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_asin
1245    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1246    >>> rs_asin(x, x, 8)
1247    5/112*x**7 + 3/40*x**5 + 1/6*x**3 + x
1249    See Also
1250    ========
1252    asin
1253    """
1254    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1255        return rs_puiseux(rs_asin, p, x, prec)
1256    if _has_constant_term(p, x):
1257        raise NotImplementedError("Polynomial must not have constant term in "
1258                                  "series variables")
1259    R = p.ring
1260    if x in R.gens:
1261        # get a good value
1262        if len(p) > 20:
1263            dp = rs_diff(p, x)
1264            p1 = 1 - rs_square(p, x, prec - 1)
1265            p1 = rs_nth_root(p1, -2, x, prec - 1)
1266            p1 = rs_mul(dp, p1, x, prec - 1)
1267            return rs_integrate(p1, x)
1268        one = R(1)
1269        c = [0, one, 0]
1270        for k in range(3, prec, 2):
1271            c.append((k - 2)**2*c[-2]/(k*(k - 1)))
1272            c.append(0)
1273        return rs_series_from_list(p, c, x, prec)
1275    else:
1276        raise NotImplementedError
1278def _tan1(p, x, prec):
1279    r"""
1280    Helper function of :func:`rs_tan`.
1282    Return the series expansion of tan of a univariate series using Newton's
1283    method. It takes advantage of the fact that series expansion of atan is
1284    easier than that of tan.
1286    Consider `f(x) = y - \arctan(x)`
1287    Let r be a root of f(x) found using Newton's method.
1288    Then `f(r) = 0`
1289    Or `y = \arctan(x)` where `x = \tan(y)` as required.
1290    """
1291    R = p.ring
1292    p1 = R(0)
1293    for precx in _giant_steps(prec):
1294        tmp = p - rs_atan(p1, x, precx)
1295        tmp = rs_mul(tmp, 1 + rs_square(p1, x, precx), x, precx)
1296        p1 += tmp
1297    return p1
1299def rs_tan(p, x, prec):
1300    """
1301    Tangent of a series.
1303    Return the series expansion of the tan of ``p``, about 0.
1305    Examples
1306    ========
1308    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1309    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1310    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_tan
1311    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1312    >>> rs_tan(x + x*y, x, 4)
1313    1/3*x**3*y**3 + x**3*y**2 + x**3*y + 1/3*x**3 + x*y + x
1315   See Also
1316   ========
1318   _tan1, tan
1319   """
1320    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1321        r = rs_puiseux(rs_tan, p, x, prec)
1322        return r
1323    R = p.ring
1324    const = 0
1325    c = _get_constant_term(p, x)
1326    if c:
1327        if R.domain is EX:
1328            c_expr = c.as_expr()
1329            const = tan(c_expr)
1330        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
1331            try:
1332                c_expr = c.as_expr()
1333                const = R(tan(c_expr))
1334            except ValueError:
1335                R = R.add_gens([tan(c_expr, )])
1336                p = p.set_ring(R)
1337                x = x.set_ring(R)
1338                c = c.set_ring(R)
1339                const = R(tan(c_expr))
1340        else:
1341            try:
1342                const = R(tan(c))
1343            except ValueError:
1344                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1345                    "this domain.")
1346        p1 = p - c
1348    # Makes use of sympy functions to evaluate the values of the cos/sin
1349    # of the constant term.
1350        t2 = rs_tan(p1, x, prec)
1351        t = rs_series_inversion(1 - const*t2, x, prec)
1352        return rs_mul(const + t2, t, x, prec)
1354    if R.ngens == 1:
1355        return _tan1(p, x, prec)
1356    else:
1357        return rs_fun(p, rs_tan, x, prec)
1359def rs_cot(p, x, prec):
1360    """
1361    Cotangent of a series
1363    Return the series expansion of the cot of ``p``, about 0.
1365    Examples
1366    ========
1368    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1369    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1370    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_cot
1371    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1372    >>> rs_cot(x, x, 6)
1373    -2/945*x**5 - 1/45*x**3 - 1/3*x + x**(-1)
1375    See Also
1376    ========
1378    cot
1379    """
1380    # It can not handle series like `p = x + x*y` where the coefficient of the
1381    # linear term in the series variable is symbolic.
1382    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1383        r = rs_puiseux(rs_cot, p, x, prec)
1384        return r
1385    i, m = _check_series_var(p, x, 'cot')
1386    prec1 = prec + 2*m
1387    c, s = rs_cos_sin(p, x, prec1)
1388    s = mul_xin(s, i, -m)
1389    s = rs_series_inversion(s, x, prec1)
1390    res = rs_mul(c, s, x, prec1)
1391    res = mul_xin(res, i, -m)
1392    res = rs_trunc(res, x, prec)
1393    return res
1395def rs_sin(p, x, prec):
1396    """
1397    Sine of a series
1399    Return the series expansion of the sin of ``p``, about 0.
1401    Examples
1402    ========
1404    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1405    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1406    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_sin
1407    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1408    >>> rs_sin(x + x*y, x, 4)
1409    -1/6*x**3*y**3 - 1/2*x**3*y**2 - 1/2*x**3*y - 1/6*x**3 + x*y + x
1410    >>> rs_sin(x**QQ(3, 2) + x*y**QQ(7, 5), x, 4)
1411    -1/2*x**(7/2)*y**(14/5) - 1/6*x**3*y**(21/5) + x**(3/2) + x*y**(7/5)
1413    See Also
1414    ========
1416    sin
1417    """
1418    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1419        return rs_puiseux(rs_sin, p, x, prec)
1420    R = x.ring
1421    if not p:
1422        return R(0)
1423    c = _get_constant_term(p, x)
1424    if c:
1425        if R.domain is EX:
1426            c_expr = c.as_expr()
1427            t1, t2 = sin(c_expr), cos(c_expr)
1428        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
1429            try:
1430                c_expr = c.as_expr()
1431                t1, t2 = R(sin(c_expr)), R(cos(c_expr))
1432            except ValueError:
1433                R = R.add_gens([sin(c_expr), cos(c_expr)])
1434                p = p.set_ring(R)
1435                x = x.set_ring(R)
1436                c = c.set_ring(R)
1437                t1, t2 = R(sin(c_expr)), R(cos(c_expr))
1438        else:
1439            try:
1440                t1, t2 = R(sin(c)), R(cos(c))
1441            except ValueError:
1442                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1443                    "this domain.")
1444        p1 = p - c
1446    # Makes use of sympy cos, sin functions to evaluate the values of the
1447    # cos/sin of the constant term.
1448        return rs_sin(p1, x, prec)*t2 + rs_cos(p1, x, prec)*t1
1450    # Series is calculated in terms of tan as its evaluation is fast.
1451    if len(p) > 20 and R.ngens == 1:
1452        t = rs_tan(p/2, x, prec)
1453        t2 = rs_square(t, x, prec)
1454        p1 = rs_series_inversion(1 + t2, x, prec)
1455        return rs_mul(p1, 2*t, x, prec)
1456    one = R(1)
1457    n = 1
1458    c = [0]
1459    for k in range(2, prec + 2, 2):
1460        c.append(one/n)
1461        c.append(0)
1462        n *= -k*(k + 1)
1463    return rs_series_from_list(p, c, x, prec)
1465def rs_cos(p, x, prec):
1466    """
1467    Cosine of a series
1469    Return the series expansion of the cos of ``p``, about 0.
1471    Examples
1472    ========
1474    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1475    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1476    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_cos
1477    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1478    >>> rs_cos(x + x*y, x, 4)
1479    -1/2*x**2*y**2 - x**2*y - 1/2*x**2 + 1
1480    >>> rs_cos(x + x*y, x, 4)/x**QQ(7, 5)
1481    -1/2*x**(3/5)*y**2 - x**(3/5)*y - 1/2*x**(3/5) + x**(-7/5)
1483    See Also
1484    ========
1486    cos
1487    """
1488    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1489        return rs_puiseux(rs_cos, p, x, prec)
1490    R = p.ring
1491    c = _get_constant_term(p, x)
1492    if c:
1493        if R.domain is EX:
1494            c_expr = c.as_expr()
1495            _, _ = sin(c_expr), cos(c_expr)
1496        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
1497            try:
1498                c_expr = c.as_expr()
1499                _, _ = R(sin(c_expr)), R(cos(c_expr))
1500            except ValueError:
1501                R = R.add_gens([sin(c_expr), cos(c_expr)])
1502                p = p.set_ring(R)
1503                x = x.set_ring(R)
1504                c = c.set_ring(R)
1505        else:
1506            try:
1507                _, _ = R(sin(c)), R(cos(c))
1508            except ValueError:
1509                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1510                    "this domain.")
1511        p1 = p - c
1513    # Makes use of sympy cos, sin functions to evaluate the values of the
1514    # cos/sin of the constant term.
1515        p_cos = rs_cos(p1, x, prec)
1516        p_sin = rs_sin(p1, x, prec)
1517        R = R.compose(p_cos.ring).compose(p_sin.ring)
1518        p_cos.set_ring(R)
1519        p_sin.set_ring(R)
1520        t1, t2 = R(sin(c_expr)), R(cos(c_expr))
1521        return p_cos*t2 - p_sin*t1
1523    # Series is calculated in terms of tan as its evaluation is fast.
1524    if len(p) > 20 and R.ngens == 1:
1525        t = rs_tan(p/2, x, prec)
1526        t2 = rs_square(t, x, prec)
1527        p1 = rs_series_inversion(1+t2, x, prec)
1528        return rs_mul(p1, 1 - t2, x, prec)
1529    one = R(1)
1530    n = 1
1531    c = []
1532    for k in range(2, prec + 2, 2):
1533        c.append(one/n)
1534        c.append(0)
1535        n *= -k*(k - 1)
1536    return rs_series_from_list(p, c, x, prec)
1538def rs_cos_sin(p, x, prec):
1539    r"""
1540    Return the tuple ``(rs_cos(p, x, prec)`, `rs_sin(p, x, prec))``.
1542    Is faster than calling rs_cos and rs_sin separately
1543    """
1544    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1545        return rs_puiseux(rs_cos_sin, p, x, prec)
1546    t = rs_tan(p/2, x, prec)
1547    t2 = rs_square(t, x, prec)
1548    p1 = rs_series_inversion(1 + t2, x, prec)
1549    return (rs_mul(p1, 1 - t2, x, prec), rs_mul(p1, 2*t, x, prec))
1551def _atanh(p, x, prec):
1552    """
1553    Expansion using formula
1555    Faster for very small and univariate series
1556    """
1557    R = p.ring
1558    one = R(1)
1559    c = [one]
1560    p2 = rs_square(p, x, prec)
1561    for k in range(1, prec):
1562        c.append(one/(2*k + 1))
1563    s = rs_series_from_list(p2, c, x, prec)
1564    s = rs_mul(s, p, x, prec)
1565    return s
1567def rs_atanh(p, x, prec):
1568    """
1569    Hyperbolic arctangent of a series
1571    Return the series expansion of the atanh of ``p``, about 0.
1573    Examples
1574    ========
1576    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1577    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1578    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_atanh
1579    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1580    >>> rs_atanh(x + x*y, x, 4)
1581    1/3*x**3*y**3 + x**3*y**2 + x**3*y + 1/3*x**3 + x*y + x
1583    See Also
1584    ========
1586    atanh
1587    """
1588    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1589        return rs_puiseux(rs_atanh, p, x, prec)
1590    R = p.ring
1591    const = 0
1592    if _has_constant_term(p, x):
1593        zm = R.zero_monom
1594        c = p[zm]
1595        if R.domain is EX:
1596            c_expr = c.as_expr()
1597            const = atanh(c_expr)
1598        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
1599            try:
1600                c_expr = c.as_expr()
1601                const = R(atanh(c_expr))
1602            except ValueError:
1603                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1604                    "this domain.")
1605        else:
1606            try:
1607                const = R(atanh(c))
1608            except ValueError:
1609                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1610                    "this domain.")
1612    # Instead of using a closed form formula, we differentiate atanh(p) to get
1613    # `1/(1-p**2) * dp`, whose series expansion is much easier to calculate.
1614    # Finally we integrate to get back atanh
1615    dp = rs_diff(p, x)
1616    p1 = - rs_square(p, x, prec) + 1
1617    p1 = rs_series_inversion(p1, x, prec - 1)
1618    p1 = rs_mul(dp, p1, x, prec - 1)
1619    return rs_integrate(p1, x) + const
1621def rs_sinh(p, x, prec):
1622    """
1623    Hyperbolic sine of a series
1625    Return the series expansion of the sinh of ``p``, about 0.
1627    Examples
1628    ========
1630    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1631    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1632    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_sinh
1633    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1634    >>> rs_sinh(x + x*y, x, 4)
1635    1/6*x**3*y**3 + 1/2*x**3*y**2 + 1/2*x**3*y + 1/6*x**3 + x*y + x
1637    See Also
1638    ========
1640    sinh
1641    """
1642    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1643        return rs_puiseux(rs_sinh, p, x, prec)
1644    t = rs_exp(p, x, prec)
1645    t1 = rs_series_inversion(t, x, prec)
1646    return (t - t1)/2
1648def rs_cosh(p, x, prec):
1649    """
1650    Hyperbolic cosine of a series
1652    Return the series expansion of the cosh of ``p``, about 0.
1654    Examples
1655    ========
1657    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1658    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1659    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_cosh
1660    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1661    >>> rs_cosh(x + x*y, x, 4)
1662    1/2*x**2*y**2 + x**2*y + 1/2*x**2 + 1
1664    See Also
1665    ========
1667    cosh
1668    """
1669    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1670        return rs_puiseux(rs_cosh, p, x, prec)
1671    t = rs_exp(p, x, prec)
1672    t1 = rs_series_inversion(t, x, prec)
1673    return (t + t1)/2
1675def _tanh(p, x, prec):
1676    r"""
1677    Helper function of :func:`rs_tanh`
1679    Return the series expansion of tanh of a univariate series using Newton's
1680    method. It takes advantage of the fact that series expansion of atanh is
1681    easier than that of tanh.
1683    See Also
1684    ========
1686    _tanh
1687    """
1688    R = p.ring
1689    p1 = R(0)
1690    for precx in _giant_steps(prec):
1691        tmp = p - rs_atanh(p1, x, precx)
1692        tmp = rs_mul(tmp, 1 - rs_square(p1, x, prec), x, precx)
1693        p1 += tmp
1694    return p1
1696def rs_tanh(p, x, prec):
1697    """
1698    Hyperbolic tangent of a series
1700    Return the series expansion of the tanh of ``p``, about 0.
1702    Examples
1703    ========
1705    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1706    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1707    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_tanh
1708    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
1709    >>> rs_tanh(x + x*y, x, 4)
1710    -1/3*x**3*y**3 - x**3*y**2 - x**3*y - 1/3*x**3 + x*y + x
1712    See Also
1713    ========
1715    tanh
1716    """
1717    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
1718        return rs_puiseux(rs_tanh, p, x, prec)
1719    R = p.ring
1720    const = 0
1721    if _has_constant_term(p, x):
1722        zm = R.zero_monom
1723        c = p[zm]
1724        if R.domain is EX:
1725            c_expr = c.as_expr()
1726            const = tanh(c_expr)
1727        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
1728            try:
1729                c_expr = c.as_expr()
1730                const = R(tanh(c_expr))
1731            except ValueError:
1732                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1733                    "this domain.")
1734        else:
1735            try:
1736                const = R(tanh(c))
1737            except ValueError:
1738                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
1739                    "this domain.")
1740        p1 = p - c
1741        t1 = rs_tanh(p1, x, prec)
1742        t = rs_series_inversion(1 + const*t1, x, prec)
1743        return rs_mul(const + t1, t, x, prec)
1745    if R.ngens == 1:
1746        return _tanh(p, x, prec)
1747    else:
1748        return rs_fun(p, _tanh, x, prec)
1750def rs_newton(p, x, prec):
1751    """
1752    Compute the truncated Newton sum of the polynomial ``p``
1754    Examples
1755    ========
1757    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1758    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1759    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_newton
1760    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
1761    >>> p = x**2 - 2
1762    >>> rs_newton(p, x, 5)
1763    8*x**4 + 4*x**2 + 2
1764    """
1765    deg = p.degree()
1766    p1 = _invert_monoms(p)
1767    p2 = rs_series_inversion(p1, x, prec)
1768    p3 = rs_mul(p1.diff(x), p2, x, prec)
1769    res = deg - p3*x
1770    return res
1772def rs_hadamard_exp(p1, inverse=False):
1773    """
1774    Return ``sum f_i/i!*x**i`` from ``sum f_i*x**i``,
1775    where ``x`` is the first variable.
1777    If ``invers=True`` return ``sum f_i*i!*x**i``
1779    Examples
1780    ========
1782    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1783    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1784    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_hadamard_exp
1785    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
1786    >>> p = 1 + x + x**2 + x**3
1787    >>> rs_hadamard_exp(p)
1788    1/6*x**3 + 1/2*x**2 + x + 1
1789    """
1790    R = p1.ring
1791    if R.domain != QQ:
1792        raise NotImplementedError
1793    p = R.zero
1794    if not inverse:
1795        for exp1, v1 in p1.items():
1796            p[exp1] = v1/int(ifac(exp1[0]))
1797    else:
1798        for exp1, v1 in p1.items():
1799            p[exp1] = v1*int(ifac(exp1[0]))
1800    return p
1802def rs_compose_add(p1, p2):
1803    """
1804    compute the composed sum ``prod(p2(x - beta) for beta root of p1)``
1806    Examples
1807    ========
1809    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1810    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
1811    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_compose_add
1812    >>> R, x = ring('x', QQ)
1813    >>> f = x**2 - 2
1814    >>> g = x**2 - 3
1815    >>> rs_compose_add(f, g)
1816    x**4 - 10*x**2 + 1
1818    References
1819    ==========
1821    .. [1] A. Bostan, P. Flajolet, B. Salvy and E. Schost
1822           "Fast Computation with Two Algebraic Numbers",
1823           (2002) Research Report 4579, Institut
1824           National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
1825    """
1826    R = p1.ring
1827    x = R.gens[0]
1828    prec = p1.degree()*p2.degree() + 1
1829    np1 = rs_newton(p1, x, prec)
1830    np1e = rs_hadamard_exp(np1)
1831    np2 = rs_newton(p2, x, prec)
1832    np2e = rs_hadamard_exp(np2)
1833    np3e = rs_mul(np1e, np2e, x, prec)
1834    np3 = rs_hadamard_exp(np3e, True)
1835    np3a = (np3[(0,)] - np3)/x
1836    q = rs_integrate(np3a, x)
1837    q = rs_exp(q, x, prec)
1838    q = _invert_monoms(q)
1839    q = q.primitive()[1]
1840    dp = p1.degree()*p2.degree() - q.degree()
1841    # `dp` is the multiplicity of the zeroes of the resultant;
1842    # these zeroes are missed in this computation so they are put here.
1843    # if p1 and p2 are monic irreducible polynomials,
1844    # there are zeroes in the resultant
1845    # if and only if p1 = p2 ; in fact in that case p1 and p2 have a
1846    # root in common, so gcd(p1, p2) != 1; being p1 and p2 irreducible
1847    # this means p1 = p2
1848    if dp:
1849        q = q*x**dp
1850    return q
1853_convert_func = {
1854        'sin': 'rs_sin',
1855        'cos': 'rs_cos',
1856        'exp': 'rs_exp',
1857        'tan': 'rs_tan',
1858        'log': 'rs_log'
1859        }
1861def rs_min_pow(expr, series_rs, a):
1862    """Find the minimum power of `a` in the series expansion of expr"""
1863    series = 0
1864    n = 2
1865    while series == 0:
1866        series = _rs_series(expr, series_rs, a, n)
1867        n *= 2
1868    R = series.ring
1869    a = R(a)
1870    i = R.gens.index(a)
1871    return min(series, key=lambda t: t[i])[i]
1874def _rs_series(expr, series_rs, a, prec):
1875    # TODO Use _parallel_dict_from_expr instead of sring as sring is
1876    # inefficient. For details, read the todo in sring.
1877    args = expr.args
1878    R = series_rs.ring
1880    # expr does not contain any function to be expanded
1881    if not any(arg.has(Function) for arg in args) and not expr.is_Function:
1882        return series_rs
1884    if not expr.has(a):
1885        return series_rs
1887    elif expr.is_Function:
1888        arg = args[0]
1889        if len(args) > 1:
1890            raise NotImplementedError
1891        R1, series = sring(arg, domain=QQ, expand=False, series=True)
1892        series_inner = _rs_series(arg, series, a, prec)
1894        # Why do we need to compose these three rings?
1895        #
1896        # We want to use a simple domain (like ``QQ`` or ``RR``) but they don't
1897        # support symbolic coefficients. We need a ring that for example lets
1898        # us have `sin(1)` and `cos(1)` as coefficients if we are expanding
1899        # `sin(x + 1)`. The ``EX`` domain allows all symbolic coefficients, but
1900        # that makes it very complex and hence slow.
1901        #
1902        # To solve this problem, we add only those symbolic elements as
1903        # generators to our ring, that we need. Here, series_inner might
1904        # involve terms like `sin(4)`, `exp(a)`, etc, which are not there in
1905        # R1 or R. Hence, we compose these three rings to create one that has
1906        # the generators of all three.
1907        R = R.compose(R1).compose(series_inner.ring)
1908        series_inner = series_inner.set_ring(R)
1909        series = eval(_convert_func[str(expr.func)])(series_inner,
1910            R(a), prec)
1911        return series
1913    elif expr.is_Mul:
1914        n = len(args)
1915        for arg in args:    # XXX Looks redundant
1916            if not arg.is_Number:
1917                R1, _ = sring(arg, expand=False, series=True)
1918                R = R.compose(R1)
1919        min_pows = list(map(rs_min_pow, args, [R(arg) for arg in args],
1920            [a]*len(args)))
1921        sum_pows = sum(min_pows)
1922        series = R(1)
1924        for i in range(n):
1925            _series = _rs_series(args[i], R(args[i]), a, prec - sum_pows +
1926                min_pows[i])
1927            R = R.compose(_series.ring)
1928            _series = _series.set_ring(R)
1929            series = series.set_ring(R)
1930            series *= _series
1931        series = rs_trunc(series, R(a), prec)
1932        return series
1934    elif expr.is_Add:
1935        n = len(args)
1936        series = R(0)
1937        for i in range(n):
1938            _series = _rs_series(args[i], R(args[i]), a, prec)
1939            R = R.compose(_series.ring)
1940            _series = _series.set_ring(R)
1941            series = series.set_ring(R)
1942            series += _series
1943        return series
1945    elif expr.is_Pow:
1946        R1, _ = sring(expr.base, domain=QQ, expand=False, series=True)
1947        R = R.compose(R1)
1948        series_inner = _rs_series(expr.base, R(expr.base), a, prec)
1949        return rs_pow(series_inner, expr.exp, series_inner.ring(a), prec)
1951    # The `is_constant` method is buggy hence we check it at the end.
1952    # See issue #9786 for details.
1953    elif isinstance(expr, Expr) and expr.is_constant():
1954        return sring(expr, domain=QQ, expand=False, series=True)[1]
1956    else:
1957        raise NotImplementedError
1959def rs_series(expr, a, prec):
1960    """Return the series expansion of an expression about 0.
1962    Parameters
1963    ==========
1965    expr : :class:`Expr`
1966    a : :class:`Symbol` with respect to which expr is to be expanded
1967    prec : order of the series expansion
1969    Currently supports multivariate Taylor series expansion. This is much
1970    faster that Sympy's series method as it uses sparse polynomial operations.
1972    It automatically creates the simplest ring required to represent the series
1973    expansion through repeated calls to sring.
1975    Examples
1976    ========
1978    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_series
1979    >>> from sympy.functions import sin, cos, exp, tan
1980    >>> from sympy.core import symbols
1981    >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
1982    >>> a, b, c = symbols('a, b, c')
1983    >>> rs_series(sin(a) + exp(a), a, 5)
1984    1/24*a**4 + 1/2*a**2 + 2*a + 1
1985    >>> series = rs_series(tan(a + b)*cos(a + c), a, 2)
1986    >>> series.as_expr()
1987    -a*sin(c)*tan(b) + a*cos(c)*tan(b)**2 + a*cos(c) + cos(c)*tan(b)
1988    >>> series = rs_series(exp(a**QQ(1,3) + a**QQ(2, 5)), a, 1)
1989    >>> series.as_expr()
1990    a**(11/15) + a**(4/5)/2 + a**(2/5) + a**(2/3)/2 + a**(1/3) + 1
1992    """
1993    R, series = sring(expr, domain=QQ, expand=False, series=True)
1994    if a not in R.symbols:
1995        R = R.add_gens([a, ])
1996    series = series.set_ring(R)
1997    series = _rs_series(expr, series, a, prec)
1998    R = series.ring
1999    gen = R(a)
2000    prec_got = series.degree(gen) + 1
2002    if prec_got >= prec:
2003        return rs_trunc(series, gen, prec)
2004    else:
2005        # increase the requested number of terms to get the desired
2006        # number keep increasing (up to 9) until the received order
2007        # is different than the original order and then predict how
2008        # many additional terms are needed
2009        for more in range(1, 9):
2010            p1 = _rs_series(expr, series, a, prec=prec + more)
2011            gen = gen.set_ring(p1.ring)
2012            new_prec = p1.degree(gen) + 1
2013            if new_prec != prec_got:
2014                prec_do = ceiling(prec + (prec - prec_got)*more/(new_prec -
2015                    prec_got))
2016                p1 = _rs_series(expr, series, a, prec=prec_do)
2017                while p1.degree(gen) + 1 < prec:
2018                    p1 = _rs_series(expr, series, a, prec=prec_do)
2019                    gen = gen.set_ring(p1.ring)
2020                    prec_do *= 2
2021                break
2022            else:
2023                break
2024        else:
2025            raise ValueError('Could not calculate %s terms for %s'
2026                             % (str(prec), expr))
2027        return rs_trunc(p1, gen, prec)